HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 26, 1999,�,.
MINUTES of tde 7th roeeNag of tde Committee ot AdJuelmeat held in the Committee
Room ot fhe Pickeriag Civic Comple: on WedneadAy, Mry 26,1999.
PR6SENT: Mr. C. Young (Chairper�ao)
Mr. K. Aehe
Mr. M. Halland
Mr. R John�oa
Mr. P. Wdite
ALSO PRESENT: Mr. J. Cole, Aaaistant Secretary-Trea�urer
Mrs. Debbie KeAms, Committee Co-ordinator
The meeting convened at 7:00 p.m. in the Main Committee Raom ot the Civic Comple:.
There were no mottero ori�ing from the minufea.
MOTION: Moved by Councillor Holirnd, aeconded by Mr. White And cArrted
unAnimoualy -
T6at the minutes of the 6th meeting ot the Committee ot Adjustment held May 5,1999, be
3. P/CA 25/99 - Debn Daniels
Lot 45, Plan 40M•1811
also known aa 11t7 Pfoe Glen Drive
Tawn of Pir,kering
SecNoa 5.(1)(vi)B ot amendiog Iiy-law 4113/92 to Zooiog By-Iaw 3036, ae amended, to
pera�it t6e qtAblGhment of a minimum 8.35 metre rear yard depth to be provided to
proposed platforms wilh atein ettached to the rear ot the e:istiog dwelling on t6e aubject
property, w6ereae ihe zoning bylaw requires e minimum rear yard depth of 10.0 metre�;
Section 5.7(b) of Zaning By-lew 3036, aa amended, to permii a propoaed deck,
approximstely 0.61 ot A metre in height, to project a ma:imum ot 3.7 metres info thc
required 10.0 metre minimum rear yard dept6 and a ma:imum af 2.5 metrea into the
required 4.0 mefre minimum aouth atde ywrd width on the aubJect property, wM1ercas the
zoning bylaw permita uncovered atepa and plAtforme not e:ceedtng 1.0 metre io hcight
above grade fo project no more tdan 1.5 metre� into Ihe rcqulred rear yard, wnd not morc
t6rn 0.6 of a metre (nto the required eide yard.
The �pplicant requeab approval ot thae v�rl�oca In order to obhin � bulldleQ permit lo
con,itrnct propoud dake Nith Hdn fo Ihe re�r �ad �outh dde of Ide eibting de4cded
reaidenNai dNelllo� oo the enbjcet properly.
T6e Asaist�nt Secrctary-Treaaurcr outlined cammenW received from the Town ot Pickeriag
Puoniog Departmeot.
Mr. Patrick Droie�, owner, wr� preaent to repreaeot Ihe applicatlon. Ma. Gray, netghbour
w�e presenf in fovour of t6e pppliation.
Mr. Daniel� tdvi�ed that t6e landa �auth and aat of Ihi� property rre ConaervAtion landa
and, therctore, will not be buill oo. He aUo advised 16pt a fence will be erecfed around t6e
perimefer ott6e property. When purchasiog the home he requeated a door be in�talled off
the 6edroom tor accea� to a propoxd deck and aubaequently wae advised that the deck
would not bc Allowed wit6out � minor variance approval. Ne aubmitted a petition ot
aupport iigned by h�i oeighbouro whom he hrd v�iited advising ot his appUcafion.
Me. Gny apoke io favour of the �pplicatioa and atateJ Ihat thi� �dd(tton would enhance
the aeighbour600d ws well ae t6e 6ome.
Mr. Hollaod thaoked Mr. Daoieb tor apeakiag with 61s neighbouro and submitfing the
peNNon. 1ie etAted dU eupport ot t6e app8criton.
Mr. Aahe concurred witd Mr. Holland'� comment� but queationed wdat ihe concems were
ott6e PlAnning Departmeet.
Mr. Colc e:pirined t6rt the Plrooing Depnrtmcat waa not oppoaed to tlie applicallon, but
dtd nof outrigdt suppoM it ra fhere may have been impact� on Ihc neighboun which
�hould be canetdered at the meetlng.
DECISION: Moved by Mr. Halland, acconded by Mr. Aahe And carcied that-
t6b application P/CA 25N9, by Debra DAnicl�, es outlined, be APPROVED on the grounds
t6rt the propo�ed minimum 8.35 metre rwr yard depih, propoaed ma:imum 3.7 metre
deck cocroAChmeot into t6e required rear yard, and maiimum 2.3 metre deck
eocropchment inta the required aout6 aide yard variaacea are minor in nature, desirable
tor the opproprinte developmcot ot Ihe Irnd, rnd ia keeping with tde genenl intent and
purpoae of the O(iicial Plao and the Zooiog By-IAw, aubject to the fo11oN•ing conditiona:
1. Tdat these varlaocea appty ooly to the proposed 8.35 metre rear yArd depth,
ma:imum 3.7 metre deck encraac6ment into Ihe requtred rear yard, end
mAiimum 2.5 metre deck encropchment into the required aouth aide yard se
genenlly autlined on t6e appiicant's aubmiHed plane with thte applfcation.
