HomeMy WebLinkAboutPL 20/99 (2)�p��FP� � 23 � REPURT TO COUNCIL FROM: Neil Carroll DATE: November 16,1999 Director, Planning and Development PLANNINO RF.PORT NUMBCR N0. 20•99 SUBJECT: TermsoFReference Detniled Review for the Liverpool Rand South Arca RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. That Town Council autharizc stuff to commence the Detailed Reyiew of thc Liverpool Roud South Area, which Areu includes Innds on cither side of Liverpool Road, generelly &om Commerce Street south to Luke Ontario; 2. That Town Council endorse the "Tertns of Rcfercnce for u Detniled Review of thc Livcrpool Road South Arcn" attnched as Appendix [ to Planning Report No. 20-99, as the basis for undertaking this study; and 3, That Town Council authoriu a� expenditurc of 540,000 to undcrtakc this study to bc approved nnJ charged to thc Plnnning nnd Dcvclopment DcpnMient, Consultative and Profcssional — Account No. 2610-2392 as per budgct approvnl to the Planning nnd Developmcnt DepMmcnt's 2000 budgct. ORIGIN: Council Resolution N181/99, passed on Scptcmbcr 21, 1999, rcqucsting thnt staff prcpare drnft terms of refercncc for a detailed revicw of the Liverpool Rond south arca, end thut the dmft tcrtns of reference be brought bnck to the Executivc Committee mccting of Council on November 22,1999, or as soon themnRer as possiblc, fur considemtion (sce Adnchment �1), AUTHORITY; The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: The cost of consulting ossistance for ihe study is estimated at 520,000 for Part I, plus 520,000 for Part 2, for a totnl cost of 540,000, inclusive of G.S.T., disbursements, and expenses. The funds arc to be charged to the Planning and Development Department's — Consultative und Professional, Account No. 2610-2392. The Treasurer hns advised ihet this project should be treated ns u pre budget approval of an itcm to be included in the Planning and Development Dcpnrtment's 2000 Current Budget as most of the exp�nditures will occur aRcr January 1". PLANNING REPORT NUMBER 20•99 Dnte; Novemlxr 16,1999 ' �5ubjecU Terms of Reforencc 2 4 Detniled Review of thc Livarpool Rond South Aren Pagc 2 EXECUI'[VE SUMMARY: Swff hus prepured, for Council's consideration, a Terms of Reference for a Detailcd Review of the Liverpool Road Soulh Aren. Appendix I to this Plunning Report conteins thc Terms of Reference. The mnp on the lost pnge of the Appendix identi6es the study nrea. The Terms of Referenca propose a two-pari Detailcd Review. The purpose of PArt 1 is to prepure Development Guidelines ruldressing land use and community design mutters, and an Implementation Strategy addressing opemtional metters and other future work that may be needed. These will guide ihe review of official plan amendment and remning applicntions. The purpose of Part 2 is to prepare delniled Urbnn Design and Landscape Guidelines. These will guide lhe review oFsite plan applications and inGasWcture designs. 'fhe study will meet lhe Detailed Review Areu provisions of the Pickering Officinl Plnn. Further, the study rcsults will providc u land use nnd dcsign context for the furthcr evaluation of two recently-received development applications for lands ulong the south end of Liverpool Rond. The mup on the Inst page of the Appcndix nlso identifies the lands under upplication for development. T't�e Tawn, public ngcncies, Iandowners, residcnts, and other membcrs of the public hnvc identified many other rcquircd or desimblc initintives for thc Lnkc Onttuio Wnterfront nnd r'renchman's Bay aren. This Detnilcd Rcvicw is a complcmentary initiolivc to those othcrs that nre on-going or urc pinnncd. StnR'madc nvailablc,l'or commcnt, u copy of u dmR of thc Tcrtns af Rcfcrcncc. Staff considercd those comments in finnlizing the Terms of Refcrcncc. Community workshops and opcn houses will be nu integral part of the study process. The revicw process is timcly, and cost-etfective. Stnft'recommends thut Council endorse the Tcrms of Rcfcrencc ns thc basis for undertuking thc study, aulhorize swtito commence the study, nnd authoriu the requircd expcnditurc of funds. BACKGROUND: 1.0 Besis for lhe Detailed Review The basis for the review is the Town's 1997 Official Plnn. The Pickering Plun identifies the south end of Liverpool Roud as e Detuiled Review Arcu, requiring development guidelines. Furlher, lhe Plan identifies that Town Council shnll endcavour to complete u detnilcd rcvicw prior to approving mujor development within a Detailed Review Areu. With the submission in 1999 of two devclopment applications ulong the south end of Liverpool Road (one of which is requesting a change to the OtTiciel Plan), Council passed Resolution �181/99. Resolution �181/99, acknowledged the significance of the Liverpool Roud south areu, and requested thnt stuff prepare a Terms of Reference for n Detniled Review of thc Liverpool Road south aren. A copy of Council's Resolution is provided as Attnchment #l. The Terms of Reference are provided as Appendix I to the Report. A map oFthc Study Arcu is contained on tha lest page of the Appendix. The mnp also shows the lands subject to development npplicntions. 