HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 62/98�-' � ra % � �. i r-=:� E } t s . � }°` � E�t` �r � '_-i � 1 ': �t ' Z 4r'-� � �� - � � �;��� � _ .i" t ���1pFp ' ���r ' . � � REPOlt1' TO COUNCIL � , '' FROM: Penny Wyger DA fE: May 12,1998 - Town Solicitor REPORTNUMBER: L62/98 SUBJECT: Frenk Belazs , - Part Lot Conlrol By-Law No. 5110/97 - Lot T50, Plen M-19, Pickering - Filei P4102.23 RECOMMENDATTON: A by-law should be ewcted lo rcpeal Part Lot Gntrol By-law 5110/97. ORIdIN: Bylaws 5110/97 wav anacted by Council on September I5,1997. AVfHORITY: PlanningAcl, R.SO. l990, chap�erP.l3, secJJon S0. FINANCIAL IMPL[CATIONS; Nonc. . BACKC3ROUND: By-luw 5110/97 was enacted to exempt the above-mrntioned lot on Pinn M•19, Pickering from the Part Lot Control provisions of the Planning Acl, thereby permitting the transfer of ihe dwolling unit constructed thereon into separate ownership. Such a transfet hns now been completed md theroforc Bylaw 5110/97 should be mpealed. ATTACHMENTSi 1. " Draft Repeal By-law. . , ' . 2. Location Mep, Preptaed By: APProvcd / Endorsed By, , J P as Penny Wy � : A, hments ,. �', ; ' . , ;� { ' t �: F ; �' , , ', T � � , ,y�-�, ., �, �,� .f.. r. ...�_.. ,,.,_ ,� . ., �_ . ,: .. ...., .. . . _ i�l� S i �d V�r t P � ti i�J'�, r7 &.�.` 1 —( 4�.,�C�� �/ •,� y t' �` r THLr CORPORATION OP TH��[OWN OF PICKF� .. I.� 1�. .: r i + i � +� �5,� . � t ,f f � S , C �'1 t� � , � . ;' �s` _ . - � t BY GAW N0. �' ' , � ..� Betng 6 hy.lnw �o repcal Paf Lot�Control By-!aw 3110/97 , ', respecting Lot 750, Pian A•f-19, Plckering , V✓FIEREAB, pursuent to ihe provisions of section 50 of 1he Pfanning Ac1, R.S.0.1990, chapter P.13, ' thc council of a mwicipality may rcpeal a Pari Lot Control By-Inw; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Pickcring HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: l, Bylaws 5110/97 is hcrcby repealed. t BY•LAW rcad a first, second and third time nnd finelly passed this 22nd day of ]une,1998, Waync Arthurs, Meyor Bmce Taylor, Clcrk To�vr� e� LF`-It)3 . r� / , '�/�� �. J ` �GAL C� j�,��: e �, ��_ , . `` Y! �. ` 1 � 1:: �. i � �t t . : r '�' yy� Y 4 5� i �.:1 ��� ; i r� t'F,� b�.,4 �� 1 P `� ,yY i�` _ e! 7 � ,_. , ,.. .'zE._�.'! . . . , . ,� .. .. k . .. , , � �f - f t y� :'. ..�.���, -� .._ i � : y �.: " ; ��.�5 }r � � THSCORpORATIONOF'fHETOWNOFpj���,d ' A'', 1 ., xf r i .1. `` �r f A.,� - � l S� �� "'�' � ' ' � ' ' r � @Y GAW NO 1/9 ? 534 8 ,� _:i °t r, ,. , �BeJng a by-faw`�o repeal Pmt Lot Conlra!'Bylaw SlIW97 � � respeeling Lof 750, Plcn M•/9, Ptckering ' WHEREA3, pursuent to tho provisions of secdon 50 of the Planning Act, R:3.0.1990, chepter P. t 3, the council of a municipality may repeal a Part Lot Control Bylew; NOW THEREFORE, ihe Council of The Corporation of the Town of Pickering HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: � . 1. By�lews 5110/99 is dereby mpealed. ', ` : BY-LAW read e first, second end thtrd time and finelly paased th(s 22nd day oflune, 1998, r, Wayne Arthura, Mayor �. ;� . _ �" � Bruce Taylor, Cierk �! � ,�_! ' � :T011"�OF' � � � ; "y 'P (C'�ij:i . .. ' � r� � 1 �/� � ;� . : z.. � � � � i• �GAI'v .� r. . n;: �d.', <�-� . r. . ii; �."' : ,� , s' � r i . t 1 � 5 �'�' �'F t'_ r? ` ' �r} h ( } . � - y . 1 ; 7 " c." . z : � - t � � '�i yl r 1 ` }�� - t; � � ��s .5 { � �. � ; y r .. y� �: '1 y � ' i�.�1 �` i.+.x.._�f.'i.;`�.. �.._..,�. .'r. Ti�e, .��'� . �i��f> t! �L.�'l% � ,.?.�k . _..... ._-.� . �.a o � ��'� r . i �: a p ^� - � ..;� 3, ;l�f� � rM „ .,lr .I+.� ��..r t ` I � ,��� . . I' . f. , �_ � :.• ;`. : � t � • �1 f ' ,';� . ' �i. '.. • ';: .� � - � �� � �� ` � � � � � - �