HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 16-02 Ciú/ o~ 019 REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development DATE: March 8, 2002 REPORT NUMBER: PD 16-02 SUBJECT: Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2000-02 (Revision 2) Zoning By-law Amendment Application A16/00 (Phase 2) Claremont Estates Ontario Ltd. North Part of Lot 20, Concession 8 (North of Kodiak Street, east of Sideline 20) City of Pickering RECOMMENDATION: 1. That Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2000-02, Revision 2, submitted by Claremont Estates Ontario Limited, on lands being the north Part of Lot 20, Concession 8, City of Pickering, to pennit the development of 15 lots for hamlet residential uses with the option for garden suites, and two open space blocks, be APPROVED, subject to the conditions outlined in Appendix I to Planning & Development Report Number PD 16-02. -- 2. That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 16/00 (Phase 2), submitted by Claremont Estates Ontario Limited, on lands being the north Part of Lot 20, Concession 8, City of Pickering, to establish perfonnance standards to allow the implementation of Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2000-02, Revision 2, be APPROVED, subject to the conditions outlined in Appendix II to Report Number PD 16-02. ORIGIN: Draft Plan of Subdivision SP 2000-02, Revision 2 was submitted to the Region of Durham and circulated to the City of Pickering for comment, and Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 16/00 was submitted to the City of Pickering. AUTHORITY: The Planning Act, RS.O. 1990, chapter P.B. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: No direct costs to the City are anticipated as a result of the proposed development. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: -- The applicant proposes to develop a draft plan of subdivision consisting of 15 detached dwellings with the option for garden suites, fronting onto a new road proposed to extend north from Kodiak Street, in the Hamlet of Claremont. The proposed plan of subdivision consists of 15 lots having frontages ranging from 23 to 70 metres with lot areas greater than 3000 square metres. The Staff Recommended Plan is included as Attachment #4. The applicant proposes to amend the CUlTent zoning to allow the proposed detached dwellings units with garden suites and a 5 - 10 metre wide open space zone in the rear of each lot abutting the valleys, with appropriate performance standards, in order to pennit the implementation of the draft plan. The proposed draft plan and zoning amendment are recommended for approval subject to conditions. ..020 Report to Council 16-02 Date: March 8, 2002 Subject: Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2000-02 (Revision #2) Zoning By-law Amendment Application A16/00 (Phase 2) Page 2 The proposed plan of subdivision represents appropriate residential development for the Hamlet of Claremont. The proposal conforms to the policies of the Pickering Official Plan for lands designated "Hamlet Residential". All interests of the City will be appropriately addressed through an associated subdivision agreement. - The subject lands are located within the Oak Ridges Moraine. The Province recently adopted the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Act, 2001 that requires final decisions on draft plans of subdivision and rezonings to meet the requirements of the soon-to-be-adopted Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan. Accordingly, Council may consider these applications at this time, provided conditions are imposed to require the applicant to satisfy the City that the policies of the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan will be implemented prior to final approvals for the proposed development. BACKGROUND: 1.0 Introduction The subject lands are located north of Kodiak Street, east of Sideline No. 20, in the Hamlet of Claremont. A property location map is provided for reference (see Attachment #1). The subject property is currently vacant, with scattered tree vegetation. -. The original submitted draft plan of subdivision proposed 17 detached dwelling lots (9 with garden suites) on lots with frontages ranging from 23 to 80 metres, and a park block. The original application to amend the zoning proposed performance standards for the subject lands. This was the proposal that was presented at the Statutory Public Information Meeting and is described in the Information Report (see Attachment #2). Since the Statutory Public Information Meeting, the applicant has revised the draft plan of subdivision and the lands subject to the application to amend the zoning by-law twice. 2.0 Revision 1 to Draft Plan of Subdivision Revision 1 to the draft plan of subdivision, submitted to the Region of Durham in September 2000, removed two lots on the north side of Kodiak Street and added four lots located on the south side of Kodiak Street to the draft plan of subdivision. Land division applications LD 241/00 and LD 242/00 were subsequently approved to create the two lots on the north side of Kodiak Street that were removed from the original draft plan of subdivision by Revision 1 (see Attachment #1). 3.0 Phase 1 of the Zoning By-law Amendment Application - The application to amend the zoning by-law was revised at the same time as Revision 1 to the Draft Plan. The purpose of phase 1 of Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 16/00 was to rezone lands located south of the draft plan of subdivision to an open space/environmental protection zone to serve the nitrate dilution needs of the proposed subdivision. Pickering City Council approved a by-law to implement Phase 1 of Zoning Amendment Application A 16/00 on August 7, 2001. The four lots on the south side of Kodiak Street (see Attachment # 1), added to the draft plan of subdivision by Revision 1, had previously been zoned "(H) R6" - "Hamlet Residential" with a holding provision. The zoning specified that the holding provision could be lifted once the applicant entered into an agreement with the City to address matters normally addressed through a subdivision agreement. .. Report to Council 16-02 Date: March 8, 2002 021 Subject: Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2000-02 (Revision #2) Zoning By-law Amendment Application A16/00 (Phase 2) Page 3 4.0 Oak Ridges Moraine Legislation and Regulation - The Oak Ridges Moraine Protection Act, which was in force from May 17, 2001 until November 17, 2001, prohibited certain types of municipal approvals for development on the Oak Ridges Moraine, including (among other types of municipal approvals): . By-laws to lift holding provisions on zoning (i.e. for the four lots on the south side of Kodiak Street); approvals of draft plans of subdivision; and, approvals of zoning to permit development within the Oak Ridges Moraine (i.e. zoning for Phase II of Zoning Amendment Application A 16/00). . . The legislation did not prohibit the creation of lots by severance. The Province of Ontario replaced the Oak Ridges Moraine Protection Act with the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Act, 2001 (ORMCA) on November 16, 2001. The ORMCA requires any development within the moraine to meet the requirements of a regulation that is expected to bring into force the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan shortly. The ORMCA permits municipal councils to pass by-laws to lift holding provisions for properties with pre-existing zoning. After November 17,2001, City Council passed a by-law that lifted the holding provision on the four lots on the south side of Kodiak Street, and land division applications LD 196/01 to 198/01 were approved by the Durham Region Land Division Committee to create these four lots by severance following the registration on title of a development agreement between the City and the applicant to permit development of these lots. -- The ORMCA also provides that municipal councils may make decisions on applications to amend zoning by-laws and approve applications for plans of subdivision on the Oak Ridges Moraine commenced prior to November 17,2001 provided such applications meet the provisions of the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan. Decisions include the passage of a by-law or the approval (i.e. giving of draft approval) of a draft plan of subdivision. Although an Ontario Regulation adopting the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan had not been passed at the time that this report was written, its adoption is expected 'imminently' and its effect is not expected to vary significantly from the draft that was made available to City staff by Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing officials. In the draft of the "Plan", the subject lands were located within a "Countryside Area - Rural Settlement" area. Applications for zoning amendment and draft plans of subdivision within this area must meet a limited number of policy requirements contained in the draft Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan designed to protect the moraine from any negative effects of development. - Conditions recommended for Council adoption of the rezoning and draft plan of subdivision contained in Appendices I and II to this report will ensure that the requirements of the Regulation will be achieved prior to decisions by Council to pass a by-law or by the Director of Planning & Development to issue draft approval of the plan of subdivision. Council can pass a resolution at its meeting scheduled for March 18, 2002 to approve these applications subject to such conditions. Section 7.4 of this report will address the policies contained in the draft Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan. 5.0 Information Meeting A Statutory Public Information Meeting for this application was held on August 10, 2000. At the meeting, Information Report No. 25-00 was presented, which summarized the applicant's original proposal and outlined the issues and comments identified through circulation of the application to that date. The text of Information Report No. 25-00 is provided for reference (see Attachment #2). 