HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 20, 1999. , �N «� � MINUTES af the lat meeting of t6c Committee of Adju�tmenf 6eld in the Committce Room of the Pickering Civ(c Comple: on Wedneaday, January 10,1999. PRESEN7i Mr. C. Yaung (C6rirperoon) Mr. K. Ae6e Mr. M. HollAnd Mr. R Johnaon Mr. P. W6ite ALSO PRESENT: Mr. J. Cole, Asei�tant Secrehry-Trea�urer Mro. F. Nlro, Secretary-Treasurer (AcHag) The meeting coovened At 7:00 p.m. in the Moin Committee Room ot the Civtc Complex. 1. MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES T6erc wcre no mAltero art+log froro Ihe mioutee. 2. ADOPTION OF MINUTES MOTION: Moved by Mr. While, �econded by Mr. Holland ond carried unaaimou�ly - That tde minutes ot the 17td mceting of the Cammittee of Adjustmcnt held Decerober 22,1998, be adopted. 3. P/CA 1/99 -1121687 Ootario Ltd. North Part of Lot 18, Concession 9 (40R-17291, Parts 3 & 4) ' al�o known a� 1743 Hoiton Street (Hamlet otCinremont) Town o[Pickering The applicant request� relief frnro Section 11.2 of By-Iaw 3037, aa amended: To permit the cootinuance o[ a 0.0 0[ a metre mioimum tront yard dept6 provided by an ezi�ting metal atorage buiiding lacated on Ihe nort6-east coraer ot t6e aubject property, whereaa Ihe zoning bylew requirea n minimum front yard depth ot 30.0 metres when the oppoaite eide ot t6e atreet i� n reaidential zone; To �ermit the continuence ot a 0,0 of a metrc mfnimum rear yard depth provided by an alating metal etorage building located on the north•ea�t comer of lhe eubJect properly, w6ereaa the zoning by-law requirc� a minimum rear yard deplh ot 7.5 metrea. 1 The epplicant rcquab spproval ot t6eae v�rirnca (u order to bring the exieting onaetorey, 360.aquore metro metal �tonge buildinc IocAted on t6e eubject propeHy into compWnce with Ihe zoniag by-law. The Arai�taot Secretary-Treaeurer oullined commeob received trom the Towa of Plcker(ng Planoing Department rnd t6e Dur6om Region Heolth Department. Atter epeaking wilh Mr. Carl Klproft ot ihe Durhom Regioo Henit6 DepoHmeot he did indtcate that allhough tdey did not heve Any objections ta the minor variancea he doee deve aome concern regarding creallog a property 16at would be too amqll fo aupport any aervicee. Mr. Cole aaked that if the Committee were to appruve these vartAOCes thi� evening ihat lt be aubject tu the condittoo fhqf 16e applicant obtaln encruac6ment agreemenb trom fhe Town and ihc Canad(an Paci(ic Raitway. Mr. Krroteo Smil6 and Mr. Don Bennet were praent to represent the application. No furt6er representation was preaeot (n favour ot or in obJection tc the npplication. Mr. Smith advi�ed the members that this eisct variance wa� approved by the Committee in 1995 but had lapsed before the condittons could be fulfilled. The building has been used as atorage tor over 50 years and will continue to be u�ed as atorage. The building currently does not have wiring ar plumbing. Should t6e Heallh Unit 6ave concems, Ihey will be given ample opporfunity to 6ave t6eir concero� addreased during thc land severnncc process. Mr. Jo6neon asked who were t6e ownen ot Ihe large And small bams. Mr. Smith replicd ihat the large bam i� currently owned by the Canadtaa Pacitic Railwny and the smaller bam by themselves. T6ey are Aeking for approval of t6ese varianccs ao ihcy may bring lhe aubject property into compliance for future aale of t6e property. Mr. Holland atated that althougd he ho� no abjecUone to the minor variances hc did have concems of the poseible aeverance o( Ihe property which would result in a parcel of land that would nat be able to accommodate any servlcea. He would prefer to sce Irvo fully Intact propert(es. Mr. Holland asked Mr. Cale for his vtewa regarding a holding tank verous a aepfic tank. Mr. Cole reeponded Ihot he did apeak brietly about thc issue to Mr. Klproff of t6e Health Unit and t6at the Deparlment ind(cated Ihat a holding tank is not a standard that b eodoroed or Approved by the Health Deportment. Mr. Bennet advi�ed the Committee that ihe parcel i� approximatcly 1/4 ot an acre. fie did apeak to Mr. Tony Wong from t6e Heallh Department wnd Mr. Wong elated that he Jid oot 6ave any objecUons to ihe applicaHon. Mr. Holland