HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW 09/99�O��OFp� � 23 � REPORT TO COUNCIL PROM: Richard Holbom DATF: Murch 15, 1999 Dircctor of Public Works Bruca Tuylor 1'own Clcrk REPORTNUMDER: PW-09-99 SUIIJECT: Termite Control RECOMMENDAT[ON: Thnt Council receive Report PW-09-99, and adapt the termite control stmlegy desrrilr:J licrein, nnd thnl u grnnt bc madc to the Urban Enlomology Progrnm at thc Univcrsity of Toronto in 1999 and 2000 in the amounls of 516,016.00 anJ S12,496.00 rcspectively; and thal ihese g�nls be ullocnted in nccount ? 195 (Grnnls to Organimlions and Individuals). ORIGIN: Dclegation to Council by aren rcsidcnis of November 2, 199R. Request from CAO. AUTHORITY: For ihc grnnts; T'he Ahu�lcipu! Acl, R.S.O, 1990, c. M.45, S. 113 ( I). �1NANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: To put into effect the progrnm rccommcnded by Dr. Timothy Mylcs, thc following Grnnts must bc mnda lo thc Urban Entomology Progmm ut thc University of Toronto. SI6,OIG.00 in 1999 b 12,496.00 in 2000 Thesc amounts havc 6een included in thc Town's 1999 Currcnt Budget, Account 2195, Grnnts ta Organiwtions nnd Individuals. EXECU7'!VE SUMMARY: Tertnite colonies fecd on thc cellulosc which binds wood celis togethcr, and havc thc potentinl to cnuse significnnt damagc to wood frnmcd buildings. A tertnitc infestation in Pickcring which first bccumc apparcnt in 1987, rcmains activc toduy and is a causc for conccm to rcsidcros in thc nrcn boundcd by Mald�n Crcsccnt, Flcnsall Court and Dowlcr Drivc. A tcm�itc colony suppression and elimination tcchnique kno�m as 7'fR (Trnp, Trcat and Rclense) has becn `�7�eport to Council GM 01-�9 Dnte: 02/22/99 Subiect: Tertnite Cuntrol Z recently devclopcd by Dr. Timothy Mylcs at tha University of Toronto, and hns undcrgonc cxtensivc trinls ovcr the past five ycurs. Thc tcchniquc is enviranmcntnlly bcnign, unlikc tradilionnl chcmical cxtermination, and recent field studies in Toronto hnvc shown that thc entirc colony can bc climinuted through this icchniquc. Thc To�m hns a uniquc opportunity to approach this issuc in u pro-activc manner in the inleresls of lhe comnwnity ns a wholc, by partncring with thc Universily in conducting a control program with thc spccific goal of climinnting !he colony over ihe next two ycars. E3ACKGROUND: In 1987, Ihe Town becume aware of n Tcrmite infcstation in the arca bounded by Maldcn Crescent, Hensall Covrt nn�l Dowlcr Drive, nnJ pnssed by-law 2G1G/87 on November IG, 1987, which provided for u tcrmitc control progmm. Thc program nl Ihal timc consistcd of promating chemicnl extennination on individunl properties, anJ distributing grants provided through Ihc Ministry of Cnvironmcnt to ntTectcd homcoancrs in orJcr to offsct somc of thc wst of chcmical conlrols and building repair. The Ministry sun�eyed the urea in 1989 and canlirmed the presence of termites activcly fornging in and aroimd n scrics of d�sellings on Malden Crescent. Dcspitc ongoing pest coNrol cflbrts by homco��•ncrs in this arca, thc colony hus persistcd, and cviJencc of activc fornging and rcsulting damagc to a homc on MalJcn Cresccnt was obscrved by'fo�vn building inspcctors in thc fnll ol' 1998. Conventionnl chemical pest cunlrol melhods can be ellccti��e in controlling termites on a parlicular property, but gencrnlly have li!tle cftccl on thc lxlow �round colony ilsclf, �ehich can consist of millions of tcrmiles, Any ongoing slmtegy �ehich cmploys chcmicul controls by inJividuul humco«�ncrs as thc principal npprcach ��•ill not climinalc Ihc prohlcm, prcvenl futurc recurrences nor necessarily kcep the colony from sprcading to surrounding propertics. Thc infcstntion in Pickcring nppears to hc Iocali�xJ and isolateJ, imd, although it has persisled for over a Jecnde, appcars still to bc rclativcly conlained at present. If nal dcalt with in a comprchcnsive manncr, ho��•ever, the colony has the polenlial to sprcad and uffect u much lurger urca of Ihc communiry, nnd becomc a much more sibnilicanl issuc for thc'I'own. This has bccn thc expericnc: in 7'oronto nnd Guclph. '17ic pro��incial grant program has sir,cc bccn discontinued, and funding is no longcr a��ailablc to Ihc Town or homco��mcrs to nddress Ihis problem. RECOMbfGNDGD TCRMITE CONTROL 1'ROGRAM: A comprchensivc stratcgy which is intended to coNrol anJ craJicntc tcrmitcs must includc: I. Housekceping activilics by property owners, lo removc arcas of wood•soil contact nt buildings, and climinate polentinl feeding sites in ynrds; 2. Conventionnl chemical treatments by homcowncrs as a wntrol mcasure for spccific buildings, nnd 3. Direct suppression and eliminntion of the colony ilself. Although Ihe first two activitics nrc in practical tcrms thc responsibiliry of homcowncrs in Ihc nren, the actual suppression nnd eliminalion of thc colony can only be put into effcct by Ihc Town. It is thcrefore recommended that thc To�m fund a suppression progrum, \VII�CH 1VIII IlAVc a real and Insting bcncfit to thc communiry ns n wholc, rnthcr Ihnn compclling inJividual oarocrs to curry out ongoing chemicul trcalments and providiug grants to ol�sct privatc trcntments. Onc of thc most respected tcrmite entomologists in North Amcrica, Dr. Timnthy Myles, Dircctor of the Urban Entomolagy Program al thc Univcrsily of Toronlo, is curccully cnrrying out pmcticul rescnrch in tcrmitc control. Sponsorship from municipulilics is thc principul sourcc of funding for this progrum, and conlrol programs arc cumnAy hcing cnrricd out far thc Cily nf Toronto anJ Guclph. Dr. Mylcs hns revicwcu thc particular� of thc currcnt infcstntion in tlic Report to Council dM O1-99 Datc; 02/22/99 2 Jr Su6iect: Tcnnite Control 1 3 To�m with the Chief Ouilding Official, anJ has proposed a p�5ri for Pickcring, which incluJcs thc explicit o6jective of complelely emdicnting Ihc colony. Dq�uils of his commenmry, thc '('fR progrum, his specific rccommendations and summary of costi ;{ rc attacheJ. Thc wsts far this progmm nrisc principnlly from ihe stnkiup;, lmpping, relcasing und relutcd Inbomlory nctivites which will bc cnrcied out by a teum of tcchnicinns from Dr. Myles ofiicc. Thc totnl progrnm wsts represenls approximately $I50 for coch of the residentinl propertics in the immediatc arca which ure considcred ut risk ut the present time. 'fermile Progrnm Cost Summary 1999 Z000 Tmpslmnpping/supplies/reponing 2000.00 800.00 Technicians (1 visit per week) 5760.00 4160.00 Vehicle cosls I800.00 . 1400.00 Principal [nvestigutoc SOOO.OD 5000.00 Universiry overheud 1456.00 I 136.00 Total coat� S16016.00 512496.V1C As a part of lhe TTR program, property owners in thc nllccted nrca «�ould bc adviseJ of thc necd for housekeeping anJ chemicnl control wherc necessary, until the colony is eliminu�ed. Thc town's existing termite conlrol bylaw proviJes n mechanism to compcl properry owners to cnrry� out specific termitc control mc�.sures on their pro�xrty, shoulJ Ihc necd arise. �y-law enforcement is, howevcr, considercd usc(ul only ns a complemcntury mcchanism to hclp nssure the success of the 7TR progrum in cradicating tlie tennite colony. ATTACHMEN'I'S: i. Location Mop 2, Dy-Iaw261G187 3. Lcltcr of Dec. 3, 199R from 'Pimolhy G. Mylcs, I)inctor, Urban I'sntmnology Program, Universiry of'Poronto, conceming termite problem and recommenJalions. 4. Curricuhim Viluc of Dr. T�mothy 0. Myles, 5, "Taronto's war on lcmiitcs", Canudian Gcogrophic, Scptcmbcr/Octobcr 1997. 6. "Tcrmitc Tips", newslcucr of thc Urban F.ntomology 1'ragram, Novcmbcr 1 �94. 7. City of Guclph, Spreud of Icrmites 1975-1997. Preparcd Dy: Approved / Gndorscd Dy: Tim M ore , Chief Duilding Official Ricl olbom, Director o ublic Works Brucc Tnylor, Town Clcrk TJM:tm: Copy, T, J. Quinn, Chief Administrative Oflicer G. Puterson, Direclor of Pinancc Rccommcnded far the consideration of Pickering Town Council . y�`�/6 9 I' omns J, Qui , Chief dministm Officet � LEGEND KNOI%N /NFESTAT/ONS � TRAP—TREAT—RELEASE (TTR) AREA � PROPOSED STAKING AREA TO11N OF PICKERINO TERMITE REPORT waic �aro:s arNnucxr ,.,, 80WLER DRIVE AND MALDEN CRESCENT scuc i:+000 - rca iu�o i , �' . 2 `l. THE CORPORATION OF TNE TONN OF PICNERING BY-LAN NUMDER zela /B7 Be1ng a by-laN to provide for termitc control Nhereas pursuant to subsecttons 173 and 114 of the Munlclpal Act, R.S.O, 1980, c. 302, as amended, by-laws may be passed by the cauncils of tacal municipalities to provide for termite control; Now Therefore the Councll of the Corporation of the Town of Pickering hereby enacts as follows: 1. In this by-law a) "residential building" means (i) a building used solely for human habitatlon including any attached accessory use, or (11) any butiding not exceeding three stories 1n height containing at least one dwe111ng unit; b) "�welling unit" means a suite of tNO or more rooms intended for domestic use and so used by one or more individuals and contalning caoking, sleeping and sanitary fac111ties; c) "inspector" means a person deslgnated by the Council of the . Corporation of the Town of Pickering to enforce the provisions of thls by-law; � d) "Town" means the Corporation of the Town of Plckering. 