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. � � J�� �F P� �
PROM: Thomes 1. Quinn DATE: June S, 1999
Chief Administrntive Oflicer
SUB]ECT: Pederal Lands in 1'ickcring, Mnrkham und Uxbridge
- Proposed Declaration of Airporl Site
- File: PL 3000
1. That Town Council considcr thc resolution uttuchcd ns Attnchmcnt No. 1 ro Repart to
Council CAO 07-99, conceming the fcdcral Innds in Pickcring, Mnrkham and Uxbridge.
2. That a copy of Repart to Council CAO 07-99 bc fonvardcd to Trunsport Canuda, olhcr
nffected municipalities, and local stnkeholdcrs.
Stakeholdcrs meeting of Mny 31, 1999, conceming ihe fcdcral Innds in Pickcring, Markham nnd
AUTHORITY: Thc fedeml Acronautics Act.
This Report provides a resol�tion for Cauncil's considcralion canceming the fedcrnl Innds in
Pickering, Markhnm and Uxbridgc. Thc resolution recommends the use of "agreements with
provincinl nuthorities" as an nitemntivc lo federul nirport zoning regulations providcd Trnnsport
CannJn agrees lo additional discussions with the nflected swkeholders conceming: (i) the
estnblishment of an appropriate process for implemcnting "agreements with provincial
authorities" nnd (ii) the establishmcnt of an appropriute public fon:m for identifying and denling
with other relevant issues of interest and conccm to the stakeholders.
The resolulion was presenlcd ut a stnkeholders mceting held in Pickering on Mny 31, 1999. As n
result af the mectins, representntives from thc affecled municipalities in attendancc ngrccd to
seck fortnal appravul in principle from their rcspective councils conceming thc usc of
"agrcements with provincinl nuthoritics:' Should approvnl in principle bc obtained from thc
uffected municipulitics, and should Trunsport Canadn olso agrce to procecd on thc bnsis of
"ngreemcnts with provincial authorities;' furthcr discussions will occur conccming thc nuturc
: and scope of the agrcemcnt or ngreements betwecn thc pnrlics.
. 254 RepoA to Council CAO 07-99 June 8, 1999
Federnl Lands in Yickering, Murkhnm and Uxbridge 1'age 2
On July 1998 the fcderal Minister of Transport, thc lionourable David Collcncttc, announccd his
intention lo declare the fedem! Innds in Pickcring, Markhum und Uxbridge us nn "uirport site"
under lhe federnl Aeronnutics Act. Declaration of the Innds os an airpoA site is requircd undcr
ihe federal Aeronautics Act in ordcr to allow the enuctment of fcdeml airport zoning regulations.
Fedemi nirpori zoning regulations huve thrce main purposcs:
to limit the height of buildings, structures nnd objecis (including natuml
to protect nircrafl from patential hazards by prohibiling electronic signnl
interference; und
to prohibit lund usc practiccs that may bc attractivc to birds, such as thc
disposal of waste mnterials and the planting of certnin crops.
As n result of concems rniscd by the locul communily and uffected municipal councils, and
following u rcsolution endorscd by Pickering Town Cauncil in Deccmbcr 1998, Tmnsporl
Cnnnda agreed to not dcclnre Ihe lunds an aiqwrt sitc pending furthcr discussions with the Town
w�d others intetested in or n(fectcd by the dccision.
A"stakeholders" meetings wns subsequently hcld in Pickcring in Murch 1999, at which mecling
it Kms ugreeJ thal a number of possible nitcmatiaes to fcdemi nirport zoning should be cxplorcd
in detail by n Technicul Subcommiuce. Pickering ngrecd to coordinote nnd host the Techniwl
Subcommittee mcetings.
Thc Tcchnical Subcommittec complcted its rcport, nnd presentcd its findings to a sccond
"stakeholders" mecting hcid in Pickcring in Intc May 1999. 'llic Tcchnicnl Subcommittec
recommended thc use of scclion 5.81 of Ihc fcdcrnl Acronaulics Act, which allows "agrccmcnts
with provincial authoritics" as un nUcmativc to using fcdernl airywrt zoning rcgulations,
At thc May stakcholdcrs mccting, it wns agrccd that Transport Canadu and thc affccteJ
stnkcholders should scek from Iheir respcctivc orgnnimtions a tormal commifinent lo procccd
on this basis of ihe Subcommittcc rcpoA. �or Council's considcrution, aUachcd ns Altachment
No. 1 to this report is a rcsolution thnt provides such a commitmcnt. It supports the use of
"agrcements with provincinl authoritics" on thc ^.ondition thnl furthcr discussions nrc hcld with
Transporl Cnnndn and the other sinkeholdcrs conceming lwo maticrs:
• the cstablishmcnt of nn appropriatc proccss for implcmenting "ugreements
with provincial authoritics"; and
lhe establishment of an nppropriate forum far identifying nnd denling with
other relevant issues of interest nnd wncem to thc nfl'ectcd stakeholdcrs.
