HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 21, 1998.i:.,, . . � . .. ��a� � MINiTfES of t6e 14ih meeting ot ihe Committee ot Adjuatment 6eld in 16e Cammittee Raom ottde Plckering Civic Complex on Wedneeday, October 21,1998. PRESEN7: Mr. C. Youag (Chairperoon) Mr. M. Holland ( arrived 7:15 p.m.) Mr. R Jo6naon Mr. White ALSO PRESENT: Mr. J. Cole, Aesiatant Secretary-Tressurer Mro. F. Niro, Secretary•Treaaurer (Actinp� The meeting cooveaed at 7:00 p.m. in ihe Main Committee Room ot fhe Civic Complex. 1. MATTRRS ARISiNG FROM THF. MINUTES There were no matten erL�ing from the mtnutes. 2. ADOPTION OF MINUTES MOTION: Moved by Mr. Johnson, �econded by Mr. Whilc and carried unanimoualy - That .the minutea ot the 131h mceHng of the Comm(ttec af Adjuatment heid Septerober 30,1998, be adopted. MOTION: hfoved by Mr. Johneon, secooded by Mr. Wdite and carried unanimously that- Items 5 and 6 0o the agenda be moved forward. MOTION CARRIED 3. P/CA 73/98 - Esfafe of E. Gerald Alimon North Part of Lot 18, Concessloa 9 also known as 5269 Old Brock Road Hamlet of Claremont Town ot Pickering The applicant reque�ta relief from Sectioa 5.18(a) and Section 8.1 of By-lew 3037, as ameoded, to permit an accesaory atructure fo exGt wfthout a main dweliing on the propoeed tulure eevcred lot. Thia minor variance applicatton ia requircd in order to awttsfy a copdition otapproval of lend ecverance applicafiona which will creAte new re�identtol lots from the eubjact property. 86 , ,. �. T6c Aesi�tant Secretary-TreAeurcr oullined commenta receiveJ from thc Tawn otP(ckering Ploaaing Deportment aod Mre. Roec Keanedy. Mr. Doo Benoef, Agent, waa pre�ent fo represent the appl(cwticn. Alao preaent was Mrs. Ro�e Keonedy. Mr. Bennet atated thet tde concerne e:pres�cd by Mro. Kennedy in her lettcr were dealt with by t6e Land Divi�ion Committee. A mini-hydrogeological study on thc property was prepared and a tree preaervation and he will ablde by the recommendallon. Mr. Bennet atated that de concurred with the Planning Depariment� recommendation but askeJ that ihc Committee grant him addit(onal time to conetruct the structure due to ihe unccrtainty nf thc market over the nest aeveral yearo. Mr. W6ite asked Ma Bennet what the subject property currently supports. Mr. Bennet reaponded IhAt there u a bam which i� well preserved e:isting on the aubject property. Hc propose� ta convert the e:f�ting strucfure into a reetdeutie! dwelling and itnot possiblc, will demolish the barn aod conatruct a new dwelliag. Mr. Bennet informed the memben that t6c bArn is appro:imately 100 yenrs old and ihat he proposes to retain the baro atructure so as to roaintain ihc c:isting strcclscnpc. Mr. Johnson cancurred wit6 Mn. Kcnncdy's rcqucst that the trees 6e prolected Gom any damage or removal. DECISION: Moved by Mr. Jahn�on, eccondcd by M1ir. Whilc and carricd unanimously that- thts appllr.atton P/CA 73/98, by Estatc of E. GcroIJ Allmun, as outlineJ, bc APPROVEU an ihe grounds that M(nor Variance ApplicAttan P/CA 73/98 i� minor in naWrc, desirablc for the appro�iriate devclopment ot ihe land, and in kccping with ihe gencral purposc nnJ intent of th�: O(licial Plan and the Zoning By-law, subject lo thc following conJilion: 1. Thaf thi� variance ta permit nn accessary structure on Ihc subJect parcel without a main dwelling be for a temporaty time pertod of Ihrce ycars from the dafe of thi� decttlon, and ihis approval ahall become null and void on October 21, 2001. 4. P/CA 74/98 - 734 Kingston Road Ltd. Part Lot 78, Range 3, B.E.C. alsa knowa a� 742 - 754 Kingston Road Town of Packering The appltcant has submitfed this applicatian to vary Scheduie 11 of Dylaw 3768/91, to Zoning By-law 3036, a� further amended by By-law 4299/93, in ordcr to acccmmodatc proposed commercial developmen; ao the eoulh of the aubject property, whilc mainfaining an area on Ihe north portion of the subject property for future reeidenNal developmcnt and road conatructton. The appllcant requeaf� approval of these variancea to obtain building permits and sttc plan Approval to conefruct proposed commercial buildinga on the aouth side of thc subjcet property. The Ae�Gtant Secretary-Treaeurer aullined commenta received from the Tuwn of Ptckcring PIAOOIOg DlpYrtlOtOi. �% Mr. Gmnt Whittiogton, agenf, was preaent to repreaent Ihe wpplication. Aleo preaent waa Mr. Jamea Kelly oa bedalt of Ma. Lydiw Dobbin. Mr. Whittington stated lhat 6e wa� in aupport ot thc Planninq DepaHment� recommeodation. Mr. Kelly aaked for clArificatlon a� to the reduced residential portion of the subject property. Mr. Cole stated that the provi�iona wili atill meintaln Ihe intent ot Ihe guidel(nes. Mr. Johnson stated that the Stte Plan Committee has dealt wilh this property for quite a w6ile. T6ere was a considerable umount ot Hme and e(fort put into thts project and 6e teels Ihat it ls a positive project for ide Town of Pickering. Mr. W6ite commented on the current