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MINUTES ot Ihe 12th meettng ot ihe Committee of Adjustment held In t6e Committee
Room otlhe Pickering Civic Comples on Wednesday, September 8,1999.
PRESENT: Mr. Carl Young (Chairperson)
Mr. K. Ashe
Mr. M. Hollend
Mr. R Johnson
Mr. P. Whitc
AGSO PRESENT: Mr. R. Taylor, Assiatant Sccrefary-Trcasurcr
hirs. F. Niro, (Acling) Secretary-Trcasurcr
The meeting convened at 7:05 p.m. in the Main Committee Room of ihe Civlc Complex.
There were no mattero ariaing from fhe minulea.
Mr. Young, on behalf ot ihe Committee, ezprc��eJ hi� be�t wishes to Mr. Jeffrey Cole on
his new endesvon and welcomed M11r. Ron Taylor to the Commiticc.
MOTIOIV: Moved by Mr. Johnaon, aeconded by Mr. Holland anJ carried unanimously -
That fhe minutes of the Ilth roeeting of the Committce of Adjusimcnt hcld
August 18,1999, be adopted.
4. P/CA 59/99—A. Crfbb & D. Stewart
Lat 1066, Plan M-15
also known ss 710 Hewaon Drive
Town of Plckering
The appiicants requcat relief from Section 5.19(b) of By-law 2520, as amendcd lo permtt
the eatabUahment of a minimum 0.6 of a metre actback to be provided by a prapo�cd
detached garage on the subject property, whcrcae Ihe zoning by-law requires all accessaty
alructures greater than 10 ayuare metrca tn alze and/or greatcr than 1.8 metrca in height to
be located a minimum of 1.0 metre from any lot Itne.
The applicante requcat approvel otthi� variance in order to canatruct a propo�cd detached
garage, appro:imAtely 4.9 metres by 6.7 mefrPe in aizc, wifhin thc rcar yard ot Ihe aubjcct
property, a minimum of 0.6 of a metra from the north aidc lot Iine.
T6e AeaUtant SecretAry•Treasurer ouf8ned commenla rcccived from the Town of Pickering
Plwaning UepaHment.
Mro. Cribb & Mr. Stewart, owners, wcre prcaent !o represen! the application. No further
repraenlAfion wa� preaent in favour af or in objecUon to the epplicatfon.
Mr. White a�ked the applicant what would be the primary uae ot the gara6e. Mr. Slewart
replfed that he owns a historical vehicle which he would like to atore in the garagc. Thc
vehicle i� diflicult to maneuver and that he would Iike additionel room for casy access to
the garage.
DECISION: IYtoveJ by Mr. Holland, seconded by Mr. White and carricd unanimously
this appBcation P/CA 59/99, by A. Cribb & D. Stcwart as outUneJ, bc APPROVED on the
grounds lhat the proposed 0.6 of a metre setback provided by a praposcd detached garage
on the subject property is minor in nature, desirable tor the appropriatc Jcvelopmcnt of
the land, and in keeping with the general intent and purpose of ihe Official Plan, nnd Ihc
Zoning liy-law, aubject to ihc following condilion�:
Thaf Ihie variance apply only to a dctachcd garagc, n maximum of 4.9 metres
by 6.7 metrca in sizc, as generally located on thc epplicants' submitted plans
with Ihis application.
2. That thc applicant obtain a builJing permit, and canstruct, Ihc proposed
detachcd garagc wilhin 2 ycaro ot thc dalc of Ihis dcc(sion, or thc appror•ai of
this varlancc shall bccomc null and vaid.
5. P/CA 60/99—C. & A. Iluyer
Part Lot 90, Plan 1051
also known es 1941 Donita Avenue
Town of Pickering
Thc applicants rcqucst rclicf from SecUon 9.2.3 af Qy-law 3036, a� amended, ta permit the
establishment of a minimum east side yard widlh of 0.45 of a metrc to be provided to a
covered porch attached to ihe existing Jwclling on the tuture rctatned lot, whercas thc
zoning bylaw requires a minimum side yard widlh ot 1.8 metres.
The applicant� requcst approval of this variancc in ordcr to facilitate ihe intcnded
The Assiatant Secretary-Trcasurer outltncd comments reccivcd from the Town af Pickcring
Planning DepaHment. Written comments were elso receiveJ frotn Mr. & Mrs. Salvagne of
1927 Bonfla Avc,, in oppoaition to the applicaHon.
Mr. Huyer, owner, was present to represent thc applicalion. No fuHhcr repreaentatton was
pre�ent in tavour qf or in objecflon to the appllcalian. hlr. Iluyer indicated that fhe porch
is integnl to the design of thc house.