2. That the main deck structure not aceed a roa:imum height of 0,61 af a
metre a6ove establfshed gnde, nod t6at lhe nbed platforms with stalro not
e:ceed s maiimum heigdt of 1.22 metres above eatablWhed grade.
3. That the propo�ed nL+ed plAtforme to Accea� the rear of the exfeting dweU(ng
not e:ceed a eize of 1.5 aquAre metres.
4. Thqt the applicant obtoin a building permit And consfruct the deck wnd
platforme with etafn within two yeqn of Ihe date of Ihi� dcet�Ion, or this
decieion ehrll become null pad void.
4. P/CA 26l99 - 736567 Ontarlo Iac.
P�rf Block 5, Plao 40M-1326
Part ot Lof 1 �ad 2, PIAa 40R-IS836
�bo knowo u 10Z6 Lytton Cou�t
Town ot Pickering
The rpplicaot requeata rel3et from Section 10.2.6 ot By-law 2511, re omended, to permit A
ma:Imum lot covenge ot 34.5% fo be provided by a propoaed dwell7ng oo the eubJect
property, wdercas 16e zoniog by-law requirea � mazimum lot covenge of 33%.
The applicant request� approval ot lhie varlance in order to obtain a building permit to
con�truct a buogAlow style dwelling ao t6e subject property.
The Aasbtant Secretary-Tren�urer outlioed commenb received from the Town ot Pickering
Plaoning Department.
Mr. Gleo Hollinger, Hollioger Conslruction, was praent to repreaent the rpplication. No
furlher rcpreaentatioo wa� preaeot in favour ot or in objection to the applicaHon. Abo
preaeot wa� Mr. Poul Roberteoo ot335 Toynevale Road
Mr. Robertaon, property owner at property backing onto aubjcct Irnds requeated that lhe
proposed home be moved Ihree feet to line up �tnight and ALto in order Ihat 6t� dining
room window would not face A concrete wall.
Mr. Youog advi�ed that the Committee have no juri�dicNon over the placement of the
home on tde property If it complfee wilh the zoning by-law.
DECISION: Moved by Mr. A�he, aeconded by Mr. Whife rnd carricd that-
thi� appllcAllon P/CA 26/99, by 736567 Ontarto Inc., aa outlined, be APPROVED on the
grounda thot ihe propoaed ma:imum 34.5°/. lot coverage vrriaoce is minor in nature,
dcainble for the oppropriate development ot the land, and in keeping wit6 the genenl
purpoae aad intent ot the Omcial Plrn and the zoaing by-law, iubject to the fallowing
l. That thi� vo�iapce tpply only to the proposed bungalow dwelling aa
genenity sited And outliaed oo Ihe applicant� plans aubmitted witd this
2. T6at the appticaot obtain a bullding permit, And can�truct, the proposed
dwelling within 2 yean ot lhe date of thb decision, �r the approval ot theae
v�rirnces ahall become null and void.
5. P/CA 27/99 - Keo Hollinger
PArt Block S, Plqa 40M-1326
P�rt 3 rod 4, Plan 40R-15836
abo knoe�n aa 1024 Lytton Court
Towo of Pickeriog
The applicaot requeat� reliet from ihe tollowinr proviaiona ot Hy-law 2511, aa amended by
Dy-law 2839/98:
SecNon 10.2.310 permit the eat�blbhment ot m(nimum front y�rd depth ot 6.0 metrea to be
provided by the propoaed dwellfog on the enbjecl properfy, wdenas Ihe za��tng by-IAw
requlra a m(nimum front y�rd depth ot 7.5 metrea.
SecNon 10.2.6 to permit � ma:imum lot covenge of 38% to be provided by tde propoud
dNelBng on t6c �uAJect properfy, wheren the zoning by-I�w requiree � masimum lot
covenge ot33•/..
The �ppllcrnt nquesta �pprova) o[ t6ne varirncn in ordcr to conatruct a fwo-eforey
detached dwelling on the aubJect properly.
T6e Aae�tant Secretory-Treasurer outllned commenta received from ihe Town ot Pickering
Plrnning DepArtment.
Mr. Glen Holliager, Hollinger Con�truction, waa preaent to represenl the Appiication. Also
present wre Mr. Joho Fletcher, ia tavour ot t6e opplicallon.
Mr. Glen Holtlnger, Hollinger Conetructioo advi�ed Ihat the remoinder of t6e atreet hes a
cio�er set•bock aad they ore attemptlog to rddreee tde neighboun to the aouth.
