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MINUTES ot ihe 13th meetiag ot the Committee at Adjustment held 10 Ihe Commitfec
Room ot the P(ckering Civtc Corople: on Wednesday, September 30,1998.
PRESENT: Mr. C. Yaung (Chairperoon)
Mr. K. Aahe
Mr. M. Holland (errived 7:25 p.m.)
Mr. White
ALSO PRESENT: Mr. J. Colc, Assistent Secretary-Treasurer
Mro. F. Niro, Sccrelary-Treasurer (Actiog)
The meeting convened at 7:00 p.m. in ihc Main Commiffee Room of the Civtc Complex.
Th� rc wcrc no matten arising from the minutes.
MOTION: MoveJ by Mr. A�he, seconded b� Mr. White anJ carricd unanimousiy -
That ihe minutes of the 12th mceling of the Committee of Adjustment hclal
September 9,1998, be adopted.
MOTION: Moved by Mr. Whfte, seconded by Mr. Ashe, ihat the rcading of mfnor
variance application P/CA 65/9B, by M, van dcr Kuur & S. Nadcau, bc dispensed with.
(Delails ojlhe above applica�Jon are explained belowjnr reference)
(Dejerred jrom Seplember 9,1998 meeJin�
3. P/CA 65/98 - M. van der Kuur & S. Nadeau
Part of Lot 8, Plan 65, also Part of Lot 23, Rangc 3, B.F.C.
aleo known aa 690 Front Strcet
Town otPickering
The applicanla requeat rellef from the following provieion� of Zaning By-lew 2511, R9
Section 10.2.( to permit the conNnuanec ota minimum lot frontegc of 10.3 metre� provided
by the e:i�Hng property, whereaa t�e zoning by-law requirra A minfmum lot frontage ot
I5.0 metrca;
Sectlon 10.23 to permif ihe eatpbl(s6ment ot a minimum tront yard deplh of 5.4 metres to
be provided by w propoaed porch, aod a minimum trant yrrd depth af 6.22 metrea to be
provlded to it� proposed roof, whereaa the zontog by-Iaw reyuiree a minimum front yard
depth of 7.5 metrea;
SecHon 10.2.3 lo permit the eafA6lUhment of a minimum north alde yard widtM of 0,5 of a
metre aod a minimum south aide yard wldth of 0.9 ot a metre lo be provided by the
proposed ono-aad-one-halt storey dwelling on the subJect properfy, whereas the zoning
by-law requtre� minimum side yard widtha of 1.5 metres where an attachcd garage exist�
on a lot.
The applicants requeat approvAl ot these varlances in order to recognize the e:isting lot
�rontage provided by ihe subject lot, and to obtain a building permit to con�lruct a
proposed onrand-onc-half sforey detached dwelling on the subject praperty.
The A�si�tant Secrctaty-Treaaurcr outllocd cummenta received Gom ihc Town ot Pickering
Planning Department, Toronto and Region Coneervation Authority and ihe Public Works
Mr. SIm Poaen, agcot, was preaent to rcpresent thc applicalian. Also present wcrc
Mr. van der Kuur and Mro. S. NaJeau, ownen of the aubject property.
Mr. Poacn asked that the Comroittce con�ider making a decision ihis evening wilh a
condilion subject to the Toronto ond Region ConecrvAtion Aulhurity'a approval.
Mn. Nadeau a�ked the Commillec if the TRCA gave a time framc as to when comments
may bc reccived. Mr. Po�en �tated Ihat hc hopcs to bc incluJed on the agcnda for thc
Octobcr 16th TRCA Council mceting.
Mr. White commented thnt atnce comment� trom TRCA arc rcquircd to fully asscs�
whether or not ihe praposed development woulJ be appropriate, an approval in principlc
wauld not moke scnsc.
Mr. A�he suggc�ted that the opplicant may havc bcen IcJ lo bclieve Ihat n dec(ston cou1J be
made with condiNons atcmming trom Ihc cammenb made at Ihc previous mceting.
Ilowever, A reccnt leltcr from TRCA �uggeste tabiing the application pending fuHhcr
di�cussions, therefore, Mr. Ashc atated that hc b in aupport at tabling the wppllcntion until
ihc ne:t meeting.
