HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 27-02 158 REPORT TO COUNCIL Cilt¡ o~ FROM: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development DATE: May 27, 2002 REPORT NUMBER: PD 27-02 --- SUBJECT: Draft Plan of Subdivision Application S-P-2001-02 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 09101 Rosebank Garden Homes Inc. on behalf of I. E. Holmes Part of Lots 31, Concession 2 2030 Rosebank Road (West side of Rosebank Road, north of Finch Avenue City of Pickering RECOMMENDATION: 1. That Draft Plan of Subdivision Application S-P-2001-02 submitted by Rosebank Garden Homes Inc. on behalf of I. E. Holmes, on lands being Part of Lots 31 Concession 2, City of Pickering, to permit the development of a plan of subdivision, be APPROVED, subject to the conditions outlined in Appendix I to Planning Report Number PD 27-02. - 2. That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 09101 submitted by Rosebank Garden Homes Inc. on behalf of I. E. Holmes, on lands being Part of Lots 31 Concession 2, City of Pickering, to establish performance standards to allow the implementation of draft plan of subdivision, be APPROVED, subject to the conditions outlined in Appendix II to Planning Report Number PD 27-02. ORIGIN: Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2001-02 submitted to the Region of Durham and circulated to the City of Pickering for comment, and Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 09/01 submitted to the City of Pickering. AUTHORITY: The Planning Act, RS.O. 1990, chapter P.13 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: The urbanization of Rosebank Road, from Finch Avenue to the northern extension ofthe subject land, will be constructed with the subdivision. These works were identified in the external subdivision works of the Approved 2002 Development Charges Budget for commitment in 2003. - EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The applicant proposes to develop a draft plan of subdivision consisting of 45 lots for detached dwellings, 11 semi-detached lots for 22 semi-detached dwellings and 4 future lots, for a total of 71 dwelling units. All lots will front one of two new public streets, and one of the new streets intersects with Rosebank Road. The proposed plan of subdivision consists of lots for the detached dwellings having a lot frontage of 10.0 metres and 11 metres. The applicant proposes to amend the current zoning to allow the proposed dwelling units with modified performance standards, to permit the implementation of the draft plan. Report to Council PD 27-02 Date: May 27, 2002 15~j Subject: Draft Plan of Subdivision Application S-P-2001-02 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 09/01 Page 2 The proposed plan of subdivision represents appropriate residential development. The proposal confonns to the policies of the Pickering Official Plan for lands designated Urban Residential - Low Density Area. All interests of the City will be appropriately addressed through an associated subdivision agreement. . ",...,.. BACKGROUND: 1.0 Introduction The subject lands are located on the west side of Rosebank Road, north of Finch Avenue. A property location map is provided for reference (see Attachment #1). The subject property was recently used as a farm and horse ranch containing one detached dwelling unit and a barn; the northeast comer of the property is wooded. The original draft plan of subdivision contained 69 dwelling units, consisting of 47 detached dwellings, 18 semi-detached dwellings, and 4 future lots. This is the proposal that was presented at the public meeting and described in the public meeting infonnation report (see Attachment #2). Since the public meeting the applicant has revised the draft plan of subdivision. The revision to the draft plan relates to the lotting. The road configuration remains the same as originally proposed. The revised lotting is now for 45 detached dwellings lots and 11 semi-detached lots that will accommodate 22 semi detached dwellings, and 4 future lots, for a total of 71 dwelling units. The draft plan also provides for 4 blocks proposed for detached dwelling lots in the future when the temporary cul-de-sacs are extended westerly (see Attachment #3). - The subject property is located within the Rouge Park Neighbourhood and a Detailed Review Area, for which Council has adopted the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Development Guidelines. These guidelines indicate a road bisecting the subject property. A portion of the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Tertiary Plan has been attached that highlights the subject property. The Rouge-Duffins Wildlife Corridor has been shown on this plan (Attachment #3A). The following is background infonnation on the subject applications: Proposed Development Detail - Gross area of draft plan Net residential area of draft plan Open space blocks Landscape strip block Number of detached dwelling lots Number of semi-detached building lots Number of semi-detached dwelling units Future lots Total dwelling units Net residential density Detached dwelling lot frontages - minimum 11.0 metres - minimum 10.0 metres Semi-detached building lot frontage - minimum 15.0 metres Original Plan Revised Plan , (Attachment 2) (Attachment 3) - 3.95 ha - 3.95 ha - 2.32 ha - 2.41 ha - 0.64 ha - 0.55 ha - nil - 0.024 ha - 47 - 45 - 9 - 11 - 18 - 22 - 4 - 4 - 69 - 71 - 29.6 units/ha - 29.4 units/ha - 30 - 19 - 21 - 26 - 9 - 11 160 Report to Council PD 27-02 Date: May 27, 2002 Subject: Draft Plan of Subdivision Application S-P-2001-02 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 09/01 Page 3 2.0 Information Meeting - A Public Information Meeting for the subject applications was held on August 9, 2001. Information Report No. 21-01, which summarizes the applicant's original proposal and outlines the issues and comments identified to that date through circulation of the application, was prepared for that meeting. The text of the Information Report is provided for reference (see Attachment #4). At the Public Information Meeting, four area residents commented on the applicant's proposal. Comments included: . Question on construction impacts including, private services of adjacent properties, tree preservation, property line fencing; . Lotting and servicing matters as proposed by the draft plan; . The density is too high and should be reduced; . Devaluation of abutting property; . Structural impacts of the subdivision construction on adjacent buildings; . Impacts on the adj acent wildlife corridor; . Impacts on stormwater flow through the subject property; and . Increased traffic from the subdivision and questions on upgrades to Rosebank Road Minutes of the August 9, 2001 Statutory Public Information Meeting are provided for reference (see Attachment #5). 2.1 Public Comment - Prior to the public meeting two written comments were received from area residents. Laurie Humphries, 2026 Altona Road - advised that she is concerned that the proposed development does not lend itself to the vision of a village concept and that the proposed subdivision should have no negative environmental impact on the open space/Rouge- Duffins Wildlife Corridor (see Attachment #6). - Jocelyn Barber, 450 Finch Avenue - advised that she is concerned with: . impact on the value of the property; . proposed lotting pattern based on land assembly including Provincially owned land; . timing of the subject application based on past assumptions on the ability to develop; . possible road pattern on the abutting properties impacts the house at 450 Finch Avenue; . access to the subject property should be only from Rosebank Road and should not be designed to have future access to Finch Avenue through abutting property; . land assembly for the area should occur based on a set land price prior to land use being determined; . the subject property has had fill placed on it and how will this impact on the development of the property; if the fill has to be removed where will it be placed; is the placement of controlled by the City, and will the additional fill impact the servicing of the site; . north of the subject site is the York-Durham Sewer which has a venting system and the operation of the venting system is questioned; . the intermittent watercourse that runs through the north-east comer of the subject property has been impacted by the placement of fill and may back up the water to other properties; . impact ofthe development on abutting wells; . existing property line fences should remain as is; . preservation of existing trees along property lines; . the direction of stormwater flow off ofthe subject and abutting property; . impact of construction on dust in the area (see Attachment #7). Report to Council PD 27-02 Subject: Draft Plan of Subdivision Application S-P-2001-02 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 09101 Date: May 27, 2002 161 Page 4 Since the public meeting the only additional public comments ha:e com~ f~om Jocelyn Barber, who has submitted numerous correspondences on the subject apphcatlOns (Attachment # 8 to 15). The issues can be summarized as follows: - . timing of the proposed development as it relates to previously Ontario Municipal Board hearings and Ontario Realty Corporation selling programs; . corporate history ofthe developers ofthe subject applications; . accuracy of some of the submitted information provided in support of the applications; . conceptual road connection onto adjacent properties; . the history of the intermittent watercourse that travels through the subject property and the impact of the placed fill and the proposed development on the watercourse; . the submission of a Petition for Drainage Works under the Drainage Act; . the review of the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Environmental Master Servicing Plan; and, . stormwater management issues and existing stormwater services for the area. 2.2 Comments from Other Agencies Hydro One has advised they have no objection to the applications subject to certain conditions (see Attachment #16). Veridian Connections has advised that they have no objection to this proposal, and request a copy of the proposed civil design plans to prepare a preliminary design and estimate to service the proposed subdivision (see Attachment #17). - Canada Post has requested conditions of approval be imposed on their behalf respecting the notification and construction of the required Community Mailbox (see Attachment #18). Bell Canada has requested conditions of draft approval be imposed on their behalf addressing the location and installation of underground servicing (see Attachment #19). Enbridge Consumers Gas has requested that conditions related to the installation of underground servicing be imposed on their behalf (see Attachment #20). Durham District School Board has advised that approximately 35 elementary pupils could be generated by the development, that these students will be accommodated within existing school facilities and therefore, have no objection to the application (see Attachment #21). Durham Catholic District School Board has advised that the proposed development is within the catchment area of St. Monica Catholic School and the projected student yield will be 14 students and therefore, have no objection to the application (see Attachment #22). Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Recreation has advised that an archaeological report has been prepared and reviewed and no archaeologically significant resources were identified. Therefore, they have no objection to the application (see Attachment #23). - Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) has verbally advised that they are reviewing the detailed design information that they have requested on stormwater management. The TRCA conditions of approval for the subdivision will be forwarded to the City upon the conclusion of the detailed review. It is not anticipated that any of the comments will have an impact on the subdivision design. It is further noted that staff are recommending as a condition of approval that the subdivider satisfy all requirements of the TRCA. Region of Durham Planning Department has advised that Durham Regional Official Plan designates the subject lands as Living Area, where development is intended to be predominantly for housing purposes. The draft plan appears to be in proximity to lands designated as Open Space Linkages, which recognizes the Rouge-Duffins Corridor. The proposed applications conform to the Durham Regional Official Plan. 1 6 ~~ Report to Council PD 27-02 Subject: Draft Plan of Subdivision Application S-P-2001-02 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 09/01 Date: May 27,2002 Page 5 - The applications have been screened in accordance with the terms of the Provincial plan review responsibilities, and a noise study, an archaeological study and a Phas~ 1 & 2 Environmental Site Assessment were required and have been reviewed by the RegIOn. An Environmental Assessment is required that considers the potential impacts on the Open Space wildlife corridor that will address edge conditions and stormwater management. The Region has advised that there are no other Provincial interests or delegated review responsibilities applicable to the subject applications. Matters related to Regional servicing and financing will be addressed in a required agreement between the developer and the Region. The subject development is non-sequential from a water servicing and sanitary servicing perspective, and the developer will be required to provide the appropriate services to the subject property. In summary, the Region has no objection to the application and has requested certain conditions be incorporated into the conditions of approval (see Attachment # 24). 2.4 Comments from City Departments The Municipal Property & Engineering Section has advised of the following: - . that the subdivision agreement should contain a warning clause related to the level rail crossing on Rosebank Road; . that Street "A" is required to be 20 metres wide; . the existing well that services the existing house will have to be removed; . stormwater matters must be addressed; and, . there is a requirement of cash-in-lieu of parkland or the dedication of proposed lot 52 as a tot lot (see Attachment # 25). 3.0 Discussion 3.1 Subdivision Design Considerations The overall subdivision design is considered appropriate given some of the constraints of the subject site. Lands in the northern portion of the subdivision are not developable, due to their environmental significance. A servicing corridor for York Durham Sanitary Sewer and the coP. Railways north ofthe subject draft plan also restricts any development north of the subject site. Hydro transmission towers encumber lands to the south. Lands to the west are developable and the proposed road pattern could be extended westward to accommodate future development. The resulting subdivision design, as submitted by the developer, proposes an appropriate lot yield on the developable land. The applicant's revision to the subdivision dealt with minor enhancements that resulted in an overall improved subdivision design and a few additional lots. The alterations to the street configuration have been minor and the draft plan still proposes reverse lot frontages along Rosebank Road. The reverse lot frontages have been buffered by the incorporation of a landscape strip, and incorporates noise attenuation fences adjacent to Rosebank: Road. - In the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Development Guidelines of the Pickering Official Plan, the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Tertiary Plan identifies an east west road bisecting the subject draft plan that has been interpreted as being Street "A" ofthe draft plan. Both Streets "A" and "B" terminate in temporary cul-de-sac designs. This design is considered most appropriate as it allows for future road connections to the lands to the west when these lands are developed. The draft plan incorporates temporary road allowance blocks that will initially be conveyed to the City for the construction of the cul-de-sac. When Streets' A' and 'B' are extended, these temporary road allowance blocks will be conveyed back to the subdivider in order to complete the proposed 4 future lots. Subject: Draft Plan of Subdivision Application S-P-2001-02 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 09/01 Date: May 27, 2002 16 3 Page 6 Report to Council PD 27-02 Building pennits will not be available for these lots until the temporary road allowance blocks have been conveyed back to the subdivider. - Conveyance of a 3.0 metre block of land adjacent to Rosebank Road will provide an opportunity to reduce the impact of the required noise attenuation fence along Finch Avenue through the introduction of landscaping. It is recommended that funds made available from boulevard trees that cannot be accommodated on Street 'A' or 'B', be applied to coniferous plantings on this block, as part of the Applicant's street tree planting plan. . The required noise fence is a direct result of the applicants proposed rear lot design. The block for landscaping is essential to addr~ss the City's policy to discourage noise attenuation fencing. The conveyance of the landscape block does not constitute conveyance of parkland as per Section 42(1) of the Planning Act. Further, the subdivider shall provide a fixed payment satisfactory to the City to provide for long-term maintenance and replacement of the plant material. The implementation of the landscape strip will reduce the negative impact of the noise attenuation fence that is a requirement of the noise study. The noise fence is a requirement that results from the applicant's subdivision design of reverse lot frontage therefore, it is reasonable for the subdivider to bear the cost for the landscape strip as this is the only way to "soften" the impacts is the noise attenuation fence and provide a streetscape along Rosebank Road that is not just a noise fence. - The subdivision design incorporates a 0.558 hectare block in the northern portion of the draft plan as open space (Block 76). This portion of the draft plan is currently vegetated and will remain in a natural state, although some rehabilitation of this area may be required. This block corresponds to the lands that are designated as Open Space System - Natural Areas in the Official Plan. These lands are not developable and the conveyance of these lands to a public authority does not constitute conveyance of parkland under Section 42(1) of the Planning Act. 3.2 Urban Design Considerations The development of the proposed detached dwelling and semi-detached dwellings on small lots must be carefully planned and controlled to avoid a monotonous streetscape, minimize the negative affects of garage projections at the front of the houses and reduce lot access conflicts. These potential problems can be mitigated through the application of good urban design techniques. The modulation of front yard depths and eliminating garage projections beyond the main walls of dwellings can visually improve a streetscape. Where lot depths and widths pennit, house designs can be chosen that eliminate full garage projections. Incorporating habitable floor space above garage extensions or the use of hip roofs on the garage extensions also improve the streetscape. The twinning of driveways provides for increased curb space for visitor parking, reduces lot access conflicts and the amount of driveway asphalt in front yards and may facilitate the planting of trees. - In considering a streetscape, the design element that contributes the most to the appearance of the dwelling is how the garage is treated. This includes both the projection of the garage and the width of the garagelgarage door. The width of the garagelgarage door also relates to the amount of asphalt/driveway in the front yard. On plans of subdivisions that incorporate small lots (having a lot frontage of 10 metres or less), front yards are compromised when the driveway takes on a high priority due to its size. In this subdivision, the majority of the dwellings will have a lot frontage of 10.0 metres or less. If a two-car garage was permitted the result would be that almost 2/3 of the front yard would be driveway. Furthennore, with a two-car garage on a 10.0 metre wide lot, there is not enough room left to on the main wall of the house to accommodate both a front door and a front window that both face the street. Therefore, it is recommended that the width of the garage and garage door be controlled in the architectural design statement. 