HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW 12/98,, . � � ���� . . � ' FROM: Tim Mooro Chkf Buiiding O�cia REPORT TO COUNCIL ss y ll�/ ' o� DATE: Mey 12,1998 REPORT NUMDER: PW 12-98 _ SUBJECT: Cen-Sort Recycling Ltd. Lot 18, Concession 1, 1048 Toy Ave„ Pickering RECOMMENDATIONS: ' • .. That Reporl lo Council PW- 12-98 be received for infortnation end fonvarded to: I, Mr. Oeo('F Carpenter, Supervisor, Waste Scetion, Ontnrio Ministry of Environmont and Energy - 2. The Honoumblo Norm Sleding, Minister of Environment end Energy 3. Mr. Roy Wilbh(ro, President, Can-So►t Recycling Lld. ORIaM: Council Raolulion k84/98 AUTHORITY: • The Plonnlqq Acl. The Bu!!ding Code Acl, SO. 1991, c.13. FINANCfAL IMPLICATIONS: — Not appl(cable. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Councii Resolution N84/98 dirceted the Chief Building 0(ficial, in conjuncUon with the Town's Bylew Enforcement Officers, to repott on the current stelus of compliance wilh the approved sile plens, zoning bylew rcstrictions and municipal property stenderds by Can-5ort Recycling Lfd., et 1048 Toy Ave. The nilc in quulion is on Ihe north sidc oC Ihe easlern lerminus of Quortz St.. The Resolution dirccls Ihat this report Le circulated lo lhe persons described in the rccommendation abova Inspectiona were conducled of lhe Cen-Sort Recycling focility at this site by lhe DuilJing Inspector,lhe Maneger of Bylaw Gnfarcement Scrvices nnd the firo Prcvention 0(Ticer, which inspecliona disclosed Ihal Ihe propedy condition is curmntly in aubslantfal conformoncs wilh lhe epproved aile plens, ihe provlsion� of lhe zoning applicable to U�e aitc, end wflh Ihc pmvisiona of ti . Repat a Council PW 12•98 D�te: May 12,1998 ' 4� Subjxt: C�n-Sort RecyclinQ Ltd. Pege 2 Town bylaw 1834/84 respecting property stendazde. 7t�ere ie, however, onQoing evidense w suggwt that any expanslon to 1he waste processing facility at thi� site, es described in Council Resolution q84/98, mey be difficult to succes�fully accommodete within the prcsent building and site. REPORT: CompWnce wlth the approved Site Pian Finel Site Plan Approvel S35/88 (R95) pertaining W this site wa� issued on Febn�ary 7, 1996. At tho time of iavpecUon on May 12, 1998, the sile and building wero in substantlal contomiec�ce wilh the approved site and building elevation plens, except aa noted below. 1. A chein link fence has ban installed to secure Ihe site elong Ihe noctheriy ponian of tho east property line, which doea not appear on Ihe epproved site plea. 7ttis fcncing is a requlrement of clause 13. (a) af 1he Ministry af Environment end Energy CeAificate of Approval A390421. 2. Tluee disposal binv are located In the vohide maneuvering area to 1he north of the building, which are rcadily moveable, but whlch ere not shown on 1he approved site plen. 'Ihe ongoing incidence of waste proccssing and storage outside ihe building may be considered in contravention of 1he approved site plen, inacmuch av no exterior waste processing/storage areas ere described on ihat plen. lnspectioro conducted prcviow to U�is rcpoA, in pwticulaz as rccenQy as Mey 4,1998, disclosed a significant number of disposai containers on the west side of the building, which have sina been rcmov�. 