HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLN 05-15 Cal/ 00 Report to Executive Committee PICKERING Report Number: PLN 05-15 Date: June 8, 2015 From: Thomas Melymuk Director, City Development Subject: 2015 Economic Development Work Program City of Pickering File: D-1500-001 Recommendation: 1. That Report PLN 05-15 of the Director, City Development regarding the 2015 Economic Development Work Program be received for information. Executive Summary: The Economic Development Office delivers a work program organized into areas of activity that include: Investment Readiness, Business Attraction, Business Retention and Expansion, and Film Industry Liaison. Within these work streams, a variety of services are delivered concurrently, in order to protect and grow our economic base, with the intent of stimulating assessment growth and creating new jobs (see Attachment#1 - Economic Development Work Program). The City of Pickering is now entering a time of significant economic transition. We are experiencing slower growth in the manufacturing sector and limited new commercial investment. The shortage of vacant employment lands has also challenged the City's ability to offer viable development options to satisfy immediate investment enquiries. In response to this, staff is now shifting attraction,efforts away from the broadly based promotion of Pickering to target industry sectors with the potential to deliver strategically chosen business investment and jobs. •The 2015 Economic Development work program will focus on investment in four business growth areas within our community, being: City Centre, Seaton employment lands, Great Lakes Nautical Village and the Small Business Community. Investment attraction efforts in these four areas will be supported by current industry sector research and delivered over a full range of marketing tools including print, electronic and social media. Investment attraction activities include participation at trade shows and in trade missions, to be undertaken in partnership with known economic development service providers and with the support of Pickering stakeholders and business ambassadors. Financial Implications: There are no financial implications beyond those included in the approved 2015 budget. • 1 PLN 05-15 June 8, 2015 Subject: 2015 Economic Development Work Program Page 2 1. . Background 1.1 Currently, the City of Pickering Economic Development Office delivers a work program organized as follows: • Investment Readiness - these activities are necessary to continually understand the Pickering community and to adapt to market trends to attract new investment and support business expansion. • Business Attraction - these activities are conducted within our office and supported by other City departments; in our community in partnership with regional business support and attraction agencies, and; outside of our community in partnership with Pickering Business Ambassadors and trade industry groups. .• Business Retention & Expansion -these activities respond to the needs of our business community and may include celebrating successes, education on best practices for businesses, mitigating threats to economic growth; building relationships that support the creation of community loyalty; • Film Industry Liaison - coordinates the issuance of Film Location Permits in consultation with other City departments. We also participate on a Regional film industry sector team, to expand and attract the film industry within Durham Region. 1.2 The City of Pickering is now entering a time of significant economic transition. We are experiencing slower growth in the manufacturing sector and only limited new commercial investmen t. Many industry dust sectors have implemented ented Lean operating models and new technology. With these changes impacting Canadian and Ontario economies, it is imperative that the City develop real-world strategies to ensure our economic sustainability in a highly competitive investment market. 2. Discussion 2.1 2015 Investment Attraction Plan In 2015, the Economic Development Office will be implementing an Investment Attraction Plan to target investment attraction activities in four key areas: City Centre, Seaton employment lands, Great Lakes Nautical Village and the City's Small Business Community. 2.1.1 City Centre • Our downtown is designated by the Province as an Urban Growth Centre and Mobility Hub. The enclosed pedestrian bridge, new GO parking structures and LEED Gold office tower with the Durham/Centennial College campus have added much needed transportation infrastructure and iconic visual built form to our City Centre. These elements provide the foundation to promote our City Centre as an investment option for those seeking office or retail space at competitive lease rates with the benefits of urban amenities and multi modal transit. 2 PLN 05-15 June 8, 2015 Subject: . 2015 Economic Development Work Program Page 3 A City Centre Zoning By-law and City Centre Urban Design Guidelines that are geared towards quality built form and mixed land use development are under preparation. These planning tools, once adopted, would assist in streamlining the development approval process and making lands within the City Centre development ready. Last year, a new City Centre banner was introduced on street lights surrounding the Civic Complex area. This year, banner installation will expand to include installations on Kingston Road and Liverpool Road. The new banners will be of the same design, but slightly larger to gain better exposure on these higher traffic corridors. Use of the City Centre branding element will.be extended to include , creation of a City Centre lure brochure highlighting the pedestrian bridge, office tower, GO parking, new urban lighting, integrated transportation amenities, shopping, restaurants and downtown housing options. An updated inventory of vacant and underutilized lands within the City Centre is currently underway. The inventory will serve as a quick reference tool for Council and staff when responding to site specific development enquiries or making recommendations to new investors. 