HomeMy WebLinkAboutPL 5/98, ; _ ,. , . ,. .� � � � . � �. . . � . � �MOF� � " REPORT TO COUNCIL b'ROM: Neil Cazroll DATE: Febn�ary 4,1998 Director of Planning PLANNING REPORT NO. 5/98 SUBJECI': Zoning By-law Amendment Applicatian Z20/97 J. & F. Weste Systems Inc. 57 Notion Road Tawn of Ajax RECOMMENDATIONS: 1.0 That Council recommend to the Town of Ajnx lhat any npproval of Zoning ByIaw Amendment Applicadon Z20/97 to allow n multi-material recovery/iransfer facility ot 57 Notion Road in Ajnx should include conditions addressing the following: a) requiring thut traffic control signals be provided ot the intersection of Notion Road nnd Kinsston Road in conjunction with tha proposed development; b) requiring thnt a provision be includcd in thc implementing wning by-law prohibiting outdoor storage on lhc subject property; c) requiring site pinn appmval to address, amongst other muttcrs, Inndscaping along the Notion Road frontage of the subjecl propeAy. 2.0 That Council rccommend to thc Town of Ajax that comments provided to thc Ministry of the Environment nnd Encrgy on the Cedificate of Approval to nllow n multi-mnterial recovery/transfer facility at 57 Notion Road in Ajnx, should recommend conditions addressing thc foilowing: a) limidng opereting hours; b) prohibiting outdoor storage; c) requiring odour, dust, end pest conwls; d) rcsiric6ng hours that wck traf'fic can access the site. 3.0 Thet Council rewmmend to the Town of Ajex that, tluough their recently initinted ofHcie! plen review process, wnsideration be given to rcviewing the type of industrial development far the lands in Ajax east of Notion Road in order to establish a long-tem� vision for the area that is moro compaUble with residentinl � uses. � ORICIN: Request from the Town of Ajax Plenning Dopartment for comments finm the Town of Pickering on Zoning Bylaw Amendment Application Z 20/97. AUTHORITY: THE PLANNINCi ACT, RS.0.1990, chepter P.13 �''°. s .� . ., . ,. . . . � , �� .' , .. ,. � Plenning Report No. 5/98 Peg� z . 3 FINANCIAI.IMPLICATIONS: At this time no addiUonal costs arc enticipated beyond those normaliy attdbuted to development of this nature. 1.0 BACKGROUND: The Town of Ajax has requested comments from the Town of Pickering on a zoning by-law amendment applicetlon to permit a"muld•material rewvery/Uansfer facility" on ihe subject lands at 57 Notian Road in Ajax. The purpose of this Report is to provide info►madon in order that Council may fonvard n recommendation to the Town of Ajax on the proposal. 1.1 ARplicanYs Pronosa) The proposed facility is intondcd to process up to 750 metric tonnes per dny of indusiriaUwmmercial solid non•harardous material. This material would include recyclables such es wood, cazdboard, gless, metals, paper, consWction/demolition products and sesidual waste, 71�e source of materials to bc received would primarily be from business und industry in the Region of Durhnm. No residential, liquid or ha7ardous waste meterial would be processed through this facility. Mnterial delivered to the fecility would be tempomrily storcd within the existing building locnted on the subject lunds. Projected vchicles serving the facility are epproximately 5-7 vehicles per hour. (sce Location Map, Attachment Hl, and Site Plen, Attachment #2). ui �i '!�u!_�ii• The Ajax District Plan (A2 Community Plan) dcsignates the subject lands as "Industrial" which pertniu thc proposed use. Zoning Byluw 35•77, as amended, wnes thc subject lands "M3" which pertnits heavy industrial uses nnd allows outdoor storngc. Ajex has interprcted its By-Inw sUeh that was►e transfer and recyding operotions ure not cansidered as industriai or manufacturing uscs. Thercfore, an nmendment w•ou:d be rcquircd to allow the applicant's proposel ta proceed. 1.3 �eAificateofAooroval In addidon to municipal plenning requircments, a Certificate of Approval (C of A) would be required from the Ministry of Environment and Energy (MOEE) in order to allow the appliconPs proposal to proceed. The Ministry has requestcd comments on the C of A from lhe Region of Durhum, Town of Ajax, and abutting property owners. Region of Durhnm Council passed u resoluUon on lenuary 28, 1998, providing comments to ihe MOEE indicating that a hearing not be requested by the Environmental Assessment Boazd for thc C of A. 1.4 Public Meeting 'fhe Town of Ajax circulated the wning by-law nmendment application to landowners within 120 metres of the subject lends and held a Public Open House on Thursdny lanuary 29, 1998. The Public Open House was attended by staff' from Ajex, Pickering, Dwham Region, ihe applicanPs end about 20 msidents of Pickering. Numerous concems werc raised by the residents