HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 36/99135 �HOFp� W1� F � FROM: Jmic Uurlon Town Solicitor REPORT TO COUNCIL SUE3JECT: Pnrt Lot Control DyLmv - 70485& Ontnrio Limitea - Lots 2, 9 and 12, Pinn 40M• 1956 - Filc: p4101.196 DATG: Scptembcr 7, 1999 REPORTNUM[3BR: L36199 RECOMMENDATION: A Pnrt Lot Control UyLnw should bc enncted to exempt Lots 2, 9 and 12, Plan 40M•I956, Pickcring, fmm ihc subdivision contral provisions of thc PlnnningAcr. ORIGIN: Rcqucst from 704856 Ontariu Limitcd reccivcd Septcmbcr 7, 1999. AUTHORITY: PlnnuixgAc�, R.S.O. 1990, �n,���� r.u, scction 50. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Nunc. EXGCUTIVB SUMMARY: Not applicnblc. UACKGROUND: The abovo-mentioned lands arc being Jevelopcd in accordancc wiUi thc oppropriatc SubJivision Agrcemcnt and 7.oning UyLmv, in such n monncr la allow morc than onc da•cliing unil to bc conslnicted on ench of thc lots rcfcrrcd to. Anuchcd hcrclo is a dmR by-Inw, cnaclment of which will cxcmpt thcsc Innds from Ihc part bt control provisions of thc PlunningAcl, thus permitling Iransfcrs of thosc unils into scparatc owncrship. This by- Inw is in thc form usually employcd in such cnscs. ATTACHMENTS: I. DraR by-law. 2. Site Sketch/Location Map. Prepercd Dy: Approv� EnJorsc I cnise Dye Jane qti on / DD;Ijm AttachmcNs Copy: Chicf AJminislrotivc Officcr DircctorofP?anning Recommendcd for the considcration of Pickcring Town Council � �-- ' . �� p � mas J. Quinn, hicf ministra ' OfTic � II �136 ATTACHMENT #�TO IlEPORT N_Ne� 4 j}�I ,CORPORATION OP THf TOl1'� OF PICKGRING L�L'•I.AW N0. Being a by-laiv !o exenry�! Lon ?, 9 und l2, Plun a0A1J956, Pickering, jron� parl /ol con�rol. 1'lHEREAS pursuaN to the provisions of section 50 of the Plnroiieg Acr, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13, the council of ihe municipality may by b�••law provide Ihat scction 50(5) of the Acl does not apply lo cenain IanJs wiihin a pinn of subdivision designaled in the bylaw; NOW THEREFORE, Ihe Council of The Corporalion of ihe To��n of Pickcring HC•REUY GNACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Scclion 50(5) of thc Plu�uib�g Ac�, R.S.O. 1990, chaplcr P.13, docs not appl� to thc lands described as follows: Lats 2, 9 nnd 12, Plan 40M• 1956, Pickcring. 2. 7'his bylaw shall remain in forcc nnd clTcct (or a perioJ of sia mailhs Gam thc da�c of thc passing o( Ihis bylaw nnd sliall expirc on March 21, 2000. DY-LAW rcad n first, sccond and third timc nnd finally passcd this? Isl Jay of Septcmbcr, 1999. �� 1l'a� nc Atthurs, I�layor Orucc Taylor, Clcrk I . �iTTAi.HMEN7 � ^�. ' �� ;aT u A � /,� e�aK s� � ° �: ro x !/ .�.a� .�.:. e i� � :;-�: - urr. w O.L.S. � """""""'"'""""""'" "_ �' S:E � 1 nuf r.N. �rt � „n�y.: DEUL 8 � � � � i � ro rtn e. a�c�u �• c r c'. i,�� `;i .� ' `;"~,,i•'�M, - - , , 14 � ' � \; .i�'' ,r. ,•;',�5 �/ ```�i i�1.-.t,, 11 i.\ .:�b:�::�e- , � . . ;,, \ . � ,� e "+ � � \: � � � i \ � .r I `` �;� =. e �t'� I �.y .. � ,e � . . 5 ��; . a�P• !�I ' t i 4 , ' . .. � ..r �..r I F��U� � , _ � . � PMPaEt�� � : . � � .. ' � - '� � .:, , � „ , � r -��•, , �- �, - ,,,.� ,, �.,,� :�. ::�:-�. ,�:�y � � y , : . .. ;: ;; i�: ;: i: .. � ; pi �r--- . . :ur-:i x� ( ��f i nr• x,.�.r� I :i. '. �vx. :a. rs;ri. "u:-a ^ • ,. I� ;, i7 ' !�rel<��r: . . - . _ + e' � �� i S, 16 +; i ' , .. (jJ ���� rh � i� S +ii t. � � : . � �r,rvi,.. ;i �� FI _l s I ' jN��. �y f" �; i: i i � 1:} � :.,, ;. � el ' ! — - • � �� -?r„t:: • � SEE CET�iI � �4 a. _.- ;� � I - i=- � n u.i- l---- -- i . - � i . � I 1 ° �'"''u"'" _'"'_� u•�' `••�: ,: , ' I � ?axw: - ,IOCK 1 : � r. ^� �nnnn G� L — — — — — —�:m _ n r•- �._ _i+r uv.a _ _ �in'r _r_ � a ��r.n ' — — — ;. � vui a � B�X 12 �-BIOCK 23. ,BLOCK'F4= — — _ ' •,oe-r.•�� n i�tft..0 r�s„o p w nr. �s ::r:�7. . . �r . ^ r _ ti .. .. I ��:f f^!I� :T'fls>.( • '•'�5:7��. �:�: t :' � �.. :�r-»:: -: I ♦ / The Town oP Pickering aart �ot controt ey-�eW 7�4B5B Ontario Limited LEGAL S�RVICFS DEPARTMENT �ots_2,�,�9„and„�2, Plan aCro-tsss �