HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW 06/9933 . ���Fp� � . .. � . . i ~ REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Richard W. Holbom DATE;Februnry 26, 1999 Dimctor of Public Works REPORTNUMBGR: PW06/99 SUBJECT: Through Highway Dcsignation Somcrgrove Crescent RECOMMENDATION: A by-low should be enacted to nmcnd ByInw 23G6/87 ta designuta Somcrgrovc Crescent as a through highway. ORIGIN: Stnff investigation of rcsident requesl for right•af-wuy control, AUTIiORITY: High�vay Tru,(%Ic Acl, R.S.O. 1990, chupter H.B. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Munufacturc and instnllation of signs costing approximntely 5200.00. 1999 Ronds Operating Budget (2320-2409) Highway Aids EXECUTIVE SUM�fARY: Not applicable. BACKGROUND: A smull number of the intersections in !he Brock Ridge Neighbourhood still remnin under Ihe control of the right•of•wny rule. This lowest form of regulutory control provides suitable guidnnce on most occasions but.periodicnlly, howeveq collision ha�ards can be crented when motorisis do not yield or stop giving right-of-wny to the frst vehicle enlering the inlerscction. _ As e means to better clurify right•of-wny bclween vehicles entcring thc intersections nlong Somergrove Crescent, it is recommended that Dy-luw 2366/67 be fudher amended thercby designaling Somergrove Cresccnl as a through highwuy. Provision will then be made to provide for the posting of stop signs northbowd nnd southbound on Annan Woods Drivc upon cach of its intersections with Somergrove Crescent. �F � ,; . �. J. " ., � . . ES��t'�r.r�{I}y _ _ '� ' , . , . .� .,. . . . .. . ��` t , - Report to Council PW06/99 Datc: Nebruary 26,1999 � �bject: Through Highway Bylew - Somergrovc Crcsccnt Page 2 ATTACHMENTS: 1. DmA Bylaw 2. Location Mnp 3. Resident Request Letter Preparcd By: . f, �� . � C. StePhen Brake CSB/�..�.�.,.. Copy: Chief Administrntive Oflicer Town Solicitor Town Clerk Roads Supervisor Recommcnded for the considerution of Pickering Town Councii . / YIL�I o� as J, QU n, Approved / Gndorsed By: Richa W. Holbo Chief Administmtivc Officcr ��� � � � :_ ':F . � ��, A r: .i i r y' ��F t i� i f 3 .. � � } F4 Y t � r F ' �,3'� r' ,. • `. � � �i , � . . �.N� t a ir v� a� N:tiJ,',i{' � t� o� - '� ' ) 7�.J�� �'� .r x t `l 7 � 9� � � �s �� C �- f � . w � �r titY..-�.�<€�4,;�1: �. :i���'r.i �!X,��x:4';.`, t� �,.i �r�i�. , . P.... r.. 1., ,``�.�_:i . .,[, ..! � . . . �.trr . . . � - i �-� . THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF PICKERIN� � 3;.► BY•LAW N0. ,, Detng a by-law to amend Iiy-lmv 2366/87, deslgnating Somergrove Crescen� as a�hrougA !tlghrvay. WHEREAS, section 1(1) of the Hlghivay TraJjlc Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter H.8, defines "through highways" as a. highway or pnrt of a highway dcsignated ns such by the Minister or by by-Inw of a municipulity and provides that every such highwny shall be mntked by a stop sign or yield sign or yield right•of-way sign in compliance with the regulntians oFthe Ministry; und WHEREAS ByLnw 2366/87, as nmended, provides for the designntion of certain highwny,s in the Town of Pickering ns t}uough highways; and , WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to fudher omend By-Lnw 2366/87; NOW THEREFORE, the Cauncil of the Corporation of the Town of Pickering HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Schedule A to By-Luw 2166/87, ns amendcd, is hereby further nmendcd to includc the . following: ' i wn � L Somergrove Crescent Major Onks Road Ntnjor Oaks Road BY-LAW reud u first, second ond third time und finally pnssed this Sth day of March, 1999. Wnyne Arthurs, Mayor IBruce Tnylor, Clerk � j � : � I ;I ` ;. � ,,,� ; � ; } x': ��� y � STYR 'k . .(. i�^k � � 5 5 1 � �� ��ya tf r r� - �� x -'. a t i �r`� a�� � �,` .... ,_.. ,,. u . . r _ _ . .. ' . . , . , . ., . . .r�5�,sis.t� r;t��, ..>�u .rt S . :.'k f , �; r ,at, .. � .� '.. 36 � HARROWSMITH COURT ' \c FFir Q 0 � � � � �� ��/ • � .I :� � % PK�' . � EACHWOOD ��0� LANE w C n ? R\�G� m o j UNDERHILL N � CRT m m• z BENTLEY Lq�ye o B oE�LBROp� O � � L1 M`pDLE Q ��/� CI Z 5�,� q� � BEARE �Fj. : COURTpEPPER� � > � U Z �f � 2 I0� GATE _ ,�,��%��-����� > �� TERRA- p � COTTA CRT. � � ` O � REESOR � � � CRT. -p - w J � z ALPINE � �F� p LANE ��N 3 U � � LEGEND PROPOSEO � STOP SICN �JjJJJjJJ� PROPOSED �uurm THROUCH HIGHWAY � � U Z w O 0 W I F �ro�ne�op Pic�wNa . ` TRAFFIC REPORT ���� ��� ���� gOMEROROVE CRES, • PROPOBED THROUOh' HIOHWAY BYLAW `�.'.� � � N�1rwn�!�..n�wat.ruswwrw . _ _ ,. . . . . . �. � �� . � . . � • �.�VR/ ....� ; 37 � ,GwN� k Qay�� /sso �^o•ya,rt�,s�va c,aEs pic,�iniG ow��.e�o �4 �t . 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