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MIN[ITES of the 6th meeting of tho Committee of Adjuelmeat deld In the Committee
Room of the Pickering Civic Comple: oo Wedneaday, May 6,1998.
PRESENT: Mr. C. Youog (C6airperaoa)
Mr. K. As6e
Mr. M. Holland
Mr. R. JOF1080p
Mr. P. White
ALSO PR�SENT: Mr. J. Co►e, Assistant Secretery-Treaaurer
Mro. F. Niro, Secretary-Treaeurer (AcNag)
The meefing coovened at 7:00 p.m. in fhe Maln Cammiftce Room of the Civic Coroplei.
T6ere werc no mattero arfaing from the minute�.
MOTION: Moved by Mr. Johneon, acconded by Mr. }Iolland and carried unanimoualy -
That t6e minutes of the Slh meeHng of Ihe Committce of Adjuetment held April 15,1998,
be adopted.
3. P/CA 28/98 - Di:te Woad� E�tatcs Ltd.
Lot 45, Plan 40M•1811
a�o known as 1117 Pinc Glen Drive
Town otPickering
T6e wpplicant requesta reUef trom Section 5.(1)(b)(�v)C(li) of wmending By-law 4113/92 to
By-IAw 3036 to permit the establi�6ment of a minimum aauth aide yard widlh of 4.0 metres
to 6e provided to a proposed fwo-storey detac6ed reatdeotta) dwelllog on the eubject
property, w6erea� t6e zooing bylaw rcqulres a mtnimum soulh side yard depth ol'
4.5 metrea.
T6e applicant requeets approval of thi� varlance in order to obtain a building permit fo
conatruct a apecitic two-storey detached reaidential dwelling on the aubject property.
T6e Aeelafant Secretary•Treasurer outlined commente received from the Towa ot Ptckering
Plannfng Department and t6e Toronto and Region Conecrvwtion Authority. Mr, Cole
advised Ihe membere lhat the eubject property i� currently vpcant and thot under usual
circumetpncea the Plaoning Department would not auppoM Ih4t type ot wpplfceNon.
Coneideriag there have been no commenta from immediately abutting neighbouro And Ihit
a letter eubmitted by t6e Toronto rpd Region Coneervation Aulhority etata ao objecNon to
the appllceHoo, the Piaaning Department would recommend epprovwl.
Mr. Y�rank Pelombl, agent, wae preaent to rcpreseat the �pplfcatlon. No ILHher
ropreeenf�tion waa preaent In favour of or lo obf ection to the �pplication.
BECISION: Moved by Mr. Hoiland , eeconded by Mr. WIIIi! AIIfI CYITIld UIIppI1p0UDIj'
t6i� �pplicotioa P/CA 28198, by Diile Waod� E�tata Ltd., a� outlfoed, be APPROVED on
thc grouada that t4c proposed 4.0 metre aouth �ide yprd widtd varlance b minor lo nwture,
deainble tor t6e approprlate development of the lond, And in keeping wit6 Ide generAl
intewt and purpoae of the Ofticlol Plaa And the Zaning By-law, �ubject to Ihe following
1. T6at thi� variance apply only to tde proposed 4.0 metre aouth etde yerd
widt6 provided to t6c propoaed reaideatiAl dwelling ae geocrelly outHoed on
ihe appltcaaNa aubmitted plans with thb applicofioo.
2. That fhe applicent obfain a building permit and conetruct the proposed
reafdential dwelling within two yean of t6c date ot ihia decision, or thie
deci�lon ahall become null and void.
4. P/CA 31/98 - W.S, Clenn & D. Palley
Lot 601, Plan M-18
also known ae 936 Essa Creacent
Town of Plckering
T6e epplfcante requeat relicf from Seclion 7.2.6 ot By-law 2520, aa amended, to permit the
estab8a6mcot at a ma:(mum lot coverage of 3B percent; whereas thc zoning by-law
requtrea a ma:imum lot coveroge of33 perceat.
The applicrnfe requcat approvol ot Idia vpriAnce tn order to obtatn a buildtng permit fo
coavert the existing attached garage into additionol liv(ng apacc wnd to conatruct an
attached one�car gorage lo the Gont of thii converted living epace on the aubject property.
T6e Aseiatant Sccretary-Treaaurer autlined commenta received from the Town ot Pickering
Planoing Department.
Mr. Glenn Polley, owner, waa preeent Io reprcaent Ihe a�plicaHon. IYo further
repreaentatloo was present in frvaur of or tn objection to the applicaHon.
