HomeMy WebLinkAboutApr. 15, 1998d+�a� � MINUTES of Ihe Sth meeting ot the Committee ot AdJuatment 6eld in the Committee ' Room of ihe Pickeriog Civic Comple: oa Wedneaday, Apol 15,1998. . PRESENT: Mr. C. Youag (C6atrpereoa) , Ma K. Aahe Mr. M. Holland Mr. R Jo6oaon Mr. P. Wdtte ALSOPRESENT: Mr. J. Colc, Asaf�tant Secretary-Treaaurer Mro. F. Niro, Secretary-Treasurer (ActinpJ The meeting cooveaed at 7:00 p.m. (n the Maln Committee Raom ot the Civlc Comple:. 1. MATTERS ARISING FROM Tf1E MINUTES Mr. Johnson atated that in regard� to the minor vartance applicallon P/CA 22/98, by C. & C. Bmunoehler, he han viaited the atte "at lea�t" S Nmes And would likc Ihe minutce ot ihe 4th meeting ot the Committee ot Adju�tmenf hcld March 26,1998, be revised to reilect fdatchaoge. MOTION: Moved by Mr. While, aeconded by Mr. A�he and carried unanimously- Thet the minute.� uf Ihe 4th meeUng of the Committee ot Adjuatment held Merch 26,1998, be AMENDED to refiect the above change. MOTION CARRIED 2. ADOPTION OF MINUTES 1140TION: Moved by Mr. White, aecooded by Mr. Hollpnd and carrled uoeoimoualy - That the minute� of the 4th meeting of Ihe Committee otAdjuatment deld Merch 16,1998, be adopted. MOTION: Moved by Mr. JoLnsoo, aeconded by Mr. Hoiland, tdat the nadfog of minor variance Application P/CA 22/98 by C. & C. Bnuqoehler, be diapenaed wit6. MOTION CARRIED 31 3. P/CA 22/98 - C. & C. Hnunosdler Soutd P�rt otLot 18, Coaceaaion 1 dao knowo ra 1023 Brock Ro�d Town otPickerlag (Detalls ajthe above opplicallan are expiained below jor rejerence) T6e applicanfa requeet reliettrom tde following provGiona of Bylaw 2511, ae amended: Sectlon 16.2.1 to permtt t6e eetAblt�hment ot a minlmum north eide yard wldth o[ 1.5 metres to be provided by a proposed automobtle aervice genge on Ihe aubject property, w6ereae the zoniog bylaw requires r minimum aide yard width ot4.5 metree; To permit t6e proposed automobtle aervice garage to provlde a ma:imum groaa 11oor area ot259 aquare metres, whereaa Ihe zontng by-law, as previou�ly varied, permita a ma:imum gross floor area o�223 aquare metrea far an automobile eervice garage; Section 2.2,1 to permit t6e eafabl(�hment of a minimum hvo-way trA�c aisle wiJlh of 6,0 metres on the aouth aide otthe proposed automobile service garage, whercas the zontog by-law require� a minimum two-way trr�c ri�le widt6 ot6.5 mefrea; The propoaed gArage nizq ond IocAtlon, Aad a aecHoa ot treftic atele widtd do not comply with tde requiremertta of the zoning by-law, and the�e vA�ipncee have been requested in order to facil(tph flaal aite plAn Approval. The Aeaietant Secret�ry-Trcoaurer outlined coromenta rece(ved trom the Site Plan AdvLtary Committee, t6e PI�IIOIpg D!�)Alirtltqi� the Public Works Departmeot and Dur6am Reglon IleAlt6 Department. Written commeol� were al�o recetved from Mr. McKay an behrltotMr. & Mn. BAladoo. Mr. C. Bnuooehler, owner, waa preaent to repreaent the appiicnllan. No furlher repre�entAttoa wA� preaent (n favour otor in obJectton fo Ihe ppplicatioo. Mr. Johnson atated thot at the previous meeting Councillor Dtckeraoo auggeated that he e:pedite t6e eite plan process and indicated t6At it hoe trken plwce. He is aatteRed thet all i�euea 6wve been wddressed by the Sife Plan Advieory Committee and fhat he will be to aupport of the applicatlon. DECISION: Moved by Mr. Ae6e, seconded by Mr. Hollood and carrled unaniroously t6af- thi� appUcation P/CA 22/98, by C. & C. Braunoe6ler, Ae outlined, be APPROVED on the grounda thAt the proposed variAnces to permit