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1ROMl T1amu J, QuLu� �IpMR CMM DATLt luna 3, 1991
Gcnu� Mwpu
Bruu T�ylor, AMCT, CA4d
Town Clerk
SUBJECft Shucd S�rvica wiih ihe Tawn of Ajq
1. T1u11h� Council of the Corparnion of Ihe Town of Pickering hacLy �pprovu in
P�G�� � PW����i of tt: Fin uid Tnnd� Deputmemt wiih Ihe Ta•.rn of
Aju; uid
Tlut tM CauncU of ihe Corpontion of ihc Town of AJu be requaiad lo yire iu
�Dprovd in principle lo �he putncrino of the Fin md Tnniil Oep�tlmem�.
]. TIW � wmmilue compriud of il,e M�yor, Geneul MmipedChief Admini�li�ti�e
ORica uid one tcnior Trcuury ndf paiun from cub of ihe Tawm of Pickeriny
uid AJu be aubli�hed to piepue � buunu� cue ta �ddrea �he iaue of �hued
tavlea; u�d
TIW abject lo ihe �pprov�! af ihe Council of ihe Tow.i ofAju, MrJuk G�nley
be inrilcd lo ul u� camuhmt io ihe comrtuuec.
OWCINt Molion puted u loinl Meeting of ihe Councili of Ihe Towni of
Aju uid Pickarino an A1uch )1, 1997
AUi110R17Yt Municipil Aq
Curtml Yeu: To ba deurmined
Al Iha lolnl Mctlfng af Ihe Council� a( Ihe Townt af Aju �nd Pickering held on A1uch
71, 199710 diuwi iha iuue of �hued scrvica �nd putnenhip �greemmi�, ihe folbwing
motionr wae idapird:
7'6d tuh CouncU tomlder � molloa �I �a upaomin� mallo�
diretlle� 16e1r rupeclive �I�R� lo punue Idenlllled �nd palenlid
putaen6lp opportualtlet hel�ten Ihe munitlpoldu �ad prcp�n �or
PKpI/ re ort oa �hne ro rtl�,
.... i �
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�:�' ilil W ulq► d � lwl�w �w prrp�nd br � aoe�ulU�t er
��K(, t�udW4 !� n4rred 1� �Wf �f Ib M� �uaklp�Ulla for ra�uJ
� ��/ � n ut.
1 luv� qUChed lo IN� Rrywh � wpy at th� Minuu� of ih� Joint Maiin4 for your
iluouphw! IM MLwla of Ur Matln� held on Much li�l, there b+�rumua Ihu
�h�rad ravlui a putna�hip �yamcn�i Uut worc weU �hould M wnilnucd uid new
adavwn be aplored, 'fh� Wdulv� re�pa�ine Uu Sptti�iud Senlu� Truuit �
•� : P:ognm wu uen u beino the mou racnt u+d umpreLerulw of urv(ta to ba Includcd
r In �� via�hi� �yreem:nt ud ocu which wu wppaned by �ll ; utica
^ (n wnwltWon wi�h M�ya Mlwrti il L raommended pw � comylae inulgu�uiian of •
� IM Pite ud Trw(t Deputmuui o[ ihe Tawnt of Pickerin� md Aju ba undcruten.
Thw Deputmm4 eauld b� �m�lo�rtuied uur� quickly ,nd eRectivdy ihu� o�ha
nwnldp� opuuloN baww ihry lend �o operne under wmrtwu Provincid reguluioni
or weU aubliihed (nduury ituidudi In the we of ihe Fue Depuimem, � Regiond
dLp�tch ry�tem f� wrtendy 6eino �wdiad uid i� clou ;c implemenUtion md (n the cue of
tM iruuit Ueputmcm, � uudcfi Iruuit ervice ilonp Ilighwry yi it cur�cntly being
I`' �lh tqpect lo (In urviu�, ihe Fue Protectian md Prevrntion Aci, 1996, moro
wmmanly knowa u Bill 11, ul� ou� haw Fire Dep�nmenu �croi� Ihe Province ue lo be
�' ' orgu�xed ud muuged uid will �ertwve fome af Ihe tulanomy �lul municipilitiu h�ve
uutiu0 wilh fapect lo Iheit own Fira OaputmeMt Thi� n�lule, dong wiih oihcr
.i ptoetsfe� wch u mmuJ dd �grttmenu uid � Regiond di�puch �y�tem, mikea Ihe
;�.i' und{unalion af Iho Fn OcputrtKnu af ihe Tawn� of Pickering �nd Aju � miuul ,
�,�•' M upuided uu would provide for � more logicd lauion far frc Iuli� md � lugcr
, budgcl wauld dlow (a� rtwr� eReciive uK of c.penure equipmen� and loining faiiiiiu.
