HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 4, 1998,�;,. `
MINU1'ES of the 3rd mating of t6e Coromittee ot Adjuelment held in the Committce
Room of Ihe Plckering Civic Complei on WedoeadAy, March 4,1998.
PRESENT: Mr. C. Young, C6airman
Mr. K. Mhc
' Mr. M. Holland
Mr. R Jo6oeon
Mr. P. W6ite
ALSOPRESENT: Mr. J. Cole, Aeabtrnt Secretary-TreAaurer
Mrs. F. Niro, SecretAry-Treaaurer (Actinp�
The meeting couvened at 7:00 p.m. in tde Moin Commlttee Room of the Civic Complez.
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T6ere were no motters ArL�ing from the mioutea.
MOTION: Moved by Mr. Johneoo, eeconded by Mr. floll�nd ond carried unaoimoualy -
That the mioutee of the 2nd maNng of the Committee ot Adjuatment held
February 11,1948, be adopted.
3. P/CA l7/98 • L. & E. Okolotowicz
Lot 6, Plon 816
rL�o known aa 1488 Roaebank Rosd
Town ot Pickering
T6e applicaofa request re1teS from Section 5.18(d) of By-lew 3036, aa ameoded, to permit
the continuance ot An e:Lvting dwellfng and t6e eatabll�dment of a proposed sun room
addition to the rear ot ihe dwelling, located 0.7 of o metrr: from t6e aouth aide lot Itne,
whereaa the zontng by-low requirea a minimum eouth eide yord wtdt6 of 1.5 metra. Also,
to permit the continuance of an e:isting pttached gerage, snd t6e eatrblW6meat of p
propoaed pddition to the garage, locoted 0.28 of a metre !rom t6e aouth eide lot Iine,
whereaa the zoning by-law requirce a minimum eouth e(de yard widfh of 1.5 metres.
The ppplicaola requwt ppproval of theae voripnces In order to brtng the eaL�ting dwelling
and aHoched garnge into compliance wit6lhe zoolog byIww, pnd to allow buildiog permita
to be Gaued far t6e propoeed eun room and g�rrge odd(None.
The Aeilat�nt Secnlary•Tnaeurer out8ned commente received from t6e Town ot Plckering
Plrening Depprtment aod the Durhrm Regiop Healt6 DcpaHment.
Mr. Okolotowlcz, owncr, woe praent to repreeent t6e ppplicotion. No turtder
reprcseotation wae preaent in frvour otor in objecHon to the appllcrfloo.
Mr. Okolotowlcz outlined reaeona for t6e mfnor vpriancee adding that 6e would Ilke to
conatruct o g�rage thrt would �ccommodate two ve6iclea.
Mr. White aaked Ihe opplicant 16e dletwnce between 61� dome And t6e neareet dwelling.
Mr. Okolatowia reaponded t6at 16ere is approximately SO teet behveep dwellinge.
DECISION: Moved by Mr. W61te, aeconded by Mr. Holland and carried upanimouely
thl� appltcAtion P/CA 17/98, by G. & E. Okolotowirc, aa outlined, be APPROVED oo t6e
grounda 16at thc propoaed 0.7 metre iout6 aide yard w(dth provlded by the eiWting
dwelling And the proposed eun room add(Noo, and the proposed 0.28 of a meire south aide
yard width provided by ihe eii�ting attached garage aod the proposed garnge addiNon, are
minor in nature, desirsible tor t6e approprfate development ot the IAnd, and in keeping
wilh t6e geoeral intent and purpose of the Official Plan, aod the Zoning By-law, aubject to
the tollowtog conditions:
1. ThAt t6eae variances apply ooly to the e:ieting dwellipg, end to the aun room and
garage addifions propoaed by t6is application.
2. T6at ihe appllcant obfein A buildfng permit for, and conelruct, Ihe proposed aun
room aod gamge adJltions within two yearo of the dete of thts decision, or Ihe
approval of the aide yard width variances for tho�e addifiona ehall become null and
P/CA 18l98 - C. Urou�aeAU & D. Dlack
Part Lot 41, PIAn 270
aleo known ps 529 Park Creacent
Town of Pickering
The appl(cant reque�ts rellet Goro the following provleiona ot By-law 2511, es amended:
SecHon 10.2.3. to permit 16e estabit�hment of a min(roum 0.9 of a metre north aide yard
widt6 to be provided by A propoaed addttton to the rear of Ihe e:isting detached dwelling
0o t6e aubject property, w6ereaa ihe zoning by-law requlre� a minimum north side yard
widih ot 1.5 metrea;
Section 5.19(b) to permit the conffnuance of a minimum 0.2 of a mctre aelbaek from the
oorlh nlde lot line provided 6y an e:l�ting acceaaory atructure (6ot tub 6uilding) on lhe
eubject property, whereaa the zooing byIsw requires all nccesaory etructuree greafer fhan
10 aquare metrea io aize andlor greater fhAO 1.8 metrea in height fo be located a minimum
ot 1.0 metre from any lot Iine;
Sectioo 5.19(e) to permit t6e cont(nuance of a ma:imum total lot covenge ot5.05% to bc
provlded by an e:WHng accee�ory atructure (6ot tub building) on the aubJect property,
whercae Ihe zoning by-law permit� a ma:imum totol lot cavenge at 5% to bc provided by
all qccesaoty atructures, eielud(ng o detac6ed private garoge.
