HomeMy WebLinkAboutPL 19/99�. - - . 0 2 �°�� � � � REPORT TO COUI�ICIL FROM: Neil Cartoll Director, Planning end Development DATE: November 16,1999 � PLANNIN(i REPORT NUMBER:19-99 SUBJECT: Pionning Applicadon Processing Exnnpdon of Local Official Plon Amendments from Regianel Approvel 1. TtieCTown Council receive, for infonnetion, Plenning Report No. 19-99, advising that the Rogion of Aurham is pursuing an Order hom the Ministry of Municipal Af'fairs and Housing to authoriu Durham to exempt certain local ofTiciel plen amendment applicstions from Regional approval, thereby strcamlining the dcvelopment approvals process; 2. Thet Town Councii edvisc the Minister of Municipai Affairs and Housing and the Region of Durhem that it supports the exemption ot local ofliciel pien amendments from Regional epproval en� requests the Minister to iuuc thc Exemption Order nt the esriiest possible opporlunity; end 3. That the Clerk focward a copy of Plunning Report No, 19-99 and Coun,il's resoludon on the mntter to the Region of Durham and the Minister of Municipal Affeirs end Housing. ORI(3iN: Town Council Resolution N4�J97, Item #i, of Febn�ary 10, 1997, rcquesting the Region enter into discuvsions respecting exemption of local officiel plan emcndments from Regional approval. ALTfHOR1T'Y: The Plenning Act, RS.O. 1990, chepter P,13 FINANCIAL IMPL►CATIONS: No direct costs to the Town are anticipated as a rcsult of the exemption procedure, However, additional stafi timc will bc required to prepere new local procedures, train stafT, end carty out lhe approvals ptocess. EXECUITVE SUMMARY: Amendmonts to ihe Town's Ofiicial Plan currenUy require a twastep approval process: - ToWn Council adopts ihe amendments, end the Region of Durhem approves the amendments, However, the Ministry of Municipal Affeirs and Hausing is now prepored to providc to ihc Ragion ihe power to exempt certein local officiel plen emendments from the twastep process. An 'exempf emondmenl will only require Town Councit adoption, Foliowing adopdon, the emendment is tmmediauly subject m a 20 day appeal period (similer to the passing of a wning by-law). Stafi' hes been imolved with the Region end othor erea munictpalides in thc development of the 'exempt'. end 'non-exempP definidons and telated procalurcs, and recommonds Town Council ;t ' suppoR Uiia strcamlining Initiativo. Tovm Plenning end Deyelapment, and Clerk's ataf'f will `' necd to reviso thetr rcapectivo Departmental procedures for processinE local oflicial . plen 4� emendment epplicsQons W eddtess'exempt' app8cadons. .,F . ,. . . � . .. - .. . - ' . . . f.=� i - .. � � .. . - . .. . . . . . . ' ji, , f � !I 9:4 �Y�� - . � �'�,�� r ,. . . . ... ... .. . , . . . >� � ' PLANNMd 1tEP01tT NUMBER 19•99 '' Datc: November 16,1999 '. SubJxt:'&xcmption of Local Official Plen Amendmenta from Itegional Approval Pegc 2 p 3 BACKpROUND: ' 1.0 Two-Steo Aporoval Process for Plckedna Official Plen Amendments Cwrently, amendmcnts to iho Pickering Ofi'iciel Plen cequirc a twastep approval process, Town Council adop►s amendments to the Plan, and thc Regional Municipelity of Durham approves, modifies, or denies emend�nents, subject to a 20�day appeal period, The Plenning Act, however, allows the Rogion of Durham to exempt local officiel plens or amendraents from Regtonal approval, provided exemption powers ere epproved by the Minister of Municipal Affeirs and Housing. 2.0 Permitdn¢ a Ono-Steo Aanroval Proccss in Certain Ciroumstances The Region of Durhem is now rcquesting the Minister of Munlcipal Affnirs and Housing (MMAH) !o issue an order euthorizing the Region to exempf cerlaln local official plan �mendments from approval, Thus, there will be two approval processes for Applications within Pickering (end the other Durham arca municipalities). Of(icial Plans, and some official plan amendmens will wntinue through the two-stcp epproval process. However, other official plan emendmcnt applications detertnined to be exempt from Regional approval, will only have e one-step approval process — Town Council ndoption, foliowcd immediately by a 2U-day eppeal period. A copy of Regional Plenning Commissioner's Report No, 1999•P•38, on the Bxemption of Local Ofliciei Plan Amrndments, is provided for infortnation nnd rcferencc (see Attuchment N1). The Region's rcvised proccdures for processing locul o�cial pinns ond emendments, arc auached to thc Commissioner's Report, and arc enticipnted to be approved by Regional Councii on November 17, 1999. The procedures distinguish between official plans, area municipal-initiatcd amendments, and privatcly-initiated o�cial plen amendments. The definitions for excmpt ond non-exempt npplicntions arc fowd on Puge 3 of ihe Procedures [sec dcfinitions k) nnd I)]. Applications currentiy in process wili remnin in the twastep epprovel process. Thc Micisterial Order, anticipaled ir� early Jnnuary, 2000, end/or Regional exemption by-Inw, wi;l specify the effective date aRer which exemptions may be possible. The Region proposes to chenge its fas with the inclusion af e second epproval process. The Region proposes to srop collecting a 5500 fee foilowing Council adopUon, and replace it with a 5500 mviaw fee for all privetely-initiated applications. The fee is to collected by the area munlcipality, and will be payable by the applicnnt at the time of application. 