' Undu Bill t/, tha number of nomunion pailionf in �n �m�ig�mued Fire Dep�nment
il'; would be Cued u three perwm whcrw n iAe pmcm lime Ihe IoW numbcr of non•union
perwni employed by �M two fire De;:nmenii i� four.
Unda � �hued wvidng �greemenl wiih ihe Town af Aju4 �peciili:ed trwii iervica ha
drudy ban aaeufully lauted in Aju u�d �he ncct lagiul pragreuion would be to
un+lQu�ule Iha regulu �rwi� urviu. A number of iwdici h�re been undertilun in the
� put or u� pratntly bein�{ undenikm wiih re�pect a� RegionJ uwit ty��em or �
' uunleu trwil umn dong Ilw fGghw�y tl2 eortidor. At pruenl. bo�h municipdiliu
aou ovu uch oiha'� borden m deliver urvice to impon�nt faiiiiie� wch u ihe
� Ho�piW or tha Pickain` Town Cmtre Mdl.
Scrvfcing � Uwll ry�lan u very exprnAva due to the ficiliiief naded to howe md
3; wviu tM trwit vehida uid lhe wving� lo move lo ane faili�y would be �ignifiunl.
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NeJ{uiWd wrka a pWiu�,hfp �Famcmt u� not new io Ihe Town af Pickuin` or
p1Au w� mun;dp�itla la tM Re61on of Dwlum. ih� moa promincm of theu urviu�
u� Ih� PAW JoW M(nul Conlrol Commiva which hu muugcd uid fin�nced �he �nimd
eoplyd �wicp Wau�IwW Ihr Tawiu of Pickeriny. Aja ud Whitby dna 19// �nd tha
iAud wvlcln/ yr�emenl wi�h �M Town of Aju n�pxtin{ iM Speci�iud TrNUt
wvlu whW wu entercd inta buk In 1996.
r, Lootinj q� two wmpla yivcn �bav� uid projeciin` Ifuther und4uniud urvica or
:' D��D �Y«+^�ntti tM fotlowin� criicria luv� bcen and mw! toNinua �o be
coa�(daed: ,
• �ouncil muu enwn UW it retuni tuRcicnt camwl (n order to fnlluenu policy
• tha� mup ba a clwly defined fiwiciJ u�dlor urvice benefit ia ihe tup�yen
• thua rwU ba Gllle or no diavption in Krvice while un+lguniiion i� being unden�kcn
� Coun�il muN reuin control of or raeive credil far +ny phy�icil �aat invotved in �
. tcrvtubcin{undyun+�ed
. UAnO IM two aunpin af p+Annthip i4ratmenu {iven �bavq Council A�f tcuined
wntra! In tha foAawiny wq:
Tha PAW loinl Mimd Con�rol Strvicc i� � p+nnauhip �grccment emucd inia in
19N betwun iM Tawni of Pickerina Aju �nd Whiiby to provide for �nimd
wMrol Krvica �Nwghou� ihe tlua Tawm md lo opewe m�nimd �hchec The
mw4cmmt o! Iha utvi<a i� iAe rnpontibiliiy of IEa PAW Joim Mimil Comrol
Commiltn wNth It campriud of one decled upruenutive of uch of �he
municipditici uid dl of whom u� voiing mcmben on �he commiaee.
For eaw of Wnnianing, ihe duly opcutian of ihe urvice i� curicd out by ihe
Town of Whiiby uedet �he m+niytmcnt o( �he PAW loint Mim�l Camrol
Cortuni�lee uid euh municipdiiy comribuin io �Ae oper�iing con� 6ased on
Th� Mim�l Shella waf purch+ttd Gom Ihe Onurio Ilum�ne So�ie�y in 1984
• thtough equd tontribwionl from uch of �he municipJi�iu �nd dl �uEfequrn�
upiW w�u uwci�led wiih ihe �heliu luve bccn durcd on uid equd bui�.
