HomeMy WebLinkAboutCL 41-99051 �� OF p� � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Bruce Taylor, AMCT, CMM DATE: October 12, 1999 Town Clerk REPORT NUMBER: CL 41-99 SUBJECT: Appointments to Committee of Adjustment and Museum Advisory Committce RECOMMENDATION: That Clerk's Report CL 41-99 regarding appoiniments to the CommiRce of Adjustment und the Museum Advisory Committee be received; und That the draft by-law to reappoint Councillors Holland and Johnson to the Commiltec of Adjustment far a term to expire on November 30, 2000 bc fonvarded to Council for enac�ment; and That the draR by-law to appoint Councillor Picklcs to thc Museum Advisory Committce for a term to expire on November ]0, 2000 be fonvarded lo Council for enuclmenl. ORIGIN: Town Clerk AUTHORITY: Committee ofAdjustment Appointments: Section 44(3) ofthe Planning Act Museum Advisory Committee Appointment: Section 102, I of Ihe Municipal Act FINANCIAL iMPLICATIONS: Not applicable EXECU i IVE SUMMARY: The Plenning Act requires that members of ihe Committee of Adjustment who are also Members of Council shall be appointed on an annual basis. This Report provides for the reappointment of Councillors Holland and lohnson for a term to run from December I, 1999 to November 30, 2000, Council has traditionally appointed one Member of Council to sit on the Muscum Advisory Committee although it is not a legisletive requirement. Councillor lohnson sat on this Commiltec for one year from December l, 1997 to November 30, 1998 and Councillor Pickles was appointed for one year from December 1, 1998 to November 30, 1999. This Report provides for thc rcappointment of Councillor Pickles for a term to run from Decembcr I, 1999 to Novcmber 30, 2000. .,./2 O 5 n Report to Council CL 41-99 Date: Oclober 12, 1999 ,, Subject; Appointments to Committee of Adjustment and Museum Advisory Committcc Pagc 2 BACKGROUND: Section 44(3) of the Planning Act requires thet members of the Committee of Adjustment who urc also Members of Council shall be appointed annually, Councillors Holland and Johnson wcrc eppointed to the Committee of Adjustment for e one year term following the 1997 municipal election and were reappointed in 1998 for a one year to expire on November 30, 1999. I understend that both Councillore Holland and Johnson ara prepared to be again reappointcd for a one year term to expire on November 30, 2000. The Museum Advisory Committee is comprised of twelve persons of which one is a Member of Cauncil. Following the 1997 municipal election, Councillor Johnson was appointed lo Ihis Committee for a one year lerm then Councillor Pickles was appointed for a one year term to expire on November 30, 1999. I understand that Councillor Pickles is prepared to be reappointed for a one year tertn to expire on November 30, 2000. The by-law attached to this Report implemenls Ihe appointmcnts noted abnve. ATTACHMENTS: I. Draft By-law Prepared By: C� Bruce Taylor, AMCT, CMM Town Clerk Attachments Copy: DirectorofPlanning Director af Culture and Recreation Recommended for the consideretion of Pickering Town Council „ ,. � c/. mas J. uinn, ChiefAdministrative Of£cer '� ATTACHMErir n� TO REPOIITN c�`��- %9 � THE CORPORA�LO `LI QF THE TOWN OF PICKERING 053 BY•LAW N0. Being a by-law to amend By-law Number 5179/97 to appoint persons to various agencies, boards and cammittees. WEIEREAS the Cauncil of the Corporation of the Town of Pickering enac�ed Bylaw Numbcr 5179/97 on December 22, 1997, as amended by Bylaw Number 5402/98, to appoint persons to various agencies, boards and committees; ' NOW THERGFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TO1VN OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: I. Section 4 of By-law Number 5179/9? is hcreby amended by reappointing Councillors Holland and Johnson lo thc Committee of Adjustment from December I, 1999 to November 30, 2000. 2. Section 9 of By-law Number 5179/97 is hercby amended by reappointing Councillor Pickles to the Museum Advisory Committee from December I, 1999 to November 30, 2000. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and linally passed this first day of November, 1999. � '� . . ,, �; ; Wayne Mhurs, Mayor ii ,; 'i ! ' Bruca Teylor, Clerk ; ��