Mr. Cole advised tMnt tabling tl�e npplicat;�n would require thc npplication to bc
recfrculated, but fo tlefer it woulu just Eriag it to ihe ne:t mecling. The Plannfng
Department will check with TRCA on the Ibth or 19ih of October and will nolify thc
applicant if they have not denit with the application yet.
MO'fION: Moved by Mr. While, seconded by Mr. A�he and carrfed unanimously that-
thi� applicatton P/CA 65/98, by M. van der Kuur & S. Nadeau, be DEFERRED for
conaiderafioa to ihe oe:t Commiftee of Adjustment mccting bcing
Wedne�doy, October 21,1998, pending Ihe receipt and review ot delailcd comment� from
t6e Toronto and Region Conaervailon Aulhority.
P/CA 67/98 - Philip Herorada
Lot 29, PIAn 40M-1507
o�o known as 299 Lancreat Street
Towo o[Pickering
The applicaot requeata rcifet trom Section 5.(1)(b)(v) of amending Bylaw 2224/B6 to
Zoning By-Irw 303610 permit the establis6mcat ot s minimum tiankage aide yard width of
1.4 metrea provided by a proposed root structurc over an ei4�ting porc6, whereas ihe
zoning by-law requires a minimum flankage side yard widt6 of 7..7 metres.
The applicont requests approval of this variance in ordcr obtain a building permit for the
proposed rootatructure construction.
The Aa�i�tent Secretary-Treasurcr oulliacd commenta received from ihe Town of Pickering
Pianning Department.
Mr. Philip Fieruaodez, owncr, was present to represent t6e application. No further
representatioa was prescat in favour ot or in objection to the application. Mr. Ileniandez
atated that ihe roof �tructurc is required in order to prevent further watcr damage caused
by drain waler.
DECISION: Moved by Mr. Ashc, seconded by Mr. Whitc and carrie� unanimausly ihat-
tdG applicalion P/CA 67/98, by Philip Flernnndez, as outlined, be APPROVED on ihc
grounds th�t Ihe propaaed 1.4 metre ilankngc �ide yard width provided by a roof structurc
over fhe existing porch on lhe �ubject property i� minor in nature, Jesirablc for the
appropriate development of ihe IAOd, and in kscping with the generol purpose and infent ot
tde O�cia! ?lan and the zoning by-law, �ubjcct lo ihe following conditions:
That thc propoacd roof atructurc, prov(ding a minimum Ounkagc sidc yard wiJth o(
1.4 metrea, be conalructed within one ycar af thc date ot thi� deciainn, or Ihc
approval ot thie variance aholl became null and voiJ.
That the proposcd roof siructurc bc conetructeJ as gcncrAlly outlined on the
applfcanCs aubmitteJ plana wilh fhi� applicatinn, and not cicced �.2 square mclres
io aizc.
P/CA 68198 - Disie Woods Estatcs Ltd.
Lot 44, Plan 40M•1811
al�o known as 1119 Pfne Glcn Drivc
Town ot Pickcrtog
The applicaot requeata relief from Section 5,(1)(b)(iv)A of amending Bylaw 4113/92 to
Zoning Bylow 3036 to permit 16e eatablishment ot A minimum 1.09 metrc aout6 side yard
widt6 to be provided by a propoaed attached garege to a future detached Jwelling on lhe
aubJect property, whereos the zoniag by-law requtre� a minimum aidc yard wtdth ot
1.2 roetrea.
T6e rpplicant requeate approvAl ot lhia variroce in order to obfain r building permit to
conatruct r detached reaidential dwelling wilh an ettachcd garage on ihe aubject properfy.
Tde Ae�btoat Secretary-Trea�urer outlined commenta received trom Ihe Town of Pickering
Planaiag DepArtmenf.
Mr. Fnok Prlombi, Agent, wa� preaent to repreeent the applicrtlon. No further
repreaeotrHon was preeent in tavour otor In abjection to the appUcrtian.