3.0 Discussion On Februery ]0, 1997, Town Councit passed Resoludon iW2/97, Item Nl, requesting that the Reglon cnter into discussions with ths Town resptcdng thc possible exempdon of local o!'Ficinl plen amendmenis from Regionel epprovai. iJn May 3, 1999, Town Council passed Resoludon #99/99, Item MI, endorsing ihe Durham Plenning gystems Review Phese 1 Report, duted Febnrery 11, 1999, One of the key recommendadons in that Report, for atreamlining approval processes, wes the exempUon of ccrtain local official pten ' emendments from Regionol approvaL To this end, area munlcipal end Regional planning statT formed a working group earlier this year to develop procedures for exempting otiiciel plen amendments. Only ttiosc eppilcadons that mat the definidon outlined !n the procedures, will be allowed ro follow ihe one-step epproval process, However, a checi; of ald oflicinl plan emendments agatnst tho definldon auggested that, on eYerege, somewhere between SO% end 60% of the amendmrnt applications would heve been exempt from Regional approval, ' ` PLANNMl3 REPORT IQUMBER 19,99 � �� ' Date: November 16,1999 i�, , Q Q Subject:. Exempdon of I.ocal Officiel Plan Amer,dmenta fram Regional Approval Page 3 .�1: . - . . . . � . .. . . . . Staff suppohs iho procedures aa set out in thc Commiasioner's Report and reconunends Council also aupport them. Local offidal plens, end those applicadons not meeting the cxempt dcfinidon, will still follow,the lwo-akp proctss, Exempt official plen amend�nent applications will follow a moro streatnlined process. By way of comparison, the procedives for excmpt Pickering Plen amendments will bc very similer to the procedures the Town uus when paasing zoning by-laws. The procedurcs will perallel those for Regional Official Plan amendments, ell of which are exempt from Ministcrial approval, and follow a one•sA�p epprovat process — Regional adopdon, followed immediately by a 20-dey appeal period. The Region's procedures indicate they will edvise the Town whether en epplicntion is excmpt from Regionel approvel within 30 duys of receiving lhe circulntion notice. Thc intent is to ensure the erca municipality knows at the Public Information MceGng whether an sppllcadon holds exempt stetus. Town staft' hes an obligadon to provide i�f'ormadon about appoal rights both in the notice of, and at, the public meedng. Town staf'f will monitor the timeliness of the status letter frcm the Region, with respect to the Uming and wntent of our nudfications and public meetings. Town Planning and Devdopment, and Clerk's staff must revise their respective De},ertmental procedures for processing official plan amendment epplications to eddress ihe one-step approval process. Adjustments to the procedures will bc required now in preparation for tl�e exemption order, and may need fwlher adjustment after a period of monlroring. Staff Uaining on the ncw procedures will nlso bc required. Under u two process system, lhere is bound to be an iniiial 'leaming curve'. It will be the obligetion of Town staff to be able to cortecQy advise epplicents and process npplications properly as set out by the Plenning Act. Ona: proadurea are in placc and stet'f training complete, it is anticipated thet the on-going effect on Town stafFworkload will be generelly neutral, Prcsently, To�ni statf must prepare end forward to ihe Region a lengthy 'Rewrd' Jocument with each adopted amendment. If exempt, no Record will be required. However, under the new system, either a notice that no eppeals were received, or an eppeal package (similar to the `Record'), viould now be the obligadon of the Town. For u non-exempt amendment, thc Record is still rcquired es purt of the twastep approvel process. ATTACEffvtENTS: 1. Regional Planning Commissioner's Report No.1999•P-88, dated November 9,1999. Prepnred By: Approved / E dorsed b: . . � . U/.���J / / � . r Catherine L. Rose Nei Certo Manager, Policy Section Director, Pl end Development CLR/ab • Attschments c.c.: Jene Burton, Town Solicitor Bruce Taylor,l'own Clerk Recommended for the wnsideralion of : Pickedng Town Co cil �, - � /, ' ;, y 9�, � � �na ,. Chlef Adminiatrative Ofiicer ';y _ ,;;. ... . , , . ..1..,_�.1. ., . .. . . . _ 05 ATfACHMENTM�T�99 . .. { � � . ` PLANNINa REPORT r Planning Deparlment Commiss(oner's Report to Planning Comm(ttee Report No.1999-P•BS C�te: November 9,1999 SUBJECT Exemptfon of Local O�icial Plen Amendments, File; 2.11.4 • RECOMMENDATIONS L THAT Coundl implement the exemption of Local O�cial Plan Amendments from Regionai approval by; • a) requestfng an Exemption Order from the Ministry of Mun(clpal Affa(rs and Housing; b) aulhor(zing the Regional Solicitor to bring forvvard a Reg(onal Exemption By-law upon receipt of the Exemption Order from lhe Minlstry; c) endorsing the revised procedures in Attachment 1 which Ucorporates exemption oi Local Officlal Plan Amendments