For Council's information, n copy of the full report of the Techni:al Subcommiltee is nlso
attached to this Repott (sce Attachment No. 2).
Through ihe use of egreements with provincial nuthorities, the fcderal Minister of Trunsport hns
the ubiliry to enter into nn "agreement" with u"provincial uuthority" authorizing the uuthority to
rcgulate thc usc of lands adjnccnt to nn nirporl sile in thc samc manner and to the same extent as
fedeml airport zoning (i.e. the Ministcr can dcicgatc federal uirport wning powcrs lo n provincinl
authority). 'The fcdeml Acronnutics Act defincs a"provincial authority" ns any uuthority in n
province responsiblc for Ihc rcgulntion of land usc. In Ontnrio, Ihi � includcs locnl
municipulitics, regionnl municipolitics und ihc Provincc. The recommendation put fonvard by
thc Tcchnicnl Subcommittec nnd contnincd within the rcsolution attached to this Report spccifics
the local municipalities of Pickering, Murkham, Ajax, Whitby, Uxbridgc and Whitchurch-
Stouffvillc as thc "provincial authoritios" for thc purposc of cntering into thc rcquimd
egreements with Tmnsporl Cnnada.
Report to Councii CAO 07-99
Federnl Lands in Pickering, Mnrkhum und Uxbridgc
June 8, 199� 5 J
Pagc 3
it is also impotlnnt to note that under tha currcnt fcdeml Acronnutics Act (and similar to what is
requircd under federnl airport mning rcgulations), thc usc of "ngrccments with provincinl
authoritics" rcquircs as a prccondition thot thc fedcrol lands first bc dcclarcd an airport sitc. As
this is n concem to ihc Town and many other stukeholders, the proposed resolution ntinchcd to
this Report ulso conlains n clause mquesting that ihe fcderol Minister of Tronsport lnlliate an
amendmenf to �he jederal AeronauNcs Ac1 �o ellminale Ihe need fo dec/are fhe jedern! lands in
Pickering, Markham and Uxbrfdge as an alrporl slfe pursuant Jo Ihe Ac1, ns a precondition of
applying fedcml airport zoning, or using agrcemenls with provincial authorities.
l. Propased resolution conceming the federal lunds in Pickering, Markhnm und Uxbridge.
2. Report of the Technical Subcommittce conceming on allcmativcs to fedcml airport •r.oning,
dated Mny 1999.
Preparcd Dy:
Thomns E. ciy uk
Director ofCo omlc Projecls Policy
Approved / Gndorsed Oy;
Tlwmas J. Quinn
Chicf Administrntivc Officcr
Recommended for the consideration of
Pickering Town Council
� .,
omas J. Qui , Chic dmim tivc 0 iccr
Propo�ed ResoluNon
Federal LanJ� in Pickering, Merkham anJ Uxbridge
Propoaed Decleration of AirpoH Sitc — Altcrnatives to Fcderel Airport'Loning
Wk1EREAS a numbcr of municipalitics and local stnkeholders had askr.d the fedr.rnl
Minister of Trnnsport to not declare an nirport sile on thc fedeml Innds in Pickering,
Mnrkham nnd Uxbridgc, so Ihat furthcr consultntion could occur on thc feasibility of
using nitematives to fcdcml airport zoning regulations to protcct future oplions on the
lunds; and
WHEREAS Trnnsport Canuda ngrced to not dcclarc an airEwA sitc at this limc in ordcr to
ennble further consultation with municipalitics and local stnkcholdcrs; nnd
WHEREAS on Mnrch 2, 1999, an initiul "Stakcholdcrs" mecting was hcld in Pickcring,
nt which meeting ngrcemcnt was rcachcd on establishing a'Pcchnicnl Subcommittec to
rcview ultemntives to fedcml uirport zoning rcgulations in more Jctail, and
WHGREAS the Technical Subcommittee completed its revicw of the ahemutives, und
submittcd ils recommcndations lo u sccond Stakcholdcrs mccling hcld on Mny 31, 1999;
WFI8RGA5 thcsc rccommenJations nre sct out in thc Subcommiucc's Rcport cntillcd
"�edcral Lunds in Pickcring, Markham und Uxbridgc -- ProposeJ Dcclnration of Airport
Sitc' ; nnd
WF{ERGAS nt thc Mny 31st mceting, 'frans�Cirt Canada anJ thc municipalitics in
aUendunce agrced to scck a formnl commitmcnt from their respcctivc orgnni•rations on
procecding on lhc basis of Ihc Rcporl of thc'1'cchnical Suhcommiucc;
NOW THERGi�ORG thc Council of thc Corporation of Ihc 7'own of Pickcring hcrcby
resolvcs as follows:
I. That lhc Rcporl of thc Tcchnicnl Subcommittcc cntiticd "Pcdcral Lands in Pickcring,
Mnrkham unJ Uxbridgc -- Proposed Dcclaration of Airport Sitc" datcd May 1999, bc
2. That Recommcndation I of the Rcport of the Tcchnical Subcommittce be approved in
principle, which rccammendation is as follows:
That as an alfcrnativc to feJerul airport zaning rcgulationa, Transport Canada
and the a(fected municipalitics of Pickering, Markham, Ajux, Whilby, Uxbridgc
and Whitchurch-Stou(Wille purouc the use ot "agrecmenis wilh provinctal
eulhoritiea" under acction 5.81 of tFe federal Acronaulics Act provided ihat
discusston� are initiated immedtatcly amongst and betwecn the partics
a) the establi�hment ot an appropriatc proccss for impiementinq "agrcements
with provfncial uulhorifiea" including:
• IJenHfyfng the paHies to lhc ogrcement;
• c�labli�hing lhe focus anJ scopc of the rcguleHon�, anJ a Umetablc for
implementation; and
. idenfifying how adminiatradve, monilortng and enforcement costa will bc
dealt with;
b) 16e eatWblLthment ot an appropriatc pubBc forum for identifying �nJ dea8ng
wifb other relevant isauca ot inlerat anJ concern to Ihe affected
stakeholdero, such e�:
• the area of land lo be hcld tor futurc potenHel airport purposca;
• the process for dcnling with aurplus fedcral lands;
• the size, lypc anJ timing of any potenfial future airport;
• local and regional official plan conformity;
• the required environmental assessmcnt proceaa;
• the potential transfcr of federel lands to a future airporb authority; and
• lssuea of interest and cancern rcluted to future nirport planning,
development and operatione.
3, That TmnspoA Cunnda and thc othcr nflectcd municipalitics bc encoumgcd to
approve in principle Recommendution 1 of thc Report of the Technical Subcommitlee
in its entirety.
4. That the Mayor, othcr membcrs of council and scnior sinff ns may be rcquircd, be
nuthoriud to continue discussions with Transporl Cnnuda, othcr affcctcd
municipalitics und locul stakcholders, conceming thc details of thc agrcement or
agrccments rcyuircd by Rccommcndation I of ihc Rcporl of Ihc 'Cechnical
5. That nutwithstanJing Ihesc discussions on the ugrcement(s) and givcn thc uniquc
history and circumstances surrounding thc lands, thc fcdcml Minisicr of 'Pmnsport
niso bc rcqucsicd to initiatc an amcndmcnt lo Ihc fedcml Acronnutics Act to climinatc
thc necd to dcclarc the fedcral lands in Pickcring, Markham nnd Uxbridgc nn °nirport
sitc" pursuant to lhc Act, as a prccondilion af npplying fcJcrnl airport zoning
rcgulations or using agrccmcnts wilh provincial nuthoritics.
6. That a copy of this resolution bc fonvardcd lo 'fransport Cannda, othcr affcctcd
municipnlitics, local stnkcholdcrs, und any othcrs intcrcsted in thc mattcr.
2 � ;'
' ' 258
Mny 1999
;, .
,�f . . ,
` � Report of Ihe TecAnlal Subeommlthe M�y 1999 ProposeJ Declantlon of Alrport S�le 1
� 259
1.0 Bachground
In July 1998, the Federnl bliniater of Transport, the Honournble Dnvid Collenette,
nnnounced thut the federal government is seeking to huve the lande it owns in
Pickering, binrkham und Uxbridge declnred nn airport site under the federnl
Aeronautics Act.� The declnratian would ullow the federul government to enuct
uirport zoning regulutiona in accordnnce with the Aerortati�ics Act, in order to
protect the lands for a posaible future n�rport.
As u result of concerns rnised by the locnl community nnd affected municipnl
councils, the federn! government extended the comment period for the proposed
declnration twice, from August 31, 1�J98, to October 31, 1998, nnd ngnin to
Decomber 31, 1�J98.
In December 1998, Pickering Town Council pnssed n resolution requesting thnt the
federnl government not cleclare nn nirport site nt this time, pending further
consultntion between Trnnsport Cnnadn, the Town of Pickering, other a[fected
government bodies, nnd local stnkeholdera, to exnmine niternntivea to fedcrnl
nirport zoning. A numbor of ndjncent municipalitieA supported Pickering's poaition,
or adopted similnr poaitiona, including the Town of �Vhitchurch•Stouffvillc, the
Tawnahip of Uxbridgo, the Township of Scugog, the Town of binrkhnm, the Town of
Ajnx and tho Region of Durhnm.
At the conclusion of the ccnsultntion period, Transport Cnnndn agreed not to
declare nn nirport site nt this time, nnd ndvised the Town of Pickering thnt it is
prepnred to meet nnd diacusa options. The 6[nyor of Pickering subsequently
nrrunged for n"Stnkeholders' meeting t� be held on Nlnrch 2, 1999, nnd invited
rapresentntivea from Tranaport CanAda, ndjncent municipalitiea, nnd locnl
community groups.
� Sae Attachment l, locntion map of federol Innda.
