HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW 02-99� � � O�NOFp _ . � . _. q3. � � ~ REPORT TO COUNCI� fROM: Richnrd W. Holbom DATE: Januury 19,1999 Dircctor of Public Works REPORTNUMBER PW02/99 SUBJECT: ConsWction priorities for Regiannl Roads within the Town of Pickering RECOMMF.NDATION: Thnt report PW02/99 recommending Regional Rond construction priorilics wilhin thc Town of Pickcring bc rcceived, adoptcd und fonvardeJ to tli: P.agionnl Municipality of Durham requesting that its recommendatious be considered in ihe 1999 lludget proccss. ORIGIN: The Public Works Dcpurtment unnuully u�Cfutes nnd recommcnds the Rcgional Road construction priorilies for Council's consideration. AUTFIORITY: Oninrio Municipul Act FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Regional Rond conswction cosis arc bomc entircly by the Rcaionnl Municipality of Durham with ihe exception of strcet lights, sidewulks and uesthetic improvPmcnis. Traffic Control Signnls ut intersections thnt do not meet wnrtanis�rcquire funding providcd by others. • EXECUT[VE SUMMARY: Not Appliwblc BACKGROUND: A rcport on Regional Road wnstruction priorities is prepared by Town of Pickering StnIT and updated on an annual bosis. The report is presented to Town Council for ndoption, and is Canvarded to the Regional Municipnliry of Durhem for iheir informntion and for input to thcir curtent budget end multi ycar Capital Forecest. Thc following is ¢ prioritized summnry of thc most needed improvements of thc Durham Regionul Roads with(n the boundarics of thc Town of Pickering, Following the summary is a list of ell thc idantified needs for nll Rcgionul Ronds in the Town of Pickering, J�t•. . ♦ . � . .. . . . _. � . ri'�� . . � . . . . ':�1' . .. . .. T` ' � 1 �.�� .� 1 �. ,`�.� ,�... ... � , ,r , . . . , , � Report to Council PW 02/99 Dnte; Jenuery 19,1999 . 64 Subject: Conswction priorities for Regional Roads within the Town of Pickering Pege 2 ��i�u����.�� From the Regionnl Road conswction priorities listcd in the report below, tha following is a lis► af the most immediotely needed improvements for consideration. PRIORITY ROAD NAME IMPROVEMENTS REQUIRED I DROCK ROAD widening from Dcllbrook Avenue north in preparution for Hwy. 407 2 FINCHAVENUG complele and filc n Class Gnvironmental Assessment ond reconstruct to 4 lancs urban stnndards 3 ALTONA ROAD complete anJ filc u Class Environmental Assessment and reconstruct to 4 Innes urban standards Gom Kingston RoaJ to Pinch Avenuc � 4 KINGSTON ROAD safety improvements nt Whitcs Road 5 WHITGS ROAD rcconstruct to 4 Innes urban standards Gom Oklahomu [ilvd. to Fl�ry 401 6 WHITES ROAD intcrscclion widcning und improvcments ut Oklnhomn DIvJ./Granitc Court 7 BAYLY STREET signalimtion nt Squircs Ucach Road 8 F[NCH AVENUE interscclion improvemenls at Dixic Road REPORT: From report PW4/98 presented to Council on Jnnuary 19, 1998, listing the Regianal Road priorities, thc following recommcndations hnvc bcen addressed 'oy thc Region of Durham in 1998: l. RR � Hwy 2 Kingston Road - Signalization nt Rosebank Roud - Signulirntion nt Notion Rond The Region increased operational snfety at Rosebunk Rond by signa�iting thc intersection. Thc praject involved lha resurfacing of Kingston Road from 200m west of the intersection to 200m east of the intersection, Recommendntians from the Town adoptcd Kingston Road Cortidor Study wcre cnrticd out at the request of the Town. This included colorcd strectprint pedcstrian crossings, sidewnik connections, und enhanccd landscaping (to be instnlled in 1999), funded by the Town. Thc Rcgion campleted operntional improvements nt Notion Road by signalizing the interscction. � xr � , ��.