HomeMy WebLinkAboutAugust 18, 1999, , _ x'
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MINUTES ot the llth meetiog ot the Committee of AdJuatment held in the Commiftee
Room af Ihe Plckering Civic Complex on Wedneeday, August 18,1999.
PRESENT.• Mr. P. White (Acting Chatrperoon)
Mr. M. Holland
Mr. R. Johnson
ABSBNT: Ma Carl Young
Mr. K. Aahe
ALSOPRESENT: Mr. J. Cole, A�siatant Secrefaty-Treaeurer
Mro. F. Niro, (AcNng) Secretary•Treaaurer
The mceNng conveaed at 7:00 p,m. to the Main Commiftce Room of the Civic Complex.
There were no mattero arteing Gom Ihe minute�.
MOTION: Moved by Mr. Johnaon, �econded by Mr. llolland and carried unanimou�ly -
That the minufes of the 10th mceting of the Cammillce of Adjustment hcid July 28,1999,
be adopfed.
3. P/CA 56/99—Miller Waste Durham Inc,
Lot 8,9,11,12,14, Lot 15,17, Pt. Lot 18, Plan M-1040
also known as 1220 Squires Beach Road
Town ot Plcke�ing
The appllcant rcque�ta reUef trom Section 5.21.1 0( By-lew 2511, a� Amended, fo permit a
total of 154 parking apace� to 6c provided on the aubject property, whereas the current
zooing 6y-law would require a minimum of 283 parkiog spaces to be provided;
The applicant requeata approval af this varlance in order to obtain ette plan approval and
building permit� to con�fruct a proposcd 15, 796 square metre compost facility on the
au6ject property.
T6e Aeeiafant Secrefnty-Treaaurer ouUined comment� reccived from the Town ot Plckering
Plann(ng Deparlment.
Mr. Tom Jonea, agent, wae preaent to repreeent the epplteutton. No furthcr reprcaentallon
wae preaent in twvour of or In objection to the applicatlon. Mr. Jonee expro�eed some
concern over the wndiNoq recommended by the Plsnning DcpaHment that thcy complete
all coaetrucHon wilh(n three yearo. Mr. Cole atated thpt the Planning DepaHment would
aot 6AVe a prublem with e:tendtng the required Ilme to tive ycan.
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DECISION: Moved by Mr. Joda�on, uconded by Mr. HollAOd and c�rried uawoimaudy
fdis �ppBcAtioo P/CA 56/99, by Mfller WAate Durhom lac., aa outltned, be APPROVED o0
the grounds t6At proposed vrriance i� minor in nnture, deairAble for the appropriAte
developmeaf ot the laod, and in keeping with the genenl intent and purpoae ot 16e Official
Plan And the Zaaiag By-law eubject to t6e following candlHons:
1. That this vaience ppply only to the waste Iransfer teciitty and proposed
compoaHng facility an the subject lande wlth a total gross iloor area of
15,796aquare metrea, a� geuerally llluatreted on t6e plans aubmitted wflh
this application.
2. That the ownen obfain final site plan approval and complete all construction
ot the fACilitiea on ihe praperty wilhin five ycars ot the date ot this approval,
or t6e approval of tht� minor variance shall become null and void.
4. P/CA 57/99— W. & A. Cowie
Lot 29, Plan 12
a�io known as t668 David Strcet
(Hamlet ot Claremont)
Town otPickering
The appUcant request� relte(from Ihe toliawing provL+(ona otBy-Iew3037, as amended:
Section 8.2.1 fo provlde a minimum Gont yrnl depfh of 4.5 mefres lo a covcrcd porch, and
6.9 metrea to the main dwelling, , whereas Ihe zoning by-law requirce a minimum front
yard depth of 9.0 metre�.
Secfion 5.21 to permit a covered parch to provide a minimum Oankagc side yard width of
2.7 metrea, whereaa the zontng by-law requirea a minimum (lankage aide yard widlh of
4.5 metrea.
The A�si�tanf Secretyty-Treasurer outlincd comments reccived from the Town of Pickerfng
Planning Departmenf. Wriften comments were received from Jack & Sandra ReJshaw of
5025 Willfem Strect, end Nicola Phillip� and Gregory Reece of 5042 Will(am Street, in
support otthe applicafion.
Mr. & Mn. Cowie, ownen, were prescnt to raprcaent the appltcatton. No furthcr
repreaen tation wa� prese9t in favour otor in objection ta the applicatton
Mn. Cowie atated that ihey are asWng for a reduced tront yard depih in order to keep ln
Itoe with the ex4�ting homes on the atreet. The proposed 4.5 metrc Gont yard depth rrould
not be out ot line with fhe hames in ihe area. She asked how teaalble it would bc for Ih.
Town fo acquire lands in iho tuture.
Mr. Cole atated that a long term goal of the Publ(c Works Department would be to ocquire
3.0 metre� trom !he properHea for future road wtdenings.