Mr. Fietcher, �peaking tn tavour ot the appltcalloo, advi�ed t6at he is the future owner snd
haa epeot alot of fime daigning hia home. He qucationed whcther or oot a aecond
appl(catton to locreaee the lot covenge to 40.3% would 6e approved.
Mr. Youog advi�ed t6at 6e could not, on behaif of t6e Coromittee, answcr ihat qucstian.
Mr. A�he advGed 16at he hos no abjectton to t6e applicatton as aubmitted.
Mr. Cole espltined Ihaf to IncreASe Ihe (ot coverage by a further 2% to 40.3% would be
pueding the envelope aod may be comidered i�appropriate.
Mr. Fletcher pdvi�ed 16at he would adjuet h� house plana to meet ihe 38% lot coverage.
DECISION: 144oved by Mr. White, aeconded by Mr. flolland And carried unanimously
t6I� application P/CA 27/99, by Ken flollinger, pe outlined, be APPROVED on the grounds
Ihaf the propoaed 6.0 metrc minimum front yard depth, and propo�ed ma:imum 38% lot
covenge variancea are minor io nature, dr,airable for tde pppropriate develapment o( the
land, and lo keeping with the genenl purpau and intent of the Official Plan and Ihe
zooing bylaw, subject to tde follawing condifiona:
1. T6at f6ae variancea apply ooty to the propoaed twastorey dctoched dwe�;ing as
genenlFy eited and outlined on 16e applicaoh plana aubmifted with IhW AppUcation.
2. T6at the applicaot obtain A buildiog permit, and conatrucf, ihe propoaed dwelling
within 2 yeare of the date ot thi� decialon, or ihe approvai ot theae varianca aholl
become aull and votd.
6. P/CA 28J99 - Sena Nnma Ioc.
Lot 9, Plan 40M-1920
■leo known ai 345 Cmnby Court
Town of Pickcring
The �ppltcAnt reoueaG reliet trom Section S.(1)(r)(1) otameoding By-law 41SON3 to Zoolag
By-Lw3036, aa amended, to permit � det�ched dwelliog lo be e�fabliehed on tde aubjcet
property which containi two dwelling unita, wher=Aa tde zoning bylow permita only one
d�relliog uoit in a detoched dwclling on the property.
The �pplicaot rcquah approval ot thi� vui�nca In order fo obtAln buflding permib to
comfruct r detached dwel8ng on the �ubject property which contrim two dwelliag unite.
T6e Aia(sl�pt Secretary-Tnaaurer oulliued commeate received fram the Town ot Pickcring
Planning Dcp�rtmeot.
Mr. Tony SeaA, �genf, waa present to repreeent the applicatioa. No turther repraeatation
wns praent in tavour of or in objecNon to t6e opplicrHoo.
Mr. Sena �dvl�ed that he did not requat to build iwo dwellfog unit� but requeated to build
two Wtchens on ihe ground (loor. He e:plained t6e purpoae of tht� requeat being thot the
owoer haa an elderly mother who eventuqlly may aot 6ave Ihe ability to climb ataira,
theretore, a aeparate mrin fioor kitchen, bathraom and bedrooro would be for the mother.
T6ere would not be o aepante entnnce, aoyooe entering the unit would enter through the
front door.
Mr. Ae6e atrted that he did not undentand tdrt from Ihe Application. He queationed
Mr. Cale n� lo w6y t6i� application wa� conildered two dwellin� uaita. Mr. Cole advGed
that the zoning by-law permib one detached reaidenttol unit, whicM allowe tor one
re�idence and t6at the ppplicant'a propoaal consNtuted hvo dwclling units in the one house.
Mr. Ashe quationed if t61s zoning by-Irw i� to eliminate basement apartmenis or Cranny
Oab. Mr. Cole adviaed that Ihat L+ not Ihe intention, but doa ao.
Mr. A�he queaHoned whether or not 16e Committee of Adjuatment or Council have aver
t6e paat fwo yara rpproved eimilar requeab. Mr. Cole advi�ed that Council ha� 6ut not
Committee of Adjustment.
Mr. Ashe que�tioncd if the Planning L�:�ortment are in oppaeition of Ihis applicolton due
fo the magoitude and nof due to the requeat itaelL Mr. Cale aleted Ihal thia variance would
cootndict 16e by-law.
Mr. Young atAfed thot the concem i� oot with ihe intended uae but il's e(fect on the by-law.
Mr. White advbed thAt he 6od not seen an app8cation of Ihle nature before And quesltoned
why the appiicant did not juet build the home.
