HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 27, 1998, �-,, y�Ma�P � MINUTES of the 7f6 meeting of the Committee o( AJjuetment held in the Committce Room ott6c Pickering Civlc Complex on Wcdnesday, Mey 27,1998. PRESENT: Mr. C. Yaung (Cheirperoon) Mr. K. Ashe Mr. M. Holland Mr. R. Johnaon ALSO PRESENT: Mr. J. Cole, Aasisfant Secrefaty-Trcaaurcr Mro. F. Niro, Sccretary-Treaaurer (Actiog) The meet(ag convened et 7:00 p.m, in the Matn Commitfee Roam otthe Civic Complex. 1. L�1A7"fERS ARISING FROM TIIF. MINUTF,S There were no matters ari�ing from ihe minulca. 2. ADOPTION OF MINUTF.S MOTION: Moved by Mr. Johnson, aecondcd by Mr. llolland and carried unanimously - T6at the minutes of ►he btd mceting at thc Committec af Adjustmcnt held Mey 6,1998, be adopted. 3. P/CA 30/98 - Long & McQuade Ltd. Part Lot 30, liAngc 3, B.F.C. aleo known ae 550 Gmnite Court Town of Plckering The applicaot requeata relfef from ihe following provt�ions of amending By[sw 893/78 to Zoning Bylaw 2511, as further amended by ByInw 789/78: Section 16.3.2(c)(iii) to permit the establ(shment of a minimum Gont yard depth of 0.0 metrea to be provided by a proposed e:pansion to the weat aide otan cxisNng industrtal buiiding on the aubJect properly, whereas the Zontng Bylaw requirea a minimum front yerd deplh ot 30.5 metrea where Ihe front lot Ilne abuta e etreet on 16e oppoaite atdc ot whic6ls a Reaidentiai Zone; SecHon to permit a total of 148 parking apaces to be provided on the aubjcct property, w6ereaa !he zoning bylaw requ}rea a min(mum af 158 prrkfng apacca fo bc provided on the aubJect property to eerve the e:teting induetrial buildtag and propoeed edditiooe, 41 T6a �pplicaot requate approvol of theae vrrirnca fa order to obtoin elte plao approvAl and � building permit to coaetruct propoeed addiflone lo the e:ieting ladwlrial bullding on t6e aubJcet properly, T6e Aaaletrnt Sccretory-Treweurer autlined commente recelved from t6e Town otPlckering Planning DepArtment ond Ihe Pu611c Works Deprrfinent. Written commeuta were alao received from Mr. Arthur Scauzillo on behalf ot Vlnce Maeeara ot Roeebank Roxd in objection to the epplicat(on. Mr. Waync Cale, agent, wae preeent to repreaent lhe appitcation. No furt6er repreaentattoo wae preaent In tovour ot or ln objeclton to t6e oppitcotion. Mr. Wayne Cole atated ihat t6e variance would not have an Impact on Mr. Maesara'e property. Councillor Johnaon ateted t6at t6e applicante pre a valued buainesa and employer iu the Town, aod that the proposed e:panalon of their tacility was aomethiog they 6ave been working towarda for a long time. DECISION: Moved by Mr. Johnson, aeconded by M1fr. Aehe and carricd unanimously that- th�i appllcaHon P/CA 30/98, by I.ong & McQuode, aa oullined, be APPROVED on the grounda t6at ihe propoaed 0.0 metre m(nimum troot yard depth varlance and reduced parking epace variance are roinar in npture, deeinble for fhe approprlate development of tde IAnd, and in keeping wlth Ihe gtner�l intent and purpose ot the Ofticial Plan and fhe Zoaiog Dy-law, eubJect to the following conditiona: 1. T6At !he 0.0 mefrc minimum franl yord depfh verladce r�pply oniy to thc propaaed bullding addition to Ihe wat �ide of ihe e:ieling induetrial building on t6e eubject property ai outlined In the applicanl'a aubmitted plana with thls appl(cAtion. 2. That ihe applicont obtain eite plan approval tor lhe propoaed addittons wit6in two yearo of t6e dnte of tMis deciaion, or Ihe approval of thia variar.ce ahall become null ond void. 4. P/CA 33/98 - Lynn fliltan•Nnt Lot 26, Plan 40M-1753 end PArt Dlock 68, Plan 40M•1753 PaH 1, 40R-17038 Aleo known sa 1415 Crosetng Court Town otPickering The applicant reque�ta reltet from Sectioo 5.(5)(A) and Section 5.