022 Report to Council 16-02 Date: March 8, 2002 Subject: Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2000-02 (Revision #2) Zoning By-law Amendment Application A16/00 (Phase 2) Page 4 -- At the Statutory Public Infonnation Meeting, one area resident made comments about the proposed development. Concerns expressed included the legal right and justification for this proposed development. The Minutes of the meeting are attached (see Attachment #3). 6.0 Revision 2 to the Draft Plan of Subdivision Revision 2 to the draft plan of subdivision, submitted to the Region of Durham in October 2001, proposes 15 detached dwelling lots, with the option forgarden suites, on lots with frontages ranging from 23 to 70 metres. The 15 lots front onto a new road extending north of Kodiak Street. Some lot sizes have been changed from the earlier proposed draft plan and the parkland block shown on the earlier draft plan has been removed in response to City staff comments that the park block is not required (see Attachment #4). Revision 2 also includes two blocks of land (Block 16 and 17) to be zoned as open space hazard lands. 6.1 Comments Received From City Departments The Director of Operations & Emergency Services has advised that Block 16 is acceptable to the City as Open Space and that cash-in-lieu of parkland is required. - The Municipal Property & Engineering Division has advised that engineering drawings will be reviewed to detennine requirements for a stop control at the intersection, that Street A should be a continuation of Kodiak Street, that Blocks 16 and 17 should be designated as open space hazard land and that a stonnwater management report is required to indicate the drainage regimes. The Development Control Section has advised that engineering requirements respecting stonnwater management must be addressed prior to final approval of the subdivision plan. Approval of a road cross-section design for the new road that conforms to the cross-section approved for the remainder of Kodiak Street will be addressed prior to final approval of the subdivision plan. 6.2 Comments From Other Agencies Hydro One has advised that it has no objection to the applications. Shaw Cablesystems has advised that it has no comments or objections to the applications. Veridian Connections has advised that it has no objection to the applications and has advised of certain responsibilities the applicant will have to satisfy (see Attachment #5). - Canada Post has requested conditions of approval be imposed on their behalf requiring a statement in all offers of purchase and sale of lots advising that mail delivery will be from a community mailbox, respecting the location and placement of a Community Mailbox, and sidewalk, boulevard and curb works serving the mailbox (see Attachment #6). Durham District School Board has advised that approximately eight elementary pupils could be generated by the development, that these students will be accommodated within existing school facilities and that they have no objection to the application (see Attachment #7). Report to Council 16-02 Date: March 8, 2002 Subject: Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2000-02 (Revision #2) Zoning By-law Amendment Application A16/00 (Phase 2) 023 Page 5 Durham Catholic District School Board has advised that it has no objection to the applications. - Enbridge Consumers Gas has advised that conditions should be included in the subdivision agreement to address co-ordination of an overall utility distribution plan, standards for road construction, grading and field survey infonnation for the installation of gas lines and that the gas distribution system should be installed within the proposed road allowances (see Attachment #8). Trans-Canada Pipelines has advised that it has no objections to the applications. Region of Durham Planning Department has advised that the Durham Regional Official Plan designates the subject lands as Hamlet, which pennits rural settlement including residential lots, provided potable water and satisfactory private sewage systems can be provided. The proposed plan of subdivision confonns to the Durham Regional Official Plan. The applications have been screened in accordance with the tenus of the provincial plan review responsibilities and a noise impact study as well as an archaeological study were required and conducted. Conditions required as a result of the noise impact study include a warning clause for lot purchasers, a 1.8 metre noise barrier from Regional Road 5, and a requirement that all proposed dwelling units be equipped with central air conditioning due to potential effects of a future Pickering Airport. Matters related to Regional servicing and financing are to be addressed in a required agreement between the developer and the Region. In summary, the Region has no objection to the applications and has requested certain conditions be incorporated into the conditions of approval (see Attachment #9). -- The Toronto and Regional Conservation Authority provided comments on the original proposed draft plan of subdivision and application for amendment to the zoning by-law, Revision 1 to the draft plan, the subsequent stonnwater management and rural servicing studies and on Revision 2 to the draft plan of subdivision (see Attachments #10, #11, #12, #13 and #14). Comments made by TRCA resulted in changes to the proposed draft plan of subdivision that have been implemented in Revision 2 to the draft plan and in the applicant's current proposal for the Phase 2 amendment to the zoning by-law. Comments also resulted in further investigation and changes to proposals of how to properly address environmental issues, stonnwater management techniques and rural servicing strategies to the satisfaction of TRCA and City staff. At the time of writing of this report, final comments and recommended conditions of draft approval for Revision 2 to the draft plan of subdivision had not been received, but will be incorporated into the conditions of draft approval and into the amendment to the zoning by-law when it is forwarded to Council at a later date. Appropriate conditions to so incorporate such matters are included in Appendix I and Appendix II to this report. 6.3 Comments Received From Area Residents - No comments have been received from residents following the Statutory Public Infonnation Meeting. 6.4 Supporting Documentation Copies of the following documents, submitted in conjunction with this proposal, are available for viewing in the City's Planning & Development Department: . Storn1water Management Study, by J.F. Sabourin and Associates Inc., August 2000, Updated January 2002. 024 Report to Council 16-02 Date: March 8, 2002 Subject: Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2000-02 (Revision #2) Zoning By-law Amendment Application A16/00 (Phase 2) Page 6 . Rural Servicing Study, by Jagger Hims Limited, Environmental Consulting Engineers, March 2000. Hydrogeologic Review (of the Rural Servicing Study by Jagger Hims Ltd), by Hydroterra Limited, June 2000. . -- . Environment Report, by G.M. Sernas & Associates Ltd, May 2001. . Noise Impact Study; by G.M. Sernas & Associates Ltd, August 2000. Stage I-II Archaeological/Heritage Assessment, by North York Archaeological Services, June 2000. . 7.0 Discussion 7.1 Subdivision Design Considerations Subdivision design for the subject lands is constrained by the surrounding topography, land uses and road pattern. Lands to the west are open space hazard lands occupied by Michell Creek. To the north is located Durham Regional Road No.5 (Central Street), which has a steep slope immediately north of this proposed draft subdivision. Accordingly, introduction of a new road or pedestrian pathway to join Regional Road No.5 at this location is not safe. To the east is Claremont Public School, and other large lot detached dwellings to the east and south of a small stream flowing through open space hazard lands owned by the City of Pickering. To the south and south-west are located similar-sized lots zoned for detached dwellings with garden suites. -. The applicant's Revision 2 removed the park block shown on the original proposal, in response to earlier City comments indicating no need for the proposed park block in this area. Other revisions have changed, modestly, the frontage of individual lots. Yet, the resulting lot frontages still provide adequate frontage to confonn to the general pattern of development in the area. Block 16, at the south-east corner of the proposed subdivision, is proposed to be conveyed to City ownership. It can be added to the abutting open space lands occupied for drainage purposes. Block 17, which is land located below the top of the bank of the Michell Creek valley, at the north limit of the plan, is proposed to be conveyed into public ownership. As Public Works Canada owns this part of Michell Creek valley, conveyance to Public Works Canada or another public agency is included in Appendix I as a condition of the approval of this subdivision. In order to control access to Regional Road 5, the conditions in Appendix I include a requirement for a 0.3 metre reserve to be conveyed to the Region of Durham to prevent access from the rear of Lot 9 to Regional Road 5. The cross-section design for the road extension should confonn to the design of the road cross-section on the existing parts of Kodiak Street and the parts of Acorn Lane immediately south of this proposed subdivision. Conditions in Appendix I to this report address this matter. .- Staff considered whether a pedestrian pathway should be required to connect the proposed road either to Central Street (as discussed above), the Claremont Public School property or to the current pathway from Canso Drive to the Claremont Public School site. The Durham Public School Board advised that they do not support another pathway onto the school property for maintenance, liability and safety reasons, and a pathway to Central Street would have too steep a grade for pedestrian safety. In addition, a pathway to join the current pathway from Canso Drive would have to follow the route of the current stream to the rear of proposed Lot 10. Accordingly, no pedestrian pathway is proposed. Subject: Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2000-02 (Revision #2) Zoning By-law Amendment Application A16/00 (Phase 2) Date: March 8, 2002 025 Page 7 Report to Council 16-02 -. A block of land at the front of proposed Lots 1 and 2 that was previously conveyed to the City for road purposes has recently been sold to the applicant for a nominal sum, which pennits development of these lots with proper lot area and frontage on the street. By-law 5853/01 was passed June 18, 2001 to close Part 1, Plan 40R-20725 as a public road and the property was transferred to Claremont Estates Ontario Inc. on October 16,2001. 