from Regiunal approval; and d) authorizing the Regional Solicitor to bring forward an amended By-law prescribing a teriff of fees. 2. THAT a copy of lhis report be forwarded to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the area munlcipalfties, approp�iete public bodfes and the Urban Development Institute, , >r ;4t� � . . _ : t- -_ � � �'r � 6 ,�� �' @ � ATTACHMENT N ��_TO I. �' �9 � PLANNIN� REPORT /� / �� r ���� � � � : � Commissioner's Report No. 1999•P-88 Page 2 REPORT 1. Bac round 1.1 In 1P96, the Min(stry of Munlcipal Affairs and Housing released a Proposed Exemption Implementatfon Strategy which, among other things, provided the exemptfon of Local Official Plan Amendments (LOPAs) from Regional 1; approvaL In January 1997, Counci� adopteu the recommendaUons containad in Cummissioners R�port No. 97-P•13 to implement prccedures and criteria for exempting area municipal offic(al plan amendments. 1.2 Thls Initietive has res+�lted in the exemption of LOPAs as one of lhe direcAons for Improving the piann(ng approval process as concurred with, In 1he Phase 1 Pianning System Review Repo�t (Commissioners Report No. 1999•P-4�'), which was adopted by Councfl on June ^.1999, 1.3 A working group, consisUng of representaqon irom lhe Regia� and area munlcipalities, was fortned by the Plannfng System Review Team in April, 1999, to implement the exemption of LOPAs. The work(ng group formulated the aitached reviseo procedures forArea Municipality Official Plane and Amendments which incorporetes LOPA exemption, as they affect Regianal aad area municipal roles in the process (Attachment 1). ' 1.4 The Minlstry of M�micipal Affairs and Housing, Urban Development institute, Conservation Authorities wilhfn lhe Region, Regional Works Department and Regfonal flealth Department were consulted in the preparation of the revfsed procedures. Approp�fate changas have been made to incorporate lhe comments recefved. 2. Steos to Imalement Exemation of LOPAs • 2.1 The steps needed to implement exempt(on of LOPAs include: �. a request to the Miniatry of Municipel Affalrs and Housing for an Exemption OMer, ' � e Regional by-lew toprovide fo(the exempUon of local oHicla) plan "� f emendmenta from Reglonal approval; end, . ;; ' � "� 4 J , • Qi ATTACHMENT i.J�TO ► Q _ G)(� PLANNINO REPOIiT • � � ^ � / Comm(ssioners Report No. 1999-P-88 Page 3 - ihe revised procedures which incorporate procedures for exemption of LOPAs 9or use by both ihe area munlcipalfties and the Regian, 2.2 Minister's Exemption Order The Planning Act allows the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, by order, to authorize the Region, to pass a bylaw to exempl local official plari amendments from Regional approval. A request to the Ministry for the appropdale Exemption Order is required. Provincial staff do not anticipate any problem (ssuing the Minister's Order, In keeping with the intended January 1, 2000 date for implementation, since consultations with the Ministry staff occurred throughout the preparation af the pracedures for exempllon. 2.3 Regionai Exemption By-law Upon receipt and aulhorization of the Minlster's Exemption Order, the Regional Solicitor will bdng forward a By-law for adoption. The By-law will address condilions imposed by Council for exempting certain Local O�icial Plan Amendments from Regional approval including guidelines for doterm�ning which appifcations are exempt, an adm(nistraUve procedure regarding existing files and, colleclion of fees by the area mun(cfpalities on behalf of lhe Region. 2.4 Revised Procedure for Local Of�Gal Plan Amendments The revised procedures, whfch incorpo�ate exemption of local officfai plan amendments, descdbe the Regional and area municipal roles (n spproval of LOPAs. It replaces the current Regional procedures far LOPA approval. There aro essenNally three functions lhe Regfon performs during this process: , a) upon recelpt of LOPAs from the ar;,a municipalitles, the Region reviewa, consults with fntemal depertments and other publ(c bodies, and comments to the area municipalities on applicapona wilhln 30 deys of recelpt. LOPA applicatlons which fneet the c�iteria ln the `� - ' exempUon bydaw wll� be exompt from Reglonal approval; . `a g 08. AITACHMENTM— lI —TO PWININO PEPORT I�9 Comm(ssioner's Repart No. 1999•1'-88 Page 4 b) the Regfon will monitor exempt LOPAs adopted by the area municipality to determine if changes have been made that may impact Regionai (nlerests and therefore waRant appeais by the Regfon; and c) the Region will continue to process those adopted amendrnents which have been detertnined to be not exempt . The current approval process for an adopted amendment will be followed. 3. AdminislraUve Mafters 3.1 The area municipality curten;ly collects a$500 LOPA approval fee on behalf oi lhe Reg(on. This revlsed procedure will change the collection of ihis fee by the area mun(cfpality, to when the application fs received for the Regfon's review and commenls. An amendment to the cuRent tariff fees will be 6rought forward to require lhe tee tor all privately initiated LOPA appl(cations at the applfcatfon stage. 