(S)(b) ot emending By-law 4183/93 to Zooing By-law 3036 to permit the establie6meot o[ a eatellite dlsh use and etructure on a porHon of the aubject property which i� zoned "OS-Hlrl" - Opeo Sprce Hazerd Land Zone, withtn whic6 only conservaHon ueea aod no euch atructures an permitted. The applicant requeata approval ot the�e varieocea In order to permlt an exist(ng aptcllitc dbh to continue to be located In the "OS•HI.-1" Zaoe on the property. The Aeeiatant SecretAry•Traeurer outlined comroenta received fram the Town of Pickering Planning Departroent. the Public Work Departmenf aod eeverel raldeata otBaggiaa Street �nd Cradng Court� Wdthn commenfe were rbo received trom Mr. Henry P�aoick ot 1614 Boggin� Street Ip obJectlon to the �pplicatioo, 42 , , �. Mr. Leou Nwt, owner, wAa preeent to repratat tde ipplication. Abo pracnt wp� Couacillor Drvid Plcklee and Mr. Honry Paanick of 1614 Brggiva Street oppo�ed to the opplicrtioa. Mr. Nat pdvl�ed the roemben that eeverol 1'CdifIlOfs YIIjpCCO� (0 IlI! pl'Onll'I)' Alld (IIO T.R.C.A. do nof dave any objecl(on to the minor variaoce applicptlon. In order to aAtiefy Mr. Paantck'e concem� Mr. Npt aeked Ihot tde Committee coneider refunding 6im tde appllcallon fee, or � portion of it, ao he mey roatch idat aroount to purc6aee treea to ecreen t6e aatellite df�6. Mr. Paanick advi�ed t6a Committee thwt he patd a premium to back anto a rav(ne when he purc6ased hia home. However, the portion ot t6e ravine on the ppplicant'� property haa been gmded aad aodded, And now, inafead ot treea, all he can eee from hi� yerd b lhe eatell(¢e dbh. He intormed the memben that t6e die6 wna erected illegaliy approximately 9 months ego and 6e will have no objecHon to t6e cunent locatioo ot ihe aatellite dL�d it Mr. Naf werc to plant treea to ecreen the diah. Councillar Pickles stated that there had beea a Inck of communication between Mr. Nat and Mr. Paenick and that he waa attempt!ng to bring the hvo perties toget6er. Councillor Pickles etefed that he i� Aware that plaofing treea large enough to ecreen Ihe aetellite dlsh would be eipensive anJ A�ked thrt Ihe Committee consider reimbursing ihe appl(caot ihe applicatton fee, or A portion ot It, Aod Mr. Nat will match it ao trees mey be purchased. Tdis condition would be aatiafactory to both Mr. Nat and Mr. Pasnick. Mr. Johneon que�tioned t6e applicant aa to w6et6er, it addiNonwl funda were made available, would the appllcant be willing to match ihe omount. Mr. Cole cauNoned the Committee Ihot any funda over and above !he applicatton tee would be beyond the Committee'a jurGdlcNon, pnd thpt they would have to requc�t Council to graot eddiHonal money tor the planUng otlreea. Mr. John�on a�ked ihrt Ihe appllcatloa be deferred until ihe oe:t mecting eo Ihat they may obtain informaUon on the coat of plAnNng treea on the eubJect property. Mr. llolland and Mr. Aahe etated thot they are In aupport o( deferring ihe application fo the ne:t meeting. Mr. Jodn�on commeated on the effort made by Councillor Pickles in arbilrating thie epplicatlon And advieed the appUcant and Mr. Paanick that waving an applicatlon fee to pay for landscaping if very UpCOW1110p. Allhough he concuro with Planoing StafPa recommendAtton 6e would teel roore comfortabie rendering a decbfon wtih All cost� knowo to 6im. Mr. Cole aaked t6e appllcant If pleoting Ireea on the aouQ6 aide ot ihe dt�6 would not pftect the recepHon of the dt�h. Mr. Nat repiied that it would not interfere with eatellite rcception. MOTION: Moved by Mr. Johnaon, aeconded by Mr. Holland that- this application P/CA 33/98, by Lynn Hilton•Nrt, oe outitned, be DEEERRED until the ne:t meeting otJune 17,1998, MOTION CARRIED 43 , , S. P/CA 34/98 - C�zarck Re�lty Holding.