Mr. Sena Advi�ed tdat de u not the owner but onty the builder. The erea of this unit Is
wlthin the area �tipulated in Ihe Ontario Build(nR Code. A kitchenette would hove been
allowed wtlhout qny queations. Mr. Sena further advl+ed t6at the elderly mother would
profer r kitc6en over a kitcheoette.
Mr. White etated t6at he aees little room in thi� applicAtion to go Again�t Ihe Planning
Department'a recammeudatioo.
Mr. Hollaod atated that t6U ppplication does not meet thc current zoning requirements or
zoning by-law. He furlher atated that it was not the Committee'a job to create zop(ag by-
IrNe but to interpret them.
Mr. Ashe aeked if a'eummer kifc6en' is againat Ihe zoning by-law. Mr. Cole advised that a
dweiling uait wifh two kitcheoa �i oot agalaet the zoning by-lew, but if you have a aepAnte
bedroom, 6athroom and kitchen lhi� is considered a aeparafe unit.
Mr. W61te et�ted thwf the appUcaNan afipulates two dweli(ng units within one. Mr. Cole
AdvVed Ihat 16ere were plons ovaile6le tor revicw.
Mr.11ollqnd queeNoaed it there wae any rooro tor interprefalloa with reapcct to whrt the
wning by-Iqw �oya. Mr. Cole efAted no.
Mr. Johnaon atAted thwt he !s FrepareJ to move o maHon in eupport ot thla ppplicrlian.
: :
Mr. W6ite �dvbed t6�t hb da�ioo re�b on the fut t6at t6e home � not yet bullt.
Mr. HoU�ad �tated hb di�iQreement Nith �pprovinQ thb spplfc�Hon �nd aUed for �
Recorded Vofa
DECISION: Moved by Mr. Johnean, �econded by Mn Aehe and c�rried t6�t-
this appdaHou P/CA 28/99, by Seoa Homw Inc., u outlined, be APPROVED on t6e
grounda th�t the propoud variance to permit a aecond dwelling uoff wit6io a detached
drveWng on the iubject property b minor in n�turc, rppropriate for t6e d�inble
development of ihe land, and ln keeping wit6 the purpase �nd inteat of ihe zoaing by-law.
Mr. Jahnson commeoted turther �tating Ihot communitica ore c6aeging and eo ahould
by-Iows. ThU appllcallon could t�ke eli to eight months (f it comes before Council. He i�
aupportive ot aenion rnd 16ose in need livtng wit6 relativa. Councii hAVe t6e right to
�ppeal t6b deci�ion. T6e Zoning By-law wrs put into effect In 1982 and ahould be
revieweel aod ameoded through � Notice otMoNoo to Couocil.
Ya: Mr. Young, Mr. Jo6n�on and Mr. A�de
No: Mr. Holi�nd �nd Mr. Wdite
7. P/CA 29/99 - Victori�o Homes (Ontario) lac.
Pwrt Lot 18, Coacesaloa 9;
Part 2, dOR-7829; P�rb 27 & 28, Plan 12;
deo knoNn a� 1740 Ceatnl Street
(Hamlet otClaremoot)
Town ot Pickedng
The appliant nquate rellet from Sallon 8.2.1 of By-law 3037, �� �meaded, to permit the
COOHOII�OC! 0� � �IIIIIOIU�1 I0� �ra of 1357 aquarc mefra, whtnaa the moing by-law
requirea � minlmum lot arei of 1390 uqurre mefra aod to permit the eatrbli�hment ot a
minimum tront yArd dept6 of 0.T25 0( a wetre, w6ercu the zooing by-law requires a
minimum front yArd dept6 ot9.0 metrca.
T6e applicant nquats wpprovd ot t6eae v�rLnca in order to allow the new ownen ot t6e
inbJcet property to renovAte the eiisting 6uild(ng for uae ae a resideotial dwelling.
T6e AnVt�nt SecretAry-Trcaeurer outlined comments received from the Town of Plckerieg
Pl�noing Deprrtmeot.
Mr. IGnten Smith, owner, wae praenf to rcpreaeot t6e rppYlcaHon. Also present werc
Mi. Patry Leamon, Mr. Clen G�mtt, Mn. Joyce Benoed, Mre. Norm� B�keq
Mr. Len Klaf, Mn. C�rolyn Ev�o� �nd Mr. Dean�Evani.
Ma Smit6 �dvieed th�t he concun with Pl�oning Stafl'e Report �nd auggaHona. He aold
the 4nd in 1984 eo �epHc would be tllo�ed on the property. He h�� purchued tde enliro
property �nd hopa to praerve the otd building. Any addition to t6e tfructuro would be on
t6e rar ot t6e build(ng.
