HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 14/99269 �� OF p� � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Jana Burton DATE; March 17,1999 Salicitor REPORTNUMBER: L 14199 SUBJEC7': Bi11108,TheSlreamllningafAdmtnislrallonoJProvinctalOffencesAc�. - Provincial Offences Act (POA) - Tronsfer - File: L959502 RGCOMMENDATION: Thirreport�s�+n4en�ed to summarizc the oppoAunity prcsenled by Bill 108 (Provinciul Offcnces Act Trnnsfer) to opt into this potentiol rcvenuc generating progmm with other Municipnlities in Durham Region„Gt ���«��-'✓ • ORIGIN: Thc Ministry of thc Attamcy Gencrnl. Provincial • Municipal rcnlignmcnt of Scrviccs. AUTHORITY: 0 il I 108 - The Slrenmllning ojAdminlslrnflnn oJ/'rovfnclnl O,Qences Acl. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Nct Bstimntcd Annunl Revenuc for Durham Rcgion 52,292,819.00 (based on the figurcs providcd by The Ministry of thc Attomcy General) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Province's commitment to rcducing the size and cost of govemmcnt resulted in the Crombic Subpancl rccommendntion to trnnsfer responsibility for the Provinciol Offences Act ("POA") udministration and prosecutiom m�tters from Ihe Province to "municipalitics". Thc transfer of this rcsponsibility, which mey be tu either tha local or rcgionnl municipality, is nccompanicd by Provincial assurnnces Ihat it wiil result in u net revcnue gain to the municipality. Thc passing of Dill 108, The S�reamltning ojAdminlsrration ojProvtnclal O,Qences Ac�, /997, on June I I, 1998, provides the frmnework for the Provinclaf Ofjences Acr (POA) transfer. Curcently the Provinclal 0_(J'ences Act services in Durhum Region are dclivercd through the Oshown Court Service Arcn, which include nll aren municipalitics nnd lhe Region within ihc boundarics of Durham. On November 8, 1998, thc Ministry of thc Altamcy Gcncrnl held nn Information Planning Session for the Oshawe CouA Service Aren, to provide an opportunily for Provincinl reprcscntalives to explein the goal of the Transfer project, the terms of the proposed trnnsfcr and to generally describc the nature of thc busincss und opernlions that nre sought to be tronsfcrred to lhc municipnl scctor. �70 Report to Council LI4/99 Mnroh 17, 1999 Subject: Bill 108, The Strenmlining of Administrntion Pnge 2 of Provinciel OI'fances Act In Septembcr, 1998, the Ministry of the Attamey Gcneml invilcd municipnlities to prcpure n submission indicating their rendiness to assumc POA responsibilitics and demonstrnte thcir ability to mnintain thc existing mnge und level of court ndministrative and prosocution services within thc Court Service Arcn. The Province will accept only one submission from euch Court Service Area, thercfore the Region nnd areu municipalities will hnve to negotiate nn intermunicipal servicc a;recment nmong themselves to shure in the POA responsibilitics, rcvenues and costs. '1'his ngrcemcnt must bc completed beforo the Region und area municipalities cnn muke their submissions to bccome u municipal pnrtner with the Ministry. The Ministry will ucccpt potential pnrtners who makc their submissions at any time during Ihe next two years. The Municipnl partners will be required to sign n trensfer ngreement with the Province which will consist of u mcmomndum of undcrstanding und a locnl side agrcement that would cover sitc•specific arrangcments, such ns thc trans(er of staff nnd assets (,e.g. oftice cquipment). In adclilion to collecting future rcvenucs, cach