HomeMy WebLinkAboutPL 18/99`O�N OF p�� . ��p� �RCPORT 'CO COUNCIL �r �����/ C.�� � fROb1: • Neil Cnrroll DATG: Oclohcr3R, 1999 Director af Plnnning PI.ANNING RGPORT NUMDGIZ: 1 R•99 SUl3JIiCT: Approprinteness of Ilie Cnmmiuce of Adjusiment tu consider Minor Varinncc rlpplicntinns tvhich Propnsc Ne��� Uses RBCOMb1fiNDATIUN: I. That Town Council cxpress to Ihc Cnnnniucc of AJ.jusiment il�at Ihc considcrnlion of hlinor Vnrinncc rlpplicatinns ��hicl� proposc m ndJ new uses tn Ihose pemiilled by iiic zoning byImv nrc nrorc nppropri:ucly dc:dt �eilh ihrough Ihc 7.aning D),.law Amendmcnt Application proccss. 2, That To«�n Council espress In Ihc Cnmmiucc of Adjustmenl Ihat Ihe Commiucc lias a resp�nsihilily to cnnsider all �ipplicatimis rccei�•ed, as rcquired by Sectinn d5(11 of ihc Planning Act. In cnnsidcring ��helher a new use (nnl prescntly permitted by ilic zoning byInw) shmild bc nlloa�ed as n minnr ��nri:incc. Ilic CnmmiUCC should npply Ihc tesis aullincd in Scction d5(I) ol'ihc I'lanning Acl. ORIGIN: Direction to Slnff from Ihc Commiucc nf Adjuslmcnl lo scck nn npininn from'Pown Cnuncil as lo tvhether it is npprnpriate fnr Ihc Commiucc of Adjustment lo consiJcr applications Ihal propose to odd n ncw use to ihose permiucd hy ihe znning hyInw, This direction wns provideJ at Ihe October 20, 1999 Commiuee nf Adjtwlment �4ceting, resuhing Gom Ihe consideration of Minor Vnrinnce Applicmion P/CA 74199 (Alfin Pinnncinl Corpora�ion). AUTHORITY: The 1'lanning Acl, R.S,O. 1990, cBnplcr P.13 PMANCIAL IMPLICATfONS: No dircct costs to thc Town are nnticipatcJ. PI.ANNINd RGPORTNUbII3fiR IR•99 Da1e; Oclobcr?R,1999 Subject: Approprinteness nf thc Cnmmfuec of Adjuslmcnt Pngc 2 lo consider Minnr Vnrinnce Applicnlinns which I'rnposc New Uses DISCUSSION: Minor Vnrinncc Applicntinn P/CA 7d/�J9 prnposcs Ihc estnblishmcnt of a day cnrc facilily, npproximalely R17 square meUCS in sizc, �vithin the vac�nl 6uilding curzenlly exisling ni 19)9 Allonu Rnnd (sauth•cast corncr of r\hnna Road nnd finch Avenuc). A Property Locatinn Mnp is enclased for referencc (sce Atlachment i!I). The zoning hyda�v npplicable lo Ihc suhjccl lands does no1 list n'day c�rc fncility' ns n permiucd usc. Thc Commiltce of Adjuslment, nn Ocloher 10, 1999, defcrred considcrntion of Minor Variancc Application P/CA 74/99, (submiucd by Alfin �inancinl Comoration) to its Novcmbcr 10, 1999 meeling, and directed staff to scek nn opininn from To�en Caimcil os to whethcr it is approprime for Ihe CommiUce of Adjuslmcnt lo considcr npplications thnt propose to ncld n new use to Ihosc presently permilled hy Ihe zoning by-la�v for n prnper�y (sec Resoluiion, Aunchmenl 113). Seclion 45(I) of Thc Pinnning rlrt nllo�cs a Commiltcc nf Adjusimcnt Io cnnsidcr a minor vnrianee to o•roning hyInw, respecting ihe I;mJ, huilding nr slructurc, or Ilie use of such I:mJ, il; in ils opininn, thc ��„��s��i ��arinncc is minnr in nalurc, dcsirahlc fnr Ihc npprnprinlc developmcnl or usc nf Ihe I�md, and in kecping �eilh Ihc gencral inlent nnd pumosc of ihe nfficial pinn nnJ Ihe zoning hylaa�. 