16 4 Report to Council PD 27-02 Subject: Draft Plan of Subdivision Application S-P-2001-02 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 09/01 Date: May 27, 2002 Page 7 - Based on the forgoing, this Department recommends that prior to the registration of the plan and/or the issuance of any model home permits, the applicant prepare a report to the satisfaction of the Director, Planning & Development, outlining siting and architectural design objectives for the draft plan of subdivision that includes streetscape/architectural guidelines. These guidelines will include restriction of garage projections, garage width and model types at certain locations as outlined in Section 2.3.12 of Appendix I ofthis report. 3.3 Appropriateness of the Proposed Development The proposed development is considered appropriate and in conformity with the Official Plan. The draft plan provides a mix of both lot sizes and housing product type. Given the relative size and shape of the draft plan and the road configuration the proposed plan is appropriate provided subdivision/architectural design considerations are incorporated such as the landscape strip along Rosebank Road and quality architectural design objectives are adhered to. The revisions to the draft plan were mostly minor and addressed some technical matters. The unit count is in conformity with the density requirements for Urban Residential - Low Density Area. The subdivision design features will enhance the streetscape and result in an appropriate design for the subdivision. Quality urban design that creates a more livable, and therefore more vibrant community is an important aspect of the Smart Growth concept. All forms of development should be encouraged to achieve a high level of urban design that will provide a benefit to the greater community. - In considering this draft plan, this Department considered the impact of the development on the ability of the lands to the west to be developed as outlined in the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Guidelines of the Pickering Official Plan. Lands to the west can be developed in a variety of ways that can result in an overall comprehensive neighbourhood that is integrated and compatible. Therefore, the approval of these applications will not have a negative impact on the ability for the lands to the west to achieve their development potential. Conditions of Approval recommended in Appendix I to this Report include provisions to ensure that the above-mentioned design features are implemented, and respect City standards. 3.4 Zoning Requirements The applicant has requested zoning that will implement the draft plan and requirements similar to the zoning that has been applied to similar developments in the City. This would include appropriate set backs and building performance standards that are typical of development on lots similar to the proposed development. It is anticipated that the amending zoning by-law will be brought forward to Council after the submission of an acceptable draft 40M plan. - 3.5 Technical Matters Fencing The subject draft plan will require some of the perimeter of the site to be fenced. A noise attenuation fence is required along the entire northern boundary of the lots, including wrap-a-rounds on the comer lots. Report to Council PD 27-02 Subject: Draft Plan of Subdivision Application S-P-2001-02 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 09/01 Date: May 27, 2002 ¡6t'.'. ~J Page The eastern perimeter will also require a noise fence along the rear yards that abut Rosebank Road, including wrap-a-rounds of the comer lots, The southern perimeter, exclud~ng the lots that have noise attenuation fences, will require an appropriate fence separatmg the residential lots from the Hydro corridor. - Prior to the installation of the permanent fence, a temporary construction fence will be erected and maintained. Conditions of Approval recommended in Appendix I to this Report include provisions to ensure that both temporary and permanent fencing will be installed around the subject lands. Subdivision Agreement A future subdivision agreement between the City and the owner of the lands will be required to ensure that all matters of interest to the City are protected. This required agreement, and several other development implementation matters, are incorporated into the recommended conditions of approval for this proposal found in Appendix I to this Report. Parkland As no park blocks form part of the draft plan, the City will accept cash-in lieu from the subdivider in order to satisfy Section 42(1) ofthe Planning Act. Edge Management/Open Space Restoration - An edge management plan and an open space restoration plan will be required for Block 76. As part of the detailed design. for the draft plan the impact of the placement of fill in this Block will have to be assessed with regard to impact on vegetation, surface hydrology, and ground water. This may result in removal of fill in some areas, the placement of topsoil, planting of appropriate native species and the removal of dead or declining trees. The restoration plan along with the detail stormwater management plan will also have to address the former intermittent stream that flowed through this area. Petition for Drainage Works under the Drainage Act A Petition for Drainage Works under the Drainage Act has been submitted against the subject property. This Petition relates to intermittent stream and the ponding up of water in the northern portion of the property and on abutting land. The engineering consultant that is reviewing this matter for the City has verbally advised that the Petition should not impact on the City's ability to consider the subject applications. If the draft plan is approved, it is anticipated that the detailed engineering will address all surface water movements for the subject property. Interface Between Proposed Development and Existing Property - The interface between the proposed draft plan and the existing residential lots to the west will have to be appropriately designed so that the existing residential properties are not physically impacted by the construction activities. This will include addressing matters such as grading, fencing, drainage and vegetation preservation. These matters will be addressed in the detailed design of the draft plan. 3.6 Conditions of Draft Approval While the specifics of the TRCA's conditions of approval for this draft plan are not known at this time, no formal conditions of approval will be issued by the City until the TRCA's conditions of approval are received and incorporated into the formal conditions of draft plan approval. Outstanding matters are technical and should not impact subdivision design. 16 6 Report to Council PD 27-02 Date: May 27,2002 Subject: Draft Plan of Subdivision Application S-P-2001-02 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 09/01 Page 9 4.0 Applicant's Comments The applicant has advised that they concur with the recommendations of this report. - APPEND ICES: APPENDIX I: APPENDIX II: Recommended Conditions of Approval for SP-2001-02 Recommended Conditions of Approval for A 09/01 - - - -. -. Report to Council PD 27-02 Date: May 27, 2002 16'7 Page 10 Subject: Draft Plan of Subdivision Application S-P-2001-02 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 09/01 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. ATTACHMENTS: Property Location Map Applicant's Original Submitted Plan Applicant's Revised Submitted Plan Infonnation Report No. 21-01 Minutes of the August 9,2001 Statutory Public Meeting Resident Comment - Laurie Humphries, 2026 Altona Road Resident Comment - Jocelyn Barber, 450 Finch Avenue Resident Comment - Jocelyn Barber, 450 Finch Avenue Resident Comment - Jocelyn Barber, 450 Finch Avenue Resident Comment - Jocelyn Barber, 450 Finch Avenue Resident Comment - Jocelyn Barber, 450 Finch Avenue Resident Comment - Jocelyn Barber, 450 Finch Avenue Resident Comment - Jocelyn Barber, 450 Finch Avenue Resident Comment - Jocelyn Barber, 450 Finch Avenue Resident Comment - Jocelyn Barber, 450 Finch Avenue Agency Comment - Hydro One Agency Comment - Veridian Connections Agency Comment - Canada Post Agency Comment - Bell Canada Agency Comment - Enbridge Consumers Gas Agency Comment - Durham District School Board Agency Comment - Durham Catholic School Board Agency Comment - Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Recreation Agency Comment - Region of Durham Planning Department Staff Comment - Municipal Property & Engineering Prepared By: Approved 1 Endorsed by: ,~/ff Ross Pym, MCIP, RP Principal Planner -' evelopment Review RP/td/jf Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council 168 APPENDIX I TO REPORT NUMBER PD 27-02 - RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR DRAFT PLANS OF SUBDIVISION SP-2001-02 - - RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION SP-2001-02 169 1.0 GENERAL CONDITIONS 1.1 That this recommendation apply to the draft plan prepared by Land-Pro Engineering Consultants Inc., revised date of April 10, 2002 (Drawing Number DP-1B), for Draft Plan of Subdivision Application SP-2001-02 submitted by Land-Pro Engineering Consultants Inc. on behalf of Rosebank Garden Homes Inc., on lands being Part of Lots 31, Concession 2, City of Pickering, to permit the development of 45 lots for detached dwellings, 11 semi-detached lots for 22 semi-detached dwellings, 4 future detached dwelling blocks, open space block and landscape block. - 2.0 PRIOR TO THE REGISTRATION OF THE PLAN: 2.1.1 That the owners submit a Draft 40M-Plan to be approved by the City Planning & Development Department that includes the modifications to the plan as outlined the Planning Report Number PD 06-02. 2.1.2 That the implementing by-law for Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 09/01 become final and binding. 2.3 That the owner enter into a subdivision agreement with and to the satisfaction of the City of Pickering to ensure the fulfillment of the City's requirements, financial and otherwise, which shall include, but not necessarily be limited to the following: 2.3.1 Storm Drainage (a) satisfaction of the Director, Planning & Development Department respecting a stormwater drainage and management system to service all the lands in the subdivision, and any provisions regarding easements; - (b) satisfaction of the Director, Planning & Development Department for contributions for down stream stonnwater management works. 2.3.2 Grading Control and Soils (a) satisfaction of the Director, Planning & Development Department respecting submission and approval of a grading and control plan; (b) satisfaction of the Director, Planning and Development Department respecting the submission and approval of a geotechnical soils analysis. 2.3.3 Road Allowances (a) satisfaction of the Director, Planning & Development Department respecting construction of internal roads with curbs, storm sewers, sidewalks and boulevard designs to maximize ITont yard space without impeding services or the safe operation of the streets: and, - (b) that all streets be named to the satisfaction of the City of Pickering. 2.3.4 Sidewalks (a) that the owner construct a sidewalk along the north side Street 'A' and the south side of Street 'B' to the satisfaction of the Director, Planning & Development Department. 170 - - - 2 - 2.3.5 Construction 1 Installation of City Works & Services (a) satisfaction of the City respecting arrangements for the provision of all services required by the City; (b) satisfaction of the appropriate authorities respecting arrangements for the provision of underground wiring, street lighting, cable television, natural gas and other similar services; ( c) that the cost of any relocation, extension, alteration or extraordinary maintenance of existing services necessitated by this development shall be the responsibility of the subdivider. 2.3.6 Dedications 1 Transfers 1 Conveyances (a) the dedication of all road allowances with the proper comer roundings and sight triangles to the City; (b) that the owner convey to the City, at no costs: (i) Block 77, being a three (3) metre wide landscape block at the rear of lots 52 to 56, both inclusive; any easements as required; and, any reserves as required by the City. (ii) (iii) (c) that the subdivider convey any easement to any utility to facilitate the installation of their services in a location(s) to the satisfaction of the City and the utility. 2.3.7 Construction Management Plan (a) that the owners make satisfactory arrangements with the City respecting a construction management plan, such Plan to contain, among other things: (i) details of erosion and sedimentation controls during all phases of construction and provide maintenance requirements to maintain these controls; addressing the parking of vehicles and the storage of construction and building materials during servicing and house construction, and ensuring that such locations will not impede the flow of traffic or emergency vehicles on either existing streets or the proposed public street; ensurance that the City's Noise By-law will be adhered to and that all contractors, trades and suppliers are advised ofthis By-law; the provision of mud and dust control on all roads within and adjacent to the site; type and timing of construction fencing; location of construction trailers. (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) 2.3.8 Development Charges - (a) satisfaction of the City financially with respect to the Development Charges Act. 2.3.9 Co-ordinated Development (a) satisfaction of the City with respect to arrangements necessary to provide for co-ordination of services and roads with adjacent lands and any phasing of development that may be required. - 3 - 171 2.3.10 Fencing (a) satisfaction of the City with respect to the provision of temporary fencing around the entire perimeter of the subject lands during construction, prior to the commencement of any works; - (b) satisfaction of the City with respect to the provision. of a chain link fence o~ wood privacy fence along the southern perimeter of the subject property were there IS not a need for a noise attenuation fence; (c) satisfaction of the City with respect to the provision of noise attenuation fencing as per a noise report approved by the City of Pickering. 2.3.11 Street Tree Planting (a) the submission of a street tree planting plan to the satisfaction of the City, such plan to include plantings in Block 77 of the draft plan. (b) the subdivision provide the City with a fixed payment, satisfactory to the Director, Planning & Development for long term maintenance of Block 77. 2.3.12 DesignPlanning (a) the satisfaction of the Director, Planning & Development Department respecting a report outlining siting and architectural design objectives for the development, and the submission of site plans and architectural drawings identifying how each unit meets the objectives of the report, prior to the issuance of any building permit for the construction of a residential unit on the lands; - (b) the report outlining siting and architectural design objectives for the development must address building envelopes, house designs, siting, and streetscapes as well as garage designs, locations, massing, width, and projection from the main dwelling; (c) the report outlining siting and architectural design objectives for the development must place special emphasis on the model to be built on lots that have a ftont lot line at street line, of 10.0 metres or less, and models on these lots will have restrictions on garage width. (d) the report outlining siting and architectural design objectives for the development must address driveway placement and curb cut location on the proposed public road to ensure adequate room is maintainedl0 accommodate street furniture and boulevard landscaping; (e) that the owner satisfy the City respecting the provision of appropriate aesthetic details and design of all boundary fencing and noise attenuation fencing adjacent to Rosebank Road. 2.3.13 Noise Attenuation - (a) that the owners satisfy the requirements of the Ministry of the Environment regarding the approval of a noise study recommending noise control features satisfactory to the Region of Durham, and the City of Pickering. 2.3.14 Engineering Drawings (a) that the owner satisfy the City respecting the submission of appropriate engineering drawings that detail, among other things, City services, roads, storm sewers, sidewalks, lot grading, streetlights, fencing and tree planting, and financially-secure such works. 