municipal partner will rcccive the accumulatcd nct revenuc for its nrcu hcid in trust since January I, 1998. Municipalitics will receive these funds at the time thc transfer agrecment is finalized. POA net rcvcnuc will bc shnrcd umong municipalitics within thc Court Scrvicc Arca accorJing to thc tcrms sct out in Ihcir in(ermu�iicipal scrvicc agreemenr. Thc next step in thc process k•ould bc a rcvicw of the documcnlation providcd by Ihc Province with respect to this "ns is' transfcr. Thc rcview wouid entail, nt a minimum, on cxamination of financinl datu, human resources and staffing issucs, couA and udministrativc fncilities and technological sufficicncy and requiremenls. This rcvicw is nbsolutcly crilicul to cnsurc thut Ihc opportunity cnn bc properly cvuluntcd nnd that cvcryanc is prottcding with thc corrcct infortnalion. Any dccision to movc fonvord with the vanrfcr must bc baseJ on vcrificd infarmation nnd realistic cxpcctations. Thc local municipalitics ulong with thc Rcgion organizcd n Uurham I'OA 'fask i'orcc to discuss thc possibility of a joinl pnrtnership to invcstigntc thc finnncinl aspccts of this progmm ns informulion becnmc nvnilnble. It wns the consensus of thc Task �orcc that ncilhcr thc Rcgion nor the nrca municipnlitics havc rcquisilc stnff resourccs avnilnblc to undcrlakc such an invcstigution in-housc. It was suggested thnt Driun Roy, on bchalf of thc Rcgion of Durhnm, rccommcnd retaining an appropriatc servicc consultunt to undcAnkc thc nccessury studics to Rcgionnl Council and that such a revicw would be al thc kcgion's cxpensc. It was also discussed thul a Stccring Commitice bc undertaken, which would bc compriscd of one rcprescntntivc Gom cach of thc nrcn m�nicipnlities and thc Region. Initially, ihe Stcering Committce would look at devclaping thc tcrtns of refcrencc for hiring u consu�mnt and would ovcrscc thc consultant's activities. The consultant would undertake a comprchensive revicw of the nnture nnd operutions of provincin) off'ences administration in the Oshawu Court Servicc Area and to providc altcmutivc and prcferred service delivery aptions. All information and recommcndations provided by thc consullnnt will be provided to thc Region and area municipnl Councils for npproval. BACKGROUND: On ]unc I I, 1998, the Province of Onlario passed legislelion known ns the Streamlfning oj Adminls�ration oJProvfnclal0,fjencesdct (Bill 108), which provides a frnmcwork for downloading to municipulities of administrative responsibilities for oflences govemed by the Provinclal O,Q'ences Acf (POA) nnd selecled prosecutorial functions. On November 8,1998, the Minlstry of the Attomey denernl held an Infomiation Planning Scssion in the Regional Council Chembers. Reprcsentatives from cach of thc urca municipulitics, Durham Regionai Police Services, Regfannl staff, lhc senior Rcgionel Justicc af the Peeee rcprcsenting thc Onterio Court (Provincfal Division), the Crown Attomey for thc Rcgion of Durhem nnd numcrous 271' ReporttoCouncil LI4/99 March 17,1999 Subject: Bill 108, The Streamlining ofAdministration Pngc 3 of Provincial Offcnces Act pcoplc reprcsenting the Courts Administrolion - Centrnl Enst Rcgion wcrc in nttcndancc. In nll, thcre were npproximately 40 pcople, including 8 rcprescnlatives from lhe Provincc who conducted thc day's session. Thc mceting wns to providc an oppartunity for Provincial rcprescntnlives to expinin tha gonl of the Tmnsfer Project, ihe tcrtns of the proposed lmnsfer nnd to gencrally