1Vhen S�nff cansidcred minor variancc npplicmiun P/CA 7dM9, it x•as noted Io ihc Commiucc tI111 IIfC fC(�UCSiCII (I�Y C1fl` �ucilit}' ll$l` 1Y85 tl01 8 USC j1l'flilllll'lI IIIIIII'� II1C %011lflb Ity.lmv, nnr w�s a dny corc usc sintilar In lhnsc uscs prescntly pcnniUcJ hy cxisting r.nning. Il wns nlso nolcd m Ihe Commiuce �i,�� n�� ��rr������, ��,,,nined insuflicicni information to enahle n ihornugh «����� �r �i,� r«n�s�i. �n,� I'lanning Dcparimcnt crnuluJcJ ihat thc proposed vnrinncc was mnjor in nalurc nnd did no1 mnintoin ihc purpnsc and imcnl af thc zoning hy-Imv. As ihc npplication failcd t���n of Ihe Icsts sc1 mil undc� Scclinn 4$(�) of tlic Planning Act, Slaff recommendcd dinl tl�e npplic�linn hc rcfused. A cnpy of this Staff Repon is provided for reference (sce rltlnchment N?). The Planning Depnrlment h�s consistcndy ndvised npplicants tlmt �he cnnsidemtion of proposals which rcquirc the additian of new uses to n property �vhich arc nm included undcr esisting zoning, ore most npprnprimely denll wilh �hrough n T_oning (3y-law Amcndment Applicatian. Nhen npplying Ihe four lests of ihe Planning Act ihraigh rnnsidcrntinn.of minor ��ariance npplicntians, it is quite difficult to cancludc ihat adding n new usc maintains Ihe imeni of Ihe zoning bylaw, espccially when the list af permiued uses in n zoning hylmv nre esplicit, anJ mutually exclusivc. The Town's Legnl Departmcnt hns, far nssisinnce, provided Planning Staff wilh snmc input respecling decisions of Ihe Courts nncl Ihe Onmrio bfunicipnl I3oard, denling with applicolions that propose to udd n new use to the lisl of permittcd uses on n property. These decisions indicntc Ihn1 n Commiuee of Adjusiment cnn consider npplicNinns tliat propose to ndd n new usc to Q�e list of permiued uscs on n properly. Ilo�vever, in considcring ench nnd evcry individual npplicnlion, the Committce nf Adjustment musl npply Ihe four Iests spccified in Ihe Planning rlct anJ must be satisficd Ihal Ihe npplication mecls nll fnur lesis. The Commitlec of Adjustment hns n responsihility to considcr nll npplicnlions they reccive, including rcquesls thnt propnsc to ndd n new use lo Ihe list of permiUcd uscs nn n propchy. Prior lo the approvnl of n minor vnrinncc requcst, thc Committcc tnust cnsurc Ihnt thc rcqucst sntisfics Ihe four tests ns mnlined in Scclion 45( I) of Ihe Plnnning AcL . � � PLANNINO RGPORT NUMOGR 18•99 Uatc; October 28, 1999 Subject: Appropriateness of the Commiuee of Adjusiment Page ) to consider Minor Vnriancc Applicntions which Proposc New Uses ATTACHMGNTS: 1. Property Locntion Map (1999 Altona Rond) 2. Stoff Report— Commentins an Applicntion P/CA ?4199 Prepared Dy; ' � Ron Tnylor Planner 1 Approvcd / Cndorsed by: Neil Cnrr �� Direclor o nrtfng � �. �� Lynda D.Tayl Mannger, Curtcnt Operations Divisinn I RST/LDT/ph ' Recommended for the consiJcralion nf Pickering Town Council Thom¢s J. Quinn, LChief Adminislrativa Officcr i4; . } '� <i : s ; r•: %' ;:i , , '_- � � ;' ATTACHMEfITp 'Y Tp FLANNINd REPORT M�-�[` r Oclobcr ld, 1999 INTF.RDF.PARTMRNTAI. CORItIiSI'ONI)IiNCI: PLANNING IIFI'AIiTA1F.NT TO: M11em6en of tlic fR0111: Rnn Taylnr CmnmlllecnfAdjuriment