HomeMy WebLinkAboutPL 05/99. 125 �N oF P� ,�o � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: FloraNiro DATE: Apri126,1999 (Acting) Secrelery-Treesurer Commiltec of Adjustment PLANNING REPORT NUMBER: 5•99 SUBJGCT: Minor Variance Application P/CA 82/98, by Glenn Bourrows }layes RECOMMENDATION: Thut Town Council considcr and detertnine whether Ihe rcqucst for n refund of the applicntion C e to Mr. Glcnn Eiourrows Flaycs should bc approveJ. ORIGIN; Committec of AdjustmenPs rcqucst at the January 20, 1999 mceting AUTNORITY: The Plnnning Act, R.S.O. 1990, chaptcr P.13 F[NANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: A decision to rcfund thc application fcc �vould bring n rcduction in thc Planning Dcpnrtment revenue account N 1461 of 5350.00. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: This report has bcen prcparcd lo advise Council of a rccent rcsolution passcd by the Commiltcc of Adjustment recommending thnt Council consider a rcfund of nn applicntion fcc of 5350.00 respecting minor vurinnce npplication P/CA 82/98, by Glenn Bourtows Flayes. �ACKGROUND: I.0 's o Mr. Hnyes submitted n minor vurinnce upplication for approval in order lo obtain a building permit to construct n proposed delnched garnge with a loft on thc subject propcAy. The subjcct property is locatcd on the south-west comer of Centrnl Strcet and Cnnso Drive within thc I lamlct of Ciaremont. • 12 �: LANNINd REPORT NUMBER 5-99 Datc: April 26,1999 Subject: P/CA 82/98, by Glcnn Bourtows Hayes Page 2 A report was prepared by tha Plannins Depnrtment considcring thc proposed accessory slructurc location end size vurionces, as requested, to be major in nature, undesirnble for the appropriatc develapment of the land, and not in keeping with the geneml purpose and intent of thc zoning bylaw, nnd therefora recommended thnt these vuriances be refused. (Scc Attachment NI) A property locutiom m�p nnd plan identifying the subject properly for which thc variances wcre rcquested are also attached. (See Attachments N2 & 3) The 5350.00 fcc charged to Mr. Fluycs covers thc cost of stpfTtime, mnterials, pOSlBSC H�hich nre incurred in the proccssing of Ihe minor variancc npplication. On December 22,1998, the opplication was deferred by the Committce of Adjustment to thc next meeting of Jnnunry 20, 1999, pending the review of thc subject property by the Committec membcrs. Mr. Hnycs indicated that he did not wish to wait for the new hcaring date nnd the required 20•duy oppeal period. Fle amended his building drnwings to fully confortn with cxisting zoning and eliminnte the need far a vnriance. At the request af Planning Staff, Mr. }Inycs was asked to withdrow his minor veriance applicution. Consequently, on Jnnuary 12,1999, Mr. Huyes submittcd a Ieiter formully withdrawing his applicntion and also requesting a refund of the applicntion fec of 5350.00. (See Attnchment #4) At thc January 20, 1999 mceling, the Committce unnnimously agrced thot a rccommendntion be forwnrded to Cauncil to dctcrminc if tha epplicution fec should be refundcd lo Ihc applicnnt. (Sce Auachmcnt NS) ATTACHMGNTS: I. Planning Depnrtmcnt Commcnt on Applicntion 2. Property Locution Mop 3. ApplicanPs Submiucd Plun 4. ApplicanCs Lettcr of Withdmwal 5, Committce of Adjustment Rcsolution in sup�n of fce rcfund Prcp�rcd By: BndorseJ by: ��.