2. The person fran tlme to time holding the office of Chief Bullding Inspector is hereby designated as an inspector ta enfarce the provisions of thls by-law, 3. An lnspector may give to an owner of any building or structure heretofore or hereafter erected notice in writing requiring that the bullding or structure be made resistant to termites or other wood destroying lnsects by treatment of the soil adjacent thereto by a licensed pest or termlte exterminator 1n such manner and by such means as is specifled in the notice, or requiring that the building or structure be made resistant to termites or other wood-destroying insects by any o'rher means speclfied in the notice, and upon recelpt of such notice the owner shall forthNlth carry aut the requtrement thereof. 4. No person shall erect a building in which Nood structural members are used, unless the soil beloN the foundatfons and the lowest floor nf the building and the soil adjacent to the foundatlon walis artd supporting piers is first impregnated Nith a chemlcal toxic to termits in such a manner that there is no subgrade access to the building struct�re except Lhrough such chem1ca11y treated so11. 5, Nhere any soil, debris, wooden pole, tree, stump or other wooden or cellulose material not being part of a building has become lnfested with termites or other wocd-destroying insects an inspector may glve to the owner of such soil, debrls, wooden pole, tree, stump or other material, noEice in Nritlng certlfytng that such infestation exists and requlring that the said soil debrls, wooden pole, tree, stump or other material be removed and destroyed, and upon receipt of such noilce the owner shall forthwith carry aut the requlrements thereof. � _ � 28 6, The Tovm may, upon appllcallon made to it for that purpose, pay to ar on behalf of the owner of a resldentlai building a portlon of the co�,t incurred hereafter by such owner in repalring damage done tn �ach residentlal bullding by termltes or of rendering any residenNal bu11d1ng heretofore erected resistant to termites, such portlon being an amount fixed by the Town, not exceeding 50% of the said cost. 7. 11e ToHn may, upon application made to it for t��+t Purpose, loan to an owner of a residential building for purposes of being applled to the cost incurred hereafter by such owner in repairing damage done to such residential building by termites or other wood-destroying insects or rendering any residentlal building heretofore erected reslstant to termites or oCher aoad-destroying lnsects such portlon being an amount fixed by the Town not exceeding the actual cost of • such work less any amount paid by the To►m in respect thereof under Sectlon 6, 8. Nhen an oHner intends to make an applicatlon pursuant to Sections 6 and 7 or either of them he shall do so by deliverin9 the same to the Clerk and before the carrying out of the. work of repairing damage• to the residentlal building by termites� or other wood-destroying insects or of rendering the samc reslstant thereto, the Clerk shall report thereon, with his recomnendatton to Council, and the Council may in its dlscretlon grant or refuse any such application or may grant the same sub,�ect to such terms and conditions as the Council may prescribe. 9. Every person who contravenes any provision of this by-law is guilty of an offence and upon convlction thereof is liable to a fine of not more than 52,000.00, excluslve of costs. By-law passed a first, second and third tlme and flnaily passed thls 16th day of November, 1987 ��� %.o ��j.., yor / /, "%�e.�e�c /' ,�. Clerk ;� . �' � .:,. � ' ; , ` . : . ' fACULTY OF � . � FORE�STRY � .�� .UN1�1/ERSITY � �OF�TORONTO ��..' : ' � �i (¢� '� ' • EaN Sdences Centie 33 Wilkockt SUee1 � Taonto, Onwlo , Canada M5s3&7 • • Fvc416 97B•3834 . .. � . . ,' . ' "• ' ' .. , URBAN ENTOMOLOOY PROORAM � • . . . � . , . . � . . . . ' PMiw 116-0i68763 . Decembc 3 1996 ' �', , `� • . r� .. I �i�; .il�;i�� jl';,; i• '�� . ,. Mr. Tim Moora � ' ' ' ' . 1 I� � F,r.c �, .: ,�:;r� ;: . . ChiefDuilding0�icial • • � ' Public Works Depertment �• •.• i l?Y h 11�;; I:i.;�:�i:.� ilh �� •TownofPickcrinB : . ... r::...:.;a;r.i,�+wit,�:iu. , Pickcring Civic Complez. • � • : ' • , . ' Pickering, ON LiV 6K7 '. ' . Dear Mr. Moore, . • � ; • ; ' I enjoyed mecting you and your assistant on Novembei 9 and having the .• , � opportunity to show you the Termile Lab and discuss tlic tcrmite pioblem in • Pickering. The acrinl maps of the infesled areu and the phologrophs that yau provided ate most helpful in planning an area wi�e control strategy'. The . ' infestetion in Pickering appears to slill be quite smnll, conleined end therefora should be relntively easy lo mnnaga Also, forlunalcly, the nrca is boundcd by . the major• streets, Dixie Road, �inch Avenue, Liverpool Road and Glena�na • Road end thesc should scrve os long tcrm physical bnrriers should tha ,' lnfestatlon spread.� At present, confirnicd nclivc infcslalions apparenlly arc known only nlong thc east side of Maiden Crescencdnd on Ihe southwest side of Mulden Crescent on tl�e comcr of Dowler. Gcoli Cuucn's report of )uly 22, 1988 indicated that the • . infestations mt thc cast sidc of Mnlden Crescent wcrc known ten years ago but � at thut time noC known from properties on thc west side of Maldcn Crescent or on tl�e adjoining back sidc, on Flenspll. Tficreforc the colony docs appear to ' liavc sprcad since Aint timc across tiie strccl and it is also vcry likcly that Iha termites hhvc by now sprcnd into lhe adjnccnt propertics on Hensell Court, and . possibly also nlong Dowlcr. . • � , Termile colonies cnn casily spread at ihe ratc of el least IO.meters'per year if .' they can find feeding and ncsting resources for'such expansion. Howeyer, if: • ' , accessible resources, and in pnrliculnr nesling resourccs such a; stumps, ara nob aveilnbla in yards, qicn the termi(e foraging terrilory may not.expand at; all or , � expansion will occur much.more slowly, . In gencral, tlic residential urbnn environmenl tends to supply an e6undancc of • lermite feeding and nesting resouroes. Such resource items ere lo�ated in yards ,' � and in the stn�ctures themselves.. The Inndscaping ofyards is particularly •,impoitant because termites usually first establish theinselves in the yard before ••. finding access'to structures. Yard items,indude wood fence posts, deck , supports, retaining walls, edging boards, stumps, sheds, do houses, compost' � ' . . .� , '. . . ,� .� ' .. . � RklMaiiOOxposltanwrorehsledwpn. .. _ �. . � � . . . - . . . . . � . � � � � � . . . • ,$� �' boxes, plantcrs, bird fecder posts, sniid boxes, pnnlydcad ahrubs, vines, treea, .. ' firewood plles, scrnp lumbcr piles, cardbonrd boxes, woad ahede, wood chip • � mulch, etc. Therofure, properties adjacent to known urcas of infestetion should . • bo includcd in a tcrmllo mnnagement pinn end ihc owncrs of U�ese propedics •. . should ba strongly encournged to eliminale, or clevate, all wood items in soii contact. . . �• Termite access to residential stn�ctures muy occur via 6uilding defects, buried • ' , building rubblc, foundalion cracks and joinls, improperly-constNCted atair ' stringers, raised (lower beds and pluntcrs adjacent to walls, low clearance ' , batween grade level and tloorievel, etc. Rosidential slructuras wilhin the • .' foreging area of termite colonies (by evidence of activity in their yards or by ', the fact that tliey are loceted between other known infesled properties, or ere � . edjocant to them) should be chemicully Ireated as a remcdial or precautionary • • measure, even if no infestnlion is dctecicd. Residents in such nreas should be strongly urged, or possibly required under the municipal bylaw, to underteke such tienlmcNs. . . ��• In addition to wood sanilation in yards and chemical barrier irealments af . � structures, a third component of a termite control progrnm cnn'include efforts , to directly suppress Uie Icrmitc colony: Colony suppression techniqucs are slill new and undergoing continuous tesling and improvements. In my lab at Uie ' • Universiry of Toronto; over the last eisht years, we Imvc dcveloped a colony • • suppression Icclmiquc called Trnp-Trcat-Rclease (TTR). • This teclmiquc hus been extensivcly ficld tested on ovcr G00 propenies over ihe ' : last fivc years in �he Taronto sren. On nlmo�t all sites substantiel suppression is . '. achieved in lhc first ycar. On most sites, two or more ycars of treatmcnts ere rcquired before rcnching a 90� 100% suppression Ievel. On well over holf the •, ' sites we hnve nchieved u Icvel of control ub which there is no more termite trnp '� • activiry or thc activity is so low nnd sporadic that the sitcs hnve been placcd on ' sclf monitoring. Totni cradicnlion Ims generally not becn our objectiva becausa ' ' it wus impractical to ddimit thc infcslation throughout ihe ncighborhoods in ' ' • which we worked. Re•invasion from adjacent orcas rcmains a rculistic • • possibility on most of our test sites, which seriously confounds the • ',. inlerpretation of lingcriny, low•Ievel, or sporaJic activily wilhin lest silcs. Does this aclivity represent remnnnts of tha original populnlion that escaped wntrol ' or docs it indicele re-invasion Gdm ndjacent untrcnted tcrmil'c p,pulations7 In � '., most such cases we suspcct rainvasion but wc ure unable to resolve this wilh . certainty. ' , . . Therefore, it would be of great interest ro me, from n research perspectiva, to, .