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MINUTES ot the 4th meeting of the Coromittee of AdJuafinent held tn the Commiltee
Room ot Ihe Pickering Civic Complei on Wedne�day, March 24,1999.
PRESENT.• Mr. C. Young (Absent)
Mr. P. Whitc (Acting Chairperoan)
Mr. K. Aahe
Mr. M. Holland
Mr. R. Johnson
ALSO PRESENT: Mr. J. Colc, A�sistant Secretary-Trcasurcr
Mra. F. Nlro, Secrctary-Trcasurcr (Acitng)
The mceNng conveneJ at 7:00 p.m. in thc Main Committee Room ot Ihc Civic Complex.
There wcre no matten arising from Ihc minutca.
MOTION: Moved by Mr. Johnson , accondcJ hy Mr. Ashc and carricJ unanimouely -
That the minutes of the 3rd mecNng of Ihe Committee of Adjustment hclJ March 3,1999,
be adopted.
3. P/CA 9/99 - Helena Colf Entcrprises Inc.
South Part of Lat 7, Concc�ilon 5
also known as 3470 Salcm Road
(We�t �ide of Salem Road, north of Fitih Conccssion Road)
Town of Pickcring
The appUcan! proposes to amcnd Section 5.(3)(b) of amending By-Isw 4804/96 to
Zon(ng Bylaw 3037, to perm(t s temporary clubhouse structure to extst on thc subject
property, providing e minimum front yard depth ot2.0 metre�, unHl December30, 2002.
The applicant wishe� to eztend ihe original 3-year temparary time pedod permitting the
temporary clubhouee alructure, which currently ezists on fhe subject lands, in ils currcnt
The Aaatatant Sccretary•Treaeurer outlined commente received (rom ihe Town of Pickcring
Planntng Department and thc Public Work+ Department Writlen commeMs werc also
, received trom the Durham Rcgion Hcalth Department exprc��ing no objcclions fo the
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141r. Rlc6ard W�gner, owner, wae preaent to npreient Ihe ppplfcAlion. No further
repraeut�tlon w�e preaent in f�vour ot or (a objection to the �pplicAtion.
DECISION: Moved by Mr. Johnaon, ieconded by Mr. Aehe and carried unpnimouely that-
f6�i appUcatlon P/CA 7/99, by Helena Golt Eoterpri�ea Inc., ea outlineu, be APPROVED on
the grounda t6at fhe propoeed vArirnce to allow w temporAry clubhouae, providing a
minimum front yard depth of 2.0 metres, to opente on the aubject londe untfl
December30, 2002, L+ minor in nature, deairable for the appropriate development of the
land, and in keeping with t6e genernl purpose and intent af the O�ciol Plan and ihe
zooing bylaw, aubjecf to the followlog condilton:
That t6t� variance appty oaly to t6e eii�ting temporary clubhouse
atructuro (a mobile tniler no more than 30A square metre� in siu) in ih
current location on 16e date of Ihis decieion.
4. P/CA I1/99 • Baronia Holdinge Limited
South Part otLot 18, Cooceaafon 1
a4�o known a� 1057 Brock RoAd
Town otPfckering
The Applican! requeste reliet from the follow(ng proviaton� of amending By-lew 3572/90 to
Zoning By-law 2511, as amended:
Section 4,(2) ta permit the e�tabli�hment of a"cuetodtal npartment" to e:�it an Ihe subject
property accesaory to t6e permitted funernl home u�c, whereas the eateblished funerei
6ome uae definition doe� not �pecify a"cuetodial eparfinent" a� a permitted acttv(ly;
Section S,(1)(b)(v1i)B to permi! the eatabli�hment of a me:imum iloor area of 1331 aquarc
metres to be provided by the e:i�tiag funenl hame wilh proposed custodisl epartment
addition on the eubject property, wherea� fhe zon(ng by-law limits the tloor arca ot a
tuneral home to a ma:imuro ot 1270 aquore metre�;
Section 5,(1)(b)(vi)B to permit tne conlinuance of a total ot' 90 parkfng epace� to be
provided on the aubject properly, wherens the current parking provi�ions estebl(shcd in
Ihe zoning by-law waald require 103 totnl parking apaces on �ife to accommodate the
e:�iting funeral home with propoaed custodlal apaNment additton.
The applicant requeats approval of theae varianca in order to obtain reviaed site plan
approvel and building permifa to construct a proposed two-sforey °custodial apartment"
sddition, approiimatcly 242 aquare metres io aize, to the rear ot the e:isting funeral hamc
nn the aubject lands.
