HomeMy WebLinkAboutCL 61/98. d+�N � � � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Bruce Taylor, AhlCT, CI�f DATE: December S, 1996 Town Clerk REPORT NUMBER: CL 61/98 SUBIECT: Governence Committee of the Region of Durham RECOMMENDATION: Thut the cortespondence from the Clerk of the Regionel Municipelity of Durham dated Novembcr 25, 1998 advising of a resolution passed by the Regional Council on November 18, 1998 regarding the establishment of a Regional Govemance Committee be received; and That the Council of the Town of pickering hereby agrces to give its assistanca to the Govemancc Committee in providing infortnation conceming the service areas of Roads, Planning and Fire Protection, ' ORIGIN: Letter from the Region dated November 25, 1998 AUTHORITY: Municipal Act FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Not applicable BACKGROUND: Please find attached to this Report a letter from tha Clerk of the Regional Municipality of Durham regarding the establishment of a Regionel Govemance Committee. The Region is asking for confirmation from the area municipalities that they agree to give its assistance to the Govemance Committee in providing information conceming the service areas of Raads, Planninq and Fire Protection. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Letter &om the Region dated November 25,1998 79 .J2 +` +. - 5 t i f S �. 4 S i J �� � -. - . �.� F ; . S �+t 1 1 � j; r� . . . �f���v �t�"' ' l 4*D1s�ir:k..} , lyt :�& ��� "�t � � i {' 1 y r.�, t '- . ,. .. L'� . .s..K.tfaci. .#�.'f ......�.t..a..r.. h— kt:..c a..r,-�t� ..,.a.::.r. . ;...., . ..., ... ... . . . .... ; �ur ai �� � t �� : ,:-� � i> � 4 .�. i p Yj� � �,�'Cx i} e yk tt � z sz � � ��r ���� � � �',�� �'� i �' � a s -} s i �` , ` s nt Y '� s `� a � z f i''{ ;'8� 2 'f4, � :� . � � � _ � . Prepazed By: B ce Taylor, AMCf, CMM Town Clerk Attachments Recommended for the consideratian of Pickering Town C ncil o as ]. Qui � , � Chief Administrative 0ffcer ! j _ t:. , , : � < <,. .� _ , �- `�" �, � , � y ` x , ��+ � t ,� � - i �-i - f �t .� ` : i � � a y� � ro �.[ r a y ' - � - . i` � i q��i ,k * j ^� � � f � � , ti � .t�' S �'t � t t � ) � ! t K�: a. � _. f y r -c c. ��� I'ai`i u� *� .. i j�.. ., � w , � � t .� 1 r � '� , i r ��.�'^}uFi`�t al��e � � � tt���. �' SY i� _ �.fi�14 �}�� �� 1 �_ C ��}h r. � i �'� t , y�cL S v ¢ ��, i ? IF+,�zY� �'�.13 "�i� z� r � r# 1. r i :i"'� 4 - Ui� i a� � -� fs -.��dy �i -c�r} �7h?� �5� �f }b§r a; � �.. h �9 t ¢ s ft �' 't .. a?t°33.rt;,..,1:ki,r_��<.,.C�9":s...:�3 _i?7;¥;��n�... ,te...v}+'.:� .':F!�.A..,itro. ..n`.' ..._.5,...Er.y,.A� , o-. t.:..,. . . ,, , ' .,; "-�'� . , � November 25,1999 n,.�.�,,,�' Mr. B. Taylor, Clerk •, Munklp�IMy Tovim of Pickering �� a °1°.""" 1 The Esplanade ' a.n�'.ww+�M� . • Pickering, Ontario �p,,,i,,,a�� L1V6K7 P.O. Bm� EZ1 � � � � ' � � .�■ ,' � « • �.�v-�-�i� ATTACFMI�ITN�T011/iO�TN'';;f¢8 �/.r.G.��.. �f°�' �...�.� �S� 4� " \� �� � ��.....p/ ;�b, .� s }'S��.0 �'1,� , • 1�� '' ��i�.t,�J„di . C�,��c�� ' - . p�FlC4'.;. C: i�� j%`' � 1 � ��'` , ' ;�,�_ _ �,�<: . ; . �� N� � Recommendation From The Govemance Committee W,lh Respect to Council .. �uw� eee�m� Direcl(on Received October 21.1998 - Our file: D09-0'3 r� �aos� aee�uae� . , ai�. weu4 ��r Mr. Taylar, at their meeting held on October 21,1998, the Council of the R'd0f�p'"` • Regionai Municipality of Durham pessed a resolution lhat an Ad Hoc ,' ' Committee be formed to review all municipal services. I have attached, for your iniormation, a copy.oi the resolution oi Regianal Council on thfs matter. • Subsequent to Council's directian, a Govemance Committee was formed and lhe following recommendations of the Committee were adopled by Regional Cauncii November 1B, 1998: � , � "a) THAT lhe service areas of Roads, Planning Find Fire Proleclion be the ' lap priorities for review in Phase I; b) THAT lhe Regional Chair be authorized ro aircespond wilh the Province of Ontario ta advise o( service areas being sludied and request financiai assistance; and, � c) .� THAT the area municipalities be requesled lo give their assistanr,e by , provlding informetion canceming the service areas of Roads, Planning ' • and Fire Protection," . Would you please place thfs malter before your Councii as it relales to part c) . oi fhis resolution. . ��� � . . . � . ' P.M, Madi�l, A.M.C,T. � • • . Regional Clerk . . ' • PMMIcb cc; R. Mderson, Regianal Chair ;;. •' G.H. Cubitt, Chiet Administr�atfve O�cer � . , . . � �o�M.eucan�u�.i , -. .. . . � .. � . - � . � - . . . .��.�• .. . � � ... � ... � ..i, ' i . . . � J' i .4 ', . ..� ,r li� � f . S' � i��- i I�, . a. ... ` : �.' .. . . k c� ' � i A �. � ��. .. 4 � 1 I , ' . : � ��. , . ��b1�i � i :; � r Y� � l, �4���a'�'a����K�. i4�r�..Fri.��� 4f( f �� � _ A+� � ,'{ ",i .�°� -t ... �. . �" .._ . , i � ,,� - 1 , , 1r ' . . . � ,,� �� Octaber 21,� 1998 Regional Council MeeUng Resolutlan q661 (as amendad) � "a) THAT an Ad Hoc CommiBee be farmed comprised of lhe Regional Chair and a Regional elected representative from each member municipal(ty, as selected by the Regional Chafr b) THAT the Committee elect a Chair, c) THAT the Committee have the support of the Chief Adminfstrative O�cer, d) THAT the Committee revfew all municipal services, (dentify(ng where each . shauld propedy be; e) THAT the CommiBee identify and recommend outside research and study be • completed, on those service areas deemed appropriate to the Reg(an; � THAT the Committee pravide fts ftndings and recommendaUons to Council at its meeting of December 2, 1998; and g) THAT all studies be completed prior to December 30,1999." � ; ; 4 _ i � � , .: �. 7 ti �� .(" i yt (i 1 c '' � 1 1 f ' r r ��k � � r � � t '- c tti ' �� .. . 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