7.2 Siting and Architectural Design Considerations The development of the proposed detached dwellings on large lots should be carefully planned and controlled to avoid house siting and design that may be out of character with development patterns in the Hamlet of Claremont. Design and siting of garages and garden suites should complement the residential and hamlet character of the area. Based on the foregoing, this Department recommends that prior to the registration of the plan and/or the issuance of any model home or building pennits, the applicant prepare a report to the satisfaction of the Director, Planning & Development, outlining siting and architectural design objectives for the draft plan of subdivision that includes streets cape/architectural guidelines. These guidelines will include restriction of garage projections, design of garages and garden suites and model types at certain locations. 7.3 Zoning Requirements <- Although the applicant's Revision 2 to the proposed draft plan of subdivision requested "R6-3" zoning for Lots 1 to 6, "R5" zoning for Lots 7 to 9 on the west side of Street 'A', and "R6" zoning for Lots 1 0 to 15 on the east side of Street' A', the applicant has advised that he is now requesting "R6-3" zoning for Lots 1 to 9 and "R6" zoning for Lots 10 to 15. The "R6" zone category pennits one detached dwelling per lot and the "R6-3" zone pennits a detached dwelling and a garden suite on each lot. The applicant has advised that he is no longer interested in the additional uses pennitted by the "R5" zoning. The "R5" zone pennits a "converted dwelling" that includes boarding or lodging uses. The "R6-3" zoning is requested for the west side of Street 'A'. Minimum lot frontages for lots zoned "R6-3" zone are 22 metres and minimum lot areas are OJ hectare (3000 square metres). This is the same zoning category existing on the lots on the north side of Kodiak Street immediately west of the subject lands, and on the lots north and west of the open space lands north-west of the subject lands. The "R6" zoning is requested for the east side of Street' A'. Except for the inclusion of provisions for the garden suite pennitted on the same lot, the perfonnance standards are similar to those required for the "R6-3" zone (i.e. minimum lot frontages of 22 metres and minimum lot areas of 3000 square metres). The "R6" zone is the same zoning category in effect on the lots to the south and east of the subject lands across the open space drainage swale owned by the City. - A ten metre wide strip of land across the rear of the lots on the west side of Street' A', a five metre strip across the rear of the lots on the east side of Street' A' and Blocks 16 and 17 are proposed to be zoned "OS-HL" - Open Space Hazard Land to meet the requirements of the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority. It is anticipated that the amending zoning by-law will be brought forward to Council after the submission of an acceptable draft 40M plan, after the anticipated Provincial Regulation containing the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan is in force and the applicant has satisfied the Director of Planning & Development that the requirements of the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan have been achieved. Conditions of approval are provided in Appendix II. 026 Report to Council 16-02 Date: March 8, 2002 Subject: Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2000-02 (Revision #2) Zoning By-law Amendment Application A16/00 (Phase 2) Page 8 7.4 Compliance with Oak Ridges Moraine Legislation and Regulation Section 5.2 of the draft Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan provides that applications on lands within a "Countryside Area" (which includes Rural Settlement areas such as the subject lands), that were commenced, but not decided upon, before the date the Plan takes effect, are subject to the following specific policies: - ...... . Policy 3.2.b, which prohibits development or site alteration within significant natural heritage features, with exceptions; . Policy 3.2.d, which provides that planning, design and construction practices shall maintain connectivity between natural features or areas which function as natural corridors for the movement of plants and animals, or ensure that no buildings or site alterations impede the movement of plants and animals between significant natural heritage features and hydrologically sensitive features or adjacent lands within Natural Core Areas or Natural Linkage Areas; . Policy 3 .3(b.1), which permits large-scale development (greater than 4 lots, such as this proposal) where the applicant demonstrates that an adequate water supply is available without compromising the ecological and hydrological integrity of the Moraine, and has satisfied, on a site-specific basis, the following requirements for water budgets and water conservation plans for the development site and such part of abutting or nearby lands as is necessary: 0 Modeling to characterize groundwater and surface water flow systems; 0 Identification of availability, quantity and quality of water sources; and, 0 Identification of water conservation measures. . Policy 4. 13.f, which prohibits rapid infiltration columns or rapid infiltration basins. Although the supporting studies submitted by the applicant address some of the matters set out in the foregoing policies, further study and documentation may be required to demonstrate that the proposed subdivision and rezoning applications meet the requirements of the policies. Provided the applicant can provide such documentation to satisfy City staff and/or interested agencies (i.e. TRCA) that the requirements of those policies have been satisfied before either an amending zoning by-law is passed by City Councilor draft approval of a subdivision plan is given by the Director of Planning & Development, Planning Committee and Council may consider and reach decisions on these applications that are conditional upon achievement of the requirements of the policies of the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan, once the ORMCP comes into force. 7.5 Technical Matters Noise - The Region of Durham Planning Department concurred with the findings of the Noise Impact Study conducted by G.M. Semas & Associates Ltd., which was based on the original proposed draft plan of subdivision and a worst case analysis for the anticipated traffic levels that may be expected on Regional Road 5. The Noise Impact Study concluded that, due to proximity of the subject lands to Regional Road 5, anticipated noise levels within some of the proposed outdoor living areas in this development will exceed Ministry of Environment criteria, requiring a 1.8 metre noise barrier along the rear lot lines of Lots 8 and 9. However, the rear lot lines of these lots have been changed by Revision 2 to the draft plan which now proposes that Block 17, occupying lands previously within the rear yards of these lots, be conveyed to a public agency. In addition, the worst case traffic levels assumed in the Noise Impact Study are unlikely to occur on Regional Road 5 as it passes through the Hamlet of Claremont. Accordingly, conditions recommended for adoption contained in Appendix I require that a 1.8 metre noise fence be installed by the applicant, if required following staff's further discussion with the applicant, the Region and the noise consultant on this matter. Report to Council 16-02 Date: March 8, 2002 Subject: Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2000-02 (Revision #2) Zoning By-law Amendment Application A16/00 (Phase 2) 0217 Page 9 - The Noise Impact Study also responded to the potential effects on dwelling units of aircraft noise from a possible future Pickering Airport by requiring all proposed dwelling units to be equipped with central air conditioning. Although the Region's condition of approval supported the findings of the noise consultant, there is not certainty as to the construction or timing of a Pickering Airport. Consequently, the timing of the need for installation of central air conditioning is uncertain. Accordingly, conditions recommended for adoption contained in Appendix I require that all dwelling units be equipped to accommodate, not install, central air conditioning. Subdivision Agreement A subdivision agreement between the City and the owner of the lands will be required to ensure that all matters of interest to the City are protected. This required agreement, and several other development implementation matters, are incorporated into the recommended conditions of approval for this proposal found in Appendix I to this Report. Parkland As no parkland is required through the draft plan, the City will require cash-in-lieu from the developer in order to satisfy Section 42(1) of the Planning Act. 8.0 Applicant's Comments -. The applicant has reviewed a draft copy of this Report and concurs with the recommendations contained therein. - 028 Report to Council 16-02 Date: March 8, 2002 Subject: Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2000-02 (Revision #2) Zoning By-law Amendment Application A16/00 (Phase 2) Page 10 ATTACHMENTS: ,- 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Property Location Map Infoffilation Report No. 25-00 Minutes of Statutory Public Infoffilation Meeting held August 10, 2000 Applicant's Proposed Plan of Subdivision (Revision 2)/ Staff Recommended Plan Comments of Veridian Connections Comments of Canada Post Comments of Durham District School Board Comments of En bridge Consumer's Gas Comments of the Region of Durham Planning Department Comments of the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) dated June 14,2000 Comments of TRCA dated August 11, 2000 Comments of TRCA dated October 24, 2000 Comments of TRCA dated March 2, 2001 Comments ofTRCA dated November 1,2001 Prepared By: Approved / Endorsed By: I. ':t i' ., . " ,,(: . -" /.