HomeMy WebLinkAboutENG 12-15 Citq o�1 :: Report to PICKERING Executive Committee Report Number: ENG 12-15 Date: July 6, 2015 • From: Richard Holborn Director, Engineering & Public Works Subject: Consultant Selection for the Engineering Design of the Pine Creek Stormwater Management Facility and Outfall Channel Restoration File: A-1440 Recommendation: 1. That Report ENG 12-15 of the Director, Engineering & Public Works regarding the Consultant Selection for the Engineering Design of the Pine Creek Stormwater Management Facility and Outfall Channel Restoration be received; 2. That the proposal No. RFP-3-2015 submitted by Aquafor Beech Ltd, to undertake the Engineering Design for the Pine Creek Stormwater Management Facility and Outfall Channel Restoration in the amount of$70,648.00 (HST included) be accepted; 3. That the total gross project cost of$106,247.00 (HST included), including the RFP amount, TRCA fees and associated costs, and the total net project cost of $95,679.00 (net of HST rebate) be approved; 4. That Council authorize the Division Head, Finance &Treasurer to finance the total net project cost of$95,679.00 as follows: • a) The sum of $63,786.00 to be funded from Other Revenue York Region-SEC Enhancements; b) The sum of$25,833.00 to be funded from the Development Charges-City's Share Reserve; c) The sum of $6,060.00 to be funded from the Development Charges (DC)- Stormwater Management Reserve Fund; and 5. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take necessary action to give effect thereto. 89 • ENG 12-15 July 6, 2015 Subject: Consultant Selection for the Engineering Design of the Pine Creek Stormwater Management Facility and Outfall Channel Restoration Page 2 Executive Summary: The scope of work for the Engineering Design of the Pine Creek Stormwater Management Facility and Outfall Channel Restoration includes fulfilling all of the requirements for Schedule B undertakings as per the Municipal Class EA process and to prepare engineering designs and construction drawings for the stormwater management facility, restoration of the outfall channel and restoration of the channel located upstream of the culvert at Kitley Avenue. RFP-3-2015 was issued on March 3, 2015 and closed on April 7, 2015. The Evaluation Committee reviewed and evaluated the 10 proposals received using criteria outlined in the RFP. It is recommended by the Evaluation Committee that Aquafor Beech Limited be retained to undertake the Engineering Design of the Pine Creek Stormwater Management Facility and Outfall Channel Restoration at a cost of$70,648.00 (HST included). In accordance with Section 10.04 of the Purchasing Policy, where the project cost of a consulting assignment is more than $50,000, the award is subject to the approval of Council. Financial Implications: 1. Request for Proposal Amount RFP-3-2015 $ 62,520.00 HST (13%) 8,128.00 Total $70,648.00 2. Estimated Project Costing Summary RFP-3-2015 — Proposal for the Engineering Design of the Pine Creek Stormwater Management Facility and Outfall Channel Restoration $62,520.00 Associated Costs TRCA Fees $14,000.00 Miscellaneous Costs 5,000.00 Contingency (20% ) 12,504.00 Sub Total — Costs $94,024.00 HST (13%) 12,223.00 Total Gross Project Costs $106,247.00 HST Rebate (11.24%) (10,568.00) Total Net Project Costs $95,679.00 CORP0227-07101 revised 90 ENG 12-15 July 6, 2015 Subject: Consultant Selection for the Engineering Design of the Pine Creek Stormwater Management Facility and Outfall Channel Restoration Page 3 3. Approved Source of Funds Account Source of Funds Budget Required 5410.1401.6181 York Region Project— SEC $140,000.00 $63,786.00 Enhancements 5321.1405.6253 Development Charges City's Share Reserve 56,700.00 25,833.00 DC — Stormwater Management Reserve Fund 13,300.00 6,060.00 Total: $210,000.00 $95,679.00 Net project costs (over) under approved funds $114,321.00 The 2014 Stormwater Management Capital Budget included $140,000.00 for the completion of the Municipal Class EA process and the engineering design of the Pine Creek outfall and channel reconstruction and the 2014 Development Projects (DC Funded) Capital Budget included $70,000.00 for the completion of the Municipal Class EA process and the engineering design of the stormwater management facility. Funds that are unspent for the Municipal Class EA and design components will be available for the construction components of the project, which are expected to commence in fall/winter 2016. The required amount from,each funding source for the Engineering Design and associated costs component was