including such matters es traffic, noise, pests, and odours. Some area residenis and lendowners on Notion Roed questioned the appropriateness of the heavy indusUinl uses in the area. A` � { ' £'; ` , �y Fy�• � t �.: � i , �'PlanningReportNo.S/98 2.0 STAFF COMMENTS: 2.1 �ppjpprietenoss of the Pr000sed Use Pagc 3 The subject lends are included in an area of land designuted as "Industriel" in the Ajax OlTiciel Plan locatod between Notion Road and Duffins Creek. Adjecent lands in Pickering between Notion Road and the rcsidentiel neighbourhood to the west wcre designated Industriel in the Pickering District Plen which was epproved in 1982. Through lhe official plan review process underteken over lhe Inst few yeurs, ihe long lerm industriel use of these lends was questianed, However, an eppropriate use for this area was uncertain and the recenUy approved Pickerimg Officinl Pian designates the arw as "Urban Study Area", which provides policy support for a lend use and design study of the azen . As Ajax is emburking upon an official plan review process, thay may ulso wish to consider developing a long term vision for the industriel lunds in Ajnx e�st of Notion Road, thet is morc compatible with the residential uses in Pickering and Ihe residential uses in Ajnx east of Duffins Creek. Despite the Study Area designation on the Pickering side of Notion Rond, the Ajax sidc is currenAy designnted industrial and zoned to nllow heavy industrial uses with similar operating chamcteristics to the proposed drvclopmcnt. Uses are curtently pecmitted thnt ore less compatibla with residentinl uses than the proposed development, and could begin operating without going through the rezoning proccss. In fact a number of hcavy industrics curtently opernte in the aren, somc involve simiinr heavy wck traffic to thnt proposed by the npplicant, end some hava extensivc outdoor stomgc. Thc Town's Public Works Depw�tment udvises thut, opemtionnlly, Pickering Ptvkwuy is u"full lond" roud and can accommodate tha ndditional trn�c associutcd with this devclopment. Therefore, it is not recommcnded that thc Ta�m oppose the proposed rezoning applicution. Hawcvcr, thc rcwning application and certificate of npprovnl process do offer opportunity to apply conditions to thc devclopmcnt to help cnsurc mitigntion of potentinl impacts. Conditions recommended by smff nre discussed below. 2,2 Recommended Conditions of Approval As noted above, thc applicant's proposal dces o(�cr nn opportunity to npply wning standards und other conditions to furlher restrict the operating chnractcristics of the use on the subject lands beyond thc restrictions in the curtent zoning by-luw. For example, the current bylaw permits outdoor sturage and any new by-law should require that ull storage be insidc the building. ln eddition, Ajex should exercise site plen convol to ensure lendscaping is provided to screcn lhe proposed use as much ns is practicnl. Alihough it is expected that a majority of the traffic for tha proposed dcvelopmcnt will utilize Pickering Parkway, the proposcd development wili add to the demands at the intersection of Kingston Road nnd Notion Road. We understnnd that Region of Durhnm Works steff hnve recommended thnt some funding be provided in their 1998 cnpimi budget to provide For the instellation of Wfiic signals at the intersection of Notian Road and Kingston Rond. This recommendation is subject to Regional Council approvnl. Ajax should include a condition of wning epproval requiring the traflic signals to be implemented in conjunction with the applicanPs proposal. Additional restrictions and mitigation meusures should be placed on the proposed development through the Cedificate of Approval application. Comments provided to the Ministry of Environment on the C of A by the Town of Ajax, should recommend conditlons addressing such issues as hours of operetion, outdoor storege, odour, dust and pest controls, and wck tretiic hours, � , '. Thamas & M ymuk, M. ., r. Ncil Cwro Depury Di or of Plnnning' Direclor of Piemilng AJS2DT/ab . :>:., � . , .. . . . _ . .. . � ' ' '�f. , ' , . i • 1 , . - `; "' • ,5;� . AT7ACHMENT rLTO 5 , • PUNNINa REPORT r� , �, . j� . . ; Residential , Attachment: 1 � File: J.F. WASTE SYSTEMS �`�,� Municfpality: TOWN OF , AJAX w /////I ONED AREA 23 ���• — . . Residentia� �' e�o �� 1, , . . . ; �b. � . � . . #�, . ' ��— ,�� - — �� , t % . • ' , f ATTACHMEKTM? TO �+-•? ' � PLANNINO REPORT p�' " r ' ,• � f�l � � I�•'. `:. _.� ... .. . . ........ I ..,� � �,. �:,.���� . t a� ; + �I 3 � ..., ' f" ��+ D T • L 0 T I S, .C•0 N �..-1�ro '. . .� Fi� � ' . n .,� � � � '� n , ro � �� . , . '.� p, �� T � i u . .' � .. . . . I � I .� ` ( i• }(