' G� O Rlpart afthe Teehnlcd Subcommluee M�y 1999 Propo�ed DecluMtlon af Airporl Slu 3
2.0 Stolaeholdera Meeting (March 2, 1999)
On Mnrch 2, 1999, a Stakeholders meeting wne hold in Pickering. In attendance
wore reproaentatives from moat of the nffected municipalitiea, various community
orgnnizationa nnd interest groups, membera of the genernl public nnd locnl medin,
na well as representntives from tho provincinl guvernment und Trnnsport Cunnda.
The list of pnrticipnnts ia provided in rlttnchmont 2.
At tho meeting, Transport Cnnada ncknowiedged thut the lnnds it owns in
Pickering, Markham nnd Uxbridge would not be needed for uirport purposea for
many yenra. Tranaport Cnnadn nloo ndvised thnt nithough it would not be building
nny future nirport, it does have an interest in protecting the integrity of the Innds
for nirport operntions in the event n locnl uuthority makes a deciaion to develop nn
uirport nt a Inter duta? Trnnsport Cunada nlso expressed its wncern nbout the
reduction in the sizo of the provincial hiiniater's Zoning Order thnt wns estnbliahed
in 1974 to nsaist in protecting the federnl lnnds.
Trnnsport Canndn advised thut uirport sites nre normnlly protected through thc
enactment of airport zoning regulntions under the federul Aerorimitics Act, nnd that
this Act requires that the Innds first be declnred nn nirport aite. Federal nirport
zoning regulations hnve threo main purposes:
• to limit the height of buildings, structures nnd objects (including
natural growth);
• to protect nircrnCt from potential hnznrds by prohibiting electronic
aignnl interference; and
• to prohibit l�nd uso practicea that mny be nttractive to birds, such
ns the dieposnl of wnate mnterials and the pinnting of certnin crops.
At tho Stakaholders meeting, preliminnry diecussiona nlso occurred on potentinl
niternntivea to federnl nirport zoning. It wns ngrecd thnt the isyue wnrrnnteci morc
detuiled conaideration, and thnt n Technical Subcommittee �hould be estnblished.
The Subcommittee would be nsked to identif}� �nd evnlunte various nitcrnntivca to
federnl nirport zoning, recommend n preferred alternative, nnd report bnck within
two months. All stakeholder groups at the meeting were invited to pnrticipate on
the Technicul Subcommittcc.
� Under the Netionul Airparte Palicy, the federol government no longer develope or operatce
airporte. A decieian to develop an eirport on the lande would therefore be mnde by n local
authority, with the epproval of tha federal government.
' Repo►1 of Ihe Technicd SuDeommlltee M�y 1999 Propo�ed Oeelarallon of Alrport Site �� c�
3.0 Techntcal Su6commit:ee
Tho firet Technical Subcammitteo meeting w�a fiold on Mnrch 30, 19�J9. In
attendance were repreaentntives from Pickering, Uxbridge, Durham Region,
Whitevnle, Greenword, V.O,C.A.L., tho Green Door Allinnce, the provincinl
R4inietry of Trnnsportation, and Trnnsport Cunadn. A second meeting of the
Technicnl Subcommittea wna held on Apri127, 1999. In uttendance at thia meeting,
wero representntivea from the groupa thnt were preaent ar, the fret meeting, ae well
ns representntives from Ajax und 1Vhitby. A complete liat of Technicnl
Subrnmmittee membera ia provided in elttachment 3.
A draft of this Report wus circulated to all Technical Subcommittee membera for
comment. The final vereion of the Report is the result of this consultation.
9.0 Alternaltues To Federal Atrport Zoning Regulotions
The Technical Subconimittee identified six atternutives to Federul Airport Zoning
• Provincinl Afiniatera Zoning Ordera
• Locnl nnd Regional OfEiciul P1nnA
• MunicipAl Zoning By-lawe
• Interim Control By-laws
• Agreemente �Vith "Provincinl Authorities"
• Other Techniquea (riek tolernnce, restrictive covenants or ensementa,
legul agrcemente, federnl legislntivc nmendments).
Each niternntive wus exnmined in terms of its nbiliry to provide e[(ective control in
the three arens regulated by federnl airport zoning regulations (height, electronic
signnl interference, nnd Innd use practices thnt mny nttriut birds).
The reaulte of the technicul annlysis nre aummarized in Figure 1. A check mnrk
("✓") indicntea that the niternntiva provides the snme Ievel of cantrol ns federnl
nirport zoning for thnt riren of concern. e1n open circlo ("0") indicntes that the
niternntive provides partint control over the �ren of concern. A questiom m�rk ("?")
� The alternetivo o[ "temporary uee" byluwe wne nleo mnaidered by the Technical Subrnmmittee.
Tempornry uae bydnwa oro permitted under eection 39 of the Planning Act. It wae determined,
however, thet becnuee temporary uae bylawe are primarily inter:led to p�j� Innd ueee (not w
prohibit them), they would not provide an eftective altetnative W feJerel eirport zoning
regulutione. Neverthelesa, they rnuld be rnneidered by a municipali:y to allow uaea thot might
poaeibly be inmmpatible with airport operationa, for a tempornry penad of time, befure an nirport
ie rnnetructed.
