HomeMy WebLinkAboutFIN 33/99. . � . .. . .. � ' -_ J2o�. �Q�1, �F Pk. � � � � � � REPO�tT TO COUNCIL F20M: Gillis A. Palerson DATE: November 1 I, 1999 Director, Corpornte Services & Treasurer REPORT NUMBER: PIN 33-99 SUpJECT: 2000 Interim Spending Authority RECOMMENDATION; Thal Report FIN 33-99 of lhe Dircclor, Corporale Serviccs & Trcasurer be reccived; and, l. the 2000 Interim Operaling Expendilures be approved ut 50% of ihc prior years' budgcl, inciuding exceptions ns contnined in Attnchmeut I, pending opproval of thc furtnal 2000 Curtent Budgets by Council; and 2. thc appropriate Town of Pickcring oUicials bc aulhorizcd to take tlic necessa�y nctions to givc cffcct thcreto. ORIGIN: Director, Corporata Scrvices & Trcasurcr AUTHORITY: Municipai Act, R.S.O., 1990 as amcnded. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS; Adoption of interim nppropriations does not constilute approval of a fnrtnal budget but rather is required to provide funding authorization for the paymenl of salaries and wagcs and such othcr accounts us may be necesssuy for notmal day to day opernlions oCthe Tawn. At lhc conclusion of the Budget process, all inlerim appropriations are nullified wid replacc3 u�ith the detail appropriations as npprovcd by Council. EXBCUTIVE SUMMARY: Not applicublc, Rr,�ort to Council FIN 33-99 104 Subjecl: 20001ntcrim Spending Authorily BACKGROUND; Date; Novcmbcr 1 I,1999 Pugc 2 Each ycnr, pending approval by Town Council of lhc annual Opemting Budget, il ia nccessary to provide expendiwre authority for thc interim period &om Janunry i respwling lhc paymcnt of accaunts. Such authority is in the fortn of interim appropriutions lo mect eslimutcd expcnse requirements of the individual departments, agencies and bonrds. T�e 1999 Curtent budget was considered by Council in Muy, 1999. Fiscal year 2000 may provc to bc as challenging os 1999 due mninly to Bill 79 and its impact on taxation. Thcrefore, wc arc sccking approval to provide for interim spending authority for up to the first six months of 2000 or when COUNCIL APPROVES THE 1999 BUDGET, whichever occurs first. At ihe conclusion of the budget proccss, nll interint appropriations are nullificd und replaced with thc dctail approprialions as approved by Council. Appropriate adjuslments have been made in Ihe departmental appropriutions listed as Attachment 1 whcre the spending pattcros indicatas that somclhing greater than 6/12's will be ncccssary for Ihe first six months of 2000 such a, snow clearing. The Intcrim Approprialions as listed are based upon qie fomier administrative structurc of thc To�vn, bcing thc simpicst fortnat ut Ihis timc and it was the basis upon which the 1999 Budgcl was presentcd and npprovcd. Any capitnl projccts proposcJ prior to thc approv�l of thc 2000 Cnpital budgcl will rcquirc specific upprovnl by Council. ATTACHMENTS: 20001nterim Appropriations. Prepared By: Stan Kanvowski, Mnnagcr of Finance GAP:vw Attachment Copy: Department Heads Recommendcd for the consideration of Pickcring Town C ncil � � .� Th J. uinn hief ministra' � Offcc� Approved / EndorscJ Dy; Gillis A. Pnterson, Director, Corporate Services & Trcasurcr �� ATTACHMENT t1J_TO REPORTN r �rv i3'9q TOWN OF PICK�RING 1 � S 2000 INTERIM APPROPRIAI'IONS Account Deaartment 2111 Mayor 2113 Council 2121 Chlef Administralive O�cer 2122 Cletk 2124 Civic Camplex 2125 Legal Services 2127 Finance 2129 Customer Care Centre 2132 Town Property Maintenance 2133 Supply and Services 2139 Human Resources 2141 Safety 8 Training 2191 Elections 2192 Economic Development 2196 Informat(on Systems 2198 Microfiching 2189 Print ShoplMail Room 2200 By-Law 2230 Crossfng Guards 2240 Fire Protection 2241 Emergency Operat(ons Control 229G Public Works 2293 Mlmal Control 2315 Municipal Garage 2320 Road: 2325 Street Lights 2350 Transit 2360 Transit - Specialized Services 2430 Solid Waste 2572 Senior Citizens Centre 2610 Planning 2710 Parks & FaciliNes -Admin. 2711 Culture & Rocreation - Adm(n. 2712 C,S. 8 F. - Programs 2713 C.S. & F. - Dunbarton Pool 2715 C.S. & F. - Don Beer Arena 2718 C.S.& F.- Parks 2719 C.S. & F. - Community Centres 2731 Rec Complex - Central Core 2733 Recreatfon Complex - Pool 2735 Recreation Complex - A�enas 2743 L.A.C.A.C. 2744 Museum 2745 Librades Various Gensral Govemment 2000 7999 (Jan. 1 -June 30) Approved INTERIM Budaet APPROPRIATION S 3 130,041 65,000 305,685 152,000 315,966 158,000 264,982 132,000 290,303 145,000 359,264 180,000 1,061,134 531,000 158,091 79,000 276,656 138,000 281,918 140,000 475,032 237,000 68,699 34,000 0 0 228,985 114,000 511,325 255,000 10,300 5,000 303,884 152,000 327,721 164,000 214,184 107,000 6,072,930 3,036,000 8,390 4,000 1,591,826 796,000 194,126 97,000 52,109 26,000 2,784,626 1,700,000 506,000 253,000 2,993,079 1,496,000 548,316 274,000 851,050 425,000 148,227 74,000 1,087,105 543,000 274,150 137,000 443,178 221,000 1,265,778 633,000 215,7G3 108,000 518,635 259,000 1,328,083 663,000 192,586 9�,000 1,394,038 697,000 545,898 273,000 495,661 248,000 9,450 9,450 255,199 128,000 2,548,141 1,274,000 8,215,035 2,035,000