Mr. Palombi afated t6at the origina! aite plen ihat hed received approvai incluJed thie
parNculrr houae type. Tht� type ot dome Has deslgned to fit on a ehallow lof, but due to the
arcditect9 error a reduced aide yard is required. Mr. Pelombi tcel� that lhe degree of
opeanee� i� maintained, therefore, not changing Ihe intent ot the zoning by-law.
Mr. Palombi advt�ed the membero that ihe foundation le already in place.
Mr. Aahe aaked tor clarificAtton aa to what ihe Plenning Departmeot considen "for
ronvenience purpu�es". Mr. Cole �tAted Ihat the Applicant indicated on the appl(cation
form that t6e aubject property t� a vacant lo! and commentv were based on Ihe vacant lot,
but aince !he foundation is e:i�ting end t6at t6e requested variance is quite small, thc
Pla9niog Department has changed ils recommendation and now recommends approval.
DECISION: Moved by Mr. White, eeconded by Mr. HollanJ anJ carricd unanimously
ihis applicatioo P/CA 68/98, by Dt:te Woods Estates Ltmited, as outlined, be APPROVED
on the grounds that the propo�ed minimuro 1.09 metre south aide yard widlh varfance is
minor (n nature and appropriafe tar the dafrnble development of thc land.
6. P/CA 69/98 - 557351 Onta�io Ltd. & Town of Pic�Cering
Block 80, Pinn 40M-1515 & Part of Dlack 84, Pian 40M-1515
elso known as 1472 Allona Road
Town of Pickcrfng
The appllcant requcsfe relief frort� thc fallowing provision� ot Uylaw 3036, a� amended
Section 2.50 lo allow the lot fronlage lo bc mca�ured at a point 20,0 metres back from thc
Richard�on Street fronlagc, and parallcl to it, �o Ihat thc resultant lat will comply with ihe
zoning by-law art�d can bc devcloped a� w residenHal lot.
Secfton 5.(b)(:)A to allow a Jetached garage fo bc conatrucleJ In the front,side, or rcar
yard ot the resultant lot, in conjunclfon wilh a Jwelling, whereas lhe zoning by-law
require� a garage to be attached to the main dwelling.
The A��istant Secretary-Treasurcr outlined comments reccived from the Town of Pickcring
Planning Department.
Mr. Craig Marahall, owner, wa� preaent to repreaent the applicalion. Also present were
Mr. Ien McCullach, Mr. Peter Klym af 1484 Altona Road and ;Kr. Len Scavuao of
1478 Altooa Road.
Mr. Manhall stated that he agreed with the Planning Departments recommendation.
Mr. Klym a�ked tf area resident� would bc noHfied prior to the approvnl of a driveway
aetbnck on thc aubject property. Mr. Klym stated that he haa no tbjection to thc
appl(catton but had conceme about drainage.
Mr. Cole replled that there i� no pubiic con�ullaHon proccss for driveway access 6��f that
he would roako cerlain Ihat ht� commenle and coacerns be paesed on to thc Public 1Vorks
DepArtment. Mr. Cole adviaed Mr. Klym Ihat the Public Worke DepnHment must bc
aati�tled that t6e lof coofiguration will provide eatiafACtory drivewey and ecrvicing accca�
to the tuture lot and that would apply fo Block 79 ee wcll.
Mr. McCulloch atafed Ihot catc6 baeina wlll be relocoted fo Ihe north aide o( the drivewAy
And a retainiog wall wlll be conafructed to eupport the diivervaya. Mr. Marehall etAted thot
the drivewrya wlll not encroach on to abutNng propertles. .
Mr. Scrvuno etpted that he hod no obJection to the application but thaf ha diJ have
concems rbout the drainege.
Mr. Aahe commented on 6ow delighted he was to aee reaidents and developero cooperat(ng
and reaching ao undentanding.
MOTION: Moved by Mr. Ashe, seconded by Mr. Holland, ihat the reading of ihe deci�ton
ot minor variance applicatton P/CA 69/98, by 557351 Ontario Ltd. & Town of Ptckering, be
dispensed wflh.