Mr. Taylor atefed that thc proposed acvcrence woulJ camply with thc lot Gonfagc
requfrement� otihe zoning bylaw.
Mr. Whfte commented that the porch i� not encloacd and that ihcre i� ample lendscaping,
Mr. Hollond atqted thAt de would otpreferred Mr. & M.�e. SalvagnA preient rt the meeting
to give cloriticatlon to aome otthe Isauea Addreaaed in iheir letter of obJecHon. Mr. llolland
atpfed t6Af it the vwriance were to be approved that it would not aet a preceJent for tuture
DECISION: Moved by Mr. Flollend, acconded by Mr. Johnaon and carricJ unanimou�ly
thia appllcation P/CA 60/99, by C. & A. f{uyer , as outlined, bc APPROVED on the
grounds that thc cast side yard width variance of 0.45 of a metrc prov(ded ta the covered
porch attached to ihe e:isting dwelling on the future retained lot is minor in naturc,
desirable for the apprapriate devclopment of the land, and in keeping with the gencral
Intent and purpose of ihc O�c(al Plan and the Zoning Dy-law, subject to ihe following
1. That this variance apply only to ihe covered porch attached to thc existing
dwelling on the subject property an the date of this decision, providing a
minimum cast sidc yard wiJth ot U.aS af a metrc to u futurc cast property
2. That the arplicanl obta{n approval at a land sevcrance application to sever
the subject properfy inlo two lots tronting onto Donita Avenue, end have the
resultant deeds stamped, wilhln twa yean of Ihe dalc of this decisian, or ihe
cast side yard w1Jlh variance �hall becomc nuli and voiJ.
6. P/CA 62/99 — E. & T. Aralhoan
Sauth Part of Lot 18, Concc�ilon 2
also known as 215513rock Road
Town of Pickering
The eppllcant requcsts relicf Gom Section 5.(t)(b)(i:)A af amending Eiylaw 2787/88 to
Zoning By-law 3036, as amended, a� furlher amenJcd by By-1aw2863/88, to permit a
mesimum of 50 children to attenJ the exisling daycare facility on the subject IanJs at any
one time, whcrcas the zoning bylaw Itmit� the maximum number of children permiftcd lo
aftend all day nuryerics esfablished on the subject land� to 45 children at any one time.
The applfcants requcst approval ot tl�is variance in order lo ellow five additional chilJren
to attcnd ihe e;cisting daycare facil(ty on the subject lands at any one tlmc.
The Assistant Secretary-Trcasurer autlined commenis reccived from thc Town of Pickcring
Planning Departmcnt.
Ms. Sacha Ciarke, agent, wa� prescnt to represent the opplicalion. No furthcr
represcntallon was present in favour otor in objcction to the applicaHon.
Mr. Johnaon made comments that !he faclUty has been in good standing with the Town
aince 1988 and that he is in support of the application.
DECISION: Moved by Mr. Johnson, seconded by Mr. Ashe and carrted unanimausly that-
Ihis application P/CA 62/99, by E. & T. Arathoon, as outlined, bc APPROVED on thc
grounda that the propoacd variencc to allow a maximum of 50 chfldren to allend fhc
e:ieting deycare facilfty on the aubject Isnds at any one timc i� minor In naturc, Jesirablc
for the appropriate developmeot and u�c at thc landa, and in kecptng wilh thc gencral
intent and purpose of the Oftictai Plan, and thc Zoning Dy-Iaw.
7. P/CA63N9—L.&RWilWneon
Lot 80, Plan 40M-1257
al�o known ra 2033 Cedarwoad Court
Town of Pickering
The applicant requeata rcUet from SccUon S,B.2,(Q of amending By-law 1267/81, to Zoning
Bylaw 3036, as amended, to permit Ihe conlinuance of a minimum rcar yerd depih of
6.0 metre� provided to the existing deck, with stairo, on ihe subject property, and to permit
the eatebl(ahment of a minimum rear yard depih of 4,0 metres ta be provideJ to a
reconstructed, partially covered and enclosed deck, with stairs, attached to the rear ot ihe
eii�Hr,� d�velling on ihe subject property, whereas ihe zoning by-law requires a minimum
rear � uru depth of 7.5 metres.
The appl�:ant� request approval ot these variancca in ordcr to bring the exisHng Jcck, wilh
stain, into compliance wilh fhe provisions of the zoning by-law, and to allow the epplicant
to obtain a building permit to reconstruct ihat existing deck by expanding the iloor arca,
covering and enclosing a portion of that deck, and relocatinR lhe existing slain to the norlh
side of fhe resultant deck proposed on the eubject property.
The Assistant Secretary-Trcasurer outlined comments rcccived Gom the Town of Pickcring
Planning Depertmcnf.
Mr. Wilkinaon, owner, was present to represent Ihe application. No furthcr representalion
was present in favaur af or in objectian to thc r.i�plication. M1tr. Wilkinson adviscd ihc
Committce ihat he was unaware that Ihc exi�tmg deck and Ihc Jcsign of the addition wcrc
in violation ot thc zon(ng by-law. Thc buildcr ot the esisting dcck did not construct Ihe
deck in compliance wilh ihe by-law.
Mr. Ashc asked Mr. Taylor why ihc voriancc for lhc addilion did nnt rccetvc full
endonemenf trom the Planning Department. 11tr. Taylor ataled ihat thc exisling deck is
already quite largc and that thc Planning Department normally would not 9���on
construction ota dcck thaf size.
Mr. White asked lhe a�plicant it he had ihe opportun(ty to apeak with ncighbours with
respcct to the variunce. Mr. Wilkinson atatcd thaf he did apcak to abutting ncighbours and
they indicated that Ihey have no objecfion lo the variancc. Mr. Wilkinson also adviscd thc
membcro that Ihe reason for a widcr deck is to accommodate a whcelchair.
�ir. fiolland stated Ihat due to ihe pie shape of ihe lot and that it backs onto grcen space,
the impact ot a reduced rear yard would be reduced and he urged ali members fo suppoH
the applicalloo.
DECISION: Moved by Mr. Nolland, seconded by Mr. Johnson and carrled unenimously
ihis eppllcalton P/CA 63/99, by L. & R Wilkinson, as outlined, be APPROVGD an Ihc
grounds that ihe 6.0 metre minimum rcar yard depth provided to the ezisting Jeck, with
atain, and the 4.0 metre minimum rear yerd depth provided to the proposed
recanstructed, paNially covered and encloaed deck, w(th stairo, attached to the rcar of ihc
ezieting dwelling on the aubject property are minor in nature, desirable for the appropriatc
development ot the lend, and in kecping with thc general intent end purposc of thc Ofticial
Plan, and the Zoning Dy-law, sabjcct to thc following conditlona:
1. That Ihi� variance apply only to the deck, wilh statro, existing on lhe aubject
properfy an ihe date ot this decl�(on.
2. Thpt fhu varionce appliea only fo the propo�ed recoa�tn�cteJ, p�rHally
covered Aad encloaed deck, with atrin, providtng � minimum rwr yrrJ
depih of 4.0 r,�etrea, As generally oiUlined on the pppUcrnt'a plAne eubmilted
wit6 this applicpftoa.
3. Tl�at Ihe proposeJ covered, and enclosed gezebo etructure not e:ceed
4.7 mcires ln width, and 6,0 metres in depih.
4. T6at the proposed reconstructed ileck, wilh atalro, not e:cecd 6.4 metres in
widfh, and 6.0 metre� in deplh.
5. That the applicanla obtain a b�illding permit trom ihe Town's BuiIJ(ng
Department, and cunstruct, the praposed devclopmcnt, within hvo years ot
ihe dete of this decision, or the approval of this variance shall bccome null
and void.
8. P/CA 64/99 — M, & J. Frazer
Lot 34, Plnn M•20
also known as 893 VicW Drive
Town of Pickering
The applicants request reliettrom the following provi�ian� o( Dy-law 2520, as amendcd:
SecNon 7.2.3 to permil ihe establishmcnt of a minimum rcar yard depth of 5.6 metres to bc
provided to a propoacd garogc addilion allachcd to thc rear of Ihe c:isting dwcll(ng on ti�c
aubject property, whercas the Zaning Dy-law requires a minimum rear yard Jepth of
7.5 mefres;
SecNon 6.5(c) to permit thc c�labli�hmcnt of a min(mum Ilankagc stdc yard wiJih of
6.1 melres proviJed to a propased garage adJition attached to lhe rear of the c:isting
dwclling on the subjcct property, and to permit thc continunncc of a minimum Oankagc
side yatd wiJlh of 7.18 mclrea providcd lo Ihe existing dwclling on ihe subjcct property,
whereas thc Zoning Dy-law requirca a minimum tlankage side yard width of 7.5 mclres
when the main entrance to the dwclling unit facc� thc Ilank of the lot in an "RM1" zonc.