2.0 Relationshio Belween Ihe Rcview and Other WntcrGonl Aclivilics This Rev3ew complemcnts other wnterGont and Frcnchman's Day initiatives. It docs not address every initielive thet has been identificd to date as rcquircd ar deslmble, Some of these other initiacives lnclude the following: preparing n Wuterfront Monagcmcnt Strntegy; preparing Remedial Action Pluns for watercourses flowing inlo �rcnchmnn's D¢y; rcquiring innovutive stormwater mnnagement tcchniques and practices for ncw dcvelopmcnt; PLANNINQ REPORT NUMBER 20•99 Date: November 16, i999 Subject; Terms of Reference Detailed Review of tha Liverpool Rosd Soulh Aren Page 3 2� gathering baseline stormwater management dete; csmblishing u community outrench E�rogram; and investignting options for a boat launch. The ��°view does not repincc other studies, processes and initiatives undenvny -- it builds on lhem. ��me of these othcr nctivities include: lhe Wnterfront Trail Project; the Frenchmun's Bay Watershed Munugement Strategy; the Pickering Waterfront 2001 Task Force Repod; lhe Frenchman's Bay Wntetshed Rehnbilitation Project; thc Millennium Square und Truil Project; and tlie Watcrfront Coordinating Committee. The two mejor development upplicntions will be considemd as input into the Review. Recommendations on these applicntions will be able to proceed after Part I of the Review. A teble provided as Atmchment #2 to this Report shows the relationship bctween the estimated timelines for completing lhe Detailed Review, processing any resulting Oliicial Plan chenges resulting from the Review, and the furiher processing nnd evaluation of ihe development npplicatians. 3.0 Demiled Review Proccss The Rcvicw is proposed in two parts, nnd each part has two phascs. The purposc of' Pnrt I is to prcpnre Development Guidelines addrcssing Innd usc and community desigm m�tters, and an Implemenmtion Strategy addressing opemtional malters und other future work that may be nceded. Phnse I is the prepurntion of bnckground infortnation and u prcliminnry pinn. Phasc 2 is the prepurntion of thc revised plan, Dcvelapment Guidelines and Implcmentution Stmtcgy. Other key details are as follows: 'fhe level of detnil is intcnded to bc sufTicicnt to guide the rcvicw of officinl plan amendmcnt and rcwning npplications. A plunning consulinnt wilh cxperience im m�rina and wnterGont development will nssist Town Planning sta(f in complcting Purt I. In addition, two workshops / open houses will providc opportunities for olher key Town staff, Conservution Authoriry nnd other key ugency reprcsentativcs, aren lando�mers, rcsidents, busincss opemtors, developers, nnd othcrs interested to share existing knowledga and ideas. Part 1 is expccled to take 3 to 4 months to complete. The wst for lhc outsidc planning consultnnt is expected to be up to 520,000. A Report will be prepared at the cnd of each of thc two phnscs. The purposc of Pntt 2 is to prepurc detuiled Urban Design nnd Landscape Guidclines. Phnse I is the identificntion of options for a desi;n theme, und Phase 2 is the preparation of the dc'ailed Urban Design and Landscope Guide`ines. Other key details are os Collows: I. Tha level of detuil is intended to bc sufTicient to guide the rcview of site pinn npplications and infrasUucture designs. 2. M urban design / landscape consults+nt will assist Town Planning stall in campledng Part 2. 3. In addition, two workshops / open houses will provide opportunities for other key Town staff, Conservnlion Authority and other key agency rcpresentatives, area lendowners, rcsidents, business opomtors, developers, and others interested to shure existing knowledge und idcas. 4. Pnrt 2 is expected to take 3 to 4 months to complete. 5, The option exists to commencc Purt 2 following complction of cither Phase I or Phase 2 of Part 1 ns the necd nrises; 6, The cost for ihc outsidc urban dcsign / Inndscnpc consultant is expectcd to bc up to 520,000, 7. A Report will be preparcd at lhe end of ench of the two phoses, PLANNINCI REPORT NUMBER 20•99 Dete: November 16, 1999 2 6 Subject: Terms of Reference Deteiled Review of the Liverpool Rond South Area Pagc 4 4.0 Comments on the Dmft Terms of Reference Copies of the dmfl Tenns were mndc nvnilable to those who called in responsc to n notice placed in the locnl newspaper. Interested residents, Inndowners, bu�iness operators, developers, the•Pickering East Shore Communily Associntion, the Toronto a�d Region Conservation Aulhority, Town staff, and others received copies. Copies of written comments received tu of lhe time of preparing this Reporl nre provided as Atmchments #2 and N3. Other comments were received verbally. Comments received generally fcll into five cate�ories: 1. changes to the scope of the study (for exnmple, to undertuke n ma�ter drainnge plan for all of Frenchman's Bny; to restrict design guidelines to development on the land); 2. revisions to the study process (for exompie, to add more public input, to add n study teum, to hire ilvough a request for proposnls); 3, ndditionni detail or nitemnte Inngunge with similar mcuning (for example, to add an examinntion of commercial uses); 4. sWting u desircd couclusion of thc study (for cxnmplc, cancluding thnt oil•gril separutors should be used); and 5. technical,editorial,orotherclarifications. We reviewed the comments und have madc Iwo subsinntivc revisions in responsc. Doth ore additions to Task I.1.1, Background, and Preliminnry Plan. Thc first change adds a#]0,"cnvironmentnl rcstamtion nnd manugcmcnP', to thc list of madcrs for which opportunities and constrainls within thc Study Area should be nssesscd. The second ndds the