262 � --
•' Report of Ihe Teehnkd Subeommittee M�y 1999 Propoud pacl�ntlan ot Alrpor� Slle 1
indicntes thnt it ie unclear nt thie tima if tho nitornntivo cun provido offective
control for that oraa of concern, and nn x("X") indicntca that tho nitornativo cannut
provide eftective control for thnt nrea of concern.
A brief discusaion of each alternutivo i� provided be�inning on page 5.
Figure 1
Evuluation Summury
Alternatives to Federnl Airport Zoning Regulutions
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.. m"��< E�kv � l Y) F� C "¢Y �.�v .'c �� ( TW4e� vM1ihkii3�
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� �{�`����`s�" � ysrowwj � INTEHPE88N0&3 MAYATT�ACTBIBDB'
�ee,"'��`+';4�� f.3?i�,s�;, a r.;�" .s. �....;�.:�. .��'�.a.w,�,h'�ri.=�i; t;l<��
Provinclal '
111iniater'a Zoning 0 Q
Regionel and Local v O ' O
Oflicial Plana /\
hiunicipal Zoning '
Bylaws O O
Interlm Control ' '
Bylaws Q
Agrnements with � � �
Other Technlquae � ' ,'
(riak taleraatt, reetrictive
mvenanu Iee�emante,
ktie�etive emendment•)
•' Rlport of IAe Tahnkal Subeummlttee M�y 1999 Propo�ed Ihe4nllon of Alrporl Slle S
4.1 Provinci�l M1fiouter'a Zoning Ordcn
The Province can ostnbliah "Minietor's Zoning Ordera" undor section 47 of 77�e
Planning Act. Among othor mattora, thie section of tho Act givae tho ;14inistcr o[
bZunicipnl Affnira nnd Housing the ability to exercise locnl zoning control. In
general, the Province establiahea btinister's Zoning Orders in rare instnncea,
normally only whero locnl zoning ia not in pinco, or where the Province conaiderR it
neceasnry to establish ccntrole thnt would hnve precedence over locnl zoning.
Because blinister's Zaning Orders provide Innd use regulations simil�r to those
established through municipnl zoning, they cnn be used to control muttera such ae
the height of buildings nnd structurea (but not naturnl growth), und cnn restrict
certuin Innd uae practices thut may nttract birds (e.g. landfills). It is unclenr,
however, whether u Diinister's Zoning Order cnn be used to protect ngainat
electronic aignnl interierence.
4.2 Regional and Local Official Plen�
Municipnl off'iciul pinns are enncted pursunnt to section lfi of tho Plaruiing Act.
Whether they originnte at the regionnl or locnl level, they nrc intended to provide
tho policy frnmework for municipnl pinnning decisions. They set out n
municipality's gonls, objectives nnd policies, primnrily to mnnnge nnd direct
phyaicul chnnge and the etfects such chnnge mny hnve on the socinl, economic, nnd
natural environment of the municipnlity. O[fi�int pinns often contnim m�pa showing
the municipniity's intended future land use pnttern, nnd describe procedures and
techniques for achieving this pnttern.
OFficial pinna thereCore provide n policy framework for the use of land in n
arunicipnlity. As n policy document, nn officinl pinn may he used to control the
locntion of waete dispoanl fncilities and other uses thnt may nttrnct birda, nnd mny
provide n atntement of intent with respect to electronic signnl interference.
Hawever, officinl pinns are not normally used to provide detniled Innd u:�e contrul
over site-specific dovelopment ineues, such ns the height oC huildings or etructures,
nor would they be used to control the height of nutural growth.
; 26•4
Ntport af Ihe Technlul Subcommlllee M�y 1999 Propaud Deelantlon of Alrparl Slle 6
4J Municipal Zoning Bylaw�
Municipalities may enuct zoning by-lawe under aection 34 of tho Planning Act,
Zoning bylnws mny be uaed for various purposes, including:
• prohibiting the uso of land for nny purposea except na eet out in the
by-law; and
• for regulnting the type of construction und the height, bulk,
lacntion, aize, floor nrea, apacing, chnrncter and use of buildinge
nnd structurea.
As n result, zoning by-laws mny be effective in controlling (at lenst in purt), two of
tho concerna covered by federnl nirport zoning regulntiona: building height, and the
locntion of Inndfill sites and other land use practices thnt mny attract birda.
Zoning bylnwa, howover, cnnnot provide control over the height of vegetation, and
it is unclenr if they would be effective nt prohibiting uses thnt cnuse electronic
4,4 Inlerim Controi Sy-law�
Interim control bylaws nre enacted pursunnt to section 38 of tho Planning Act.
Before an interim control by-Inw cnn be pnssed, the municipal council muat ndopt u
by]nw or resolution directing that n"review or study be undertnken in respect of
lund usc pinnning policies."