Thc applicants requcst approval af thcsc varianccs in orJcr to bring thc subjc:t property
into compliance with lhe pruvisiona of ihe zoning bylaw, and lo allow ihe epplicanis to
obfain a building permit to construct a proposed 6.7 mclrc by 6.1 melre one-slorcy doublc
car garage attached to the rrar of fhe existing dwclling on the subject property.
The A�sistant Secretary-Treasurcr outlined commcnts received trom ihe Town otPickcring
Planning Departmenf, Wriften comments wcre reccived from owners residing at 732 and
745 Westshore Blvd., stafing no objection to lhe applicatton.
Mr. Ken Spalding, agent, waa present to represent the applicat(on. No furlhcr
repreaentation was present in favaur of or in objection to fhe epplication. Mr. Spalding
advWed ihe membero that ihe applicants are an older couple and wtah to construct the
garoge primarily for aecurity rea�onc.
. ... ,, ,
DECISION: Moved by Mr. W6(te, eecoaded by Mr. Hollpnd wn.il arrted uarnimouily
t6W applicotion P/CA 64N9, by M. & J. Fruer , a� autlined, bo APPROVED oa Ihe
grounde Ihpt t6e propoaed 7.18 metrc aad 6.1 metre minfmum Aai�lsge eide yard width,
and propo�ed 5.6 mehe minimum reAr ynrd deplh, rre minor in n9lure, deeirable for Ihe
�pproprirte developroent of ihe land, and h� keeping with the genera� intent and purpose of
t6a OtOcial Plaa, pnd Zoning By-laH, au6ject to Ihe tallowing conJitiune:
1. T6at t6e prapoeed 6.1 metre minimum 1lankage eide yrrd width end
pr�poaed 5.6 metre minimnm rcar yard deplh variances apply oniy to ihe
propoaed one-atorey garage addition to Ihe rear ot the e:isting dwelling on
the aubject property, as generally outitned on Ihe applicant's submitted plan
with this appllcaHon.
2. ThAt the proposed one-starey, hvo•car garage addition not excced 6.7 metres
in depth and 6.1 metres in wiJth.
3. T6at ihe applicanfs' obtain a buildiog permit trom the Town's Build(ng
DepaNment, And consirucl, the proposcJ garage addiUon, withio two yxero
cf t6e date of t6is decieion, or the appraval ot this vertancc ahall become null
and void.
9. P/CA 65/99 — G. & S. McKissock
Lot 1, Plan 40M-1379
el�o known ea 1699 Mwjor Oaks Road
Town of Pickering
The Applicaot requcsts reltet from Seclfon 5.(i)(b)(vi) of amending By-law 1976/85 to
Zooing Ry-luw �036, ne amcndc�J, to permit thc eatabli�hment ot a minimum rear yarJ
depih of 5.0 metrca to bc provided by n proposcd sunroom additton altached to the rcar of
ihe eat�ting dwelling on ihc eubject property, wherea� thc zuning by-law requirer a
minimum rear yard dcpth of 7.5 metres;
Tha applicant� requeat approval ot thi� variance in order to obtain a building perm(f to
con�truct a propoaed aunroom addition, appro:imately 13.0 aquare metre� in �ize, lo the
rear otihe existing dwelling on the aubject property.
The Aastatant Secretary-Treasurer outlined comments received from the Town otPlckering
Planning Departmenf.
Mr. Steve Abbey, ageat, was present to reprcaent ihe applEcalion. No furlher
repreaentation was present in favour ot or ln objection to ihe application. Mr. A.bbey
advi�ed the membcro that the applicants w(�h addilional living srea.
DECISION: Movcd by Mr. Johnson, aeconded by Mr. Hollnnd and carrled unanimouely
IhG applicatton P/CA 65/99, by G. & S. McKi�eock, aa out8ned, be APPROVED on thc
grounda that ihe propoaed S.0 mefre minimum rear yard depth provided by t6c prapased
aunroom addition te minor in nature, desirable for the approprlafe developmenf ot Ihe
land, and in keeping with the general intcnt and purpoae ot the O(ticial Pf¢n and Ihe
Zonin� By-law, aubject to the following canditiona:
1. Th�t fhte vrr(ance �ppBea only to the propoeed onretorey, m�:imum
13A �quare metre eunroom additlon, provid(ng a miniroum rear ywrd depth
ot S.0 mefrca, as generally located qod outliaed In tde appllcanta' eubmltted
plpaa wit6lhU applicwHop.
2. Th�t the rpplicaata obfa(n a build(ng permit and conatruct Ihe proposed
onaatorey euoroom additioa within two yeare ot the date of thb decieion, or
ihe approval of Ihis variance adall become null and votd.