rcquirement to conduct a public workshop / open housc as pan of thc first task. We hnve nlso movel thc sccond workshop / open housc in Pnrt I, Gom thc end of Phnse 1 to ihe beginning of Phase 2. Other minor cditoriul nnd fortnntting changes hove bccm m�dc. A request to eliminnte the bay from the study nrca wos rcccived. However, since the study is investignting opportunities and constrnints for marinas, it was concluded thut the watcr portion of the study arca is appropriate. Funhcr, since there is a strong conncction with the �iinrsas and thc harbout entrunce, thc study nrca was rcviscd to include the entirc channel entrance. We cnrefully considercd the additionnl mntters requcsted as cxpansions to the scope of the study and concur they are imporinnt matters. Nevettheless, wc hnve concluded thet these matters should be addressed as sepurnte initiatives. As discussed enrlicr in this Report, the basis for lhis study is the Detniled Revicw policies of the Officinl Plan. This Revicw is complementary to those other studies, projects nnd initiatives thut have been previously identified, ere on-going, or are yct to be commenced. It is proposed that this land use and design study be undertnken und coordinated by the Planning und Developmenl Depa�iment, with the ussistance of outside consultanis as requircd, in specialiud areas. Stnff from thc Toronto and Region Consccvation Authority will also be nsked to nssist with, und review, stoRnwata management information, Council has indicuted its desire to complete this review in a timely fashion. Given the significant work done to-datc along tha wnterfront, thc limited scopc of the Review, and inclusion of four public workshops / open houses in the study process, we concludc thnt thcrc is no nccd for a major "stcering committcc" to dircct thc study. There mny be additional comments rcccived on ttic drnfl Tcrtns of Rcfcrcnce bctwecn the relense of this Planning RcpoA and Council's consideration of thc Temis of Rcfercncc. Staff will fonvard to Council any ndditional commcnts rcccivcd, together with any recommendations arising from our reoiew. ' 'PLANNINa REPORT NUMBER 20-99 SubjecL• Terms of Referencc Detailed Review of the Liverpool Rond South Area 5.0 Discussion Datc: Novcmbcr 16, 1999 0,�,�, Page 5 We huve prepared thc Tertns of Refcrenca conlnined in Appendix I in consultntion with thc public, landowners, Town and ugcncy stuft; developers, community nssocialions, anJ othcr interested indiviJunis. The Terms respond to Council's request for n timely study of an importnnt pnrt of the Pickering waterfront. The 'I'erms proposc a study process Ihat is npproprinte for the scope of work to be undertaken. Staff recommends that Council endorsc the Terms of Reference as the basis for undertaking ihe Review, nnd that Council nuthorizc stuf'f to commence work on the Review. To nssist sWff, cach Pnrt of the study will require thc serviccs of n consultnnt with a specific expertisc rclated to that Part af the study. Thc cost for the scrvicc of a consultant in euch Pnr1 will not exceed 520,000. Given the relntivcly low cost of ench Part and nature of the work, u formnl and complete Request for Proposal process will not be followed. However, staff will be interviewing candidntes wilh expertise in each of the puriicular fields required, and will select one for each Puri, Thcrefore, il is rcquested that Council au�horizc the expendilure of $40,000 for this lwo-part study as n pre 2000 Curtent Dudget approval. APPENDIX: 1. Terms of Reference for a DelnileJ Review of Ihe Liverpool Road South Area (last pagc incluJes map of Study Aren and IunJs subject m dcvclopmcN npplications) ATTACHMENTS: I. Council Resolution N181199 2. Liverpool Road South Detniled Review— Prcliminary Timetablc 3. Comments from D. Stecle 4. Commcnls from G. Pcck Prepazed By: Approvcd / Gndorsed by: ��� � Cutherine Rose Ncil Cartoll Managcr, Policy Section Director, Plamm�g and Dcvclopmcnt CLR/kb/nb Attachments c.c.: Evcrett Duntsma, Director, Operntions and Emergency Services Gillis Pnterson, Directoq Corporatc Serviccs & Trensurer Richnrd Holbom, Division Head, Municipul Property nnd Enginecring Recommended for tha considerution of Pickering Town Council �,�omas 1. Quinn, Chief Administrulivc Officcr � 8 Appendix I to Planning Rcport No. 20-99 Pagc 1 �o�N oF a�c�- � �� �� �r� TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR A DETAILED REVIEW OF THE LIVERPOOL ROAD SOUTH AREA 1. STUDY AREA The Liverpool Road South Study Area genernlly extends south of Commerce Street on both sides of Liverpool Road. It exlends west to include nll the properties south from about Commerce Street having nccess to, and exposure to, Frcnchmnn's Bay, including thc wnter lols under the Bay. The Study Areu includes the historic "Vilinge of Fairporl". A map is utWchcd illustrating the Sludy Area. Existing devclopment in ihe ama includes n mixture of housing, marines, restaurant, boat storoge, marine scrvice, nquaculturc facilities, pnrk, nnd unturul open spuce uses. BACKGROUND [.nke Ontario Waterfront and Frcnchman's BnY Section 10.14 of thc Pickcring Oflicinl Plan cswblishes thc specific rcquircmcnts of an overall land usc vision and policy fromework for thc Lakc Ontario Walcrfronl nnd Frcnchmnn's Ony. It is Councii's stated objective to "permit uscs nnd aclivitics along und adjuccnt to Frenchtnun's Bny and thc Lnkc Ontnrio