a 1.5 metre north aide yard width to be provided by the automobile eervice gsrnge, A mAiimum groaa floor rrea ot 259 aquare metres for tde automobile aervice grnge build(og, oud a mlotmum 6.0 mefre twawAy inftic aiele widfh on 16e eouth aide ot the automobile aervlce grnge ere minor in oaturc, dairable for t6e appropriate development of the land, Aod (o keeping with t6e genenl Intenf and purpoee of the Ofticl�l Plpn aod t6e Zoning By-law, aubJect to the followlog condiNon: 1. That t6e ppplicaut obtrtn flnal a(te piwn �pprovAl pod building permita for t6e propoeed development re illuetnted on t6e plana aubmitted wit6 fhie �ppUcaflon, aod complete conetruction ot 16e developmeot within two ye�n of fhe d�fe of thb decGioo, or the Approvrl of Ihese vprirncee e6�11 become null and vold. 32 4. P/CA 25/98 - B. & S. Towneedd P�rt Lot 24, PIAn 228 �ho koown aa 1389 Rougemouat Drive Town ot Pickering T6e opplicant requeata relief from Sectlon 9.2.1. of By-low 3036, re amended by By-Irw 2912/88, to permit the coatinuwnce ot • minimum lot trontqge of 3.0 melree provided by the au6ject property, wherepa the zooing by-Ipw requiree A mtnimum lot frontage of 18.0 metrea. Section 5.18(a) of Bylaw 3036, Ae amended by By-law 2912/88 to permit the contfnuance ef ao accaaory atructure (a6ed) to be located in t6e froot yard of Ihe aubject property, w6ereaa the zoning by-law requirw all acceaeory etructuree to be lacated entirely withio the rear yard of a property. Tde applicante requeat approval ot 16eae varionces to bring the eiisting property aud s6ed Into compliAnce wlt6 the zoaing by-IAw, qnd to perwit A bullding permit to be issued far a propoaed additioo to ihe e:i�ting mr(o dwelling on t6e eubject property. T6e As�btant Secretary-TreAaureroutlined commeofa received from the Town of Pickering Plnoning Departmenf. Ma. S6erry Towaaend, owaer, w�a preatat to represent the Applicatlon. No Wrlher representrfioo waa preaent (n favour of or in obJectlon to the applicalioo. Ma. Towneend a�ked t6e Coromittee it a6e may ameod the Applicatton ao t6at the e:isting aheJ be removcd And repl�ced witd r guebo. Mr. Cole responded t6at allhough the circulAlioa of t6e application apecified that tde eil�ting ehed wra fo remAin, it could be be argued thrt the Intent of the bylaw would be ihe aome w6ether it is the eiiatiug e6ed or r new guebo etructure of the aame eize lo the same locrtioa. The Committee would hove to revtae tde coodition to rcference the gazebo atructure. Mr. W6ite aaked Mr. Cole wdat size of atructure the Applicanf i� permitted to consfruct. Mr. Cole reaponded that in order to malatAin t6e inteat of ihe orlginal circulptton aa rouch ae possible ihe Applicant adould oot be permilted to build a atructure IArger 16an what is cumntly (n e:i�teoce. DECISION: Moved by Mr. Holland, aecoaded by Mr. White And cArried unanimousty t6At- thi� ApplicaHon P/CA 25/98, by B. & S. Towoeend, be APPROVED aa AIVIENDED on !6e grounde that t6e proposed 3.0 metro lot frantage and front yard rece�aory etrueture locatioo, Itmited to a gazebo fn the aame locatlon aa the e:tsting acceaaory atructure a6ed, are minor in nature, deairable for the appropriate development ot t6e land, and in keeping with the genenl intent And purpoae ot the O�c(al PIAn aod t6e Zonfng By-Iaw, aubject to the followiag condlNon: 1. Th�t lde front yArd acceasory atructure Iocrtlon vpriAnce Apply ooly to a guebo itructure io the eqme locption aa the e:iedng acceasory ahed in e:i�tence on tde aubJect property on the dote of t6� decGion. 