The npplicaote requeal approval at tdeae variances ia order to brtng the eubject property
iuto compBance wlth t6e prov�ilone of t6e zoning by-law aod to obtrin a building permtt to
recognize Ihe recentlyconetructed rear addltion to the e:iattog detocded realdenHal
dwell(ng on the eubJect property.
The Aeabtaot SecretoryTreaeurer ouflloed commente received Gom the Town of Pickering
Pl000ing Departroent epd the Durh�m Region Heelfh Depprtmenf. WNften commenta in
�upport ot the applicotion wero received from Mr. Curtie Smitd ot 532 M�rkabury Rood,
, ,
Mr. B�rry Turner and M�. D�wn Buckn�m of 340 P�rk Cracenf, Mi. Jill Bolton of
515 Puk Cmceot �nd Mi. Rlh Homen otS31 Pwrk Craceat.
Mr. Chri� BrouaaeAU, owner, wu preunt to repreaent t6e opplication. No furt6er
rcpraeototion wiu preaent In fqvour ot or ln obJectlon to the ApoBsatlon. Mr. Brouivau
atwted t6�t 6e wia6ee to cloae the rear of the home with the propoxed additioo oad thrt 6e
hu recently �ppUed for a bui!ding permit for t6e propoaed cooetruction.
DECISION: Moved by Mr. Johnaon, eeconded by Mr. Ae6e and carricd uoaoimouely t6at-
thi� application P/CA 18/98, by C. Hrouaseau & D. Black, aa outliued, be APPROVED on
16r grounda t6at the propoaed miaimum 0.9 of a metre norih eide yard wid16, 0.2 of a
metre acceeaory atructure aetback and maiimum 5.05°/a acceasory atructure lot covenge
varianca wre minor In nature, desinble for the appropriate development of the land, and
in kceping wlt6 t6e genenl inteot And purpose ot the Otticial Plan and Zoning By-Ipw,
aubject to the toilowing condition:
1. That the applicaut obtAin a building permit, ond complete ihe construction of,
the rear addiHon as genenlly outilned on the plane su6mtlted wit6 thin
applicaHon, within oue year of the date of thi� deci�ion, or the approval of the
0.9 0[ a metre aorth eide yard wldth varlaoce e6Ai1 become null qnd void.
5. P/CA 19/98 - fI. & R Vallaoce
Sauth Part of Lot 22 & Nort6 Part Lot 23, Plon 311
Alao known aa 615 Marlubury Rad
Tuwn otPlckering
The Applicpntn requeat reliet trom Sectioo 5.19(d) ot By-low 2511, aa ameoded, to permit
Ihe estAbl�i6ment of a minimum 0.6 of a metre nor16 efde yard widlh to be provided by a
propoaed ottached carport on the aubject property, wdereAa the zoning bylaw requirea
min(mum etde yard widthe ot 1.5 mcfrea to be provided where ao aftached garoge
(including a carport) e:i�ts on t6e lot.
The applfcaota requeet approval of thia varlAace in order to obtain a buildl�ig permit to
coostruct on attac6ed carport to the e:i�Nng residenNal dwell(ng oa Ihe aubject property.
The Aset�tAnt Secretary-Treaaurer outllned commenfa received from the Town ot Pickering
Planning Depprtment. Written commenta were al�o received from Ma. Audrey Dlackdtone
ot624 MArksbury Road in objection to tde applicattoo.
Mr. Rlc6nrd Valiaoce, owner, waa pre�tot to repreaent the ApplicaHon. Alno preaeut waa
Mr. Karl Schmalz of 619 Marksbury Road in objectlon to t6e appllcation.
Mr. Vallance outlined reaaana as to w6y a wider carport is required. He mode 16e
Commiftee aware thAt there are large trea altuated down fhe north atde ot the property
Una Mr. Vallance aL�o advi�ed the Committee t6At there t� a large problem wit611oodlag
on the property And that If 6e conetrucU t6e carport t6ere will be weeping tile in place
w6(ch will help alleviate t6e Oooding problem. He wGhea to conatruct Ihe cArport with
6:6 posta evety 8 feet.