Wutcrfront thnt promotc the aren us attractivc, hcalthy nnd accessiblc, while protecting and/or enhuncing ccological systems and thc charncter of abutting neighbourhoods". The OtTicial Plan stutes fucther thnt as part of a Wnicdront Manngement Stmtcgy, opportunities shull be explored for tha wnterfront lo scrve a locnl and regional rolc in rccrcation, tourism and economic development, und when� nccessary, the following matters should bc addressed: 1. refined land uses and scale of development; 2. design guidelines for built fortn; 3. scnle, locntion nnd type of rccreationnl apponunities; 4. increased public access; 5. natural habitat restoration und expnnsion; 6, expnnded trail links and connections. Marina Areus The Liverpool Roed South Areu is intended to play a significant role in the evolution of thc waterfiront vision. The Pickering Ofiicinl Plan designates n major portion of lhc nrca us "Open Space Systcm — Msrina Areas". In addition to conservntion uses, pussive nnd active rccreational uses, end community und cultural uses, this designation identifies the following uses a� permissiblo: marinas, yacht clubs and ancillury uscs; merina supportive uscs, rcstaurants, limited rotail uses; limitcd residentiul uses in conjunction with merinns nnd yucht clubs; aquacullurc end other related uses, Terms of Reference — Rcvised Novembcr i 6, 1999 Liverpool Road South Detalled Raview Appendix I to Planning Rcport No. 20-99 Pagc 2 29 Netural Areav Thc east spit, the Laka Ontsrio shoreline, end the Cless 2 wetland to thc east of Frenchman's Bay are designated "Open Spnce System — Natural Arens" by the Pickering Official Plen. Permissibie uses in the category include primazily consecvation, education, restoration, and passive recreation uses. Low Densitv Residentiel Thc balnncc of the arca, norih to Commeree Strcet and immediately bcyond, is designated as "Urban Residential Arcas - Low Density" by the Pickering Official Plan. This designation pertnils primerily residentinl develapment at a density of up to 30 unils per net heclare. However, other uses may be permissible including: limited ofiices serving the area; rctniling of goods and service serving thc area; campatible special purpose commercial uscs serving the area; community culturnl und recrentional uses; and compatible employment uses. Buy Ridaes Neiehbourhood The Pickering Otlicial Plnn rccogniusthe Bay Ridges Neighbourhood as hnving older vilinge development neur Frenchman's Bay that dates from the curly 1900's. The historic Village ofFairport is noted ns Ir.ing locnted soulh oCCommerce Street, west of Liverpool Road. Thus, ihe historic villugc lies within lhc Liverpool Road South Arcn. Onc of thc policies in the Official Plen for the Bay Ridges Ncighlwurhood stnles that Town Council shull explore opportunities to rejuvcnate thc historic Villagc of Fnirport as a'lokcfront villoge', nnd to this end, muy consider the introduction of smull-sculc uses rclnted to marina nnd waterfrant nctivities on suituble sites, provided the historic chnractcr of the urca and ihc intcresis ihe nrca rcsidents urc respected. Detailed Raviews Section i l of Pickering Otiicial Plan scts forth the gencml location and cxtent of Detailed Review Areas. Detuiled Review Arcns am those lends, which ns a priority, rcquirc further investigution to specify Innd usc, transporlation, dcsign or other devclopment guidelines. A Detailed Reviaw Area is identi5ed on the Bay Ridgcs Neighbourhood Map. It is genemlly located south of Comtnerce Street, on either side of Liverpool Road. Thc Official Plen also identifies that public consulmtion be part of the review proccss. It is the overall objective and intent of a detailed review to examine, as required, the following: 1. the specific mix nnd armngement af lend use; 2. the scale and intensity of use; 3. the transportation netwark; 4. community design requiremenis; 5. environmental consideretions; 6. servicing arrangements; and 7. stormwater managcment. The Ofiicial Plen indicutes thet Council shall endeavour to complete detailed revicws, for nll or part of a Detailed Review Arca, prior to approving mnjor development within the area. Further, as a result of completing thc Review, Council mny adopt Development Guidclines for thc Arca. Council . shall then cnsure that new devclopment complics with any adopted Development Quidelines, Tertns of Reference — Rcviscd Novcmber 16,1999 Liverpool Road South Dctoiled Review Appendix I to Planning R�pott No. 20•99 Pagc 3 30 OTHER COUNCIL INITiATIVES Overtiding the specific land usc and policy directivcs of ihc Marinn Arcas, Nuturul Areus, and Low Density designations is a genuinc desiro to promote +n nttrective, heulthy and nccessible centre for the watedront wtithin Ihe Liverpoul Rond South Aren that uttracts rcsidcnts and visitors. The Council-receivcd "Mayor's Wutcrfront 2001 Taskfarce Rcport", the Millennium Trail Ad-hoc Committee Report, as wcll us the Council•ndopted Millennium Trail Plan, attest to tha great significancc oC the Study Area und its rolc within thc bronder wuterfront vision. Substuntial pubiic und political ef(orts havc been expcndcd to renlize the Area's potential as a local and regionnl resource. The Town, together with a number of other govemment and private funding partners, is investing significant funds into the waterfront, as purt of thc To�m's Millen�ium Squere and Truil project. DEVELOPI9ENT APPLICATIONS The Town af Pickering hes recently received two mnjor development proposnis within �he Livcr�Cwl Raad South Arcu, along Livcrpool Road immcdiutcly soulh of Whurf Strcct. Thc location of the lands subject to thcsa applications is nlso shown on thc attachcd map. These npplicutions propose dcvelopment lhal is perceivcd by sotnc members of Ihe community lo be a departure From both thc estnblished dcvclopmcnt and thc futurc vision of anticipntcd wutcdiont development. Both applications proposc u"marinc villagc" townhou�-� ;tylc fortn, with dctnchcJ garugcs sccessed via n privute rcur lanc. 