determined by applying a ratio based on approved budgets for these two projects. A summary of the funding ratio is as follows: CORP0227-07!01 revised 91 ENG 12-15 July 6, 2015 Subject: Consultant Selection for the Engineering Design of the Pine Creek Stormwater Management Facility and Outfall Channel Restoration Page 4 4. Funding Ratio Project Description Project Source of Budget % Cost Code Funds Approved Allocation Allocation Amount between between two two projects projects Pine Creek Outfall 5410.1401. Other Revenue Channel Restoration York Region SEC 140,000.00 67% 63,786.00 Pine Creek SWM Facility 5321.1405. DC Reserve & Reserve Fund 70.000.00 33% 31,893.00 Total 210,000.00 100% 95,679.00 Pinecreek Breakdown on source SWM of funds for 5321.1405. Facility Funding Ratio Amount DC City's Share Reserve 81% 25,833.00 DC SWM Reserve Fund 19% 6,060.00 Total Funds from 5321.1405. 100% 31,893.00 Discussion: Council endorsed the Frenchman's Bay Stormwater Management Master Plan. On April 19, 2010, Council endorsed the Frenchman's Bay Stormwater Management Master Plan (Master Plan) and authorized City staff to imple ment the recommendations of the Master Plan subject to budget and further Council approval for individual projects (Resolution #72/10). The overall goal of the Master Plan is as follows: "To address long-standing concerns regarding the ongoing decline in the quality of the Frenchman's Bay ecosystem by seeking means to control the quantity and quality of storm runoff entering the local creeks and the Bay itself." The recommended Master Plan consists of a suite of projects, programs and policies designed to address issues related to flooding, erosion and poor water quality in CORP0227-07/01 revised 92 ENG 12-15 July 6, 2015 Subject: Consultant Selection for the Engineering Design of the Pine Creek Stormwater Management Facility and Outfall Channel Restoration Page 5 Frenchman's Bay and its' tributary watersheds. The Master Plan addressed Phases 1 and 2 of the Municipal Class EA process and more detailed investigations are required at the project-specific level in order to fulfill the Municipal Class EA documentation requirements for the specific Schedule B and C projects identified within the Master Plan. The Pine Creek Stormwater Management Facility and Outfall Channel Restoration were both identified as projects in the Master Plan. The Mountcastle Crescent tributary of Pine Creek, located within Forestbrook Park, is not a natural watercourse but a 200 m • outfall channel that connects the storm sewer outfall to Pine Creek (refer to the Location Map in Attachment#1). The Master Plan noted that restoration of this channel was required as the uncontrolled flows from the storm sewer outfall have caused severe erosion such that the outfall channel has downcut approximately two metres below the apron of the headwall putting it at risk of collapse:In addition, the severe and extensive erosion has undermined the channel banks, making them unstable resulting in a large number of fallen trees. The Master Plan had also.identified that a stormwater management facility was suitable for this location to help attenuate the flows prior to release into the outfall channel. • The Pine Creek Stormwater Management Facility and Outfall Channel Restoration will be completed as a Schedule B project as it consists of a stormwater management facility and erosion control works on the downstream outfall channel. As such, Schedule B projects have to fulfill the documentation requirements for the Municipal Class EA and require the filing of a Project File Report. A Request for Proposal (RFP) for Consulting Services for the Pine Creek q P Stormwater Management Facility and Outfall Channel Restoration was issued RFP-3-2015 was issued on March 3, 2015 to submit a proposal to undertake the Engineering Design of the Pine Creek Stormwater Management Facility and Outfall Channel Restoration. The RFP process was closed on April 7, 2015, with 10 proposals submitted. Aquafor Beech Limited is recommended for selection The Evaluation Committee, consisting of members from the Engineering & Public Works Department, evaluated the 10 proposals that were received using the criteria outlined in the RFP. The City received submissions from the following 10 consulting firms: • Aquafor Beech Limited • Amec Foster Wheeler Environmental & Infrastructure • Candevcon Limited • Conestoga Rovers &Associates CORP0227-07/01 revised 93 ENG 12-15 July 6, 2015 Subject: Consultant Selection for the Engineering Design of the Pine Creek Stormwater Management