3.2 AI� applications currently (n process will continue wilh the curtent review and approvai system. Operational procodures for the Region and the area municlpalities will be prepared to correspond with the new exemplion process. The Region will assist (n train(ng and provide advice ta the area munfcipalities to put the new process fnto effect. Ongoing monitoring of lhe redesfgned processes will occur. 4. Conclusion It Is recommended that Regional Councfl proceed to (mplement the exemptlon of LOPAs from Regfonal epproval by: . requesting an Exemption Order from the Ministry of Munlcipal Affairs and Housing; . euthorizing the Regionai Sol(dtor to bring forward a Regional Exemption By-law upon receipt of the ExempUon Order frorti the Mlnistry; • endorsing the revised procedures in Akachment 1 wh�ch �ncorporetes f: ':. � I � V � � x > � , i ��- 4,1' s '. - � �} .1 � t.�,_ � i _ c �:. .. H y y t h � r t ,rt, ,'` � ;'re �(� � �. � =ATTACNMENTI�TO�(� p(� . � � . ' PLANNINO,REPORTI I !' / � �' , . �, . . . ` , ,f . . . � . � Commfssloner's Report No. 1999•P-88 Page 5`, exempAon of Local Official Plan Amendments from Regional approval; and • aulho�izing lhe Regional Sol(dtor to bring forward an amended By-law prescrib(ng a tariff of fees. �� A.L. Georgief(' M ., R.P.P. Comm(ssioner of la ning Attachment 1. Procedures for Area Municfpal Offlcial Plans and Amendments RECOMMENDED FOR PRESENTATION TO COMMITTEE � � • G.H. , M.S.W., C,A.O. Ihazlwpll-2lapendasH A99H 1-09�A9Uopaexempldoc r, ,. ' } _ ;' �,v . i; f � `+ ;,i f 1 5 � i .� t� { `};� '1�'. ! . sa t t 3• .10' ATTACHMENTI. }I— TO"�p� pq PI,ANNIN(i REPOFiT I�L_i�. � 1 ';: "�•, Attachment 1 PROCEDURE AREA MUNICIPAL OFFICIAL PLANS AND AMENDMENTS' TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION AND DEFINtTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1,0 PRE-CONSULTATION AND RECEIPT OF APPUCATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1.1 Pre-Appiication Consultatlon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1.2 Application Submission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1,3 Appiication Circulation & Local Municipal iniqaled Amendments ....... 5 1.4 Preparation of Amendment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2,0 EXEMPT AMENDMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 .............. ... 2.1 Notice of Adoptton by Area Municipaliry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2.2 Review af Adopted Amendments by Regional Planning Commiss(oner . 7 2.3 Declarat(on by Area Munfcipality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 2.4 Appeal ................................................... 8 3,0 OFFICIAL PLANS AND NON•EXEMPT AMENDMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 3.1 Notice of Adoplion by Area Municipality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 3.2 Regional Receipt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 , 3,3 Regional Consultalion . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B ' 3,4 Post-C(rculaUon hom Regional Municipality of Durham . . . . . . . . . . . . . A 3.5 NoQce of Decision by the Regional Munlcipality of Dufiam ,......... 9 A) Standard Amendments ................................. 9 � B) Officlal Plans and Complex Amendments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 3.6 Declaration by Region . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 A) By Regional Planning Commissfoner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 I' B) By RegionalCouncil .................................. 11 3,7 Of�cial Plans and Non-Exempl Amendment Appeal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 ' The procedures that pertalri to exemption oi local offic(al plan amendments are highliphted. . ` � �J � � F' . _ '. R� �� �'t y'7 ii ' ` '_qTTACHMENTM�TO ,. � -. ' . . , . • .' ,, . . . c , �' , . ` PLANNINO REPOR7 M�9 .. h; . . . . . � ..� . .. ' ' � ... . . . . . 2 .. � INTRODUCTION AND DEFINITIONS ' The Planning Act assigns 1he Reglonal Munlcipalfry of Durham the approval authority for area municipal ofticial plans and area municipal official plan amendments. The following procedure establishes how Reglonal Councfl will exercise this author(ry. It applie:, to: � official plans and area municipal-Initiated amendments adopted by Area Municipal ' Counciis on or after January 1, 2000; and • appl(cant•initlated amendment applicaQons recelved by area municipalfties on or after January 1, 2000. in thfs document: a) "Amendment Appilcation" means a request by any person or public body, other than an area municipal council, to in!!late an amendment to an areo munlcipal offlclal plan; ' b) "Area Municipal•Initlated AmendmenP means an amendment to an area municlpal officinl plan Initfated by an area municipalily; c) "Area MuNcipal Cierk" means the Clerk for lhe Area MuNcipality; d) "Reglonal Clerk" means the Clerk for the Regional Munlcipality of Durham; e) "Replonai Planning Committee" means the Planning Cammittee for the Ragional Municlpalfty ot Durham; �"Compiex" means all area municfpal official plans and any of�cial plan