HomeMy WebLinkAboutCL 07/99� • ", � �' �� OF p� � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Bruce Taylor, AMCT, CMM DATE: ]anuary 27, 1999 Town Clerk REPORT NUMBER: CL 7/99 5UB]ECT: Shared Services Between the Towns of Ajax and Pickering RECOMMENDATION: That Report CL 7/99 regarding shared services behvecn the Towns of Ajax and Pickering be received. ORIGIN: Requcst of Mayor Arthurs at Excculive Committee Meeting of lanuary 25, 1999 AUTHORiTY: Municipal Act FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Not Applicable BACKGROUND: At thc Executivc Committca Meeting oflanuary 25, 1999, Mayor Arthurs asked that a Rcport bc prepared for the February I, 1999 Council Meeting setting out Ihe history af decisions made by the Councils of the Towns of Ajax and Pickering that have Ied to the shzring of certain municipal services and approving the study of furthcr sharing initiatives. The following is a chronological list of the major decisions made with respect to shared services. A copy of the resolution or document mentioned in this list is attached hereto for your information. ..../2 --2-- June 16/97 Res. #215/97 Council approves in principle lhe partnering of thc �irc anJ Transit DapaAments end establishes e committcc to preparc a husiness case to address tlie issue of shared services. Feb 16/9A Res. N39/98 Council recommends that the Region establish a committee io study the feasibility of the amalgamation of the local Fire Services across the Rc ion. March 2/98 Res. k47/98 The Province is requested to provide Pon�ing assistance to Ajax and Pickering to assist in the preparation of a business case for funher transit partnerships and/or lhe fuil amalgamation of the two transit s stems. March 9/98 Res. #53/98 The Terms of Reference for the Town of Ajax/I'own of Pickering Transit Partnershi /Amal amation Stud is endorsed. Merch 9/98 Res. #55/98 The Province is rcquested to provide funding assislance to thc Towns of Ajax, Whitby and Pickering to essist in the preparation of a business case for ihe feasibility of a joint Pire Dispatch Centrc. Apri120/98 Res. N81/98 Council approves the hiring of Oldham Gngineers Inc. to undertake a study of establishing a consolidatcd firc dispatch centre for Pickerin , A'ax, Whitb , Uxbrid e, Drock and Scu �o �. June I/98 Res. #101/98 Council approves the hiring of Declan Corp., in essociation with Coopers & Lybrand, to undertakc thc Town of Ajax R Pickcring Transit Partncrshi /Amal amation Slud . Aug. 4/98 Res. If 164/98 Council direcis sta1T to completc an application to the I'rovince for Spccial Circumstances �unding to covcr thc costs of nn independenl study that examines ihe cansolidation of services betwcen A'ux and Pickcrin . Sept. 8/98 Ajax Ajax passcs n resolution dircctinµ sta�' �o prcparc a rcport Resolution audining ihe appropriate process nnd costs associaled wilh employing thc services of an outsidc consultant to look at all services provided by both Towns and to request funding from ihc Provincc for this stud . Sept./98 Board of Uoard of Trade discusscs thc issuc of amalgamation in its "Tradc Trade Talk" ma azinc. Nov. 2/98 Res. N220/98 Pickcring Council endarscs thc Scptember S, 1996 resolution of thc Town of A'ax. Dec. 21/98 Res. tl224198 Council endorses for further swdy a prefcrced option for the amalgamation of the transit systems of the Towns of Ajax und Pickcrin . Jan.B/99 Letter from Minister of Municipai Aflairs advises that Provincial funding Minister of through th, Special Circumstances Fund is not available for thc Municipal service delivery study to be undertaken by Pickering and Ajax. AfTnirs lan. 7.1/99 Memo of The CAOs of the Towns of Ajax and Pickering advise that cach CAOs will be appointing two senior ste(i persons to preparc the terms- of•reference for a consultant to study all scrvices provided by ihc two Towns that could be shared. Prepare By: Recommendcd for the consideration of Pickcring Town Council Bruce Taylor, AMCT, CMM �_.�_--- omas 1. Q' n, '� 7� 9� Tawn Clerk Chief Administretive Ofliccr