`� r,;. �`: . : .. , ._...., ��.... �. , ., . . , , � Report to Council PW 02/99 Date: Jnnuary 19, 1999 Subject: Construcdon pdorides for Regional Roads within tha Town of P(ckering Poge 3 2. RR N22 Buyly Street - Reconstruct access to 925 Deyly Street At thc re�ulnr Council meeting of June 2, 1997 thc Council of the Town of Pickering passed Resolution H2O4/97, requesting lhc Region to reconsttucl access to 925 Bayly Strcct in order to increosc snfety oF ingress nnd egress. The works wcrc curried out in conjunction with a wntertnuin construction project. 3. RR M 31 Wcstney Road - All way tmffic control ut Concession 6 Road The Town implemented trutTic calming mcusures in thc Humlet of GreenwooJ in 1998. A componenl of the progrnm included nn all•�vay stop at Westney Road Q Cancession 6 Road. This intersection was previously n 3-wny stop with an enstbound through movcment. 4. RR #37 Finch Avenuc - Signnliwtion at Fnirport Road The Region incrcased opemtional safery nt Fnirport Road by signalizing Ihe intersection. The elimination oFthejog at thc intcrsection did not occur ns pari of this project. ' Although not mentioned in Report PW4l98, thc Region ulso completcd the following improvements on Rcgional Roads in 1998. i) resurfuced Kingston Road from Glengrove Road to Mcrritton RnaJ ii) signnliud ➢rock Road rQ Dcllbroak Avenuc Discussions huve continucd Ihroughout I998 with thc Rcgion nnJ all arcn municipalitics about the mtionnliwtion of thc Rcgionnl Road systcm. Discussions involvc Ihe dcterminntion of which Regionnl Rouds (or portions of Regional Roads) should bc rcvcrted lo the nren municipalities, because they no longcr servc a Regional function. Convcrscly, thcre arc local roads which will serve a Regional function in thc future and they should be trunsferzcJ to Ihc Region. As some rouds bcing discuskd rcquirc immedinte improvcmcnts, struclumlly or opemtionally, a philosophy must bc agrccd upon on how ta hundlc thc "now" necJs bcforc or attcr Ihc transfcr. Discussion will continue in 1999. The rccommendntions contnined wilhin Ihis report arc bascd on thc exisling Regionnl R.�nds rcmaining under the Region's jurisdiction and rcpresent thc rcquircments for lhe road to serve a Regional function. The following Town of Pickering, Regional Road construction recommcndations nre listcd in order of Regianal Rond number. RR Hwy. 2 KINGSTON ROAD trom Toronto border (Rouge River) to Ajax border (Notton Road) • fmplemenf recommendaflons jrom d�e Kingsfon Road Corrldor Sludy rmdertaken by fhe Town ojPlckering and Ihe Reglonal MunJclpallry ojDurhant • saJely Improvemenrs (a� IYhifes Road �5 �:. _ 1 e. ' ` "' g)�� f Yv?i. Ji.r .. � .