(Details of Ibe declsion are explalned be%iv jor rejerence)
DECISION: Moved by Mr. Ashe, eecanded by Mr. llolland and carricd unanimously ihat-
t6is application P/CA 69/98, by 5573S1 Ontario Ltd. & Town of Plckering, as outlined, be
APPROVED on the grounJ� that the proposed variance� to allow lot frantage on ihe fufure
lot known aa Block 80 and Part ot Ulock 84, Plen 40M-1515 to be measured 20 metres back
from the front lot line anJ parallel to it, and to ollow a detached garagc to be cunstructed in
ihe front, sidc, or rcar yerd ot thc futurc lot arc minor in nature, Jesirablc for thc
appropriate devclopment of Ihe land, and in keeptng with thc general intent and purpose of
the Ofticial Plan and the Zoning By-law, aubject to thc following conditions:
1. That ihe lat frontage vartancc doc� nol come into effcct until the Town Public
Worlc� DepaHment advises that they are sati�ficd Ihat the lot config�vation
will provide �atlsfactoty drivcway ond �crvic(ng accc�a to the future lot.
2. Thet Ihe owners of Dluck 80, Plan 40M-1515, makc all nccessary
arrangemente with and to fhc snti�facHon of ihc Town, for thc purchasc of a
portion otDlock 84, Plan -0OM-1515, and complcic the transaction to combinc
the purchased land wilh Dlock 90, Plan 40M-1515, within two ycars of ihe
date af ihi� decision, or ihe approval of the lot trontage variance shall
becomc null and vnid.
3. That the detached garage varience does not come into effcct until the
Director of Planning gives eiting and architecfural design approval of a
propoaed detached gange which tnclude architectural ancUar aifing features
which enhence ite vi�ual appearance and the uaability ut the subject lot, and
do not create any undue negative impacb on adjacent propertics.
7. P/CA 71/98 - R& R Colwcll
Lot 224, Plan M-1057
also known aa 1798 Eaetbank Road
Towo of Pickering
The nppifcanf requc�ta reltef from Sc6edule "D" to amending Bylaw 4407/73 to Zoning
Bylaw 3036, Ae amended, to permit the continuance ot a aouth elde yard width of
1.1 metres, w6ereaa the zoning by-law requlrea a minlmum elde yard widt6 of 1.2 metrea.
T6e APj1IICA0i� reque�t approval ot thU vartoace in order to recognize the eYletfag
1.1 metrc aoulh alde yrrd widt6 provided by An additlon to Ih� e:Gtiog delached reaidentirl
dwelling oo the aubject property.
The Asai�taot Secretary•Trepsurer outlined comments reccived trom the Town ot Pickering
Planntng Department and commenl� trom the Bulidiog Department.
Mr. & Mra. Colwell, ownero, were present to represent t6e applicatfon. No furlher
represeatation was present in tavour of or in objection to the appliceNon. Mr. Colwell
advl�ed that he wa� pleaaed with the Planning Departmente recommendat(on.
Mr. Cole advi�ecl ihe Commiftee that the addilion wa� built wlthout a building permit aod
an "aa-built" survey revealed that the dwelling did not comply.
DECISION: Moved by Mr. Ashe, seconded by Mr. White and carried unanimously that-
this applicatlon P/CA 71/98, by R. & R. Colwell, aa outlined, bc APPROVED on the
grounds t6at the 1.1 metre eouth side yard width variance ia minor 1n nature, desirable for
the approprtate development ot the land, and in kceping wilh the general (ntent and
purpose of fhe Otticial Plan and the Zoning Iiy-Isw, subject to Ihe follo�ving condltfon:
1. Thaf thi� variance apply only to the e:i�ting addiNoo lo the south atde of thc
e:uting detached reafdential dwelling in c:t�tence an Ihe subject property on
the date af iht� deci�ton, and aa generally outlined an the appllcanis' plans
aubmitted with thi� applicAtion.
MOTIOIY: Moved by Mr. While, scconded by Mr. Aahe and carried unanimously that-
T6e 13th meeting ot ihe Committee of AdJu�tment be adjoumed at 7:45 p.m. and the nesf
regular meeting of the Cammiltee of Adjuatment be hcld on Wednc�dey, October 21,1998.
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