HomeMy WebLinkAboutED 01/99• � isa ���'� � REPORT '�'O COUNCIL FROM: )oan Alfrey 0'Grady DA1'E: June 3, 1999 Manager, Ewnomic Development REPORT NUMBER: ED O1-99 SUBJECT: Film Industry - Tomporary No Fly Zone - Production of the "Little Men" Television Series RECON�fENDATION: 1. That Council endorse a resolution requesting Transport Canada Ontario Region to immedialely implement a temporary no•ily zone over the Claremont Conservation Area Monday to Friday Gom 6:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. until ]anuary 31, 2000 to stop the noiu nuisance created by regular scheduled air tra�ic and training flights with respect to the filming of the "Little Men" television uries. ORIGIN: Receipt of attached correspondence from Greg Copeland, Producer, "Little Men Films lnc." sent to Tran�port Canada Ontario Region. AU7'HORITY: Municipal Act FINANCIAI. IMPLICATIONS: Not applicable EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The filming for the second season of the television series entitled "Little Men" is underwey at the Claremont Conservation Area. The production company has written to Transport Canada requesting a nafly zone be created over the Conurvation Mea to stop the noise nuisance created by regular scheduled air traffic and training Ilights. The days, hours and length of time requested for the temporary nafly zone covers Monday-Friday from 6:00 a,m. to 9:00 p.m. commencing immediately and running until lenuary 31, 2000. BACKGROUND: The Town of Pickering is attracting a great deal of ettention Gom film makers end the Town's unique locations, perticularly in the rural areas, have been in numerous feature fiims end television aeries, The blend of culture and business makes the fllm induslry quita unique. , : Report to Council ED 01•99 Date; luno 3, 1999 169 Subjxt: Fiim Industry Page 2 Film meking is a quick paced process end Ontario is one of the promier locations in the worid for film, television and commerciel production. The Ontario Fiim Development Corporation has reponed there ue over 250 film otTces worldwide purwing thii economically vieble "green" industry. In 1997 production dollars injected into the Ontario economy were in eucesa of 5635 million. 'fhousands of Onterians benefited from the industry's activities end film production is a virile nan- polluting, mobile activity that temporarily makes use of our community for filming, retuming the environment to its originai, or in an improved state, prior to leaving. Because of Pickering's proximity to Toronto, many residents who work in the industry live in and around the Town end Pickering businesses provide on set support and allied services to the film industry for on location film productions. The economic benefits to our business community are significant, to date 38 production companies have filmed in our municipality. From ApriVDecember 1998 a total of 158 days of 6lming activity injceted almost 5360,000 into our loca) economy wilh over 550,000 going directly to the Town's revenua account for fees cherged. Working cooperatively with the Film Industry is a"win, win" siwation for both the Corporation and our communiry, not only Gom a potential revenue aspect but also because of the increased intemational profile given to the Town, when n major production company chooses our community in which to film. ATTAC[-IMENTS: 1. Carrespondence from Greg Copeland, Producer, "Little Men Films (nc." sent to Transport Canada Ontario Region Prepar �� sn frey-O'Gredy JA Attachment Approved / End rsc By: � ' �iomas 1. Quinn Recommended for the consideration of Pickering Town Council , �/ � .� �— .. �� TY om J. inn iefAdm ' tretive cer ,,r . ��. . , ... , � . ., _ �� 170 30 Apri6 1999 Tr�nsp�rt Canada Omariu Regian 4900 Yongc Sinv:i. Suiic ]00 Nunh York. Ontario � Al2N 6A5 �'�'F�'�'rON• CHRIS CHORYY & CLIFFORD FRANK Dcar �(c Chomy and htc Fmnk, 1Ve uc a produc�ion company curtently tilming cur 2"� scason of a �cl¢visiun scrics emitl��d "Lialc Men"un Iceaiion at ihe Claremont Conservaiian Area. Iaaicd at Wesmey Road and Concessiun i. This is a periud pi�MC set in �he late 18i0's, bucd on the u•ri�ings af Louisa Alny Alcott. I am w�riting ro rc.rycse your usistance in enacting a temp�rap• no•fly zane orer ihe Cunwn•aiiun Ama. The volume of air tmffic (bath training and nortnal uatficl o�er aur site is adding adJitional expenses to our prafucdon as we are forced m halt shoating ahile w•e u•ait for air traffic w clear. We are requesting ihac hlonday to Friday be rcscricted houn betx�cen 6:00�1�1-9:OOP�I. If you require any funher informaUon, please fcel free to mmact aur Locmion �lanscer, Laur�nce 1Vicse. or me m any Ume. Thank you in advance for you c • g Copeland PRODUCER /acd