�.. x„o.isJ r, , i � ,f �.i. � . .. i _ .,. . , .. .. ... . . � Report ro Council PW 02/99 Date; January 19,1999 �j�ubjecL ConsWcHon priorities for Regional Roads withln the Town of Pickcring Pngc 4 RR ql BROCK ROAD from Montgomery Prrk Rord to U:bridge Towaline (Conc.10 Road) • grade sepnraflan n► CPR crossing soufh nJTaunlon RoaJ • lnfersecllon geometric lmpravements a! Rossland Road • ivldenfng fram Dell6rook Avem�e nordi In prepara�ion for !/wy. �IDZ Tu be complcred in 1 Phases: Phase l, Deffbrook Avenire fo Taimlon RoaJ; Phuse 2, Tmrnlon Road �o Hiry. 7 • slgnalizafion uf Clements RoarUD!(Ungham Road RR IW TAUNTON ROAD from Markham TownUne (York Road N30) to Ajax boundary • no lntmediate requtremen�s (reconstructlon !s complele !/rrougli Plckering) RR NS CONCESSION 9 ROAD (Central Slrcct) from Markham Townlinc (York Roud N30) lo RR N23 (Lakerldge RoaJ) Whitby boundrry • no immediafe requiremenls (reconsfruclinn !s crunplete vesf �f (RR NQ Qrock RoadJ RRH21 DAYLY STREET from RR k38 (Wh(tcs RoaJ) to RR H24 (Church Strcet) Aja: boundary • slgnaltzutia� u� Squires Dcurh Rnnd RR#23 LAKERIDGF. ROAD from AJax border (Conc. 5 Rond) to Uxbridge Townlinc (Conc. 10 Rosd) e no lmmedinlc requiremm�ls RR #24 CHURCH STREET Gom RR H22 (Bayly Street) ta Ajax boundaty (CN Rail Bne) • nn lmmediate requiremenls RR N27 ALTONA ROAD from RR Hwy. H2 (Ktngaton Road) to Whitevalc Road Ihence weaferty to Markham Townline (York Road H30) • reconstrucf !0 4 lanes urban slandards jrom Kingslon Road m Finch A venue. Tii 6e comple�ed in 2 hhases: Phasc l, Kingsmn Road lo Ttivyn Rlvers/ShePppard; PHase 1 Twyn Rlvers/Sheppard lo FlnchAvem�e RR H29 LIVERPOOL ROAD from RR N22 Bpyly Sfreet to RR N37 Ftnch Avenue' . resurface jra,n Pickering Parkway lo Kingsron Road _,t - "• reconshuct ro 4 lanes urban sfnndards from Clenanna Road In Finch Avenue ; = r, r,� ' ; i` � �� � �i`.�Fi Tr v �'s_.,?.�.. t', . , ,. t.� ..1, � . _ ��` Report to Cuuncil PW 02/99 Dete: January 19,1999 Subject: Conswction priorities for Regionul Roads within thc Town of Pickcring Poge 5�7 RRN31 WESTNEY ROAD from Coac. 5 Ro�d (AJ�x bound�ry) fo Conc. 7 Rad, thence wateriy to RR Ml Brock Road • sajety lmprovemenrs at Hrvy. 7lnfersecflan RR N37 FINCH AVENUE (rom RR N27 Altona Road to RR HI Brock Road • complefe and file u Class Envlronmenfal Assessmenl und recons�ruct m d lunes urban slandai�ts, To bc compfeled in 3 Phuses: Phuse l, Llverpool Road In {Vldfes Road; Phasc 1, Urack Road to LJverpoal Roud; Pl�asr 3, {Vhl�es Rodd ro Al�ona Road , • lnlersecflon tmpravemenls al Dlxle Road • Jog eflmfnulinn af Fairport Road RR H38 WHITF.S ROAD from south tcrminu� (PetUcont Creck Conscrvlton Area) lo RR H4 Taunton Roed • lnfcrsecflon wfdening und lmprovemenls nl Oklulmntu Oh�d./Grnnife Co�vl • recnnslrucf In d lanes urhnn slandnrJ.r jram Oklnhnm�r Qh�d.1n !/uy. d0l • urhunlze nnd ivlden so��tli nJOkluhomn IJh�d. • recnnslrucl fn d/nnes jrum Flnch Avemm In Turorlon Raud ATTACHMENTS; Not Applicablc Approvcd / Endorsed Eiy; Ri erd W. Ho om RWH:ds: Copy; T.J. Quinn, ChiefAdministrntive Officer N. Curtoll, Director of Plnnning Recommended for the considemtion ot Pickering Town Council ' .�h,/9 � omes J. nn, C ief Adm dve O �S. �;1i ' . ' .- . . � . ;( - _ . , . . . . � rf`�� �jQ 1 �„f,.�c�; r 4�?���...�f . , , ... . , .. , . .