HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLN 08-15F c`t,! Report to ps — Planning & Development Committee PICKERING Report Number: PLN 08-15 Date: July 6, 2015 From: Thomas Melymuk Director, City Development Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 10/14' Draft Plan of Subdivision Application SP-2014-03 Draft Plan of Condominium Application CP-2014-03 Grand Communities (Pickering) Corporation Part of Lots 3 and 4, Plan 228, Part of Part 1, Plan 40R-8966 (365 & 364 Kingston Road) Recommendation: 1. That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 10/14, Draft Plan of Subdivision Application SP-2014-03, and Draft Plan of Condominium Application CP-2014-03, submitted by Grand Communities (Pickering) Corporation, on lands being Part of Lots 3 and 4, Plan 228, Part of Part 1 40R-8966, to permit the development of. 28 three-storey townhouses on a common element condominium road be received; 2. That Pickering Council endorse the Recommended Alternative Development Concepts as set out in Appendices I and II to Report PLN 08-15, for lands being Part of Lots 3 and 4, Plan 228, Part of Part 1 40R-8966, and; 3. That Council authorize City staff to prepare, present and defend the following at the Ontario Municipal Board hearing: a) a site specific zoning by-law with appropriate provisions and standards to implement the Recommended Alternative Development Concepts; b) a revised draft plan with appropriate conditions of draft approval, if required, to implement the Recommended Alternative Development Concepts; and c) a revised condominium plan with appropriate conditions of draft approval, if required, to implement the Recommended Alternative Development Concepts. Executive Summary: Grand Communities (Pickering) Corporation has submitted applications for the development of a 28 unit common element condominium townhouse project on the lands at the northwest corner of Rougemount Drive and Kingston Road (see Location Map, Attachment#1). The applicant has appealed the applications to the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) on the grounds that the City has not made a decision on the applications within the time frames prescribed in the Planning Act. 17 • Report PLN 08-15 July 6, 2015 Subject: Grand Communities (A 10/14) Page 2 The purpose of this Report is to obtain a Council position on these applications and authorize staff to attend the OMB hearing and defend the City's position. The Applicant's Submitted Plan fails to address issues of compatibility with the existing low density residential development to the north and various technical matters including the Kingston Road widening (see Submitted Plan, Attachment#2). Accordingly, staff has prepared two alternative development concepts which: respond to the compatibility issues to the north; incorporate the required road widening and technical design changes; provide a centrally-located private open space for the residents of the new development; and create a strong urban edge along Kingston Road, which is a transit corridor (see Recommended Alternative Development Concepts, Appendices I and II). These concepts represent intensification in an appropriate location, sensitive to the context, with desirable attributes as a place to live in the neighbourhood. Council is requested to endorse the Recommended Alternative Development Concepts, and authorize staff to prepare, present and defend at the upcoming OMB hearing, an appropriate zoning by-law, draft plan with conditions of approval, and condominium plan With conditions of approval that would allow the development of either, of the two Recommended Alternative Development Concepts proposed by staff. Financial Implications: No direct costs to the City are anticipated as a result of the recommendations of this report. 1. Background 1.1 The applicant has appealed the applications to the Ontario Municipal Board On May 17, 2015, Grand Communities (Pickering) Corporation.filed appeals to its applications for Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision and • Condominium to the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) on the basis.that the City did not make a decision on the applications within the prescribed timelines as set Act. A Pre-hearing Conference to identify the parties and out in the Planning g fy p 9 participants to the hearing, and determine the list of issues to be considered by the Board is scheduled for Wednesday August 5, 2015. An OMB hearing date will be schedule following the Pre-hearing Conference. The purpose of this Report to obtain Council's position on the applications for presentation to the OMB. 1.2 Property Description The subject properties are located at the northwest corner of Kingston Road and Rougemount Drive, in the Rougemount Neighbourhood (see Location Map, Attachment#1). 