• ' undertake trials of thC 7"fR techniquc in more distunt, outlying localities wliera • . . thc infestation is likely lo have startcd from a singlc iniroduclion point and not ' � yet spread fat Decauso of its isolnlion end relatively smnll size, the infeslation , in Pickering would provide such a test site. In Pickering we could proceed with • the explicit objeclive of achieving totel eradication, Any lingcring Ievcl of termite activiry following control treatments could not be altributed lo ra invasion. Control elTorts (saniialior, treatmenis, monitoring) would not cease ' ,� � • until all traps exhibit �nectiviry for a considerable period—preferably arcentirc � • � � �. ' . . ' ' ��PrinieJon1007Fpost<ansunKrrery<kJ�.�per . .S, . . . .. � . . . . . . .. "_i.. . . . _ . . . . . . .. �i.. . � . . ' . . .. ., . � � � . . �. � . . . . .. . . ' `l. ��. � .. � . . . . , . . . � �..� � � � � . . , . . � • season.• • . . . ' • . 31 ',. .. � Wilh this'objecdve, it would be necessary (o conduct yard surveya and install . .' . moniloring stnkes ovcr a fairly wida arcn in iha ncighborhood to cnsure lhal lha ,' ' extent ofthe infestntiomis (Ully.deiimited at Ihe oulset. I hava provided en' .. • � attached sketch of thc erqa thet I ihink' would bc approprialo for yard surveya I • '. � and slaking, • Hopefully, most of this area will prove to ba tcrmite-free, but it .• would not 6e too surprising to find thet the termites hava spread out in this • area, in whicli cnse, we would lhen decide to expand the yard survey area even . . � fadher. It is important thnt we have a surveyed perimetcr nrea that is shown to bo tetmitedrce.. • ' ' . As you knmv, we havejust complcted a similar survey study of the tcrmite ' infested erea for the Ciry of Guelpli. In Guclph we wcre nble to do tfiis et the � end of the season, in September and Ociober, when Ihe surface workings of the �, termiles were at their maximnl extent far ihe year. Howevcr, assuming tBat we commence the Pickering project nest spring (May) we can stort wilh the slnking � ' and then we should wait at Ieast a monlh or two (Inte June or luly) to do the ' �' yard inspeclions, so thet termites will have had time ro establish their surface � � workings. We will inslall trnps as early as possible to allow tcrmites to have thb .' maximum time to locate Ihe traps. My present bcst hunch is that lraps should • , initially bc installcJ on both sides of Mniden Cresccnt nnd fvr a short dislance . • along Bowlcr. Morc irnps can be installed Imcr if dw survey shows that . termites are more widespread. ' Thc nr.ea-widc slnking, yard monitoring, trap instnllation and Trnp-Trcnt• Relense treatmcnts would bc done from �1�y Ihrough Octobcr (6 months). At . the beginning of ihe senson we would hnvc lo distribute n Icltcr to all residrnts in the urea explaining Ihat ynrds would bc slaked,,inspcctcd, mappcd, and treps . instnlled in thc wrc aren nlong Mnlden Cresccnt and Dowlcr. Residents in tha • � core erea would nlso hava to sign on nulhorization form giving consent to conduct the TTR ireatments. A tenm of iwo icchnicians would initiolly speod about two wecks doing ihc stnlcing and inspeclions, mapping, and Irap insinllation, ThcrcaQcr, Ihcy would visit Pickcring and chcck all thc Iraps ona . •� day each weck throughout this period, • • � . • pud ,eG, lina ' Thc wst of labour is Ihc most significant component. I havc found that it is � best lo use two-mnn lcams with onc vchicie, Assuming an liaurly wage for technicians of SIO.00Ihr foc 8 hours per day, technicians cost 580.00/day, ' Celculating on tlie basis of two wceks for initial inslnllation followed by one, ' '. • visit per week for the remoinder oCthc scason (seven monlhs) = 52,880.00/ • ' technician; 52,880.00 X 2 tcchnicions = 55,760.00. Scvcn monlhs is arcived at . '.�� by assuming 2 wecks for trnining, 6 monlh field season from MayOctober, end 2 weck for final tebulslion and summary of data. ' • Vehicle rental and insurence is about S1,100/mo, and parking about SI50/mo. . ' and ges I estimale at about S200/mo Thus total vehicle axpenses are ' 51,500/30 days = 550.00/dey. In the first year there would be 36 daily visils = , . � � .. � .. . . . .. ' � . ' �PrimrlonlDD76poslcauumerrceyclpJWlxr .. i . � �. , . . 32 � SI,800.00 and in tlic �ccond ycnr 28 dnily visits = S1,400.00, . If wa instull t�aps on bolh sides of Malden Crescent , and a fcw along Dow:er • Ihat would appcar lo bc about 30 properties, each will� 8 traps or 240 trepa. Traps era about 55.00 npicce; 240 X 5= S 1200.00. Rolls nced lo be repluced about onca a monlli nt a cost of S.25 npicca = 240 X 6 X 0.25 = S�60,00. I can . ' not make a precise count from the ncrinl photos, but estimeting the hatched area to encompass about 200 propertics (meny semidelached), and assuming three slakes per property lhel would be 600 slekes et q cost uf about 50.10 epicce = S60.00. Plastic boxes, lreatment trnys, mapping, photocopying end misccllencous supplies for producing ihe final report would add S300 bringing the cost oFTrnps/rollslstakes/mnpping and reporting to S2,OOO,UO in the first . year. This would drop by Ihe cost of the traps to 5800.00 in ihe second ycar. Treps/mapping/supplics/nmmnl report 52,000.00 ' Technicians (2) inslnll & visit once pnr week E5,760.00 Vehicle, insurnnce, parking R gas 51,800.00 . fec for Principal Invcstigator 55,000,00 . Sublatal S14,SGO.W • � Univcrsity ovcnc�ad (10%) ' �g};6t8;Op $1� 4S(�. ov TotnlYenrl SI6;1-78:00 �Ib��lb•ov Supplics/nnnu�l rcport • 5800.00 ' Tcchnicimis (�) visit oncc per weck 54,160.00 Vchicic, insurnncc, pnrking R gas S1,400.00 fcc for Principul Invesligntor � 55,000.00 Subtotal S 11,360.00 � Univcrsityovcnc�ad(10%) -S-t'262:00 $1� ���'00 Tolal Ycur 2 —517,b22:00� �' i�.� ¢�jb. o0 Tolal Ycnrs 1+2 S28;B00:00�28i SI?-•�'� As a comparison, chemicnl trcatment with soil lerntilicides usually costs around SI,500.00 per properry, so Ihc proposcd projcct woulJ cost approximatcly the smnc as having 20 propatics clwiiiicnlly IrcntcJ. Anulhcr �eay of looking at thc cost is tlwt it is npproximately equal to SI50.00 npiccc far cach of tlie cstimated • 200 properlics in Ihc survcycd nren, which arc considercd "at risk". TTR . actuaqy kills ihe tcrmitcs whercas soil Icrmilicides kill fcw Icrmilcs and are intended primnrily to establish a chcmical barricr. Chcmical barriers are simply a slructure-specific conlrol appronch �vhereas 7"fR is a comrol strategy for area-wide or municipnl-Icvcl conlrol. Dnscd on our prcvious expericncc, and Ihe limitcd extent of ihc Pickering infestntian,l am confident tlint cradicnlian is fcasible in Ihis case. . Allhough this . may seem like n high price to pny nl lhisjunclure, in Ihe long run ihis expenditurc now will likcly snvc Pickcriug residents and the municipality from much grentcr expciidiuires which would olherwise be neccssary if thc termites continue to spread., AcCidcmal lrunsporlation around'the cily end Ihe • appearance of new foci of infestnlion becomes more likely as the population � • ' � �PrlmdnnllKlR�pn.��anunKrrccycicJpa�rr i4. k, �, t�} ,..fTs . . . . .. . . . . . �.' , . . . .. , . .. � � grows hnd apreada.latcrally. Now i� delinitcly the lima'lo eci while tha ��. Infestation is atill smeli end canlinql tu f single eree. • �. • I hope these suggestions'eie elong tlie lines of whst ihe Town of Pickedng ii : now contemplating for lermlle controL I think Ihis would be an e(Tective • • strotegy for Pickering. 1 am certainly.upen to any alternetivc ideas or ' . approaches that you moy wish lo discuss. I look fonvard to hearing from you. • . . ' Sinceroly, .. ' • � . . �� �,�. . � � . : , �mothy G. Myles, PhD . • ' . . ' Asst. Professor and Director, Urban Entomulogy Program �. { • . � .� .. � �primedml(10'4psttaniumerrccyeled�per '♦ • _ .t: o-� Li ' ' t� - �i . ,r � ,����•' ��, i , »i� . � . . � � ,. : �. - � " . - . � .. . • i; . . . . ', `` . . . . : � � . . � , � � � . • � 34 )! ;I ,, �� i � _� _.___�; �_ :.._... . . ,. ��_ �. .,,_ .. ._..:_.._...w.._ `� � � � � � �----� � % �— �. -��� ��', �� � f 1 /'./ r i� � . cr��N, - �/! � // ___. �� . J / / , j f , , � ( /� W / � i •,/ 'll� , , / � ... ._. ' f I �� ! i � � /,•'� � / ----� � - ; � R f � , �.Il� �, C � _ �_. �./ � ktiiw� �:��r�fn�1.^y �•--' ai.'�'N1 � r�5 I ��' ' P+o/'os,�.( Sf 0 � � � "�`oA D ` — _i __.� ,. �` ...... -•�.