The Aasistaot Secretary-TreASUrer outltned comments recetved from ihe Town of Plcker(ng
Plaaning Department. Wriften comments were also received from the Durhom Regton
Worlc� Department and the Towns Public Worlce Department, etAting no objections, And
16e Economic Development oi'(ice in aupport otthe app8catton.
Mr. Cole oullined reaaone tor tde addendum to the orlginal report prepArcd by Planning
Staff. He wAnted fo highligMf to memben ihat the propo�ed apartment i� fairly large ond
Ihie addeodum would provide an altemative reaoluHon ehould the Commiftee conaider
approviog the app8crtion.
Mr. RopAld Martino, owncr, waa preaent to repreaent the applicat(on. No further
repreeentatlon Npe praeot in f�vour of or lo objecNan to the appllcrtioa. Mr, M�rttno
�tpted thot 6e wb6a to utilize the ipace over the gproge ond aquaro up I6e building.
Mr. Ashe �eked Mn Calc if he htd � epceftic deaign ia mlad when recommending the
nvi�ed floor ano, whfch ia much amdler thsn orlginAily conetdered. Mr. Cole dated Ihpt
thero was no �pcettic deaign in mind, but t6at A SO to 100 aqu�re mefre �partment would
appwr to be euftielent for a"cuitodiol �prrtment" uae.
Mr. Aahe a�ked Mr. Cole it there were any aimilar aituallooe ot tuneral horoes with
�pArtments wlthin the Town of Pickering. Mr. Cole advteed ihat t6b ie the (iret appticatlon
of Ite kind and thot t6e zoning byIqw does perm(t encillary cuatodial epartmenta to the
tuneral home buaineae.
Mr. Jo6ueon feel� fhat recommendiog r amAll apartment aize �i I(mittog the apace to a
amali tamily ond he feels t6At t6i� is uofair to Ihe applicanf. The proposed addition will be
aquoring ott !he building and will not e:tead 6eyond the front or side of the eiisting
funeral home.
Mr. Cole atqted t6at he underotands that this i� a unique attuatton and Ihat a funeral6ome
U uaually A femity-run busineae, therefore the need for an apaHment a�sociated with the
bueineas. He does 6owever questioo t6e elze of ihe apartmenf.
Mr. Holland atated that although he underolanJa why the applicant would maintaio ihe
deaign for e�thetic purpo�ea he 6elieva 16wt fhe apaMment Lt very large for an ancillaty
Mr. MnrNno stated thot Ihe funersl home b a 12 hour a day buaineee and that if would be
more conventcot for 6i� fomlly to i(ve on the premises. Mr. Ilolland aaked the applicant
why ihe need (or a twaatorey additton aa oppoaed to a onaatorey. Mr. Martlno atatcJ that
a onaatorey apArtment wauld nol meet t6eir requtrementa.
Mr. White aaked the appl(cAnt for hii commenta on the Piann(ng Departments revi�ed
recommendafton ot r mr:imum 100 equAre melre iloor area. Mr. Marfino replied Ihat he
would not consider a�maller Ooar arcA And i� requaHng approvel on what was originaliy
Mr. Holland raked Mr. Cale If twxe� would be rellecNve of the mi:ed uec de�ignation.
Mr. Cole believea t6rt when a building permit is isaued, thc applicant'a taxes will bc
reaaaeesed qt t6at time.
Mr. Holland aaked t6at the Committee consider a deferral peoding turt6er lnformation on
t6e taxa to en�ure that ihe applicaat would be paylag ta:es subf ect to the mixed use. Ne
believea tdis would be uaetul information in rendering a dect�ton. Mr. Cole atated that he
hos very lidle knowledge ot the ta: proceas but he wlll hAVe Ihat informattoo available for
the members at the ne:t Committee otAdjustment meeting.