describc Ihc nature of the business nnd opemtions thut arc sought to bc trnnsferrcd to thc municipal scetor. A binder containing extensive infortnation wns distributed to each of the nncndees. Attocl�ed to this report nre excerpis from thut materinl, i.e, the Provinciai OlTences Act uctivity, a Provinciul estimatc of cosls of POA filing, n Fluman Rcsources outlina, Fncilitics Description nnd a revenuc and cost nnalysis. As can bc seen from n rcview of this material, the Province is pinnning to trnnsfcr to thc municipal scctor what amounts to be n new business. The following is bnckgraund information regnrding the Provincial Offences Acl Trnnsfee The Ministry of ihe Attomey Gcnernl currcntly udministcrs the Provinciul O(tenccs CouA in Onl�rio ond retains the associnted revenue from fines. The Provincial O�ences A:r is the Iegislatian that sets out the processes to bc followed for adminislcring and prosccuting chargcs Inid by police and othcr enforcement nuthorities under provincial stawtcs and municipal by-luws. There arc Ihrce proccdural "strcams" in Ihc PGA uffectcd by thc transfcr. - Pnrt t govems minor rcgulntory ofTcnccs. - Pnrt II govcros parking inGactions. - Purt III govems scrious rcgulatory o((cnccs which a court appcar�ncc is mandalory. The responsibilitics being transfcrced to the municipal scctor arc: Administrntivc, prosccutorinl and caurt support functions for I'art I offrnscs (rcgulatory tickct offcnces - including spccding undcr thc Ilighwny TraiTic Act); Administmtivc, prosccutorinl and court support functions for Ihc rcmaindcr of Part II of(ences (pnrking tickets) not currcnlly administcrcd by municipnlilies; anJ Administrativc and court support functions for Part III otTcnccs, wliich arc olTcnccs nrising from more scrious circumstanccs, and or wherc no set fine exists for thc o(Tencc und to which n court nppearancc is mondutory. Somc provincinl ministrics will continuc to prosecute somc Pnrt I and Part III churgcs, nnd existing municipal prasecutorinl functions nrc not affccted by this tmnsfcr. Court support nnd adminisimtivc functions includc thc scheduling and tracking of couA timc, distribuling notices of trial und notices of default, maintaining links to Minisiry of Trnnsportnlion systems, providing couA rcparting nnd couA clerking functions, cstablishing, providing nnd mninwining courtroom facilities and cquipment, nml all fine collection dulics. Prosecutor funclions includc both pre•trial ond in-court nctivitics. Thc Province envisions an "as is" transfcr of resporsibility. Following the trnnsfcr of POA responsibilitics, municipnl partners will rcceive nll of thc rcvenuc they collect from lhe fincs und will pay vurious other cxpenses to thc Provincc. Other cxpcnses include ihe cost of adjudicntion (Justice of the Peocc), the cost af monitoring the transfcr ngrcement with the municipal partner and the cost of Purt III proseculions. The municipal partner will rcccivc accumulated net revcnue for its arca collected aRer Jenuery I, 1998, at the time thc Ironsfer agrcement is finalized. POA nct rcvenue will be shnred among municipnlitics within the Court Service Area according to thc tcrms sct out in nn intermunicipnl service agreement. Enforcement Issucs are not affectr.d by this trunsfcr. for the fiscal yeur cnding Mnrch 1997, Ihe Oshnwu Court Scrvice Area proccsscd in cxcess of 552,000.00 provinciol offence procecdings, of which 26.9Yo rcquircd in-court disposition. Thc schedule atteched hereto includes e brcokdown of thc costs end revcnues nssociated with Ihc Oshnwu Court Service eroa, which concludcs that thc esdmetcd ann'�al rcvenue, nct of ell cxpcnscs, is forccaated to be S2,292,819.00. ' 272 Report to Cauncil LI4/99 Mnrch 17,1999 Subject: Bill 108, The Sircandining of Administratian . Page 4 of Provincial Offences Act The Province is phnsina in the Trnnsfer of POA responsibilitv over n 2 ycor period, cancludin i�he a o 2000. 