Interim control bylaws mny 6e used to prohibit the use of Innd, huildings or
atructurea for (or except for) such purposee ns set out in the byInw. They cnn
remain in ef[ect for not more thnn one yenr, 6ut this cnn he extendeci by one
ndditionnl yenr (for m m�ximum of twa yenra).
Becuuse interim control bylnws mny prohibit vnrioua innd uaes, they could be used
to control thc location of ]nndfill sites and okhcr usca that mny nttrnct birds. It is
unclear, however, whether they cnn be used to limit the height of buildings, or
pravent uaes or structures thnt mny cnuse electronic signal interference.
In nny event, becnuse interim control bylaws cnn only be in pince for a moximum
poriod of two yeare, they ure best used ns a tempornry mensure, (often in the fnce of
an immediate or perceived land use "threat"), rather than na a permanent, long•
term solution.
•' Rlport otthe TechNcnlSubtommllte� M�y i999 Prapofed peclinllan af Airpurt Sltc , 265
4.5 Agrcementa with "Provtncial Authorities"
Section b,81 of tho federal Aeronaufics Act allowa tho federnl h4iniater of Trnnsport
to enter into an "ngreement" with n"provincinl uuthority" nuthorizing the nuthority
to regvinto the use of lands adjncont to or in the vicinity of nn uirport r nirport eite,
"in tho sume manner nnd to the same extent ne it may regulute the use of lnnde;'
for the purpose of enauring enfo airport operutiona. A"provincinl authority" menna
nny nuthority in n province responeible for the regulntion of lund use.
Thia proviaion of the federnl Aeronaulics Act nppeura to give locnl municipalities
(nnd posaibly regionnl municipnlities and the province), the nbility to impose
regulutions similar to federal airport zoning regulntione -• that is, to control height,
including nnturnl growth, electronic interCerence and lnnd use pructices that may
attract birds.
[t should be noted, however, that this provision of the Aeronmitics Ac� cun only be
uaed on landa aurrounding an existing airport or "nirport site." The federal Act
defines "nirport site" as nny Innd, not being purt of an existing airport, the title to
which is vested in or that atherwise belongs to Her binjesty in right of Cnnadn, nnd
that is declnred by ordor ofthe Governor in Councilto be required for use ns nn
nirport: �
As n result, nnd aimilar to whnt is required before Cedernl nirport zoning regulntions
enn be applied, it would be necessnry for the Cedernl lundy in Pickering, nlnrkhnm
and Uxbridge to bo declnred nn nirport site before the federnl government cnn use
agreementa with provincinl nuthorities.
�1.6 OtherTechniqua
There nre n variety of other ter,hniques thnt mny bc considered ns nitcrnntives to
federul nirport zaning regulntions. The Technicnl Subcommittee examined the
• riak tolernncc;
• legul agreements;
• reatrictive covenanta or easementa; nnd
• federal legislative nmendments
� Section 6.4(1) ot the Aeronautica Acl.
i:. : . _
_; :
=i� ��. .. , . _ . . � � - .
'� o•u Reporl of Ihe Technic4l Subcommlltee Moy 1999 Propmed Declarolion of Alrpart Silc q
Riak Tolernnce
Risk tolorance involvea ucceptanco of a rensonablo and acceptuble degrea of risk by
the fodernl govarnment in protecting for an nirpart eita. Only one of the
niternntives exnmined by tho Subcommittee appenra to be effectiva in nddressing �I
of tho nceue ot concern that nre controlled by federnl nirport zoning. The use of nn
niternntivo thnt cannot uddreea all areas af concern na e[fectively ne federal airport
zoning would therefore carry a certnin degree of "risk" for the federal government.
The degrect of riak would depend on the alternntive. Those niternatives thut
addresa fewer arens of concern (or perhnpa less effectively nddresa the key nrens of
concern) would likely pose u grenter risk thnn those niternntives that nddress more
of the arr.ns of concern (or are more effective in nddressing the key concerna).
Restrictive Covenunts or Eusements
The alternative of using restrictive covennnts or ensementa wns also considered. In
theory, covennnts or ensements could be pinced on title to nll properties within the
aren thnt would be covered by nirport zoning regulntions. If worded properly,
covennnts or ensementa could likely be used to nddress the sume nrena of concern na
fedoral nirport zoning.
Neverthelesa, because it would be necessnry to obtiiin the ngreement uf iill
Inndownera in the nffected nren before estnblishing n restrictive covenant or
easement, it would bo extremely unlikely in prnctice thut this option would provide
an ellective alternntive to federsil nirport zaning. Hundreds of property owncrs in
Pickering, Markham, rljnx, �Vhitby, Uxbridgc and 1VhitchurchStouffvillc would
hnve to be appronched, nnd would need to he convinced thnt it is in their best
interest to ngree to the impoaition on title of nn easement or covennnt.