��ENANNA . . • . — —._. .. � .... •• . I � ' 7 . . ( � .__ . (. I . ,I �� ' -;:. `� . � ,� , , ., , ; , , . . . . „ ,, � , !. ., , ,, ', : , _ ;t, . . . � . '�;a, � � . i - ��" . ��ri . �• . �6 � , i, - t�' _ 35 ,�(�i�s M! VITAE; TIMOTHYGEORGEMYLES Cuatuu:rPOSmoN: Dircclor—UrbanEnlomologyProgram BQQg�: Fecully of Forealry Earld Sclences Centro Univerdty o[ Toronto 33 Willcocka Strect Toronto, Onlario MSS 303 Te�.eruor,rs: �4ie� ms�isz �re�ui�y) (a1G) 97&57ss (otfiu) (41G) 97&3834 (FAX) (4IG) 97&2403 (lub) (905) 877•9351(homo) o-muil:l,myj� a�toronto.ca Web Sile: hllp://wwwd:loronto.ca/foresl/Icrmite/ICtmite.htm PuaSONnt.DnTn: DirlhJalc:20ctober1953 Dirthplaa: Reno, Nevade Mari�al Stutus: married, lwo children AGOV.Mir. Posrnot+s; Assistnnt Profcssor (2596)/Scnior Rcuarch Assaiotc July 94 • prcacnt Assistant Pro(eswr (10°�)/Scnlor Reseuch Associate Apri192 - Junc 94 Assacinlc Mcmbcr, School of OraJualc SluJia, ]an. 92 • prucnt AJjuncl Professor/ Research Associate, July 90 • present Facully of Forulry, Univercity otToronto. 1'osl•Daloral Rcscarch Assaciele Dcpartmc�t af 8ntomology, Univeniry of Arizona, Jan.90�lune 90 CrtossArroltriMerm Rcscnrch Aasaintc, Ccntro for Oialivcnily onJ Conscrvalion Diology, Roynl Onlnrlo Muscum, Toronto,199G EDUCn'noN; 1'h.D. Enlomology, Univereily of Arizona, Tucson 1988 MS, Entomology, Univerally of Hewail, Honolulu,1962 DA. Organismic Oiology, Univcraity of Colorado, Oouldcr,1975 . � Pa�VRIt1ENIP.ItPRISti Propriclorahips U�Y Luccf VJro Enraprltu, lnc., Dcnvcr, Colorudo.1990•prescnt Tinnirer Unlindlyd, Toronlo, Onlario.1994•pracnt. 'ntnats & D�ssr.iiTnnoN: Mylcs, T.a,1988. Termilc social ewlulion. Ph.D, D�.uertation, Univ. Ariz., Tuaon, 327 pp. Mylcs, T.0,198t StuJics of Ihc castc ayslem and casle mochanisms of Ihe Hewaiien forul tree lcrmitc, Nrofennu connenu Snydtr 1922. Mesters Thcsis, Univ. Hawaii, Honolulu, 22G pp. corvtiairt�n vioearnrts: Myles, T. Ci.1990. Tmnilu oJQm IVutem Un!(rdSmta. 30 minulc, VHS. Live Insod Vidco Enlerprista, lnc., Denver, Coloredo. .iA��S� Myles, T. 0,1997. Composlion for Treating loucla. US. Palrnl No. 5,67G,960 (issued Od.14,1997), Mylea, T. 0,1997. Methal, Apparalus and Compcuitioa for Treating Inseda. US. Pelent No. 5,607,879. (issuc Jn(e: Mprch 11,1997). ' , � ';., , . , , ; ;�'. �;i , , , . ? ,. ; y� . , . ��, - �,; . . � 36. C.V. T. C. Mylc� Pqe 2 t�nucwnoru: 1. Strack, B. H. end T, 0. Myles, lu6mhled Ntw dislributton end hosl twrda far thc etloparailic fungw, Tem�iflaria. Entomologiul New« R Mylca T. Q, aubmillcd. Illuslraled key lo Norlh Amerfun lermilw (laoplara) based on soldier mendibla. Pan•Paufic Hnlomologist. 3. Mytes, T. � and R.1.. Smilh. in press. Mclhod of dry•mounting insccl menJibica. Pan•PeciOc Enlomologiat. 4. Mylca, T. 0. submiUed. Alarm, aggregalion, and defense byRrticulifennuJlavfpu 1n reaponsa lo a aalurally occurring isolate af A/t(adt�ium atbopllae. Mywlogia 5. SchcfGahn, R. H. N: Y. Su, end T. a. Mylu. in preu. Amltnmu amlckl, a new aublarrenean lermile (Isoptcra: Tcrmilidae: Tcrmilinac) from Arobu. FlodJa Enlomologisla. 6. Canallo, E, and T. a. Mylca. in prcss. Iaoplera./n: Llorcnle,l,D., E.Conr�llcz Soriano, A.N. Oarela Aidrcic R N. Papavcro (edsJ. Blod(vcrsidnd. Taxonomia v Dtoeco¢ralia dc Artr000dos de Mcxico• Nncia um Svntcsis de w Conocimlenlo.Volume T. hfylcs, T. �.1999. Rcvicw of aecondary rcprodudion in Iermitu (InseUa: Iwplera) with wmments on its rolc in Icrmilc ewlogy anJ saclal �volution. Sociobiolo�, 33(1):1•87. 8. Mylca, T.O., �. H, Slrack, 0. Forschler.1998. 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Sociobiology. 30(3):295-30J. 14. Mylea, T. 0.1997. A acwnd apccies of Ihc drywoal lcrmilc gcnus Alarginl�rnnu (Isoplcra: KalotcrmiliJuc). Tht Cnnadian Enlomologis1.129: 757•766. I5. Mylu, T. 0.199G. Dovelopmenl and evaluallon of a Iranamluiblt coaling for tontrol of eublerrnnean tcrmilcs. Sociabiology 28(7)373-457. 16. Myla, T, 0.1993, Ncw records o( Jry•wood lermile inlraludion, intcrccplion and ebirpalion in Onterio. PraccJings of Ihc Onlnrio [ntomologlul Saicty.11b:77•63. 17. Mylca, T, G.1994, A new approach to �ublertenun lermile tolony conlrol. Proaedinga of Ihe 151h Annual MeeUng of thc Conadian WiwJ Preservation Anociatian, i5: GI•79. ' 18. Hohn, P, D, onJ T, 0. Myl:s.1994. Rolu of rcproJudivity anJ caslc mimicry In Ihc primilivc dampwoal lcrmtic genua Zootarmopau (IsoMcra: TcrmopslJac). Salobiology 24(J): J13�322. 19. Mylca, T, a,1994, Trnp�treal•rcleme prolacols and groomable coaQngs for uhra low loxiuly eublerrancan Icrmilc colony tontrol. Praecdings of Ihe Envioronment anJ Entrgy Conferencc of Onterio. ll pp. 20. Mylcs, T, 0.1994. Uac of Jisalium ataborelc tctrahydrnlc to protcct aspcn wafcrboard Gom lcrmilcs. Forut ProJucu Journal. 44(9): 3}36. 21. Myles, T, a., A. AbJnllay, enJ 1. Sisson.1994. 2lst antury termilo conlral. Put Coolrol Technology. 22(3); G4-72 + 108. 22. Levin, D.O., D, Adachi, L,4 Willinms and T. 0, Mylu.1993. Host spcuficily end molecular c6arader'vation of thr. entomoponvirus of Ihc Iesser migralory grasshopper, Meianopfut tangufnfpu.l. lnvert. Peth. G2: ?AI-247. 23. Myics, T.G„ A. Abclalluy, anJ ). Sisson.1993. Termite wlony tnntrol without raiJual pealiddcs. ProacJing� Ontario Minulry of the Environment & Encrgy TecLnologyTrana(er Conkrona. p, 52 & POSTAIG. 24. Mytes, T.�,1992. Dcvclopment of thc Ira�rlrcat•rcicasc Icchniquc for, csliciJc min3mizcd lermitc wlony wnlrol. Projcd N5530. Praeedings Onurio Ministry o(Ihe Environmenl TcchnologyTransfor Confercna. 15. Mylea, T,0.1992. Non-c6emical termite conUol. Conslrudion Canada. (July/Augusl).7; L1�18. 26. Mylea, T,G.1992, Dook rovicw-Fawta of Indfa, /ropftm (Temf(u) I�olunte 1, Proc. Enlomol. Soc. Wash. 94(3):389•340, ' 27. Myles, T.O. and 1.IG Graca 1991. Hchavioral ecology of lhe eealcra sublerrenun termile In Ontario es s ..i, ' ', �,"1 ' '�. 1 '� � `' ! I�1 f,. ;y_ . �,�� - , '1.` '� � �I1� .. . :1�. � �,,!. '�.� tj. : � '�.- �• � ' !: i i � , � . . . 5 ', . i\� . .�1 � {� . a...Y�..� . ... . �?�� � ._ . � .. .. ..3. l . 3� c.v. r, c. Myt« r.� � Oaais of Control. Pracccdinge of lho TahnologyTnasfer Conferena, Nov.?'r2b.0aUrto Min. Envlron., Vol. If, pp, 547•554. 28, Mylea, T.Q.1990. CopfWUmu cmrnu Ping preoccupled hy C uptrur Snyder ronsmod G pingl (I�oplua: R6tndcrmitldao). Proc. Ea(omol. Soe. \Vee6. 92(4); 813. 29. Mylea, T.�. aad R.I., Sm11h.1990. Caele•eptatic palterat of eensory aUuduru on lerminal nufeat o( l6e palpi fa Iho larmilo P�erotennu acldentu (1Valker) (Iwplcre: Kalolermilidae), J, Kwea Enlomol. Sac. 63(1): 204-207. 3Q. Mylea, T.O. and 8, Dinder.1990, The descrt muigold m�th. Dcsert Planla.l0(2); 75-78, 31. Mylca, T,Q,1988. Dealation in lcrmilea ((aapttre). Sodobinlo� 14(1):61�88. 32 Myles, T.a.1988. Resoura inhtrilana ia salal evolution Gom termitu to man, pp, 379�413. In: C. Slobalchikoft (cJ).� ' ' Acadcmic Praa, San Diego, 429 pp. 33. Mylcs, T.Q, nnd W.4 Nulling.1988. Termilc eusadal ewlution: a rc•cxamination of Bartz't hypolhaia and assumplions. puarlerly Review ot Biology, 63(1);1•Zl. 94. Mylcs, T,O, and R.L. Smilh.1987, Conlradability of a chorionic opercular corolla on eggs of lhc anassin bugSJneanlcyf Mo�lendon (Heleroptera Rtduviidaa). Intl. J. Ia•rerL Reprod. & Dey,11:317•322. 35. Myles, T.G.1986. Evidcna of parenlal anJ/or aibling menipulalion in thrce speau of lumilw lu Hawaii (Isoptcra). 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Union for the Sludy of Social lnsecls. 29 Dcamber - 4 Jenuary,1999, AJclaide, Auslrelia 4. Myles, T, 0.199d. EnvironmcntallyGiendly, groomeble coatings for conlrol of lermilu and olher aodal insecta. Xlllh Congress of the Inll. Union for thc StuJy of Sacial li, ecls, Aug 21•27, Peris. S. Mylca, T. (5.199q. Causal faclora in lhe origin o(lermitc eusociali�y. Xll�h Congrese of l6c 1ntl. Union (or Ilic Study of Social InscUS, Au� 2t•27, puis. G. Mylu, T. (5.1994. Trap•Ircat-relouc protocols end groomeblc toalings for ullra low Iwocity tublcrrancan Icrmilc colorry wnlrol. Onlnrio Environment & Encrgy Confcrcncc. Nov.15•1G, Toronlo. 7. Myles, T, 0.1993, The eculogic�i im�wrlaoce of lermilu and Ihe polential utili�nlion of lermilu for lhe Jccom�asilion of lignaellulosic wutes, pracedinge of Ihe Inll. Workahap on Tcrmilc•Symbionl Syslcm;l2•14 Odo6cr, Kyulo, Jopan. 8. Mylca, T,(1.1I92. Thc Iru�lreol•relcase Icchnique for wnlrol of aublcrrancan Icrmilcs. Pracadings XIX Inll. Congrcu o[ Enlomology, Ocijing, China.lune 1$•July 4, p.247 9, Mylcs, T.0.1992. Cuticular applicalion vcraus bait ktJing of alow•ading tozcianb for aubltrranan tcrmilc colany conirol. Nalional Urban Entomology Confcrenx Procecdinpp, Univeraily of Meryland, Feb. 24, Collcgc Park, MarylanJ. p.147. 