~tj¿";.--(¿- /'.z~~.¿~-¡/v i Steve Gaunt, MCIP, RPP Planner II - ~~ Catherine L. Rose Manager, Policy SG/sm Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council - II' - -. 3.3 029 APPENDIX I TO REPORT NUMBER PD-16-02 RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION SP-2000-02 1.0 GENERAL CONDITIONS 1.1 That this recommendation apply to the draft plan prepared by H.P. Grander Co. Ltd., revised date of October 17, 2001 for Draft Plan of Subdivision Application SP-2000-02 submitted by Don Bennett on behalf of Claremont Estates Ontario Inc. and Victorian Homes Ontario Inc. on lands being the north Part of Lot 20, Concession 8, City of Pickering, to permit the development of 15 lots, all for detached dwellings as shown on the Applicant's Revised Plan included in the Planning & Development Report Number PD 16-02, and bearing the City's recommendation stamp. 2.0 PRIOR TO DRAFT APPROVAL OF THE PLAN 2.1 That the Regulation to bring the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan come into force. 2.2 That the owner satisfy the City that the requirements of the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan have been satisfied. 3.0 PRIOR TO THE REGISTRATION OF THE PLAN 3.1 That the owner submit a Draft 40M plan to be approved by the City Planning & Development Department that includes the modifications to the plan to implement the conditions of approval. 3.2 That the implementing by-law for Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 16/00 (Phase II) become final and binding. That the owner enter into a subdivision agreement with and to the satisfaction of the City of Pickering to ensure the fulfillment of the City's requirements, financial and otherwise, which shall include, but not necessarily be limited to the following: 3.3.1 Storm Drainage (a) satisfaction of the Director, Planning & Development Department, respecting a stormwater drainage and management system to service all the lands in the subdivision, and any provisions regarding easements. 3.3.2 Grading Control and Soils - 3.3.3 (a) satisfaction of the Director, Planning & Development Department respecting submission and approval of a grading and control plan; and, (b) satisfaction of the Director, Planning and Development Department respecting the submission and approval of a geotechnical soils analysis. Road Allowances (a) satisfaction of the Director, Planning & Development Department respecting construction of internal roads with a rural cross-section, storm water management facilities and boulevard designs to maximize front yard space without impeding services or the safe Operation of the streets' and , , (b) that all streets be named to the satisfaction of the City of Pickering. () 'J IQ' .J 3.3.4 Construction/Installation of City Works & Services (a) (b) - satisfaction of the City respecting arrangements for the provision of all services required by the City; satisfaction of the appropriate authorities respecting arrangements for the provision of underground wiring, street lighting, cable television, natural gas and other similar services; and, (c) that the cost of any relocation, extension, alteration or extraordinary maintenance of existing services necessitated by this development shall be the responsibility of the subdivider. 3.3.5 Dedications/Transfers/Conveyances (a) the dedication of all road allowances with the proper corner roundings and sight triangles to the City; (b) that the owner convey to the City, at no cost: (i) (ii) (iii) any easements as required; any reserves as required by the City; and, Block 16 for open space purposes. (c) that the subdivider convey any easement to any utility to facilitate the installation of their services in a location(s) to the satisfaction of the City and the utility. (d) That the subdivider convey Block 17 to an appropriate public agency for open space purposes. 3.3.6 Construction Management Plan - - (a) that the owners make satisfactory arrangement with the City respecting a construction management plan, such Plan to contain, among other things: (i) details of erosion and sedimentation controls during all phases of construction and provide maintenance requirements to maintain these controls; (ii) addressing the parking of vehicles and the storage of construction and building materials during servicing and house construction, and ensuring that such locations will not impede the flow of traffic or emergency vehicles on either existing streets or the proposed public street; (iii) assurance that the City's Noise By-law will be adhered to and that all contractors, trades and suppliers are advised of this By-law; (iv) the provision of mud and dust control on all roads within and adjacent to the site; (v) type and timing of construction fencing; and, (vi) location of construction trailers. 3.3.7 Development Charges (a) satisfaction of the City financially with respect to the Development Charges Act. 3.3.8 Co-ordinated Development (a) satisfaction of the City with respect to arrangements necessary to provide for co-ordination of services and roads with adjacent lands and any phasing of development that may be required. 031 3.3.9 Sedimentation and Erosion Control (a) satisfaction of the City with respect to the provision of silt fencing and erosion control measures around the entire perimeter of the subject lands during construction, prior to commencement of any works. 3.3.10 Tree Preservation/Street Tree Planting - (a) the submission of a tree preservation and street tree planting plan to the satisfaction of the City. 3.3.10 Design Planning (a) the satisfaction of the Director, Planning & Development Department respecting a report outlining siting and architectural design objectives for the development, and the submission of site plans and architectural drawings identifying how each unit meets the objectives of the report, prior to the issuance of any building pennit for the construction of a residential unit on the lands; (b) the report outlining siting and architectural design objectives for the development must address building envelopes, house designs, siting, and streets capes as well as garage designs, locations, massing, width, and projection from the main dwelling, in addition to designs, locations, massing, width and siting of the garden suites; and, (c) the report outlining siting and architectural design objectives for the development must address driveway placement on the proposed public road to ensure adequate room is maintained to accommodate street furniture and boulevard landscaping. 3.3.11 Noise Attenuation - (a) that the owners satisfy the requirements of the Ministry of the Environment by implementation of appropriate measures to implement the recommendations of the Noise Impact Study conducted by G.M. Sernas & Associates Ltd., to the satisfaction of the Region of Durham and the City of Pickering, including a requirement that all dwelling units be equipped to accommodate central air conditioning and the erection, if required, of a 1.8 metre noise barrier along the rear lot line of Lots 8 and 9 to protect residents from noise from Regional Road 5. 3.3.12 Engineering Drawings (a) (b) that the owner satisfy the City respecting the submission of appropriate engineering drawings that detail, among other things, City services, roads, storm water management facilities, lot grading, streetlights and tree planting, and financially-secure such works; and, that the engineering plans be co-ordinated with the architectural design objectives and further the engineering plans shall co-ordinate the driveway width, street hardware and street trees in order to ensure that conflicts do not exist, asphalt is minimized and street trees are accommodated. 3.3.13 Other Approval Agencies - (a) (b) (c) that the subdivider satisfy all the requirements of the Region of Durham; that the subdivider satisfy all the requirements of the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority; and, that any approvals which are required from the Region of Durham or the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority for the development of this plan be obtained by the subdivider, and upon request written confirmation be provided to the City of Pickering as verification of these approvals. 032 - -. - 3.3.14 Parkland Dedication (a) that the subdivider provide to the City cash-in-lieu of parkland dedications, to the satisfaction of the Director, Planning & Development, in order to satisfy Section 42(1) ofthe Planning Act. - 2.0 - - O'!..~.'