Legal Agreements
The possibility of using legai ngreements ns nn niternntivc to fed�rnl nirport aoning
wue nlso exnmined. However, it wns found thnt in general, a decision to use n legnl
agreement would likely follow (not precede) a decision to use nn niternntive to
federul airport zoning. Legni ngreomenta nre viewccl more na n eupportive measure,
than na a technique to be used in isolntion. For instance, once an alternntive to
federal nirport zoning is selected, a binding Iegni ngreement could be drawn up
between the federnl government nnd the other nffected purties to ensure that ench
of the purtiea CulfilIs its commitments and obligations with reapect to the selected
alternntive. Indeed, this is nlrendy n built in requirement for using "ngreements
with provincial authoritiea:' '
' RepoNaftheTeehnlcalSubeommlltee Mry1999 Propo�edDeclanllanotAirportSlte y �vr
Federal Legislative Amendments
Ono other nitornativo meneure was examined. Although etrictly apetiking, thie
measuro ia not an "niternntive" to tho estnbliehment of federnl airport zoning, the
Technicnl Subcommitteo considered whether legislntivo changea to the federnl
Aeronautics Ac! should bc enncted.
The process for muking le�islative changea nt the federnl level may be somewhut
involved nnd time•consuming. Ne�ertheless, the Subcommittee ugreed thnt it
would be nppropriute for the federnl government to seriously consider making nn
nmendmen! to the federnl Aeronau�ics Act to eliminnte the need to "require° the
declnrution of nn nirport site as a precondition Cor the enactment of airport zoning
regulutions. The rrmovnl of this precondition would help address n significant
concern thnt many atakeholder groups huve with the current legislntion.
5.0 Conclusions
Only ane of tho ultornutives considered by the Technicnl Subcommittee nppenrs to
be nble to etfectively nddress nll of the arens of concern covered by federal airport
zoning. Tho alternative is ugreements with provincial nuthorities. Further
discussions ahould be heid between Trnnsport Cnnnda nnd the nffected atnkeholdera
to conaider this niternntive in detail, nnci determine whether n mutually
satisfnctory ngreement nmongst the affected pnrties cnn be reached.
It would Ue npproprinte nnd rensonnble for the ngreement to not only describe the
ngreed uporrprocess for implementing agreementy with provincinl authorities, but
ulso to oui line a process for clenling with other issues of interest nnd concern to the
atnkeholder:+. Some of these other isgucs nre listed nn pnge 11 of this Report.
Other thnn nFreements with provincinl nuthorities, nll of thc other alternntives
were Cound to be effective only with revpect to one or twa of the iireas of concern (but
not nll three), and in many instnnces, were found to be only pnrti�illy efCective.
Furthermore, even if used in combinntion, the other nitcrnntives would not nppcar
to be a61e to address nll of the requirements o( federnl nirport zoning ne effectively
as the recommended niternntive.
Additionally, from Trnnsport Cnnudn's perapective, the recommended niternntive
mAy provide some distinct ndvnntnges aver Cedernl nirport zoning regulntians.
Agreements with provincinl nuthorities would appenr to have at least three
aigniLcant benofita:
.:'268 '
.• Repart of Ihe Technlcal Subcommlllee M�y 1999 ProposeJ peclarpllon of Mrporl Slte ID
• it could bo aubetnntinlly less coatly to implement than federnl
airport zoning;s
• it could be eatubliahed moro quickly; nnd
• it could pose fewer legnl nnd administrntive chnllengas (c.g, thore
would not be the need to regieter a clnuae ndvising of tho existence
of nirport zoning regulntions on titte to ench of the nllected
�Vith federul airport zonin�;, the registrution af n clnuse on title will likely be n
significant concern to the hundreds of affected property ownere surrounding the
federnl lands. Mnny of these property ownera mny perceive thia ns an unucceptuble
"cloud" on title, given the fnct thnt there hns been no decision to develop an uirport
nt this time, and considering thnt the nrea of ]nnd proposed to be protected may be
fnr in excess of whnt would be needed in the event an nirport ia built in the future.
For the affected stukeholders, there ure also n num6er of potential benefits in
pursuing ngreements with provincial nuthorities. As alrendy mentioned, there
would be n significnnt benefit to property awners tis there would 6e no need ta
regiater n cluuse on title ndvising of the estnblishment of federul nirport zoning.
Also, the ngrcement thut is negotinted with Trnnsport CnnndA could ensure thnt
any ndministrative, monitoring or enforcement costs nssociated with this
niternutive nre borne by Trnnaport Cnnndn.
1lforeover, many of the nCfected stnkeholders hnve for quite some time indicnteci thnt
they would not support nny initintivea to declnre thc federnl Innds nx an nirport site
(whether this is to enuble federnl airport zoning, or iigrecments with provincinl
authorities) until Trnn9port Cnnndn ngreed to n formnl stnkcholders process to
resolve other apecific issues of concern. Agreements a�ith pravincinl nuthorities
providca nn opportunity for [urther consultntion Uctween Trnnsport Cnnndn and the
stakeholders. As n result, n[fected stnkeholdera could be nssured n"sent nt thc
tablc" with the hiinistcr of Trnnsport nnd Trnnsport Cnnndn atnff, for thc purpouc of
discussing various important issues relnted to the fedcrnl Innds.