amendment that is not considered standard In accordance with lhese proccdures; g) "Standard" means a non-exempt area munfcipal of�cial plan amendment which, fn lhe opinion of the Regional Planning Commissloner. i) has r9gard for the Provindal Pol(cy Statement; ii) conforms wilh the Durham Regional Official Plan; ili) the recommendation of the Commissioner is In accordance with the rocommendation of the Council of the area munfcipaiity; and � iv) the Commissioner determ(nes a review by Council ia not warranted. h) "Reginnal Co�mcil" means the Council of the Regional Municipality of Durhem; I) 'Area Municlpal Councll" means the Council ot the Area Municipaiity; J) "Delegated Provinciai Plan Review RasponalblUtles" means the Provindel . intereata In Plan Revlew delegate� to the Reglonel Munlcipality of Du�ham by the �. ;_. Memorandum of Underatanding between the Provirce ot Ontario and the Reglonal Municipality of Dufiam, deted April 17,1998; `' �0 � _� 9E r� �,:� t y�_, , � � �j i '�t. ��y ' � . i. � . : i�z �pttACHMENT a�.TO Y PLANNINO HEPORT N��.a�.9 • r': � � . . .. .. . ' J k) "Exempt Amendment Applicatlons" means all Amendment Applications which are localiy signfflcant and do not fall Into thg categories ident(8ed in I) below, which are categories exhiblting matters of Reglonal andlor Provincial intorest. I) 'NomExempt Amendment Apptications" means loca� Amendment Applications which oxhibit one or more Regionai andlor Provincial Interests as outlined below, s', � - are notconformity wilh the Regionat Official Pian or have a concurrent , Regional Official Plan Amendment; - impact substanqally an Regional servicing and road infrastructure; - change substantially Regianal capital forecasts; - Impact substantially Regionai traffic Oows; - involve maJor secondary plans; - propose large retall facilfUes with a Reglonal draw; - Involve signiflcant environmental issues; - are located in or impacl on the Oak Ridges Moraine; - are in proximity to major mfneral aggregate resources; - are in proximity to or including contaminated sites; - are in proximiry to sewage treatment plants and Iandfill sites; - have maJor cross boundary impacts; and - propose non-fartn development U lhe rural area. m) "OHicial Plan" means an ofliclal plan prepared ;or an area mun(cipaiity fn accordance with the Plannfng Act; n) ."Regional Planning Department" means the Plannfng Department for the Regional Munic(paiity oi Durham; o) "Area Municipal Planning Department" means the Planning Department for the Area Municipalily; and p) "Record" means a R�scord as doflned in lhe Planning AFt ; `.. � 7 . �� � . . �� �W ..� � � .. � - . 1`, _ . . . . . . � � � � - . . . �' ;J i� {] i , �i a �• �; gl _,,', � - ]3 �, ,.. � I1 '''A��HMENTM�TO�p pa FLANN(NO REPORT N � �'-r "/ ' 4 1.0 PRE-CONSULTATION AND RECEIPT OF APPUCATION 1.1 Pre-Applicatlon ConsultaUon 1.1.1 The applicanUowner or their author(zed agent are encouraged to discuss the proposed Ofticfal P�an Amendment with the Area Municipalfty and the Regional Mun(cipality of Durham prfor to subm(ssfon. The �lanning process can be explained to the applfcant at th(s time, 1.1,2 The applicant submits prescribed fn(ormaGon and malerial as requlred by the Planning Act, as well as, olher supplemontal background or supporting InformaAon or material, as detertnined by the Area Munlclpaiity to understand and evaluate the applfcat(on, In situetions where the Area Munic(palily has not recelved the presafbed informatlon, the Councii may refuse to consider the OPA and the Ume period for conslderallon of the appifcatfon referred to In the Planning Act, does not begin. In the event other applications are needed (eg, Durham Regional Official Plan Amendment, Zoning ByLaw Amendment, Plan of Subdivision, efc.) tha ., appllcant may be required to submit other add(lional information wilh those ap{�Iicetions, 1.2 Appitca�lon Submisslon 1,2,1 A compiete application generally InGudes the following information: I) one origtnal copy of tha applicatlon form, with originai signatures; il) a sufficlent number of photocoples of the orfginal application form, in accordance with the area muntcipality's requirements; iii) one photocopy of any related Regional Offic(al Plan Amendment Applicatfon Form, if applicable; Iv) one copy of the proposed oHicial plan amendment; v) a sufffcient number of copiee uf any background andlor technical documentat�on required as part of this application; � vi) a sufficient number oi copies of a survey or plan for the sub)ect lands, tolded to a size suiteble for mailing, showing ` the locetion of lhe ' ,; property, existing site features, edjacent lend uses and site features, deteils of the proposed land use(s) and ihe extent of the appiicanYs lend holdings; vil) one photateduced copy ot the survey or plan (B'�" x 11" or 8K" x 14"); t`„ � J� ` �, , .� 2 4� ,�: � � � . .`; � , � � , , , �. �. .14 ,; .1 ATiACHMENir�TOl �` p� � t PLANNINO PEPORT 0�/ �; � . ". 5 viii) the survey or plan (dig(tal format is optional) in accordance with lhe Area Municipal(ty's standards; ix) the applicable appiicatlon and processfng fees, by cheque, cash or money order. Note: The bolded areas are prescribed informatfon as required by the Planning Act andfor regulaUons. 