HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 37/99:� o�,�oFP 045 � � �� � REFORT TO COUNCIL PROM: 1nr.e 8urton DATE: Scptember 7,1999 Town Solicitor REPORTNUMUGR: L37/99 SUBIECT: Pud Lat Control By-Lew • Danlu Holdinga Limited - Lots I, 4 and S and Iilocks 7 and I I, Plen 40M-1981 - Filc: P4101.197 RECOMMENDATION: A Part Lot Conuol Dy-l.nw should be enocted to excmpl Lols I, 4 and 5 and Dlocks 7 nnd I I, Pickcring, Gum the subdivision control provisions of thc Planning Act. ORIGIN: Rcquesl from Daulu rcccived Septembcr 7, 1999. AUTHORITY: PlanningAct, K.S.O. 1990,chnpt�: P.13, scction 50. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Nonc. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Not npplfcublc. DACKaROUND: The above•mentioncd Innds arc bcing Jevclopcd in accordance wilh thc appmpriate Subdivision Agrccmcnt end Zoning DyLaw, in such a manncr lo ollow morc than onc dwclling unit to bc constructcd on each of the lols rcferrcd to. Attnched hcreto is e dmll by-Inw, cnnctment of which will exempt these lands trom Ihe part lat control provisions of the Planning Ac1, thus pertnilting transfers of those ur�is inta separatc ownership. T'his by- Inw ie in the form usually employed in such cases. ATTACHMENTS: I. DraR bylaw. 2. Site Skelch/Location Mnp. Prepnred Dy: �Y �/-� Deniso F3y DB:Ijm Attachments Copy: ChiefAdministrativo0�ccr Dircctor of Plnnnina Approvc� / End scd B : Jnne U n M ,� 4 6 ATTACHMENT 7tL fC) ;;EPORT tl �-31I94 � TNE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF PICK RM � i� ��, BY-LAW N0. 'i i �' 1 �, '� Beb�g a 6y-!mv fo exempt Lo1r 1, 4 and S and Blacks 7 and 11, Plan 40Af-/981, Plckering, from parl lof conlroL WHEREAS pursunnt to the provisions of section 50 of the Planntng Acl, R.S.O. 1990, chepter p.� 3, the council of the municipality mny by bylaw provide Ihat section 50(5) of thc Act dces not apply to ccrtain lands within a plan of subdivision dcsignaled in the bylew; NOW THEREFORE, Ihe Council of The Corporalion of ihe Town of Pickering HHREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: I. Section 50(5) ot the Pl�nming Acr, R.S,O. 1990, chepter P.13, das not apply ta �he Innds dcscribed as follows: Lots 1, 4 ond 5 and Blocks 7 and I I, Plan 40M•1981, Pickering. 2. This bylaw shall remain in force end effcct for o period of six momhs from Ihe date of the passing of this by-luw end shall cxpirc on April a, 2000. E3Y�LAW rcad o first, sccond and Ihird timc anJ finally passcd Ihis 4th day of Octaber, 1999. Waync Arthurs, Mayur Druce Taylor, Clerk i. �! nioi,rot il j I i �� v QW = . � , I I} t ^�' _ x a ATTACHMEtyT N�,�fO REPqRTI�s e ► r 1 m E .,I ; �j �� �t }� : � � !� � a � j �� ���° b t'� 1�"�11 ��'�� if� I�' � I!C R ��;ba °` �� I`�' � k i��; �• � � p�S ��'ll 6i ° a"°" � &o �. � �` 1�� S I: j S ;'�:t jt �; J � (�j � � f � g�! iG g^o;� uz 'i ° i� ��± � I�� ��c�����' � �e ��3t� �i � s >i o o° n� i� ` I �`1t�� 0�i �� � i l �! r� � T!' � u � j" "S i i tQ I. � a< 4 y O` q r �� 1� �;� 1 ���Ili2' a' il1.1 �' ��7 :� ,S� �� g 7i tf � d� Bbb",,�.s�� -•,'� {f �1 j �iflif�i W€•i�i�' ilf�p i{i`Iti �i �] rcak"W. o y• yj�{! �CS( t r e 6i��� t C f� �nn°���a # i.� 62!�1i1 i�..tl.tin� ot.:.11•� .I�i� - � (ii4F$'{i ��e'i • .. �.f .. . , �i�{�!{!1 iii�l .. , .. . , � ::' . ., . . .. . . „ • i Itiihii: iii:' � � . � : � � �� I Itjlllii� ii�� �+ �elii�lii 1!1� -,� �i M• i• i h U I S= ••ti ON '' ;-_ `•••• , ' . �Ic���-•� ,,,:,,«. ji � `4 ff E � ° � - - -'- �-'. � � �[5�;t � R«i}� � C . � � � � � � i ii�Ii���;i i�fiii� • , � e � ;�??i::��►�?y:;:t ..� ..... ^ ;:; «?:;:E��!:;�i#i! .,.`�:'' � " �,,, `' �� 1VN i •:bb�CS � �� ������������I���� !d 1 '\,� !!l111!l4.Inn..l ... �,� , � '.• •�,=�.r� �==.� � �� . . ........r�:ir:: . :. t � .... — ;�1! � `:1�t�! o ' � '' : � 7U.o '� Id`�t i ., i �."MOYtliY� �� E. •..t � �Owr� �� N�� n!!.. .���� �6, { ' $ t. ���.,. 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