aeked if It were po�sible to inerease the aizc of the parcel of land. Mr. Bcnnet re�pooded Ihat the remeining parcel ot real eatate b to aupport a atorage barn and additional laads would not be required. MOTION: Moved by Mr. Johoeon, seconded by Mr. As6e t6at - thf� application P/CA 1/99, by 1121687 Ontario Ltd., es outUned, bc APPROVED on the grounda thet the propoacd 0.0 of a mefre tront yard dept6 and 0.0 ot a metre rear yarJ depth provided by the e:is8ng metal atorage building is minor in naturc, deairablc for Ihc appropriate development of the land, and in keeping with Ihe generel purpase and intent of ihe Ofticlal Plao qnd the zaning by-law, aubject fo the tollowiog conditiona: 1. T6At t6e u�c ot the eiisHng metal atoragc building be for dry atorage usc only. 2, That Ihte variance be condiNonel to the approvrl ot t6e lend aeverance appl(catlon within two yesro ot t6e date ot thi� deciaion or the ppproval of these variancc� become null end void. 2 . � MOTION TO AMEND: Moved by Mr. HoU�nd, �econded by Mr. Ar6e, to (nclude a Ihird conditlon t6af �pprovd ot thae minor varirncc� i6dl not be comfrued �� tde Committee'� aupport tor �ny tuture I�nd eevennce applicrtlone. MOTION LOST MOTION TO AMEND: Moved by Mr. Jo6naon, eeconded by Mr. Ashe, and carried uuaaimou�ly 16At the hvo condiHone previousty mentioned be removed. MOTION CARRIED. DECISION: Moved by Mr. Johnaon, aeconded by Mr. Aahe aod carr(ed unanimously that- fhis applicAtlon P/CA 1/99, by 1121667 OntArio Ltd., pa outlined, be APPROVED on thc grounds thot t6c propoeed 0.0 of a metre tront yard dept6 and 0.0 of a metre rear yard depth provlded by the etisting metal etorage building is minor lo nnture, deairable for lhe appropriale development of the land, end in keeping with the general purpose and intent of 16e Otticial Pleo and Ihe zoning by-law. 4. OTHER BUSINESS P/CA 82/98 - Gleon Bourrowa Hayea Part Lot 19, Cooceseton 8& Plan 40M-153B, Block 22 aleo known as 4996 Canso Drive (HAmlet of Claremoot) Town of Plckering Mr. Glenn Hayes, owner, was pre�ent. The A�sistaot Secretaty-Trcaeurer iatormed the membero thot t6c applicant has wtlhdrawn hi� application pad ha� aeked that the Committee conetder a recommendalion to Couocil for a refund otthe applicatton fee. Mr. Johnson stated t6at he (e nupportln� ihe requeat for a refund. Mr. Johnson stated ihat Mr. Hayes was advlsed by Planning Sta(t that the nppitcant would need to withdraw his appllcaHon in order for hiro to obtain a buiiding permit for the conatruction of thc garage with atfached breezeway and oniy after receiving that informatioo did he formally submit hU lettcr of withdrawal. Mr. Johnson aeked it it would not be more eppropriate to table the appllcafion aod atter revtewing the aubject property bring it back beforc thc Committee tor considerat(on rolher t6an refund the applicant and have him reapply at a leter dste. Mr. Cole reeponded thaf f6e Application has been formally cloaed aud cannot be reopencd. Tde epplicatlon fee is to cover admintetrative aervice� ensued during the minor vartancc proces�. The Commiftee doe� not have the aufhority to refund the applicallon fec but a recommendafioo to Council for a refund can be made. Mr. White atated that he had t6e opportunity to review t6e aite aod would of aupportcd the applicatioa. Mr. Iiolland aaked Mr. Heyea what the charge for a building permit would be. Mr. Hayea replied lhat he ppid S100.00 for hle permit. Mr. Hollqnd cammenfed l6at alt6ough de is in aupport ota recommendelion to Council for a refund it doea aot necesaarily rellect the opinion of Town Council. • "1 MOTION; Moved by Mr. Jo6oaon, uconded by Mr. White �nd carried unwnimowly t6at- There be a recammendaHon to Council for a refund ot the appl(catioo tee in regarde to PlCA 82/98, by Clen Dourrowa N�ya. MOTION CARRIED 5. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Moved by Mr. Ashe, seconded by Mr. Johnson and carried unanimously that- The let meeting of 16e Commlttee o[ Adjustmenl be Adjourned at 8:10 p,m, and thc nc:t regular meefing otthe Commiftee otAdjuatmeot 6e held on Wednesdoy, February 10,1999. �. �i� I� DATE �i,C(n. � l�� • SECRETARY-TREASURER (AGTINC) ,, _ 4 +", � �. �l . -