10. Myles, T.C1.1991, Sublcrranean lermile eonlrol. Uaiv. Toronlo SlowPoke Rendor Fae. Annual Report, p. 47 ll. Myles, T,O.1981. Pheromonal ]H Poly1itertsm: l6a Gazis of termite polymorp6ism, (abstred) Procecdings IXIh Cungr. Inlernational Union for the Sludy of Sodal Insean, Boulder, Colorado, Suppl�menl p, b. 12. Myles, T,a.1980. Thc produUion of aoldicr•alale'double castu' with juvcnile hormone eoeloguea In Ntwenuu ca�neuu (Kalotcrmil(Jae; laoplera). (abslrad) Am. Zool. 20(4):937, Ten�r�cn�. Rr.roars: 1. Mylea, T. 0.1998. Termite Survry-Cilypf Cuelph. ca.80 pp. 2, Mylu, T. G.1998. Report lo the City of Townto on Termite Control Triala in 1997, ca. 300 pp ; . � ; , ,{ � tu�f' `'`, . . � 4 r ._ ` '� V . . 1 . . ,.� . l ' ���, 1 '�', - } � f.' . 4- . � . 1 E � . .�'�.i �. .. s � �, �; f. "�4', .� . . . . .. . � 38 C.v. T, c. Myla P��e 1 3. Mylw, T. 0.1998. Ro�arl ta tAo City o[ York on Tumila Control Tria� in 1997, u.100 pp 4. Mylea, T. 0.199& Roport lo tho City ot Searborough oa Termllo Control Tde41n 199T, u. SO pp S. Mylea, T. 0.1998. Raport lo iho Oorough o( Ead York on Termile Conlrol Tria4 In 1997. u.100 pp 6. Mylea, T. 0.1997. Evaluetloa of anll-lormllo addittvea for eryanded polytlyrenc. Flnel Report, AAB DuilJing Syalcma enJ Onlario Conlro for Malerials Reaearch. 13 pp, T. Mylea, T.0.1997. Re�rort lo tha Cily o(Toronlo on Termito Conlrol Triala 197J�1996. ca.400 pp 0. Mylcs, T.0.1997. Re�rort to Ihe �ly af Vork on Termllo Control Trials 1993�199G. ca.100 pp 9. Mytea T. 0.1997. Re�wrl lo Iho Dorough a( Eect York on Trrmite Control Trials 1993-199G, ea.100 pp. IU. Myles, T. (3. and 0. }I. Strack 199G. Uac of Iha fungal pnlhogen Afr(arhlrtum anbopllat, ss s bioconlrol agent againsl the eattcm eublerrencan lermile, Reflculifrmttl/laWpu. Fnal Repor6 Projea P 7600, Unlariu Min. Envirun. & Encr�, Environ. Ru. Program.l5 pp. 11. My1..�, T. 0. and D. H. Slrack 199(, aiocontrol of thc easlcm eubterrencan tcrmitc with g�ecn muscarJino J'ucasc: Pr�ress RcporL ProjcU 1� 7(�0C3, Onlario Min. Environ. & Encrgy, Environ. Rca. Program. zi rr• 12. Myles, T. G.199G. Re�ad lo lhe �ty of Toronto on 1993�1995'fermite Control Trials. ca. 300 pp, 13. Mylcs, T. 0. 199G. Rcporl lo Mclro Toronlo Housing Aulhorily on 199}1995 Tormtic Conlral Triab et Ihe Dlnkc•Uoultbec Complex. 14 pp. 14. Mylcs, T. G.199G. Rc�wrt lo the City of York an 1993�1995 Tcrmlic Control Trials, 82 pp. 15. Mylcs, T. G,1995. Report lo lhc Darough o[ Eatl York on 1993�1995 Tcrmile Contml Trials. GO pp, 1G. Mylcs, T. 6,1995. Rc�wrt lo Ihc Cily o(Swrborough on 1993�1995 Tcrmilc Conlrol Triala.55 pp. 17. Mylcs, T. G.1994. Dcvclopmcnl of lhc sanJ barricr melhoJ of txcluding Icrmita. Final Rcporl, Canada Modgagc and Housing Cor�wralion.53 pp. 18. Myles, T, Q.1993. Proleclion of as�xn waftrboard from lermi�es wilh d'ualium ocleboratc lolrahydrale (7'im•IIor). Final Ra�rort, Forinlek CanaJa Corp.B pp. 19. Mylcs, T. Q.1993. Evaluation of barium melaborotc monohyriralc (Ousan ll•MI) and 2- (diioryanamclhyllhio) bcnrnlhia�ulc (TCMTD) at pWcmial bait laxicanls and fceJing inhibitoro against sublcrrancen lcrmilu. Final Report, Forinlck Gnada Carp.7 pp. 2(I. Mylu, T. �.199J. Dcvclopmcnl af Ihe lrap-Ircal•relcast lechniquc for pesticiJe minimized termitc wlony conlrol. Fnal Repad, RAC Projccl Na.553G. Submillcd lo Ihc Rescarch Advisory Commillee, Ontariu Min. Envimn.138 pp. 21. Grucc,l.IG anJ T.G. Mylu.1992, dchaviaural ccology of Ihc taslcrn subltr�anaan Icrmilc in Onlario as a buu (or mn�rol, f inal Rc�wd, Parls A& D, RAC Projal No. 427C. Submiltcd lo Ihe Resenrch Adiisory Commillce, Oninrio Min. Environ. Y.: Myles, T.(7.1992. Technical and commercial fwsibilily of devtloping the sanJ barricr melhod of excluding tcrmi�a (rom homes in CnnaJa. Subslanliw Progress Reporl an External Reu:arch Granl Gom CanaJa Mortgagc anJ Housing Corparolion. 23. Myles, T.0.1992. Vicwing lhe cust of lermite conlrol reseerch in perapcctive. Re�arl to Ihe Duilding � Commissioncr of Natlh York.9pp• 24. Mylcs, T.0 1991. Ochavioral Ecology of Thc Cuslern Snblerrancan Termile in Onlario as a Duis far Conlrol••Ffth Progrw Report,l Oqober 1990 - 30 hlarch,1991, Onlario Ministry o( Ihe Cnvironmcnl, Rcsaarch Advisory Commillee (RAC ProjcU No.427G) 25. Mylcs, T,(i.1991. Tcrmilu enJ Thcir Conlrol in Canada, for inclusion in Cily of Toronlo Termiln Report 1990, I lousing Dcpl, 2G. Mylcx, T. Q. and 1.K. Grace.1990. Dchavioral [colo� of Thc Eutcrn Sublerrancan Tcrmile in Onlario as u Umis for CoNrol••Fourth Progress Repod, 1 April - 30 Sep1,1990, Onlario Minislry o[ lhe Enviranmonl, RCtcarch AJvisory Commitice (RAC Projccl No. 427G) .�u�. i �.u:.y�, I. TER�IITE MONITORINO STUDY. Cily of Guelph, Sepl•Dec, I�B, f25,890.00 2. TERMITE COtrI'ROL RESEARCH. Onlario Hydro 1996�1998, f2,000/yr 3. TCRMITE COM'ROL RESP�RCH. MulJer Properly Management 1'J'X� fJ,400;1997 53,850;1�i8 SJ,850. 4. TERMITE CONTROL RESEARCH. Thornhill Grcen Caaperative HausingAulhorily 199(r1997 52,50(1/yr. S. STUDIES ON AM'I•TERMITE CONTROLACIENCS IN EXi'ANDED POLYS7'YREN& Ontario Cenlcr fat Metcrials P.caearch k AAt7 Duilding Syslem;, 517,100.001997. 6. TERMITE REJ(:1kCH AND MUNICIPAL ROYAI,TY SHARIN0.1996-„. Cily o[Totoulo, 550,000/yr. 1995�199fi; Oorough of East York S7S,000/yr.199fr2000; C'ity af York 515,000/yr.1996�1000; Scarlwrough 525,000,1997. ' �' 1i 4 •• �' .� I. � .j 39 c.v. r. c. mria r.� s 7. �IOCONfROL OFTHE EA5f8RN SUOTERRANEAN TERMITE WITH ORBEN MUSGIRDINB DISP�ISE. Environmental Reawrch Program, Onterio Minhlry of Hnvironment �. Ener�, 510,5�0 (95•9G, 9fr9� 8. ENVIRONMENTALLY FRSENDI.Y TERMffE CONTROL ON ENTIRB CITY flIACKS. L'nvironmentel Youtli Corp., Ontario Min. Eavfronmont & Hncrgy, eummor 1995 f6,521 9. TRAP•TRFAT•REL�SE FOR TERMITE CONfROL ON C17 Y HIACKS.1995. Cily of Tarooto, 550,000; City of York, Si5,000; Barough of Cast York, 515,000; City of Surborough, 515,000. 10, TitAP•TREAT-RELPJ�SE FOR TERMITB COLONY CONTROI.. Cily of Toronlq 1994. 550,000; �ly o( York, 510,000; Cily of Nadh York, 510,000; Dorough ot East York, SI0,000; �:y o( Scarborough, SIO,OCO for 1994. ll, RGlSEARCi l TRIAL OF THE TRAP-TRFAT•RBLFASE TECHNIQUB FOR TERMITE CONfROL AT OU1KE-BOULTDEE SITE, Melropolilan Toronlo Housing Aulhorily. f4,83( (or 1974, f3,G00 for 1995. 12. ENVIRUNMENTALLY FRIENDLY TERMITB COIANY COM'ROL.Onlario Min. Environ, & Entrbry, Environmentnl Youlh Corp Proqam, S19,702 May-Nov.1994. 13. FURTNER UIUORATORY AND F1ELD STUDIES ON TRAP•TRFAT•RELEA58 FOR TERMITB COIANY COM'ROL. FMC Corp. 530,000 (US)/yr for 1994,1995,199G. 14. EVAI.UATION OF INSECf 1NfilORINC COMPOUNDS AS ADDITIVES IN THE MANUFACI'URE OF POLYS7'YRENE FOAM MATERIAIS. AAD 8uilding System. (originally SS,G00 but rcduccd lo f500 afler pultn. acarch ditcovered almilar prior art) Nov.,1991. 15. L16 LVALUATION OFTWO PRFSERVATIVFS FOR PROTECf10N OF ORIENTED SfRAND UOARD FROM TERMITES. Weyerha�user CanaJa, 54,200 April-Sep1.1997. IG. MUNICIPAL COOPERAT(VE TO SUPPORT T8RMITE RESFARCH. Cily at Toronto, 550,000; Oorough of East York, f10,000; Town o( Kincardine, 5500 for 1993. 17, TI:RMITL' COIANY CONTROL WITIIOUT RESIDUAL PES7'ICIDES.Onlurio Min. Enviran., 575,000 1993•199G. IB. INfEQRATED DEVE(APAIENC OF TOPICAL FORMULATIONS AND DA17'S FOR THRMlTE COLONY COM'ROL. Ouckman Lalwratoriu of Canada, 510,000,199J. 19. RG'SISfANCE OF TIM•UOR TREATED WAFERBOARD TO SUDTERMNFi\N TERMITES, rorin�ck Canada, f4,?JO, lulyDccembcr,1992. 20. MUNICIPAL COOPERATIVE TO SUPPORT TERMITE RFSF�1RCt 1, City of Toronto, 550,000; City af Clobicoke, 55,000; Doraugh of Eml York, f5,000; Cily of Oakvillc, S1,8Q1 for 1992. 21, EfFECfS UFTIIREE INSECI' OROWfH REGUTATORS ON RETICUL1TERhlES FL1 {7PES. ZoCcon Corp (Dallat, Texas), SL,51B, Od.1991, 22 EVALUATION OF fIFi�TED TRAPS �OR WIM'ER ACGRHGATION OFTBRMITPS.Onlario MinLslry of Environmcnt, Cnvirunmcntal Youlh Corp Oranl, f5,88(, �all•Wintcr 1991•1992. 23. DIOLOOICAL (MICRODIAL) TERMITB COM'ROL.Ontaria Minutryof Cnvironment, Hnviranmcntul Youlh Corp Oranl, 55,88C, Fnll•Winlcr 17/1•1992. 24. ALTCRNATIVGS TO CHEMICAL �UMIUATION Or STRUCI'URAL PL'S'CS: A CASE STUDY INVOLVINO TI f E EMDIGITION OF AN INFESTATION OF CRYPTOTERAlES BRE►?S AND DEVF.LOPMENT OF A NATIONAL COM'INOENCY PIAN FOR CONTROL OF INfRUDUCED DRY•WOOD TERMITES. City o( Misstssauga, 55,000,1992 25. IN'fEGRATED PEST MANAGEMEM' OPTNE Fi1STHRN SU4TERRANFAN TERMITE: DEVC•LOP•MENT OF A CON7'AINMEM' 7'ECIINIQUE. Universily of Toronto Connaughl Phasc 1 New Sluff GraN, 510,000,1971•1993. 2G. DEVELOPMEN'f OF THL� TRAP-TREAT•RELFASE TECHNIQUE FOR PESf1CID8 MINIMIZED TERMITE COLONY CONTROL. Rcsearch Advisory Committcc Granl, Onl. Ministry of Ihc Environmcnl. 550,0001'�1•1992. 27. UNIVERSI7'Y OF TOROM'0 TERMITE RESFARCH PROGRAM GRAN'f. C'ity of Toronlo, 550,000; (' ly of Norlh York, 517,400; City otGuelph, f14,495; Town of Lcamington, f1,295 for 1991. 18. TECFINI(;ALAND COMMERCfAL FEASIDILITY OF DEVELOPINO THE'SAND DARRIER' METIIOD TOR EXCLUDINO SUDTERRANP�IN TERMITES FROM HOMES IN CANADA. Cannda Morlgagc anJ Flausing Corp, f20,0001991•1994. 29. UNf VERS17'Y OF TOROM'0 TERMITE RESPARCH PROGRAM GRANf'. Gty of Toronto, 550,000; Cily of North York, f 1G,200; Tuwn of l.eamingtoq 51,295; Township ot Pelee, S83 for 1990. 30. NOVEL 7'LRMITICIDE FORMUTATIONS� (wilh R.L. Smith) Griffin Corp, 575,000(US),1989. 