. ') . \ ",} APPENDIX II TO REPORT NUMBER PD 16-02 RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 16/00 (phase II) 1.0 (b) That prior to forwarding of an implementing zoning by-law to City Council: (a) Draft Plan of Subdivision SP 2000-02 (Revision 2) receive draft approval from the City of Pickering; (b) a Draft 40M-Plan and surveyor's certificate be submitted to the satisfaction of the City Planning & Development Department; (c) a Regulation to establish the Oak Ridges Conservation Plan comes into force; and, (d) the owner satisfy the City that the requirements of the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan have been satisfied. That the implementing zoning by-law shall include, but not necessarily be limited to the following: (a) permit detached dwellings and garden suites zoned as "R6-3", on Lots 1 to 9, in accordance with the following provisions: (i) minimum lot area of 0.3 of a hectare; (ii) minimum lot frontage of 22.0 metres; (iii) minimum front yard depth of9.0 metres; (iv) minimum side yard width of 1.8 metres; (v) minimum flankage side yard width of2.7 metres; (vi) minimum rear yard depth of9.0 metres, except where an "OS-HL" - Open Space Hazard Land Zone exists in a rear yard of a lot, the minimum rear yard depth shall be 15.0 metres; (vii) maximum lot coverage of20 percent; (viii) maximum building height of 12.0 metres; (ix) maximum of one detached dwelling unit per lot and minimum gross floor area residential of 100 square metres, except, where a detached dwelling exists on a lot, a garden suite may be established in accordance with the following provisions: i. a maximum of one Garden Suite per lot may be permitted in the rear yard of any lot in accordance with the rear yard depth, side yard width, flankage side yard width and lot coverage provisions and subject to the following: 1. a maximum floor area of 65 square metres; 2. a maximum ground floor area of 65 square metres for any structure containing a garden suite; 3. a maximum height of 5.0 metres, except if constructed as a second floor of a detached garage, in which case the maximum height ofthe entire structure shall be 6.0 metres; and, 4. a minimum separation distance between garden suite and main dwelling of 6.0 metres. permit detached dwellings zoned as "R6" on lots 10 to 15, in accordance with the following provisions: (i) minimum lot area of 0.3 ofa hectare; (ii) minimum lot frontage of22.0 metres; (iii) minimum front yard depth of9.0 metres; (iv) minimum side yard width of 1.8 metres; (v) minimum flankage side yard width of2.7 metres; (vi) minimum rear yard depth of9.0 metres, except where an "OS-HL" - Open Space Hazard Land Zone exists in a rear yard of a lot, the minimum rear yard depth shall be 15.0 metres; (vii) maximum lot coverage of20 percent; 0:14 (c) - - - (viii) maximum building height of 12.0 metres; and, maximum of one detached dwelling unit per lot and minimum gross floor area residential of 100 square metres. pennit conservation of natural environment, soil and wildlife and resource management uses through the establishment of an "OSHL" - Open Space Hazard Land zone on a 1 a metre wide strip of land at the rear of Lots 1 to 9, a 5 metre wide strip of land at the rear of Lots 10 to 15, Block 16 and Block 17 as shown on the proposed draft plan of subdivision. ATTACHMENT' 1 TO REPORT , PD~ O~ir.'" ,. .J ~ 2 « I :f ~. k LANDS SUBJECT TO PHAS :: 2 OF . . AND DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVIS N L . - SP-2000-)2 (REVISE~) - W ~g'- b ~ . ~ =mêfrl h~~1J: CENTRAL .:=D-. ,:- STREET ~=- \II ð ¡j- II: "2. 0: ~ ~ - ~GTON I- 0 (E- I:J g- 0: ~ Iii - a 1'1 w z ~ a ¡¡¡ - " (' ~ .~Ei- -« 0 LANE ACORN a N .ECT TO PHASE 1 OF W AMENDMENT A 161 - w z :J w a iii City.of Pickering Planning & Development Department PROPERTY DESCRIPTION PART OF LOT 20, CONCESSION 8 OWNER CLAREMONT ESTATES ONT. LTD DATE FEB. 26,2002 DRAWN BY RC APPLICATION No. SP-2000-o2 (REVISION 2); A 16/00 (PHASE 2) SCALE 1:7500 FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY PN-S10 PA- CHECKED BY SG l' ( 0:16 - ATTACHMENT' eJ TO REPORT I PO....Jj. -Oôì :<..-1. OF PIC.... c} 'I~ !t~% ~ :œ~ G) - INFORMATION REPORT NO. 25-00 FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING OF August 10, 2000 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUBLIC MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANNING ACT, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.B Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2000-02 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 16/00 Claremont Estates Ontario Inc. Part of Lot 20, Concession 8 (Proposed extension of Kodiak Street, north of Acorn Lane and east of Sideline No. 20) City of Pickering SUBJECT: 1.0 - 2.0 - 3.0 3.1 PROPERTY LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION the subject lands are located north of Acorn Lane and Kodiak Street, east of Sideline 20 and south of Regional Road No.5 (Central Street) in the Hamlet of Claremont; a property location map is provided for reference (see Attachment #1); Open Space lands supporting tributaries of Mitchell Creek are located to the west and east; hamlet residential uses are located to the south-west and south-east; Claremont Public School is located to the north-east; federal airport lands are located to the south, and agriculturally-zoned lands are located north of the subject lands across Central Street. APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL the applicant proposes to extend Kodiak Street (formerly Nuthatch Street) northward, and develop 17 residential lots providing lot frontages ranging from approximately 22.0 metres to 80 metres in size; the applicant's submitted draft plan is provided for reference (see Attachment #2); the proposed lots would range in area from approximately 0.3 of a hectare to 0.6 of a hectare in size; the proposed lots are intended to support detached residential dwellings; the applicant has requested that seven of the proposed lots (Lots 3 to 9 on the applicant's submitted plan) on the west side of the proposed Kodiak Street extension be permitted to support garden suites in conjunction with a detached dwelling (Lots 1 and 2 on the applicant's submitted plan are already zoned to permit a garden suite in conjunction with a detached dwelling); one 0.3 of a hectare block, for school or community facility use, is proposed directly south of Claremont Public School; and a 0.02 of a hectare block is proposed as park land for the City. OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING Durham Ref!ional Official Plan identifies the subject lands as being within a "Hamlet"; Hamlets shall be the predominant location for rural settlement, and shall be developed in harmony with surrounding uses; ArTACHMENT # ~ TO REPORT # PD..1h "'na 03!7 Information Report No. 25-00 Page 2 - development within Hamlets may consist of a variety of housing types, community facilities, employment areas and commercial areas that meet the immediate needs of the residents of hamlets and the surrounding rural area; development within Hamlets shall be individually serviced with private drilled wells and private sewage disposal systems where groundwater quantity and quality permits, and in compliance with the standards of the Region of Durham and the Ministry of the Environment and Energy; when reviewing an application for approval of a draft plan of subdivision within a hamlet, the Region requires the submission of various environmental reports and plans to support the proposed development; these submissions include, but are not limited to, a settlement capacity study, a hydrogeological report, an environmental impact report, a lot servicing plan, a soil report and existing and proposed grading plans. 3.2 Pickerin!! Official Plan - designates the subject lands "Hamlet Residential" within the Hamlet of Claremont; permissible uses within this designation include residential uses, including the establishment of detached residential dwellings and related garden suites; Rural Hamlets are typically settlements with historic roots as social and service centres for the surrounding rural area, and are the primary focus for new growth and development in rural areas; a portion of the subject lands abutting tributaries of Mitchell Creek are designated "Open Space System - Natural Area"; permissible uses within this designation include conservation, environmental protection, restoration, education, passive recreation and similar uses; the subject lands fall within the "Oak Ridges Moraine"; uses and activities within or adjacent to the Moraine must be consistent with the principles of the Oak Ridges Moraine Implementation Guidelines prepared by the Ministry of Natural Resources the subject lands support and abut a "Shoreline and Stream Corridor"; on lands designated "Shoreline and Stream Corridor", new development and major redevelopment on those lands also designated "Open Space System - Natural Area" shall be prohibited; the Plan promotes the retention of watercourses and valley and stream corridors in an open and natural state, the recognition of these corridors, and the conveyance of such lands to the City or other public agency as a condition of development approval, where appropriate; section 15.9 of the Plan requires the submission and approval of an Environmental Report as part of the consideration of the subject development applications; the required report must include, as a minimum, information outlined in Section 15.11 ofthe Plan, that includes, but is not limited to: .- . a detailed description of the proposal and all environmental features and functions that may be affected by the proposed development; . an assessment of expected effects of the proposal on the environment; . recommendations outlining actions necessary to prevent, remedy and/or mitigate anticipated negative effects, and enhance potential positive effects; and, . a monitoring plan; supporting hydrogeological, soil analysis, grading and drainage, stormwater management and lot servicing information is also required to accompany the Environmental Report; Kodiak Street is a local road, generally providing access to individual properties, to other local roads and to collector roads, and is designed to carry local traffic; 0:38 - - 5.0 - 5.1 5.2 # -g1 TO REPORT # PD..J~ ~(\~ Information Report No. 25-00 Page 3 3.3 Zoninl! By-law a majority of the subject lands are zoned "A" - Rural Agricultural Zone, by Zoning By-law 3037, as amend; a small south-west portion of the subject lands are zoned "(H)R6-3 - Hamlet Residential with Garden Suites (Hold) Zone and "OS-HL" - Open Space - Hazard Land Zone, by Zoning By-law 3037, as amended by By-law 5464/99; an amendment to the zoning by-law is required to allow the establishment of lots supporting detached dwellings (with some associated garden suites) and the proposed public park block; the applicant has provided a separate zoning plan that outlines the proposed zone categories requested to accommodate the proposed development on the subject lands (see Attachment #3). 