10. P/CA 66/99— F. &!. Moltoaro
Lot 4, Plaa 282
alea known aa 1812 Waodview Avenue
Town of Ptckering
The applicaat requeata rellet from Section 5.18(d) ot By-law 3036, as amended to permit
the establi�hment ot mtnimum north and south aide ysrd widlhs of 1.2 metrea to bc
provided to a two-aforey defac6ed dwelling proposed fo be conatructed an the subject
land�, wherese the zoning by-law requires minimum side yard wiJth� of 1.5 metrca to be
provided where a garage is erected a� part of a detached dwelling.
The applicanta requeat approval ot theae varisnces 1n order to obtain a building permit to
caoetruct a particular twaetorey detached dwelling, wilh an altached garage, an thc
eubject property.
The Aaalatant Secretary•Treaeurer oullfneJ commenls reccived from the Town af P(ckcring
Plaaning Depertment. Writtcn comments were Alao reccived from Gefl Skldmore and
Scott Dlackburn ot 1808 end 1806 WaoJview Avenue, in oppositton to Ihc application.
Mr. Ceaa� Molinaro, agenf, was prc�ent to repreacnt the epplicafion. No furlhcr
representatton was preaent in tavour of or tn objecHon to Ihe appiication. Mr. Molinaro
aaked fhe Commilfee if thcy may defcr the applicallon to the next meeting so that thc
applicant can modify ihe applicotion.
DECISION: Moved by Mr. Johnson, seconded by Mr, flolland and carricd unnnimously
thls applicallon P/CA 66/99, by F. & I. Molinaro, a� outllncJ, be DEFERRED to ihe nc:!
Committee otAdjustmenf mceting of Scptember 29,1999.
11. P/CA G7/99—J. & K. McConnachie
Lot 643, Pian M-18
al�o known aa 725 Breezy Drive
Town otPlckering
Tde eppitcant requeata reitet from Section 7,2.3 0[ Hylaw 25I0, aa amended, to permtt thc
rstablGhment at e minimum 0.9 of a metre weat aidc yard widlh to bc providcd by a
propoaed gange aftached to the west aide of the exi�ling de7echcd dwelltng on the eubject
property, whereae the zoning by-law requlrea a minimum interior ilde yard width ot
1.5 metrea.
The �pplicanta rcqueet �pprovd ot tdia varisnce in order to obtdn � bulldfng permit to
conafrucl � propo�ed �tl�cded g�nge, ApprnxfmAtely 42.4 �quwre metrea In �iu, to Ide wat
aide otthe ex4+Hng dwelling oa ihe aubject property.
Tde A�si�taot Secretary-Treaaurer ouliioed commente received from the Town of Pickering
Plrnning Dcpartmenf.
Mr. McConnrchie, owner, wpe preaent to repreaeat ihe application. No turiher
represenfatioa wa� presenf in tavour ot or io obJecfion to Ide applicntion.
Mr. McConnAC6ie etated that he wishes to keep the proposed width ot the garoge ao it
would Appear to be proportioned with Ihe eiieting home. Mr. White commeoted on the
lengih ot the garage. Mr. McConnac6ie atated that the garage would accommodate two
vehicles nnd that the west abutting neighbour Is in full aupport of the application.
DECISION: Dloved by Mr. Young, aeconded by Mr. A�he and carried unenimously that-
ihi� appUcation P/CA 67/99, by J. & K. McConnAChie, as outlined, be APPROVED on the
graunda ihat ihe propoaed minimum 0.4 ot a metre weat �ide yard widl6 variance is minor
ia nature, deairable tor ihe appropriate developmeot af the Iands, and in keeping with the
general intent and purpose ot ihe Zoning Bylaw and Official Plan, aubjecl to ihe tollowing
1. That Iht� variance apply only to thc proposed atlacheJ garage addifton
providing a minimum wat aide yard wiJth of 0.9 ot a metrc as gencrally
oullined on Ihe applicant'a �ubmiticd plans with ihi� appUcelio�;
2. That the propoaed attached garogc not eicceJ 3.7 mclres in widlh, and not
e:ceed 11.6 metres in deptd.
3. That the applicant abtain r builJing permit, and construct, thc propo�ed
attached g�rage aJdition wilhin two yean of thc date of ihis decia(on, or ihc
approval otlhis variance ahall bccome null anJ void.
MOTION: Moved by Mr. Johnson, aeconded by Mr. Holiand and carrfed unanimausly
The 12th meeting of the Commiltee of Adjustment be adJoumed at 7:55 p.m. and Ihe ne:t
regular meeting ot t6e Comm(ttce ot Adjuatment be held on
Wedneaday, September 29,1999.
'u� G.