�i;. ,��"' „ _ �
Me. Lamoo, aeighbour baida properfy outliaed Ide requireroent� Oi �II! PlAflll{Og
Department and �hted th�t thb property did oot meet tdem. A �eptic �yetem cinaot be
built on Ide property. S6e nquated � dlitory ot the propetiy be uaderUkeo to find out i(
aoy applic�tloni 6rve bao �ubmitted for a upNc �y�tem rnd whrt the oafcoroe wp�.
ComtrucHng a 6ome on thb property moka tde �na morc auburbro than 6rmlet.
Mr. 5mit6 el�ted t6�t he f� contideot Ihrt t6rough on eogineerlog proceae p ieptic iy�tem
will be poasible. Any aeptie syatem being conatrncted 6ae to meet all Provinciql guidelinea.
Mr. Cole adv[+ed tdAt 6e 6a� no record of any previou� application�.
Mr. Johnaon atoted t6at tde Library HoArd did not feel it wae warraoted to have a aeptic
aystem. Council would not 6ave rpproved ot t6i� in the budget.
Ma. LeAmon commenfed t6At iherc i� oot enough dietance for a aeptic.
Mr. Youog etated that thU procees ia only to decide lt r minor variance cAn be approved
■nd not r a6ort cut. All otder atepa muet follow proper procedure.
Mr. Grrtett, nwner ot the property to ihe norl6 atated hU concem with dnioege onto hi�
properly trom thi� lot. Mr. Smith slated Ihrt he muat leave undisturbed one toot adjaceot
to all propertia around the lot. Mr. Corrett'a propeHy will not be aftected by thta
Mro. Benaett Adv�ied tdrt ahe aerved on ihe Library Board for si: yearo And a waahroom
waa never con�idered io the budget for t6ie fqcility.
Mro. Brker, owaer of the property Adjqcent lo Ihe weet, atrted t6e concerna ss outlined in a
letter trom her huaband including the d'ut�nce of the well. She atafed that approving this
Application would aet a precedent and a number of euch lola may be creAted.
Mr. Len Kie�t �tated his concern with the closenea� to the roAd and the poaaible congcation.
Mr. A�6e steted Idat he hrs li�fened carcfully to all comments bul did nof feel ihey were
relative ot whot the Committee of AJjuetment i� looking at. He que�tioned what the
miniroum lot area in aauth Pickerlog ia and whAt would ihe lot sres be in the �outh with a
aeptic ayatem.
Mro. Evans rdvt�ed thot ahe haa been p ratdent (n Claremoot tor 36 ycan and she offered
a brief h�itory ot the septic sy�tema in the are�. She furl6er advieed thAt the water is not
good and the amAller lots sdould not be accepted due to septic poilution.
Mr. Dwo Evaos comroented on Ihe area rod atated Ihat it b oecessary to know where lhe
IoW aro aituated.
Mr. White advised thqt Ihe Committee hrve heard many applicatioos in the pest far
Cl�rcmont and 6AVe heard a conaidenble amount conceming large lota in l6e past and
amnller lota now. Every application for A mioor voriance hps been well thought ouf. He
pdvl�ed Idat it a aepNc ayatem is oot working it can 6e brought back into campliance. A�
loog u thb meete the criteria U a6ould meet the concems ot 16e raidenta.
Ma. Leamon Advi�ed thwt a lot ot concern� 6ave beeo menNoned In support ot iheir
oppoeiHon to tdis applicaHon. Mr. Youag outlined w6at the Committee ot Adjuatmeat i�
empowered to da.
Mn. Brker que�tioned w6at G deemed mioor. Mr. Young adviaed fhat evcry opplicaHon
falb on Ite owa merit.
DECISION: Moved by Mr. Aehe, eeconded by Mr. White t6�f -
f6lt applic�tion P/CA 29/99, by Victorirn Homa. (OnUrio) Inc., �i outlined, be
APPROVED on the grouods thof Ide propaaed 1357 equAre metre lot orea end 0.725 of a
metre front yrrd depf6 vprl�ncea are mtnor ia arture, deairable tor t6e appropriate
development ot t6e Irod, and in keeping wit6 the geoenl iotent and purpoae of the Otlicirl
Plan �nd the Zoning By-law, aubJect to tde fallowing cood(dona:
1. That t6e 1357 aquAre metre lot area variance doea not come into effect until
Ihe Durhom Region Healih Department Advl�es tdat the property i� able to
aupport private well aod sepfic eervicea, and that this information be
provtded to t6e aati�foction ot the Towo within two yean of ihe date of t6i�
deci�ion, or the approval of thi� variance a6all become null end void.
2. T6at the 0.725 ot A metre lot trootage varfonce apply only lo the building in
c:i�tence on t6e aubject property on fhe date of this deci�ion, with any
pltenttons to the bullding necaaary to convert it into a residenttol dwelling,
but, lhat any e:terior reoovallona ahall be aubject lo aiting and architectural
deetgo opproval by the Director of Pianning.