Facility and Outfall Channel Restoration Page 6 • Eco System Recovery Incorporated • Golder Associates • • • Greer Galloway Consulting Engineers • Morrison Hershfield • MMM Group Limited • The Municipal Infrastructure Group Limited The consultant that received the highest average score (Attachment#2) and best met the City's needs in completing the Engineering Design of the Pine Creek Stormwater Management and Outfall Channel Restoration, considering their team's strengths and previous experience relative to the required work, was Aquafor Beech Limited. The Health & Safety Policy, a current WSIB Workplace Injury Summary Report and Certificate of Clearance issued by the Workplace Safety & Insurance Board have been reviewed and deemed acceptable. The Certificate of Insurance has been reviewed by the Manager, Budgets & Internal Audit, and is deemed acceptable. Aquafor Beech is a leading civil engineering firm with significant expertise in completing stormwater and channel restoration projects under both the Municipal Class EA process as wells as the Conservation Ontario process. Through those experiences, Aquafor Beech recognize the environmental and social complexities involved in such projects and the importance of providing a long-term solution to protect surrounding urban areas and infrastructure. Recent examples of such projects include the Amberlea Creek Erosion Control EA in the City of Pickering, the Don River and Humber River Stream Restoration Class EA in the City of Toronto and the Credit River Erosion Control and Slope Stabilization in the City of Mississauga. It is recommended that Aquafor Beech Limited be retained to undertake the Engineering Design of the Pine Creek Stormwater Facility and Outfall Channel Restoration for $70,648.00 (HST included). It is also recommended that a net project cost of $95,679.00 (net of HST rebate) be approved. Attachments: 1. Location Map 2. Supply & Services Memorandum dated June 4; 2015 3. RFP-3-2015 Stage I — Evaluation of Mandatory Requirements 4. RFP-3-2015 Stage II — Evaluation Rated Criteria CORP0227-07/01 revised 94 ENG 12-15 July 6, 2015 Subject: Consultant Selection for the Engineering Design of the Pine Creek Stormwater Management Facility and Outfall Channel Restoration Page 7 Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Marilee Gadzovski, M.Sc.(Eng.), P.Eng. Ricly rd Holborn, P.Eng. Division Head, Dir, ctor, Engineering & Public Works Water esources & Development Services Vera A. Felgemacher Stan Karwowski, MBA, CPA, CMA CSCMP, CPPO, CPPB, CPM, CMM Ill Division Head, Finance & Treasurer Manager, Supply & Services RH/MG:Ir Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council g9i6e44;P Zz r Zo/3 Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer • CORP0227-07/01 revised • 95 ATTACHMENT#�_TO REPORT#. EN 1 to✓ 1 - _-- : �.Lof _ tip- �-.--�-,0 ► ---00.i.vv-:1-,,, 0 .,, ,-:!::,i-Ju mpir 70- T.P.-,,..:• 000,.,.. to 0 ww-010010001"00 ' * g0 1 t ti 3 \ 00 00 --t,k • \-\ \ ,.,', 0 a ` Y 00.IP t IV ' 0 .\•,:'', \ cr'l cos� NI ,, ' , \ , wi••• 0.• \ sa,A ‘.---, . w,„,„. ',..\,.. 0,-,,, \ •,,i, �PROPOSED � :r t I OUTFALL CHANNEL '1/ � ,• N. I i i t RESTORATION t liall ; \ till /I 7 � V \ . t i , " I ! , W , . j l l 1 i l r I l,l ' ! le \\ilitli ltiiliilil /. / tlliriitr[ 1 ; A;`i► li, ■ , /' , • 1iil 11 .f 1; . > • � 1 , 1 .111111 • 00 4. )‘,. l ,., 11141 U, i Li Oil ki_td111 ► 11111 11111 1 ,\ I W' I V. ! -'.- I ± I ! I ! i Ii / PROPOSED STORMWATER \ .\ I NNW ��1!..I ,-,i? MANAGEMENT ;a .`` y ''L.`:5Lj FACILITY ' a; �; . \ . J. v ,,0'71, ,. , „,•,/► �„0 i,, I:t� ►!/� . r►\ fi '' ��r Alp,Ji0A170-1 ----"I WI- AO-1 . 41144:00vAiiiir ‘ Ali!orollarr � S. , , t kr,,,,Al W \jog 41110AA, ” --_.\01'-' 1, wit\ i ' ler Nu 00. (--'-,=,Trialtun #'-•0444, .42 ....___` , \ \ 1010 Or Irl. .0 fig 1111IVIIP'11111011AMMMI 1 1111 i III MA-.all.- ■1111M1171 II-. 11111 IAA ill ENGINEERING&PUBLIC ATTACHMENT FOR ENGINEERING &PUBLIC WORKS `mil°T WORKS DEPARTMENT REPORT ENG 12-15 -- .:•,,.. '1 =''= mJi F N.T.S. JUNE 18/2015 • PINE OUTFALL CHANNEL RESTORATION PROJECT and ti co h•�y ti'61 j 06 �f • ATTACHMENT#2 TOREPORT# • 4-4 x • imaliN Memo . • To: Richard Holbom • • June 4, 2015 Director,'Engineering & Public Works From: Vera A.