33 S. PlCA 76/96 - H�IlowAy Holdinge Ltd. _ Prrt Lot 29, Concaelon 1 �leo known �a 1822 W61tea Rood Town of Plckeriag A& P Propertie� Llmited have eubm(tted thia �ppUcptioa to allow the Sav-A•Ceolre �tore to catabli�d a 472 aquqre metre outdoor etorage pnd dteplay arep for w aenaonpl garden centre io ihe parking lot for a af� week period during May and June,1998. Tde following vartAncea have beea reque�ted in order to taciUtate the propoaed development: Section 4.(19) nf bylaw 3036, a� amended by By-law 1340/81 to permit 472 aquare metree ot outdaor atorage and dWplay assoclAfed wit6 the garden centre, whic6 is conaidered a retAil opemtion, whereAS the zoning byIpw requ(rea all retail operatlona fo be located inaide a building; Section 5.21.1(2) of By-Iww 3036, as Amended by By-law 1340l81 to permit a totel of 383 parWog apace� to be provided on the property wdile fde garden centre is in ezistence, whereas the e:i�ting plaza, plue t6e garden ceptre, would require A tofal of 432 parking apaces to be provided. The Aasiatant SecrelAry-Treweurer outlined commeata received lrom the Towp of Pickering Planning Departmeat. Written commenta were Abo received by Counc(Ilor Brenner in oppo�ition to t6e applicattoo. Ms. Marguerite EvAOe, agent, wa� preaent to repre�ent the rppitcatioo. Also present waa Mr. P6illh and Mre. Wataoa of 1628 Arcadio Square. Me. Evan� aubmitted a aite plon to Mr. Cole. She odvised the Committce thet a garden ceotre on the aubject prnperty was lo operatioo le�t yerr and aaked that the Committcc approve thi� rpplicaHon ao to allow the applicpnt to conttnue to aerve the community. Mr. PhilUs pod Mro. Watsao e:preaaed trwlYie and porking concema. They saked for any informaHon in regarde to the praposed expan�lon of t6e Sav-a-Centre. Mr. Cole advised fhem tdat tdere W currently a rezoning applicrtloo by A. & P. to permit a permanent garden centre on the eubJect properly. Tdi� minor variqace applicatian i� tor a 6 week period ooly and will not deve pn impact on parking in the plaza. Al�o any eipanalon plans for the plezA in t6e future will havc to addreae the ImplicpNone of the garden centre if it fs to 6e epproved tdrough tde rezoning appi(ealloo. Mr. Young a�aured t6e re�idenW thAt the garden centre i� for only a ai: week perlod and that grnnting ot this vrriroce will not be construed ae precedent for any siroilar mtnor VNI'IYIICO APPIICA��011� At N �II�UM dY�l. Mr. Aehe aaked Me. Evane w6y 16at apecitic location ot the garden ceotre wae c6oaeo. Ma. Evana reaponded that previouely t6e garden centre operated closer to the atore but that it waa eugge�ted by tde Planning Departmeot to relocAte Ihe tent to A lesa utilized apace o0 rhe property. Mr. White commented t6at in aimflrr applic�ttona, eAfety pod tmt(ic tlow were �ieue� of concern but thqt 6e ie eptbtied thie temponry atructurc would oot po�e any problems and is in eupport of thia AppltcAtlon. 34 DECISION: Moved by Mr. White, eeconded by Mr. Johaeon �nd corricd unralmoualy f6rt- ihV �ppllatlon P/CA 26/98, by Hdlowoy Eoldinge Ltd., aa outlined, be APPROVED on tde grounds t6at the prapoeed varlancea to permit p 472 aquare metre ouldoor etorage and dt�play area aaeoclated with A aeAaonrl gardea ceatre, ind to permit A minimum of 383 parking apacea to be provided on t6e property durlag the operation of the gorden centre are minor in nature, deaira6le for t6e Appropriate development ot the land, and in keepiug with the generolintent and purpoee ott6e O(tictal Plan and the Zoning Bylaw, aubject to the following condiNooa: 1. Thot the�e variaocea apply only to A 472 aquwre metre aeaaonal garden ceotre in the IocaHon generally identifled on tLe plaae circulated with ihi� application. 