Mr. John�on advUed that he Lt in aupport af a lot of tde commenta mode. He commented
on Ihe conditione otapproval aad outitaed the private well and acptic aervice requirements.
8. P/CA 30/99 & N/CA 31l99 - Keleck Inveetmenl�
Part ot Lot 91, Plrn 1051
(Part 3, and Parta 1& 2, Plon 40R•17058)
aiso knowo as 1899 And 1897 Fairport Road
Towo otPtckering
The ppplicant requeat� reliet from Section 5.(l)(b)(si)A of pmending Fiy-law 4823/96 fo
Zoniag by-law 3036, A� amended, to permft an attached twacar garage to proJect a
ma:imum �f 2.06 metree (on Part 3, Plan 40R-17058) beyond the tront wall cantaining the
main entrance to ihe proposed dwelling on Ihe subject property, whereas the by-law
requirea no part of any attached private garage to extend more thaa 1.2 metres bcyond the
wall contoining t6e main entronce to the dwelling unit.
The applicAnt requesta approval of thls variaoce in order to obtain building permits to
con�trucf particular two•atorey detached dwellings oo the eubject propertie�.
T6e Ae�istant Secretety-Treaaurer oullined comroenta received from fhe Torvn of Pickering
Planning Department.
Mr. Andrew Johnsoa, agent, wa� prea:nt to repre�ent t6e opplication. Al�o preaent waa
Me. Jaaette Anderoon of 1915 Fairpart Road.
Mr. Andrew Jo6nson, agent for the appitcaaf advised ihat it i� their intention to provide
fwo model homa which are modeled e� cloeely to those being built (n another development.
Me. Andenon, owner of ihe praperty adjucent to Ihe north asked Ihpt it be put on record
t6pt the developer ogreed to erect q 6' privacy tence the full e:tent ot her property. This
tence G fo be erected when the laoda are developed. S6e requeafed that ahe be given thc
��me vwrionce approvpl.
Mr. Johneon atpted that the enfrnace L+ belog moved back, fhe gproge Is not moving
DECISION: Moved by Mr. Aehe aeconded by Mr. Wbli! YOd CARIt(I:IIY:-
f6b rpplicAtion P/CA 30/99, by Keleck ioveatmeot�, ae outllaed, be APPROVED on the
grounda t6�t the propoaed 2,06 metre mr:imum grrage projecNon vnrirnce 4+ miaor in
oaturc, de�ir�ble tor tbe rppropriate development ot the Ipnd, and In keepiog wi16 ihe
genenl intent ond purpose ot the Oi'ficirl PIAO, and the Zoning Bylaw, aubject fo the
tollowiag condiNon�:
1. That thi� varlAnce appty oaty to the propoaed dwelling wlth attacded garage
as outlined on Ihe applicants' aubmitted plan�.
2. That the dwell(ng aited on Part 3, Pian 40R-17058 provide a maiimum
gange projectinn ot 2.06 metree beyood the front wall containing t6e main
enlrrnce to the dwelling uoit, and a front covered porch projecting a
minimum of 1.4 metrea beyond the Proot wall cantaining !de maio entrence
ta the dwelliag unit.
3. T6af t6e rpplicant obtaia building permib for, aad conalruct, the proposed
detached re�idential dwelliag wit6io two yearo of the date of thie deciston, or
Ihe approval otf6e proposed variances ahall become null qnd votd.
9. P/CA 32/99 - ManhaO fioma (Altona) Ltd.
Lot 27, Pian 40M-1958
auo known A� 279 Stover Crcacent
Town of Pickering
The applicAOt requeat� reitef from Section 5.(1)(b)(iv)A of pmending By-law 5365/98 to
Zoning By-low 3036, aa amended, to permit Ihe continuance of a 0.9 of a metre minimum
aouth etde yard widih provtded to a portion of the e:bting building foundation (intended to
aupport r Iwaatorey reaidenNol dweiliog wtth att�ched garage) on the subject property;
w6ereae the zoning by-IAw requires a minimum soulh side yard width ot 1.2 metres.
The appltcant requeat� Approval otld� variance in order to conriruct a twastorey
detached resideuNal dwelling with attached garoge on fhe eit�ting building toundation on
the aubject property in complipnce wi16 the provieion� c? Ihe zoning by-law.
The As�iatAnt Secretary-Treasurer outlined commenta receiveJ from the Town of Pickering
Pirnaing UepaHment.
Mr. lan McCullough, agent, was prcsent to repreaent the appitcatioo. No further
repreaeotatioo was pre�ent in favour otor In obj4ction to the application.
Mr. lan McCullough, atated hi� ogreement wit6 Plonniog Staft'a Recommendatione and
waa pre�eof to answer aoy queationa.