1.2,2 The Area Munic(paliry receives the appifcation and reviews it for "completeness', For applications deemed "incomplete', the Area Municfpality advises the applicant a(ter receipt of the mate�lal, For applications deemed 'complete', the applicant is advised of the appiicatton file number, and receipl of payment. 1.3 Application Circulation & Local Manicipal initlated Amendments 1.3.1 The Area Municipality circulates the amendment appiication and related documents to those Intemal departments and entemal agenctes whlch the Area Municipaiity deems approprtate. The Area Municipality forwards to the Regional Planning Department the Amendrnent Appllcation and all related material as may be required by the Regional Municipality of Durham. 1.3.2 The Area Municipality shail coliect and submit to the Region, wlth each amendment appllcatton, Regional Processing Fee(s) established under Section 69 of the Planning Act and In accordance with the Regional Fee by-law. 1.3.3 The Reglonal Planning Dopartment opens a flle for each proposed amendment applicatlan using the area municipal flle number tor Identiflcation. 1.3.4 The Reglonal Planning Department clrculatea each proposed amendment applicatlon to the approprlate Reglonal Depa�lmants for revlew and comments and to other publlc bailea as deemed necessary. 1.3.5 The Replonal Planninp Department edvieee the Area Municfpality in - w�iting within 30 dmys of receipt of the circulaUon ot the application whether the appllcation Is or la not exempt, ueing the crlterla outllned In tha de8nidon. The Raglon wlll make the decis�on on the exemptlon of a LOPA applicatlon and will comu►t wilh the Area Municlpality and ; •,; . . the aapilc�nt. ;�3 �� lJ ATTACNMENTN�TO , p p PLANNINO REPORT M� / 6 1.3,8 In addition, ihe Regional Planning Department advises the Area Municipality in writing, following receipt of notice of OPA applicaUon of the poslQon oF the Regional Municipality of Durham regarding: a) Durham Reg(onal Oftidal Plan Coniormiry; b) The Provindal Policy Statemen; and Policies in accordance with Durham's Memorandum of Understandfng wlth ihe Province; and c) Any required changes and/or modifications to bring the OPA into compllance with Regional Municipality of Durham requirements. � 1.3.7 The Area Munfcipality conducts a pub�ic meeting for the applical(on fn accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act and regulations, The optfon for joint public meetings may be a possibiHty in some cases. However, as also set out in the Planning Ac:l, the requ(rement to hold a public meeting Is waived if the Ar9a Munlcipal Council refuses to adopt an OPA requested by a person or other public body. �. 1.3,8 Once in recelpt of all comments from the cfrculaUon, lhe Area Municipalfty preo�res a planning report for the Area Municipal Council lo consider the OPA. 1.4 Preparation of Amendment 1.4.1 PAor to the adnption of an amendment with substantive revlsfons to the original amendment document revlewed by the Reglonal Municipality of Durham under 1.3.4, the Area Munlcipality discusses the revised amendment wilh the Regtonal Planning Department to conflrm exemptlon status. The Reglonal Planning Department caii request circulation of the revised amendment to the Regionai Municlpality of Durham to review exemptlon status. 2A EXEMPTAMENDMENTS 2.1 Notico of Adoptlon by Area Municipality 2.1.1 , The Area Municipa� Council may make one of the follow�ng declslons regarding an Exempt amendment, , , ;. a) adopt; � •x...- . - , b) adopt wlth revislons; or ��'• : , _�; c) refuse or deny. SY � 7 } , . � r,�L•. . . •.. . � . J. :,; i" � 16 - ATTACNMENTM�T�O �q pq PLANNINO REPORT �_L1:_` / 7 . 2.1.2 The Area Municipaiity gives written Notice of Adoptton of the amendment, as ruqulred by the Planning Act. The 20-day time period !or submisslon of notices of appeal to the OMB by any person or public body commences on the day that Notice of Adoption Is completed. 2.2 Revlew of Adopted Amendments by Regional Planning Commissioner 2.2.1 The Reglonal Plannirg Commissloner �n deciding whether to appeal, wlii calso consult with Intemal departments, if necessary, and check to ensure: a) the adopted Amendment was processed in accordance with the Planning Act and the regulations; b) that the Notice of Adoption contalns a statement advising that the adopted Amendment Is exemp!; c) that the adopted Amendment was dlscussed with the Regional Planning Commissloner p�ior to adoptlon, it the Amendment was substantially changed after the Public Meeting; - d) that the adopted Amendment is consistent with the proposed amendment upon which the exemption was based. If the adopted Amendment is not consistentwith the proposed amendment upon which the exemption was based, the Regional Planning Commissioner may lodge an appeal of the Amendment; 2.3 Deciaration by Area Munictpality 2.3.1 If the Area Munlcipality does not receive a nodce of appeal of the Notice of Adoption withln the 20-day time period, the Area Municipal Council's decision bocomes flnal and comes Into torce on the day after the last day for submitting notices of appeal as specifled In the notice. 