4.0 RELATED DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS since submitting this proposal, the applicant has applied to the Durham Region Land Division Committee, requesting approval to sever two lots (proposed Lots 1 and 2 on the applicant's proposed draft plan) fronting Kodiak Street, and retaining the remaining lands subject to this subdivision proposal; land severance applications LD 241/00 and 242/00 are scheduled to be heard at the August 14,2000 Land Division Committee Meeting; the proposed severed lots are currently zoned "(H)R6-3" - Hamlet Residential (Hold) Zone and "OS-HL" - Open Space - Hazard Land Zone, by Zoning By-law 3037, as amended by By-law 5464/99; the proposed severed lots were previously zoned through Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 9/98; through Council's consideration of the above-noted Zoning By-law Amendment Application, the applicant was also granted permission by Council to proceed through the land severance process to create the proposed two severed lots (the Pickering Official Plan requires any ownership of land capable of being divided into more than three lots be developed through a plan of subdivision, unless Council grants permission to an owner to proceed through the land severance process if it is demonstrated that a plan of subdivision is neither warranted nor necessary); at the time of preparation of this report, the Planning & Development Department have not completed the review, or provided comments on, the proposèd severance applications to the Region of Durham; through a preliminary review of these applications, Planning & Development Staff have requested detailed technical information needed to assess the appropriateness of the proposed severances, including a revised servicing study applicable to the proposed severed lands. RESULTS OF CIRCULATION (See Attachments #4 to #9) Resident Comments no resident comments have been received to-date; Agency Comments The Durham District School Board - advise that anticipated pupils generated through this proposal will be accommodated within an existing school facility, and that the Board has no need or interest in acquiring Block 18, and wishes reference on the draft plan as a school block be eliminated (see Attachment #4); ;"",',"Th,C"', ¡"',""""r" # ' 1')'" Tn ¡':,;,r<\A"!"!Icll!, -_.~-"J nFP(jCn # PO j7~ - f\ r¡ , " -", . '""'" "b-.\ok<*,-"=.,,~.._.,,".., 03H Information Report No. 25-00 Page 4 - Enbridge Consumers Gas - requests conditions to be included in a future subdivision agreement, including the requirement of an overall utility distribution plan (see Attachment #5); Region of Durham Health Department - requests various infonnation be submitted for review prior to fonnal comments, including a lot servicing plan, a soil sampling program, a grading and drainage plan, a peer-reviewed hydrogeological report, and an environmental impact study (see Attachment #6); Canada Post - requests conditions of draft approval regarding the location and installation of a temporary and permanent Community Mailbox, and required sidewalk, boulevard and curb works serving the mailbox (see Attachment #7); Toronto and Region Conservation Authority - request the limits of the top-of-bank be clarified, and note that proposed Lots 10 and 11 encroach into the identified valley lands. Accordingly, T.RC.A. has requested the submission of a geotechnical report, and review of a groundwater assessment that was conducted for the subject lands. T.Rc.A. has further requested the submission of a storm water management report for their review (see Attachment #8); Veridian Connections - outlines vanous electrical servlCmg requirements for this proposal (see Attachment #9); No Objections or Concerns: - Hydro One Networks Inc., Durham Catholic District School Board and Shaw Cablesysytems. - 5.3 Staff Comments in reviewing the application to-date, the following matters have been identified by staff for further review and consideration: 5.3.1 Plan of Subdivision . reviewing and determining the exact boundaries of the proposed subdivision, considering existing natural features, technical requirements, and other related development applications (specifically the implications of land severance applications LD 241/00 and 242/00); . reviewing the proposed street and lotting patterns, and the appropriateness of the proposed school/community facility and parkland blocks; . reviewing the proposal through the principles of the Oak Ridges Moraine Implementation Guidelines (prepared by the Ministry of Natural Resources), and imposing any appropriate resultant standards on the proposed development; 5.3.2 Zoning Matters - . reviewing the appropriateness of garden suites in conjunction with detached dwellings on some of the proposed lots; . ensuring appropriate buffer zones to the tributaries of Mitchell Creek are established; 5.3.3 Technical Matters . reviewing supporting technical submissions, including a required environmental report with supporting hydrogeological, soil analysis, grading and drainage, stonnwater management and lot servicing infonnation, to ensure that adequate infonnation is provided and that technical requirements are met; 040 ATTACHMENT' ~ TO'", REPORT' po].h-OJ' Information Report No. 25-00 Page 5 . reviewing water supply, sewage disposal, stormwater quality and quantity management; - 5.3.4 Other Matters . ensuring that any resultant residential development is compatible with surrounding residential development, particularly existing development fronting onto Kodiak Street and Acorn Lane. 6.0 PROCEDURAL INFORMATION - written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the Planning & Development Department; oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting; all comments received will be noted and used as input in a Planning Report prepared by the Planning & Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Councilor a Committee of Council; if you wish to be notified of Council's decision regarding either the proposed plan of subdivision or zoning by-law amendment application, you must request such in writing to the City Clerk; if a person or public body that files an appeal of a decision of the Regional Municipality of Durham in respect of the proposed plan of subdivision does not make oral submission at the public meeting, or make written submissions to the Regional Municipality of Durham before the proposed plan of subdivision is approved or refused, the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss the appeal; if you wish to reserve the option to appeal Council's decision of the proposed zoning by-law amendment application, you must provide comments to the City before Council adopts any by-law for this proposal. 7.0 OTHER INFORMATION 7.1 Appendix No. I list of neighbourhood residents, community associations, agencies and City Departments that have commented on the applications at the time of writing this report. 7.2 Information Received full scale copies of the Applicant's submitted plan are available for viewing at the offices ofthe City of Pickering Planning & Development Department; the City of Pickering is in receipt of the following accompanying information: - . a Rural Servicing Study, prepared by Jagger Rims Limited and dated March, 2000; and, . a peer review of the above-noted Rural Servicing Study, prepared by Hydroterra Limited and dated June 30, 2000. Infonnation Report No. 25-00 ATTACHMENT)i.é9 TO REPORT' PO - Od Page 6 041 7.3 Company Principal - the applicant, Mr. Don Bennet, àdvises that the principal of Claremont Estates Ontario Inc. is Mr. Karsten Smith. ' - ROt{ 1; é Planner 1 -'" RT/par Copy: Director, Planning & Development Department - - 042 ATTACHMENT~ :3 TO REPORT I PO hro:l Excerpts of Statutory Public fufonnation Meeting Minutes of Thursday, August 10, 2000 STATUTORY PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING MINUTES - A Statutory Public fufOlmation Meeting was held on Thursday, August 10,2000 at 7:05 p.m. in the Council Chambers. (I) DRAFT PLAN OF. SUBDIVISION SP-2000-02 ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 16-00 . CLAREMONT ESTATES ONTARIO INC. PART OF LOT 20, CONCESSION 8 (PROPOSED EXTENSION OF KODIAK STREET, NORTH OF ACORN~D EAST OF S~O. 20) 1. Catherine Rose, Manager, Policy Division, provided an explanation of the application, as outlined in fuformation Report #25-00. 2. Don Bellllett, 5258 Old Brock Road, advised that they concur with the Manager's comments and are present to answer any questions. 3. Richard Ward, 3709 Regional Road 9, Orono, questioned the legal right and justification for this taking place. He stated that Council has breached public trust and he requested an inquest into this matter. - - ATTACHMENT I l.{ REPORT # PO 1(", .. ()Ôl TO INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANT'S PROPOSED PLAN OF SUBDIVISION SP-2000-02 (REVISION 2) STAFF RECOMMENDED PLAN CLAREMONT ESTATES ONTARIO INC. ~i I -l/: ----J I """""""""""""""-"',..c~~./ffT_Q ¡. : \ LOT ZO, awctSSlOll 9 .................................,..-.... : LOT ¡9, CCWCtSSIOII 9 t ~ - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -..;.~..;: - - - - - - - - - ~':"l":::':::'::;,::.:,~,-"",,:::,,: W/IIAM Rl'GI&'" "",ft ..f j . r----------------------------- I -- - -, I I I I I I I I II Ii: i ~ ¡¡¡ ¡¡¡ r I I;;; - t ..: ~ '" 3 ~ ::! g ~ I -. ~ I ----J..,i...l ¡ ~ ~ --- 2.144~ Ho. I. 19B! Ho. 2.320! Ho. 0.30 Ho. BLOCK 16 IO5HLJ BLOCK 17 IOSHLI STRE€T 'A' (CITY OF PICKERING! - 196m O.O24! He. 0.261 ~ Ho. O.504! ~. ()4iJ . ..J ~(f¡I/!AIE I I I I I I I I ! ,z I I !~ I I I I I I ~ TOTAL 6.4SI! Ho. THIS MAP WAS PRODUCED BY THE CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT, INFORMATION & SUPPORT SERVICES, MARCH 11, 2002. {)44 - - - ATTACHMENT iL5 REPORT # PO I ~ - 0;) f. '~"""~".'~='..". '~'~"."'"=o'~".."'. .. f BEe E ~ \Têri"'w'f II .J ¡ ¡ N 'Ì .j. ')£11)/' I , """..!LUI.,t! ¡ CrrY.üF P¡C¡<E¡:'¡¡NG 'I - PLANNING AND i . U¡,VELC.f>MENT DEP,".F1PI""'Nï -',.' --~,--".,--=.:.,~~,,~ TO ,-",- VERIDIAN CONNECTIONS DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW PROJECT NAME: Claremont Estates Ontario Inc. - 4pproval of a Plan of Subdivision ADDRESS/PLAN: Lot 19, Concession 8 MUNICIPALITY: Pickering REF. NO.: Durham Region File No: S-P-2000-02 Ref. No: 65050 SUBMISSION DATE: May 18,2000 1. Electric Service is available on the road allowance(s) touching this property. Servicing will be from Nuthatch Lane and Acorn Lane. 2, An extension of the Corporation's plant is required on the road allowance in order to service tliis project. . Owner's cost. All such extensions are normally underground. 3. The applicant must provide accommodation on site for the Corporation's transfonner(s). 4. Individual metering for each unit is requited. 