Mr. Aahe questioned why Manhall Homa atwaya eeem to appear before the Committce of
AdJustment. Mr. Cole ateted ihAt they ore one ot the biggat developere ia fte Town of
DECISION: Movnl by Mr. Jodnaoa, �econded by Mr. White pnd carried unpnimowly
thi� applicoNon P/CA 32/99, by Monhpll Homea (Altono) Lfd., a� outlined, be APPROVED
on t6e grounda th�t the proposed 0.9 ota metre aout6 aide yard width variance is minor in
uature, dcairAble for the appropriate development of ide Iwnd, and in keepiag witd the
geoeml intent pnd purpoae ot the Of(icial Plao aod the Zooing Bylaw, eubject to t:�e
tollowing condiNon:
1. ThAt the 0.9 of a metre aouth atde yard widt6 variance apply only to Ihe
portion ot the e:�ting building Liundattoq aupporting the attached garage to
the residenNal dwelling oo the eubject lot aa outlined on the appitcant'a plan�
eubmitted with thu opplicatioo.
]0. P/CA 33/99 & P/CA 36/99 - D. & K. Sturcy
Part of Lot I8, Concesston 9
Parts 2, S, aod 9, 40R-18563
al�o knowa aa 5275 Brock Road
(Humlet ot Claremont)
Town af Pickering
The applicant requeat� rellef from SecNon 8.2.1 of By-lew 3037, se amended to permit the
atabli�6ment o( minimum 7.5 metre lot frontages for two proposed future reaidential lote,
wherea� ihe zon(ng by-lew require� a minimum lot tronlage of 15.0 mctres.
The appllcaot requeal� approval of theae variancea ia order lo punue a acverance of the
aubject property inlo hvo lota, each ot which would providc a minimum trontege ot
7.5 metres.
T6e A�sistant Secretary-Treaaurer outlined comment� received from the Town of Pickcring
Planning DepArtment.
Ma Dao Bennet, agent, wa� preseat to repreaeot the applicallon. Also preaent were Mr.
Jo6a Hlckman of 5267 Old Bro:k Road, In supp.:! of Ihe application. Mr. Ray Uzcl, of
Trock Street, was present in opposition to the epplicaiion.
Mr. Don Hennet, owocr ot the sdjacent property advt�ed that the homes are not to bc built
At the atreet but at the rear of the property. Stud(ea have been carried out to sati�fy ihe
Nealth Unit - SepHc and Watcr; Tree Impact Study; and CPR The trees will be protecfed.
Claremont da� the highest volume of groundwater for aeptia. The only out�tanding issue
was if Ihe lend could accommodate a furt6er aeptic syatem. The conaultant has stated thet
the ayetem can be built. New wella will be dug and driveway concerns are being addressed.
Mr. Hickman atated h�i eupport otf6e minorvariance.
Mro. Bennet adv�ied ihat t6e proposed driveway t� intended fo be a winding driveway.
Corrie Hickman, 5267 Old Brock Raad staled support ot the applicaHon.
Ray Uzel, Track Streef, a!vted t6at everything hes chaoged aince origioal applicatlon. He
outllned where drlvewaya had been propo�ed and advised thaf in(tlally three houses werc
propoaed now ihere are tive. Hc atated hi� oppoailion to ihe epplication.
Mr. Bennett advieed that there will anly Ge one driveway� He also eteted that original�y
there wae no iotention to eever the property but were informed that lhe property hnd morc
�epNc ability.
Mr. Waite quatloned w6y fhe PlenninQ Dep�rtmeot �u�eeted T�blfoa thi� Item. Mr.
Cole �dvbed td�t �n �ppltallon for aevennce �6ould be eubm(tted before r minor
varinnce applic�Non. The Planoing DepaNment would prefer a review before frootage
Mr. A�he rdvi�ed fhat there orc eepante venua fo deal with �ther Iteme auch aa eeptic And
Site Plan. 'Phe Committce of Adjuatment ooly deab with lot frontpgea.
Mr. Cale pdv�ied tdct lwnd aeveraoce mey not be deemed approprlate. If not, then the
minorvorirnceahould notbeconaidered.
Mr. Holland questtoned whet the uaunl proce�s l�. Mr. Cole �tated thal Land Divisfon
dals wft6 lend decvions. Mr. Holland advl�ed that he would waat the tull poettion of the
Planoing Department. He does not want retuaal, but feel� tabliog the appl(catlon would be
Mr. L�ennett advi�ed thet CPR, Dur6rm Heal16 qnJ Publlc Works hnve no concems.
Mr. Holland advUed that it i� tnApprupriate to decid� on significant chaoge when
comments have not been received from Ihe Planniug Depsrtmeot.