2.3.2 The Clerk, or designate oi the Area Municipality provldes a swom declaration that Notice of Adoptlon was given and a noNce of appeal was not received wlthin the 20�day time period specifled for submitting notices of appeal. The Area Munlclpal Clerk wlll cerllty the approved document, retain the origlnal for municipal records and dist�ibute coples of the Adopted amendment and aworn decleration as follows: a) one certiiled copy to the Repional Clerk; and, b) capies .to the applicant and publlc bodlea who requested notiilcatio�. ,; i�J . ATTACHMENTI�TO ► Q pC� PuNNINO REPORT r�l,. � / 8 2.4 Appeal 2.4.1 If the Area Municipalfty receives a noHce of appeal of the Area Muntcipal Council's decfslon within the 20-day time perlod (the Area Municfpal Clerk wlll conflrm that the notfce of appeal is in the form required by the Planning Act, and will prepare the Record, as reauired by the Ptanning Act), the Area Municipal Clerk, within 15 days after the notice of appeal is recelved, shall forward the Record to the OR�B and the Regional Munlclpality of Durham. 2.4.2 In the event that the OMB dismisses the appeal or the appeal is withdrawn, the proposed amendment shall continue to be processed or the Notice of Adoption shall be prepared, whichever the case may be, upon recelpt of notice from the Board. 3.0 OFFICIAL PLANS AND NON•EkEMPT AMENDMENTS 3.1 Notice oi Adoptlon by Area Municipality 3.1,1 For adopted Amendments determined non-exempt, a Record Is forwarded by the Area Municipality lo the Reglonal Planning Commissloner within 15 days of the adopUon by the Area Mun(cipal Council. 3.2 Regional Rece(pt ' 3,2.1 The Reglonal Plann(ng Department receives written notice for adopted Officlal Plans and amendments from area municfpa�iQes, as requfred by the Plannfng Act. 3.2.2 The Regional Planning Deparlment checks to ensure the submission includes the complete Record required by lhe Plannfng Act and the appropriate fee(s). The Roglonal Plann(ng Commfssianer may refuse to accept any Record that is fncomplete. 3.3 Reglonal Consultation 3.3.1 Generally, the Regional Planning Department accepts the circuletion and in some instances d6tennines that consultatlon with other public bodles is necessary: a) the adoptod Of�cial Plan or amendment wfll qe dreulated with a request for comments wllhin 30 days; and r', � b) followine lhe circulatlon pe�lod, copies oi the circuladon Iist, a summary ��� " ur copies of the commenls received and any eubmisslons trom lhe publ!c wlll be forwarded to lhe Area Munlcipality. : `�s 1. 7 , ;r �... :. ,_.,,_ .:..,� ,. . . . _ . . .. , .„ , �', 4 . . . . . . . :.is ATTACHMENTI Tp (C� �� . PI.ANNINO REP0�1 1 / -! �:. f . `t f' ` ,,; : 8 3.4 Post-Circulation from Regional Municfpalfty of Dufiam 3.4.1 The Regional Planning Commiscloner, upon recelpt of comments from the pubiic bodies consuited, will identify any proposed modiftcatfons andlor deferrais. 3.4.2 Where no modiEcations and/or deferrals are proposed, the Regional Planning Commissioner may determine thal an adopted amendment is Standard, 3.4.3 Where modi0calfons and/or deferrals are proposed, the Regional Planning Commissioner will send a pos4circulation letter lo lhe Area Municipal Clerk oullining lhe proposed modfflcation and ralionale for changes requesting a response. A copy of the lefler will be sent to the applicant, if applicable, and the aBected public bodies. 3.4.4 The Reglonal Planning Commissioner will receive the Area Municipal Cauncil's response to the proposed modiBcations and/er deferrals conlained in the post-clrculaGon letter. For minor technical and housekeeping changes, a respanse irom Area Mun(cipal sta(( may be received. 3.4.5 The Regional Plannfng Commissioner, upon review of comments and the response from the Area Municipality, wili detertnine the Amendment to be � Standard ar Complex. All Offidal Plans are deemed to be Complex. 3.5 Notice of Decision by the Reglonai Munlclpailty of Durham A) Standard Amendments 3.5.1 The Rsgional Plann(ng Commissioner may make one of the following decisions: a) approve as adopted by the Area Munlcipai CaunGl; b) approve with modiflcations supported by the Area Munidpal Coundl; or c) partially approve with de(errals and/or modificaGons supported by the Area MunfGpal Council, (Note: should the Regional Planning Commis�loner recommend denlal of a standard amendment, proceed to Section 3,5.5.) ; 3.5.2 `. The Regional F'lanning Commfs�ioner shaU 81ve wrilten noUce oi the dedsion 1�, tor an approved amendment, ae required by the Planning Act. The 20-day , tlme pedod for submlasion ot noGces of a�peal to the OMB by eny �?erson or publicbody commences on the last day that noQce is given. t:. ,i .. ' ���: {t! � . �( rr= . � . . � . 19 ATTACHMENTI�TO CC�`'p PIANNiNa AEPOtiT • 7 g 10 3.5,3 If the Regional Planning Commissioner does not receive a notice of appeal 6f a decision wilhin the 20-day time period, the Regional PlannfnQ Commissloners decislon becomes flnal and comes Into force on the day afler the last day for submifling notices of appeal as specified in the notice. 