HomeMy WebLinkAboutCL 12/98.�- � � �}f��. , 159 O��OFp�. .. - . . . . � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Bruce 7'aylor, AMCT, CA-A9 DATE: March 17, 199E Town Clerk REPORTNUMBER: CL 12-98 SUE�JECT: Remuneration for Committee of Adjustment Members RECOMMENDATION: Thet the draft by-Iaw to increase the remuneration for Committce of Adjustment members from S55 per meeting to S80 per meeting be fonvarded to Council for enectment. ORIGIN; Motion of the Committee of Adjustment dated March 4, 1998 AUTHORITY: Planning Act FINANCIAL 1MPLICATIONS: Increase of approximatcly 52,500 in total remuneration in 1998 EXGCUTNE SUM1iMARY; The Committee of Adjustment are recommending that the remuneralion for each member of the Cammittee be increased from SSS per meeting to S80 per meeting. BACKGROUND: Please be advised that the Committee oPAdjustment passed the following motion at its meeting of March 4, 1998: 1'hat Town Council coneidcr t6at remunerAtion for Committee of Adjustment memben be increaeed to S80 per meeting. Attached is a draft by-law to implement the above recommendetion. Members of the Committee of Adjustment have been receiving remuneration of S55 per meeting since ]anuery 1, 1993. Prepared By: Bruce eylor, AMCT, CMM Town Cler4 •a . y .,,. „ rt._ , � r lE)� . �'fIE CORPORATTON OF THE TOWN OR PICKERING �j'•LAW NUMBER Being a bylaw ro establish en honourarium for Membero of the Committa of Adjustment. WFiEREAS pursuent to Section 44(9) of the Plenning Act, R.S,O. 1990, c. P.13, the members of the Cortunittee of Adjustment shdl be paid such compensation as the Council may provide; NOW 17�REFORE TE� COUNCIL OF TF� CORPORATION OF 7'f� TOWN OF PICKERING f�REBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: I. The remuneretion payable to a Mem6er of the Committee of Adjustment shal) be SB0.00 per meeting. 2. This bylaw shall take effect as of Merch I, 1998. 3. By-lew Number 4169/93 is hereby repealed. By-law read a first, second end third time and finally passed this 6th day of April, 1998. ,� � i I � � , ; i Mayor ' i ;j � ;� - : , ;: _ ;� ., ' Clerk " ! € i �� � , __ , � .,, �- _., . � :> a ; �� 'i� !,I