I'Innncr 1 RF.: P/CA 74199 - Alliu fiunuclai Curporniton Purt of Lnt I, Plnn 5(G Aleo known a� 1979 ,Utnnn Rnnd Tntivn nf 1'iciccrin� 1. Inlro�lucllnn Appllrntlon: - Zonh�r Dy-law JIIJG, n� nwendcd, aullh�ce Ihc Ilst nf osce permfUed lo opernlc on Ihe subJecl prnperly; - they ate busines� nflices (hicli�diug n clinic nr similar uses), clu6s or meeling hui�s (am! uece accea�ary lo Ilictn), profcssionnl uflicce, reelnaranle - typc A, retail storee, ar.Q �crvicc etorcr • Ihe upplicanl proposn lu ndd n dny cnre fncillly n� u permilled use nn Ihc subJecl property; Purpnsc: • tn allnw n prnpnscd A17 equnt•c nielrc dny cnrc fucility In apernlc nitliln tlic exisling I�vn•�lorcy bullding nn thc subjecl prnperly; Prnperly I)c�crlpllnn: - IUe mbjecl prnperly ie Incnlyd nn Ihc suulh•ensl cnrner uf Allnnn Rnud nnd �(nch Avenue; - Wc aubJcct properly currcully supporle au cxleting lwn•slnrcy buiiding, wldch scrved prcvlouely u� a rcelmirnnt, nnil fe npprnximnlcly NI7 �ipmrc mclres fn sfxc; - l6c e:i�lfng buUding Is currenUy rncnnl; • the prapoacd day cnrc fncilily wuidd ulill:e nil of Ilic exislDig Ilanr epnce wllhin Ihe cxi�ling building; - a property larntlnm m�p aud prnpuud silc phui nrc nuncl!ed tn Ihc orfginal nl Ihie reporl. 1. Znnine - "Cl" - Lucal Cmmucrcial Znnc - by Znning Uy-law J03fi, n� nme��ded; - permil� 6uslnae ofiic�a (tncluiling n clinic nraimilnr usce), clubs nr mccting hulle (anJ ueee accessory In ihcm), �r�r�s�t���Ai �m���, re�lnurnnl� - lype A, retnil alnree, nnil eervice eloree lo Ue cetnbliehed mi the subJect prnperly; Cnmmenle: - Ihe tnlcnl nf Ihe znning hy-Inw In providing a li�t af perndllcd uses on a prnperly ie In eneure 16n1, nmong alher ttdnga, Ihc ree�dlnul aclivllle� permllted an n property nrc compallblc wllh cacb othcr nnd wllh u�ce nn abulling landa, nnd thal thc�c perndUcd uete are appropriate (n rcinllon lo tlic �pecltle slle nnd fls' Inyoul; - IUe Town Ime not reccived, lo dnlc, nn nulllnc of Il�c nnlurc nf llic prnposcil dny cnrc facllity propoecd by Ihc opplfcnnl; - Ilurefare, our a�eceemcnl of 16ta npplicnliou muri be Imsed nn olher dny cnre fucililice Ihroughont Ihe Torvn, nnd Ihc genernl I�mc� rclaled lo Ihemi - n"Dny Nanery" le dcli�ied as Imid� nnd prentlsce �hdy Itcenecd pursuanl In Ihc pravlelans nf Ilw Dny Nur�crice Acl, nr nny �uccc»or thcrcln, fnr Ihc usc n� a facilily for IDe Jaylimc rnrc nf cUildren{ - a we otllii� nnluro ie commnnly nsanciMed rvlll� epecllic dle rc��dremenle, such ar. • 16c prnvlelnu atn pirl�-up nu0 drup-uff nren fnr children, • an auldonr recrenliannl nren, � hmcllonal vcldcidar ncccae fnr alnnding Iroffic at acvcral pcalt petlode In u dny► . a locolion nnd aivroim�ling cnvirnmucnt w61c6 I� anfc niid appropriale fnr children'a nctivillc�; 0 PlCA 7J179 • AIOn Flnencial Cnrpnrntlon ATTACHMENT 1 °? TO PLANI�IIIO REPORT N /�- 95 rac� 2 - Ihe Town hne nnl I�ecn prnvldeQ with nny Informalion uddre�eing Ihcsc maltere, In Jale; - u detulled analyai� of surroimding land u�ce und currenlly permllled ueee nn elle would he rcqutred In npprnpriMely nsseee u�e compnllhility, and hes not lieen conducted to dnle