One potential uncertninty with uaing ngreements with provincinl nuthorities is in
the negotiation process itself. The success of this procesa clepencls on the
willingneas of all of the pnrtiea to negotinte in n fnir, rensonuble nnd timely fnshion.
As well, consenaus mny ne�d to Ue renched between Transport Cnnndn nr_d six
municipalities (Pickering, �(arkhnm, �1jux, \Vhitby, Uxbridge f�nd �Vhitchurch-
Stouffville), nnd possibly nlso two regions (Durham nnd York), and/or the provincial
6 It hoe been eetimated thnt the total rnet to the federnl government of implementing protectivc
meaeurea on the lande, including the enactment of federel nirport mning regulotione, is
opproximately 5800,000.
• Report of ihc Technkd Subeommllhe M�y 1999 Propa�cd pee4n11on of Alrport Sl�e I I 269
Should thero be n willingnesa nmonget tho pnrtiea to purauo tho uae of ngrcementa
with provincial nuthoritiea, the negotintion procasa ahould bo directed towarde two
nims. Firat, it ahould eatublish tho dotniled proceae for implementing the
niternative (i.e. identify tho pnrtiea to the agreement, the focus nnd ecope of the
regulntions, a timetuble for implementntion, tho way in which udminietration,
monitoring and enforcoment coata will bo covered, etc.).
Second, the negotintion procesa ahould result in the estnbliahment of nn
appropriate, permanent public forum for identifying nnd nddreasing othcr
important atnkeholder issuea und concerna, including the following:
• Determining an nppropriate (reduced) nreu of Innd thut ahould be
held by Trnnsport Canndn for protection ns a future airport site,
and estnblishing the future use nnd disposition process for the
remnining (i.e. surplusl federal lnnds.
• Clnrifying the aize/type und timing of any potentinl future nirport
(coneidering regionnl, internntinnnl, cargo, etc.).
• Clnrifying iasues relnted to the use o[ the lands, nnd conformity
with locut o[licinl pinns nnd bylnwa, nnd developing n mechonism
Car dealing with non•conformities.
• Estnblishing terms of refcrencc for the required environmentnl
nssessment(s), nncl cietermining when these nssessments ought to
be dono.
• F.stnblishing n mechnnism Cor identifying and nddressing locnl
interests nnd concerns regnrding the ��otentinl trnnsfer of Innds to n
futuro airporta nuthority.
• Estnblishing nn npproprinte, permnnent forum for aciclreasing these
(and other) issues with nftected atnkeholdcrs, nnd dcaling with nny
future on•going concerns thnt stnkcholcicrs mny havc in future
nirport plunning, devolopment nnd operntions.
2�a' Report af Ihe Teehnlcal Subcommlltee Mey 1999 PropaseJ Deelare�lon of Alrpar1511e �2
6.0 Technical Su6commitlee Recommendation
Based on the annlysis undartnkon to dnte, the Technical Subcommittee
recommende ae follows:
Recommendution 1
1. That ns nn niternutive to federul nirport zoning regulntions, Trnnsport
Cunnda und the nffected municipalities of Pickering, Murkham, Ajnx,
Whitby, Uxbridge und WhitchurchStouffville pursue the use of
"ngreements with provincial nuthorities" under section 6.81 of the
federul Aeronautics Act, provided that discussions nre initiated
immediately nmongst nnd between the purties concerning:
n) the estublishment of an npproprinte process for implementing
"ugreements with provincinl uuthorities;' including:
• identifying the pnrties to the ngreement;
• estnblishing the focus und scope of the regulntions, nnd n timetable for
implementnHon; nnd
• identifying how ndministrutive, monitoring nnd enforcement costs will
ba deult with,
b) the estnblishment of nn approprinte public forum for identifying und
dealing with other relevnnt issues of interest und concern to the
uffected stakeholdcrs, such as:
• the aren of land to be hcld For future potentinl nirport purposes;
• the process for dealing w(th surplus federal Innds;
• the size, type and timing of any potential Cuture nirport;
• locnl nnd regtonnl o�cinl pinn conformity;
• tho required environmental assessment process;
• tho patentinl trnnsFer of federnl lunds to n future airports authority;
• issues of intereat and concern rclated to future airport pinnning,
devclopment nnd operntions.
Recommendntion 2
2. Thnt nt the eurliest possible opportunity, Trunsport Cnnuda nnd ench of
the nPfected municipnlities formnlly confirm their interest in
proceeding in uccordnnce with recommendntiou 1.
�� . � Rtport of Ih� Tahnled Su6commltle� M�y 1999 Propofed Deelarulon of Alrport Spe U
' ' ' 271
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•' Feport otlhe Tehnleel Subcommltlec M�y 1999 PropmeJ Declarallon of Alrport Slle IS 2� 3