172 - 4 - (b) that the engineering plans be co-ordinated with the architectural design objectives and further the engineering plans shall co-ordinate the driveway width, street hardware and street trees in order to ensure that conflicts do not exist, asphalt is minimized and street trees are accommodated. 2.3.15 Other Approval Agencies -. (a) that the subdivider satisfy all the requirements of the Region of Durham; (b) that the subdivider satisfy all the requirements Toronto and Region Conservation Authority; and, of the (c) that any approvals which are required from the Region of Durham or the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority for the development of this plan be obtained by the subdivider, and upon request written confIrmation be provided to the City of Pickering as verification of these approvals. 2.3.16 Parkland Dedication (a) that the subdivider provide to the City cash-in-lieu of parkland dedications, to the satisfaction of the Director, Planning & Development, in order to satisfy Section 42(1) of the Planning Act. - - - 4- 173 (b) that the engineering plans be co-ordinated with the architectural design objectives and further the engineering plans shall co-ordinate the driveway width, street hardware and street trees in order to ensure that conflicts do not exist, asphalt is minimized and street trees are accommodated. 2.3.15 Other Approval Agencies - (a) that the subdivider satisfy all the requirements of the Region of Durham; (b) that the subdivider satisfy all the requirements Toronto and Region Conservation Authority; and, of the (c) that any approvals which are required from the Region of Durham or the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority for the development of this plan be obtained by the subdivider, and upon request written confinnation be provided to the City of Pickering as verification of these approvals. ' 2.3.16 Parkland Dedication (a) that the subdivider provide to the City cash-in-lieu of parkland dedications, to the satisfaction of the Director, Planning & Development, in order to satisfy Section 42(1) of the Planning Act. - - 174 - - - APPENDIX II TO REPORT NUMBER PD 27-02 RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 09/01 1. That the implementing zoning by-law: (a) permit the establishment of detached dwellings in accordance with the following prOVlSlons: (i) minimum lot area of250 square metres; (ii) minimum lot frontage of9.0 metres; (iii) minimum front yard depth of 4.5 metres; (iv) minimum rear yard depth of7.5 metres; (v) minimum side yard width of 1.2 metres on one side and 0.6 metres on the other side; (vi) minimum flankage side yard width of2.7 metres; (vii) maximum building height of 12.0 metres; (viii) minimum gross floor area of 100 square metres; (ix) maximum of one dwelling unit per lot; (x) maximum lot coverage of 48 percent; (xi) minimum one private garage per lot, any vehicular entrance of which shall be. located not less than 6.0 metres from the front lot line and not less than 6.0 metres fTom any side lot line immediately adjoining a street or abutting on a reserve on the opposite side of which is a street; (xii) wall containing the main entrance to the dwelling unit, except where a covered and unenclosed porch or verandah extends a minimum of 1.8 metres fÌom the wall containing the main entrance to the dwelling unit, no part of no part of any private garage shall extend more that 3.0 metres beyond the wall containing the main entrance to the dwelling unit; or where a covered and unenclosed porch or verandah extends a minimum of 2.0 metres from the wall containing the main entrance to the dwelling unit and where second story habitable floor space located above the garage is set back no more than 2.5 metres beyond the vehicular entrance of an attached private garage, no part of any attached private garage shall extend more than 6.0 metres beyond the wall containing the main entrance to the dwelling unit. (xiii) uncovered steps and platforms not exceeding 2.0 metres in height shall be permitted to project a maximum of 1.5 metres into a required rear yard. (b) permit the establishment of semi-detached dwellings in accordance with the following provIsIOns: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) minimum lot area of 205 square metres; minimum lot ftontage of 7.5 metres; minimum front yard depth of 4.5 metres; minimum rear yard depth of7.5 metres; minimum side yard width of 1.2 metres on one side and 0.0 metres where dwelling on adjacent lot is attached; (vi) minimum flankage side yard width of2.7 metres; (vii) maximum building height of 12.0 metres; (viii) minimum gross floor area of 100 square metres; (ix) maximum of one dwelling unit per lot; (x) maximum lot coverage of 50 percent; (xi) minimum one private garage per lot, any vehicular entrance of which shall be located not less than 6.0 metres from the ftont lot line and not less than 6.0 metres fÌom any side lot line immediately adjoining a street or abutting on a reserve on the opposite side of which is a street; (xii) maximum projection of the garage fÌont entrance fÌom the wall containing the main entrance to the dwelling unit shall not exceed 2.5 metres in length, whether or not such garage has a second storey, except where a covered and unenclosed porch or verandah extends a minimum of 1.8 metres from the wall containing the main entrance to the dwelling unit, in which case no part of any attached private garage shall extend more than 3.0 metres beyond the wall containing the main entrance to the dwelling unit; (xiii) uncovered steps and platforms not exceeding 2.0 metres in height shall be permitted to project a maximum of 1.5 metres into a required rear yard. " ATTACHMENT I. -.:1.' YO REPORT, PO ?ì - ()'2- 175 - /~O~O 0 « 0 0: / ----- LINE « - z -0 ~ « - -./ JE FINCH C .r= ~ Z « m w (J] 0 0: o°«Z «Z «Z \ cP '--"'Î - -. - - . ~ .::= -œ= -0=- - - f- 0 « -0 0:: -- ~ \ « z 0 I- . -! « City of Pickering PROPERlY DESCRIPTION PART OF LOT 31, CONCESSION 2 OWNER IRIS ELEANOR HOLMES APPLICATION No. SP-2001-02¡ A 09/01 FOR DEPARTMENT US~ ONLY PN-14 Planning & Development Department DATE JUN 25, 2001 SCALE 1 :7500 DRAWN BY RC l' CHECKED BY TB PA- ..,.",.,......-..'.. s p - 2JOl -=--. ~ - REf"'. r:~ a~f ~ D ,,~, ¡.- L J L.. ,. APK 1 9 2001 CITY c¡::: ¡:)¡CK~RING PLANNING AND DEVELOFMENTD~~A~TMeNT , _._.,..~-_. ~ './ A l1 ,:»0 /"" #1' g ill! L ä5 18 ~t\;¡ ~I 16 EXISTING RESIDENTIAL .,,' " A A EXISTING RESIDENTIAL '.. ",. '.. liWES. \ AU. OItÆHSlONS ARE IN IA€1RES. AU. El£VAl1ON$ REF£R TO GtODET1C OA1UM. AU. EXIStING 8\JiW1NGS TO BE OEUaJSH£O. ADDITIONAL INF'ORt.AA"I10N RF:OUIRrn UNDER SECll0N 50(2) OF 11-!E PLANNING ACT Co THIS REPRESEHTS TIIf: APPUC-'Hrs EN11R£ HOtJ)INÇ or UNOEVEI.OPED IN'O IN THIS VICINITY. H. IoOl/NtOPAI. "'PEl! WAnR ro I £ PROVIO£o. I. SANOy SILT SOIL. .. t.lUMClPAl. SAHlTAR'Y do: STORM SE>IERS TO BE PRO'<IOEÐ. o-z.. C.PR. LANDS \ -- l.-------- h ~J~ ) -. 'ï ! D~T f--~ ~ .---If¡' ,/ L-Jo. . ¡. ¡ ,. ----/'" ~ r-:;. ~ ~ . ,/' .-....¡; ~Ii.~. "~._'~. i c¡,;> ÇJ! ~~~/ ~' l n! - /¿~(,~ çL ORAfT PLAN OF PROPOSED SUeOI'.1S\ON PART OF LOT 031, CONCESSION 2 FORI.IERL Y IN 11-!E TO'M'fSHIP OF' PICKERING, COUNTY OF' ONTARIO NOW IN 11-!E OTY OF PICKERING REGIONAL MUNIOPÞ.UTY OF OURHAM SUR'ÆYOR'S CFRTlF1CA IT I HEREBY CERWY 1I<AT Tl'E BOUNDARIES CJF THE '-"NO TO Sf: SUBDII/IDED AS SHOWN ON 1I<IS PlAN, ANO THEIR RElATIONSHIP TO THE ADJACtNT '-"NOS ARE ACCUAA1U.Y ANO CORRECTLY SHOWN. ~~L 51_"'" CERAIJ) G. HICKSON, O.L5. ---21L-, !>tlLIl Duy Month '!.=.I T.... O'M'fER'S AU11-!ORIZATION 1/'11£. HARKIRAN BOI'ARAI (IN TRUST rOR RosœANK GARDEN HOIoIES INC.) BÐNG 1I<E OWNER(S) Tl'RO!JGH SAL£ PURCHAS£ AGREEMENT 'MTH THE PRESENT REClSm<ED QWNER(S) or THE SUBJECT v.NOS. HEREI!Y AUTHORIZE LAND-PRO ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS INC. TO PREPARE ANO SUBMIT A DRAFT PlAN OF SUBDt"SlON rOR APPROVAL t41 . t"" I ) I _æ. .~ ~. . 5'<¡"ut, t)ay ,M....III Y.... CONI>nOlls FOR E1LC¡"""'" ""'",",AnOll "'AltSF£1' , ~~":=:-=.'\::=-=-~ , _....-.......r"............ '=-~_._~-_._..._- '~----..._--~..-- ~ ~,." .. ,- 8 8 B B '" ~ 8 B . : -<-.>.z¡; "' ~ " : a ; ;; ~I i, 'f! 5 Õ ! ~:¡ "", :r ~." 3~33 j:z .:31 373635 I I 38 , "k "" 'D,. '.. '... '0.0 '" ""-- . , 'e' "'I _STREET - ; "I"" . .. I .,~ "'1 ..;.~.,..-..~~... .4. "'5 48-~_<4Z /1. . . .,'. ';-".' . . . _._.__.._-....:ti--~.:-~./" ~ ~"'... ~ II, II, .. ../ ij ~ B B B 8\ B B B <...." ........}~;.- /// .. ~" .,.~:::..: / ~/?/~;~.-::,~"::.'..:;:'/ / / / :i/ ~ / / .\ HYDRO CORRIDOR \.-.--.--/ ~ ",ft ------- "..",,' YORK-DURHAM SYSTEM CORRIDOR 3.9S7 Ho 0.5S5 Ho 0.C85 Ho 0.074 Ho 30242 Ho 0.838 Ho 0,004 Ho 1.115 Ho 11.591 Ho 0.465 Ho REVISIONS \JHAI 1HoRt2m USE aI REIŒ Œ T1IS alA- IS NOr f'æ m;D. c"......-.'.-.""-.--""'.'-..'.'.'.-..--" i \-.-.-...-.......-.. . ....,.".. ., -'F CITY OF PIC!<ERING ""CO""... .U""""UTY OF DIIRHA. A I A I À 15 ~ 1'" ~ ~~ ~I 12 "'" '." UQ - 20 :.1 ~', ;¡ ;¡, lit!; ROSEeANK GARDEN 2030 Rosœ- .a"" A ; ,,¡¡ i \. '2+... . '.....".~., I .-....t.--.. #/".... A~T-A p.:'.., DRAFT PLAN 0.042 Ho 0.109 Ha 0.074 Ho LAND-PRO ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS "'C. ,.... UAneON ......,. eA51' S/JU" ,OS, "SSS$.WOA 0"""'"'. c,. 0.. """"""..- ,- '-Iou-"" 2\ ~ ...,..,_.../---_.._.".."...,.,...-»'" ~ '.. 48-~ -.-4:? ~ a B B -'- IIOUNDARY Of' SUIlOt"SlON ~..... ~ "."~_......""",,,,"' ,."","""" ",. ,~. '... ,~" '~D ,.. ......¿~~._~. \ :!2 \ \ è\ E>CISIING ceNTQUR ,~ " ""MeT No. 10"""'" No. 20003 01"-1 "-., ~k';; ..,,--_...../.-.!<,~~~ """'_."", EXlsnNG BUIlJJtNG UNIT COUNT eat:iWI STANDARD D£TACHED UNflS (11m LO"TS) (AI STANDARD DETACHED \JN1TS (10m LOTS) (8) STANDARD SEIM-OETACIIED UNITS (9 LO"TS) (C) SUBroTAL AREA TABLE roTA!. AREA OPEN SPACE (\llDUl'E CORRlOOR) I.AHOSCJoPED AREA TOWARDS PARK ROAD WICENING DE\Ð.OPAIIlf AREA PUaUC ROAD AIJ.OWANCt O,Jm RESER\'E STANDARD DETACHED UNITS (11m LOTS) (A) STANDARD DETACII£D UNITS (10m LOTS) (8) STANDARD SEIII-ŒTACHED IJNflS (C) . FUTURE D£TACHED UNIT (11m LOT) (A) FUTURE D£TACHED UNI"TS (10m LOTS) (8) FUroRE DE'Æl.OP!.IEHT BLOCKS ('M1H ADJACENT '-"'OS) (8LOO<S 4$. 45) (LOTS 1 t. 29) (LOTS ~ ,. ~ ) (lOTS ;SO '0 32. ~1 10 !SII) (8LQCK 50) (BLoexs ~9. 51. 42) (SLOO<S 57. $8, 53) (BLOO< $7) (I!LOCK sa) '2:9 18 15 55 fJJJ1IBf; RJT\JRf: O£TACHED UNIT (11m LOT) (A) FU11JRE D£TACHED UNITS (1em COTS) (8) SUBTOTAL TOTAL 59 få~ 0> :D C') -f :c ....:5: ;g~ ... )J: '1-IN i °a ~ ) t:iQIE.S. ALl OIMENSIONS ARE IN MElRES. ALl ElEVATIONS REFER TO GEOOE11C OAiUM. ALl EXISTING BlJILOINGS TO BE DEMOlISHED. ADDIllONAL INFORMATION REQUIRED UNDER SECTION 50(2) OF THE PLANNING ACT c. THIS REPRESENTS THE APPUCAN1'5 ENTIRE HOLDING OF' UNDE\'El.Œ'EC LAND IN THIS \1C1N1TY. H. MUNlQPAL PIPED WAJER TO BE PRC\IIDEC. I. SANOY SILT SOIL. K. MUNIQPAL SANITARY ðt STORM SEWERS TO BE PRO\1CED. UNIT COUNT EI!ESEIiI STANDARD DETACliEC UIOTS (11m LOTS) (A) STANDARD OETACliED UIOTS (10m LOTS) (B) STANDARO SEMI-OETACHED UNITS (11 LOTS) (C) SUBTOTAL EIIII!BE. FUiURE DETACHED UNIT (11m LOT) (A) FUiURE DETACHED UNITS (10m LOTS) (B) SUBTOTAL ) ) INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANTS SUBMITTED PLAN ROSEBANK GARDEN HOMES SP-2001-02 STAFF RECOMMENDED PLAN IG 28 22 67 2. 2. + TOTAL 71 AREA TABLE TOTAL AREA OPEN SPACE (\IILDUFE CORRIDOR) LANOSCAPED AREA TOWARDS PARK ROAD ""CENlNG OEVELOPABLE AREA PUBUC ROAD ALlOWANCE o.3m RESERVE STANDARD OETACHED UNITS (11m LOTS) (A) STANDARD DETACHED UNITS (10m LOTS) (B) STANOARD SEMl-OETACHED UNITS (C) FU1URE DETACliED UNITS (11m LOTS) (A) FUiURE DETACHED UNITS (10m LOTS) (B) FUlURE CE'lELOI'MENT BLOC!<S (\11TH ADJACENT LANCS) FU1URE LOTS OR FUiURE R.o.W. (BLOCK 78) (BLOCK 77) (BLOC!< 78) (BLOCKS 73, 74.) (LOTS 1 t. IG) (LOTS 2.0 t. SO. :34 t. 48) (LOTS SI t. :5J, +9 t. 56) (BLOCKS 57. ~ sa. 60. 61) (BLOCKS lIS, 68, 67, 68, 69) (BLOCKS 62., f!J, 6+, 75) (BLOCKS 70. 71. 72.) 3,957 H. 0.556 Ha 0.02+ Ha 0.07+ Ha J.3O1 Ha 0.802. Ha 0.00J Ha 0.761 Ha 0.689 Ha 0.591 Ha 0.081 Ha 0.071 Ha 0.07+ Ha 0.009 Ha EXISTING RESIDENTIAL EXISTING RESIDENTIAL C.P.R. LANDS -- ---------- YORK-DURHAM SYSTEM CORRIDOR - 17 I 1: } A 1 A 1 Al 15 14 .J ". I "" "'" , n.. "'" B.B~BmB. ~ ~ ~ . 39 37 36 34 35 3B ,~~ """;'" ~'>' I I I ~""'\ ~7~ 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 f " ~ \' if ~ 8 B B B B B - B 9 9 Ic . c\ ~ ""I 8 8 II 8 8 E 8 8 8. \\ . Ii II II II II . Ii . I:! f"-"-I8íI'-*,"--="""'="~""&"-=-' ~~A..,j¡"U '~"..IiiI.. .~.~ HYDRO CORRIDOR BLOCK 77 _u- BOJNOARY OF SUBDI\1S1ON .... .... c EJ<IS11NG BUILDING .... ,.. .... ~7J ~~ O> :1 ~! ... h !j~ I . 2s ¡...... -.J -..j THIS MAP WAS PRODUCED BY THE: CITY OF PICKÐ?ING PlANNING <k DEVELOPM£NT DEPARlIoIENT; INFORMATION &- SUPPORT SERVICES. MAY 31, 2002. ~ 'if 3HnÐI.::I NOIJ.if:)OlSS3:):)iflifILN31.Od" SS3:):)iflliftJJ.lifILN31.Od Þ 3~OH3f)ifJ.II:J3H1VIJ.N3J.0d. sn:)O~aOOHI:JnO8Hf)'3Nr l:Joa~~~~~~ð?~ÒW¿1) aooHI:Ji~~~31~~ -- ¡;'6'~NNOIJ.:)3S33S~ S(]ifOI:J3I:Jn1t1~::::: Sif3I:Jif31\3'v'dO13f13a (T] 0 IIIJII ~ G1- C-- Z-- P JOI[ ;0-- :) - »-- ::J - I... 3nN3^'if \;:Er -I- -(f)- -^- - TJ - )-< ~c{ 0 «, \f1~ .. ~ci ffiQ. :2E'" :I:~ 0 a: <Co ::fu <C.a: 00 r- ...-¡ . . ~. ¡;#, ~~ - - \ \ ~ \ \ ~ .. \ .).~ ~r\\ . .~~ \ , .~.... \, .~.~ I~ ..' I I I I I I I I I I I I / ;0 0 (f) (T1 rn » z ^ ( I I I I I I I I ~ , , , ,/ I ...'" " ... " ... ... ... '" ... ... ...'" ... ... ... ... ...'" ... ...'" ... ...'" ...'" ...'" ... ... ...'" ......'" . UBld fi..¡BI: Jal OOOHHnO8HÐI3N )lHVd 3ÐrlOH ,--- 8 ...1 .- --- ~ H:>NI.:I 8M[ !:.¡ . » . ~ -,C.".," ~- .... » 3NIl ~ - MH3dOHd J.~3rBnS ...~~- -~ ;0 0 » 0 ( ATTACHMENT¡ ! 1-1 TO REPORT # PO 21- O,,? . 179 - INFORMATION REPORT NO. 21-01 FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING OF AUGUST 9, 2001 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUBLIC MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANNING ACT, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 . SUBJECT: Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2001-02 . . Zoning By-law Amendment Applicåtion A 09/01 Rosebank Garden Homes Inc. on behalf of Iris Eleanor Hohnes Part of Lot 31, Concession 2 2030 RosebankRoad. . (West side of Rose bank Road, north of Finch Avenue) City of Pickering PROPERTY LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION 1.0 - the subject lands are located on the west side of Rosebank Road, north of Finch Avenue; a property location map is provided for reference (see Attachment # 1); - the subject property is used as a farm and horse ranch containing one detached dwelling unit and a barn; the northeast comer of the property is wooded; . Surrounding land uses are: . north York-Durham sewer corridor and CPR rail line south Hydro corridor; and a detached dwelling east on opposite side of Rosebank Road are vacant lands and wooded ar(fas; . existing residential dwelling on a large lot; -- west 2.0 APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL - Rosebank Garden Homes Inc. on behalf of the owner, have submitted an appijcation . for approval of a draft plan of subdivision and an application' to amend the zoning by-law in order to implement the proposed draft plan; . - the applicant's proposed subdivision plan is provided. for reference (see Attachment #2); - the draft plan proposes the creation of two new municipal sti-eets, one extending west . from Rosebank Road and the other in,tersecting with the new road and extending southwest; - the Intent is that the two proposed roads will be extended westerly when development is proposed 'on the abutting lands; however, the two roads are' proposed to be temporarily tenninated in cul-de-sacs; . - the following chart outlines the proposed development detail: - Details of tlte Draft Plait Total area of draft plan . Area proposed for residential development Open space blocks . Number of single detached dwelling lots Number of semi-detached building lots Number of semi-detached dwelling units Total dwelling units Single detached dwelling Jot frontage Semi-detached building lot frontage 3.957 hectares . 2.326 hectar~s - 0.641 hectares - 51 - 9 - 18 69 . - 11 metre frontage.