due to luck af Infnrmutinn; - Ihe curre�l u�ee permltled nn Ihe eu6ject property cnn he churacterized n� genernl relnil and commerclul iuea �erving Ihe Incnl comm�mtty; • � typtcally, lhe Plnnning Depnrlment mny euppnrt a minnr vurlonce os nn upprnpriale mute to consider "new" usee rvhen n permfltr,�� oee on Ihc praperty requiree clurificnlion, nr the permitted iise� ere vety almilar In nalure to the prnpoeed use; - the propoicd dny care facility dnce nnt nppear tn meet thle criterin, nnd Ihercfore, lhi� Department recnmmeude cnnefilcrnllnn of thb ��ee Ihrm�gh a zoning byInw nmcndment npplicat�on; - allowing a �lay cnre tncility tn npernlc nn Ihe subject lands �vnuld nnt appcar tn mcet thc Inlent of Ihc zonin� bylaw. 3. Of(iciul Plnn Deelgnulinn - Diirhum Reg(nnal Officfal Plan • Li�•in� Aren; - Pickcrfng OfRcial I'Inn -"111Yed Usc ,1ren - Locnl Nndc" wilhin Ihe Rouge Pnrk Ncighhnurhnnd; - the auhjecl pmperty fall� �rilldn u Detuiled Iicvie�v Area; - n �Ielailcd review nf Ihe mnJnrity nf land� wllhln thc Rnuge Pnrk Nelghhnurimod haa been Inllinted, Icading to Ilu fidurc e�lnbli�hmenl nf Nclghbnurhoad Development C�ddel(ncr Cnmmenls: - cnmmunity, cullurul qnd recreulinnnl o�ce nre rccngnized n� permi�sihle uses �rllhin a °M111sed U�e Aren • I.ncal Nnde" deelgnnlinn; - (II�! A�1�fIIfAlI00 WOIIIII nM preJudice Ihe mitcnme nf the nngning Ncighliourhond Study, nnd would canfnrm to Ihe Ofticinl Plun. 4. Maenihide and A���rialene�� of A�rlicnlinn - the propn�ed vuriancc rcqucel Is mnjor In nuWrc ne Oic prnpnsed new use dnc� nat nppear tn reflecl the nnture nf ext�ltng permiticd usc�; - un appmpriale delnlled revfcw af Ihc prnpoeed land u�e mix and resullant �(Ie plan teeuea nn the euhject �ite le neccemry, nnd Ihia ahould mnyt nppropriutcly be dnne ihrnugh A 20IIIIIg FIY•IOW 31IIICIIIIfIlC01 Ajl(IIICAU00 (0 delermine whether or nnl Ihe propneed day curc use wnuld he dc�irahle fnr Ihe approprintc uae nt Ihe Innde and bullding. 5. Olher Commenh • cnmmente �vere reccived by Ihc To�vn's Puhlic Nork� Depnrlmenl expres�ing nn nhjeclinn tn thle npplicalinn. 6. Summa The Plonning Deparlment cnn�iden Ihe prnpascd vnrinnce to ullnw an R17 aquere mclre doy cere facllity tn operale nn the e�ih)ect Inml� tn be maJnr in nalure, and nnt in kecping wilh Ihe �eneral purpo�e and Intent of the Znning Dylaw, and thcrefore recnmmend� Ihat the reque�led vuriancc hc REFUSFD. RSTIkb Enclo�ure wuxrmioca�uEro�rni�x�u« ooc Rnn Taylo �.., • � � . . �NOFP� ��� � � .�rracHr��er�re � ro i�I.APlNIN6 FiEPORT � 1�6'��1 '.RESOLUTION OR COMMITTGf: OF Ali,fUSTMENT DATF.: o���n�rzn, I999 M1tOVf:D IiY: D1r. Ashe SGCONDI?D I3Y M11r. Unllnnd Thut minnr var(unce applicatfon P/CA 7d/99, hy Allin Finnnciul Cnrpnration he DEFERRED to thc next Commillce nf AdJustment mceting, bcing Wedne+day, Novemhcr 10, 1999, In nllow slnff time to eeek dlrecUnn und commenls from Town Cnundl on Ihe appmprinfencas nf Ihe Cnmmittec nf Adjustment denlfng nith nppl(calinn� prnpneing tn add new o�c� tn thc znning hylaw, CARRICD ' 111r. C. Ymmg, Chnirman j 1,.� y . � � '. , - :F 1 .t 7 t �E ` 9 i tkT�- - y� . . . � . . � . ...