Mra. Cow1e advt�ed the Commiftee that she he� received Health Deparlment approval with
respect to Ihe approval of previous minor variance applicallon P/CA 19/97. Mr. Cowie
atated f6At ihey propoae to reduce the aize of the porch from eight feet to aix fecf.
Mr. Holitnd commeated on the appropriatenesa ot the narrower atrecle withia p llomlet
and viewe the current prapoaol ae gaod planning than ttfhe home were to comply. Nomea
In the HAmlef are generally in cloae proxtmity to the road,
Mr. Johnaon a!ated Id�t he Aae uen Plqnning Stwff �uppart v�ri�nce� with front yard
deptha less tdAn 9.0 metre�. He keW t6at whpl the rpplicante are propo�ing would Iit foto
ihecurreotitreebcape de�ign.
Mr. W61te Asked the appitcaot� why Ihey conaot conetruct r hamc lhat would comply with
!he by-law. Mro. Cowie advised Y6e memben t6ot plociag Ihe home A minimum of 30 feet
back trom the property line would put them directly in view of 16e bay window ot their
abuttiog netg6bour. T6U requated reduced front yard deplh would only put Ihem in Hne
with their neighbouro domes.
DECISION: Moved by Mr. Johnsoo, seconded by Mr. Holland and carried unanimously
thi� appUcaHon P/CA 57/99, by W. & A. Cowie, as outlined, be APPROVED on the
rounds that lhe propoaed reduced front yerd depth and flankage sidr. yard widihs are
minor ln nature, deairable for the approprfate development of tde land, and in keep(ng
with the general purpo�e and iotent of the Omcial Plan and the Zoning IIy-law, subJcct to
the following coodition:
1. That thi� varience appiy only to Ihe dw�lling as generally illustrated on the
plana a� submitted with tht� applicalion, providing a minimum Gont yard
depth ot 4.5 metres to the covered porch, and 6.9 mefrcr provided to the
main dwelling and a minimum itankage siJc yard width of 2.7 metres, and
that the applicanh obtaia a building permit and construct the dwelling
within hvo yeAro ot lhe date of Ihis decisian or the approval of this variance
shall become aull and void.
5. P/CA 58/99 — R. & J. Smith
Lot 13, Plan 40M-1563
alao known as 85 Woodvicw Drive
Town of Pfckering
The applicant requests rclief trom Seciton 5.(1)(u)(iff) ot amendtng fiy-law 1287/86 to
Zoning By-law 3036, aa amendcd, to permit a new dwclling to be con�tructed on the aubject
property which would provide a minimum 5,5 metre Gont yard depth ta a covered porch,
and a minimum frant yard depth ot 6.0 mctres to the main dwelling, whereas the zaning
by-law requires a minimum front yard depth ot7.5 mctres.
The Assiriant Secretary-Treasurer outlined commente received from the Town otYicker3ng
Planning DepeHment.
Mr. Stephen Hunt, agent, wa� prcsent to repreaent the application. Alao present waa
Mr. Cummings of 87 Woodview Drive.
Mr. Flunt afated that the lat is a unique shape. The variance i� not for the entire dwelling
buf unly the porch. To permit a reduced trant yard would give ihe owners ihe des(red
larger rear yard. ile believes the porch is a deairable element end that Ihe variance is
minor in nature. The varfance would Nave no advcrse affects on neighbouta. Mr. F1unt
atAted that the ownero would con�idcr moving the comcr otthe garage back 1.2 metres.
Mr. Cumming� stated Ihat sithough the home u wcil deaigned he a�ked that the dwclling
contarm to the atreetacepe. The reduced reer yard would be compenaated by Ihe parkland
behind tde properly. Mr. Cummings atated ihat moving the gange back 1.2 mefre� would
aatbfy hf� concema.
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DECISION: Moved by Mr. Jo6nion, eecooded by Mr. Hollaad wnd carrled an�ntmowly
thi� appllcallon P/CA 58/99, by R. & J. Smit6., ra outlined, be APPROVED on 16e grouade
ihot t6e propoaed reduced Goot yard depth variancea rre minor in nrture, deairrble for the
�ppropriAfe devciopmeot of the Ipnd, and in keeping with the generAl purpo�e and inteat of
thc Otiicial Plao qnd the Zoning By-law, eubject to ihe tollowing condition:
1. Thnt this variaace apply only to t6e dwelling as generolly illustrated on thc plaaa
as aubmitted wl�h t6is applicattoo, provid(ng a minimum front yard dept6 of
5.5 metrea measured to s covered porch, and 6.0 metrea provided to Ihe maio
dwelUng, Aod 8.0 metres provided to ihe north corner of the garege, and that the
applicant obtain a building permit and consfruc! ihe dwelitng wfthin two yearo
of the date of thU decislon or ihe approval of this variance ahall 6ecomP null and
MOTION: Moved by Mr. ,lohnsoa, aeconded by Mr. Holland and carried unenimoualy
The illh meeHng of t6e Commiltce of Adjustment bc adjourncd at 7:50 p.m. and the ne:t
regular meeting of thc Committee of Adjustmcnt be held on Wednesday, Septcmbcr 8,1999.
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