18 Report PLN 08-15 July 6, 2015 Subject: Grand Communities (A 10/14) Page 3 The subject lands comprise 2 properties which have a combined area of approximately 0.62 of a hectare with approximately 77 metres of frontage along Kingston Road and approximately 44 metres of frontage along Rougemount Drive. The property at 356 Kingston Road is vacant, and the property at 364 Kingston Road is occupied by two unoccupied, one-and-a-half storey buildings and a detached garage. Surrounding uses include: low density residential development consisting of two-storey detached dwellings fronting Dalewood Drive to the north; a commercial plaza to the east across Rougemount Drive; Blaisdale Montessori School and industrial-commercial uses to the south across Kingston Road.; and a vehicle repair and service station establishment with associated outdoor storage immediately to the west. 1.3 Applicant's proposal • The applicant has submitted applications for Zoning By-law Amendment, Draft Plan of Subdivision and Draft Plan of Condominium to develop a common element condominium consisting of a total of 28 three-storey townhouse units accessed by a private road (see Submitted Plan and Submitted Building Elevations, Attachments #2, #3, #4 and #5). The proposal consists of three residential blocks: • Block 1 is traditional townhouses consisting of 10 units with parking at the front of the units; and • Blocks 2 and 3 are rear-lane townhouses containing a total of 18 units fronting Kingston Road and Rougemount Drive with parking at the rear of the units Each townhouse unit has a total of two parking spaces, one within a private garage and the other space on the driveway. The proposal also includes 11 visitor parking spaces and an outdoor amenity area. Vehicular access is provided through a private condominium road from Rougemount Drive. The draft plan of subdivision is to create a single development block. This is a technical requirement to allow the applicant to create the privately-owned parcels and the parcels for the common elements of the development through a process called "lifting part lot control". The draft plan of condominium is to create the tenure of the parcels in the development. Common element features include, but are not limited to: the private road and visitor parking; community mailboxes; and water meter room (see Submitted Draft Plan of Subdivision and Common Element Condominium Plan,Attachments #6 and #7). 19 • Report PLN 08-15 July 6, 2015 Subject: Grand Communities (A 10/14) Page 4 2. Comments Received 2.1 At the January 15, 2015 Open House, March 2, 2015 Public Information Meeting, and in written submission An Open House meeting was held on January 15, 2015 to allow area residents to learn more about the new residential proposal, as well as review and comment on the plans that the applicant submitted. A number of residents attended the March 2, 2015 Public Information Meeting, and voiced their comments regarding the proposed residential development. Specifically the concerns identified are as follows: • a preference for the applicant's development concept submitted in support of a previous Zoning By-law Amendment Application (A 06/11), over the current proposal, as the concept for A 06/11 would have less of an impact on the abutting properties to the north fronting Dalewood Drive; (A 06/11 was formally withdrawn by the applicant; the previous application was to permit a three-storey mixed-use building with commercial-retail uses on the ground floor and apartment units on the second and third floors) • the proposed location of Block 1 and the water meter building are located too close to the existing residential development to the north • concern regarding the compatibility of the proposed three-storey townhouse units adjacent to existing two-storey detached dwellings to the north • privacy concerns, as a result of rear yard lighting and second-storey balcony projections overlooking into the rear yards of the existing residential properties to the north • requested clarification regarding the height of the second-storey balconies on the rear of Block 1 • rotating Block 1 to a north/south configuration so that the outdoor amenity area and parking lot is abutting the rear yards of the adjoining residential lots to the north • removal of existing trees situated along the rear lot line that abut residential properties to the north • the proposal will result in increased traffic and suggested an additional entrance/exit should be provided to alleviate some traffic • requested further information regarding fencing details (i.e., height and type/proposed materials), as well as whether additional Iandscaping'will be provided to screen the proposed development In addition to the concerns noted above by area residents, Planning & Development Committee members requested staff consider reconfiguring Block 1 to a north/south orientation, conformity with the City's Official Plan policies, balcony overviews, increasing the number of visitor parking spaces, protecting existing trees along the north lot line to preserve privacy, and a 12 month shadow study. 