'I'he proposal on thc cast sidc cnvisages boat storngc and parking azen on thc eastcrly quartcr of Ihc site, und requcsts Ilcxibility for professionul officcs nnd dny cnrc within thc proposcd units. A two•phascd devclopment progmm is propoud on �he west sidc, with Phosc I devotcd to the townhouses. Phose 2 might inciudc u marinn, holcl, rctail, cntertninment, officcs, additionul multi•uniUmulti•storey hou5ing, nnd a public wulkwny nlong thc wntcrfront. Plnccmcnt of fill wilhin the embayment arca of Frenchmnn's Oay is proposed to nccommodnte a siRnificant poAion of lhe Phnse 2 development. PURPOSE OF THE STUDY Given the strutegic role of the Livcrpool Road Suuth Arcn in realizing thc comprchcnsive wnterfront vision, Cauncil has determined that u Deteiled Review be completcd prior to any mnjor devclopmenl occurting lhat could potentially impnct upon lhe future usc, function and goals of the Liverpool Rond South Arcn. Council passed Resolution q181/99 on Scplember 21,1999, requesling thnl smff prcparc Tertns oC Reference for such a Deteiled Review, with a reasonablc tima Gnme for compleling tha study. Council requested the Tertns of Reference Ix brought back to the November 22, 1999, Executive Committee of Council for considerotion. As noted earlier, thc Town and tl:e community havc alrcady undcrtaken significart work in erticulating a vision for the waterfront. But, the eppliculion of a vision to n specific ama rcquircs additionel rcvicw. Thus, tho purpose of the Liveriwol Road South Land Usa und Design Study is to epply the broad vision for the wnterfront to thc Liverpool Rond South Arcn, nnd cxpress that applied vision in Dcvelopment Guidelines. 71ie Guidelinca will b�: used to nssist thc Town Council, Town sinff, landowncrs, und thc public in thc rcvicw and asscssmcnl uf potcntinl oflicial plan, zoning by-law and sitc plan applications, Thc Guidclines wili niso idcntify fuAhcr work that should bc considered. Tertns of Referonce — Reviscd Novembcr 16,1999 Liverpooi Road South Detailed Rcview Appendix I to Planning Report No. 20-99 Page 4 6. DETAILED REVIEW APPROACH PART 1: Land Uea and Daign Plan Part 1, P6ose 1: Background, and Prelimivary Plan Task /.l.l: Considering the existing land use and policy dircctions for the Study Arce, and considering the vision to promote the Area es nn attractive, healthy and accessiblc centre for the waterfront that nttrocts residents and visitors, review the Liverpool Road South Area's cheracteristics, and assess the Study Area's opportunities and constrnints for the following: 1; merinn and yacht club developments; 2. mnrina-supportive uses; 3. residentia) development; 4. waterfront, recrcational, tourism, shopping, office ond entertainment uses; 5. community and culturul uscs; 6. rejuvenation uf the historic Vilinge of Fairport; 7. parking; 8. startnwater munngcmcnh, 9, bny fr" 10, envii�r. �ntal restorution and manngement. As part of Tnsk I.I.I, in nddition to undcrwking resenrch and site visils, conduct a public Workshop / Open Flouse to ussist in idenlifying the Study Aren's churactcristics, and to assist in identifying nnd nssessing thc Arcu's opportunities nnd conswints. Task 1.1.2: Considering the results of Tasks I.I.1, the community design objectives as set out in the Pickering Oflicial Plan, prcpare a prcliminary innd use und design pinn for iho Liverpool Rond South Arcn. Among other mntlers, thc land usc pinn should pny purticulnr altention to the following: the wnter nnd Innd bascd rcquircments for mnrinns; the spatial rclntionship betwecn murina•bnsed operations nnd :hcir supportive facilities; ihe charactcr of adjaccnt devclopment; and new infrnsttucture requiring additionnl lends (such as Innds for a stormwatcr qunlity facility, or lands for pnrking). Among olher mattcrs, the design plan should provide guidancc with respect to the following: building height, massing, build-to•lines, And significunt views and vistes. Task 1./.3: Prepare u Pert I— Phnse I Report, compiling the background research, discussing the opportunities and consusints of the Study Aren, and identifying n preliminnry Innd use and design plan for thc Study Arca. Part 1, P6ase 2: Rev�ied Plan Task 1.2.1: Conduct u Workshop / Open House to discuss thc findings of Phase I, Task 1.2.1: Based on comments received on Port 1— Phase I, und fuAher review, prcpnre the following: 1. Development Guidelines, including n reviscd Innd usc plen (os wwrnnted) nnd design guidclincs; 2. an Impicmcnlation Strategy idcntifying future work. Terms of Referencc — Revised Novembcr 16, 1999 Liverpool Road South Dcteiled Review .31 , Appendix 1 to Planning Report No. 20-99 Page 5 32 Among othar matters, ihe Implementation Strategy shouid idcnUfy whcther ihere ere