Mr. Polley advi�ed ihe memben thAt if he were to copetruct a garoge ihet would meet ihe
miaimum requirements of tde zoning bylaw that it would leave him very little additionel
apace to park 6te vehlcle. Mr. Pollcy also wL�hea to conatruct aa additton which would loak
eimilar to homea in the areA.
DECISION: Moved by Mr. White, eeconded by Mr. Johnaon and carricd uoonimously
this applicaHon P/CA 31N8, by W.S. Glenn & ll. Polley, as outlined, be APPROVED on ihe
grounda thAt t6e propoaed ma:imum 36 percent lot coverage variance ta minor fo naturc,
deainble for fhe pppropr(ate development of the land, and ir keeping with the general
tnteat aod purpoae ot l6e Otiiciol Plan and Zoning Bylew, aubJect to the following
coaditiona of app�roval:
1. T6at thG vrriance apply only to fhe e:iaNng onc-atorey dwel8ng on the
�ubject properly on the date ot thle deciaioo and to the propoaed one�atorey
attpcded gpnge addlti�n pa genenlly oullincd In the plpna eubmltted wit6
thb appliceHon.
2. Thatihe applicrnt obtain � buliding permit, ond conatruct, lho proposed
gar�ge addltloa wtldin hvo yeen ot tde date of lhU decbion, or the opprov�l
of thb varl�nce eh�ii become null and vold.
5, P/CA 32198 - Pickedag Squore Iuc.
PArt Lot 3,4,5, Piao 350
aleo known ae 375 Kingeton Road
Towo ot Pickedag
The rppltcpnt requeeta relief trom the tollowing praviiioaa ot amending Bylaw 2497/87 to
Zoning Hy-low 3036:
Section �.(3)(d) to permft tde establ(shment of a min(mum gross Icasable tloor area of
93 aquare metres to be provided by a Mobile Vacuum Store within the e:isting commercial
plaza on t6e properfy, whereas the zoning by-law requires each fumiture ar major
epp0ance atore (which would include t6e aubjecf mobile vacuum atore) to provide a
minimum grosa leasable itoor area ot278 square metrea;
SecUon 5,(3)(b)(i) to permit a total ot 113 parWng apaces to bc provided on the aubJect
properly, whereos Ihe parWng requiremenfs ot Ihe zoning by-law require that a minimum
of 115 parWng apecea be provlded.
The appllcant requeata approval of the�e variances in order to obtain a buildiag permif to
conetruct a new uoit wtthin Ihe plaza to be occupied by the propoecd mobile vecuum atore.
The Aeaietent Secretary-Treaaurer outUaeJ commenf� reccivcd froro Ihe Town of Pickcring
Planning Department and t6e Fire Departmenf e:pressing no objection to Ihc application.
Mr. Ben Smuekowitz, ageot, wa� present to repre�ent t6e application. No further
repreaentation wa� present fn favaur of or in objecNon to thc applicatlon.
Mr. A.ihe asked ihe opplicant if Iherc is currently a tenant aperating a mobilc vacuum
alore. Mr. Smu�kowllz reaponded ihat the appl(cant ho� been operaNng a mobile vacuum
store for Approsimptely 5 year� and Ibpt he wishcs to tncrcaae hia un(t from 800 square fecl
to 1,000 equare feet.
Mr. Aahea aaked tNe applicant it he agreed with Ihe condiNon recommended by thc
Plaoning Department. Mr. Smuekow(Iz reaponded ihat he d(d agree.
DECISION: Moved by Mr. Ashe, aeconded by Mr. Johoaon and carrled unanimously thet-
thi� appllcaHoo P/CA 32/98, by Pickering Square Inc., as outlined, be APPROVED, on the
Qrounds that tde proposed varlAnca to permit a 93 aquare metre grosa leaaable Ooor arca
for a mobile vacuum etore, aod the establ(�hment ot a fotal ot 113 parking epacee on the
aubject property, are minor in nature, deairoble for the appropriate development of t6e
land, and In keeping wtth t6e geneml Iotent and purpoee of the Omclel Plen and the
Zooing Bylaw, eubject to the following conditton:
1. That the gros� lexsable floor area variance apply oniy to one mobfle vacuum etore
wit6in A unit in the e:i�Nng building witd a m(nirouro ot 93 squere metres gro�a
leaaable Ooor area.
MOTION: Moved by Mr. Nolland, Aod carrled un�almoualy fhat-
The 6th meeting of ihe Committea ot Adjwtment be AdJourned At 7:15 p,m, apd Ide pat
regulpr meeting of t6e Commiffee otAdjuetmeat be held oa WedneedAy, Mpy 27,1998.
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