3.5.4 If the Regional Planning Commissioner rece(ves a notfce of appeal of the Reg(onal Planning Commissioner's decision within lhe 20-day time period, the Reglonal Clerk shall forward w(thin 15 days lhe necessary Record to the OMB. B) Official Pians and Complex Amendments 3.5.5 The Reglonal Planning Commissioner will prepare a report to Regional Plannfng Committee and Regfonal Council recommending a decis(on regarding an Official Plan or a Complex Amendment. 3.5.6 The Reglonal Planning Department will gfve not(ce of the date, lime and location of consideration of the Regional Plannfng Commissionar's report by Regional Planning Committee and Reg(onal Counci�. 3.5.7 Regional Plannfng Committee wili consider the Regional Plann(ng Commissioner's report and recommend a decislon to CaunGl. , 3.5,8 Regfonal Coundl considers Regional Planning Comm(ttee's recommendaUon and make one af the following decisians: a) approve as adopted by the area mun(cipal council; b) approve with modifications; c) partially approve with deferrals and/or modfficatlons; or d) refuse or deny, In whole or fn part Official P�ans and complex amendments. 3.5.9 The Reglonai Clerk will give written notice of Regional Council's decis(on. The 20-day t(me period within which a nott� of appeal may be subm(tted by an erson o ubli d y p r p c bo y commences on lhe last day that notice is g(ven. 3.5.10 If thri Regional Clerk does not rece(ve a notice of appeal withfn the 20-day : time pedod, Regional CounGl's dedsfon becomes flnal and comes into force on the day after the lasl day for submifling notices of appeal as spaGfled fn the notice. ` 3.5.11 If the Regional Clerk recelves a noNce of appeal of Reglonal Coundl's decision wllhin the 20•day time perlod, the Reglonel Clerk shall forwarc! the ,' � necessary Record to the OMB. .. ., .. . .`7� .. .. . . ; ._:.... . .....fA ' . ......:. :. .. . .... .:... � .. .. .. . .:. : .r. . ':. ...: . .. . . .. . � ,20. A77�AHMENTr�TO� (�` (�p PLANNINO REPOflT I,,.L,L:,7 / 11 3.6 Declaration by Region A) By Regional Pianning Commissloner (Standard) 3,6.1 The Regional Planning Cammissioner will sign an approval page for standard amendments that do not require review by Regfonal Coundl, 3.6.2 The Reglonal Planning Commissioner will provide a swom declaration lhat notice of the declsion was given and an appeal was not recoived within the 20-day t(me period specified tor submitting such appeals. 3.6.3 The Regional Planninp Commissioner's approval page and the orig(nal and two copies of the approved amendment w(II ba sent to the Area Munlclpal Clerk wllh a request ro certify the approved document and dlstribute coples as follows: a) one certified copy ta the Reglonal Clerk; b) one certified copy to MMAH; and c) copies to the applicant, if applicabie, and any public bodies who requested notiflcation. B) By Regional Councll (OHicial Plans and Complex Amendments) 3.6.4 The Regional Chairwill sign an approval page to (ndicafe Council's approval of Of�clal Plans and Complex Amendments. 3.6.5 The Regional Clerk will provide a swom declaration that notice of the decision was given and fhat the Regional Clerk did not receive any notices of appeal within the 20-day t(me perlod speci8ed for submitt(ng not(ces of appeal. 3,8.6 The Regional Clerk wili forward the approval page and the original and rivo copies of the approved Official Plan or amendment to the Area Municipal Clerk with a request lo cerlify tha approved document and distribute coples as follows; a) one certifled copy to the Reglonal Clerk; b) one certified copy to MMAH; and c) copies to the applicant, if applicable, and any public bodles who requested notiflcation, 3.7 Offlcial Plans and Non•Exempt Amendment Appeal 3.7.1. Where the Regional Munlcipalfly of Durham does not make a dedsion wilhin 90 days of rece�pt oi an adopted amendmenl the person or public body who requested the adopted amendment mey appeal to the OMB by 811ng a notice of appeal with the Regional Clerk. U eddiGon, any pereon or public body may appeal a declslon of lhe Reglonal Plenning Commissloner or Reglonal �� � _ . , .. , . _ Y.:. _ ,�}� � � � �. 21 ATTACHMENTp._.{�TO/A _Qn. PLANNINO REPORT N � � � 7 ✓.- j . , .' + , 12 Council, as the case may be, to the OMB by fiflng a not(ce of appeal with the : Regional Clerk within 20 days of the giving o( w�itten notice of dec(sion. 3.7.2 The Regional Plannfng Department confirma lhal the notice of appeal is in the form required by lhe Planning Act, and will prepare and forward the Record, as required by the Planning Act, to lhe Reglanal Clerk. 3.7,3 3.7.4 The Regional Clerk forwards, within 15 days after the notice of appeal is received, the Record to the OMB and farwards a copy to the MMAH, In the event that lhe OMB dismisses the appeals, or the appeals are wilhdrawn, the amendment Is finai and binding. The admin(straiive processfng of lhe adopted amendment resumes upon receipt of notice from the Board. , ' �, , �`t � ;, J '. i '; � i. ���RYUIIVNOGE30'NPD �~ ' . 1'tl �