2. Tllpt �I10 VAI'I40('P9 are in eftect tor a ai: week period from May 6, 1998, to June 16,1998, a(ter wdich time any outdoor storoga aad di�play s6all be removed, and the perking epaces reetored. 3. T6at the gnnliqg of these varfwncea for a eIs week pertod in 1998 only, ahall not bc construed ae precedent tor aoy atmilrr minor veriance applicatioue at a fufure date. 4. T6at prior to lhe commencement af t6e gArdeo centre use, the applicant must obtain aite piwn approval froro the Director ot Pirnotng, and any neceaaary building permite. 6. P/CA 27/98 - Carl6wood tiama Lld. Lot 21, Plan 40M•1866 al�o known as 540 Lekrnf Court Town of Pickering Tde applicant requesta relfef trom Sectton S(2)(a)(viii) ot Bylaw 2511, as amended by By-IAw 4622/95 to permit Ihe establt�hment ot � max(mum lot covenge of 36.75 percenj, w6ereas the zoning 6ylaw requires � maiimum lot coverage ot33 percent. The eppllcant requats approvol from thb variAace tn order to obtnin a building permit to conalruct a propoaed twaslorey detAChed re�ideotirl dwelling on the eubject praperty. The Aasistant SecretAry-Treasurer outlincd comments received from t6e Town of Pickering Planntng Depprtment. Written commenta were al�o received Gom Me. Maurecn Schom ot 557 Rougemount Drive e:prastog uo objecfion to Ihi� appltcaHon. Ma. K. LAZarldl�, pgeot, wrs preaent to represent t6e appllcation. Mr. & Mr�. McLcod, peropective purc6aeero of t6e eubject praperty, were present tn favaur of the appBcaHan. Ma. Luaridt� aaked the Committee to Amend the curreot appllcatlon to reduce the lot coveroge from 16e requested 36.75% lot coveroge to 35.5%. Ms. Lazar(dis subm(tted a copy ot the reviaed eite plao. S6e outl(ned reasooa for 16e requeated variance adding Ihat the lot i� irregulor in ehape. Mr. McLeod Advieed the membero t6at thcrc Arc 12 6ames with atmilar equArc foot�ge. The eu6ject property is ool aa deep ps otder IoW. Mr. McLeod Advised the Committee that to dafe I6ere have beeo nn concerne e:preeaed by netg66ouro, Mro. McLeod atated Ih�t they 6AVe reduced the 6ome by appro:imotely 200 equare fcet and teel that any further reductfoo would not meet tdelr oceda. 35 Mr. W6tte reked it thero wero �ny illuatntlone of the propoeed dwelling. M�. LwridG naponded th�t ahe did not hrve aey photogmp6e of tde dwelling but t6pt It wpi dmilrr to aix of t6e eiL+Nng 6omea in the are�. Mr. Holland �dded t6pt the tact t6At t6e ppplicont reduced the equare tootpge af t6e dome and fhere haa beea no correapondence tn objecfioa to the application, 6e fecb lhpt t6e variAnce �i minor (o nwture and would be ppproving the rpplicAtton. DECISION: Moved by Mr. Jo6neoo, eeconded by Mr. Hollsnd and carrled unanimouely th�t- this appllcaHon P/CA 2?l98, by Garthwood Homes Ltd., be APPROVED aa AMENDED, 0o t6e graunda thet the REVISED maiimum 35.5% lot coverage varlance �i minor (n noture, approprlafe tor t6e de�irable development of the land, and in keeping wtth tde g!0!I'iI I0�lOf A01: [IUI'�10l8 O��il! OIIICIAI PIYO q�li ZO�IOf BY-IAW. : i � ;_ u _ ►Y MOTION: Moved by Mr. Jo6osoo, aecanded by Mr. Hollaad and carried unanimously Ihat- T6e Sth meetiog ot tde Committee ot Adjuatment be adjouroed at 7:45 p,m� and ihe next regulrr meefiog o[ the Committee of Adjuatment be held on Wedoesday, May 6,1998. '�G G 1y`f,�� DATE ���� . SECRETARY-TREASURER (AGTINC) 36