31. SOILTEMPERA7'URE IN REtAT10N TO SOILTERMffICIDE EFFICACY 1N ARIZONA. (wilh 1 R.L. Smilh) Dow Chcmical Co., S10,000(US),1988-1989. . . . ��.,+', 1' ; ,1. ; . _ . .,', ;i' _ � , ,. t _ } `I ' � ,'�{ , ... 1� �! � t �_ ,ir . t, ' ti ,s;� ;,k� " F{ t,s : �� � }�y� � ,'tc �f� c Y � ,`... ...t f. +;I? .,.! rx,. \ic..,r,��. � ...: 7 � , .i�� . .i ,., . , . . .. . . i. , � D�S �� �O��nt �� ��rrnites Entomolog'ut Tim Myles leads a trurade against ar: insidious pest tl�at is gnawi�:g at the heart of Cnnada'� largrrc ciry ey �rayn� c�,Ay Wr<<, P�,orar 6y Wolf KrrnaGonlry iM Mnes wn�KS chrough �he Mo�ron Siie like a p�nde colonel an inspeccion d�y. The sm�ll I�om• ing development in the east end af Toronto it a walled compound in which ach unit faces omo � narmw walkway paved wich incedaking p�tio sconu. The unin are builc of brick, buc there is wood all around, mo:t a( k io cuncuc wiih che ground: small, dehydnced uees in woodcn mbe; preuu�acrmaJ snirs Inding up ro wooden patchu; nilway tiu holding b�ck lalles� buehes in a bed aF wood chips. Myla poinu [o thue artss u though each werc a scu(fed hoot.'Look at �II thu wood•to•eueh connce," he uy�, �h�king his hnd. "Th:c's wherc you II find tc-miia. This whole place is carmite hnven." Myla u dira�ot of the U�bm Emomology Prognm in �he Fuulry of Foracry u che Unive�siry of Toron�o:' Whcn you rc �he only full-eime faculry member in a prognm�" he uys� "thry all you the direceor." He ind John Sisson, a full•time ttchni- eim, md cwo aummer scuden�s —Gr�h�m Thomp�on and john Femindo — drive amund in an ald sniion wagon, � wtt . _.�_ , --� .... - � . �� � � �3� �:'1� '..`\' , �\• � �(1�; ����} � �' I GIMADIIN OIG011A�MIC . . . �.t . , . . � �. � . . . h' � r i ' -n„` -:� � _ - . p+, '� 4 � ` � . W' �� r �.1� 'y ' � � y�� ' � ,$ 4.. � •:7',: &� ' . � �� ' - � — i•.'. , . . ,. . ... . , . :� �.�, I passed c�ut n�hcn I sa��� all thosc t�rmitcs. 41 Termite tidbits 'i�n�r� ��•�r� �»�u��,��s ��r'd,�n, ���cr����•hcre. Tliey atc thc: main suppnrting bcam right out, r�rmlu haunat —Gn�ulru P�rttr, Grwr•uirnrr b� d�c Tm•n�uo rnGurG uj'Yurk. Termlt�s Ih� maln�y In �tump� and�weMlow�roundiml(tbq n'LnreGnrcuirntninninrdnmrcdmnSlU,UUOiva•rGi�'trrn�irednumqr dw��l a IIM� dup�r lo wintv). 'fh.y tead on wood �vdboud of Termim•mobile — a denad green wcre cermim infancions ilong che euc �ndpaper�ndwtoundwhrn Cherywichh�lFinfroncgrillm(s�Ing endofToroncoiha�bourandupimo th�n �� wood•to.av�h conam and the words `Termice Terminuan" che mburb of Scarborough. ay 1947. d«lo, wood nmdnj w.n�, ��ncH. �vriccen in ehe dwc an the driver's side. �here were nine known pocken of in- Thq mow from ona f��dln�arn The buk oF �he «•agon i� filled'�cich &�cacion on Toron�oi eac �ide and toanoaherbrmi:�n�u�lw mucri�ls for making rcrmirc tnpr, rcrmieahavebeengnawing�heirway wid� wil eo v.u� narrow tunnd� ehor� piaa of PVC pipe, rolls ofcorru• �hrougl� the ci�y ever:ince. Termiro nlled fhelter tubef. garcJ cardbaard and squares of ply consume �he cellulose ehae binds �voa1 wood, plastie boxes �nd hand apadet. cells togeiher, thoyan gec inside a floor ►ead�ng /ran:p Armed wich chw afmple w��pons and joist and litrtally hollow it fmm the AcolonyofM.miOion�ub. onimpressivefimiliuirywi�htheh�biu imide out. One homaowner from Nrnnean termitef In ioronto of urmiea, Myla and hu tam ue �ilc- Toronto's eut aide in che 1940s ro- nn eonromti In one ye+r, ing on a problem af superheroic pro• memben poking a scrnvdriver ineo his enoujn wood to bui�d aboue portione: che eliminacion of Toromo's dining �oom Ooor and finding nat6ing thrca plcnle hble�. Termltu feed legendary termite popul�tion. bue a thin veneer of vuniah. on cel�ulofe, th� �ok part of wood, S�ill, nothing much w�s done uncil � hanaycombinjthrouahth�coro eaM�resmade�heirfirstknam 19G2,whcneheTorontoBuildingDe• F whil� Iearin� Na wood4 auter �appc�nnce in Toronto in 1938 putmen[ appointed a full•time [ermite q lareruntouck.d. �n � warchoust on Iht tityi amrol iropecror. A ynr luer, �he ciry �� emo-eidw��etfront.ThebuilJinswu approvnliufincmrmimwnnolby•law, ni vartnen In erlmaa ridJled wiih a apecies known �s che yid in 19G5 � urmicernm�olgru�e pm• f 7crmia�� r.ly on dn�lfceuad &sum submrrmau urmite (Rrrir- gnm wu launched: 67 dwellings were �! �nimd�—proto=oa—thatlly� �ditrrmn fL�vipn) tha h�J prob�blyu• treateJ wiih a chemial pesticide ehat $d In thal^ `ut to dlpst th� hud tived in a woalen cnte yne Over �e next [wo dcrada, tho Qa compomm�otwood,(raetn�up from�heUnicrcl5ta�a NaniyYO0.K DuildingsDepacmant�lsobegan Q� Necellulof�thatnou'Ithafthem. sevenl years eadier. l���•��:� sdvuingbeingueredhome-own- Ay Wi�hin a few ,;i , en on coneml meehods and ad• �!� y�rs,�here ;;J :` minisaringgruiufmmtheciry � �� . ••�. ,;f� :' and �he Oncuio Miniscry of �o i xv '2 . C•rvironment to olTsai ehe � ,_� ' � �j��� " co�t of earcrminuion and E�"`O"�^' yn' repair.TheciryiHousiug{ "::,;7onit� ?„i�r Depa�cmenc, which rook 9� ..i,, ..... �ifi:�v .r. � J-�iiti�owipw.cu.�..A � ,+�n, k� '� � n SL . � � � � ' � x ;�T,.O�'R,�ppO N T O��" TYORK- t1 ._ •• il N � !� � Bboric L�•9� �! . • . . yDinlcr��'-_ t� l�" �. � � a "d.x a d"'i •;k.�:� ' `�_,n.��� m � �'��'x�qqy -�a�,��t.�•.�� ; 'F?:. ._. f�ri. mt±,to �'� � i� •A � '��1•Q�FenS� � Y �� � � � w;� ' � . .. _ • ITIn�Sc � : � � �+�.f�e � �li' 1i.7 �C;.. � .i�r'�.�.��� . : •21un . . • � Ti Lake Ontario 1/ GN�OI�NOIOOM�NIC /�ITIN��NOC10�111•11 � �N. .''... ` rmlh In(��t�Non .. . * N1f �, � R61 3 i»i . . . .. . . � ,'� � � . . . . �,' 7 1 � I•r' � �. . � 7:�� :�� ,i . . i: , . i 't:, " ' - � . . + t , �, , . �-e J Y7 . t . � i } ., .. .i" � �.. � .. . � � � � �sP } {..: t�a 4 �� r > � :.ty � [ 9 .�`��'.:r�,iF�;] .�`.: an�.;���`�`, .,f"::, ,,.._Li._� .,,. , .. ,. , . .. . ,.,_, . . ._ „ . . .,. W � il � �� e Y �� �, e 3 e �� t� � .e ' �3 Y �j� f �� � 3� S' t'fJ I u � Y��-' �✓ ,42 over the tennite contml progrant in 1990, atimata tha 6y then a mcal of 515 uty blak� werc infatcd with ter• micn. Buc lack of fund�, unong ocher ficrors, manc tluc oFthe 27,000 housa at ruk of infcntion, only about G,500 werc known ro be aff'cned and tmted. Noc surpruingly, the infesacion spmd npidly, 6y an excn 21 blaks over the following yru. By 1992, the number of �lAicted bluck� had incmud co 543— 18 peRen[ of the dryi 61a1n. Aorortling ro a Ha�uiug Dep�rtmenc reporc pub- IieheJ the following year, eliminating rcrmita had bccome'u Impomnt for �he prouction of building� u firc mn• crol." Obviuusly, che gnnc-eupparrcd chemical treatment progrom wu not tuming the tide. On the adrice ofAmarinn entomol- ogist Richud V. Grr, ciry muncillon and hau�ing o�ici�ls decidcd to pursue an unusual initiative in �he war �gainse Taronro termius. Whu the�• needed wa� mam knowlcdge of �he memy, w in I'I87, �he UniveniryofToron[oi Urbm Entomology Progrun wu born. "Vory li�dc wa� known abouc die behaviour of termitcs in nonhern cli- matn." s�y� Amie Pme. a p�run mm. ager wirh �he Howing Depucmrnt. Taranco wanccd to do the right rhing," say� Myla. "Termice infaa�iou ia a home•owner i iime, ofmr dl, buc �herc ue very kw cicia in Nanh Amer iu thu usume any mponsibiliry In u- si:ting home•awnen wi�h �heir rcrmite problems — yau pF.one up cicy hall and thry say,'Lcok in �he ycllmv paga undcr pat concml.' "Toronto bJilTercnt bewuse termita arc an intraluced pue here. Buc whae �Iw makes Toronto differcnc i: chat ie i a wel6run, inrclligen•, pro•octiee ciry chat ata �bouc neighbourhoode," he adde.'Set[ing up the Urbm En�omol- ogy Prognm wu a 6rillian[ ida. It's � model for universiry•municip�liry ea opencion." Ini�iil funding for the pro• gnm ame from Metropolinn Ta�onio ond aa municip�lities, u well u �he Ontuio Minieery of �he Envimnment and Gnada Mortgage �nd Houaing Corpon�ion. Sponsanhip From mu- nicipaNda rem�6u dia pmgmmi m�in sourceof�upport. ' Mylu li the seconJ Jiuccor of Ju program (lie wss hired in 1990) and one of die cop termice cntomologicn in Norch �lmcrin. He ha� penorolly wl- lecced every North Ameriun specics aupt for two from FlodJa anJ hss dis- corcrcd six new specia of Rrtindirmna in �he Amerinn West, � whole new gcnm wich �t last five ncw specic in the Southweet, and a �matudng afa[her �pecle:. Hi� taxonom(e work hu ra mained unpubli�heJ, however, bee�use of hii preoccupuion wich con�rol «• search over �he psst fnv ynn. FnJing � way ro control mrmlic is p�n of his mand�ee ae the univeniry, u well ss�he only �ny eo nise J�e fundi co kmp �he U�ban Encomology Prognm aflou. Since the prognm depends on excernd funJins, M}•lu knows chat his rcsnrch must be aimed at Jeveloping an elTective — �nd mukcnblo — ur- mice eoncrol, The concrol mechod he has de�Yloped could wipe out Taronto's rcrm(�e popula�ion within a daaJe if Tahnlcian John Sluon bu�in hmiln enpf in � Toronto housln� comple�. Th� trap�, mad� of corrupted nrdbovd, va OOed wlth tetmitn mvared In termltldde Tha �rttam ha� proren �uaeuPol in andiudn� endn colonln. Th� minutcul� Imab (mow)—upto IOmillloi�uron� �o �om� eolonl��—hw� earvd • path of de�wctlan throu�Aout tlu ioronto v�t i� >ti � � <; 1t '�; ;�; ,.. .