5even initinl demonstrnlion sites hnve been approvcd, representntivc of seven court service nrens and ubout 50 municipnlities. Tlicse sitcs will uct os mentor sitcs a(icr implemcntnlian is complete in their nrea. The municipal partners initinlly upproved by Ihc Province nre: - Regional Municipality oP York - Newmurket court service nren; - Corpornt:�n of the City af North Bey - North Bny/Nipissing court servicc aren; - Municipality of Muskoku - Brncebridge court scrvice nrea; - Corporntion of the Ciry of Mississnugu - Mississaugu wurt servicc nrcu; - Town oFCnledon - OmngevillelDufferin court service nrca; and - Corporntion of thc City of Rarrie - Bnrzie and Orillin court service area. In order ro review nnd exumine the information providcd by Tha Ministry of Attomcy Gcneral, thc represenlalives from the Regiun �md nrcn municipalitics (POA Task Porcc) fclt it appropriate to retnin n consultant to undeAnke thesc ncccssary reviews. Thc rcview is absolutcly critical to ensure thnt the apportunity can bc propcdy cvaluuted nnd that cvcryonc is procecding wilh the carrcct infortnntion. Any decision to move fonvnrd with the transfrr must be bascd upon verified infortnation und rcalistic cxpectntions. Since neithcr tl�c Region nor the nrca municipalitics hnvc Ihc rcquisite staff resourccs nvnilublc to undertnke such a sludy in-housc, il wns a consensus of the Task Force thul Urian Roy, Regional Solicilor, on behalf of thc Oshawa Cuurt Scrviccs Arca, recommcnd ta rctnin n consultunt to Rcgionnl Council, at thc Rcgion's cspcnsc, lo assist thc Rcgion und Arca municipalities in rcvicwing Ihc proposcd Provincinl Offcnccs Act'Pransfcr. It wns ulso discusscd thnt a Stccring Commiuec be establishcd comprisinb of one rcprescntntivc from cach municipality nnd thc Region to dcvclop thc tcrms of rcfcrrnce for hiring �hc consultnnt and c crscc thcir nctivitics. On Februnry 10, 1999, Rcgional Council npp�ovcd in principlc rccommenJations to rctnin u consultnnt to nssist thc Rcgion nnd arcu municipalitics in rcvicwing thc proposcd Provinciul Oflencas Act Trnnsfcr, subjcct to its npprovnl of ihc tcrms af rcfcrrncc and budgcl nmount for thc w��sullnnt. On Murch 24, 1999, Rcgionnl Council approved Ihc Stcering Committec's recommcndnlions rcgarding the tmnsfer of operotional responsibilities for thc Provincinl Offcnces Act und morc spccificully opprovcd thc Tcrtns of Rcfcrcncc for hiring n consultnnt at n cost to thc Region not to cxcced $100,000.00 It is nnticipatcd that lhc consultant will: I. provide thc respective Cauncils of the Region and nrcu municipalilics with concisc nnd thorough informotion rcgnrding rcvcnues nnd costs associated with thc Provincinl Offences Act Transfcr; 2. enablc consulmtion with the existing municipal pnrtners currcntly bcing phascd into thc transfcr of POA responsibility in Ontario; 3. identify nnd asscss ench of the components in un "ns is" seamless tmnsfer, including usscssmcnt of nll fncilily, human rcsource end lechnologicnl issues; 4. revicw and nssess the existing municipal ability and