matters that should bc incorporated as policy in Ihe Oflicial Plen, whether ihere arc key blocks of Iends that should be mzoned, complementary initiatives that erc recommended on lends bcyand the Study Area, and other areas or issues requiring future review. The level of detail in thc Development Guidelines should be sufficient to nllow consideration of oflicial plan amendment and rewning upplicelians. PART 2: Defailed Urban Deaign & Landscape Cuidelines Yart 2, P6aae 1: Options tor A Theme Task 1.1.i: Based on the Council-ndopted Development Guidclines, and comments received tivough Pnrt 1, prepare options for ►he conceptual theme of the dctailed Urban Design & Lundscape Guidelines. Task2.1.1; Prepare a Report outlining the nitemativc options, and illustruting snmple guidelines thnt may reflect ench conceptunl theme. Task 2.1.3: Conduct n public Workshop / Open Flousc to obtnin community input on thc prefertcd conceptunl themc for Ihe dcU+iled Urban Design & Landscapc Guidelines, Part 2, Phase 2: Revised GutdeBnee Task 1.1.1: Prepurc drnfl dctniled Urbnn Design and Lundscnpc Guidclines for discussion. Task 1.1.1: Conduct n public Workshop / Opcn I�ousc lo obtnin community input on thc draR Guidelines. Task1.2.3: Prepare a Report containing the comments rcceived on the conccptunl theme, und conteining revised Urban Design and Lundscnpc Guidelines. Among other maiters, the Urbnn Design & Landscnpc Guidelines should contain dctniled design drnwings illusirating the Council-udopted lend use and design concept, including the identi6cution of nny special charactcr elemenis/design considerations vis•�-vis Oexibility in built fortn, landscnpe elemenis (public art, signage, lighting, boardwalks, trails, sidcwalks, boulevard treatmenls, etc.), nnd nrchitecturnl design themes. The Icvel of detuii in ihe Urben Design and Landscnpe Guidelines should be su�cient to guide the review of site plan applications, and public infroswcturc projecls. 7. STAFFING, COST AND TIMING It is proposed thet the Town Plnnning and Development Department undertakc Part i. Howaver, given the current worklond and stnffing shortages, an outside Planner will be requircd tu assist stafl; The Department proposes retaining the services of a Cansulting Plunner, wiUi waterfront end marina experience. It is nnticipated that this ossistance would cost a maximum of 520,000 including G.S.T, and expenses, Part 1 is nnticipnted to take 3-4 months from start-up, Tecros of Refercnce — Revised Novembcr 16,1999 Liverpool Road South Detuiled Review Appendix I to Plenning Report No, 20-99 Page 6 It is proposed Ciet the Town Planning and Development Depertment undertekc Part 2. However, ihe detailed urban design and lendscapc design is not a skill cuRently on slaff. Consequently, staff will require the acsistence of an outside Urban / Landscape Deslgner. It is anticipated ihat tltis essistance would cost a maximum of 520,000 including d.S:f. end expenses. Part 2 is enticipated to take 3-4 monihs from start-up, assuming adoption of the Part 1 lend use and design plan. 8. DELIVERABLES Part 1: 1. As part of Part 1— Phau 1, a Repart, including written materiel, mepping and graphics as required, to explain lhe study purpose, process, oppoRunities and consusints, preliminary land use plan and broed design guidelines; 2. Following the completion of Part 1— Phnse 2, a Repori, including written material, mapping and graphics, as required, to explain the study purpose, process, results of community consultation, recommcnded land use and design plan, development guidelines, and implementation strategy. Part 2: l. As part of PM 2— Phnsc 1, u Reporl, including writtcm m�teriel, mapping nnd gmphics, as required, expleining the study purpose, proccss, approvcd land use end design plan, and options for dctuiled design and Inndscnpc themcs. 2, Following completion of Pert 2— Phnsc 2, u Rcpart, including written materinl, mapping ond graphics, ns required, explaining ihe study purpose, process, approved land use and design plen, results of community consultation, nnd dcmilcd design end landscapc guidelines. 9. REFERENCES AND AVAILABLE MATERIAL The Plunning und Development Deptutment will makc use of the following material for reference: Pickering Omcinl Plan, approved September, 1997; Background Reports; current development proposuls in the Study Areu; Plunning Report and correspondence rclate� to the initiation of the Study; lhe Mayor's Tnsk Force on the Pickering Waterfront 2001 ]nterim Report, October, 1997; Staf'f Report No. GM Oi-98, A Preliminary Report — Frenchmen's Bay Watershed Menagement Strategy, Mnrch 1998; lhe Mayor's Task Force on lhe Pickering Waterfront 2001 Final Report, June 1998; Staff Report IDT 08-98, Mayor's Task Force on the Pickering Watcrfront — Final Raport, Staff Comments and Recommendations, October,1998; documents related to Pickering's Waterfront Trail; documents related to Pickering's Millennium Square and Trail initiatives; documents rclated to the Frenchman's Bny Rchabilitation Project; as well es documentetion on wuterfront end Frenchman's Bay activides end initiadves. 