�t . .�"t . c; r . _ � '3, CAN�GI�NOIOYMINIC /1 �..... .. . . . . . . . ..... � � 43 I� �uff'iuoncfund(ngwuavailable,heny� �m�muldntperce(�rmevmychingbut femdepa(r�fortheoffipringJcuniu , (ue sidebar on poge 5:1. y huge aurfaca buc thry� knnv I rcpra a iimaiiun In whirh Ji�persal uuulde sented � thmc uid m had to be aaxknL �he nest G Jmgerow benwe af the ri�k rOpTUNAT6LY POA TORONTO� 'Th� prorokcJ my cudoiiry. How ofpredaron;chealcema�iveGco��ayac �"i Myla'gnduate research helpnl Jid cheee duui�dc mlJlen evolve In home and look afcer �heir Qblings. -L g rn o n a t h e i d e u � h a c h a v e a l• � h e fi n c p l a u? 1 w� n t e d t o k now. W h�t W hen purna are monogmiow, boch lowed him ro ncicle one of che dcyi m�ka an inJividu�l mbordinue (ts im siblingrand oR:pring ue genaic�lly re• mast worrieome paes. He hm been a terau to those of iu groupY laced by SO percent. termim mon itnce he xv a seudent ac Hi� incerc�t in �Itruiim In saciil in• 'We are all gene machiner," »ys the Univcniry of H�wil( in the arly scn broughc him to ihe rcheively new Myles, mcaning �har ehe primory pur• 1980s. Hu finc Job u a ruearch u�is- field oFbehaviour�l ecology. "( reiliud pau of �ny org�n6m G�o pm on in nnc in �he rnromologydepartmen�wm I wv not w inceresced in physiological genn ro�he nac genention. 8ue in �he uraning inucticida for use ag�inse mech�nisms u 1 wu in ecological and cue of sociil inean, ie maka a much theFormosaneubternnanurmiee.'1 nrolu�ionu}•ans��entoquatioruabou[ sensetoarcforyrouriiblingt(i.e.be�l. h�d ro go aue and colla� frc�h termitte anim�l behaviour." ttuis�id a� (t dou to h�ve u(fspring of from field trops see oround �F.: cam• ►n his doctonl disserntion, com• your own, beauee yaur �i6ling� and p�"hesa}�.'llietnps—�m�Il+vooJen pletedin1988atthelJniven?tyofAri• pouroffipringbothhave50percentof boxa wich rolled-up n:•�v:paper inside zona in Tuuon, he I�id ouc hia o�vn your genes. Termitea, ancs and bces are �hem—utr�ceed�ermieabythe�hou• �heoryof�ocialiryineermites.The �hesoci�liroecuehaexhibic�his�lcm- unds. "prime mover" in the evolution of teo- istic tandenry bnt, bu� same venebnm 'As soon m I pullcd ihe newspaper mite sociiliry, he belicva, i�, quite sim• animilt do u well. Wolva, for exunple, our,"hesays,"dounsoftermitewldiers ply, ehe esscavacion of wood. M�ny Jwell in packs mroiseing ofa maeing woulJ mn up my arms, �;nk their mm- oeher insecu barc singly in wood but pair mid nomrc, roJucing suburdinaa dibla imo my skin and squirc iheir Je• «rmita colleaivelv chew oue � aviry who help niu pupe. &nsive saretions inco me. At first 1 wu which becoma che developing hmilyi Alyla believu �hu �Iternuive rcpra molrcd by d�is, buc �han 1 began co be livingsp�a. This mnfinemenc promoca duai�n scr�tcgiu �Iso expl�in the suc- fu.inaeed by them. Thae �iny orgm• monogamous bm�ling by a male and cess of Rrrirufirmna in Nor�h Amerie�. Caubed with � pai�onow nd farmula (utow), tarmltu �w+rm �round � tnp In lh� lab of tha Urban Entomolop pro�nm �t tba Unirenlry of Toranm (ivaHt). John Slnon Q�R) pou� t�rtnitn Into cWboard rdtw roll�, whil� John F�mando �Rtracb termltu from �oll ln prapuatlan for thdr tarmlUddo uutment �� C�N�Otl1M0�001NINIC �vnnnuotto�u•n . � .. . . . ' . � , y� � . . r ��d , . -� . . . . y:� �4 . {'. t� � �` 9 �;r. � �r. i' ;i. �... <��: . . � . , � ��� , ,. , �, a . le ,� . .c s� m tys �r- in ihc ich �l- ; of ind c ot are ccu- hce ���. ting ��o PfO' suc- ria. � 4�CCI111[C IItfCSt8tI011 IS � IlOilll••pll�ner's issuc, atrcr �il, but there arc ecry tcn• citics in North Amcrica that assumc any responsibilitv in assisting liome•o���ners t��idi d�eir rermice problcros — you phone up ciq� hall ;wd dicy say, `Look in the yello�v pages under pest control.' —nitnnmfnnirrTiiu Jh•/a including in npid prolikraeion in 'ltuscdtobethoueht"heH�s.'�ha� Toronto.lnmo�tspecies,youngteo- RerirulirmnafLrvipnliredincoloninof mitn, or nymphs, moulc ro become ei• �boyt o quartet-million." When Mylu thetwu�kcrsorwldiers.Somekeepon andAi��ahnici�nsbeg�nenppingtet. moWcing md bKOme �larcs, rhe wing;d, mims in Toronco, thry• d'ucorercd �hu rcpraluctive termiee diac fly of�ach souehern as�ump�ion� ofcolonysixe :pring co fonn new colonies. But in werewildlyshartofthemukupnor�h. Rnindimma, nymphs frcquendy vuu• "Colany populuions eh�e we smdied form inro nmmnia, a aste of samlly a� 20 �iea in �he dry ruige fmm about m�turctumiioclutrtninwmejuvenile IOO,OODcoabout11,400,000,"sayi famro ineo adulthood. Instad oFlav Myla. 'Mose of ehese acupied much fng home ta 6ePjn their own eolonia, leu than a full block. A conservative nrntenin reproduce within che colony figure for cermice populacions for an and mave to iu perimaer, �hm single eneire in&seed cicy block would be mluniaanlxcameqwielugebybud• aroundl0million�ndwuldbeminy dingoRautingcolonia. timugmter. Nmrcny ilwgiva �he �ennica an ul• ' Wa know ihac cherc arc morc thm r+ntage in wlder dimua bmuse 6ud• G00 intnml ciry6lacks.Md �h�t doenc ded eolonies have a be�cet chanct of count �he veas where, for one mson or gei�ing �hrough the winmr chm do �he anothcr, nobedy wmu us to know �hry �mill populatians surccd from alue have urmicn." � piin. lhe larger colonin uo beemr able ro fonge for foud and ro rnpond ro TT tl7Af TERMITE ALT0.UISM fI17t IC1I uisa �uch u prtduion, disase ond sud• � Myln �o �he diswvery of an e(kc- denchangain«mpenwre.Theyalso tive new comrol method. The hmamomatauivenmrorkufnuu�cls tnp•�rcu•md-rcleucprocedure,sshe co mignce qui:Uy when tempernures all� it, i� �till in the expedmencd Jrop. As a asul�, �ubmmnan tt�mieo snge, but Mylu ha rcceivcd a U.S. no� only mrvive ihis Gr norch, chry pmmt for it, and fi rady to deploy lt Ibwah in numbcn thn around Myln. in hia war ag�insc R fbvipa. Termite tidbits Con�uvin{ �ebnbn In Toronte, � tamlb colorry� cui �uilr �zand or�r x hdf doun rn�dmtld lau; on� colony wu udm�qd u I,100 �quan mw��. 6n�wln� pl��u�� El�hu�n p�rc�nt of TorontoY dry 61ock� w� 1nluted wlth hrmita. accordlnj to µ• I■b�o dan publbh.d 6r the Clly olk'oranta In 1997. North�rn �urvlvan� Th� Euhm subtamn�an tertnite. R�dcullnrmu parlp�y b found In iouth�m Ontulo and th� aubm hdfaf th� United Saaw p.qcullnmu� I� found n�arir �,aoo IJlom�ae� futher narth th�n ma�t other tertnitati CAMAp1�M 0�00MINlC 11 /. ' ., ' � � '. ( . - . - � . � � � � � , . . I. . . . i � . � ... �l �'� . . . . � ' . . j�t . . ti . ' � . � � '-•11 ' . l� ' . � . . '. ''± J � I!' . ✓{[, f � .I .� . . . , t. a i' � , ,� , �; �1 �r � �` ` d k � } 1 , ;F � � } �C� g �{ �y�i �'i�ll..f�.�s.!_„_i S.iw�.Sn .'�� ..;�!1 ♦ . ., .� � .� . � . � � .. He anJ hu usaius arc try(ng ic out nuw u �ha Murwn Siin, whare duy h�ve buricd 117 mps uaund the city blak iha� contain� 80 howing unin. Ai he gou from mp ro tnp he kecp� pulling up empry �olls ofnrdbo�nl, a mark of che meihodi �uaui. ' Whcn wc fint puc chcse In a year �go," �ry� Myln, "wc wcrc gening around 5,000 cermicn in ach mp. Now we rc lucky if we find une aaive �np.' Tl�e Univeniry oFToronta Innov�• tlons Found�tion hu negoti�ted � li• «nsing agrcement for hlyles with � paticide manuf�cmrcr in Princeton, N.J. The cumpany if aeill seeking regis• v�eion of ihe tcrmicicide ic usn, alled sulflunmiJ. Thia ttrmicicide is rcgis• rcrel for ocher usa in �he Unimd Snen but it u not yet regismred for mmmeo- ciil use in Gnada. Through a toyilry- shuing arrangement wi.h ehe ciry and the un:versiry, Myla hopa th: t enough monry will evencuilly be genenmd to Inp the Urbm Fntomology Progrun going well into the futuce. Th�c will give him the keedom, he liopn, to get bock to some of his pose• ponad projects in'pure uiance." He wrnu ro�wrk on dacripcions of the new termitt genw and �pecia he discavercd eight ynrs �go, md he i� developing a thrnry oFtermiie uufulnw th�t could change forcver �he way we look u ur mita.'Oidy five percrnt of the wodd's tcnui�u ore pun," he say�. `Thc rce� pedorm � v�luable urvice by curning foreec liaor back ina living mucar." Hu iJa u that we muld &ed dad �woel and sawmill mJ pulp mill wurcs ro termitn, and chen kcd �he mrmica to chickens and fish. "Termitu ate � pa- mn�iilly importmc md, rhus fu, una• ploiceJ link between �he fomt and our own foal ch�in." hiylu rvill be happy focuiing on hI� cermim ind hii ihmriea. He is a sci- rntut, not an atermimror, all he w�nts u a securc plue in which ro condua hL �aaah. He (nsins he i� the kind oF person `who crould be puc on n deserced ielmd and find a whole univcne of in- crigue in a decomposing tree.' Q {�ryruGruAjGa wrirninlGn�ron, Ont, and thraarhor o/'I'oronro the Wild: Feld Nota of an U�ban N�mr+lisc liblflGit- nalmn4� L rt pinraamp/xr bu�din Tomnra ��1 potent recipe 4.5 tor terminating te�rmites T6RMITES� lik� mo�t of u�, donc nc anything chry m�- pac will kill chem. Md �h�c u che gmcat pmblem with Jm tn• dicion�l mechods of extermination — so�Wng the eoil