Sinu 19t/, tha apention of ihe PAW loin� MimJ Comml Service hu provm to
M vay wu•clfatfvs uid providn � Ngh Ievd o( unice in Ihe communiiy.
Piakerin{ tuD�Yert mun�un �heb tlure o( Ihe mdn uul of ihe xnice, n�mety
; Ihe Mimd Shcllu uid comribute to the w�y (n which Iha Serviu it opa��ed
tkough tha Council reprexntuive on �Ae PAW laim Mim�l Camroi Commiuee.
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,�, L, , ib 7p�Wlrad Ttuult ��rviu b ubJeu to � �hued wvidn4 �yrwnmt whereby
,,�: U�,. Itw �isd Wuit vdJdu ud �I amploya� rel+ted lo ihu wvfu ue louied
,. � N tA� AJui Tniuit Depot ud w di�puched kom tlw low(on. Thew vahidn
ut Nond ud oul+udned b Nu ud Pickeriny b inrolud on � mon�Ny bui� for
. 'WU��4eu.
,. Ia th4 wmpb, CouncU reu4u dtrat wnaol of ihe Specldiud Trwit Scrviw
becauw Ilr mwaemrnt ot the d+ily apu�uon G wried oul by the Mwgu of
' 7rwpottuion �ubJat W CauKil rpprovd ud ihe Truuil Adviwry Commiva.
M rcdated lo Ilhe &p moJon pwed u the Jo'w meain4 of tlw two Councili on Much
]I, I997, Iha wsl4utwioa of �Ae Fua uid Trwit Dcputmenu of the �wo Towiu hu
�een WmtiBcd u potwully c8attv� pww�hip opponunitia llut �hould be aplared
A+rtha. Bcfore oBciny tM Town of Ajuc tNi conccpt ud Ihe n�R cmbuking on � wiu
of ineedny !o aplon ihi� wnup� In mora dn�il, Council would be requ'ved to give iu
approv� b principb to Ihii propoul.
In orda to re�ea ihe wi�ha of both Council with «�pat �a iha ucond maiion which
ulu wRW prepu� � upon on �he feui6iii�y af luviny � budne�� cue for ihued Krvicu
prepued by � wnwlunt, !uk Gutlry who ii curtrnUy Ihe Reyon'� Commiuioner of
Plnurc� but will be rnirin4 an luly 7 �. 1997 Iw ban �pprouAed �o gel involved in �
tommilta ilut waild idcnWy u�d rewlve fiwici� i�we�. Mr. Gutlry hu �cnutively
yrtad to wnuJl on theu rtwta� ud would be � vdwble uid obj«iive p�nicipmt in
ury wm�ninca prcpuinp. bu,ineu ca,e, howevu, the �pteemrn� of bo�h Councib would
be rcquirad to ww�n for hii w�icu.
A wrtunilla dut G ehuged wiih lha rdponubility for prtpuing � buunei use for
�huod wvicu would ttquira apeniu �IW involvef bro�d cammuni�y knowledge,
mwaemcM apatiw uid fwncid upertiu. In �ddiiion io Mr. Gutlry, I�muld
raommcnd 1!W ach � wrtuniva ba wmp�ted of �he A1�yon, Chief Admininniive
Ofllcer/GenaJ Mwaa uW wiior Trwury n�Rof bo�h municip�liiica
SIIKO �IC JOYII CWMII MKINB IICIG 00 M!lCII �Ifl, ihe Gcnerd �I�n�ger hu been
mating wiih the CNcf Admininruive Officcr of ihe Tawn of Aju with rapai io shued
wrica and u Iheir mou raeM matin�, the Chief Admininruive 011iur of the Town of
Aju �yroed In principle to tht un+lguiwion o! the Fire uid Trwit Dcputmem�. A
repwt wu �clicduled to be prcpued for wnudu��ion by �he Atu+�gemem Ooud el �he
Town of Aju on Jww S, 1997, lawevn, due to time wntrdnU INi did nol luppcn ind
Ihe Mwgemenl Boud wiil now be eonfidering ihi� mwcr �t Ihe end of lune.
r', �
t �
�;. '� BruuT�ylor
� � a Town Clak
i' �
j,,, a: CAO, Tawo oMju
Clnk, Town of Aju
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�"�wAtt�'' •:. .�:"..�..' � ,'.
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