•Felgemacher Manager, Supply & Services • Copy: Supervisor, Supply & Services . Division Head,Water Resources & Development Services • Water Resources Engineer • Subject: Request for Proposal No. RFP-3-2015 • Engineering Design of Pine Creek Stormwater Management Facility and Outfall Channel Restoration . • Closing: Tuesday, April 7, 2015. • File: F-5300-001 • Terms of Reference for the above project were released on March 3, 2015. An advertisement. was posted on the City's website. Ten submissions were received by the closing date and time. All submissions contained the•mandatory requirements for Stage i Evaluation has been undertaken by Supply& Services. In accordance with Terris of Reference Item 3.3.6, the proposals satisfying the mandatory requirements before the Rectification Date proceeded to . Stage II are: Aquafor Beech Ltd. • Amec Foster Wheeler Environmental & Infrastructure • Candevcon-Ltd. • Conestoga-Rovers &Associates • Ecosystem Recovery Inc. Golder Associates Greer Galloway Consulting Engineers • Morrison Hershfield • MMM Group • The Municipal infrastructure Group Ltd. • Stage II Evaluation has been undertaken by 2 staff members from Engineering & Public Works, Employment & Compensation Specialist and the Manager, Budgets and Internal Audit who •• conducted independent evaluations.of the 10 proposals for their respective sections. An Evaluation Committee meeting was held on Friday, May 15, 2015 and a combined average score for each proposal was completed and a copy is attached. • 97 ATTACHMENT# 2 TOREPORT# VC�� • Stage Ill Evaluation consisted of Supply'&Services scoring the price of the 10 proposals and each was added to the Evaluation Committee consensus scores and a copy is attached. • Aquafor Beech Ltd. is the highest scoring proponent with a total upset limit of$70,648.00 HST included for Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the project. • In accordance with the.Purchasing Policy 10.04, where the project or annual cost of a consulting or professional service assignment is expected to be more than $30,000 the Manager shall obtain • written proposals in accordance with procedures set out in Section 06 and: (b) An award over $50,000 is subject to"the additional approval of Council. • Please do not disclose unit or total prices to any enquiries. Respondents will be advised of the . outcome in due course and all enquiries can be directed to Supply & Services. If ou require further information, please feel free to contact me, or a member of Supply& Se ices. • VAF/rr Attachment • • • • • • • • • • 1 • • • June 4, 2015 . " Page 2 . Request for Proposal No. RFP-3-2015 • 98 • . ATTACHMENT# 3 .TO REPORT# &67 1.2—t S Engineering Design of Pine Creek Stormwater Management Facility and Outfall • Channel Restoration • RFP-3-2015 Stage 1 —Evaluation of Mandatory Requirements Stage I will consist of a review to determine which proposals satisfy all of the mandatory submission requirements. Proposals failing to satisfy the mandatory requirements as of the submission date will be provided an opportunity to rectify any.deficiencies. Proposals failing to satisfy the mandatory requirements as of the rectification date will be excluded from further consideration. Those submissions that satisfy the mandatory requirements will proceed to Stage II. Proposals are to include the following mandatory requirements: A. Submission Form (Appendix B); B. Addendum No. 1 Acknowledged; C. Rate Form D. Reference Form • Company Item Item Item Item A B . C D Amec Foster Wheeler . Aquafor Beech Ltd. • Candevcon Ltd: . Conestoga-Rovers & Associates Ecosystem Recovery Inc. • • Golder Associates Greer.Galloway Group Inc. MMM Group Ltd. . • 99 ATTACHMENT# _TO REPORT# / ' - E n g i n e e r i n g Design of Pine C ee e r Management Facility and Outfall Channel Restoration RFP-3-2015 Stage 1 — Evaluation of Mandatory Requirements Morrison Hershfield Ltd. Municipal Infrastructure Group Ltd. • • • 10.0 ATTACHMENT#. _To REEQRT#, cNt-1 12--15� �_of 4 RFP-3-2015 Engineering Design of Pine Creek Stormwater Management Facility and Outfall Channel Restoration Stage II - Evaluation Rated Criteria Stage II will consist of a scoring by the City of each qualified proposal on the basis of the rated criteria. The following is an overview of the categories and weighting for the rated criteria of the RFP. Proponents who do not meet a minimum threshold score for a category will not proceed to Stage Ill of the evaluation process. Rated Criteria:Category Weighting (Points) Experience on Similar Projects and 20 Qualifications Understanding of Project 15 Work Plan and Deliverables 15 Project Team Overview 15 Quality of References 10 Quality of Proposal 5 Insurance, Health & Safety Documentation 5 Pricing 15 Total Points 100 Experience and Qualifications = 20 Points The proposal shall include information that provides: a. three (3) relevant examples of past projects within