ailuation ot the subjcct property and wlshes to sce it developed. DECISION: Moved by Mr. Johoaon, seconded by Mr. }Iolland r,nd carricd unanimously that- thf� applicaHon P/CA 74/98, by 734 Kingston Road Ltd., as outlincd, be APPROVED on the grouude that the revisions to Schedule 11 of By-law 3768/91, to Zoning By-law 3036, as fuHher amendeJ by Dy-law 4299/93, are minor in nature, desirablc for Ihc appropriatc developmcnt ot tde land, end in kceping with the general inlcnt and purpose ot Ihe Of(icial Plan and thc Zoning Dy-law. (Dejerred j�om September 30,1998 meelJn� 5. P/CA 65/98 - M. van der Kuur & S. NAdeau PaH of Lot 8, Plao 65, a�o Part of Lot 23, Rnngc 3, B.F.C. also known aa 690 Front Strect Tawn otPickering The appl(cants request rclief from ihe followtng provi�ions of 'Loning Dy-law 2511, os amended: Section 10.2.1 to permit the contlnaance of a minimum lot frontage of 10.3 mclres provided by the e:isHng property, wherea� the zoning by-law rcquirea s minimum lot frontngc of 15,0 metres; Section 10.23 to permit the estabUahment of a minimum frant yard depih of 5.4 mctres to be provided by u proposed porc6, aod a minimum Gont yard deplh of 6.22 mclres to bc provided to its propo�ed roof, whereae ihe zoning bylaw require� a minimum tront yard depth of 7.5 metres; Secfion 10.2.3 to permit the catabli�hment ot a minimum north side yurd width of 0.5 of a metre and a minimum south aide yArd wldih of 0.9 of a metre to be provided by thc proposed one-and-onc-6a1f atorey dwelling on the aubject property, whcrcas the zoning by-law requtree minimum �Ide yard width� af 1.5 metres where an attached garagc cxists on a lot. The applicanta reque�t approval ot thcse variances in ordcr to recognizc Ihe cxtaling lot frontage provlded by the aubJect lof, and to obfetn a building permit to construct a propoaed onrand-ono-halteforey detached dwclltng on the eubject property. No one waa preaent to reprcaent the applicatlon. The Acfing Sccretary-Trcasurcr intormed 16e Committee that A letter fram the epplicanta and Mr. David Jo�mston, agenf, waa aubmitted aaking that the roinor vAriance application be deferred to the next meeting, 86 MOTION: Moved by Mr. Holirnd, eecoadeJ by Mr. White and carrieJ unanimoualy that- thi� applicrHon P/CA 65/98, by M. vao der Kuur & S. Naderu, bc DEFERRED for conaideration to Ide ae:t Commtttee of Adjuatment mceling being Wedaeaday, iVovember 11,1998, pending t6e receipt aod revlew otJetailed comment� trom the Toronto aad Regioa CoaservAtioa Aulhorily. MOTION CARRIED 6. P/CA 72/98 - M. & M. Molaie�Holech; E. Aminian Lot 40, Plan 492 a�io known aa 1889 Gleadale Drive Town of Pickering The applicants request relief Gom the following proviaion� of By-la�v 3036, as umendeJ, and varied by P/CA 18/86: Sectton 9.2.3. to permit thc conHnuance af a minimum (ront yard depth of 7,0 mcires provided by the c:i�ting dwelling on ihe �ubject praperty, whereaa the Zoning Dy-law, as previou�ly varied, require� e minimum front yard depth of 7.34 metres; Section 9.2.3. to permit thc continuance of a minimum south aide yarJ widlh of 1.6 mclres provided by an allachcd gange to ihe e:i�ting dwclling an Ihc subject property, rvhcrcas ide Zontng Dy-law requirc� a minimum soulh aide yard rvidth of 1.8 metres; Section 5.18(b) to permit the continuance of A minimum acces�ory slructure setbuck of 0.0 of a metre from Ihe north property line and 0.1 af a mctre trom Ihc cast property linc, provided by an ei�iting frame aheJ on the subject property, whereaa Ihc Zoning I3y-law requires all acceseory struclurc� greater than 10 square metres in aize and/or greatcr than 1.8 metres in height to be lacated a minimum of 1.0 metrc from all lot lincs. T6e applicants rcqueat approval ot these variances in arder to bring the e:isting Jwclling with attached garoge, and exiating mefal shed, into compliance with the provlsions of Ihc Zoning By-law. No one was present to represent the application. The Acting Secretary•Treasurcr informed Ihe memben thet �hc received a telephone cnll from M1ir. Jemes Andreaff, agenf, asking thot the minor varlancc application 6e deferred to ihe next mccling. MOTION: Moved by Mr. Whtte, �econded by Mr. Holland and carried unanimously that- thi� application P/CA 72/'l8 by M. & M. Molele-Holec6; E. Aminian, be DEFERRED far cooaideralion to the oe:f Committee of Adjustment mceNng bcing Wedneaday, Noverober 11,1998. MOTION CARRIED 7. OTHER BUSINESS Mr. Youog congrofulated Councillor Johneon and Counclllor Ilolland on thetr ro- appointment to alt on the Commiltee for anot6er one ycar term. 89 : � � ;► _►Y MOTION: Moved by Mr. Jo6nson, eecoaded by Mr. White and cArried unan(mouely that- The 14th maNng ot Ihe Committee ot Adjuetmeot be adjourned At 7:30 p.m. and the ne:t regular meeting o[ t6e Committee of Adjuetmeot be held on Wedneadoy, November 11,1998. ��"h�.(I �f� DATE ' /�G-�. I w"J . SECRETARY-TREASURER (ACTINC) : . �. If :':� .. ' . . �J! ' )r 90