10. CONTAGT PERSON The contact person for the Study is Miss Cetherine Rosc, Mannger - Policy Section, Pickering Planning and Development Depnriment; telephona (905) 420-0660, ext. 2038, fncsimile (905) 420-7648. clNrrplC�Vnmmo].doe Tertns of Refcronce — Revised N�vember 16,1999 Liverpool Road SoWh Detailcd Revlew 33 0 i ' • � n � � ,1 ATTACHME�1fNLT0 n PLANfJIt1G FiEPORT N �'g % INT�R-DEPARTMF.NTAL MEMORANDUM CLERK'S DEPARTMENT RECEIVED . � SEP 2 S 1999 DATE: Sepltmber23,1999 'u'�""°'"�°a�M��M T0: • Neil CarroU, Dimtor of Planning • Everc110untsrm, D'uector ofParks & Facilities FR0�1: Dmcc Teylor, Town Clerk Pkau bc adviscd ttmt Ihe Council of thc Town oCPicketi�g passed RaoluHon qIB1N9, et Ihe Council Mcetinp of September 21st, 1999, aa folbWS: WIIERGAS Ihrough tlk Council enclorsed Mayor'a Watcrfront 2001 Taskforce Reporl wM1 Millcnnium Ttnil Ad•I loc Cammillce Repan, Councll aixl Ihc public have iJenlifial AK grcat significnnce of Ihe Livapool Samh arca lo tlx waicrGont anJ lo lhc Town av a wlalc, wMi, WIIGREAS Ihrough thc Council adoptal Millennium Tmil plwi, the Liverpool South nrca will bc thc ccmrc of tlk wulerfmnt enJ the place wherc Ihe I�vcc tmil systcmv will convergc at tla Millennium Syunre wxl that IIk arca sumwnJing will bc n public placc thal ntltncts residcnls wxl vuilon; wiJ, WIICREAS rccogniring the significance of th(s orea, Itk Town of Pickering OQ'kial Plan klcntifieJ the Liverpoal SuWh orea u a Dclailnl Revicw Arca; azxi, WI IERGAS in sec�lon 11.2, sulua;lbn (J) of Ihe Tawn of Pickering O�ic'�el Plan it is sleteJ lhat Town Cowxil "shnU en�leu�nr to complele detaikd rcviews for all ar pert of e Detnikci Review Area prior lo epproving major dcvcbpment wilhin Ihe Area"; �, WHEREAS tWro mnjor de�slopment proposals for the South Livcrpool ercn luv� bcen receiveJ by thc Town of Pickcring ond enuW have e rtmjor impnct upon tlx fulure uu, function anl goala of the Dctailal Revicw Arw; NOW T}IGRGFORG thc Council of the Corpomtion of the Town of Pickering hercby rcquat that aWfiprcpare a draQ tertro of refercnce for e Delailed Review of the area generelly outW�nl in Map 13, Neighbourhoaf 3, Day Ridges fur the South Liverpool Area m founJ on p�ge 147 oCthe Town'� OII'wial Plan; ani, THAT lhe Town of Pickoring Ixrcby a0'um it� inlenlion lo undcrtake e Deteikd Raview of the South Liverpool Arca fiuther to sectfon I1.2 (d) oC the Town of Pickering Oilkiul Plnn priar to any major devebpmcnt occurring in the above noted Detaikd R: vicw Area; and, TIIAT no recommendntiare be fonvarded �o Council on eny mnjnr devabpmrnt proposab for Ihc south Liverpool erca unti! auch time e+ the detailed, review b �` complelcd; atd, 7'IIAT prcpnretion of the Dmtt Temu of Rcfercnce fnclude consultution with rclevanl slakcholdoro within Ihe rcview aree; and, TFIAT ate(f bring the dmfl tcrmv of rcfcrence far thc DcleUal Review to Council with nawmble time Gamca far compktion lo Ihe ExccWive Mceting oC Cowull on Nuvembcr 22,1999, or us aoon thcrwller m pomibic, far conddcretba Tht+rcwlutb U x to yrou for your Wormalioa I, � Bm Teybr,TownCkrk 35 ATTACHMENTM�70 p �� PLANNINO flEPORi M_�q / Liverponl Road South DetAiled Review — PreUminary Timetable Tho tebin bclow shows tho rolationship betwecn tho estimaled timelines for comploting the Liverpool Read South Detailed Roview, procossing eny Official Plan chenges resulling from the Review, and the further processing and evaluation of the Pickoring Harbour Compeny end Ilflts development applications. Detailed RevfewArea et wonc commences on me draft Terms ol Reference for Delafled Review Draft Tertns of Reference available for pubik comment; Terms of Reference finalized for consideratlon by Execulive Committee Terms ol Relerence appmved by Council; Planninp Consullanl relained for PaA 1 Work commences on Part i, Phase 1 Work wnUnues on Part 1, Phase 1 Wak concludes on Part 1 and commences on Phase 2; Urban Design and Landscape Consultent rela(ned for Part 2 Work concludes on PaA 1, Phase 2; Work may commence on ApPlications recefved; Applicat(ons circutated for comment Gouncil atlopts Devebpment StaR reports W Council on Review and evaluatfon of GuWelines; Incorporates PaR 1 resu�s; devebpment applicaUons them in the Compendium Work continues on Parl 2, Document, and Ini�ates eny Phase 1 uired official lan cha es Slatutory Public Meetlng fa Work contlnues on Parl 2, RecommendaUons lo Counci any requfred off�fal plan Phase 1; on devebpment applkaBons changes resulGng 1rom Work commencas on Pert 2, Detailed Review Phase 2 Work wmoleted on PaA 2. Council adoptian ol any Staft reports to Council ai required off�lal plan changes Part 2 resuMs resulfing from Doteiled Revfew, Part 1; Council adopb PaA 2 Detalled Guidelines and incorpordtes In Compendium Document ' Approva� of any required Appmvel at any edopted official plan chanpes offlcial plen chenpes; paasinp eny zonirp bydawa; pren8np BNO j1I811 BPpfDV8I9� issuinp o.via srosis. ece,nnnm+cs.�den. PkkaYq, Onlarb. . 41•W.2-Y•2. '� ATTACHMENT � ��p PIANfJINC (lEPORT q_��9 • RECEIV�D HOY 1 0 1999 TOWN OF PICNERINO pUNNINO PINTNE 70: Miss Cathedne Rose. F�o� Mr. David Ste�,le. Fw 905-420-7848. Papn� 3. Phorw.905�420-0680,e;A.2038. DaNS 1111W1999 R�s Draft Tertns of Reference Liverpool Road CC� Davkl Ryan,Trnm of P�kering Caunc� South Del2iled Review. Llaison to P.AC.T. ❑ Urp�nt X For R�rlwv X Pi�u� Camm�nt %Pl�u� R�ply X Pl��a� R�eyel� PufpOBQ• The purpose of this fax is twafold first, it outlines my areliminarv I(st of concems that I have with the limited environmental issues and time limits for public consultation. Second, the draft terms do not address the issues raised at the public information meeting on the developments propo�ed for Liverpool Road held in the Town of Pickering Council Chambers. I would prefer to have seen a steering committee formed, then daily open house or workshops (no politicians on the steering committee). Please add the followina issues to Phase 1.1: Back qround, preliminarv Plan. 10). Parkland, 11). Entrance to Frenchman's Bay. 12),Grit collector systems for pa�king lots, 13),Marshland and Wetland Preservation. 