= 30 lots 10 metre frontage = 21 lots - 15 metre frontage = 9 lots fuformation Report No. 21-01 II 11 ACHMENT #. t:J;e TO REPORT # PO "4-1 - q2. Page 2 180 - the draft plan also proposes several blocks intended to be developed with adjacent lands to the west; . included in the draft plan is an open space block along the northern portion of the draft plan labelled as "wildlife conidor"; . . the, applicant proposes a landscaped open space block between the residential lots and the hydro corridor on the south side of the draft plan; e . the draft plan design proposes reverse lot ftontage for lots abuttìng Rosebank Road. - 3.0 O~CULPLANANDZOMNG 3.1 Durham Regional Official Plan designates the subject lands as Living Area, where development is' ìntended to be predonúTIantly for housing purposes; . in the vicinity of the subject property lands are designated as Open Space Linkages which recognizes an east-west ecological linkage known as the Rouge-Duffin Corridor; - the proposal appears to confonn to these¡ de¡signations; 3.2 Pickedn~ Official Plan - designates the' subject lands .as. Urban Residential Area - Low Deltsity Area and Open'Space - Natural Area; - pennissible uses .within the . Urban Residential Area ~ Low Density Area designation Include residential uses, including both single detached dwellings units and semi- detached dwelling units; . the' Plan establishes a density range¡ for residential development within this designation of up to and including 30 1illits per net hectare; . the proposed development would provide a net site density of approximately 29.6 units per hectare (based on the potential 69 lots being. developed on approximately 2.326 hectares ofland); .' the lands that are designated Open Spacè - Natural Area represent land in the . northern portion of the draft plan that are 'within and abut the Rouge-Duffins Wildlife Corridor; - through the settlement of an appeal to the Pickering Official Plan) it has been detennined that the bounilluy of the Open Space - Natural. Area designation, coincides with the north property limit with the exception of the north-east' comer which is designated Open Space - Natural Area; any additional lands required for buffer or edge management will be detennined through the review of the required Environmental ~eport; . - permissible uses within land designated Open Space - Natural Area include conservation, environmental protection, restoration and passive recreation; Schedule n of the Pickering Official Plan - Transportation Systems designates Rosebank Road where it abuts the draft plan as a Local Road; the proposed new public streets serving the proposed development would function as Local Roads; . Schedule III of the Pickering Official Plan - Resource Manage11Jent designates the north-east comer of the subject property, and lands north, east and south of the subject property as Rouge-Duffin$ Wildlife Corridor; Section 10.17 of the Official Plan clarifies .that the boundary of the Rouge-Duffins Wildlife Corridor coincides with the boundary of the Open Space - Natural Areas designation; tills section of the plan also requires an Enviromnental Report to ad4ress setbacks, buffers, edge management and storm water; . the draft plan is within the Rouge Park Neighbourhood and a Detailed Review Area, for which Council has adopted the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Development Guidelines; the proposed street that intersects. with Rosebank Road is general shown on the Rouge Park Neighbourhood plan. - in accordance with Official Plan policies~ an environmental report has been submitted; : - the subject applications will be assessed against the policies and proVisions of the Pickering Officia! Plan duri~g the, further processing o~ the applications. - ATTACHMENT # J-/ TO REPORT # PD. 21- 02 18.1 Infonnation Report No. 21-01 Page 3 3.3 - 4.1 4.2 - 4.3 '- ZonÌll2 By-law 3036. as amended the subject lands are' currently zoned "A" '- Rural Agricultui'e Zone, by Zoning By-law 3036, as amended; the existing zoning permits a range of agricultural uses, one detached dwelling, some recreational and cormnunity institutional uses, and selepted ágricultur~l commercial uses; , an amendment to the zoning by-law is required to ~ow the develoþ'ment of the proposed draft plan of subdivision. '¡ 4.0 RESULTS OF CmCULATION (See Attachments ~3 to #10) Resident Comments no resident comments have been received to-date. A~ency Comments Veridian Connections. - háS no objection .to thy proposed. development and request~ a copy of first submission civil design plans so they can complete a prelimiIl,ffiY design and estimate (see Attachment #3); , Canada Post - requests conditions of draft approval regarding the location 811d installation of a temporary and pennanent Community Mailbox, and required sidewalk, boulevard and curb works serving the mailbox (see Attachment #4); Bell Canada - requests conditions of draft approval be imposed on their behalf addressiùg the location and installation ofundergroUQ.d servicing (see Attachment #5); Enbridge Consumers Gas - requests conditions of draft approval be imposed on their behalf addressing utility distribution plans and the installation of gas lines (see Attachment #6); , No Objections or. Concerns: - Dw-ham District School Bom"d; Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Recreation; Hydro One Networks Inc.; and D~ham Catholic District School Board (see Attachments #7 to #10 respectively). Staff Comments in reviewing the application to-date, the following matters have been identified by staff for further review and consideration: . ensuring' that the proposed development is compatible with, and sensitive to, sulTounding lands; . ensuring that the proposed street, lotting, pattem and dwelling designs maintain a high quality residential streetscape; . reviewing supporting technical submissions and reports to ensure that adequate information is provided, that technical requirements are met and that the proposed subdivision design does not impact on the ability of abutting propeJ;ties to develop in an appropriate fashion; . " ' , . . reviewing the appropriateness of ~e reverse lot. ITontage proposed along Rosebank Road; and, . some of the woodlot in the north-east comer of the subject lands w~s lost .due to filling, prior to Rosebank Garden Homes being involved with the property; preliminary discussion with the applicant and their enviromnental consultant concluded an emphasis on enhancing east-west ecological corridòr functions along Jhe .north property limits was preferable to restoration of the comer wood lot; further reviewing the submitted Environmental Study, details of the planting plan, and consultation with TRCA is required on this matter; ¡t\nf.\(;HIIJIENTI~ l-J TO, , REPORT # po......1-.J~' 02 Page 4 ~"~ 1.,.. t: fuforma!ion Report No. 21-01 5.0 -- 6.0 6.1 - - further issues may be identified following receipt and review of comments ftom the circulated departments, agencies and public. PROÐEDURALINFORMATION I, . written co11111ients regarding this proposal should be directed to the Planning & Development Department; . . oral comments may be made at the Public hûormation Meeting; , all comments received will be noted and used as input in a Planning Report prepared by the Planning l)L Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Council 9r a 'Committee of Council; if yòu wish to be notified of Council's decision regarding either the proposed plan of subdivision or zoning by-law amendment application, you must request such in writing to the City Clerk; if you wish to reserve the option to appeal Council's decision of the proposed zoning by-law amendment application, or the Region of Durham's dqcision on the draft plan of subdivision, you must provide comments to the City before Council adopts any by-law or before the Region of Durham issues it's notice of decision for tills proposal. OTHER INFORMATION Appendix I list of neighbow-hood re~idents, connnumty ass~ciations, agencies and City Departments that have commented on the applications at the time of writing this report. 6.2 Information Received full scale copies of the Applic~t's submitted plan are available for viewing at the offices of the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department; the City of Pickering is In receipt of the listed. reports, which contains technical infonnation and recommendations on the proposed s~bdivisión:, . Environmental Site Assessment, Phase 1 and 2, prepared by Soil-Eng Limited, dated November 2000; . A Soil Investigation for proposed Residential Subdivision, prepared by Soil-Bng Limited, dated January 2001; . Municipal Servicing Feasibility Report, prepared by Land-Pro Consultants mc. dated April 4, 2001; , . Rosebank Archaeological Assessment, prepared by A. M. Archaeological Associates, and dated December 2000; , . Railway Vibration Measurements - Proposed Residential Subdivision, Rosebank Garden, prepared by SS Wilson Associates Consulting Engineers, dated April 16, 2001; " Detail Noise Control Study - Proposed Residential Subdivision, Rosebank Garden, prepared by SSWilson Associates Consulting Engineers, dated April 16, 2001; and, . . ' . Environmental Study Rosebank/Finch Development-City of Pickering, prepared by Gartner Lee Limited, dated May 2001. . ' the need for updated infonnation and/or addendums to these reports will be detennined through the review of the applicant's CUITent proposal. ,,' InfonnationReport No. 21-01 Ja~~ 6.3 Company Principal - the curi"erit property owner, h~is Eleanor Homes, has enter into an agreement of purchase and sale with Rosebank Garden Homes Inc. whose principle is Harkiran Boparai. . - ~~p~ Ross Pym, MCIP, RPP Plincipal Planner - Development Review .~/~ 'þ!~Lynda Taylor, MCIP, RPP . V' Manager, Current Op~rations RP/jf Copy: Director, Plarming & Development Department. .-' - f\ .""""~" (, ',J 184 Excerpts fÌ"om Statutory Public Information Meeting Minutes of Thursday, 1\ugust9, 2001 - STATUTORY PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING MINUTES The Manager, Policy Division, provided an overview ofthe requirements ofthe Planning Act and the Ontario Municipal Board respecting this meeting and matters under consideration there at. (II) DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION APPLICATION SP-2001-02 ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 09/01 ROSEBANK GARDEN HOMES INC. ON BEHALF OF IRIS ELEANOR HOLMES PART OF LOT 31, CONCESSION 2 2030 ROSEBANK ROAD (WEST SIDE OF ROSEBANK ROAD, NORTH OF FINCH AVENUE) - 1. R Pym, Principal Planner, provided an explanation of the application, as outlined in Information Report #21-01. 2. Amit Gupta, representing the applicant, stated that several studies have been conducted respecting this application and that he believes the plan conforms to the City's current and future plans. Mr. Gupta also advised that D. Fraser, Gartner Lee Limited, was also present to provide information if required. - 3. Jocelyn Barber, 450 Finch 1\venue, advised that she had submitted a letter, dated July 29, 2001, detailing her concerns. 1\s the letter had not been included in the 1\genda, Ms. Barber read her letter aloud and provided additional comments. Ms. Barber requested staff to include, in our notice to residents, the date on which the reports 1 agenda will be printed. Ms. Barber stated that this development would severely limit her ability to sell her property and that this property has had a tragic planning history. Ms. Barber commented on the following issues: . Lotting pattern and servicing pattern as proposed - were based on an arbitrary land assembly . Timing - advised that she may have submitted an application also, but that Staff had assured her that no development would be done for 10 years. . Road running through her house - advised she had a road running through her house from 1980 to 1998, had the road removed, and now this development would put another road through her house. . Servicing - should be done only from Rosebank. ' . Fill - fill has been dumped on this property since 1993 with the last load being dumped in 1999. Does anyone know where it came ftom? If fill has to be removed for this development where will it go? She does not want to be associated with a "filled property". . YorkJDurham sewer vent - believes that the vent is temporarily closed and questioned if there was a policy at the Region to allow this. Also questioned when it will be Ie-opened. - - - ,wrTACHMENT #<o.,"~,~J,c~=~.JO ¡¡I PO ,"",/GJ"-~Q,?:";",-,,",,~,,,, 185 - 2 - . Open space :...- is actually a water stream in the spring, which flows down Rosebank Road and is heavy arid fast for about a week. Dumping the fill has not changed the flow as they had planned. This application shows 13 lots on the stream's course and the plans do not show any watercourse. . Well and cistern - the development will interfere with her well and she requested that the Developers pay for hookup to Municipal water and for disconnecting her well. . She advised that she would provide two cost estimates. . Fence - will be damaged with development and requested that they preserve it. . Trees - requested that they be preserved and if any are damaged they should be removed. . Elevation - questioned the elevation of the property now and what it will end up being. Requested a new elevation map be prepared. . Dust - requested daily watering . Suggested Staff include servicing information in the report, as it is important to residents. . Requested the Developer to respond to the following: i. The area of the draft plan doesn't add up to what is proposed in the report. ii. When did you approach Pickering Planning Department regarding this development? iii. Is Rosebank Garden Homes Inc. an established company? . iv. The contour lines on the plan are old. Are they relevant to the development? What is the present elevation? v. Will servicing routes come from Finch? vi. Details regarding roads A and B vii. North Finch properties need better road alignment for the smaller properties . viii. Did Ontario Hydro get a copy of the map? Why was there no mention of an intermittent watercourse? . Ms. Barber commented that these meetings should not be held during the summer when people are on vacation. .' 4. Jackie Sharp, 323 Finch Ave., stated that she concurs with Ms. Barber's comments and concerns and thanked Ms. Barber for her presentation. 5. Colin O'Handley, 2640 Altona Road, advised that. he is involved in the agricultural preserve of th1s area and questioned if the development will impinge on the wildlife corridor. He also sought clarification on how strict the Official Plan is regarding the corridor policy. 6. Michael Bartley, 425 3rd Concession Road, enquired if there were any plans to upgrade Rosebank Road given'the anticipated increase in traffic (eg. Road, stop signs, lights, etc.) . 7. Councillor Brenner requested that further discussions regarding tills item take place between Staff, the applicant, and area residents immediately following this meeting. . . ArT ACHMENT # ~~~~ TO REPORT # PD~.- 186 - Mr. Neil Catton Director of Pla111ling and Development Pickering City Hall Pickering, ON RECEIVED AUli 0 9 2001 CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Laurie Humphries 2026 AltoM Road Pickering, ON LtV 2P9 August 8, 2001 Re: Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2001..o2 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 09/01 Rosebank Garden Homes Inc. on behalf of Iris Eleanor Holmes Part of Lot 31, Concession 2 2030 Rosebank Road (West side of Rosebank Road, North of Finch Avenue) - Dear sir, Unfortunately, due to a prior commitment arranged for tomOttOW night I will not be able to attend Thursday's meeting; I had intended to appear at this meeting (August 9, 2001) but I had written it down as the 8th. As it is, I have already had to renege on my previous commitment to help my sister move, that is how important this issue is to me, and I arranged. instead to help her set up and unpack on the ninth. Imagine my dismay when upon requesting the documents fur application SP2001-05, I discovered that the meeting is on Thursday night! At this point I realized that I would need to take today to review the literature. and write a letter oudiningmy objections: La and behold, I then . discovered on the agenda the above stated application. UnfOrtunately, this has not left me with any additional time to obtain the necessary proposal. However, let me state that my objections stated in my previous letter for application SP 2001-05 are ditto fur this application as well. Upon reviewing the proposal I will be able to make specific and relevant comments, but failing dUlt, I wish to assert my concern for the maintenance of the Rouge- Duffins Wildlife Corridor and I can only hope that any plans submitted have respected the concept of a village. If there appears to be any concern regarding either of these considerations, you can expect my support. I would also like to add that sÍ1lce I have notseen any signage with respectto this application I was completely unaware of the proposal. Therefor, please advise me of any future meetings or decisions regarding this matter. I reserve the right to appeal Council's decisíon :reg.u:ding the above stdted zoning by-law application. - ~ Laurie Humphries c.c Ross Pym 18~7 -- 4Sb~ A't~L , . r I CA~:f51è.JtVq LI v¡fI:? P~~~e1op~ ~'I .' -~~ M~~I ~/DI~ ~ ~t»5¡ CviJ {Ù~¿jl&a / C- ~ ~J-fP ( dæk'~ p'~~ ~- ~ Gv Ie¥ ð~ -;:! t:5P~~! , RECEIVED PI ~ /Nq I-J V fJk 7 JUL 3 1 2001 -- J,~ '") n -- CITY OF PICKERING l- CI L.--{) U I PLANNING AND , I I . DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT , ~ 5ir5 / f6¿: 'Þ~aJ1/ p~ rJ Ähd;¡l/ì'~"~ /+PPkèBíh~ ~rz,ðlJf-lYL Zb~ 13lrlcw A-~ ftpficdt:./1 rfl/DI R oJ!Æ~ Cì ~ th:,~ I kCA tf~ ~ c/ J Yi~ ~ /+v/~ p ~ ex ~ ~ç ~~ r; ~ 8ÞJ Ju,1'Sðr'Õk-; / ~ lJL.-t. I[~A ð>v, , "-' '-' ~ }?1îPM ì:> 4-3D -./.¡->O, ~ Y+v~." {Fl. ~/r~~ ~11-, ~ ~ ~ dD fw¿ ~ Y o.dj D cd Q P YO (/ lAAC-t qJ; ~ f" ¡ I y.ç to ~ct- ,4 ~I l»hv-é. Ted. QAJL ~ Co¿,)~ ~ ~ Prww;ø ~ SÚ-,CJ¿ t9í!.¡- J ]V ~ 11 ~ Pro(/~ .~~t¡ rv, ~~f:¡ ad.io'~ k JD- crCA-e- fa/cd 2lJ30 Y-&-ie-~ RJ ( 11u'J 'Pro} (r :1 ~ rcJ ~ cÂi l/I~; tP1, J - 1- 2.ð7J 1- D 2 ~ ~e /~~OAÁ~l._/ ~ ~o~-t ~-h-~ .e1fed-:r - 6.ë - Iv&- r-rZ;ø'-~ - r;:;~ I ~ ~' ~ ~ ~ c!J1 -ro ~ I'\J-¡ ~~ 6-rf...ev 6!i ~ Y' ~ reh~CJYV Q.£ .a.- ~ef?f~ ~ <Zf) S fIg ~ ~ Ot P ~b(¿ ~~ ~t-h1¡£-, ~~. I ~ ~ft'€.~ ~ DfPC1ll~ rfv ¥ef ~~ 4 ~ ~ ~ kv~p-ev % tiìs~ '/9Ÿl&S iw,eh ÐJ~ klolV P2'~--}P ~ , ~r~~ ~ k f>~ ~~. 188 A HACHMENT II ~::J~~~=.,~ TO REPORT # PO _,_21:~~Çf?:..",._..».,,~.., - '.-..., ~k'~-"J~ 2- ~O3 D, /2"-.-OSe.)~{]('v~_/L r<_~cuJ Aa~ h.o...~/ I [~).¿p./ 1tu1. ~Y1f).~1/-;tL.y I Q.., ~ c... -plø..w~ Ius!D",!,. Iv /5. þ~eJ: W--u ~ ~O VLb~ß. t1~ OJ t.~e«f(;\/:¡ ("to rkL ProvÚ-..t2.r¿, " J:v (jr1A I ~ 3D 7Þ ~ I q C) 8 - " I g fj ecu-:5 - t!ke s;. (;> wit-v pevJ- ?! .~- p:V\Or ~ [O£l] ~ db rkrL. D-H CD VVI'd.e--v) bJæi. ~ ~(/ ~ 4 ~ ~ - ~Åv Q.; 1etf' ¡\d . (h- ~ eM 4..,q b!s ~ COì-1-s{-ru.cAìtrvv ø, ~ Ct~v~~ ~QA/voU^~ k~~ c¡ po' !/v¥ Jl.Ø.AM. ,~~LJ + IrQ- ~,v.::f¡\..!; I ,of.¿ V)-.~~ ~ ~ k-. C tJì.--- s{--v L1- en. ~..... qJ ~ 7 sp J\;-J\.. t1f'~ huJt.vh- {Tk r.R.rs..ri~; ~ . r-e~-¡~kJ fAtv LA. ~ ð ~ q1lhL ~~tk~ ~ ChL-Lv uV cuvl dJ~ ~v ~e. lAU~ '* etJ- '^'~co WK ~ &2Jv b&JcW ~I JhfL r:.c¡I'~ -evv:¡~ez,r~, - I i'\- I q q L¡- ~ Juy-y )"\.(74 h ILdwlJ :r; ko' j>AQpr.w ~ ~- t:L /20- .~ P1A.R~'1 b~~ 3Ð'~ II ~ ~ P.óW::¡e~~ W~ C& y"t ~ {,M.. þ ~ ~ 'Jr'. I h.. ~ €IL-Y ~ ~s ~ JklZ-- '1l9l/ /L. tw t\..q - T .el-};w. t1aJ& lJ r 19 ) eeÝ /4b~ ¡:{;L ~ rwvI~ 1- F~ ~ fAN:>.-J ~ P ~~~ t-"P ~~ ch IkJL F,°J ~ w. cJ-ev & +1Act--h . ~ p ú:MJ ~ 'tit /4JQJ J.o k ~ If ~ L 21 ~ ~~ tJ ' / h. Þ ~ I f-ef 911 V - 1lere1o ~ q kA 'c;{~ - ~ ~ P Jll[) pe+ iZ; ~ Jo ~- pGUr cd ~ I-h q),- s: of-u, ð [ hfL~ Tk O~ cj /vJ¿ ~W~ ->LhCL ¡9Qo - tv2<J ~ M~/r SfJ.~~~ ',lev' ~ r~'~~-r, 4J~~ . ~ J\QÁqltbo~ ~~~ rq6b¡ u>b JLav þGA--.Iåth bDkCJif ~ f t\e-tc:t . ~ ka~ ÞlL-rrW /u;¿vL Cl d.~(sp,¿t¿, ~ I ~ tw r -ü. cJr.e w ~ ,-lvvìs r ~ ~eAr $0 11}UJ~ I Jvut ~ .fsu¡ If. j~, It,hdMv l'J- ì's rt'qhJ' chv;J;- a. þl'1QJ~1Z¡, D~. k ~~vfo;'~ - --17:> ~k ~~~ ~ p~{,~ t:5 AAD~ ISSiúL~ . AiTACHMENT#,_, '7, _...10 REPORT # PD_J~~"._-'- 18:3 - ~¥- ~e 5> I 5'5 (A.¿. : L 0. -~ P ~ I-Je.-.' ,-,,- CfI.-M-d. ÇeA/ 1/\' eXf!J ~-eA/ Þt- CL2 r7\P J ~ lAA- ~ rpJ¿y eA~ ? lWUJ¡ Or LM~ ~ , .------.- ------.----- ~ ðltur, ~ f ~ q L-(A '- d.It/~ W'~--f\(L íJ ~ ~ 4 cu~p h ~ ~ rJy;¿ w,.~ V fINL IlÆ L4 ~ crf ~¡r tveru~ ~ Ùv-~{¡¿~ ~ L~ ~ ~q ~J¿ Sev 1/) CAA.fj r ~ IAÞI' ev~~ ~ ~ ç ~ tf k ~ 9 tJJ tTu( /an;J -- Wu;( 0"1~ Ivù.s ~ ~ /vJ¿ Au "9 U Ð ivY ~- - ~ ~ fY1^-- QM. av~f ~ LQAv;{ A-J~ ~æf. u¡u,fed Þ ì {a:1e-l¡ - ~~ ~r~'~ Ct1u;;\ þ1:~V~C<A'ttJG,\- 6~ ~~\e¿ LA/\, Q ~ ~,Í1^aLJ Yu1 'v~ ~ ~. Vt d dv ~ . - ckv~f~ ~~/h,) ll~f d Iw2 ~{/~ ^-~ íF'~ þlAOþk¡ '- é-trfA~ cGt{ f:(Y;'.f~tu)~, lhf:JAJ- ~(h1-CJ,LIú:j dv k~, It>-~ ~~- Rd, !N>j><W~CCL ?U;¡V'3t!J¿ Y'~ieJ, Co~CA-{ OvjJp/1Qw¿J ~qlAA'~ ~ I &v k 4?s:f~)' ~ qfff:# '^-vt\J.,~ '1 if Q &0 ~ LL qj d ~ af4ev ~ w ~ veLú.J.éd to ÁJL r~ ~ , p (~4 )\CW. Jw u) ~ ud,;. '~ ~ ~k&,?J Wf1¡¿~. ~ ~fv-e d k ~[)~~ p-vo ~ rh' lZ-d I J CUi Ct-t-M- l.{A ~o . Is:. ~ ~ ~-I-o ~ ~ ci.sLct's: l \ D"U~ êJ IA- -¿ LU-. h cJ ~ I.a-w:I ~ ? 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Ot s--kæp c.u.J- ~ ~ es-t't'qVN:t,t. r~, ~ CýLeW 4 Lv~ ~) ~ ~h? ~JL- l-w~~ rpV\.Q~~ ovbenJ\r ~.clp6)wv' w- k~~~ - b f9 ~VJ ~ ~ .~ -~t() tù-=& k~ k fAJÐt9 ~ ~(4l~ k ~t~~ h.éJy~ c¿) Ihii.. ~{r elr ~ V€Æ,J ~ C-rr&'~e..