HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 29/99,� _ ..� � � • �NOFp � � O � � � 35 REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Denise Bye DATE: July 6, 1999 Maneger, Legel Scrvices REPORTNUM[IGR: L29/99 SUUJF,C7': Part Lot Contral By-Law - 704858 Ontnrio Limiled - Lots I, 3, 4 and 5, Plan 40M•1956 - File: P4101.193 RECOMMENDATION: A Pnrl Lot Control Dy-Letiv should be enncl:d lo exempt Lo1s I, ], 4 and 5, Plan 40M-1956, Pickering, from ihc subdivision control provisions of thc PlanningAcr. ORIGIN: Request from 704858 Ontnrio Llmited daied July 5, I999. AUTHORI7'Y: Planning dcr, R.S.O. 1990, chnptcr P.13, scction 50. UACKGROUND: The above•mentioned Innds are being developed in accordance �eid� Ihe appropriate Subdivision Agreement nnd Zonfng E3y-Lnw, in surh u mnnner that more Ihan one dwellfng unil Is being constructeJ on each lol rcferrcd to. Attached hercto are dm11 by-luws, enac�monl of which will exempl these lands Gam the part lot conlrol provisions of the Plannfng dcl, thus permitdng Irnnsfcrs of Ihosc uni�s Imo sepamtc owncnhfp. Thcsc bylaws nrc in �he form usua�ly employed in such cascs. It should bc noted that at �he prcsenl timc, thc dwclling on Lot 1 dces not comply with �hc minimum ilankagc sideyard setbuck. The builder hac npplied for a m(nor variance which Is lo be heard on July 28, 1999. If this is not nppcaled, the tinulimtian date will be August 17, 1999. As therc arc closings pending on rcgistralion of ihc Part Lot Control Dylow for Lot I, we nrc sceking npproval for ihe buildcr o� Ihis limc. Thc By-law for Lot I will bo held in the Legnl Department and rcg(stercd only upon finnl approval from Ihe Committcc oPAdjustmcm, The by-law respecting Lots i, �, 4 nnd 5 will !x registered immcdiately following ennctment. ATTACIiMENTS: I. DraD bylaws (2). 2. Site SketchlLocation Mep. Prepured/Approved by: K..� . Denlu By • DB:ijm Auachmenu Copy: ChlefAdminfstrativeOtficer Dircctor of Plenning Recummended for the considcrellon of Pickering Town Council � .� �P .. � as .Quinn, fAdmi slrelive i,_� ,_ ,t� :,. 'I 36 � THE CORPORATION OF THF TOWN OF PICkFUiun ' 13Y•LAW NO. 5532/99 Befng a by-Imv �o exempf Lo� l Pfan a0A!•1956, Plcker(ng, frum pa�t !o! confrol. WHEREAS pursuant ro ihc provisions of secdon 50 of the Planning dcr, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.I], �he council of the municipality m�y by bylaw provide thal section 50(5) af the Acl does not npply to cenain lands wilhin n plan of subdiv(sion designated in the bylaw; NOW THEREFORE, thc Council of The Corporntion of the Town of Pickering HEREE3Y ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Seclion 50(5) of the Pfanrring Acr, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13, does not apply to the lands descrilxd as follows: Lot I, Plan 40M•1956, Pickaring. 2. This byla�v shnll remai� (n force and e((ect for a perial of six momhs from �he daie of thc �,�ssing of �hfs bylaw und shall expire on January :0, :000. UY•LA W read n fin6 xcond md Ihird time and finally passe.! tliis :Oth Jay of July, I999, Wayne Anhurs, Atayar firuce Taylor, Clcrk I , ►/IOl.lq � . - . . � � � . . � � � . .. . ... . - .. . . . :, . .. . . I � . . . . . �. . , .. � � . . .. . .. - I . . . . � . . � � . . - � ', . � � .�. � � - . � i . . . , . . . . . . . . , . , . . I �'.. • TFIF. CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF PICKF.RINd �Y-LAWNO. 5533/99 ' Uebtg u b}••faiv ro ex¢mpl Lnrs !. a uiiJ S, Plan a0A1•1956. Pl�•kering, front p�r! for cmurol. WHEREAS pursuant Io the provfsions of section 50 of the Plmming Acr, R.5,0. 1990, chapter P.13, ihe council of thc municipality may by bylaw provide that section 50(5) of the Act does not apply to cenain lands within a plan of subdivision designmed in the bylaw; NOW THEREFORE, �he Council of The Corporation of �he Tawn of Pickering FIEREDY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: I. Section 50(5) of thc Plvnn(ng,�lc;, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13, Jaes not apply to the lands dcscribed as follaws: Lots ]. 4 anJ 5. Plan 40M•1956, Pickcring. 2. This bylaw shall rcmain in force and et%ct for a perial of six mamhs from �he datc of �hc passing of tliis by law and shall expire on lanuary :0, :000. DY•LAW read a first, scconJ nnd thlrJ tfmc and finally pused ihis :Oth day of July, 1999. � Waync Arthurs,llayor Druce Taylor. Clerk 37 �� ,. � ' .. . _ ' . �! � ,,•, 1 . � � � � .� �, � ' . . . . . . , . . ' . 0i