3. Thcre is some demage to Ihe exterior masonry walla on the west elevatlon, probably e result of vohiculer movement dc processing nctivilies wilhin or edjeant t� thc building. Thc damege does not appear to provide sufficient jystificetion 10 wertant an impeclion authoriud wder s. IS of 1he Bullding Cude Acf (rcspecting an inspeclion to detemiine if an unsafo condilion oxists). Figures 1 to 6 attached to Uds rcport identify 1he site end ihese observations. Compll�nce with the Zonin� BylaN Thi9 propecty is wned MC-6 (IndustriaUCommerciel), which pertnils, emong other uses, a buainess ofTice, light manufacturing plent, icuck anve, and a warehouse. The recycling ie�:i��;y is rccognized as a pemiltted use in Uus zono, and there would not appear to be any cantravention's of 1he zoning bylew, Compliance with Bylaw 183U84 �Troperty Standardi) Tho By-law enforcement Offiar F:a� iropected ihe Cen-SoA facility and advises that therc is no apperent contravention of uu Town'a property stendarda By-lew. 71�e proporty facing Uus building, on the soulh i�ide of Quactz St., wes 1he subject of prcvious Uy-law enForcement conceming lho ux of thosa lends For storuge oCdisposal conteinero, which metter wu prosceuteci Seplember 30, 1996, and su;�sequenUy rectified. The owner has recrnUy rcceived approval of lhe Town to lnstell a dust auppcessant eurfece (esphalt grindings) ro e portion of these lands, to mltigate a nuisanco conccm, Th1s epproval, however, specifies thot tho lends not be used to servia or aupport lhe recycl(ng operetion, _� ttepott to Council PW 12-98 Dek: Msy 12,1998 �� 3ubject: CurSo�l RecyclinQ Ltd. Pe4e 3 Conclndoai Although there is currenUy limited evt.'rnx of contrevendoru of the epproved sik plazu, end no apparenl contrevention of munlcipal zoning or property etendarde, ihere ia evidena thet eny expension to the prcsent weste menegement opttetion may be a matter for concem. 7t�e periodic and continuing Qlecement of exterior atorege wntainer� rclating to thi� operalion, logelher with '�" Uw evidrnce of damago to the building resuldng from the operetion w;thin, sugguts thel the building �iu mey be insufficient today, end moro puticulerly w Cor eny expa►uion of capacity, ' lt is also worth noting that ihe site itself is resuicted in the area evailable for vehicles servicing 1ha recycling feciliry. It would appear thet the entiro ecea narth of 1he building is rcquircd for the maneuvering of wcks, and the Present irotellation of disposal wntainers in thia arca create� some congestion which wuld become moro pronounccd if 1he operation wero to expend significantly. The access ama fnr wcks delivering end picking up wa4te at QuaAz St. is also _ similerly limited, and eny expansion ot operetion+ mey not be able to be successfully nccommodated within the present building end aite limitatioro. Prcparcd By: APProved / Endorsed By: .. ' V" — ` Tim M hief Uuilding Official Attechmml+: Figure I: Approved Site Plan Figurea 2- 6: Aa-built condi8on et Mey 12,1998, Copy: denerei Mensger Richer olbom, Director o Public Wor{c+ Neil Carro , c of PI �� Bruce Teylor, Town Cicrk . //„i /;.�,,.i/ Pe 'ek Pearsall, iro ChieC T 42 Report a Couocil PW 12-9A Dde: May 12,199t 3ubJect: Can-.4ort Recyclin4 Ltd. PaQe 4 .__�„ � \ , t�`'�t-� � ° 3 �. � � ��` �+ �� � ' , �` I � � �. . _ ,. , _�.�.�� . � 1_ L � , Koy rawn � T �� .��rr�ir rwLrmm na i�a�� i 1� •' ` '� u '� ``\ , ..j . � - ; �' ,,¢) `� d ; �� . . , C_ ';:'/ ,. , �2 . • � � ,- v4 � . � • �� � ' � � , � '•� ',—Y ' �`` �. ' i � 11 ' _ ,� � / I �.\ `\` .. . —'—�- � ra / �i I ` nwvauM `; • . . . . 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