¿ (l-e::iQ~ ~ C\.. Cu- ( V.J2A/ tr (~ t.>-1 ~ ~ 12-~k.. CU\.ð. dn.u ~t ~ ~ ~ C1L, s to Ý hA ~?VV lÃ'Vvr s. I~ q GLt¿ ~ -/-to. LJ ì s ~ L¡ ~ t~V 1~ a ~L trv hvÐ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ k d.1.-~ r \"~ ~~[; +0 rc~ k.\teJ I lh.. I C}t1'1 Lo~ ~ -'f~u w~ ~ ctìA-4 ~~~ 1Þ c~ ~ {v¿ Û) \.J>Q ~ {YJ<- g;~ ~ to ~ k CjL~ ~ k w-~ é(fi?~ (7-. ¡ 2-~ ~ ~ 'd. k- ~ ~ ~~ e L,-b C;:¡) kr:'SQ..? lV ø I ~ ~ Pt.{) l-« , -~~ ~~~~I;" k~~k~~ IS '- . t.f~1¿, ~ QÅV)l k &u g ~ ~ ÍA.-. ~ ç-h:>r~ ~~ À " lob . I~. \J'vv\~. ~~ D.{þ~~ ûv{.~ l ~Q.Q- 3 ¡....~ ~ s~ W I - ~~"' I'> Vt,D ~ ~ ~ ~e..'\1'~ .Q)J ~ lAA. /'n.!L Bh- v vÝ D Jüw¡,~ ~~ ~ O'r-u-e {s Jtl..O P lPuv.1o ~ ¿e ~ fA> cvk-v ~~ uth- ï.~. Gì+-e- ß E:RJ..1 S ~ ~ ~ W'Ov~e.-.v (9f- }:- ~ ~p ~~~b:i, -rh.-ts ~~ ~~(..D\..J'YL ~U b..o..cl__. 9?CL~Á )vvÐY-e, ~v-.' (~~c)~.Ð~ ~ f~~C¡t.~) W'~ ~ _JAo W () 4-fo '~ .p'ro fe,;tlJ. ~ ð~ür ~ lLULu-o¡ ~ ~ t~ ell.e- ~ ~ ~q q'D --:; K - "- - ATTACHMENT if ... 7 HEPDRT II PD_2i~:QZ_w"~",~.,,w., 193 - . . , ~-~~7 I :7 ç U b : };J.&tL c¿Ý ~ 50 ~¡::~G:-k A-~~ . I a~ ~ CÀ.- ~. 1 G~ l }¡'o løv.K.- ~ c.-:: ç:-k, VI- lrJ~ ~ I ~ +'V1I W'~ev~4 ~- 9 OJ'El~. ~ h.ùq k-b Ð úJJ ~ W Cl ~~ 9y 0 ~W'QJ..e..if reG[ ~ / I-Ly ~ í s. <:t ~ \vÜ,( ~ £.><1 t'Ùa ~~ ~. ~ 1) Iq q U4:j -rv b ~ . :::. cL... ':s ~ tJ!. dhL q VQ fM~ lJd~u r.eq' Lht-Q- . ~ ~L sro.r~~ ~ ~'s ~pM.U-lr I ~ '~uq R~t- ç~ t+o~ tv ~ iD CÐ ~ ~ ~1)) Ir& ~v~ ~ ~ ~ {cJl"L, , ~- ~ ' ~ w-e1l 'Þ Ð Li; ~ ÚJ \reA> 9M h æ.. +V-~' ~ L¡ ~ tÐ~RU'a~t¡ ~\ h-~~~F~ ~~ k t-o~ k ð~.~~ ~u ~r ~ ( H\U ~lÄcUL 7- ~Wt~. l ~ ~') ~ \fvv"3 Wì L r-u. q ~.-CL , M.-v. C1u...p~ ~LU1qu~ ~LÆ.v+V(~ ,. ~ ~ ì~ .ÇQ.LrS ko ~ V\N~ ~1 ìS ~Çcv I lÆ\k Qv~ > bd ç¿ ~Je~ lJ<\"k CÀ c¡ Vì> wv1 ~ $"'1 f' U-¡ 1. rtwu.¡ ~ ~ ~. . . S'L~.e/ ~ ~ rfvvi SL-(~ ~ ~~~~ ~~~~I I~ /;w¡r~ ~ ~~~k4ct--e ~ L.J~ ~ c;y~~. pWìA-{P ~ oil ~ r~~. l»ve: '¡:~~œ. t Ð~- l4 k ~CIL.~ ~b ~ K£>~~ , I~ /vJL L~ (oDs l ~ V'JdtÒtf-I19I~ lø!J- rfN¿ Ú1J~ rt Pflj\l-h.o\,Q d..è¡q'4/~"oJJ. ~ ~\~ , \ LÆ~ WúL +0 rQJr~~ ~'<-~ 19;1JG : ç.PPJ]C-e -rp-5f3.5 I ~ 0.- ~ i L1)~C;r-vk-~ ~ }J ß'Ý ~ ~~ tú..e- v~ M-Þ-l -}-v'p +'--e. \J I ~ ~2I~ [¿. ~ r ~ ~ '", a.- Y IZ-V\ 0 \cJ ,,\DuW cU>,.,J 5D '1 ~ CUi 0, 1h.e¡ ~ f ~4 ff)-- ~ \þ ~ ts: ÞvJ- ~ Vì:n)~ ~ }~1-v-e- ~ ~ ~ h..9- t-h.>1 ~. ~~ I [ wV~- LJL-L- ~ ~>¥. ~ ~ .Qvo\ve CL- ,~ t~~~ 1;~~' 4- I~ pøl\:~ ~ I ~ ~ ~cLucl.e'f?v 1v ' ~ Ir r QJil-~ V\Q.L. , - - '- ""- 194 Þ.TT ACHMENT # ~"~~-I.__"," T Ù ".",¡:'POI::,iT ,I' 00.....,.2' .-r. -:.Q. '. ,2- ',_. d . It . ' L --., .,,--.-... ~~ --(~ 9 (55UG' : g'fvrlVtkJ'Q~~~~~ , fJ\vL 0 Þ COW1A.Ñ"h P l'~ul~ ~fD kv ef~ýWùJr Wv~ eU>~5(e....J" ~ f"-"pev'1;:, GUv1 rI'>ú>... (~~~ k-d . ~~ ~ ~ tle W~. 0 tJ'Q%{D ~kJ ¡ k~ I bP. 'It 0 þ-- hJ P elf'l' C.<nÝ Cf/ eek- lv,çjet£tú]~ I fl~ ctJ~ Q/ ~ Ye ad W Q hfY1.Aý d¿"~ .-~. ~ Lù tulú I ~ ~ .~ ICrlfDk:{. 1,,-- Wef"v~1 elk ~ ~t- ~tdz:, - ~ p ~ r¿ r~ ¡rIV ) < P-~; Sk-r ki' ~ Y'ef ~f' -- ~ s h> r n -t tV£{;(e.r q f).eJ? jl;::1 J4-l f.ç ha 'j\-lfi- ~ ~ ~ Q¿j q ~ ~ P Iò v !-h ù..J ~ fe¥. 1i..-r ~ h9'Ý ~ ÏJ ~ ~ I þ~eYfl,{V~~ MV' eto fÞ~ /vu..e ~ /,;9 5 u E. ; e LG V~)7(l e~~ ÍJ~ (-s ¡~ e'~ aÁ~ d/ j~ ~b.eJ 12J., P i't<? ~v~ h trIA) t.,j;.J... (().L ~ l;ø:vkJ ~; d\,1/? l~ l-t.tfVf' ~.¡(u:,,( h-Q.., 1uL". .,-e(l-e~lA-d -eff .f?A/ MLu--", é;) tlr.-fL f lfI.€ rP-evt; w k~ (kr-elef~ .. ~ ~ ~- (l"h L"1f' - TV - ~G:-- Ccr~t-lì? ¿t,Y ~f ? - ¡S9VÊ '. At.;tEP-ItfFfrG ~DU'ïJt: Fo/<- 5fDP-l1Ló4-~ - r~ ~. VI ~ CA-~ fIA;~i7-8 h:i> ~J ~--Yb-~ F,,- ~ ~ ~ ~ Iv-¡ V> N;>f<'v~ ' . / b &.¡ øJ- Jo rA,L" I Jr ~.' rS~ ~ .~ 4ÌL Y D ~ rhvv B'~- Ì--t dw-- Þh; dH) p l-t12fe.JCS -, QÝ Cf'Ç ~ ~ ~ <Jh;:r ~- ~iJ'êJ:e.-, k, Î eMAD~' oj LcvNf e +~~ .ð/A.. J,,",-e. é/U~CL- ~ ~ W-~- ~- " . ~ ~ ~ h~ r 0 úUL; '-\Le-~ \h~-e-d r -Þ-eJí' M- Co tV kr;4 ~ ,..k ~ "c. tu..t-? > ~ g ~~ t4-tre~ ~ J-I-e.J, k ~ fVr e1~ ~ Þ-øuJ Iftha~ Ävt "s f~ W4J ~oLctrfo Df.1111 ~ ~~£e- W(J~ ~k ~ JYVVV l~ ~ ~~ h~~ -+'1 r d etA-j ~ u¡ ~ Ivu-s ~1/h\~ tlA-e¡UV~ J . I 5S U G ; p~f. ~/Vv dQN.¿(~:; ~v J {r-~tlt;- . I ~ ~f'v-; a& ~~lJ oJM-t~ J -e~pe~ ~ L-fLÞI.... cU{ 1'ÞvJ-- J.Jj J CðVt- LJ fA.Q [vue- ~j J...~Ll;1 l1)~a;J~ L~ dv. / ~~f k duJ;v- ciùWvv- ~ V cxv1ó éiM.& ~~ ~ j:e& CD ~ ~ W e~v pÞu¡ ~ ,\ IT ACHMENT fI_::L~",=J" 0 HEPORT i PD-2J.:.l.1£",_..._.~ 195 - ~- ?~7 - Th.~ :3 i' 5 ~ ~et-Jr' (/~Z V .. cj ì -~ tuLi.' / ~~ CJ.¿z W re.lr'~ 1vVL p ~"ð;;b ct~lj- q)' ~ to 4. ~ ¡-- Ctð k <Lþ P [;{ DtA ÓV\.- /1T ð c¡ ~--d . J ~ SbE)1vJL. C~-r ~ cJJ ~ k ey- Ct?J%£ JJ1.iL Oo'~~'l£f . O~ 1JlfA ~ r ~ u.:r -e.J. be~ e. d fw¿ e~. ~ þ "'- atu-D W <i-f f-tt ~ k j)w; ~ ~ . I I-h\.e.. V\"fL.- I¡~h /r'(M~ trkJ --fr ð>-"" d~ ç 'I (1Yh~P-QCt'~I'1 II d-{l.Av7 f?A/'l":H~ -ll) @ ~.e...s kb ~ l.-tÆ~øJ) fJîA..j (/~vl b.6td ~\~) Œ;) Q Ivo (~- Íúì- k ~/' ~ (!~CN¿t-¿ .jì!) ú.A1.tL~{) '~h t. Pk[' }1.D ~ ~ OcJo ~~~~ q) 91-)) AiL ')? ~t-..e- L~~.. (.J~f:J +e-cl~~ c..cue. ~ 'Þ ~ ce.. t:5V'- Ct I~~ ~ d~ ,? D ò-<'--ó Jv--L r? ~ ~t. ~~L'í 10 Q.- ~ ~'SSt:' dì--Î- LJée ~':s- ? ' . \) tn.'^.A'S -J-y~} / ka~~ bONbv "-. - 196 A¡'TJ.\CHIVIEN"r i(f."..8~.~~~",. HEPOnr if PI) ~11-Q') ,-~,k<...~..."~ -=~<>""=_._",..~ - j' .." .,....., .. ; "f.:(~E.VE:¡;¡) i , AUG 1 6200 '( ~ L ¡I i CiTY OF PICKERING ~ ~ ,!J!Ev¡"L:M~~J1:'tgtJÁ~TM!tNT. ~ Planning Department, -~-----,----------~ City Mayor, Regional Councillors, City Councillors, Pickering Civic Complex, One The Esplanade, Pickering L1V 6K7 m 450 Finch Avenue, Pickering L1V 1H8 August 16, 2001 Dear Sirs, Re: Draft Plan of Subdivision Application SP2001-02 Zoning Bylaw Amendment Application A 09/01 Rosebank Garden Homes Inc. August 9 Meeting: J. Barber's Questions to the Applicant and further comments. - We adjourned to a committee room. Question 1 concerned the acreage of the development and it was explained to me that roads were not included in the development area; curious. - Question 2 concerned the applicant's date of contact with the Planning Department and the ten-year waiting period and the relevance of the status of the Provincial properties. Mr. Gupta first contacted the City in August/September of 2000, dealt with Jeff McKnkight, was not in£ormed of ANY WAITING PERIOD arid was not given information on the issue of the Provincial properties. Miss Rose denied she had stipulated a waiting period but I have noW contacted other residents who remember her verbal warnings. It is relevant to note that no properties were put on the market at the conclusion of the OMB mediation~ It is also relevant to note that the owner of the Rosebank Road property would not have sold at that low price if she had been aware that development was imminent. The City of Pickering represents its residents both in its councillor structure and its staff structure. Why do we have the residents being given a negative message by staff members and total strangers from Brampton and Mississauga being given positive encouragement? This is wrong. This is very wrong. Some remediation has to be attempted. Miss Rose then informed the residents present that the City had received a letter from Ontario Realty Corporation IN JULY/AUGUST 2000 saying there was no programme to sell lands in this neighbourhood. Although the north Finch properties are joined to the Provincial properties in an arbitrary Land Assembly, lotting and servicing concept THERE HAD,BEEN NO ATTEMPT TO CONTACT THE RESIDENTS WITH THIS INFORMATION- IN EITHER 2000 or 2001. This is wrong. I introduced the topic of the surveying of the Provincial properties, their preparation for sale and their appraisal - the land value based on the notorious Swan property- sale. '-- Question 2A concerned the lack of financial history and development record of "Rosebank Garden Homes". Residents expressed an interest in seeing previous developments. Built evidence of previous activity seemed to be non-existent. Mr. Gupta explained that it was a private limited company whose principals develop "under different names". On the insistence of residents he will send "something" to the Planning Dept. ,'lirA ¡"U1\/iQp' ;if', Q.. J\.',"II/,Il"\".,,,..U. 71 PO ... '";2i~'Õ2 """""~""",<","'~'",=",,,,.,.,. 197 - page 2 Question 3 concerned the contour iines on the Subdivision Application - Attachment 2 to the Infrornation Report. I know that the contour lines are required to be of EXISTING CONDITIONS. A quick survey of the supporting documentation show photographs of banks of fill not even bulldozed to contour. Why would the Planning Dept. accept false information? Mr. Gupta said a new contour map will be available. May I see it? Question 4 concerned servicing roùtes and Finch Avenue. not discussed. It was - Question 5 concerned the extensions of Roads A & B onto the properties of Barber, Linton and Smith. Linton and Smith were not even informed of the application nor of the meeting though the Council-approved concept shows these roads on their propertieJA,e.... I am sure that they would be required to be notified; they~lumped together in this Land Assembly. If the Planninf1 Dept has changed thc:t",i9~t should not the residents be informed? I am particularlY}Èecause Mr. Gupta's application shows a Road C going through my house: that particular document was not included in the Information Report. I feel we need a pice of paper showing the extension of these roads. Can we have one? Question 6 concerned the extension over the OH property of an alternate stormwater management route. Mr. Gupta said we were in a preliminary round only - this was for later. Question 7 concerned the intermittent watercourse in the northeast section of the property.. No mention of stream in Dillon Environmental Report. No stream on map. 13 lots on streambed. Berms to prevent stream flowin~ onto property. Mr. Gupta said that the berms were for the railway. I had not at this time r~ad the Gartner Lee report. ISSUES NOT DEALT WITH --------------------- FILL.. .FILL.. .FILL VENT OF SEWER WELL AT 450 FINCH FENCE BETWEEN BARBER AND HOLMES TREE PRESERVATION POLICY FOR PROPERTY BOUNDARY DUST DURING CONSTRUCTION EXCESSIVE FILL PRODUCES NEED FOR EXCESSIVE COMPACTION VIBRATIONS AFFECT SLAB FOUNDATION (BARN) OR STONE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT AND WATERSHEDS . WILL FOUNDATION (HOUSE)? - 198 - - - An AGHMENT # ~,,=.eL..=..,~ TO REPORT Ii PD"""M"2]..:,Q;;..:..,-~~--"." page 3 Comments on "Environmental Study Rosebank/Finch Development" by Brian Henshaw, Gartner-Lee, May 2001 I enclose a copy of Figure 1 from Mr. Henshaw's report. ~'c I have lived at 450 Finch Avenue since August 1959. known the Rosebank Road property since that time. I am not a hydrogeologist. Neither is Mr. Henshaw; self-educated. I have he is ~': The utility area north of my property has been much engineered and altered. It never ever could be called a natural area. Sand and gravel were mined there for the construction of the two original railways; much of the depressions this created became ponds but have now grown in. The CP railline used to run in a cut through a northern section of the Lake Iroquois Bluff and a southern section; the southern section was used for roadworks on Altona Road in the late 60's. CP have brought in mining "spoil" from northern Ontario to rebuild and change the foundation of their track. The York-Durham Sewer was a deep excavation in the ~O's; no topsoil was re- served. The Cherrywood reservoir involved much dewatering and removal of part of the east bluff. Throughout a~l this activity each spring water has flowed south from the Bluff, under the CP, across the Sewer lands and onto the Holmes property about midway on the north property line; the water ran through a wooded area of 2.2 acres that finished just north of tþe present driveway. ""-'t'o t-\-~h.G\M> Nt-'fe.v W"';I.-tA:h'ol-\.c; ~ wcdw t..Dv..v~ . As it crosses the Sewer lands the stream has a well-defined stream bed- rocks, pebbles, gravel, no vegetation.' Mr. Hensha~v must have ~ seen the stream bed - it is in a defile on the walking path; one bas to ~~lk over the stream bed to ßrogress east or west. Mr. Henshaw mentions the walking trail on page ll~ last two lines. " -I, ~': I have not previously seen "ponded water" outlining the site on the north and east boundaries Presumably the path of the watercourse is now blocked by th,e fill on 2030 Rosebank Road. ~': The western edge of the north shape of "ponded >vater" is close to my property. There is nothing to confine the ponding ~o the boundaries of 2030 Rosebank Road. Mr. Henshaw suggests leaving the ponded water on north as habitat for amphibians. I disagree, Previous conditions must be restored. I don't think Mr. Henshaw realises the quantity of water generated. Yours truly. ~ ¿~~ Jocelyn Barber 3 r?'+ ) ~-Æmc~~ , p.s. /,J¿k ~ 54'J ~~('5J7~ tf'v ~" 1J~J;tI. ~ ¿% rrv wcA.t blo~s W'e c:rf:J ~ s~ ,/tl.JI.4~ ~o r; ~t r 0lA..A-f '<'['1"" "'I)~nENT " 0- i, ,AIJnlvl :jF<"",J..L""",,,<,,,,~ TO jìFPOPT {I PO Z] - Q'? , "" ' ,,' ,'~ ",-. ,~, "."""""k,",.",..~"^""",,,, 19B - -' .,,1 ,.01 .t:.: A ," , .. , ,~ ,,' , ' , "","~ "'..' >;:',;'" "ò. :',' ',' 1 '4 , " , "'" "~ ':'-' ;';.,:-', ," -.~",. ' ';::~~ ,'~~" .11 . oj 11\ .. ", it ;~~\. "'~: -If: . ,;e:' ":~' ~.: '-:~ " ~.'«- .!¡.~:.~~ .1,;., ",\' ,':',{, ;;~ '.. """ :Æ "'. 'A',:.. ",." " ",;1 :,: ';";7'-:1:< ' , ,~Ò'l- II ..... HIii "" " , ' ~ 1 ,'. ,',;: ' , . " .,..s ~ Ii . , ',," ". ,"- "'~:',,',".' ~,::',',','" '>.,:', ," , , , .. .. - --- ", ,r.' '", ,,' .. .. ; , " ,,', :,¡..".., !;"-": ' '~~ ,. ,.¡" fIJ; " ..s!... " " " ',v' ---- .. ' ,':, ,',,:,.1 ..~ 4 ,4 ,. i ';"" ;',,' ..' " " :, ,:~:::",,: ~":' " --' ' . ; ~:' ..', "..~-_:~~::! , )~ ~" it :-:-:1 ;~ ,,-, " ,.-;. " .. .. r-t,1 ,-' .. , . f ?~. '" '-.. , ' .' -. . HA5 Hand Auger Hole Location Gartner Lee Ltd. (Apr, , 2001) e~pproximate Limit of Fill -;...-,,' Area (April, 2001) O~~a of Ponded Water (April, 2001) "\ (' "\ FIGUR'E ~ " r (' HAND AUGER HOLE LOCKfIONS Gartner lee Scale 1:2,380 Proposed Rosebank 1 Finch Development 1 \..' ) I... .J Projeèt 20-422 \.. (2000\422\Hydro-Sile-P,cdr) <J 3 . t\HAGHMErdT L=Ef!t:~~?~~,- TO ,. PO 21 0'--; tf- '_."",.._".=:,.,"",~-_.,~~,-"..,~. 200 - Ð<1ttj>\1 \ In accordance with REGULATION 274 FORM 3 Drainage Act P~TITION FOR DRAINAGE WORKS I. being an owner- as shown bv the last revised assessment roll. of lands in the Second Concession of the Citv of Pickering. - reauiring the restoration \ maintenance repair of a drainage works on adjoining DrODertv herebv Det it ion th at the area more .Dart icularl v des cribed as follows: 2030 Rosebank Road Can II S Pt Lot gl 10.28 acres Dlus I metre of fill Road allowance north of east-west culvert Rosebank Roa(i. Easement for York-Durham 'sewer/c.? ~ mav he drained bv means of restoration maintenance reDair of a drainage works - a natural intermittent partially blocked. watercour!.e now '-,- Signature of Petitioner ~~ Part .5 Lot 31 Con . J-:. Municipality P(~ Petition filed this 10th day of Septe~ber. 2001 - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clerk Please see Explanatory Notes and Exhibits attached 201 - Eì</tttS IT 2. accordance with REGULATION 274 FORM 1 Drainage Act REOUISITION FOR DRAINAGE WORKS To Mr.Bruce TaYlor Clerk of the City Og Pickering I am the owner of the following land: - 430 - 450 Finch Avenue Con II. S Pt Lot 31 with ROW Roll No. 030 020 11200 0000 5.18 acres and I require. the restorition maintenance repair of a drainage works. and the following will be affected: lands and roads 2030 Rosebank Road Con II S Pt Lot 31 Iris Holmes Road allowance north of east/west culvert Rosebank Road City of Pickering. Eas emen t for York=Durham Sewer / c. p R..a.:1.\ Region of Durham and I request that an engineer be appointed by the Council 6f the municipality an~ that the engineer appoint a time and place at which he or she will attend and examine the area in order to make a report - Dated this 10th day of September. 2001 Signature of Petitioner ~~ Part 8 Lot "£,\ Con. ~ JL- M~~icipality 1;( ciiv ~ J Please see Explanatory Notes and Exhibits attached. 2n. j') ,{... - ~l1$-\T 3 EXPLANATORY NOTES FOR: REQUISITION FOR DRAINAGE WORKS PETITION FOR DRAINAGE WORKS DRAINAGE ACT: DEFINITIONS "drainage worl\.s" includes a drain constructed by any means. includin~ the improving of a natural watercourse. and includes wOTks necessary to regulate the water table or water level within or on any lands or to regulate the level of the waters of a drain. reservoir. lake or pond. and includes a dam. embankment. wall. protective works 9r any combination thereof. ""maintenance" .means the preservation of a drainage t.orks "repair" means the restoration of a drainage works - ~injuring liabilitv" meanA the Dart of the cost of the construction, improvement( maintenance or repair of a drainage works reQuired to relieve the owners of anv land or road from liahilitv for iniurv caused bv water artificiallY made to f16w from such land or road upon any other land or road . e-a-Ysed LAKES AND RIVERS IMPROVEMENT ACT: DEFINITIONS "dam" means a dam or other work. forwarding. holding back or diverting water "I a k e\1 in c 1 u des a p 0 n d "Minister" means the Minister of Natural Resources "river"includes a creek and a stream SECTION 24 OF LAKES AND RIVERS IMPROVEMENT ACT - REMOVAL OF OBSTRUCTIONS . Subject to compensation being made as provided by the Ministry of Government Services Act for any damage sustained by reason thereof. the Minister may authorize any person employed by or und~r the Minister to enter into and upon any land and remove any rocks. ~tones. gravel. slab or timber iam. dam or .part of any ~am. rubh1sh otiny k1nd or other obstruction in any lake and cr1ver. the removaL ot Wh1Ch he or she considers necessary or expedient for the achievement of any of the purposes of this Act. " . .$81 í ~ i )1 i t I Dø~ble 6"~.jl; 'I'~Q'dCrðS'.J"/n9 ' c;s.ÇuIYørl."J~:. Aof!d. order IV!" /0143 EO!!! r $/ , I~ (j 61 LIe 28"'" 22"" ','" \", ¡:,,<' . ' , ' , A 0 II"D $27' ~~ ~~~, ~o~ " ~ 4.t.. ,.Do. :;::. ... , (') I.Q ., J'r.244f~~O:'2~I9, 7De 4 ~ ~ ,", J !, ,1 \Jt , ..' _rCTrTT1)( 1n:'J' ~ ~' ..1 2ð8Sr .ej.O ~d' , R(IIOI ::' , L9 ., ~ ~, 1:,1 ; r -:'>I~ ' , . .;~ ~ ;¡;, '" ~ f HI ),.~,,' ~ . ,Ç) ::::: () Ii;, . ~ ~. 't, ::,;,' ,Ballas! 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EAST' A- + ,¿'iS1Ð , SUITE: 206. MISSISSAUGA , ' }.;.Y",...l J ONTARIO. l4W 5A8 .3. Þ-~' , : ,:. TEl: (90~} 62~...766&', ' . . \~'\' , , ," fAX: (9Q5) ~25-,I985' ", '. ", ',:' \)V ~ .. ! " . - ~ (4-- j, V.GUPTA š \\.~~ .. " :¡;:;~i,'.,':" DESIGN' Bvf . ; Y.G. ' DRAWN BY:" I.P;', ~~~u;: ~,~~RI;~:, 1~1000 , " ".. \.'!Ú;d..;;:",:,: ,:;:; ,:: " ,. -" I I , . , A ~ 9J. , ..-- )IJI - " ' / --.--.--:--- , I. " I I o-.-..! \ ~'NCH ",' '" _. -. ¿'f\ - - - ATTACHMENT#-1Q, ~_TO REPORT # po-2] - 02. 211 , ' , i I , , ! ;; ¡ ~~~~. C{oç'. ß' ~q:1 IbD'íS ' 'P ¡ 6~ù.q rp b~ Ì1eplr. aiteJt (;rvv I, MI{, R I Pl["" DdD~ '25, 2.ffv I BY- ~tùD , i ~ ~r. ÞYnî¡ Re.