�+ Ltd. Part Lof 25, 26, R�age 3, B.F.C., Part Ropd Allowance & Concadan 1 pl�o known oe 980 -984 Kingeton RoAd Towo ot Plckeriog The applicant requeata relief from Sectioa 5.4(b)(v)B of ameading By-Iaw 2498/87 to Zoning By-Iww 3036, aa further amended by ByIAw 2923/88, to permit the eafabiiehment of a muimum aggregote graas iloor area tor all re�taunnte TyprA on Ide eubject propeHy ot 1074 equare metres, w6eress the znatng bylaw reaMcta fde ma:imum aggregate grosa iloor area ot all rcetourapte Type-A on the aubJect properfy to a ma:lmum of 400 aquare metrea. The applicaot requeate approval of this vnriance in ordcr to coovert the e:L�ting automobile dealerohip building on the eaet side of tde aubject praperty enNrely ioto a reatAUraot uae. The Aae�itant Secretary-Treaeurer outlined commenb received from the Towo ot Pickering Planning DepaNment and t6e Public Worka Department. Writteq comment� were received froro Mr. Jerry Guarek Mr. Jerry Gazarek, awner, wa� preaent to represent the appUcallon. Also prc�ent wa� Mr. Mic6ael Figol and Mr. Michael Fiorot(in favour of the applicot(on. Mr. Grzarek indicated t6at Ihe esiating zon(ng dow permit a reataunnt use aod t6nt ihey are reque�tlag approvpl to uNlize the eutire e:l+tfag buildiag for a reataurant. The bulldiog 6ae been vrcrnt for 3 yean. Mr. Figol outlined reoeona Ae to why ihe Committee ehould approve the applicatfon adding that he teela the tour teate have been addreseed. IIe (ndicaled that thcre will be no change to the footprint of Ide e:uting building and teela that it h Aa ideal eite tor a restaurant operation beceuee otits natural buffer zone pnd no reaidentlAl homes in the area. Mr. Johneon etAted thnt the applicanta are good corporate citizeoa and that he would Iike to aee ihe building, that haa been vacanf tor eeverai yearo, occupied. Alao Mr. Johnsoo atated Ihat approving the applic�tion thb even(ng wauld not eet a precedent and that this is pn i�olpted eituAtion. Mr. Ae6e uked Mr. Gvairek if 6e 6ra any conceme ot the increAaed pumber of parked vehicles from the propo�ed reataunnt opemtion. Mr. Gozarek replied that initially he did have some concems but rfter diecusa(ona witd Mr. Fioraff he ie eatisfied ihat any concems 6pve bcen addreaaed Mr. Holl�od etAted that he i� in support of the applicaltoo. He feela that the appOcalloa Lt minor fo aature ond t6At Aoy concerna will be addresaed during the aite plan opproval procas. Mr. Yaung a�ked Mr. Floroft to comment on the pppl(cation. Mr. Floro[t replted t6At tde propoaed reataurrnUuightclub wlll nat ettract A young crowd and will maintain pn uppencale atmoephere. He hoe hwd twelve yean of e:perleace ie the reatpumnt/nightclub bna(naa. He recogoizea t6e fact thpt t6e aubJect property W an IdeAI location tor the propoeed rnlaurant. �, Mr. Cole cauUoned tde opplicant ihat t6e eubJect property is zoned for t reataunnt uae and �oy aig6tclub activlty would be conaidered �o ancillury use aod muat be � mloor compoaeot of f6e rntaunot opention. 44 � � �'1 . � . . � ' ' . . DECISION: Maved by Mr. Holland, ucoudcd by Mr. JOFIII/OII �pd C�RI!!I Ilil/OIIDOU/Iy thpt- Ihte appllcaHon P/CA 34/98, by Caurek Realty Hold(ng� Lld., ae outlined, be APPROVED, on t6e grounda that the propoeed increaaed reataunnt floor areA varirnce G minor tn npfure, deainble far t6e appropriate development of f6e land, aad tn keeping wtld the general purpoae and infent ot t6e Otticipl Plan and Zoning By-law, eubject to the tollowing condlNone: 1. That the ppplicant obtpin eite plan ppproval for ihe propoaed reatAUnnt within two yeare of the date of thG decision, or t6e approval of th4+ var(rnce s6a11 become null eod vo(d. 2. T6At eaNsfactory prraagemeota are mpde between tde applicnnt and Ihe Town'a Publ(c Warlcs Department for the inatallatioo of aidewallc� acroaa Kingatoa Road Gontage. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Moved by Mr. Aehe and carried unonfmoualy tdat- The 7th meetlag ot the Committee of AdJu�tment be Adjoumed et 8:20 p.m. and the ne:t regular meeting ot t6e Committee of AdJuetment be held on Wedneeday, June 17,1998. �� I� ��� DATE /�, � t�.s0 . SECRETARY-TREASURER (ACTINC) 45