20 Report PLN 08-15 July 6, 2015 Subject: Grand Communities (A 10/14) Page 5 2.2 City Departments &Agency Comments Region of Durham • the proposal comprising low/medium density residential is not entirely consistent with the vision set out for arterial roads in the Regional Official Plan • to accommodate the Region's Long-Term Transit Strategy and future transit platform fronting the site, the region will require a sufficient road widening for an ultimate right-of-way width of 22.5 metres from centreline of the road, resulting in the need for a road widening of approximately 8.3 metres across the Kingston Road frontage • DRT suggests a minimum target density of 60 residential units per hectare along the Kingston Road corridor be achieved • DRT requests that a sidewalk be provided across the frontages of the subject properties, connecting into the existing sidewalk located on the west side of Rougemount Drive, south of Dalewood Drive • connections to existing municipal water and sanitary sewers are available to the subject properties • the submitted Noise Study appears to meet the requirements of the Region of Durham and the Guidelines of the Ministry of Environmental and Climate Change (MOECC) • the Region requires the applicant to submit a Record of Site Condition (RSC) to MOECC and that it receive an "Acknowledgement Letter" from the Ministry • the applicant must provide the Region with a clearance letter from the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport in support of their Stage 1-2 Archaeological Assessment Engineering & • the proposed vehicle access from Rougemount Drive Public Works is required to be reconfigured to the City's standard Department • the applicant is required to submit a tree preservation plan; financial compensation for canopy loss will be required • vegetative screening should be maintained/enhanced between this development and existing homes on Dalewood Drive • internal works will be reviewed through the Site Plan Approval process • the applicant is required to enter into a subdivision agreement with the City of Pickering concerning the provision of works external to the site such as ' securities, insurance, installation of a storm sewer on 21 Report PLN 08-15 July 6, 2015 Subject: Grand Communities (A 10/14) Page 6 Rougemount Drive, sidewalk extensions and the urbanization of the Kingston Road frontage • the City will cost share a portion of works (such as the proposed sidewalk) on Kingston Road • fencing will be required along the west side of the property as per the requirements of the Noise Study • on-site works prior to Draft Plan of Subdivision • Approval will not be permitted, unless the City has issued a permit under the Fill and Topsoil Disturbance By-law prior to the commencement of any works, the owner will be required to erect temporary fencing around the entire perimeter of the subject lands during construction 3. Planning Analysis 3.1 The applicant's proposal is not supported on the basis of compatibility with the existing development to the north, and technical issues. A number of area residents that live on Dalewood Drive and back onto the subject lands have expressed concern that the Grand Communities' proposal is not compatible with the established low density development to the north consisting of two-storey detached dwellings. In particular, they were concerned that the location of Block 1 and the water metre room were sited too close to the existing residential development to the north, privacy concerns due to the 12-metre, three-storey height of the proposed buildings and the second storey balconies, and the loss of existing vegetation along the north lot line. In evaluating the compatibility of new development proposals adjacent to established development, consideration should be given,to such matters as the proposed uses, arrangement of uses on the site, building height, building orientation, lot coverage, yard setbacks, access to sunlight, landscaping and screening, parking and traffic implications. Staff has reviewed the proposed development concept against these matters and concludes that compatibility can be achieved through revisions to the design concept by reorienting Block 1 in a north-south direction, and increasing the setback between the units and the north property line. Furthermore, the Grand Communities' proposal does not include the 8.3 metre road widening along Kingston Road required by the Region of Durham. The entrance from Rougemount Drive also needs moving slightly south to meet City Engineering standards. These technical matters need to be addressed through design revisions to the concept. . 