- '. ~LÞ d~ v (~ì D~ A-'ÞÞ\J~~ s P 2..00 ( - D 2.- ~~\L- q 1Qf~ i+ü~, \ o..J:tc:u:J.v SðYw2.- cLoCt.t.A.~ r.e.le.-vCMv~ rÌD ~ " ¡ , : , :,' I ¡ i ~+-eff~ttvJ' lNGd-ucc>~ ~ ~~~ -\-YOìv ~ ~~~~f~! ! : hôÝ1h praplÃ1 bb~1 -tb tw.ú \)OrTh 9:\ ~ ~ . . i : ¡ ~ì ((W~. ~ 9t1wr.-. ~ bloc1:.ed tM. 1999 ' ,,!, i , II 2( pk\-ðqr~ls. 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" . it. JR.&.~ ()Ç ANY V1RIJS OR £)Al.lAGE; TO 'THi RECEIVING. .EÜ:(:~IÇ SY'SlEY WHEN' 1Nf"QRWA. TIOH rs~. . , ø~ . LAND-PRO' ~"f ~", ENGINEER~NG CONSULTANTS INC, ;, V.GUPTA Š, 2601 MATHESON BLVD. EAST ... . - ~ ' SUITE 206. MJSSISSAUGA ; ~' ' ~ ONTARIO. L4W 5A8 -,., '-- 'q;., 7~ ~ ~tt' ",', , TEL:: (90S} 6~-766~.,. ", "." , ' ,- .' ,'. F4X. (905) 6-25-t985 " ",., ,- ..' ì.! :r...~e , By DEsaGH" S"!: ¥.G. - - ELECTRONiC FILE: 20003-FSB-4" , DA TE; MARCH. 2001 "DRAWN BY: I.P;', ' PROJECT No.. . '. '.-.' 'DRAWING No.. 'SCAlE:'~' '~100f) , '. " ,:.,20oo3.-'~' FSB~4 De$criptio'\. REVISIONS , "',""'" "' - - ~ 4 í - t J , \ : ! : I ~ 't , ¡ : I : I : -, : ¡ .. , . ~ :.... ¡.p... 'y tI ~ ,% N~ t(fi-- ,; '0 """'~ fJ¡ i --I f c- I ?A~\ OF p't¡.p ~ No+.e \lùD C-.\<.C $ S c.,u l- va::r:r 5 ~ \J '3\ tJ 0 ~""í"'fr ð -¡::: 1) )2..\ V' & W PM é) :¡=. "2.0 ~ D f<-c~Bf'fV.\L Þ:Þ ~ 1'J~ :Ç-rt2---e-A-H ðJ$~~ ~ D+t ~s ¡ i ( ¡ , .OT ~! ! . L - t ~¡- - CON II r~ 900 "'.. ç-'-'-,-) ¡ r WI~~')W ì....~~ . 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(.1..-"'- ' .. .:-.- -=so~...--.. ... ~- . . 4Oü mot . ~ ,ç.5.p.: -,--- _...--,.__:....",--,-------- --.:...-~ - -'- -----.- --'-'--.---'- -- ---------------:.-1 '. I.' 'EX!'Ìt. ~ Cf'jROPC P~fl\.E, : , / : r-GrriJND PRatILÈ AaoVE '- 7W mini WM. - I. [¡-EX!~ ~~H\ ~¡LE ~ . )IjOT£: AU. DIE!CSIOHS II ~ UNlESS ~ HOTEn - REGIONAt MUNK1PAUTY OF OIJRHAM WOP.ICB QEP4.ft...VEt"" -'---- ~.- ~- çOt(1'IU,CT NO, THè WIHTS1' QNTARI(". : 087-13 ROSEBA.NK ROAD ~, 29 m NORTH OF FiNCH AVE, TO 8S m SOUTH OF C.P. R.. , :.-:...--!\ ~ r DR""HG HO, . . " . të~"'I"ii,~~~J;~;i[t7:-¥ c Þ ~- ~= ~ç; , -~ . ì " .. _..- j.... "", , he . ¡:;:: ; ~,_;~~n 10 OF 1-7 ~ , .. .. .:...,..¡-- - LOT iO. 30 - ~I CON. II. TWP, !"IC;(Ei'UNG, ;;;: f'ICKE:!'<!NG, 6 ) t';b !e'...',i.ë.'..' , r , l i. ~ ¡ ~,.' ï ¡ È l\:) :~ c.H " I ,i ,~ ATTACHMENT # ~Irr' ""'-fD REPORT I PO 2'<,7- ()? ", "", ï:" ¡,~-,,( ,~' " - I , I I { I ¡ I ' t I Dc.~6Ie 6":'" I ,Æba-ci Cr';/S'.J'¡n9 S81 c.B.c"../,;..".t..._~ ~,AÞ'p'Q". Order IV:" /0143 EO!!! r $/ ~~~""'ð ,£:j (./ t'!fI LIe 2::l'c.B,t..û/Í'ert'L~' I,-.::~Jn.r~' t. ,28 / '" 12:2 ,s7? s ' ' , "e¡ /, t. Ç) ,VI ," ; -.....,;.- :l,!J ~ O'll!'r'., a ~, n Se.Cf/tJl'll1ðUO OJ ,.;, " I.>t. ~ ',. J! tf A ,f> I- j:J ,': - , ' ~ ~ ~ ..,.... ~:';,' Cj ~ ;-.;; ... ,.' ::b..~""" rn ,~ C') ~.t'-... .-. N.'.IoS(>f'r-i, 2414 "4$'. , "r:::>, Cit ~ '9 ' ~ . _ft 4--:.,_;¡fO-12 r-F~ :.. 1 "IU ;881,.JI J( }:~, ~T ,_,F'qrm )(7- :"j ,~ ~~.~ :¡J. - ðS$'I-.p.. , ..¿II 527' ~'8I:- l ' 2884 r¡ '~ ,¿l~j~~",,~ < F~eIG.vr "'.-. t' .:,,'/ ~ ~~... .' ~¡; 0 Il#'. sS' '/I ,~..q ~ 0 f'.. ~ ~CtI: Ç\~O "~¡i' ~ ~" 0 ,~ ~3i.1:: ,Bol/a;'; Be»:. ~ Yt C ... ~ -"~'."F'ar,..,XiÍ1Q, :'i!\) ;., I, ~'~:"'/~'AÞ'e: Jl878 , 85 ""8'.0- ~ ¡', I : , Q,~'.. . ", 216 .ROAD - , " I {\ ,7\l l? ..D ~ I \J 1} 0 :p -.( ~ ~ ~ ~ , I ',: ,~'I,., " ' " , ~ pO .: . ,+~: ,:/.{/~t \~:~-, I'.:'-"'~ '....;¡I .';.:'~' '. q"8~, -..W~::'ft",.~-, , ~ ~..'II\4f ~1 < ,'I .. . . '" " ',~ 'õ. ~' "", ';- " , I I 2ð77r ð4 t . I I ! -. , ,""', ..' r-' " .. .., . " ,':..' , , ~k~: .' ",' -: .: I. " ,,', , ~ \t\ ~Q ~ ' , . ," 0 ~O;. 1?- t. - ~ ~lm ~ :b. i, ,~~U " \ rë,armXlf79 -~ 0 0 ~-;"O : ,~~~f.?: ~ b' '66 ~ Q " ""," . ."1 z& ,", o~:;,~'ðUU;8"49Y', i ' -¡ . f, 3;S'C: B.Cu/yerr. '-"'; i . ... :.~ ....:' d"'" , .', :, - , " " . j- 1187' PU BL/C 1230' .28 ..3 1" 26 :J:. ¡- .... ...... i l' 2/1 ' 2ð4ð':"'" ,j " 0' ,.. ~, .' ¡' 'j f 'Ki'. , ": .' , ~ ~ I " '/ - ,,-. - - A IT ACHMENT # ..",..LQ .~- TO REPORT II PO ?ì- 02..,,- ....~, 2.l? '" INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Vic Goad - Development Approvals FROM: Paul Gillespie - Environmental Services Design DA TE: August 22, 2001 RE: Draft Plan of Subdivision for Rosebank Garden In the City of Pickering 1 At the request of Ken Thompson, I met with Ms. J Barber of 450 Finch Avenue in Pickering. She owns lands adjacent to thee Rosebank Garden Draft Plan of Subdivision. Ms Barber's concern is that fill has been placed on the subject lands and, in the process, has blocked an existing drainage ditch. This ditch appears to convey runoff from lands on the north side of the CP Rail lines, through a culvert and continues south through the subject lands. I have marked up the former ditch location on the attached plan profile drawing. Ms Barber believes that this fill has created the potential forponding on both the York/Durham sewer easement and on her property. Further, she is concerned that the external drainage has not been adequately addressed, to date, in the servicing plans for the subdivision. I walked the easement with Ms Barber this morning and she appears to be correct, in that there does appear to an existing drainage ditch on the north side of the proposed development and it does appear to have been impacted by the placement of fill. . As we discussed, you are currently in the process of preparing comments on this proposal and I suggest that you include a requirement for the proponent to address the issue of external drainage from the north, and to demonstrate that ponding on the Regional easement will not be a concern. Please contact me if you have any questions regarding this matter. ~ irdSj ({ rth . " . llfAl W11!fì1r- Paul Gillespie, P.Eng. Project Engineer Environmental Services Design ,., -.,--,--_.. , The Regional Muniçipality of Durham Works Department, - ' ~ ' PAUL GILLESPIE, P.E~g . Þroject Engineer' Environmental Services' Design Division' . , T~ contact me directly: VoicemaU'(905) 66~.i725, Ext. 5~58 ' .- 105 Consumers Dr., Box 623 ,WHITBY, ONTARIO L1N 6A3 . ~.800"372.1103 ' .Fax: (905)668'2051 . --" --'-"M~' "",<1111 nilll'!!'\oie@reaion.durham.on.ca ;:::; ,~ Çl~ ~1 I- a z a.. w ~'Í'Io :J:¡- ~§ i=f.b eta;;: 00 .,... ; C'-Ì ( .,. 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' , ' '" -' ' ,. , -- -:----:-:-:--~'_."",- ~ ~ "':""::':"- , " .. """"""""",_-".., AJ¡ ACHMENT /f Jl,,-:,,",?TO REPORT # po-ZI.= ()¡ .-, 219 - ----------------- ----- --,,---------------_...- --- --.. ------- .. ---" --- ;!:'1 1 I ' : ! ! : ¡ Ii. ! ! i I - , , ! ; I , , ¡ , : ý.. 5D FUtch A ~/ PlC)Ci)A'~ L1 V lHg RECEIVED OCT 2 5 2001 ; ¡ ì I : --, ¡ -- ' - ' ¡ i : ' ! ¡ ! ll'Pk'~ t-- : ~~. , t j ~r. i)!^lu¡,!~' v P'yl'!li :!'UL{Jft.,I'(,r'~"i"-- , I ; , I I! ¡ ¡ I ¡ i I ~, -- , i ¡ J .. - -- -- - -!, I ! i ø eM biw 7, 51 ~! ~ ' CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT - , , ! ~ w. ¡ Pl1 J1,.. ) : ! " ,:, ¡ , ! " :!: I ! ! " : ' ~: I ~,I- v:'s.ì6ï< .A-f'P(;C<ù+;~ S f ').0ìJ I Jb2- !:.-J, {ß ~ I { i d&k : db k - dACl¿~~'cn.., tyJ I ~o~ {Jr : ; ~ ,~L2,~ ~¡ tr-e--. ~ twz.. f>U D~ f¿X)Lh~h ~ : /,' ~ ;p~. 4-h- i ¡;jl.iw---/1>~" re-vì ew -ffor 11 o-Irk Pi ~ Pro i eoÞ-. ! l~~:s'h.J1():.Y !bNL Pf~~'-toJ. g.z.tR-I\ r~~ , i ¡ ~~cÞ~r5~;.'~~~.~~~~~efk ; --, ~:~ ~ ~~; -eJ1 CVfl- ~ ",5.> 1J~~ ! 2.', ,PM;~ð} c~:h¿ 5Nu~~tr l-\eM\V~e2 ~VMObQlI ~æød ; : ~: : ~~. '1cYv'\L. ~ }~ VJcrlef ~rol~cJ-. , !, ! ??>: S'luDIJ.9! v.~ J!<\,I><'tÇl¡v\..&¡) 9~ "'^ k ~1nck ct : , : ---~~ ~CXGl ~~ k~l~. rfwL LoCAÀ~, ¡ ~ i~g tW! \S> IM.O~ 1>to~~ ~ ~ dvvL- " 1~~.Jk¡O.J1-I:'I.:: _t:J (yvi.. 9r>(LN:)¡ ~ ~ ~ erð~l5&>l1~. ; Ir:-Ti~:,'"q I! --I , - -- !.., - -' , - , , , - - -. --- i~T! )¡, j.bI~I~'1s.£iuL ß~ \\A,W'J\M.~ LðŒk.rCf)~ l qJf-~P1tsDJ ]"".,!-------1 ,I, ~j ~S,Q.C~¡ 4vt)-ho L:Ole gke..;~. DhJ:L )5 BhV'tro~ ¡ II ! ~¥~tl<~~:e~~:l~~~~~~~~~ 11...11 ~~Þ17o: ~~cJ/~ k Lcrmdwv, Ct~ ; ;!i ! 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BE PRESERVED _0 SITES REQUIRING FURTHER INVESTIGATION .. .~ , " . ----=':""':-~_o_---- .. -- ---- --' - -_._--,- 0 0 0 ""-- ---..-",:-' .. -- -- -------,------ ~-- 0 0 .. " -,' 0 0-'-------" ..---- "- --" -" -' -- ----- .. i- 0' _0 O'~èc"r;;':c,= ~",,;; -'c""',, -.;,--, ..,~,. " .", 0 .. " DO""", "'-'-', --~:r.:;-"..,'s ~=:'ÎS""C'W' C:"1r\."J~ "" ..,-- --------.' ~.._:;,--,.:;..- - --'-_.~-~ " "-,,co, ' - ,~,--, - - ----- - . ';: '0 ¡~ :--".:"'::""'..J ,/":' '"i-'----"-"hD~----'- j ;,"'"',:,'::'::><;-"", ."r"" -, ',,', 0 -- ;;- ~ ': i '---' '-'------- "'-""':-:':-"':':-:':':--'\.,"'::;);,;", "- I ' .- ",-,---¡.<" """"".......,_w-:--,','", '~_w"~:-:':"-:':~~;.';;-~'-"'--'-"'¡",.:",,i,'::.-..2-- ---=---' "i::":':-"'" ," "",iii",'i'" .. .. ,_.""'¡" \ ,--' - '-.- .. ""," ,',', ------- ~ ,/ /. - ....- /,r //' ,.;/:' ="-""- .- E.1 ....".: ~ ARCHAEOLOGICAL , ",' " - SITES EJ - Q Seal. I 1 MI Number -- . L , -" ,,-,,:'i" :\,;::-~-, ~ ;,:,:"",:r ~~--- > ," - "' ", , ~.. ,L '00 HECTARES -.. --", - " '~ -,,"- ¡'Kid ", .. :;"5 ..,. olan-II'own North Pickering Project Ministry of HOusing - ': : r -= - ':::--::: ~ -e: Province of Ontario --. ---- ,---- « - L A.2 - '- - An ACHMENT If =-JJ,=,\~ø¡ 0 BEFORT:fI PD.-21:.Qk=.w~<"..,,<'~~' 2' t)l ,1",-, ARCHAEOLOGY AND HISTORIC BUILDINGS: Background Data 2.1 Origins of the Archaeological Sites There is substantial evidence that man has lived in the North Pickering site area for thou~ands of years. The earliest docu- mented occupation of the site was by primitive hunters of big game (deer, elk, bear), known to archaeologi~ts as the Laurentian Archaic peoples (circa 5000 B.C. - 1000 B.C.). The eight campsites on the North Pickering site, according to Konrad, suggests that these hunters and gatherers located near reliable water sources and the major streams where fish could be taken, particularly during spawning runs. In all likelihood, the physical impact of occupation by Laurentian Archaic peoples on the site would have been negligible. Although the site may have ,been occupied. by prehistoric hunting- gathering peoples during the period 1000 B.C.-IOOO A.D., the evidence is quite sketchy; however, approximately circa 1000 A.D., a major re-occupation of the site by prehistoric peoples known as Terminal Woodland can be documented. Of importance is the fact that these peoples practised a rudimentary agri- culture based on corn culture. Consequently, they exhibit a semi-sedentary village life. Their villages, 'usually palli- saded, were located on sandy soils ~'~~ii!f>~'~~ìrti!ïJ'~~¡(iS!~.4;!¡¡1iÍfñg':§"1&and small streams in easily defensible positions removed from navi- gable water routes. During tl!e initial stages of the Woodland Indian occupation (i.e. 1000 A.D.-1300 A.D.~ these peoples were still dR~endent to some degree upon hunting and fishing (salmon in Duffin Creek particularly) . - Their successors, known as the Hiddlc Ontario Iroquois people (1300 1\.0. - 1400 1\.D.), cstùblished a relatively stélble culture in southern Ontario exhibited by up to fifteen village sites in the southwestern portion of the site. Later, as agricultural development became more sophisticated with the addition of beans, squash and sunflowers, the final prehistoric occupation of the North Pickering site occurred with the Lake ontario Iroquois or Huron-Petun people (1400 - 1650) . Thus the most evident effect on the site over 600 years of rela- tively continuous occupation by Woodland Indians was the land clearing associated with aoriculture. fT' 57/58 Te,cr D\.CCI7"'-p:U\.\.¡u..;¡ ~ E -I Nœ~\C.f"L ¡: IThS ptC\f"\1-v\Nrt ~ ~ W'~ 'Vf~~?vo}eç.li b,,0 1~-4-, 1)o~ ~ f\r~v~ R",-¡ r\'ck)lA~ ~ hÀ b-nv-~ . ""T!, "¡j~IIt:"!"¡" i' II "~I' .'~.....¡.h.'it;,- !V C.!\ i'r.<.,,~-. "'-.""r.'rj.' hj ¡:T?OHT # ¡)D=,".21:J",.u;;--_o,-~." 2. (). I) "i (... - ~~~ (~) L5~ ~:::~~MAN - CONSULTING ENGINEERS ,., .. - --- -- -----------. ...-----.. "'_n :..; \., , \' ^ : , , , I ; \ ' '" /L"¡ "V}.:'¥~ 3rd ¡d( . l~<;r:::~ ¡ \ - . ~. I - . ,¡ 1/ , ¡ \, '( , ! ¡' ¡ -- ; , ,!, ':\-""""1 I ',' , , ¡ I , ¡ :1 \.1 , ; ; ! r ( j , f)} , rj \l{. I' ; ; ¡]! \ , ¡ \ ¡ \ I l,.., , \ I \ : ) 1-':"] , '. i \ , ;,1 , ;'. ,A. ( '., ..' , I ", ""'IB"'IL I~"IP 14, ~ f 'I ! A II ,. 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""'5-&" ,:i;, flrl, " "1'1' 'L" i l ' , " , " .'~ .. , ' 1 ' " "I' ¡ It : " ',;:; ,,"'ë, " ;C~'\ \1 ,.~,' "I f ¡ , ('> ':, " ,¡ Ol.i i \ ¡ '! \~~-) :; ,; "". ,:': '",,:--- ~:=Q:::::'¡c- \1 (J -ll,' i I,'; ¡,-~~j;= ,¡, , "', "', \, 0 ";f\;,,o>'; ": ,!I~ (...---,~~~-,~/,) I ¡ïl ¡ ! "\-Î , \ !;¡;",~" \Ç-J<ò: :.. W&."", " ~y "-'--~~¿I:!,I! i.", ¡u.-~..L'.,1~:\ ¡ ¡',:: - ,\ ¡ ,,:~/ --':"'"" ,'-¡-" IL!,,\ t:i;""I((<,=J""'\¡":7 "/" " ILLI iiL.....; " :¡",n \;- '\! '~--"'i-, / ", ", .',', ) , ", [, \\""~I(7,.,,:\v, 1"",1'1'-' ,..---", i ,I'", \.'::""~,,~-,iS}, \" "),," ¡ () l ' Pickering }J'(, ",' ""I:: .....- Ii :, UJI:{'Þ":j¡Oltfg1 "u" ,--'-.rr"9.. ' ~:\ : LU..¡(;e II, ,,«(:/"/.O Nuclear /I.{r"';;:-"'V', Jl r !! ,J 'j // -",,' ' . Jo f,rs IPS: ' 'ß 1"5;", ' , ,;' ,. Generating' ð ~">..,! ,,' i" ,.., ,,:;..-' II:I',,! "';:, ;oo(\'j:~~-"/'/ sbu"n' """",,;,-_:..,/ II !(I""--' I!; '¡ 'I Jm~tf\\1BM\ \.ù~\tPCÙLJRS.B~ \! ¡, :1 ¡'i~¡' \~ /' ,,' t-~ ~) JGo~betJL. Cia ~\f)¡\h. i !, ~ \Z-ôÇe~\'-vS:.'\-Y~+œws i A,,---y // t":J:t :'u~se1 ~~ 'If ~~~/ rrJ£\~~~~~~ :'~~-~ '(-~~~ bP:'\AGr~ L.(.b~ r legend. ...- MUNICIP AL BOUNDAR' STUDY AREA - ~ COLE, L..~ SHERMAN March 18, 1998 Our Ref.: 18796 Mr. Jason Barber 450 Finch Avenue Pickering, Ontario Ll V IH8 - Dear Mr. Barber: ii' ¡ I '1'0 fie Ç\I<."~'~.'~~l"'".:'ñ?~i it 1 d -"...k,..j ,~ 225 CONSULTING ENGINEERS ""..-""--'-----'-------- Re: Long Term W.ater Supply via.Durham West Terms of Reference Study Further to your request, at the recent set of Public Infonnation Centres, enclosed please find a copy of the maps requested. We apologize for the delay. If you require additional infonnation, feel free to contact us. Yours truly, 'Y-Iò- ( 11{~ Michael Bricks Senior Environmental Planner MB/lh - CSA2/WP/96PROJ/18796/LBTTBRS/Bnrber/Mnr.98 COLE, SHERMAN & ASSOCIATES LID. 75 Commerce Valley Drive East. Thornhill. Ontario L3T 7N9 " Tel: (905) 882-4401 ó. a-mail: csa@wcc.com Fax: (905) 882-4399 -," ,It 'r{"1 r",- ,~",""'"='O= I 'J (I: PO ') 1 - Cf) " '" ."..k,_"___f-.__o,_.~- 2?6 -. 450 Finch Avenue, Pickering L1V lH8 Mi chael Bri cks, Senior Environmental Planner, Cole Sherman 75 Commerce Valley'Drive East~ Thornhill, Ontario L3T 7N9 March 25, 1998 Your ref; 18796 - Dear Mr. Bricks, Long Term Water Supply via Durham West Terms of Reference Study Many thanks for the maps you have sent. They will be very useful. I do,however, note that they are not dated. What would be the date that, for example, the Existing Land Use map would have been put together? What would have been the source of the information on that map? Did York R~gion provide material and Durham Region provide other material? Or did each Town - e.g. Markham and Pickering - provide material. And \>Jhich dep,altment in the Towns or Regions would yaur firm have been dealing with? Re: I would appreciate your help on this issue. Many thanks, Yours truly, J!:?!:~. &/~~ {)Jason Barber - - Gartner Lee Limited 140 Renfrew Drive Suite 102 Markham. Ontario L31~ 6ß3 - : (905) 477-8400 ~fáx: (905) 477-1456 WWW: www,gartnertee.com I I i ------- i I ElIl'iroll/lle/l/al Serl'ices ; fill' Indus/ry & Govemmellt Office Locations . Toronto Vancouver '",." St, Catharines . Whitehorse . Yellowknife . Kuala Lumpur - - ~2!t ' ü~~.~/.,., ',"" L ('UI\ 1t:"Rrr J( I' I p, ¡~¡ L\ ,nivií_l~ 1Ï'",="""""~,,,=,,=¡U !i P n _~,1J - Q~-"~"",",.,"""",, 22'7 April 21, 1998 GLL 97-378 Mr. Jason Barber 450 Finch Avenue Pickering, Ontario Ll V IH8 Dear Mr. Barber: Re: Long Term Water Supply via Durham West - Tenns ofRef«rence Study Thank you for your inquiry to Mr. Bricks about the data sources used on the maps presented at the Public Information Centre events. This letter addresses your request for follow-up infonnation. The database for the maps is kept by York Region. Most of the environmental infonnation was compiled from government databases during the Water Supply Master Planing process a couple of years ago. Infonnation for Durham Region was compiled for York Region by Geomatics during the Master Planning process. The following specific infonnation may also be of assistance to you. Table 1: Mapping Information Contained in the York Region Database Description Information Service Approximate Date ..ç, ~.~~.~.!:~.~.~!~~~.~~~.~~ ..... '."""".""""""" ..........¥J~..~.:.Y.9.~~..ß~z.!.?!1........... - ........ç?!!!,pß~.~.:).~?2......., Rivers . MNR - OBM* 1978-83 '.""""""."'.""""""'.".'.'.'.""""""".""'."""'.."'.'".""'.""'.'."..""."""""""'."..""""""""'."."'.""'.""."..""""""""",.,.,."" Lakes MNR - OHM 1978-83 .""""."."""""""""""""".""'."""."""".""""".--'".".""""",."..."".""""""""""",."",..,. ".""...""""""."".."""'."""""'" ..~Y..~.!".~..!~'.~~~~~.~~~.!~~.~.~!1..~~....,..... """ .................M.~~.::. Q~M............................. ..,..!?!.~::~}.........,...... ..~E!~g~~...........................................................................M~~.::.Q~M.................. ................}.?}~:~}................ ..~Y.~~~~.~.~~...................................................... ........M~..:..Yp.~,~~~~..9.~~........ ,...............}?~.~::~.~................ ..~~n.!~..~.~!~..ç~!~.~.~.~~.~:.~~!:~~!~~~.... ...................g.~~.!!~.~~.~~~.................... .................}~.~Q~.................. ..9~. ~..~.!~g.~~.!.\:~~.~:~~~,~~ß~,~~.~~ ~!:Y....... . """"'" ........g.~~.~~~,~~j.~~............ "'."'.""""'.". ....}~.~Q.~.......... """." ..~~!!.~....,~........................................,........................................9..MAf.~.~..................... ....................!.~,~}................... Land Use OMAF 1983 Note: * , ** i i I I We trust the above information meets your needs. MNR - OBM = Miniso:\' of Natural Resources, Ontario Base Mapping On/aria Minis/I)' of Agriculture and Food If you have any questions, please call. Yours very trýly, GrTNERïEE LIM. I!ED i ~iÍ~ VVL/ \ ~ RdtJ~~ EJ. Üech, M.Eilg.SC. Hydrogeologist, Vice-President REJL:mm cc: M. Bricks, Cole Sherman p, Bottomley, Consumers Utilities 1~ --:¡~ ..-...ill .!-I! j\" ., 00 C\-;. C'J ( ,- - ,-,,"""""'.' :.:-, " --- .. ---->.. - -'- .~ -'-,:-'- -. "'..~-3~~~L::,:,\.. ,," --'" . ;' ( i ~ 'j I 1 1 1 , :c..;~,(,:,~,;": "",:. '~...." , " ," ',:, . <c_",-.. , '" !' ( - ?it",..,J2", " II PD~",:2J:""Q~.__w."... 229 - P{O~4 (p ~ i;ep/. / e:tfe.v,. h'1J"\A I, {VI ý fR J 1>'1 !VI- / P t' clt.eAt~ CL vl'C Co w.p ÚVC DhÆ- ~ Esf~/ P'ClLf5P.JN c¡ L/ Vb/( 7 II! Ð V^~~ J; 2-!TO I / t¡:;5D 4eA A~/ P 7 \cJCflAI"~ Lllrlitg RECEIVED NOV - 5 2001 CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT - ~5~ . k; A~'~~rrlf-+O bttVr41J~~ " ~ .ku1l>Lu:&t rp~1 ft ,P~N~"ct46tJ1AJrherocl ~ )( c Cr Co l4, s;¡.J ~CtM. fs .J Del. Lr 2-17D { , ~/LVOVv fv-v Q t:ÐÞj cfI ~s A-~ R.vp~.' I ~tJ&, {,J4! Iv Cò~ lM- if~ 2 ~~ ~~.. , R-~~l/~ Wrçfcp/~ A~ ' . , . ~~ ~'1r :j;, ~¿;:/¡¿- ~ w-3 -ft(Jo-, ~ Þw~ ~ , , , . ~~,i t>V'e#~ ~CArJ +~~{ ~ ';" , 1w-6U.