HomeMy WebLinkAboutFebruary 10, 1999���� .
MINUTES of ihe 2nd meeting ot the Committee of Adjuatment he!d in the Committee
Room otthe Pickerlog Civic Compie: on Wedneeday, February 10,1999.
PRBSENT.• Mr. C. Youog (C6afrperson)
Mr. M. Hollaod
Mr. R. Johnson
Mr. P. Whife
ALSO PRESENT: Ma J. Cole, A�aiatant Secretary-Trea�urer
Mro. F. Niro, Secretary-Treasurcr (Acting)
The meeting convened at 7:00 p.m. in the Main Committce Room ot the Civic Complex.
There were no mattero arising from 16e minulee.
MOTION: Moved by Mr. Johnsou, aecondeJ by Mr. Ilolland and carrlcd unanimously -
That ihe minutes of the let meeting otlhe Cammiltcc of Adju�iment hclJ Januaty 20,1999,
be adopted.
3. P/CA 2/99 - Gcrtrude flelbling
Part Lot 33, Range 3, B.F.C,
Propoeed Lot 19, Dratt Plan otSubdivision IST-89117
Proposed a� 1302 Stonehnmpton Court
Town otPickering
The appiicant requesta rcliet from SecHon 5.(1)(b)(vii) of amendtng By-Isw 5365/99 to
Zoning By-law 3036 to permit the establishment of a minimum rear yard deplh of
5.2 metres to be provided to a porUon ot a proposed one-storcy detached residenNel
dwelling on the subject praperty, whereas the zoning by-law requtres a minimum rcar yard
depth of 7.5 metres.
The applicant requests approval of thi� veriance In order to obtein a buitding permit to
conatruct a specffic one-storey detached reaidenNel dwelling on a futurc lot to be creatcJ
through the approval of Jraft plen oP�ubdivialon application 18T-89117.
The A�sistant Secretary•Trea�urcr outUncd camments received from Ihe Town ot Pickering
Planning Department. Mr. Cole atatcd that typicaliy a variance of this nature would bc
conaldered for "convenience purpose" only. Due to ihe following circuroetaneca, the
variance appearo to be minor in nature: only a email port(on otihc matn dwelling aclually
eocrosc6ea info the requtred rear yard; that the propoacd dwclUng would not back onto
any exiefing reatdenNal lote; and that fhc propoacd dwelling wouid bc a one-aforey
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Mn Ln Mccullough, �genf, Na� prerenf to repraeot ilu �ppllcallon. No further
repreaen4Non N�i preunt ln frvour o[ or in objecNop to t6e app8c�tlon.
Mr. MccuUough et�ted tdrt he b in �grcement Nilh the Planning Deporfinenb
recommend�tion. He teel� Ih�t t6e report prepired by Pl�nning St�ttG � poaitive one pnd
�dvi�ed the Commtttee ih�t t6e bungdow ie cumotly �old. The bungalow would be
eituated oo �n irregulorly eh�ped lot w61cd would rcquire only the north-weat portlon of
the mAin dweldng to encro�ch into ihe nar yard.
DECISION: Moved by Mr. Hollond, ucoa�x� by Mr. Johnson and carried unAOimoualy
th(s applicatton P/CA 2/99, by Gertrude Helbling, a� outHned, be APPROVED on the
grouode that f6e propoaed 5.2 metre rear yord dept6 vartance i� minor in nature, dcairable
for the approprlate development ot t6e I�nd, and in keeping with the genenl lntent and
purpose ot Ihe Ot(Icial Plan end the Zoning By-law, eubject to t6e following condltions:
1. That thLt variAnce opply only to t6e proposed 5.2 mefre rear yard depih
provided rt the noHh•west comer of the praposed rraidenHal dwelling as
geoenlly outlined on the applicant'a eubmitted plans wlth tht� application.
2. That Ihe Applicant obtain A building permit and construc: t�: a:oposed
one-atorey residenfial dweil(og wilhta two yearo of t6e date ot Ihis deci�loa,
or thU decf�ion ahwll become null Aad void.
MOTION: Moved by Mr. Johnson, aeconded by Mr. }Iollrnd and carried unanimouely
The 2nd meeting ot the Committee of Adf uatment be Adjourned pf 7:15 p.m. and t6e nezt
regulwr meefing atthe Commdttee cYAdjuatmenf be held oo Wednesdpy, March 3,1999.
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