Mr. Smit6 atated that he has token rppBcrttons to land eeverance Cor 20 yearo and has
aever be retu�ed. He advteed that thia queallon muaf be po�ed before gotng to Innd
aeverance. Thh vpplicatton causes no lafn�tructure cost to the Town end increases the tez
DECISION: Moved by Mr. Joho�oo, seconded by Mr. Ashe and carr(ed that-
thae applicattoas, P/CA 33/99 & P/CA 36/99 by D. & K. Storcy, ae oullincd, bc
APPROVED oo ihe grounde t6rt the propoud varlrncee ta permit minimum 7.5 metre lot
frontages for two propoud future rtaidentipl lota, is minor in neture, deairable for the
appropriote develepmeot of ihe land, �nd in keeping wfth Ihe general intent anJ purpo�e of
the O(ticial Plao and Ihe Zoning Bylaw.
Mr. Johneop advised fhat the Committee otAdjuatment deai with minor vartance� not lend
eeverance. Mr. Aahe �tefed Ihat he concon with Mr. Johnsoo'a commenta and aupports
the motfon.
Mr. Johneon advi�ed tdat well interfereoce wlll be dealt with at land aeverancc.
Yes: Mr. Youoq, Mr. Johaaoo, Mr. White and Mr. A.ihe
No: Mr. Holland
MOTION: Moved by Mr. Johnson, aecaaded by Mr. Whtte to di�penee with the reading.
11. P/CA 34/99 - Metrus Propertlea I,imited
Lote 17 to 24, Plpn 40M•1552
(IVaMh-eaat corner of Copperofone Drive and Clements Ropd)
Town of Pickering
The appllcant requnte reliettrom Ihe following proviaiona otBy-law 1511, a� amended:
. �
Sectlon 1@.2.1 to perm(t the afabl4dment of � minimum 10.5 metre front y�rd drptd to be
provided fo a propoaed ladnatri�l build(ng on Ihe iubJcct property, w6erea� the zooing
by-I�w requtrca o mialmum froot yrrd depth of 15.0 metra;
SecHon 531.1.3 to permit a total of Sl parking epacee to be provided on t6e eubject
property to aerve o propo�ed 11612 equAre metre induatri�l builJ;nR, w6ereae the Zoning
By-IAw requirea � minimum of 308 porking eprcea to be provided on the aubJect prt�perty.
The applicrnt request� epproval otideae vartances In order to obta:n aite plen approvtl
and buildtog permita to consfruct a propoaed 11 612 equwre metre induetrial plant, with
mioor o(fice componeat, oo the aubject property.
The Asai�tant Secretary-Trea�urer outlir.ed commenk� received trom the Town ot Pickering
Planning Department.
Mr. GAry Elgar, ageot, waa presenf to repreaenf ihe application. No turl6er repreaentafton
wa� present in favour of or In objectton to the oppltcaHon.
Mr. Gary Elgar, agent thaoked those tar eupporting thi� application and hoped for
DECISION: Moved by Mr. �Vhtte aeconded by Mr. Johneon And carried that-
the propoaed minimum 10.5 metre froat yard deplh and min(mum 8l total parking epaces
varlsnca lo be miaor tn nature, de�irable tor t6e appropriate development of the lond, and
in kceping with Ihe generrl intent and purpoae of the OfticiAl Pian and the 7,oning IIy-law,
onul tderefore rncommende approvAl ot the proposed varioncea, aubject to Ihe following
1. Tbpt ihese vnrioncR� apply ooly to ihe proposed tndustrial building, with e
mpsimuro induetrial ilaor Arer ot 10 685 equrre metree and a meximum
otflce Iloor area ot 930 aquare metree, ae generally outlEaed on the
appitcont'a aubmitted plans with thia applicaflon.
2. ThAt the owner obtain aite plon rpproval tor the proposed develapment
wtthin iwo yean of the date of thi� decision, or the approval ot theae
variaacea ahAll become null and void.
3. Tdat the owner demonatrote tdrough t6e site plan approval procraa that a
miniroum of 100 parWng spacee cao be oppropriately accommodated on the
eubject aite.
Mr. Cole quesHoned if the June 16t6 meeHng could Legin at 8:00 p.m. mther than 7:00
p.m. due to a Publtc MeeHng being held (n t6e Council CdAmben pt w6ich Council
Membero muat rttend. It waa fclt by t6e Commlttee t!,:.t due to ihe length ot the pgendq
the time of t6e meeNog ehould not be sltered.
_; � � i j 1 - , ,
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MOT10N: Moved by Mr. Mhe� teconded by Mr. Whife �ad c�rrled un�nimouely t6at-
The 7t6 matinQ of ihe Committee ot AdJwtment bc �djoumed �f 9:53 p.m. and the oe:t
regul�r maNng of the CommlHee otAdjwtment be 6eld on Wednad�y, June 16,1999.
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