-hCUj,e- Q/¥ rIZ~"-. {¿oc..J., ìto¡kJ- OJ . Wa..L1 11. ~, ' 11 . ?! R",.d. ftæ " ~ G)I1. ,p¡-pyl!-w£ì~ C I RÆ¥LeA,j ~ BD~'-1 ~~, . P eÆh ì L 0 Q)r Cr etd,- ~ ~ ~ CJ.eej.. tv OJ/G¡ ~ - o(j ~ Þ. IJl r . Cu,(ve-vr lD~~ etc.-, " ¡ . ~ ~(Wr r~~cu ~(dr~q.q.e> S~s~ ~?~; 'fr'",,'c!ul ,(>:-¡ c¿t;¿, .¡" XCc, ,1/ ']';.Js- r~ç¿ fs dv. 0.. ç:t:z1, ,: . ~, . eJAtditid. ç1i>r~_~~ IIlV~(l.J' 7>-J;.s. ~ ¿,~,; , ,i~ OR.ÞQAJ dr~e --føt,C-vI J ~ ~ ~ l.t/ ~ ~ go ti.~ Q./, i . k Otvf-oJvl) fkidro ~'Jtvi."'ÇS/\f> ~ Cor (toler,,' 7rvL ~~~ ~~ rfcW, ~'s w~ Aa..! ~ t~ ~ ' , VfU'(,f,'ed. ì\r~~ c¿f k oft C-o vYt'~ ~ ~ ìJ: ctìVÞ~ eiJù ~ r6>.It! ~ &J ())fer ~tU2dr ~ ~'5 ~rf.s-r~ ~ ~ he-i~ hea.- f<:?4VcÍ.<.ed. MY fre".;rf¡'-e;/ \ it ì-s w..ì~. th.t!ws. ~k~di\t1~ ~~¿.~~,~ ¡ f' .e-tf,c. {)cJ- úea.t L ~ h. ~ 9f o=;,...Uc ~ ì.s' , ~ "J:~,-; ~ ? r¡ç f"-" fz¡ I 4- t;;r¡J ~, ~ Þ ro ~ L þ-r (;) r. J;. -e¿ {tV eg r qf JoN¿ / ~ (M. ~ . it- ~ ~ c..- ~hg~ LVÀerea..Ç ~ DkúL ~ &"'- ~ ~ ~Se1!fs' J~ ~ rertT-¡. ~ ~ ~ pzre f€f ~ Ú'^--- ~L, ~ . It- ~ ~ r LÙ\.A~ ~ t L-r 2;0 LAr ì ç ~ÙIe&-¡ ~ kA-~~Crekl~~. 230 - - . . 2. . 1l-e- ~,,-v I- ~ Ao " ~ ~ /.-..- Þ. ~ ~b ~ ~ I I Jill f£ ~ t;n..t: ~/+-D.M:i-:s ~ 4 ~L»e¥r ~jW k ~) ~ W hOr ~q~ dìv-~~~ ~ ~l-- -f1,Ð w-! éhJ-D 2 0 5 D ¡¿a ~ k.. . '1J.-..r¿ ~ e MDke.¿ ðV\. ~ f¿ cuvJ...... o..k ~ ~èM. ~ J¿". ~~ ~ ueGl ,do k clr2y:>. ~ C 8 t ~ ~to Lvt'-€£..t, }:j--f' ~ ~ e , S V e.r 'J ~ rrv /"\~ VtA. CU,.., ~ .. ~ -. q l-, .5'eJLç b Þtcv!l'1 fu"i '^- /Af~M ú2... fh¡ ~. IvuL- ~ ~. w~ ILJ ~ ~ fLA~!L-. ~ a.:.t~ ~ , ~ I ~ 7 57J It.tht. ~VtVh M-a-UA 1b Iha. P.J¿...8 e.v r D Lr 2 /Ao.J .. di;l tJ 0 ÚJ .ed ~ ~ ~ qf;" ci e!1fì1 ~ 4 eOf! r c\LY ~, Îh-~ WQ.%'V d;f ~ ~,,~ ~ l Wt ï,( ~ k1 Ovffe~ h~ p I'V~ ~ '¡/~ cik1.? -! -PLAÁ ( oJ ø- vb ~ {~- k D 1+ Co rr I'~V' J(r~1. S 0 LI.~ c¿f ~fA. 1--0 J/U)ð ~ cd- k - C'W-reMJ- &1' rwfJ.!.1 .CtAd- k U€.-rUì èrw l(J J-teMJ ?lJW IVJV~ 9J 1vL cUr ì veA? ~ . ~-' JvJ¿ h.JlM} p 0 ~ Co C£L.A ~ P ~ k:f C(f.. ~ LJÝì ~L~{ dU-e-~ MvQ., gu.-f VI r-ed -:- 5 ' dw-p I Cð-7r~ cWv lvreJ. I b-hLer M's.e ~ ~fÎLJ ~ '1 ~Y-?J (re.øl Vvv I'^-<l- ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ otJ-r.kv ~ ~ -~ I~~ VvvM~)¿ ~ U;Cf~ U I c:J..¿, 5. úrð p? 94- eMivv ~ ~ . q ('cUd . 7+ D wev ev hJ Å¿{/V rirvL- ~ --/1ÆJ w.s.. tv\.. k s </5!' tAf1 Ur t~ ;J~-(1"u~ tfe--Loù-f:r11o bver~ -h~. oMf-cwl.rLg, ?rv- ~ euiA.reqr ~ ~~L -rtU~. k ~ fk tV ~ ~ k )uni~ ~c~ ~ -Iü ~ eaXY íbo& oj ~~, . If ~ ~ç Jw C»L1f(!ßf- ~. ~~vv£ ~I beJw~ i~ rciJ ~ ~ ~:1 ~ w.e- ~D tu-L V ~k tp r-t1I.k A-J'w~~ 6-- &/L- J-v @ 4 0 H- Cew r I cLer- [E) r!r-e- e{).gJ ~ L cLit~ I ~ ~ l'ln-v t:/- ~~ s;;.urvtZe-j I Û9vvt-HUt vi iv ~ k ~ rlV s~ dr~4Z ~'Bv,^ both 1h1L eai/; CUtJ ~r Jl-J ~ crJ ~L 15 -fD k ~?-. {bo-e ~v¡'~ P ~ ftJl TYJ.f/w. gf k-}io fA} tv U h;s/~ cralL I C.,i/ b { "Vvù~ f- sfVë:r~ Ly dA \ seu¡ v.-et- ~Ivv h q W'€.. ~ r e- ~ ~~1 kJ~ ^úL ~ ~~, . .' 21.' ,() "'" " c.. - . ...,. - - ATTACHM.ENT#--_I~~TO REPORT # PO. Zì - ef¿. 1 --,._""""""'. RECEIVED NOV - 9 2001 AFFID A VIT CITY OF PJCKeR N~ ! 1'!.J\MIII ,¡¡g; ~~ I DEVELOf'MEi!;ff l\JS'~~~!Bt¡lìf \ """N~ 1. I Brian John Thompson of the City of North Bay, Province of Ontario, make oath and say as follows: 2. I am a retired Mining Engineer, a past Member of the Association of Professional Engineers of the Province of Manitoba until 1987 and a past Technical Explosives Specialist with Dupont Canada Inc until 1991. 3. I am currently the owner of a small Computer Services compaIlY as well as a Commercial Property Owner and Manger in the city of North Bay. 4. I lived with my parents, Evelyn and Joseph Thompson until the . summer of 1966 on Part. Lot 31, Concession 2 in Pickering Ontario in a stone house now known locally as 2030 Rosebank Road. 5. Evelyn and Joseph Thompson ~ere the owners of approximately:30 acres in lot 31 and had constructed a Stoned frame house on the property. The home was accessed by a long winding driveway from Rosebank Road. 6. My father Joseph Thompson died in January of 1998 and my mother Evelyn Thompson, who is 86 years of age has recently suffered numerous health problems. (heart attack / colon surgery) . 7. I specifically remember an intennittent watercourse that flowed parallel to the railway tracks at that time and spilled southward into low lying areas of our property. My father Joseph Thompson had constructed a small wooden boat for me in 1963 and I and my neighbour, Andrew Gibson, who lived across from the Barber homestead, frequently played with me in this boat for several years until I moved away. - ." ", J "", ':]' ,,):~ .. .., ' -- ..-, ..-} ATTACHMENT#~TO -', REPORT # PO 21- 02. 2:{3 2 8. Below is a digital scan of a picture showing the boat mentioned - above, and myself and Andrew Gibson in the flooded area discussed. .., j , .' ' ~,:~~; ~- ~ ~4J -rI'~c..' l!u~'JÒf¥ 9. Jöse1yn Barber who resides at 450 Finch Avenue in Pickering Ontario has sent me part of an enlargement of an ordinance survey topographical map of Markam 30M /14B , edition 1964. I have examined this map and note the following: - At the Junction of Rosebank Road North of Finch and the CP Rail line, this map shows a stream flowing west and south from the utility corridor, entering 2030 Rosebank Road and then flowing south east around the north -east section of the property mentioned above. This is the same stream and watercourse I played in as a ydungster in the above pictured boat. , Witnesse~ 1¿U- ) Bria J. Thompson Date: NlJúG:Al&e¡¿ I, ZOO ( ( ~ cr. N 4 W -=f ~ z a (YJ ~ ct j: ::I cL q: 5: 11, () ~ ~ :¿ \.ù ~ Cl .J 7' ill -""<"..,,~. .",,-- '..- ". - ....--. - ,,--,' '-." - 13: r, PD" "2..1:02.""""",, 2~5 - fl'C-lc..u~ ÞCov~Jt.~ ~'/ P,'cl~~ c;, V\'c., ~/Qx/ ðNL 1U Ë5f~ PI~~ L V to /¿ 7 aJ{; Mv. r¿, Pv M Nðçr~ !: ( 2-'(;11) J 4,>b ~  V'e£.1.~ J>(cÞu-~ LI V tlii? RECEIVED NOV - 5 2001 CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ~ g.;;r ( ~: p~ ~ >-r~cli VI'Sß'~ s p - 2-DD 1- DL.-- Þ ~ au;ld ~I S ~ ~ c2f éÅ.e Þw ~ ~i Ok ~ ~ ~ ¡ R-~ b IL Jè r'X).(Á ft, ~ d..Þ Ct¡. ~ ala ~~ I ~ Cl(¡ ~ r ø V\ 'd..9) r.e. If dv&- ~ fre.a- w.. II ~ ~ hi-€- k~ Þw tv f ~ -h'}'~ a.-ç II Pt ~bu-~ Û-€12J<- J( I ~$ ~~ ~ k ç~¡J V¿'1 ßhoU;--ô; ø k 5" lJD ~~. C 5 P CM- { v -evl- /WJ.A; eøJ r L' U A ~~ Cr -eæk- tv-w. ~ J2JW ~k c¿f- R-~~ Ro~ -fD k ~(¡ '8"Jlli 9f k YO li\fL ~ ~ v ùa..d~ I G) k 3' )< :>/, ~~, a.rc..kW~ W vt-vv c-. 2- D I ~ ~ ÚU'~ll¡¿.g k s~ ~ ~ ~ -}tnv' k <3frfA4' ~ k. ~ (;ð q/Ni>LS bk-ft ~ ~ ~') r~f ~ ~ ~~k s~-fWLJ-:f WeJIV ~ çov::h. -1D 263() R~ tZoa& I , ~k ~ >lLYV~ ìs LkC-Djtr~ ~ ~ Q ft £ÞC f. o. w. ~ ~ (ß-eJb{r l),-1è1e & f<.~. ' , \.1 tnJS -{-v ~ / b~~ 1)ÙA/~ ATTACHMENT #.~~~TO REPORT # PO 21- 02. ~-- 236 - " ' :c U} :::> m c,. <? ~. ",. w U} z w 0 Ol£ + I 'VIS ~ ~ \- = )\- )( \--::: \ ~~ x ) \\ .. '..---y-.. -\:-'" . ZL9 'g---/ '-- --000 9 ¡'I' I (~~i~ i I 3N THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM WHITBY WORKS DEPARTMENT ONTARIO ROSEBANK - ROAD FROM 86 m SOUTH OF C. P. R. TO 129 m NORTHERLY , .~ I AREA .0. -,. lðT NO 30 - 31 hnN II TWP. PICKERING... MUN. ,.PJCKERlN.G........ - - ATTACHMENT # --1!1:.- TO REPORT I PO~ - Of 2:~7 - ~57) ~~/ Rt::celV 7iCÁG-f:7RJ/vq ED LJvtt/¡,f/ JAN 1 5 2002 CITY OF PLANNiNG 8. ';fffERING DEPAATM£:h~PMl:NT PI\~~ ?~ 1kpMf~ ~k61,.. ~ /vJr. R-I :PLj ~ .J-fU~ 1 I ~ ! ~tJ1J ~ \ ~ ç,vt' ( Cfe..- ~ S P Z-ðV I -{) 2 ~~ 1 0 l-v etd.J. ~ \ ~ ~ +0 "'-y c:o ~ ~ ~ S P 2 f7D I - 6...2 '? M ~.A-'í ~L.2. I &\l+-Ctctv ~ ~ cf ~ 1hzJ~~ ~ ~1u4 fvðM ~ ~rt SJ-é71J I It A ~ ~.. rv ð-Ý~ r;¿~ i fk,v s ~ cJ Pr [lev ~\ r-u ~. ð+ ~ ~ ScLvolkt-v ~ (v'6 ~ 1 fÞ.- ç c> ~ {¡¿..J 10 N¿ ßfAd ¡J ~ / <iU<-v r if ~, . '7lu'r ~ F b!1j' ~ ~~ - ~ clr ¡' I€/;J GV¡ ì> s ~ t... n- ~ k ~~c- í Qf~ ~. ~t-evtz; -' S l> ~ðD I ~ ?J 2-- aJ hi 17+11 N 1t+E At--! ß'*'J-Gft CI2- bE~ lù A-T&f<.,J I:J-e;cp I ~ ~ , "". 6 ro- )"""~ IS." ~ r/y.¿ V' 15TT¡ OJ A-"r ~ 4J ~ iiEb CtÁ ckkt ~ ¿"., L- ~ 'ff '2. /J1J I I/tJ ~ 1 074 ~, ~ Lo~ ~ q fwL C/eeJ<... -- ¡vi ¿-1ðC<ffLj 5" ~ 1- Ìs & ~~ ~ I£~. w~l fM- ~k~ C¡Q£~ ~. ~7UÞA7b h-uÞ- 4.fi,1 LJ-o/Vj' ~ ( " - '] ItQr ~ ~ '1 ~ 1-0 t~ ~ ~~ cn.v k ^ r;rrI-h ¿ b ~v¡ ø b ~~ti:j, fhu ;!(r~~ regp~v¡er -fv ~ CwvJ:~+-~' ~t¡1--f-? lj '>19¡ ~ / J\.fZvtIL- 6t ~ & k ~ftq;v p? ~ bVS S ~ce£~ / J)-O/~~t~~ , !8"". ,/ ~- ,~~ \\~ IVN" \ ----- "'"~.,, :' ~; ¡; . Ü ."""," I'" , ',- "- ""--, ",-'v. ""-,.,,., ",". .",""" """ ~ w"""."". ) -. q.r.¡~]1"~'-"',: " 0""""'" ~; "L",I< I : ' ",",." ""N'H' I w i bl.::J ; A.j I~ L. " CO 1 ~ "",., ~ j R if \t r "~"'A"" ","V'- u. l ~ c 0 ~ ~ Z ~ '¡¡ u: . l. ;¡ - , ",/VI"' """",. ~ ~ ~ _,"'.Mlm'- "'^'.' m City of Pic Northeast Ql " I!I"A'-irim'l.. ø.'I'! 1;At:Ii!:G-fAØk -~J:C:J!ò,;<.d\õlw' '-""\õlÇ> Stormwater Manf Northeast Quadrant (Study Area) Watershed Boundary' If ATTACHMENT,'r'1"" .TO REPORT # PO ?ì~O2. Figure 1.1 Study Area Scale 1:15,000 AHACHMENT tJ -15 -----_TO BEPORT# PO_. 27-02 - 239 - ?G~~~"?~ ~'( C~ C~/ { ÎILL e>1J~ ~-t..hh: 'k ( Þ 4 hA. . LrSb ~ A v~ -PZcb;~ U\f\~ qùç. 8-~4.' (btHs - 1-, (1 "- ~~ / ~ ~ <;p ').t)b(-b'2 ~~~\c:. q~ f:b~ ~-- (k-~ ~ tJ b CDw:3e- ----------... REceIVED APR " 2 2002 ~L'k~I:?~ ~~tJ1ERING DEPARTMEN~PMENT - ~ ~ ~~~tt.:ëJ-. ~\l~cv ~-- ~c.&- k-& ~ b tocJt.d ¥éhv Q.~ ~ ö-v--tv 2-0 sO R ~,~ R 0 cu:!.. ì Ç'. ? ~ ~ ~-to v..) ~ ~ ~ k v ~ rtuJ ed. (Q ~Lt ~~~~ fuo L61... ~ ~~ ~ ~~~ ~ tJf~~ r~w~ ~ ~~~s W)(Ä) k w-<a.l~ -+r-QiÅ -. (f ~s ~o~ k-~ ~e-Jv~ ctf k ~~~Þv~~~~~~'~ ~ he.- ~ tD4 ~6 ~ ~~ - ~ ~~ U$v' c.Ju¿~ ~eJrf k we-~ ~. ~ r~\\fcJiQtrv ~~ (þ~/ k~(.) ~ be- W;Y\t~. \J~:- ~ ~ 'tN\. lo~ k<b.-tr~1 ~~ ~ ~ ~lð. \ (ùA.... ~ y ~.~ ð-w"J f SStú2. ; S fe\a.Va..vX k ~ ~ o-v -\þ 't1.;r4 Sd"-M(~ ~ C-ò~ LrIOlA- ~~ ~ ~ ~s Cx>~~'I.~~~' ~ ~tJ!>. '1~ \.-1~( ~~\~ ÞCLV ~ -'---'~'---- ..-.-------- 240 - '\",',"ff,"'j',I\"'l,!MENT~ fm', 10 ' hi .'Iff 1f'~- .. REPORT 1# PD...2J~ ) -- ~. Hydro One Networks Inc. Real Estate Services 483 Bay Street 12th Aoor, North Tower Toronto, ON M5G 2P5 www.HydroOne.com May 3, 2001 ~~~~~~D~: CITY OF PICKERING PICKERING. ONTARIO r~ hyd ra '-.:I one Toll-Free: 1-888-231-6657 - - Mr. Richard Szarek Current Operations Branch Planning Department The Regional Municipality of Durham 1615 Dundas St. E., 4th Floor, Lang Tower West Building, P.O. Box 623 Whitby, Ontario UN 6A3 - - R E.r.':: ,'f w::, D tIIl-\ 1 9 1 \.)\)1 \ .--- 1 ~- -'=----' Dear Mr. Szarek: Proposed Plan of Subdivision Iris Eleanor Holmes - "Rosebank Garden" 2030 Rosebank Road Part of Lot 31, Cone 2 City of Pickering Related File Nos. 65923 Durham Ree:ion File: S-P-2001-02 Please be advised that Hydro One Networks Inc. has no objections to the proposed plan of subdivision, provided the following conditions are included in the conditions of draft approval: 1. Prior to final approval, a copy of the lot grading and drainage plan, showing existing and final grades, must be submitted to Hydro Oné for review and approval. . Drainage must be controlled and directed away from Hydro One property. 2. Temporary fencing must be installed alo,ng the edge of the right of way prior to the start of construction at the developer's expense. 3. Pennanent fencing must be installed after construction is completed along Hydro One owned land at the developer's expense. 4. Hydro One property is not to be used without the express written pennission of Hydro One Networks Inc. During construction there will be no storage of materials or mounding of earth or other debris on the right-of-way. The proponent will be responsible for restoration of any damage to the right of way resulting from construction of the subdivision. In addition, it is requested that the following be added as a Note to the Conditions of Draft Approval. 1. The transmission lines abutting this subdivision operate at either 500,000 or 230,000 volts. Section 186 - Proximity - of the Regulations for Construction Projects in the Occupational Health and Safety Act, require that no object be brought closer than 6 metres (20 feet) to the energised 500 kV conductor. The distance for a 230 kV conductor is 3 metres (10 feet). It is the proponent's responsibility to be aware, and to make all personnel on site aware, that all equipment and personnel must come no closer than the distance specified in the Act. They should also be aware that the conductors can raise and lower without warning, depending on the electrical demand placed on the line. ( cont'd) - M'JACHMENT#~TO REPORTD POJ1:Q..~=__~ 241 (2) Conditions that have not been satisfied prior to the execution of the subdivision agreement should be included in the subdivision agreement. We trust this is satisfactory. If you have any questions please call me at the number below at your convenience. Yours Truly INFORMATION COpy ORIGINAL SIGNED BY PAUL DOCKRILl - Paul Dockrill Real Estate Assistant Real Estate Services Hydro One Networks Inc. 416-345-6658 cc Mr. N. Carroll Director of Planning Planning Department City of Pickering 1 The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario LlV 6K7 ,-. ".~: , ;~ ':.j 242 ¡¡rraq.¡¡ìljFfiiTJ.I..".". ",-., ,'.. »IV !\.r.I~, 1t_c_cLJ..,...... 5¥ PD".m=.21: r\,)~ ~-","'.c,,~-,,~<,", - VERIDIAN CONNEC'rIONS DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW PROjEC'I' NAME: Ì{.ost:bank Ga.tddl Homes ¡fiC. on behlÙ£ of Iris Elcanot Holmes ADDRESS/PLAN: 2030 Rosebank Road (part of Lot 31, Concession 2) '.~ f MUN~CIPALl'X'Y: Pickering - REF. NO.: S.p-20o1-0Z & A 09/01 SU.8MISSION DATEI July 19, 2001 - 1. Veridi:ut Connecttottll 11gs no obj~tion to the proposed developmEnt. Please foIWatd a copy of fJnt submissiott civil desigil so that a þ ;çllininaty dç~ign and estiroate CII1l be þtc:pared, 1'c:chnieal Representative - Fred Rainibger 'I'dçphone 427-9870 Ext. 3255 Ik Pp/df 1'.\ Ill"~", Do"""""",,\ v otIJiIn \ßngih...iqg II< r;,'""lhIction \,Dovdoþltll!f1t ApptiClltion ~\Pid<aing\2QQ1 \IW~ Gllltlon H,,"k' Inc, . Ie. ¡;J"¡...,,, Holm.. ,,2000 I\"..¡...,k !lO<1d.doc - ~ 243 - ~~~~~~~~::V~~D FL."...;-~.~,,~,,~.A ~:': ~,~E¡-Ä"'" ~:~:~~:;~;~~~ ~ SCARBOROUGH ON MIP SAt )'/[3 REceIVED JUN. - 5 2001 CITY OF PICKERING DEV PLANNING AND ELOÞMENTDEPARTMENT June I, 200 I Mr. N. Carroll Director of Planning City of Pickering I The Esplanade Pickering On LIV 6K7 - RE: APPLICATION FOR APPROV ALOF A PLAN OF SUBDMSION DURHAM REGION FILE: S-P-2001-02 APPLICANT: IRIS ELEANOR HOLMES LOT: 31 CONCESSION: 2 CITY OF PICKERING REF.NO.: 65927 - Dear Mr. Carroll, Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the above noted application. Please note our new conditions below. As a condition of draft approval, Canada Post. requires that the owner/developer comply with the following conditions: . " - The ownerldeveloper agrees to include on all offers of purchase and sale, a statement which advises the prospective purchaser that mail delivery will be :ITom a designated Community Mailbox. - The owner/developer will be responsible for notifying the purchaser of the exact Community Mailbox locations prior to the closing of any home sale. - The owner/developer will consult with Canada Post Corporation to determine suitable locations for the placement of Community Mailbox and to indicate these locations on the appropriate servicing plans. - J¡ ¡Q.- ~r'" il ==~..kl",,= U ~)¡ PD",_=2.1:~Q2-~"~,,=,~~, 24£1 - -2- The owner/deve1oper will provide the following for each Community Mailbox site. and include these requirements on the appropriate servicing plans: - An appropriately sized sidewalk section (concrete pad) as per municipal standards, to place the Community Mailboxes on. - Any required walkway across the boulevard, as per municipal standards. - Any required curb depressions for wheelchair access. .-. The owner/developer further agrees to determine and provide a suitable temporary Community Mailbox location(s), which may be utilized by Canada Post until the curbs, sidewalks and final grading have been completed at the permanent Community Mailbox locations. This will enable Canada Post to provide mail delivery to new residence as soon as the homes are occupied. I trust that this information is sufficient, however, should you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me the above number or mailing address. Sincerely, ¿~~ Debbie Greenwood Delivery Planner cc: R. Szarek, Durham Region a:utildraw.sam - - #,",,_~L9~-- ~,.TO .'1 ')~ ' - ' ',' \ [¡="2,];,~~Q ----= 245 RECEIVE"- JUN 1 5 2001 Right of Way Fl 5 - 100 Borough Drive scarborough, Ontario M1P 4W2 Tel: 416 296-6291 Fax: 416 296-0520 CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENTDEPARTMENr June 12, 2001 City of pickering planning Department Municipal Building 1 The Esplanade pickering, ontario L1 V 6K7 r - ATTENTION: Mr. N. Carroll RE,: DRAFT PLAN OF subdivision File No: S-P-2001-02 Lot 31, Concession 2 Iris Eleanor Homes Town of pickering Thank you for your letter of April 12, 2001 concerning the above proposed Subdivision. Would ~u please ~8~e tMt t~ fol1~i~ par~r~h8 are! have been included as conditions of Draft plan Approval: 1 - Bell Canada shall confirm that satisfactory arrangements, financial and otherwise, have been made with Bell Canada for any Bell Canada facilities serving this draft plan of subdivision which are required by the Municipality to be installed underground; a copy of such confirmation shall be forwarded to ~he Municipality. - 2 - The Owner shall be requested to enter into an agreement (Letter of understanding) with Bell Canada complying with any underground servicing conditions imposed by the municipality and if no such conditions are imposed, the owner shall advise the municipality of the arrangement made for such servicing. If there are any conflicts with existing Bell Canada facilities or easements, the owner/Developer shall be responsible for re- arrangements or relocation. If ~u ~e ~ ~esti~. please comact: Sue Sp~aro 416 296-6599 i¥,,=,Z.Qc,==-'lO ""0 "')..., /"",,'"J 'if !-' '--~~-,,~ 246 - ~ 500 Elgin Mills Road East Richmond Hill Ontario L4C 501 NBRIDGE Consumers Gas 2001-04-24 MR N CARROLL-DIRECTOR OF PLANNING CITY OF PICKERING MUNICIP AL BUILDING I THE ESPLANADE PICKERING ON Ll V 6K7 ~ I? tr:Jc '"'E o¡ \:\ Illí:-J r~:> D lÇ\\ij!