22 • Report PLN 08-15 July 6, 2015 ' Subject: Grand Communities (A 10/14) Page 7 3.2 Revised design concepts are recommended to address comments from staff, agencies, and members of the public Taking into consideration comments from City Staff, agencies and area residents, Staff requested the City's Urban Design Review Consultant (John G. Williams Limited), to prepare alternative design options for the subject lands (see Recommended Alternative Development Concept Option A, Appendix I and Recommended Alternative Development Concept Option B,Appendix II). Two concepts were developed. Both were based on the reduced property size (0.57 of a hectare)that will result once the road widening is conveyed to the Region, a more southerly re-aligning the Rougemount Drive access, a reorientation of Block 1 to a north-south direction, and,an increased setback between structures and the north property line. Both concepts maintained units adjacent to Kingston Road and Rougemount Drive, and a centrally-located parkette. In the second concept, the housing form adjacent to Kingston Road • and Rougemount Drive was designed as stacked.townhomes, which allows a few more units to be constructed on the site. It is recommended that Council endorse these concepts as the basis for preparing a site specific zoning by-law, a revised draft plan with appropriate conditions of approval (if required), and revised draft plan of condominium with conditions of approval (if required). Further, it is recommended that Council authorize Staff to present and defend the Recommended Alternative Development Concepts at the Ontario Municipal Board hearing. Appendix Appendix I Recommended Alternative Development Concept Option A Appendix II Recommended Residential Development Concept Option B Attachments 1. Location Map 2. Submitted Plan • 3. Submitted Building Elevations— Block 1 4. Submitted Building Elevations - Block 2 5. Submitted Building Elevations — Block 3 6. Submitted Draft Plan of Subdivision 7. Submitted Common Element Condominium Plan 23 Report PLN 08-15 July 6, 2015 Subject: Grand Communities (A 10/14) Page 8 Pre red B : Approved/Endorsed By: 3 Nil714 urti, CIP, RPP Catherine Rose, MCIP PP Manager, Development Review Chief Planner & Urban .Design 2 7, Thomas elymuk, MCI P Director, ity Development NS:df • Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council df) Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer 24 Appendix Ito Report PLN 08-15 1 I i - - - - - - - - - - ,1 ij IC I / / •.5e"M:uviEwAy4 FRE ROUE / I h 1 �. , @ � 'm Asa i COT SIDEWALK WATER ` O AlF7ER 11 SWING I I Y : " - - I _:.-_-_.;� � I 'I i, V o PARKETTE Aso . Q .=::ii4i� asn ~ m `� - II J _-- - - - ' CO �g I ,I ,o i ' 1s� / - - I I Z ,. ' % I ' D ,....w,„...,-- .... -.-----, -\\, i!-- , ::‘, ,:,_ _ , 1 1 . i illt V.O.Wig.° ----- ---- •, / / I o E1sc F0o.N.: - ' _ ,N� f. C ------ / ef'SE! �4i pOS�� ' _ / ,, / 'yam ._.- - - I'i f R SON OPD. GS \ N /\ Recommended Alternative Development Concept Option A 00 FILE No: SP-2014-03, CP-2014-03 &A 10/14 ,=' i:=1 '= APPLICANT: Grand Communities (Pickering) Corporation riMI��ONIO.0 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Pt. Lt. 3 &4, Plan 228, Part of Part 1, 40R-8966 City Development (356 & 364 Kin Department ( Kingston Road ) FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING DATE:June 17,2015 CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. Zb Appendix II to Report PLN 08-15 .1 – – - . .------ 650- ..., EWAY-FFIRE—ROUTC — — / - S ORS NE ____ _ I ......../ - ------ I-' I /41 I 7 4-Ngs' (-D - - IIII . LOCAllail $,Y ,s . 64, WALKWAY W41137 HOER EWING , 4°. I , I I VII I ll I '' 111..11511CM ICO 1 I UJ I PARKETTE _ - no — , , 0 1 I > , £ JIB i 123 / 0 1 E PI I , Co a I-. :Eno— /e - I I I I- 7 I Z I _ i I J ..----- ■, . 0 ' I I 1 " kise**1-1 , . . 4 I UJ i , CD 4G ■,.. 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X \\ _YN �jdI / 1111 o 0 a STREET I 0 c 1 z I� z o 1- DRIVE Q 0 I.1.1 D ill o 0 0 IV O.:0\�♦ D \II Pt//ICI 0 11111111 -\� C)` ROUGE HILL Allia,OM I VALLEY GATE \ BROOKRIDGE G*0,,_ 11111111 , CHURCH ' n_�J OF THE • _ NAZARENE= o •tr� �:Q 011111 e O ♦ q .11 •ROPERT► if i , .......... ............ Q Wig .......„,.. ..,.....\ IP' „------- Z ,,,( y . >_ oGs-r- > L.„ - 1.1 ko, . _41 . ....... ,\„,,,,i —, ___ , ,\,_, Ig 1. 0 FRONTIER TIER 11R �� / z ■ TOYNEVALE ROAD C.)' TOYNEVALE �2 IL-, o Z — � Location Map Cai°¢ FILE No: SP-2014-03, CP-2014-03 and A 10/14 --: x,.„11=3i_, . — _ 1 APPLICANT: Grand Communities (Pickering) Corporation L - ��m t4 t PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Pt. Lt. 3 &4, Plan 228, Part of Part 1, 40R-8966 (356 & 364 Kingston Road ) , DATE: June 17,2015 pot° sources: 1 203 eM PEA apn s a Is.p p A l pgp R crvegtlh.ts N Rt..Dadn. o Sc rvpea oT urv.Y. 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Lt. 3 &4, Plan 228, Part of Part 1, 40R-8966 City Development 356 & 364 Kingston Road Department ( g FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING DATE:June 17,2015 CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. 32 ' . ATTACHMENT —1 TO_ REPORT # N o$— t S, / 1 • RESID NAAL RESIDENT/AL L • 1 .._.... I I _ 1 1 .. I .. I I _ - I 1 I 1 I I I I I I i I 1 i i 1 I i J „I ! I s �„ I_ 1_ '1 I, e1 .�, h P r I' I i I I i i 1 i 1 I 1 I I I I I I I __ _ _ I I 1 I I I 1 I • Pon I 1 Pon 2 1 Pon 3 1 POT.1 1 PO11.5 1 Pon 6 1 Pon 7 1 Pon 8 1 POT.9 1 Pon 10 'e f ,-2 \ n y \ I I I I I I I I srP I I I I I I 1 1 Pon" ' I 1 I 1 I 1 I I :I J o t >:I :1 g. F'. 'L I: ' omit rs� I I 1 I 1 1 1 1 I. r Pon u I I I I I I I '� LL.I e-• .-3,st--- a,n.-- B Ponn 8 I- D O 4"; Pon,. W PROPOSED ..of N ` :,. o COMMON ELEMENT 7 » . .„ CY X N .. I 'ES/DEN7IAL . r= c �•�\ '�■ r j \. 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