rendincss to nssume POA responsibilities, which will include nssessment of Ihcir existing fncility, manugemcnt and technological resources rcquired of a primary scrvicc provider; 5, providc options with respecl ta primary scrvice delivery, rcvenuc ond cost shnring arrangements belween thc municipal parincrs, and idcnlificalion of oppartunitics to shurc resources ecross ihe Court Scrvice Arca and to rcduce cnpital ond opernting costs. The pros end cons of cnch option to bc provided; 273 ReporitoCouncil L14/99 Merch 17,1999 Subject; Dill 108, The Stroamlining of Administration Page S of Provincial 0�'ences Act 6. recommend and support a preferrcd service delivery option, including the recommendcd terms of nn inrermunicipal servlce agreemenf; and 7. rccommcnd a Corpomte and Transitional Manngemen: Structurc ta mannge Ihe lrnnsfcr of responsibilities lhat will ensure the integrity of the justice system is not compromiscd and service levels are not reduced. The fullowing is a tenwtive schedule of events us approved by the Steering Committec: Events Dntes Relense of RFP (ndvcAised) Tuesday, March 30, 1999 RFP Close date Thursdny April 19, 1999 Recommendntion, nwnrd, contmct execution Wednesd�y, June 30, 1999 Finel n';port on tusks Fridny, October I5, 1999 Afterwards, Rcgionnl Council nnd the arcu municipal Councils would bc prcsenlcd with a preferted option for their cansiderntion ond npproval. Subscqucnt to the approvnl of a prcferrcd option, it is haped thnt nn uppiication and submission lo the Province to implemcnt the prcfcrted option to allow for the tmnsfcr of operational responsi6ility could bc submitted by thc cnd of thc yenr und that uctual takeover could occur endy in Ihe year 2000. ATTACHMENT: Infortnntion duta obwincd by Thc Minislry of thc Attomcy Gcncrnl. Prepnrcd Dy: CL�dO�YJJ !oJ ursons JEP:Ijm Attechments Copy: ChiefAdministraliveOfTicer Town Clerk Director of Finnncc and Trcasurer Approvcd / Gndorscd I3y: � . i !_ t ..ti1� �'11,v;� lune Durton j �. •'� Recommended for lhe consideretion of Pickcring Town Council 1 M N • O / omas J. Qm n, Chicf Administr e Officer - , ,. . , � '. , . , • 27 4 ATTACHMENT #J_TO REPORT t1��9 B011Id0ly 1017N1 EiB DOQ.9f NMBI Kl ;�t�}.:!. \ �/ � 1fIJd i � /.akr ��'',.�'�:':1%,. � �► S.:c;;?'.� } I ,;;�,�..;� !lfiCTQi ?;f�,�r,��,,' 'e ��No� .S�lllk'n t.. �'4y`,. t ; (\ I � WyyA�Nt _ � \�,:'. \'/ � � �'ti �,,,,,� �, f/ ' t �•--`' ��lLrar ' ' 'loA, �` � , oi ;' / ',., Nt n� ,� / S�wgnR . . 'ti y �"' Uxbrfdge � � :,\.f. •� �. � . PuA ./ ;�'.� tii�:l: C:'Vf� ;�,. � r _'—' _ ' ' "_ Mnll� Srod Nr -- '�y : ` ��urmudt I �moLtl ��!'�� .�� �1,� i�. � _ _ . � . � `,,.: w .�,. �, . � NORTH w �-.. � . �' � _ _—. . _,�� � Ii�mqm ' �FIIlibiwk W \ M �l tfAlY — �� i: ...._Y� '�OA7.1R!!1 �. ;,L�h'£ ..._._�.�................._��...._....�...._....... I - . • . . . , . ., , �h. _ , .. . . . � net of Dedkaled Fines and Vktfm Flne Surcharge EXPENSES: COURTS ADMINISTRATION Court Admfnistration CouriSuppod TOTAL COURTS ADMIN COSTS FACILITIES � PART1 PROSECUTIONS TRANSFEiiRED PROV. COSTS OTHER MUNICIPAL COSTS (HR, Bankfng, Cash Mgml) DIRECT MUNICIPAL EXPENSES �. PROVINCIAL COSTS PAYABLE (Adjudication, Part III Proseeut(on, Monilodng Cosls) EXPENSES IET ESTIMATED REVENUE (to be shared by Plunicipalitles- as per Intecmunicipal Service Agreement) 53,677,694 5479,G52 71,709 550,761 111,838 85,624 748,221 THD 748,221 536,654 51,284,875 E2,292,819 �� . . . � . . 