£ U \\1-;;11)),' "'"' ~ J APH 3 0 1001 'lJJ R EC F . \, r; D ".",é CITY OF PICKERING PICKERING. ONTARIO APK 3 01001 c. DEVElC ":..., ,: '~NT ~"~','" ~ "",-- Dear Sirs - Re: APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF A PLAN OF SUBDIVISION DURHAM REGION FILE NO. S-P-2001-02 APPLICANT: IRIS ELEANOR HOLMES REF NO. 65914 It is requested that the following conditions be included in the subdivision agreement. The owner is to co-ordinate the preparation of an overall utility distribution plan to the satisfaction of all effected authorities. Streets are to be constructed in accordance with the municipal standards. The owner shall grade all streets to final elevation prior to the installation of the gas lines, and provide the necessary field survey information required for the installation of the gas lines, all to the satisfaction of Enbridge Consumers Gas. All of the natural gas distribution system will be installed within the proposed road allowances therefore easements will not be required. - 'f ~1fjs Truly, . /\ ,'(yP¡7 / \ I), ' /, ' . -~~ Ix Planning Supervisor (905) 883-2613 HW/swc - THE DURHAM DISTRICT SCI-IOOL BOARD Facilities Services 400 Taunton Road East ~hitby, Ontario L1 R 2K6 Te/( )e: (905) 666-5500 1-800-265-3968 Fax: (905) 666-6439 ~' ~~ .~~ II Qf ~~ ~ - 247 August 13,2001 --' 4 '-R I"'!.'. r~-F~ ~ .. f t~ 1f) r:, 1-,,' ..." . The Corporation of the City of Pickering Planning Depaliment Pickering Civic Complex One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L1 V 6K7 j).IJ\J 'I 6 [Om "¡i~G Crï{ ',JI' """:-"'" PLANNING AND MENT PEVELOPMENTDePART---~ - Attention: Mr. Ross pYI11 Dear Mr. pYl11, RE: I)raft Plan of Subdivision application SP 2001-02 Zoning By-law Amendment application A 09/01 Rosebank Garden Homes Inc. on behalf of Iris Eleanor Holmes Part of Lot 3], Concession II 2030 Rosebank Rd. (west side of Rosebank, north of Finch Ave.) City of Pickering StatThas reviewed the information on the above noted application and has the following comments... 1. Approximately 35 elementary pupils could be generated by the above noted application. 2. His intended that any pupils generated by the above noted plan of subdivision, be accommodated within an existing school facility. 3. Under the mandate of the Durham District School Board, staff has no objections. . Yours truly, CYJO/1(þþ..u.eJlO Christine Nancekivell, Plariner CN:em I :\PROPLAN\DA T A \PLNG\SUB\SP200 I-O2a 22 WjTi\I').I r;, n< ,n,,!jfvIENf J",.,~, "=.'..,C.' ')-DORT l'. Po 'ì""'- ^ 'ì ,\~', " ¡f- ,~..,"=L......U.f.",...."."",.,""."",,, 248 - THE DURHAM CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD May 16, 2001 Catholic Education: Learning & Living in Faith .- RECEIVED MA1 1 B 2001 Richard Szarek . Current Operations Branch Planning Department The Regional Municipality of Durham 1615 Dundas S1. E, Box 623 . 4th Floor Lang Tower, West Building Whitby, ON L 1N 6A3 CITY (ìF PICKERING PL"1\IN ~!G AND 4T DEVELO?'v~"m ryEPAflTMEI - Dear Mr. Szarek: - Re: ApPLICATION FOR ApPROVAL OF PLAN OF SUBDIVISION S"-P-2001-02 IRIS ELEANOR HOLMES LOT 31 J CONCESSION 2 CITY OFPICKERING REF, No.: 65920 At the Regular Board Meeting of May 14, 2001 the following motion was approved: "THAT the Durham Catholic District School Board indicate in its comments to the Regional Municipality of Durham and the City of Pickering that the Board has no objection to Plan of Subdivision S-P-2001-02." The subject lands affected by this Plan of Subdivision fall within the catchment area of S1. Monica Catholic Elementary School, located at 275 Twyn Rivers Drive in Pickering. The projected student yield from this development is 14 students. - Sincerely yours, ~ CJ IV ftI! Gerry O'Neill Controller of Planning and Admissions ".,. cc: N. Carroll, Director of Planning, City of Pickering GON:SMR:smr 650 Rossland Road West. Oshawa. Ontario L I J 7C4 Telephone (905) 576-6150 Support Services. Fax (905) 576-1981 Grant A, Andrews. B.A.. M. Ed. - Director of EducationlSecretarvlTreasurer "J":.2. ¡'/""?"d...."".,,,.TO 19 PD_2J-D2>",.,~"..."".."...,., 249 - If, ,/":"." l ".Af1i~'I,?íP -,y~.(.! t:'f(,' Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Recreation 400 University Avenue Toronto ON M7A 2R9 Ministère du Tourisme, de la Culture et des Loisirs 400, avenue University Toronto ON M7A 2R9 ~. ~ Ontario Heritage and Libraries Branch Heritage Operations Unit Tel:(416)314-7132 Fax:(419)314-7175 1 ~ May 2001 RECEIVED MAY 1 6 2001 õ1[E~~D\\Q~~ Jl1 MAY 1 6 2001 .::J CITY OF PICKERING PICKEFlING. ONTAFlIO Richard Szarek Planning Department Regional Municipality of Durham Box 623, 1615 Dundas Street East 4th Floor, Lfuïg Tower, \Vest Building Whitby ON LIN 6A3 CtTY OF PICKERING PLA<m¡JNG AND _~t)ÞMeNr DEPARfMENT I - RE: IAI /"" ~.5 Recommendation for Clearance of Archaeological Resource Concerns, Draft Plan of Subdivision S-P-2001-02, Rosebank Garden, Part of Lot 31, Concession 2, City of Pickering, Regional Municipality of Durham Ref. No. 65967, MTCR File 18PMOOI The Heritage Operations Unit of the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Recreation (MTCR) has reviewed the report prepared by A.M. Archaeological Associates for the Stages.} and 2 archaeological assessment of the subject property noted above. The report documents through background study (Stage 1) and archaeological survey (Stage 2) that no archaeologically significant resources for this property were identified. The report recommends that the subject property be considered free of further archaeological concerns. This Ministry concurs with that recommendation. Given the above, the Ontario MTCR is satisfied that all requirements have been met for the assessment of the cultural heritage resources relating to this development application and we have no objections to development proceeding. - If deeply buried cultural remains (including human remains) are discovered during construction activities, this office should be notified immediately. Should you wish to discuss this matter further, please do not hesitate to contact me. 1 , 42-O54C i¡ 2!~ ,¡ ,~,~,.J::,I"" ".", PD<"~ZI:{J2",".",.", 250 - , "." , " March 8,2002 , " , , ~RECEIVEii~ , " ! , MAR l' 2,2002, ì, , ' I CITY OFPICKERINO " PLANNING AND , DEVeLOPMENT DEPAR'tMENT -'.<; The Regional , Municipality of Durham Mr.N. Carroll Dir~ctor of Planning' ' :PléînningDepartment ~ City of Pickering 1 Th~ Esplanade: Pickering,Ont. L 1V6K7' " Planning Department, Dear Mr.-Carroll:' , 1!'¡15 DUNDAS'sT; E. Re: ' '4TH FLOQR, LANG TOWER WEST BUILDING' 'p,o, BOX 623 ' WHITBY, ON L1N 6A3 , -'CJO5) 728-7731 ,-\X: (905) 436-6612, " wwYHe~ion,dlirham.on,ca , ' Regional Revíew etan Application for Plan at Subdi~ision File~ò.:S-P-2001,..O2' " '," " '," Cross Ref.:' Zoning By-law Amendment Applicatiön'AO9/01 , Applicant: .Iris EIßanor HOlmes,', " Location: Part Lot 31 ,Concession2 ' ,Municipality:' City of Pickering' " " ' ',' ' , ' AL.Georgleff,MCíP,RPP,"'"", ,,", ","'", ,,' .,', ,', Commissioner of ,Planning ',This application has been reyiewe9, by the Region and the followi n'g , " , 'comments a're offered with rèspect to ~he: Dwrham Region,al Offidal Plan, , Provincial policies; anq the proposed method óf servici~g. ' , :Official PlanConfQrmitv ,,", ' , ,.,' , ' , , The subjeCt prop'erty is located within the "Living Area" (~esignatiohih the DurhámHegiohal Official Plarl. 'The' pre-dominant useo~landwithin the , Living Are£! designation is for residential purp<?ses. The property is also in 'proximity to theDpfm Space linkage, :known as the Rouge DuffinW,ldlife ' Corridor. which consists of natural areas and features in orderto provide' , for the migration offlora andfauna.t~e proposed plan of subdivision wQuldélPpeár t<? conform to the Plan; , " " " - , " ' , , Provincial Interests and DeleÇJ~tédReviewRe~~onsibilitiè'S ~ ,A StagE3'I~11 Archaeoté)gical' Assessménthas been prepared by AM. . ,ArchaeolqgicalAssociatesin consideration ofthjsprOposal. The,' archaeological assessment rèveélled that no archaeological remains were encountered, on the property; '", ' , , , .: Potential impacts may result on thevariou~ environmental features' 'and functions of the Open Space Wildlife Corridor im~mediately " adjacent to the proposed subdivision development hi this re'gard, an EnVir()nmental.Asses~ment should be prepared to address the corridor" edge çonditions end stôrmwaterman8gemeht. IIi order for this.' ' applicatîçmto be considered for draft approval; theconcerris oHhe ,', Toronto and Region Conservation' Authority with respect to stormwa"ter "SERV/ÇJi}!,XÇJ;:LLENCE and corridor edge managêmentmustbeaddre$sed. " " f~~{!/P'CQ~UNITY" ",," - & ,", ' " ,,' , ' ,,' w " ,." 100%Pqst Con&umer' , 'JLj"" 4¿"---¡""",H'1 ¡if P D ~:",~2J:'~~QZ~:",",~,,~-,. 251 - ','" ", , , . the'submitted N~ise CantrolStudy, preparedbYS.S. Wilson' , ,Assaciates, addresses noise impact an the propased residential,' 'develapmentframthe C.P.R., Rasebank Raad 'and, Finch Avenue. Apprapriate naise barriers and warning clausès are reco.mmended for this develapment. The study wasprep8re.d ín accardance with, ", Pravincia', CriteriaandRegianalpqliCy.,", ' ,:", , , , " ' . . A Phase 1 & 2 Environmè'nial Site Assessmerit was prepared bySoil-, , EngLtd.far the subject property. The assessment indicated that" ,environmental conditians at the site are considered to. be generally' ,satisfactary;,Na significant cantamination fram on-~ite:ar aff-site' , , saurces is likely to. be encal,lntered during thedevelapment oOhe site " fórresidential purpo.ses. " . " , " , - , " ' There are no.o.~her provincial interests,or delegated review responsibilities applicable to this application, ' , ,,' , , ' , , 'Municipal Water Supply, , " '" , , ' , ' , ' , " , , ' , , This develo.pmentisno.n-s~quentialfrom a water servicing persp~ctive. Municipal water supply is' available from the existing ,250. mOl Zone 2 watermain o.n Finch Avenue. A 20.0. mOl primary watermain feed will be required o.nStreet 'G'as weli as asecolidåry watermain lOop up Ro.sebank Ro.?d No.rth to.'proposed Streåt'A' to pro.vide security o.fservice. The existing, watermain along Roseb¡::íhk~oad Northjs, a Zone 1 Feedermain, anq will not provide'adequate pressure to the subject develo.pment. ' Sanitary Sewer Service - , ' , ' , '" , ' , ' ' , 'Thisdevelöpment is alsono.n-sequential from a'sanitary servicfrig., , :, perspective. Seql;.iential dev~lopment wpuld allow for the sanitary service' , to be'provided on Finch,Avenue f~o.m the west. An alterlia~ive proposal has been reviewed since thedevelopervirishestÒproceed non-, " sequentially., The Regio.nwillrequirethat the consultant provide , co.nfirmation thatthis alternative propo.salcanproceed: Engineering drawings will be required illustrating theplacemento.fthe propo.sed sanitary sewer o.n Roseþarik Ro.ad Northio relatio.nto. the 750. mmCPP feedermain. Field expos:ure of the75Q mm feedermain" will be required to verify actualelevatio.n, ',' " , , , ' , Based,o.nthefo.regoing, the Region has no o.bjeçtionto. drqftapproval of this plan: The attached coriditionso.f approval are tobåsati,sfied prior to , clearance by the RegÎonforregistration of thisplan.>lnaddition tò ' sending the Règion copie~ of the draft approved plan and conditio.ns of ' , approval, at such time as the draft approval 'is, in effect, please e-mail a , digital co.py o.f the conditions of draft 'approval to the planner responsible fortheftle. """', " " 252 - '- - ATTACHMENT ¡¥,~2,iJ,<=.=,,_~'ro !:)r~"""T./I Pn 'J) - )'\7') ¡,¡';l°U¡', , tt w.......k-..Uk._"."",.=ç, , " -, " , , .. , Please caB Richard Szarek, Planner,if you shÒuld have any questions; 'yours truly, , , .,' ~,-,~;' ,~7~- "',; , . . ¿;;r--. .ð~ , Jim,Blair, M.C.LP.,R.P.P.: ' , Director;, Current O~en~.tions Branch Attach: Conditions of Draft Approval , ' 'cc: "lris:E,le8norHolmes ..,' ~and;-Pro Engineering Consultants Inc. , Regional Works Department" " " , 'N:\pirii\rs\s-p-2ÓO1-Q2.doe ' , , , . , " ' , , " " , , - - - '. ^J) I' Ow'"~ ,,' ,~::J.~,.,~=.¡ V,I' 'h'l {Wj 2J _A") , """"""""" ,.,'=~c.,~"".,'=,.,""~ 253 , , , ,Attaçb.ment to letter dated March " 8 ,2002 Tp: Iris Eleanor Homes. , From: Jim Blair, M.c.I.P;, RP.P: , ' , Director, Current Operations,Br~nch ' " , , , , Re:, , Plan'of SubdivisionS-P:-200r~02, 'City'of Pickering' , , , , ~EGION OF DURHAM CONDITIONS OF DRAFT APPROVAL . , 1. , , , ' , " , The Owner shall prepare the final plan on the ba¡;is of the apprQveddrafrþlan of ' , subdivision, prepared byLand-Pro Engineering Coh'sultants Inc., identified as project , nuInbet 20003, d¡ltèd' and revised' Feoiuary'4, 2002, :which iilustrates 45 lots for sii1g1e~ ' detached residential,' 1110ts for 22' semi.,detachèct residential, fllture development blocks, 'an, open space block, a landscapeþlock;:roadways, road ,-,:ideningsand O.3.mres~ives. The Owne~ shall :name 'road allowanceS Inc1uded in' this draft, plan, to the ,satisfaction of ' the Regional Municipality of but ham and theqty'df Pickering. " , ' 2. 3. " , , .. , ' , The Owner s4all grant to the Region, any ,easements required to provide Regional ,services for this development and theSe easeI?ents shall:be in locationsand'ofsucb widths asdetermined'bY,the Region.'" " , ".;, ' , 4., , , The Owqer shall ~ubmit,plans' showing the proposed phasing to the RegionJor review and approvai ìfthis subdivision is to be d<::veloped by more; than one registration. " ' , 6. , , , " ' 'The Owner shall agr~e intheCit)1 of Pickering Subdivision Agreë'ment to implèment the .' 'recommendation of the report, entitled "Detailed Noise Control Study"; preparedbySB. Wilson Associates,' dated April 16, 2001, which specifies noise attl:~nuâtíònmèas~res for' the development. ,The measures shall be included iri the subliivision agreement and must' also ,çontain'a full andçampletè reference to the noise report'(i.e.:author; title; date and any revisionsla(idenda)' and shall' ÎIichide anyiequir~d warning clauses identified in the study. The' Owner shaH provide the Region, with ,a copy of the subdiVision agreement.' , , containing such, próvisions: prior t~ final approval. of the plan. ' . ,'The Ownersháll provide for thè extension of stich sanitary sewer and water suPÍ>ly . , . facilities which 'are exte11;lal to, as well as within, the limits of this plantbat are required to service this plan. . In addition, the :Owner shall pr9vi~e for th~ ertension of sanitary sewer ' and wa~ersupply (acilities within the limits of the plan which are required to: service other' , develöpmentsexternal tothissubdivisiòn. Such sanitary sewer .and water supply facilities are to be designed,andconstructed according to the standàrds arid requirements of the, " , :Regional Municipality of purham~ AIlarrangernents,: financial and otherwise, fo¡: said' extensions are to bè, made to the satisfaction òf the Regional. MuniCipality of Durham; and are, to be: completed prior to final approval of this plan. ' '. . .', , ' ' , 5. 254 ".,.. - - , 8. , 7; , Page 2 :Prior to ehteri~gintoa'~ubdivision agreeQ1ent; the Regional Munic.ipaliÍy of Dtirham ~halÌ ' , be sätisfied that,adequate water pollution control plant and water supplý'plantcapaCities 'àre.availableto,the proposed subdivision.' ' ' " "', '" , , , , , TheO'Mler shaiI satisfy all, requirem~nts, fin~dal and',öth~rwise, of, the, Regional" ' Municipalíty of Durham. This shalFinèlude,'amông òther matters,tliÞex,ecution of ~ ' , subdivision agreement between', the Owner arid, theRegion'conceming the provision and, installation of sanitary' sew~rs"water supply, foads arid otherlegi()n'alservice~: 9. , ' . ',' , Thesu~div:ision' agreeroentbetween the Owner arid the Cityo~,Piçketingshall, contain,' among, other matters,. the, following provisions: , ,",' ", , , ' , , . a), The Owner agrees 'toioclude' provisions ,whereby all offers of purchase and'sale ' ,shall include' information that satisfiesSl,lbsection 59(4) of the Devetoprnfmt, ' "Charge~ AGt;1997:, ' ",' , ',' " b} , ' , ' ' , The Owner agtees,tòiinpleinent those noise control Ineasuresrecommended in' the Noise Report reguired,in Cöndi~iori5: ' ,:" , " :" , , , , , , In O1:der to faciUtate the clearance oPhis condition, the ~er Ísrequired tçr forward a , copy of the execÙted City öfPiçkering sùhdivisionagreement ,to the C~mmissiånèr of " , Plflnnìrig, ;Regional. Municipalíty of burham. , ' " "",' , , , , sbbO2Jtxt' "'; "25 # flD :~~îJ~IIZ"~,"""".~,,~,-,, f)5..e'" (. \.,,:) - OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PROPERTY & ENGINEERING DNISION MEMORANDUM To: RossPym Principal Planner - Development Review - RECEiV~ APR '4. 2002 CITY OF PICK - DE"E/.Óp~~NlNG ArlgAING NT DEPARTMENT ----- April 2, 2002 From: Richard Holborn, P. Eng. Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering - Subject: Revised Plan for Draft Plan of Subdivision S-P-2001-02 Zoning by-law Amendment application A09-01 Rosebank Road being Part of Lot 31, Concession 2 City of Pickering The Municipal Property & Engineering Division is in receipt of the revised Draft Plan of Subdivision noted above and provides the following comments. 1. The subdivision agreement will require a condition to advise residents that they will experience noise due to the proximity of the level crossing on Rosebank Road. Crossing gates to eliminate the sounding of whistles has recently been investigated and are not considered warranted or recommended by C.P. Rail at this time. 2. Block 75 has been identified as a "Landscaped Area towards Park", and is basically a 2.5m - 4.5m wide strip between backyards and the hydro corridor or road allowance. The City does not require or desire this property, as it provides no valuable function. It leads to Block 74, which is open space, not a park. - 3. The road allowance for Street A is required to be 20 metres wide. It is premature to determine the road pattern to the west, how long the street will be and how many roads will connect. As a through street and potential collector road, 20 metres is required. 4. The subdivision agreement must impose a condition for the proper removal and abandonment of existing wells and septic systems that served the former use of the lands. Works must be certified by an engineer. 5. The 0.3 metre reserves have not been included along Rosebank Road. ,[\ IT ACHME;~! #/ ~"":f:~'(5if~ # 7 u ,~~.,~'2:J~"",.""",-",<",--,~",,,~, q~'.'c" : ~l,O - Ross Pym Subject: Revised Plan for Draft Plan of Subdivision S-P-2001-02 Zoning by-law Amendment application A09-01 Rosebank Road being Part of Lot 31, Concession 2 April 2, 2002 Page 2 6. This Division will be recommending a by-law to place a stop condition for northbound on Street B at Street A, and eastbound on Street A at Rosebank ~M. . 7. A stonn water management report, including drainage and stonn sewer requirements must be submitted. - 8. Road works on Rosebank Road, have been identified in the Development Charges By-law for 2009. The applicant will be required to undertake the necessary works as part of this development. 9. There is a requirement for cash in lieu of parkland or the dedication of proposed lot 52 as a tot lot. Please indicate how these comments will be incorporated into the approval of the draft plan. RH:ds Copy: Director, Operations & Emergency I:\SITEPLAN\SP200 1-O2.docApr-O2 -