HomeMy WebLinkAboutIDT 1/98'� w�HaRP� F REPORT TO COUNC[L FROM: Intcrdepnrtmental D�velopment Twm REPORT DATE: Janunry 5,1998 IDT REPORT NO. 1/98 SUBJECT: Propoud Widening of Highway 40l -- Brock Road to Hurwood Avenuc RECOMMENDATION: l. THAT Council supports, in principle, the conclusions of the "Highway 401 Core/Distributor Transition -- Brock Road to Hurwood Avenue" �nvironmental Study Report (Deccmber, 1997), prepared by Cole, Sherman and Associates Limited, provided that uny necessnry modificntions are mada to accommodate e future road flyover for Notion Raud over the 401; and 2. THAT IDT RepoA No. I/98 be fonvnrdcd to the Ministry of Trensportntion, the Ministry of Environment and i:nergy, the Region of Durham, und the Town of Ajnx. ORIGIN: Cortespondence from the consulting firtn of Colc, Shertnan & Associates Limited on behulf of thc Ministry of Transportntion, rcqucsting cammenis on an Environmcntel Study Rcport for lhc proposed widening of Highway 40l from Brock Rond in thc Town of I'ickcring, lo Flarwo�d Avcnuc in thc Town of Ajnx. AUTHORITY: The Environmental Asscssmcnt Act FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: N/A BACKGROUND: Since 1989, thc Ministry of Transporietion (MTO) has undeAaken an expansion program of Highway 40l along the east end of the Greater Toronto Area to address operational and capacity deficiencies, The widening of Highway 401 to 12 lanes (a Core/Disuibutor system) to Brock Road has recently been completed, end MTO has complcted the prcliminary design for the ultimete expansion of Highway 401 from Brock Road in the Town of Pickering, to Courtice Road in the Municipelity of Clerington. However, it is not anticipated thet this expansion wili take plece for some years, due to fiscal restraints and other priorities. Highway 401 presently operates at capacity immediatoly east of Brack Road, where the 12 Inncs of the CoreJDisiributor system are reduced to the existing 6•lene facility, MTO hes proposed a widening of the highway, with the intent of providing an eliicient transition betwcen the 12 and 6 lanes. This would be an interim soludon ta the capecity problems, until the full expansion of Highwey 401 to Courtice Road is completed at some future dete. ' As rcquired by ihe Environmental Assessment Act for undertekings of this naturc, m Environmente► Study RepoA (ESR) hes been prcpared end fotwerded to the Town for commrnt. The ESR includes e dwcripdon of the proJect and its purpose, apecific environmental etl'ects end midgsUon measurca, end moniloring procaiurcs. A wpy of the ESR was rcccived by thc Town in mid-Dxember, end the public rovicw period cnda on February 2,1998. The ESR is availablc for rev3ew in the Town's Plemdng Department. '!DT RepoA No. I/98 Page 2 3 DISCUSSION: As detailed in Ihe E3R, the proposed widening will occur alang the cxisting nlignment of Highway 401 between Brock Road in the Town of Pickcring, und Hanvood Avenue in Ihc Town uf Ajex. The highway will be widened to 10 lanes betWan Drock Rond nnd Westney Roar1, ond 8 lanes between Westney Roncl nnd Harwood Avenue (see Attechment Nl •- Study Arca Mep). All widening will occur within ihe highwey's existing right•of-wey. The project will also include geometric improvements to existing remps, rondside safety upgrades (guiderails), drainagc improvements and iliumination upgradcs. With these improvements, it is nnticipated there will be a reduction in congestion and accidcnts, and a reduction in nighttime accidents with the installation of full iilumin¢tion. Additionni safcty enhencement will include widr.r lenes, enhnnced barrier protection, new driving surfnce, end improved signage. The ESR explains that design of this project will be done such that the majority of the work can be salvaged for thc ultimale Highway 401 expansion. Priar to MTO procecding with this ultimate expansion, the under4lking of n separate Enviroiunenwl Study Report and public consultation proccss is requircd. Approval for thc ultimatc expansion wili bc sought at that timc. In eariy Decemhcr, a public infortnation scssion wns heid in Ajox to providc members of thc public wilh an opporlunity to discuss the proposcd widening of tiighway 401 bctwc�n Brock Road and Hanvood Avenue, Approximnlcly I IS pcople uttcndcd, nnd thc majority ofdiuussion focused on t}:e ultimate widening of Ihe highway tluough to Courticc Road. It should also bc nated thnt in Novcmbcr of 1995, Town stafi' mct with consultnnts acting on bchelf of the Ministry of Tr,tnspattation. Discussions centcred on a highwuy ussessment being prcpnred for Highwoy 401 betwecn Brock Road, and Ilighwuy 35 in Clarington. Considering thet both thc Pickering and Rcgionnl Officinl Plnns idcntify u futurc roud ilyovcr for Notion Rond over the 401, stnf� strcssed during the mceting Ihat all studies nnd work undenaken by MTO with respcct to the 401, should recogniu this Oyovcr. 1'ollowing stafPs review of the Environmenml Study Report rcccived this past Dcccmbcr, thcre does not appcsu to be any discussion of thc Notion Rond Oyaver. CONCLUSION: Staff ere confident the interim widening of fiighway 401 east oF Brock Road will bc of bcnefit to Uie Town. Notwithstanding that, Council should reiterate to MTO the importance of protecting for e future roed ilyover for Notion Road over an uitimutely expanded Highway 401. Accordingiy, staff recommend thnt Council suppoA in principle the conclusions of thc "Highway 401 Core/Distributor Transition — Brock Rond to Harwood Avenue" Environmenwl Study Report, provided that any necessary modifications are made to accommodate the Nolion Road flyover. OFadcGtional note, it is anlicipated ihat construction of the widening will cammcnce this Spring. . ,_ i - NA ] Neil hard Hol n Director of P ng irector of Pu lic Works OM/ph ATTACHMENTN � TO I.D.T. REPORT M ;�98 � J ''� �►��i� If�17l�'!!!i��� '����:?� , . o � , �� .Q� ; �,.. ,, . , _