the last five (5) years that are comparable in scope. This should include a project synopsis that identifies the team members assembled who worked on the project, the current project status, budgeted costs versus actual costs, scheduling issues and resolutions, and design challenges, efficiencies. Provide client names, contacts and up-to-date contact phone numbers. Advise the references that the City may be contacting them; and b. Storm water outfall/channel design and project experience. Understanding of Project= 15 Points The proposal shall include information that provides: c. Information that the Proponent understands the objectives and requirements of this project. Proponents should relate these objectives to past experience or expertise of the Proponent and/or their team; and d. A summary of the risks, problems or issues associated with the work and how they will be mitigated. Work Plan and Deliverables-Total Points = 15 Points a. A detailed timetable indicating when the Proponent can commence the work; b. A detailed work plan indicating the method, tasks, deliverables; 1.01 ATTACHMENT# TO REPORT# ENiel 19-16- 4; c. A schedule that identifies work phases (by Gantt Chart or other similar illustration) including key dates for major deliverables (design development, working drawings, tender specifications, tendering, construction administration and post construction in the Proponent's detailed work plan; d. Proposed staffing roles and the amount of time that they will be dedicated to this project; and e. State the assumptions regarding the roles and involvement of the City staff. Project Team Overview= 15 points a. Identify the prime firm submitting the Proposal and the sub-consultant firms that will be assembled to undertake the work. b. The name, title, mailing address, phone number, fax number and e-mail of the Design Project Leader; c. Condensed resumes and professional credentials of each individual on the Project Team that highlights their education, training, and work history; d. The respective roles of the team members and their current office locations. Team members named in this RFP cannot be replaced without prior written approval from the City; e. Current and future project list that will be undertaken by members of the Proponent's team including their current workload (i.e., identify other competing priorities that are assigned to each member within this project timeline); and f. Organizational chart that clearly defines the chain of command for each individual with the team Quality of References = 10 Points Relevance of projects similar in scope and value completed over the last five (5) years. Complete Appendix D— Reference Form • Quality of Proposal = 5 points Presentation of proposal, examples, details, content organization and how well instructions are followed. Insurance, Health & Safety Documentation = 5 Points All documentation and certificates stated in Item D, Other Mandatory Requirements, being current and valid. • • 102 ATTACHMENT# LI TO REPORT# (7 o-/) ®�.of Pricing —Total Points = 15 points Pricing will be scored based on a relative pricing formula using the Rates set out in the Rate Bid Form. Each proponent will receive a percentage of the total possible points allocated to price for the particular category it has bid on by dividing that proponent's price for that category into the lowest bid price in that category. For example, if a proponent bids $120.00 for a particular category and that is the lowest bid price in that category, that proponent receives 100% of the possible points for that category (120/120 = 100%). A proponent who bids $150.00 receives 80% of the possible points for that category (120/150 = 80%), and a proponent who bids $240.00 receives 50% of the possible points for that category(120/240 = 50%). - Lowest rate x Total available points= Score for proposal with second-lowest rate Second-lowest rate Lowest rate X Total available points = Score for proposal with third-lowest rate Third-lowest rate And so on, for each proposal. • • 103 • r;�� c M ENT#.—...q.—TOREF0RT# �►�th /c2—1.5- • O �:• •V >•.C a ai m a5 u) o C� c CAS f • i C 2 c.6 N 'O S 3 0 7,•E a 1 c w N • i c N.0 ,0 0 i N IO C CM a• v *,t' • .c al o a • a p N• Q y N ` f 2 '5 .0 C z .'a , '0 E 5. V^, •LL . ' L N a) l°!` UI .W F_' 1 D U. m �,�•cd a N. N '`x, u y C.0 E f, i, ^r o O N r '. il ra CD CD C C 'O U = A (� w.. C N iii O N O hiE+a. I co ; . i S • F ,;• d N'a C • y SS C 0 O 4„;[,,4,-,,,;? CD a`) c G h'„.- • CY y. E• m • Z co C C C C _ a 'O d C a 0 . o Q d a) E • m : . m •• E• E o• 104 . .