2.1.2 Seaton Employment Lands The Seaton employment lands bordering Highway 407 represent a notable area of prestige employment activity within the City and Durham Region. In order to attract the desired industries and achieve the targeted job densities set for the employment lands, staff are retaining a consulting firm to complete a Sector Analysis Study. The Study will include: • reviewing the make-up and status of our current industrial base to identify opportunities for expansion or relocation of existing industry • identifying challenges or threats to attracting new investment • researching and identifying existing and emerging industry sectors appropriate for investment • developing and implementing a strategy for targeted investment attraction A component of the Study involves engaging key stakeholders including local businesses, education institutions, community organizations and Federal.and Provincial agencies involved in economic development with regard to current strengths and weaknesses, as well as future opportunities and threats affecting Pickering's ability to attract targeted businesses and industry operations to the Seaton lands. Following the results of the Study, staff will produce marketing materials to engage the targeted industries, including sector profiles of those industries that are thriving in Pickering, as well as the sectors identified as preferred targets for investment. 3 PLN 05-15 June 8, 2015 Subject: 2015 Economic Development Work Program Page 4 These will form part of an investment package that also includes demographic and statistical information, aerial mapping, Economic and Community Profile of Pickering, Cost of Doing Business, testimonials and more. 2.1.3 Great Lakes Nautical Village The renewed commitment of the Nautical Village Business Association (NVBA) is resulting in expanded tourism programming including Sunday's on the Porch, weekend street vendors, and a four day event to coincide with the City of Pickering programming for the 2015 Durham Festival. With the reconstruction of the Frenchman's Bay harbour entrance now completed including the newly designed spit walkway to provide pedestrian access out to the harbour entrance, more park users and boaters will be drawn to the Nautical Village during the boating season. With the assistance of Culture & Recreation staff, the NVBA has been invited to augment City programming during the Durham Festival and are planning to run an Apple Festival, and a one day farmers' market in Millennium Square. Businesses will also be offering special event promotions on food and services to coincide with the City's Thursday night Waterfront Music events. Staff from the Economic Development Office is now a member of the Board of Directors of the NVBA and will act as an advisor to the Board, giving support to their efforts wherever possible. In 2015, this office will create a video to promote both the business and lifestyle amenities located in the Nautical.Village featuring testimonials from the local businesses. Promotion of the Nautical Village will be implemented with articles in both print and on-line sailing magazines. 2.1.4 Supporting Small Business and the Emerging Entrepreneur Over 75% of businesses in Pickering are small businesses with less than 10 employees. A significant sector of home-based and on-line businesses also call Pickering home. To enhance the level of service to the business community at the City Development front counter, Economic Development staff are now being engaged to assist new business enquiries pertaining to the planning and development approval processes. To support the small business owner and the emerging entrepreneur, the Economic Development Office will help to facilitate a number of educational opportunities, either through sponsorship or in direct partnership with other local small business support providers. For 2015, these opportunities include: • facilitating an Excellence in Manufacturing Event for local manufacturers who are looking to implement social media as part of their sales strategy. 4 PLN 05-15 June 8, 2015 Subject: 2015 Economic Development Work Program Page 5 • sponsorship of the Ajax-Pickering Board of Trade— Next Generation of Manufacturing Seminars. Held twice a year, manufacturers are invited to attend sessions delivered by industry experts, addressing topics of concern to the manufacturing sector. The topics are chosen based on a survey of local manufacturers asked to identify their areas of interest. • delivery of a five part series entitled `Deconstruct Your Business Plan'. This will be delivered from May until early July, in partnership with the Business Advisory Centre Durham and the Meridian Credit Union (Pickering Branch). Sessions will address business feasibility and risk, branding, marketing, networking and social media, business rules and regulations and financial business models and loans. This Office will once again participate in the 2015 Do it in Durham event. The week long event is a component of the world wide, 2015 Global Entrepreneur Week. Lead by the Business Advisory Centre Durham we hope to beat the 2014 global ranking of 4th largest regional program as Durham will target the delivery of upwards of 50 separate events across Durham Region. The City of Pickering will host a breakfast networking event at the OPG Information Centre, focused on managing growth. The event will feature a panel of experts representing major Canadian brands as they share personal company growth journeys and how it was managed and maintained profitably. 2.1.5 Other Activities Staff will attend sector specific industry trade shows and conferences in order to gather industry knowledge, promote the City of Pickering and its investment opportunities, and build one-on-one relationships with industry sector decision makers. Staff will also participate in the foreign direct investment and trade mission programs with our economic development partners at the Region of Durham and/or the Greater Toronto Marketing Alliance. 