-�� , Flom Niro Neil Cnrroll (Acting) Secrctnry-Trcasurcr Dircctor of Planning Committcc of Adjustment /fn Attachments Recommended for the considemtion of Pickering Town Council , . �� omas J. Q' n, 26 "� Chief Administrativc O�ccr Ueeember 15,1998 � n y iG ! r lNTER9EPARTMENTALGORRF3PONDENC� ;,rTACHMENir � TOS 9 •'iA11NIN0 REPORT �� PLANNING DEPARTMENT TOs Memben ot16e FROM: Jeffrey Cole Commlltee of AJju�lment Plaaner 2 RE: P/CA 82198- Glenn Uourrowi tlayet Parl ot Lot 19, Cooecaelon B and Dloek 22, Plrn 40M-15J8 Alao known u 4996 C�nao Drivc (Namlet of ClarcmonQ Town of Pickering Thle Doparlmeal du completeJ Ile revlew ot Ihe abovanoleJ appUcallon anJ hne Ihe following eommenls: 1. In4roJuctlon Applicallon: - lo permlt lhe esteblishmcnl of an acceuory slruclure (gangc wilh loft) lo bc localcd parlially wflhin Ide norlh elde yard of Ihe aubJect property, whcrciu thc zoning bylaw rcquires all acccsaory ��ruelure� lo bc IocaleJ entlrcly wllhln Ihe rcar yard of thc subjccl property; - lo permil Ihe alablishment of an rcet�+ory alructure (garaRe rvllh loft) lo provlde a maitmum builJtog hclght ot B.SJ mclrce on Ihe aubjecl properly, whcrcae Ihc zoning byIA�r permlu a ma:imum aeceuory �Iruclure hcighl of J.S melro in any reaf�enllal zone; Purpoee: - lo allaw the applicanl lo obtain � builJing permil lo eon�lrucl a prapo�rJ JclachcJ gange with a IaR on lhe subJccl properly; Properly Ueacr(pllon: - Ihe subjcct properly u locatsd on Ih. ioulh-wnt corncr of Ccntral Slrccl and Caneo Drive wilhin the Ilrmlel of Clarcmonl; - Ihe aubjecl properly currcnlly eupporu o lwo-elurey del�ched dweltlng wilh an allached, t�vo-car garagc; • ealablfsheJ rc�iJenlial usa arc IocaleJ north of Ihe aubject property, newer dclacheJ reaiJenca are IocnleJ lo t6e eul anJ eaulh, rnJ A pubOc �chool te IocaltJ lo Ihe rrcel of Ihe aubjecl property; -■ property loeation map, proposed aite plan, pro�seJ bullding clevalion� AnJ pholognp6s ot l4e eubf eet property �re AllacheJ lo lhe original of thls rcport. 2. nin - Zoning Dylaw 3637, ae amendcd; - "RS - Vitlage Reaidenllal Zone; - requirca pll wcca.+ory atruclura lo be IocaleJ entirely wilhla the rearyarJ; - permib A masimum acewory alructura hcight of3.S metrra; Cammenle: Acceunrv Sfrurlure Larndox nnd Slze Vnrinnces - Ihc Inlenl of 16c rcar yarJ locallon, anJ maxlmum 3.5 metrc hci�ht rcqulrcmcnt� for -• wcceaaory elruclurce on r�.+IdenUal lol� Is lo minimlzc thr vi�ual impacl theac �Iruclurc� , may provlJe lo abulling properlice and on Ihc alrcclaeape, lo enaure olher yanla prc not algnificrnlly ob�trueleJ by Ihc�c �Iruclurrs on Ihc pmperly, ond la rclnin Ihc chamcler of Ihcac alruclurca as "acccsaory" to Ihc mnin builJing; - Ihe propoaeJ accesaoty alructurc (garage wllh lo(I) would be n lwo-alorcy elruclurc, provlJin& pppro:imrtcly 90 tqwre �nclrca of ground Ooar arca onJ approsimnlcly 90 iqu�re metrea of loft Ilaor area, �nJ woWd be � maximum of 8,53 mctrca In hcighli ,,.conllnucJ P/CA 82/98 - Glean Bourrorvi H�ya �128 P�ae 2 - Ihe eilitln` rcer yanl provida � deplh of d iea�l 16.5 mNrn �nJ e wid�h ciceeding 90,0 meln�, proviJing moro Ihm �mple �rc� to eon�lrucl �a �cea�ory builJing in compllaoeewlld lde rcary�nl ladion rcqulremenli - Ihe propacd aceaiory alrucluro exceedi the mo:fmum uceiory �truelure height rcquircmenl In lhe zoaine by-law by S.O] melrca (morc Ihan Jauble ihe eurrenl rcquinmeal); - the eil�ling dwcll(ng on Ihe eubf ect properly currenlly �upporb rn allached, two-car g�rage, �nd Ihe eiteting dou6lrwiJlh driveway ti cappble of eupporling on addlllonrl minimum of four ve6lelc�, minimizing Ihc need far aJJilional vchicle pwrking area� to be ealabl�dcJ on the subjecl property; - Ihe maJodly of properliw along Censo Drive aupporl dwelNnge wllh allachcd ganga; - ihe propoaed acccuory slruclurc (gange with loft) would provide a iimilar maaaing rnd preaenee oa Ihe aubJcct property w a eecond dwelllag uail, making Ihe alructurc a dominrnt uee anJ fealure on Ihe aubJect property; - the propwed accwory etruelurc localfon �nd helght wou1J aol meel Ide tntent of Ihe zoning 6ylaw. 3. Of(ielal PIAO Dnlenatfon - Durh�mRegtonolOflictrlPlaa-lI�mIN; - PlckerlagO�eialPlan-RunlSclllemenl-Runlllamlel; - Il�mlel of Ciaremoot - I lamlel RnlJenlfal Commenla: - the npplieatlon canforrt��. 4. Maenitude anJ Appronrialcneae of Apnlicalfon - Ihe propoeeJ vorlanca arc requesleJ lo Alloir an accnaory alruclure (garage with lofl) localed parlially wllhln Ihe dJe y�rd of Ihe �ubjrcl properly, anJ lo a hclghl which algnlReantly excceJe Ihe current height mw�imum imposeJ In Ihe zonfng byIaw; - II wou1J be unJalroble lo dlow Ihe �cce�ory builJing lo be conelrucleJ in Ihe propoaeJ localfon, rnJ to Ihc propaecJ hclght, whrn a vlable, allcrnalive atructurc coulJ 6e canelrucleJ on Ihe �ubjat lindi In full compltance wilh Ihe currenl zoning by-law; - Ihe praposnl var(ancc� arc canalJercJ major in nalurc. 5. AJdlllonal Commenls ReceiveJ one commenl waa rece(veJ from Ihe iown's Chlef DuilJing Ofliclal noling Ihal the eppraprlalenese of Ihac vArlonce requcab ahou!�1 bc qucalionnl when tonaidcring Ihc propoaal Iocation, currcnt mning re�lrictfon� anJ ihe Town'a Ilome DaseJ Dualnc� Uy-law (wumlag Ihere ie potenlial for the propoxJ alruclure to eupport a eammcrelal uee); one eommenl was reec(veJ from the soulherly abultlng properly owncn expreseing eancern wilh Ihe proposal alructure'a vuual ImpACt on vehicle �nJ echool bue elght-liaa, lhe compatibility of the prnpoeed alruclure w116 the eurrounding rcalJcnllal eommunily, and t6e potcnlial far e:tenetve vchicle alonge anJ repelra eccur�ing un dlc; bolh af Ihac wriltea eommenb are allached lo the originAl of Ihie report. 6. $ammrrv The Planning Uepartment conelJero Ihe propoeeJ acceasory alruclurc locallnn anJ alze va�i�nca, u rcqur�teJ, lo be maJor In nalure, unJcalnblc for Ihe .rnro��tai� developmenl at Ihe land, and not In keeping wlth Ihc general purpoac anJ Inlcnl of Ihe zoning by-law, anJ Ihcrcfore rccommende Ih�l theac variancca be NEFUSED. Ce''�- N.RTlfn y Cole Enclo�uro 1�0 .�: '1 Information Compiied From Appl(canl's Submilled Plan PICA 02/89 - Glenn Bourrowe Heyea +;HMENT N.�TO .,. i; ; •�qINO REPORT q `5 � � t :�' ,i .� •,'� ' i: M • j. ,�•����� . To perrtdl lhe proposed eccessory building lo provkle a maximum bullding heighl 018.53 metres on lhe subJecl properry, al veriance. proposea esiaousnment o� en eccessory uui (garage) lo be bcaled in the north alde yard on lho aubJecl propedy, al variance. �9,�16 . � :�r �,. °- �_�', _ , . Proposed Garage `y� � I '�V � �� .� 'cxisling Dwelling—�,—> �— iH.yo —ti m �� � I� yz � h ---�: ..� i i i i �����i.i�"} CENTRAL STREET ----� . � � ...� �� W � � 0 O � Z Q U 1,' pj' 21 � ' 0 � :132 qcr� aTTACHMENTII S TO rQ �� PLANNINO REPORT N `5•71 � RESOLUTION OR COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT DATE: J�nuary 20,1999 MOVED BY: Mr. Jo6naoo SECONDED BY Ma Wh{!e That Town Couacil conaider � refund of ihe minor v�rionce appifcdion ke in rcgards to P/CA 82/98, by Cleon Dourrowa Hayea. CARRIED ��� n C. Yo�un , air n , � �� � �:� _ j �� ���� �:� � r: ; ��: �=_ €�R` � . .. F . .. .. .... . . . . . . . . . .