3'i • 38• ' � . . � - . ' .. � � . ATTl.�H1dEN7UJ T n PLANtJIPI(1 REWORT q�_ __� 9 November 10,1999 14).Computer model of waterflow in I out of Frenchman's Bay. � 15).Sediment conditions and clean up of sediments from Frenchman's Bay. 16).Master drainage plan, ' 17)Ba�ll. 18).Tree preservation. 19),Dynamic beech preservation. 20).Environmental construction procedures. � 21),Waterfront stabilization of shorelines for fish. 22).Bridge or Platoon boat areas. 23),Parkland upgrade, 24).Pollution control of discharge irom Pickering Nuclear I Coolwater fish farms into Frenchman's Bay. 25),Water quality in French mans bay. 28),Washrooms/Changing Rooms. 27},Commercial PropPrties. Task1.1. 2. Add. 1). Public environmental trail around Frenchman's bay next to the water. 2).Biind Park. 3)Small crafts facility. 4).Grit coliectors in parking lots, • pape 2 _ � � 1� � . .. . � . . . ., . . . . � ,i , � . - . �.,._ .. . . . . . � . . . � . . � . -. �� . . � . . � 99 ;,r;r,cHMe��TU3 ro �°I i�LA�ININC3 REPORT u� Novwnber 10,1889 5). Vacant land. 6). Boat launch. Task 1.1.4. Before the open house copies of the phase one repo�t to be circulated to interested parties for review two weeks before the Open House / Public Moeting. Task 1.2.Revised Plan. 1. Development (Guidelines) change to poUcies. Remove (Broad) design policies. Task 2.1.3. Before the open house/workshop have copies of the prepared conceptual theme for the urban design & Landscaping from the consultant available for review two weeks before open house I workshop for all interested parties. Task 2.2.2. Before open house/workshop on draft policies have copies distributed two weeks in advance to interested parties. 7). Staffing, cost and tfming A( R, F. P), to be sent to all qualified consultants outlining therequired companies experience in waterfront pianning , environmental planning, urban planning, etc. the Waterfront Regeneration Trust Company could ue added to the list of consuitantsor asked for a list of qualified waterfront planners from Waterfront Regeneration Trust , • pepe 3 40 • ,if�ncHMENTn! TO���qp �I_dtlNINO REPORT q v" � / DEAR CATHERINE RS REQUESTED, I fIAVE READ THE DMFT AND SUBMIT MY COMMENTS FOR YOUR RECEIVED r,ONCIURATION. PAGE 1 I1 STUDY AREA DESCRIPTION� TNERE IS NO MENTION OF PRIVATELY NOV 1 1 1899 OY�NE� TOYINOFPIdtFPINO BAY BOTTOM OR LAKE BOTTOM, HARBOUR ENTMNCE OR SEWAGE TRANSFER FACILITY. P�NIM OH�MTYENT PAGE 2 SOME NOMES IN FAIRPORT VILLAGE DATE FROM THE 1870'S AND THERE IS A HISTORY OF COMMERCIAL LAKEPORT DATING FROM THE 1860'S PAGE 4 PARA 1"BY TNE COMt1UNITY" PRESUMES THAT EVERYONE IN TOWN OPPOSES TNE APPLICATIONS, WNEN IN FACT MY DWR KNOCKING INDICATES TIIAT THESE PEOPLE ARE FEW IN NUM�ER� THOUGlI VOCAL, TIIE VAST MAJORITY EITHER DON'T CARE,SUPPORT DEVELOPMENT OR ARE TIRED OF TALK AND WANT TO SEE SOMETHING IIAPPEN SOON. PAGE 4 PARA 3"SIGNIFICANT LAKEFILL" COULD BE STATED AS LANDFILL Oft BAYFILL OF MARINA HOLDINGS� TO ME LAKE!'ILL REFERS TO IIARBOUR ENRANCE AND TRCA BEACN STABILIZATION BOTH OF WHICII ARE GOING TO BE NEEDED TO INSURE TfiE LONGEVITY OF THE MILLENIUM SQUARE BUILT ON A DYNAMIC BEAC11. PAGE S��IASK 1,1.1 SUGGEST ADDING NANDOUR Et�TMNCE AND MILLENIUM SQUARE TO LIST. I PRESUME THAT THE SpUARE IS ALSO "ON IIOLD" UNTIL Tf1E REPORT IS COMPLETE. PAGE 7 COULD YOU ALSO GIVE TIME FMMES FOR TIIE PARTS WITIIIN TI1E PfIASES. DOES THE STOHMWATER MANAGEMENT STUDY FALL WITIIIN TIIIS OUOGET7 PAGE B NO MENTION OF WORKINC WITfI I.ANDOWNEHS TO ACIIIEVE ACCEPTAOLE RESULTS ALTtIOUGfI 2 PUBLIC MEETINCS ARE MENTIONED. CL�SING COMMENTS CATHERINE , I FIND ':NAT YOUR PRODUCT IS WELL WRITTEN, IF SOMEWHAT TILTED TOWARDS PUOLIC OPINION AS PUT OUT BY Tf1E VOCAL MItIORITY� BUT NOT T00 GLARING MORE DF.TAIL WOULD BE APPRECIATED ON TIMING SPECIFIC5 AND WlIEN DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS WOULD BE CONCIDERED WITHIt! TNE PARTS AND PHASES, WfIAT PRIORITY PLANNING AND PEIiMITS WILL GIV6 TO APPLICANiS TO IIELP MINIMIZE DEI.F.YS BENEFITS TO APPLICANTS IN ACCEPTING Tf1ESE DELAYS MTIIER TIIAN GOING TO THE O.M.B. WITH AN APPEAL, AND WHO TIIE SHORT LIST OF CONSULTANTS IS THAT CAN DO THE J00 WITHIl1 Tf1E TIME FNAME AND BUDGET. MY OTHER CONCERN IS THAT TNE MILLENIUM SQUARE PROJECT IS CONTINUING OURING THIS STUDY, IS PARKING PC�R, AND THE STUDY RESULT WILL BE PREJUDICED AS THIS FACT BECOMES MORE CLEAR FU0.THER� BILL 38 HAS BEEN GIVEN iiOYAL ASSENT M1D IS EXPECTED TO BECOME LAW pRIOR TO UEC 31 1999� TNE IMPACT OF THESE CIIANGES SI{OULD BE STUDIED AS THEY BROADEN THE SCOPE ON WIIAT TfIE IIARBOUR COMPANY CAN DO ON TNEIR LANDS WITlIOUT HEZONING OR OP AMENDMENTS. I WILL BE NAPPY TO GIVE YOU A SfIORT SYNOPSI9 OF TNEM BY PlIOttE IF YOU CARE TO PAGE ME AT 831 7677 � TNIS RESPONSE I3 fOR YOURSELF AT YOUR REQUEST AND IS NOT FOfl � DI5TRIBUTION �� OUT9IDE OF TOWN OF PICKERING STAFF WITfI A NEEU TO NNOW. � KINDEST REGNRUS . � - GAflY PECH O.O.L.Ont. I90 9002 cartiflad