5. The following standard fixed fee costs will apply (all figures are approximate): Service Connection Fee $130.00 per unit 6. A ~ in the amount of $3,000.00 is required to be applied against engineering legal and inspection costs associated with thjs project. 7. The Applicant must make direct application to the Corporation to obtain specific approval of the electrical service arrangements and related work for this project. .Ati electrical consultant or electrician is strongly recommended to co-ordinate service details. The applicant is cautioned that tenders, contracts, or work .initiated prior to obtaining specific approval w:il1 be subject to change. 8. A Servicing Agreement must be signed with the Corporation in o:l:der to obtain servicing for this site. 9. All work from the public road allowance to the servke entrance and the metering arrangements must comply. with the Corporation's requirements and specifications. 10. The Applicant will be required to grant to the Corporation a standard occupation easement, registered on tide, for transformer installations. . . 11. Prior to obtaining a building pennit, the Applicant shall, by agreement, confirm acceptance of the terms and conditions of providin.g electrical service. 045 i\TTA.CHMEN1 # _<~TO pc! .. .J"':.õJl,~",."..", - Page 2 VERIDIAN CONNECTIONS DEVELOPMENT APPLICA nON REVIEW 12. Landscaping, specifically trees and shrubs, should be located away from the Cotporation's tt:ansfonner to avoid interference with equipment access. Technical Representative - Dave Bell Tdephone 427-9870 Ext. 3233 pj; PP/de F:\WDrd DDCUments\ V""iði".\DístribubDn D..elopment\DevclDpment Applic,,~on ltc.ì<w\Pickoring\2000\ChownDnt I!o.."" Inc. - Approval DfSubdivision.dDc - - Rev. Date: November 1, 1999 04ß ~t"""~,,..~~~~rCl P¡:PO'üT, # po.Jb:- (\.;l- "_.~""""'=~ ,'~, rI, - ; DELIVERY PLANNING 1860 MIDLAND AVE 2ND FL. SCARBOROUGH ON MIP 5Al tAN A[)A:~_-:A~ S TE S (416)285-5385 (T) ÞE~s:.r""" '~~ (416)285-7624 (F) JUNE 7, 2000 '--I -.-"'" - '~' I~.I::< r¡::"."""',',!',, ¡¡=~' f\ Yw' IC:;:! -ì\ 0-:11,_1.."\ ¡- '>..<1 L , .::;J f\ I~ ~';i L1' ~ ¡ODD j CiTY OF PIC~(ER\NG PICKERING, ONTARIO MR. N. CARROLL DIRECTOR OF PLANNING CITY OF PICKERING 1 THE ESPLANADE PICKERING ON Ll V 6K7 RE: APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF A PLAN OF SUBDIVISION DURHAM REGION FILE NO.: S-P-2000-02 APPLICANT: CLAREMONT ESTATES ONTARIO INC , LOT: 19 CONCESSION 8 CITY OF PICKERING REF. NO.: 65053 - Dear Mr. Carroll, Thank you for the opportuntty to comment op. the above noted application. Please note our new conditions below. As a condition of draft approval, Canada Post requires that the owner/developer comply with the following conditions: - The owner/developer agrees to include on all offers of purchase and sale, a statement which advises the prospective purchaser that mail delivery will be from a designated Community Mailbox. - The owner/developer will be responsible for notifying the purchaser of the exact Community Mailbox locations prior to the closing of any home sale. - - The owner/developer will consult with Canada Post Corporation to determine suitable locations for the placement of Community Mailbox and to indicate these locations on the appropriate servicing plans. ATTACHMENT' t, _TO REPORT # PD.J~ - ()& 04? - -2- The owner/developer will provide the following for each Community Mailbox site and include these requirements on the appropriate servicing plans: - An appropriately sized sidewalk section (concrete pad) as per municipal standards, to place the Community Mailboxes on. - Any required walkway across the boulevard, as per municipal standards. - Any required curb depressions for wheelchair access. - The owner/developer further agrees to detennine and provide a suitable temporary Community Mailbox location(s), which may be utilized by Canada Post until the curbs, sidewalks and final grading have been completed at the pennanent Community Mailbox locations. This will enable Canada Post to provide mail delivery to new residence as soon as the homes are occupied. I trust that this infonnation is sufficient, however, should you require further infonnation, please do not hesitate to contact me the above number or mailing address. Sincerely, /£7t.. ~~ Debbie Greenwood Delivery Planning Officer c.c. R. Szarek, Durham Region A:UTlLDRA W.SAM - , 048 .- THE DURHAM DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD Facilities Services 4(11" -':~unton Road East _hitby; Ontario L1 R 2K6 Telephone: (905/ 666.5500 1-800-265-3968 Fax: (905) 666-6439 S24,' ç; l/3 r ~' )¡;~ .~~r ., i~ ~ - 1i'. ...."1:,..~_."._îO HEPORT # PD~.-~-- October 24, 2001 RECEft'JED The Regional Municipality of Durham Planning Department 1615 Dundas Street East 4th Floor, Lang Tower West Building, Box 623 Whitby, Ontario LIN 6A3 OCT 2 9 LO01 CITy Ufo h(;;i",.:.HlNG PLAN~HNG MID DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Attention: Mr. Richard Szarek Dear Mr. Richard Szarek, RE: Revised Plan of Subdivision S-P-2000-02 - Revision 2 Claremont Estates Ontario Inc. Lot 19, Concession VIII City of Pickermg Ref. No.: 66264 Staffhas reviewed the information on the above nQted revised application and ha.<:; the following comments: . 1. Approximately: 8 elementary pupils could be genetated'by the su~ject plan. - . 2. It is intended that any pupils generated by the above noted plan would attend an existing school facility. 3. Under the mandate of the Durham District School Board, staffhas not objections. Yours truly, ,~ C'rJ~~ Christine Nancekivell, Planner c.c. Mr. Neil Carroll, Director OíPlanning, City of Pickering CN:em I:\PROPLAN\DATA\PLNG\SUB\SP2000-02 Revision 2 049 ~- . T <:;I TO II;;. \ T ACHMEN, #..=,G--==.' REPORT # po.Jk. ~ Q~_."~,~-~.c,. - 500 Elgin Mills Road East Richmond Hill Ontario L4C 5G 1 .,~;tiNBR'DGE Consumers Gas 2000-060..06 ~lE(ë}~O~~ ~ JUN - 7 2000 -J ;;;:;.I Mr. N. CalToll Director of Planning - Planning Department City of Pickering - Municipal Building 1 The Esplanade Pickering ON L1V 6K7 CITY OF PICI(ERING " I'IGKIiRIMG, nNTARlo. RECEIVED ~ JUN 7 2000 Dear Sir CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING AND ~ DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT - Re: APPLICATIQN FOR APPROVAL OF A PLAN OF SUBDIVISION DURHAM REGION FILE NO: S-P-2000-02 REF NO. 65044/ CLAREMONT ESTATES ONTARIO 1Ne. It is requested that the following conditions be included in the subdivision agreement. The owner is to co-ordinate the preparation of an overall utility distribution plan to the satisfaction of all effected authorities. Streets are to be constructed in accordance with the municipal standards. The owner shall grade all streets to final elevation prior to the installation of the gas lines, and provide the necessary field survey information required for the installation of the gas lines, all to the satisfaction of En bridge Consumers Gas. All of the natural gas distribution system will be installed within the proposed road allowances therefore easements will not be required. - Yours Truly, f~l~ Planning Supervisor (905) 883-2613 HW /sc 050 - The Regional, Municipality of Durham Planning Department, . 1615 DUNDAS ST. E. 4TH FLOOR, LANG TOWER WEST BUILDING P.O. BOX 623 ' WHITBY, ON L1N 6A3 -905) 728-7131 rAX: (905) 436~6612 . WW'ti.region.durham.on.ca , '~, "~ , lU R If -~-- HEPOHT # PD_.Jb'Od. February 26,2002 RECEIVE[) FEB 2 8 200'2 CITY OF PICKERING 'PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT, Me N; Carroll.' Director of Planning Planning Department City of Pickering 1 The Esplanade ' Pickering,Qnt. L 1V 6K7 , Dear Mr. Carroll: 'Re: 'Regional Review of an Application for Plan' of Subdivision' 'FileNo,:SøPø2000øO2 " , 'Cross 'Ref.:, Zc:>ning By-law Amendment Application A16/00 , " Applicant: " Claremont Estates" , Location: ' Part Lot1 9i Concession8 (Claremont) , Municipality: ,City of Pickering , Ai. Georgleff,MCIP. RPP This appUcation has been reviewed by the Region and the foHewing cQmments' " Commissioner of Planning are offered with respect to the Durham Regional Official Plan, Provincial policies, and the proposed m~thod of servicing. ',' ' " , Official Plim Conformity, b ': ' - " ' ' The subject property is located within Claremont, a designated Hamlet in the Durham Regional, OffiCial Plan~ Policy 13.2.2 of the, Durham Plan states, in part, that Hamlets shall be the predominant location for rural~ettlemei1t. Policy 13.3.,5 " permits development within Hamlets provided development will have an adeqúate supply of potable water and soil conditions are satisfactory fl?r the effective operation of a private sewage system for ea'ch pror)Qsed lot, all in compliance, , with the,standards of the Region and the MinistryofEnvironmentln this regàrd, . a hydrogÈmlogical reportwas provided by the.applicant and 'peer-reviewed to the satisfactiònof the Region. It is our understanding that álotservicing plan and a " subdivision grading plan have also'been submitted to the satisfaction of the Health Department in accorda,rice with Policy 13..3.9; The' proposed planot subdivision would appearto conf<?rm to the Plan. ~erests and~egáted Review Responsibilities . The subjectlands have been assessed 'as having a high archaeological , potential due to the proximityof a tributary of tl18 Duffins Creek, known as Michell's Creek. ,A Stage I-II Ar~haeologìcallHeritage Assessment has been prepared by North York Archaeological Services in consideration of this propósal.' ' . A sufficient buffer should be incorporated from the development area to , protectthe nearby Duffins Creek tributary from any'potenti¡;¡1 adverse impacts. Any possible issues concerning stormwater management are to be ' addressed to the satisfaction of the conservatiooAuthority. "SER VlCBEXCELLENCE fór~ù";r:OM¡qr¡NITY" ' ' e' 100% Post Consumer "C¡ TO ATTACHMEN r #I[-~ - REPORT # PO.J - - 051 - . . . . . The submitted noise study prepared by G;M. Sernas Associates Ltd., ., addresses noise iri1pactonthe proposedresideiltial.developmentfrom Regional' Road 5 ànd potential aircraft noise generated by the future Pickering , Airport Appropriate noise barriers andwarning.clausesare'recommended for' 'this çtèvelopment. ThestLidy was prepared inaccordancewith Provincial Criteria and Regional policy,', . , ' - . . , . The,dràftOakRÎdges Moraine ConservationPlàn desígnatesthe site, "Countryside Area - Rurt:il Settlement". 