Mr. Scdmalz ppproac6ed the Committee with phofograp6e of t6e aubJect property. He
�eked why Ihe applicant requirea euch a IArge cwrport. Mr. Schmolz al�o 6ad conccros ot
the 6eig6t af t6e carport. He made t6e Committee Awnre thpt the propoeed arport would
be 1.7 metres frum hb kltchen wlndow. Conceroa of poaalble nolee and pollultop were ��io
Mr. VrllAnce rapooded thrt the dwelling b a roDed bungalow And the 6etg6t of t6c
carport would trs 10 ket w61ch wonld tollow the arturwl root Itne ot t6e 6oma
,,; . .
Mn Jo6oeon ��ked the appllc�nt if he wlll coneider conrtrucling A arport witd a doped
rootnther t6an � Ast rnotai Illuitr�fed on the �ubmitted pl�ni. Mr. Vallance u�ured the
Committce th�t hewlll conetruct the rootwith � dope.
Mr. Hollrnd aeked the oppilc�at If 6e h�d any obJect(on to conefruct(ng Ihe carport wltd o
reduced widt6. Mr. Valiance �dvleed hlm thrt tde reaeon for the wfder arport G �o thpt
he may have eaaier �ccea� when entering and ezbHng hb car.
Mr. W6ite etated ihat he abaerved other carporta la the area and that tt ao mudiflcaHons
Are made to the orlginAl epplicallon, 6aaed on t6e current informat(on, he probably would
not be eupportiag t6e application ae it ataode.
Mr. White asked Ihe Applicaot w6ere the poafs witl be aituated on ihe pruperty.
Mr. Vallancc reaponded thpt t6e poats wili 8e placed fo the eiterior ot t6e carport.
Mr. Ashe asked the applicant what the curreot uae of t6e e:leting garage is. Mr. VAliance
raponded thAt it I� ueed for hobbiea euch as woodworkiag And etonge.
Mr. SchmAiz at�ted 16et the Iloodlog hae been a problem for ppproiimwtely 30 yearo and
feeL� thaf weeping Nle would not eod t6e problem. He wanta t6e ApplicAnt to conform to
the requfremeoW o[the by-taw ond Alao lower the hefg6t ott6e carport.
Mr. Johnaon aaked t6e applicant to indicafed if 6e were lo Amend 6is original applicatioa
w6at aide yard wfdth would euit hia requtremeota. Mr. Vallaoce repited t6at the
Cammittee coaaider an amended 1.0 metre aide yard vartqnce.
DECISION: Moved by Mr. White, �econded by Mr. Aahe pnd cArrted uoonfmously that-
thie application P/CA 19l�8, by H. & R Vallance, ae AMENDED, be APPROVED on fde
grounda Ihqt Ide REVISED propo�ed miaimum 1.0 metre norld eide yard widfh variance I�
minor io naturq �ppropriate for the dainble devclopment of the lend, and in keeptng
with t6e general infent and purpoee ot Ihe Of(icirl Plan and Ihe Zoa(ng Bylaw, aubject to
t6e following conditlon:
1. Thqt t6e rpplicrnta obtAin a building permit, And complete the coa�tructioo of,
the cArport �a generrily outUned oo the plone aubmittcd with t6is appltcation,
wit6in one yeAr of tde dote of th�i deciatoo, or the approval of the 1.0 metre
norlh aide yard wid16 variaoce a6rll become null and void.
MOTION: Moved by Mr. Aehe t6rt discuaaiona on the eummwty of a eurvey ot
remuneratlon for Commtlfee membero in eeveml Ontwrio Municipalitlee commence.
Commenb on t6e eurvey ind mfaor vrriance appiicatton fees were received by Membero of
16e Committee.
MOTION: Moved by Mr. Johnaon, eecoaded by Mr. W6Ite aod carried unanimoualy that-
i) A reeolution be forwarded to Town Couocil requeettog t6at remuneratioo for
Committee memben be increraed to 580.00 per mceHng.
'`' Il) T6e Plaaning Department cooalder reviewiog �pplicaHone fas tor minor
; . . . . .. ., . . . . �.
MOTION: bloved by Mr. Holl�nd �nd c�rrled un�nimouely ih�t-
T6e 3rd mating of t6e Commlttee ot Adjurtmenf be adjoumed at 8:00 p.m. �nd the ae:t
regul�r maHng of t6e Committee of AdJu�tment be 6eld on Thundiy, M�rch 26,1998,
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