with chemic�ls and bueing. The muimum concen- tntion of paison thu cu� be put in a baie is "somnvhere azound 100 puts per million," says u�b�n entomologist Tim hfylu — barely enough to kill che termitt chu ncs it, lec done ehe armite thu em ic in rcgurgineed fortn.'Bvu," he s�}a,'jme dont luve a good kill ntio." Whu hlyles believed he needed w�s a way of geceing enough poison into a vecror, or curier, termite to do some major damage ta �he colony. Termien, he knew, ue �Iwisac ro �he paint of suicide: xvrker eormitn re• mrning ro �hc colony ue Iicked dan by their nest•m�te�, md groaming ttrmita will ingac a lot morc poison ch�n bilc•(onging �ermicn.'Ic's a if thry uy,'1 know Jii� stuA� going to WII me, buc I've goc co gec ic aff my nest•mite, 3o here gou:"This g�ve Myla �he ida af how to gee poison imo �he nut: dab somc on fonging a�mitt> >nd Ict them rceum ro �he eolony, whcre other tcrmitn would lick it off and die. Pmiow behaviaid acudin shmm! cert�in brands of mukeo-pen inlu wcrc ary �o apply to rhe ttrmi�ei cu- tide, or ihdl, md woWd be geduilly lirked off by o�ha nrmita. By ma(ng the mrmi�n with a misnue of poison and ink. Myle uuccd a mobile bac ryseem delivered by the urmica. To hii amuemrnt the �y�tem wo�ked beecet dun tndidoml Midn�. He wa� able eo incrwe the wncenuation of w t6e toxiunt in the mating:o morc thm 1,OD0 time: whu the eum(tu would acapt in a bile.'It �eems �h�c thry arc Iw finicky about tuce wha� licking another «rmite thm ehey ue when nung.' 11 C�M�YI11ryC�40MINIC �IITIM��NOCTO�III'17 . �.�.4' � - :; � . . ,. . - . �i ���: ..� , l; C, t, , - � (• �:�. � � � s. t a�u��e n�. t, e,. , �' . , , -, 't The poiwn he mcded on wa eu!• flunmid, a ilow•aaing bu� highly cf- kctive In�ecticide wh(ch he mixcd wich rcd muker•pen ink In hb lab, he dabbed a few terml[a with the mixture. u�ing a luge �ponbe, puc chem In a mnninn vvi�h a lo� of o�hu ttrmites, and waited. The kill ntio �vu fintatic: more rhm a thommd Icilled for nch one co�md. "The kill n�io u Iw in ihe field," he:ayr,'per• fups u high v 50 ro ana"'Ihis mwu he nee� ro mp abaut nw peran[ of a colony's papulacion co descroy it. "The baury of �he syscem b thu we use minum qumeicia of rhe toxianc mmpued ro oJ�er methods," he uys. "Soil termiticide applincion ncn ue about five kilognms per p�operry; we uu abou� 25 gnm+oFsulflunmid co crat 100,000 cermircs in � multi• prope�ry site." In Taroneo field studies ovcr the Iut four summen, ehe ttap�cmt•aad- relrue ptocedure hm (n some tua eliminated eneirc colonin of term(�a in a fingle fesson. At one larga ilte, eavering a heavily infested rcsidcn- tial ciry block, termites were elimi- n�tnl wichin two ynn. Mylc deul�tn cFut iFstudenc field cmn wem h(mi to work on cvery In- fnecd ury blak it might be pouible ro eradiau ill the knawn infa�i- ciom in Maro Toron�o wirhin five ro 10 yeut at � mst of appm:imudy S6 million. Buc for now, the plan is to gee �he formulation regiitered and inro the hmd� uf 6ansed pest conwl opmton. '1 donc think pesi mnwl wmpa- nia will adopc du syscem ovemight," he s��,'but evenwlly 1 think t�ry71 come uound. I l�ope, evenm�lly, u Jie mp�tm�•and-rclase ryscem im- pmvn, dut it mighe begin ro displaa rhe ux of wU tamidddn and �hm R- dum the load of cmoe diemlcaL going ineo the u�bm environmrnt " —w c. Q6 � � c.. THE TRAP-TREAT-RELEASE TECHNI�UE FOR TERMITE COLONY CONI'ROL WfuT Is Trw�7nenr-R�EnseT Top�Tro�bpelus� (RR) Is a naw IeMnpue lor subterrana�n lermlta conlrol whkh was imenied by d. T.Q. Myle� al Ihe QnivmPty ol Taonlo. At Ih� name Implia�, Ihe pioceduw imolwf Ihree rtwin sleps: T� Th� IerMl� Uap consisb ol a plaln ear00oard tdl Iilletl Insid� a plsslb N�ew wer whkh a plywood Ild I� pland (ua Fp. 1�. Th� tr+p b about 15an hiph and t5cm In dlameler, ud Ih� fd U 70e+n a 7Dan. On +ve�+pe, efpht 4+pa u� pland N euh properly, Te�milef in the dea will lead on the nrdboud uM �ro collMed al iepuW Mlarvab by �emovinp (hs roll uW npladrq It wtth a n�w ono. � O�l� iH F(g, t. The Termilo Trop \� a� iM oolleelM IermlU� ue Wouphl b ow pb �nd Fept diw unW • lupa number hm been g�lhered. TINy u� th�n h��ted by iPWN�Y ��w+Wrp toxkanl dkaeUy anlo N�k bodi�� w;ih � timpl� bbtU�q t�cMiqu� fsa Fp. 4�. , � �-.ppYUwr bun p�d u --w.m� an r Inilm�H 4ry � � � � � � i 61otl'rV+Dn = � = � � � � 0.000 b t0.000 �i�� � �� � �� klllllln F(g. 2. The Treatment Process , ,. Relean iha �uled lermile� an pl�ctd In a wEboard roll, and rtlumed to Iha ule Irom w�ich I�ey fama (w� Flp. 7�. A nlan� po� lid is uaurtd lo th� U�p to prvent lampu(ng. The ua�trA lum7�n a�e Ihen �We lo fpiead Ih� Io�i�nllo IA� iest ol the eolony, nr�w nu� wr:q � Oiau�4wl► ', IiELFASE PORT py� -� WARMNO LABEL aWw' �� �M.n� a . HM�NRI I (4YtCy M�o. —.. I Fig. 3. The Reloase Port Now Does Ir WoAKT TM +ctM Mqr�dl�n1 M Ih� TTR truM�ol B a chemkal Wbd 6'dllwmW. R b a WwacWq lo■k+n4 U�at I�, il kflU brmiln dowly. Thif ine�n� IMI VN collMed Nrmilet wlll M diw lor tererd d�y� aN�� tr��imen4 pMnp them Iim� lo pau Ne paUdd� on lo oNt�� N IM oobny. Tinnvniuhn oi IAr swnw+ma omm o.�,w inmw oroom ..a� om.�. Ihenby tld�kiq oN wrtw o1 tM pe�Udd�. AMN N It kp�NM. ll I� IuMar pwM on by rpw9ilalhn, tinp Inmila� (a�d �uh olhet 6y �rowo�u�a Maniea ioaa, a� rew uw. n,w damo�3v.i.a Ihal �pproa4nalely 100 tamila� nn be wpcd la eoch ane keued. We Menlat Iry W odleel 17i ol IM oolony In our V�ppinp tlap�, In orda b�NM 100% o11M termlln. ooes Ir wanK7 Tha piphs on tlw IdlowGq Pa9� Illuitral� Ih� nwlu Irom lour rcprc�emaUvs tNa (hom a IaN a Iwenry► in whkh nea �I,I� w.�. w�,tw «n io oom �w�,�w �e�. ,S.'. � . •.t� . ;�: ��,x; ,} ; �! ' � ''; •. �: _ t��i , ' :!� r; , . ,. �4 t '1�� r , . , .,.4 �!��i � .. , }t•, � . . , t. �� .. . - ty. � u Ihu Uwphl mlu pL�pl�. whwh u nyNnwNahvu ul 5�� :�lu, �� wh�Th remalned InxtHa M 109� IopowYiq U�umanl In 1097. � , Flg. 4. Owight Slla M.4� �� MY 1 ■n.r �ris - �R4 �m MI � �M � � � r . u�nurni�nannu ..� . F7p.31s Ihe Monpoae tfla pnph,whkh I� nq�tanlal(w ol se�en tit�f at which Ir�p yteldf M 1991 waro rMuad by Bp.710 99A% oomparM l0 199J, Fig. 5. Manlrosa r... x�.+.� �.rr., �� YI01 a.aa aoo� A001 Ml 111 � 1 1� I � 111111�I�IlIAOlIAII �1M Fq.O is Iha &ak� dto gnph, whkh h uq�sendtiw of Gn tltas at tihlqt �ap ylNd� in 199� wen ieductd yy 10.E lo 89.5% compued lo ID9J, Flg. 6. Olake Slla rr..nw.i sb ame Ka �ane xeee wi � w� 1 1 1 / / IIIIIIII�IIILLIIAII w�1 Fip.7 b tAs Oordan dle preph. MdcA i� �epn�anuWS al two dtrf �1 whkA trap ylaldf hl 199! wvn reduud 6y 57.1% a I�ff oompued l0 197�. • FIg. 7.8ardan Silo � rr«`y„� . aso� a�a ■me usw use� ua � w �i a � r � n��nunnaaean ..w �.'.v i .. � . 4'�� ,v �.r�ure tws i. �suw t,y da ut�n �,ba;i�oo� : c.RWrun FaaiNyolF«eNy.UnbadNo��Toroino.•.. � Thla edtUOn wu pnP+iad by�Jiion Wlema.;t:;' �. i �x .'r ,� t WuaiAnelueAUVnr�lau�sur' laai�•Inent-Iletease7 Th�i�u�e�wrdbranupa�WN�TTRdehnlqwowr4M10ony �y m•Ila6� d d�mll� sonLol: � I. Wh�nn tntlllbnu m�ihod� anlypork� � eN�mkal buiNr b protut IM Iwuu, TTA dhtclly dl�eu Ilw p�mll� oolonY, tupprnunp or klll4p II. 7. TTfl I� tmMonm�nu4y lii�ntlly� tMu orJy � minul� �naunt ol p�qldd� b uud� �nd II 4w�� rMtudly ra ch�mk+l rrridw. Compu� W� wlth tndlifond m�Uwd�. whkh uw 3000 Iim�� ma� pptldd�� md wha� ieilduei an laq 20 yeu�. 7. Beauswnlyunill�mw��iolcAemiulu�uNd,Ihe�drorw hadlh �Hects uwdilM wiN m�ny p�stidda� u� Hknlna�ed, �. M Ih� I�imN� eolony if �IimM�IM. whkh 41h� qo� ol TTp, Ih� d�nper ol rNnl��ulbn it minimltM. wheu� n�nbattllip� u� oaur wilh YaAiGon�l m�Uwd� 11 a palh Wouph Ih� ch�miW b�nler opens up. HOW 001 GEiINVOL4E07 1. TuM Io your neipAbou�� to qel lhem Inwlvtd too, Tha mae Putidp�nu w� haw In yow aiea. the bolta our Man«� ol +u�ua. Than up Ihe Te�miu lib H 97&2�07 to pel Iha necetury Icrme. 2 5pn �n �utAalt��on lam and roturn il to Ihe 1�6. x w. �„n se� up �n appolnlmml Ia Inp inttalt�tion. Th� Iwlioa ol the Irap� wi11 b� iecromed on � m�p ol your qopeny. �. TM Vipf wiA be ehecweA bimanthly, and Iha lamltes cdleNed. & When wtlid�nl numDen ol Iamiln har� been cotlenaO, UuMenU v�ill G wd�d ou4 uW th� truled lermllu will b� rdusW bxk InW yow prop�iry, 0. iM ula u� monilaed undl iha �nd ol Ih� teason, 7. SI� rnull� ue wmmuleed �nd presenled in November or Oecember. e. F�+�p ��Wio w wiied oul In the seeond �yu. 9. Tupf may M ��mowd �t any pm�� but plus� tlo not nmov� Y�pt wtlh r�M�s� por� IWt. 10. Gq tM T„rMl� (ib (9i&21Q7) a Dr. Tim Myte� rol&5755J II you Ma any qwWon�. HOW AqE TNE TTR TNIALS FUNOEOT � TM inmil� W iealwf lunainp Irom �hre� wwas: 1. TM Munklpal BuiWy�y pepWmanb of ToronW, 6st YorF, Nat� YorM, Snrborouph, and YaN (therMa� only residenb ol N�a dtl�� ve el'qibl� la Indusbn In our triil��, 2 Th� Onluk� AGniclryol Fsvironment W Enerpy. �. FMC c«p«,uon .I_ � . . i�. . , _ . . i.. . . : . . . . ... '.�.'.. . , . . �,:t. . ' . . - . .. .. . . +. .. , . � � .. � �-. . � .. �� . .. . ' , �.. � ii• � � : . . �;��� � .:j'� . . 1. . � .. � . i ' - � Y .,Y� . . . . •� 1 ` �. ` : � ! . �� � . � . . �` t 1 .e� . . _ 3, . p i . ti„ • .