275 � 276 � � � ` REVENUE AND COSTS ANALYSIS NOTES RRV � Cr h Recetpb for 1996/97 excluda Accounts Reccivabla �� . Source;1996/97 Public Accound ot Ontario �� . Net of Ded(cated C6argee (nclude: - Victim Fine Surcharge t - Game & Fish - Federal Conlraventians - Municipal Pazking Fines - Criminal Code Chazges Fines . Revenue Dislribut(on calculatioo by POAC based on: . calculatcd % of total provincial charges disposcd (1996/97) applicable to POAC, . applied percentage above to Revenue per Public Accounts (1996/97) less dedicated EXPELI�S . Total Courts Adm(nistralion Costs • source; court profiles • Court Administralion costs includes adminisuation sta(f salaries und benefits, ODOE, and ICON charges . Coun Support costs include salaries and benefits of counroom staff . Facililies Cost • source; court profile, includes bue and satellite, and proseculors of(ice space costs • Part I Proseculion Costs - sourcc; coun profiles - base salary o(556000, 29% benefiu for classified employees, 6% for unclassified. . Olhcr biunicipal Costs - such as human resources cosls, banking, and cuh management costs • Prov(nclal Costs Payable - costs which will be billed to municipaliiies • such as adjudication, Plll proscculions and othcr corporate cosis ( ICON, DFCC, QA �jPF.NSF. C:ROUPINGS TRANSFERRED PROV1NClAL COSTS Includes: • Total Coun Admin costs, Facilities costs, Part 1 Prosecution costs DIRECT MUNICIPAL EXPENSE includes: • 7'ransfcrtcd Provincial cosis, Other Municipai costs TOTAL EXPENSES includes: . Transferted Provincial costs, Other Municipal costs, Provincial costs . � �; ' ....�,. .� .� � r 1 ' 1 i J � � ( ONTARIO COURT PROVINCIAL DiV1SI0N PROVINCIAL OFFENCES ACT ACTIVITY FOR THE PERIOD COVERING - Apri101/94 to Marcb 31/9T COURT LOCATION: Q�y�y RECION: Cenfral .aat 1CON ID NUMBER: � POA CIIAItGES RECEIVED Part 1 Highway Trsflic Act Liquor License Act Other Provincial SWtutes ' Municipal Bylaws Pari 1f Pari Ili Tolal POA Charga Recetved No. ofPart 1's with final disposilion No. of Part 14 with M-Court disposition %of Part I's with IN•Court disposition Federal Cootroventfone Acl Cdarga Reee(ved (n 97/98 Small Vessels Regulation 277 Fbcal Year Fhcal Year Fiscal Ywr 94N5 95/96 96N7 2�832 21683 31669 18365 18195 26798 1545 1362 1951 1817 2070 2780 105 56 140 16271 14412 14799 4965 5019 5642 4307� 41114 52110 21293 218G0 29935 5467 6285 8040 25.7%. 28.8% 26.9% 11 ll Nota: P+rl l c6uLef in m(aorofRota wflh � mixlmum fine ofS500.00 M�Jortry ot P�rt � aRenca do oot require � touh ippe�noee. � P�rt 11 Offaoca ue Pukinp Infnctfaot Part III OReoea under �II POA Reeuhllom nquin a tourt �ppann[e �od Ona �rt ul fn tourt �ons�se2o� �.w►ca 5 Data Source; ICON •;. . . � �. .27a �� w N � � � , ^ � � � � � � � � o � +a w ' o � I a 1 O �P ( V B � M i� U � s F � z � C 6 � �7 O � � $�s s � g N n � � N H N N O � �o o: �: O b � �A H s g s ° g � � � � H H N pVp ii O o � �� O O O O p Op Q ul � t�f 0 G C O M M N w v� ry �Q h F• r°� o f � h u �° �o c� o o E r °c y W a o 0 o � '3 g a ti� :� 'r y� :� ,� o 8 s � � r° � � '� ti � � a e � o �� 0 0 o�a o�a '� o� 0 4 � �3 �'�o� \8 �°oE {/� � � N N ^1 M{�' w1 h y u VJ u �E c u V � � 'o �� o � �� S � � .� �� o � s C v' �i � � � � �� a q p � q�,Yi � U S. a a � � .� �,� 4 E � i� F �n a F� v� '� k v'� .'^�. 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E., ,✓ dedicated to NO WhitbY POA 3)132 Church St., ✓ not dedicated to YES Bowmonville POA 4) 5, � � 8� ! 9) 10) Court Profile of Provincinl0ffences Administrative Centre in Oshawa (242 King St. East) IS � i i ; I , � . ..