MOTION: Moved by Mr. Hollqnd, seconded by Mr. A�he t6at -
ihi� ppplication P/CA 11/99, by Barooia Holdlop,e Ltd., Aa outlined, be DEFERRED to Ihe
ne:t Committee of Adju�tment meeting ot Aprll 14, 1999 peoding requnted ta:
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DECISION: Moved by Mr. do6neon, seconded 6y Mr. Aehe and carried th�t-
this �ppduNon P/CA 11/99, by Brroni� Holdinge Lfd., �e outllned, be APPROVED on t6e
gmunde th�t t6e proposed varl�ncea to permit �"cuetodial apArtment" operpt(ng (n
coojuocNoo wit6 t6e permitted funetnl homc uee, i6e cahbliehment ot � ma:imum funcral
home Iloor rrca ot 1331 aquprc metra, and 16e contlnuance ot a mioimum o( 90 parWag
ap�ca (bot6 perm�neot aud capable) on t6e eubjecf properly are minor in ooture,
deainble for t6e appropriate development at the laad, and tn keeping wi16 t6e geoenl
intent Aad purpo�e of tl�e Otticlal Pipo and the Zantog By-lew, eubject fo Ide tollowing
1. That the applicant obtatn revtaed aite plan apprnvel and building permita for
ihe propoaed additlon aa Illustrated on t6e plans aubmitted with this
application, and complete construcHon ot the developmeot wltdin two years
o[ ihe dpte of thi� decision, or the approval of theae varlances shall become
null wnd void.
2. That a ma:imum ot one "cuatodial apartmeot" be permitted on Ihe aubJect
laoda, provlding A minimum Oaor orea of 61 aquare metres, and not
eueeding 242 aqunre metrea in ei�e.
3. That t6e "cuatod(o) apartment" 6e permitted ooly In coaJuncNon with n
permitted funeral home uae on the aubject lands.
4. That the ma:iroum iloor prea of ihe funerol home uee, with custadial
aporimeot, aot eiceed 1331 �quAre melra.
5. Should a custodial apartment not operote on Ihe eubject lands in canjunclion
with t6e permitted fuaeral 6ome u�e, lhcn the 1331 squAre mctre ma:imum
tuoenl home Oaor areA vqrirnce eholl become null and votd,
Recorded Vote: Reaue+ted by Mr. llolland
No: Mr. Holland
Yea: Mr. Aa6e, Mr. Johnson, Mr. W6ife
Abaeot: Mr. Young
5. P/CA 12/99 - Eatate ot WIIUam P. CAtton
South Parf of Lot 35, Concasion 6
(North eide ot Highway No. 7 and
eaet otDurhem Regional Rad No.30)
Hamlet of Green River
Town of Plckering
The applicant requeafa rellef trom Section 5.(1)(b)(i) otnmendiog By-law 2676/88 to Zoning
By-1aw3037, as amended, to permit the eatAbli�hment ot a mintroum lot orca af
3370 aquAre metrea to be provided by the retatned pArcel propoaed to be created througd
iaaociated laod aeverance applicalion LD 43/99, whereas the zooing bylaw requtrca q
minfmum lot area of 4000 aquprc metree.
T6e applicant requeate approval ot t6ia vAriance to perfect condltionally-Approved lond
uvennce ApplicwHoa LD 43/99, wdich propoaea to convey a port(on of Ide e:i�Nng
property to the weeterly-abutfing property.
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T6e Aeelatanf Secrohry-Trcuurer outiined coromenU receivcd trom Ide Town of PickerinQ
Pl�oning Dep�rtmenf aed Ide Public Worke DepiHment Written commeoU were �bo
received trom t6e Durh�m Regioo Halld Departmcnt aad the Minbtry otTno�portitioa,
ahtiag o0 obJcetlone to t6e �pp8catloa.
Mr. Mtc6ael Me�d, agenf, waa praent to npreaent the application. No WHher
IYP�!lO�A:ion was preaeot in tavour of or i� objecitoa to the applicaHon.
DECISION: Moved by Mr. Johoaoa, �ecooded by Mr. Aa6e and carrled unaoimoualy t6a!-
thi� application P/CA 12/99, by Ectate of Willtam P. Catton, ae outllned, be APPROVED
on the ground� that the propo�ed 3370 aquare metre lot area variance i� minor in nature,
deairable for the appropriate development of the land, and in keepiog with the general
intent anJ purpose ot t6e Of(icial Plan and the Zoning ByIAw, subject to the following
1. T6at aeaociated land aeverance%onvcyooce applicatioo LD 43/99 be
perfectcd wit6in ooe year ot t6e date of th�i decl�ton, or the approval of this
varlence ahall become aull aod vold.
MOTION: Moved by Mr. Johnaan, uconded by 111r. flolland and carrled unanimousiy
The 4td meeting of the Commiftee of Adjuafinent be adJourned at 7:40 p.m, and the next
regular meeting of t6e Committee of Adju�lment be held an Wednesdwy, April 14,1999.
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