HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 28/99�N OF pM_ � 39 ��� � REPORT TO COUNCIL � FROM: Denisa Dyc DATE: July 6, 1999 Managcr, Legal Scrviccs ' RGPORTNUMDER: L28/99 SUDIECT: Pert Lot Conirol By-Law - E & F Raponi Investments - Lols I l0 14, inclusivc, Plan 40M•1918 • File: P4101.192 RGCOMMENDATION: A Part Lot Conlrol UyLaw should bc enncled to cxcmpt Lots I to 14, inclosivc, Plan 40M-1918, Pickcring, from Aic subdivision conlrol provisions of thc Pfrninbigdrr. ORIGIN: Rcqucst from Ka1cs & Goldkind dntcJ Junc 25, 1999. AUTHORI7'Y: Pfunuln�; Acr, R.S.O. 1990, chnptcr P.I J, scction 50. DACKGROUND: Thc abovc•mcnlioncJ lands arc bcing dcvclopcd in occordancc with Ihc approprintc Subdivision Agrccmcnl nnd Zoning OyLnw, in such u manncr to pertnit �hc rrnlignmcnt of lot lincs within thc plan. Attuchcd hcrcto is u drnll by-law, cnactmcm of which will cxcmpl �hesc lands from Ihc part lot coNrol provisions of Ihc PfunnDigAcf, Ihus pertnilting Irnnsfcrs of Ihosc units inlo scpnrntc owncrship. This by luw is in Ihc fortn usually cmploycd in such cnscs. ATTACHMENTS: I. DreR bylaw. 2. Sitc Skctch/Location Mup. Prepared/Approved by: � Dcnise Byc DD:Qm Attachmenls Copy: ChicfAdministrativcOfticer Director of Planning Recommended for the :onsidemtion of Pickedng Town Counctl d „ . �� T 0 1.Quinn, icfA ini�tra Offia �` 4Q TFIE CORPORATION OF THE TQWN UF PICKGRIN(i L1Y•LAW NO. 5534/99 Being u bydu�v ru exempr Las 1 to !a, lncGuA�e, Plun a0A1- 1918, Plckering, jrom par� !ot ca�trnl. WHEREAS pursunnt to Ihe provisions of section 50 of ihe Plu�udng Acr, R.S,O. 1990, chapter P.IJ, �he council of Ihc municipaliry may by by-law providc that sec�ion 50(5) of thc Acl docs not npply to cceain lands within a plan of subdivision designnted in �hc by-law: NOW THEREFORE, the Council of Thc Corpomtion of thc To��n of Pickcring HERGDY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: I. Scciion 50(5) of thc Plainiug drr, R.S.O. 1990, chaptcr P.13, docs no1 apply to thc IanJs dcscribed as follows: � Lots 1 to 14, inclusivc, Plan 40A1•1918, Pickcring. 2. This by-law sh�ll remain in force anJ c(fect for a period of six montlis Gom the Jale of tlic passing of this byInw ond shall cxpirc on January:0, :000. DY-LAW rend n first, sccond and third lime and finally pnssed this :Oih dny of July, 1999. Wnync Anhurs, �layor Bmce Tnylor, Clcrk i �.i P/101.193 . � . . �i - :'II � � . � ... . il . 'I . . � .. . . . . . . . I .j � t� , � i � . - . � � .. �� � . � . ��j . ,.� ���.. �. .� � : . , t , �� ` � � i. . .. . , . „ . _ ., ,. I � � . ,� ' • � . . � � t.. . . , � � . . , , . , .;. . ^r, .. r. �