3. Conclusion The Economic Development Office will continue to deliver its day-to-day services to support the business community. In 2015, a shift will be made in the investment attraction work program to implement strategic, targeted efforts to attract new investment. These efforts will take on a pro-active approach to investment attraction and be delivered using a wide range of attraction tools, in partnership with local stakeholders and established business investment partners. Attachments 1. Economic Development Office Work Program 5 PLN 05-15 June 8, 2015 Subject: 2015 Economic Development Work Program Page 6 Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Catherine Hodge Grant McGregor, MCIP, RPP Coordinator, Economic Development Manager, Sustainability & Economic Development iaz Jadoon, B. COMM (HONS), MPM Thomas Melymu , MCIP, RP Coordinator, Economic Development Director, City Development • • CH:ld Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council 0/tidejai t 21, 2.015 Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer 6 rrt.CHME�;!7 / TO iLN 05-15 Economic Development Work Program • Investment Readiness — stating who we are Information Collection of data necessary to understand the makeup of our Databases existing business base, identify the threats to the maintenance and growth of our economy and support the attraction of new investment: ✓ community demographics (population;'age; household income, educational achievements, cultural diversity, etc.) ✓ labour force data (current employed/unemployed, sector wages, local labour support groups; labour pool size & access, etc.) ✓ servicing data (utility providers, infrastructure mapping & rates) ✓ supply chain data (based on sector identification) ✓ Inventory of available Land & Space ✓ Business Trends tracking — may include professional development activities such as conferences, seminars &workshops ✓ Customer Relationship Management system for tracking client and prospect conversations Developable Land Project necessary to: Review ■ understand what lands are available ✓ determine what is required to make these lands investment ready ✓ support the creation of investment response packages Investment Packages Product custom created to respond to investment enquiries that may include: ✓ information drawn from information databases ✓ marketing materials ✓ letters of welcome ✓ information provided by outside resources such as the Province of Ontario, Region of Durham, etc. • • 7 ATTACHMENT# / TO REPORT Business Attraction — connecting with the target market Marketing Materials Preparation of promotional pieces in print, video and electronic format, that represent: ✓ our Investment Program Brand ✓ our business community ✓ our community as a whole ✓ sector specific business strengths Investment Enquiry Process of responding to significant enquiries for new Responses business to locate to, and invest in, our community: ✓ investment enquiries are enhanced by up to date databases, understanding of development opportunities, availability of marketing/promotional pieces; creation of collaborative relationships within and outside of the City of Pickering Stakeholder Establishing relationships with local stakeholders (business Engagement owners, land owners, business organizations, community organizations), for the purpose of: ✓ leveraging their business network to promote the City of Pickering ✓ receiving information pertinent to the protection of existing investment and the opportunity for new business growth Economic Promotional and information tools used on their own or as Development Tools part of investment enquiries, trade shows, business startups, and Publications including: ✓ Economic & Community Profile ✓ Land & Space Inventory • ✓ Top 10 Reasons to Invest ✓ Demographics & Statistics Report Generator Investment Packages Product custom created to respond to investment enquiries that may include: ✓ information drawn from information databases ✓ marketing materials ✓ letters of welcome ✓ information provided by outside resources such as the Province of Ontario, Region of Durham, etc. Industry Trade Shows Attendance at targeted industry sector events to: and Conferences ✓ gather information on the industry and its needs ✓ develop relationship with potential investors ✓ promote the City of Pickering as a preferred location for investment 8 "T T AGHi'iti1?i / TO REPOR1 , N n5-i5 • Business Retention & Expansion — supporting the growth of existing businesses Website The most important economic development tool in the program, the website is both a business retention and new investment tool: ✓ portal to our City ✓ most often the first place an investor looks when considering a community ✓ communication tool ✓ promotional venue ✓ valuable resource Corporate Calling Program to establish a reciprocal relationship with our own business stakeholders: ✓ to identify constraints to local business growth ✓ to offer promotional opportunities to celebrate local business success ✓ first step to establish ambassadors that can represent our business community at a global level ✓ extract local business and labour force information ✓ identify the City of Pickering as a resource for business support Supporting the Economic Development Office as a resource for: Entrepreneur ■ services available to business start ups ✓ research of business support funding Building relationships with other business support experts: ✓ financial ✓ academia ✓ research & development ✓ labour force support • Business Directory Tool that identifies and promotes the business services within our community: ✓ portal into our business community for those within and outside of our community ✓ supply chain tool ✓ encourages local spending Economic Promotional and information tools used on their own or as Development Tools part of investment enquiries, trade shows, business startups, and Publications including: ✓ E-Newsletters ✓ Land & Space Inventory ✓ Business News and Business Event Calendar ✓ Small Business Guide ✓ Business Openings & Ribbon Cutting Guide 9