'Residential subdivisions for rural . residential development would be permittedsubjeçt to certain policies specified in Sections 3 and 4in the draft Plan; The draft plan also states .that municipal' planning deCisions shall conform withtnis Plan, which takes precedence over municipal official plans until they are brought into conformity with this plan. As the draftconsérvation plan is not anticipated to take effect until Jate March 2002; consideration öfthis subdivision plan should be withheld until conformity to the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plancanbedeterminèd. : ' " SerVicing. >. I , ' Municipal watersupply and sanitarysewer'facilities are nötavailableto the subject lands and there arena plans to provide:'municipal services in, the- Hamlet of , Claremont-Therefore, the only feasible method of servicing would be through the' installation of private wells and private wa~te dispos;;:¡lsystems.: In terms of private serviçingfeasibility, the Durham Region Health nepa'rtment :indicated that the necessary geo-technicalinformation, including a peer review from, the Region's. . . hydrö-geological consultant, confirmed that this development can be serviced on the' ,basis of privi:;lte sewage disposal systems anddrilledwell~;, . . ' . Transportation , . '. . NO additional road widening.isrequiredalong Regional Road5~ however¡aO.3' metre reserveisnecèssary,'on the rear lot line of Lot 9 along Regional Hoåd 5., " The draft planshouldbß red;'líned toillListrate this reserVe. . . .' , ' . . aased on the foregoing; the attached draft conditions are provided in the interim , for your consideration of this plan of subdivision, " ' Please call Rièhard Szarek, Planner, if you should have any questions. "- . Yours truly, " ~~. ..' à Blair, M.C.I:P,. RP,P,. ..'. . . Director, Current Operations Bràt'1ch . Attach: Condition~ of Draft Approval. 'cc: Claremont Estates Inc. Don Bennet, . Regional Health Department' . Regional Works Department N :\pim\rs\s-p-2000-02commelits .doc 052 - , To: " '-. 5. -. 6. ATTACHMENT # 9 TO REPORT Ii PD_~ " ., Attachm~nt to letter dated February 26,:2002 , , , 'Claremont Estates Ontario Inc. Don Bennet ' " Prom:, Jim Blair, M.C.J.P.; It.P.P., " , Director, Current OperátiÞIl,s Branéh : Re: , , , , , Plan qf Subciivision S-P~2000:-02 City of Pickering , ' DRABT CONDI110NS OF :DRAFf AFFROY AL " 1. ~ , '" " , , The OwnershåII prepare the final.plan on the basis oftheapproved draft plan' of , subdivision, 'prepared by RF. Grillider' Co. Ltd., identified as project 'number 578-pP, , revised and,dated'Octbber 17, 20Ot, which iliu~trates 15single-detathed lots, 2 open ~pace blocks, a roâdway and'a 0.3m. reseKre. " , ' 2. ' , , 'The Ownèr ~haII, name road allowanceS included in this draft plan ,t6 the satisfacti6n .of the ~egionalM~~iCipality of Durham and ,the City of Pickering. .. ' 3. , , ' , , , .The OWner shalltonvey a 0.3 metre rese~e across the entire fronÚlg~ of LÞt'9á~ong , Regional Ro~d No. S to the Re~ipl1of D~rham. ,: ',", Prior to final approval,' the proponent shaUengage a qualified professioriälto'c'arryout, t~ ' the satisfaétiön of the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Recreation,' an archaeological' assesSment, of the entire development 'propetty, and mitigate, through preservation or resource removal and'documentation, adverse~mpacts to any significant archaeological, resources found. No demolition; grading or other soil disturbances, shall take place on the subject property prior to the MinistryofTotirism,' Culture and Recreation confirming that' ,all archaeologieat'resource concerns have be~n met inéluQing licensing and resource, ' , coIiserv~tion requir~lt\ents.', " , ' , '4. " , , The Owner sl;laJI agree in the city oO)i~keIingSubdivisionAgree~ent to iinplementthe recommendation of the report, entitled "Noise1mpatt Study -Plan40R-18856", p'rep~fed by G.M. Sernas, dateq August 2000, which specifies noiseatteriuation measures for the development. T4~ measures' shall be included in, thesuþdivisiqn agreement arid must also contain a full and complete reference tothe noise report (Le. author; title, date and any 're~isions/addenda) anqshall include anyreqtiired warning clauses identified in the study. , " , , , 'The Owner shall satisfy all requirementsj fi~anciaI~nd otherwise, of the Regional , l\1unicipalityof Durham. This,Shilll include; aniongotherm:atters" the execution of a subdivisiqrl agreement between the Owner~nd,theRegionc6ncernìng the pfovi~iòn and installation bfstibs';Jrface sewage disposal systems,driIled wells, roads and other Regional services. " ,,' , " ", - - " - ,7. 05a ""T^',,"!i"E¡,.r'r.JI. 0 ?\! ,H\.¡r¡IVI :,~ It ,,-,,~J.".,<~..=" HEPORT # PD_~-,-~-<~= , Page 2 , , The subdivision agreeme!1t b~tweên the Owner 'and the City of ~ict<:ering shall 'contain, , among other matters, thëfollowing provisions: ' , a) , ' - The installation ofa treatment system on' aiw drilled ",ell, on any of the 'lands for the treatment of organicn.itrogen, iron, manganese, inethanegas and/or colour (the "Sub~tances") to ensure that the levels of substanc~s in ' the drilled well comply with the Drinking Water 8tandardsof the Ontario Ministry of Environment (the "Standards").' ' " , i), 'ii) , , ' , , , Theinstallatiönofthe treatment system(s), if any, :shall be in general governed by, the ,recòmmendationscontail)ed 'in the report by Jagger Hims, Ltd., Environm~ntal Consulting Engineers dated March 10, 2000 and " entitled "Rural Servicing StudyXMPL Phase IV, Çlarempnt, City of Pickering, ;Region of .Durham". , " iii) , , Following the instal1¡ltion 'of the treatment system for a well the developer' will deliver a certificate to the City of Pickering from a properly qualified' , Environmental Consulting Engineer certifying that the level of substançes: : , in the wate~ drawn (rçJIll such well is in compli~nce with the Standards. "b) , ' The Owner agre~, to strictly adhere to the ~ite servicing planas submitted by " Jagger Hìflls Ltd., 'EnVironmental Consulting Engineers, titled "Siting and Grading , Plans" Project 960779.03, 'March 2000., ',' c) , , The, Owner agrees to retain a qualified professional engineer who speciàlizes i~ the design of private sewage systems. The engineer shall ,complete and, provide the, design of individual private sewage systems to the Regional Health, Department for , approval.' , , , ' d)' , The' Owner agrees that the design, of the private sewagè systeqlsshall be in' strict compliance with the Ontario'Building Code standards for private ' sewage systems. " Under the Ontario Building Code, the maximùm permissible Total 'Daily Sewage' 'Flow for i~dividual sewage systems is 10,000 L/day. , ' The Owner agrees that the developer's enginèer shall conduct on-site tests as reqllired on the primary sewage system area for all lots todetermiIie the, ' permeabjIity'" ,The engineer shall provide' analysis of the soil tests describing coefficient of permeability and estimated percolation rate; and ctassifying soil , according to Unified Soil Classificàtibn System to the Regional Health [>epartment , for review and approval. " , e) f) , , , , The Owner agrees that, the 'developer's eilgineershall site-supervise the installation' of the private sewage systems and upon completion shall certify that the private' , sewage systems, have, been installed with the approved design to Ontario Building Code Standards and to the satisfaction of the Regional Health Department' In c,ases where the ad<iition of sand fin is required for raised, sewage systems, the engineer shall provide ~ertification to the Regional Health Department that the 054 AT1ACHMENT#~TO HEPOfiT If po-U~: O~ _M~--""'C - . Page 3 " " proper ,amount and type of sand filf has' been provideq and 'constrl1èted for the ,private sewage systems. ' ' ,,' " , °g) , " ',' , " , , , The Owner agrees. that there shall be no conshuçti011 of accessory buildings or swimming pools in the prime and ,reserve tile bed areas, or.in locations less than th~,Illini~um setbacks in accordance, with Ontårio Building Code. " NOTES ill DRAFr APPROVAL 1. . . . , , , . . As the Owner of the proposed subdivision; it is your r~ponsibility, to satisfy: all conditio'ns of draft appr()val in an e~peditiousmànner. TheconditioQs ofdnlft approval wiIlþe' ,., reviewed periodically and maÿ be amended at aný,timeprior to final approvaL The.' ' Planning Act provides that draft approval may he withdrawn at any time prior to final 'approval. '..' '. ..' , . .' - 2. AIl plans of subdivision must be registereclin' the Land TitleS systemwithin the Regional, Mu!Iicipality ofDurþ~m.' . " ".,. . 3. , . . . .. '. . In orderto facilitate thecIearanceQr' Conditions 5ànd 7, the Owner is required to , .forward åçopy onhe executedCity.ofPickeiÎng subdivision!igreement to the. . .Commissioner,oE.Planning, Regional-MunieipalityofDurham. . . sbbO2_s.txt - . - . .' The Regional , Municipality of Durham Planning Department 1615 DUNDAS ST.E. 4TH FLOOR, LANG TOWER WEST BUILDING P,O. BOX 623 , WHITBY, ON L 1N 6A3 -g05) 728-7731 ,.AX: (905) 436-6612 , , wWw,region.durham.on,ca A.L. Georgieff, MCIP, RPP Commjs~ioner of Planning' - "SERVICE EXCELLENCE for our COMMUNITY" ATTACHMENT II ~.L=,..JO J¡ pq 1/ ~.I'I_"I_---"""'-~""-'" 1'. . !"'n~" "e;..~_..._.... 055 5l(¡!, \,1 'ç.,. February 27" 2002 RECEIVED , MAli 1 2002 Mr. Alfred Ho , , Project Engineer G.M. Sernas & Associates Limited 110 Scotia Court, Unit 41 Whitby ON L 1 N BY? Ci) "r.),- .~':'~:;;<,,¡Uí"JG i"_i'J""<rO:'jD, DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Dear Mr. Ho: Re: Draft Plan of Subdivision Durham Region File Number: S..P-2000-02 ' ,Owner: Claremont Estates , ' Location: Part of Lof20 Concession: 8 Municipality: City of Pickering,' ' , , ' , ' We have reviewed the Noise Impact Study conducted by G. M. Sernas and A~sociates Ltd., d¡3ted August 2000 and find it to be acceptable. Thealialytical techniques are consistent with the Ministry of Environment recommended, ' procedures for the ¡malysis of noise impact. The ca!culations, howeVer, remain the sole responsibility of the consultant. " ',' , ' " . ' The proposed residential development is situated immediatelysQuth of Regionai . Road 5. The study'suggests that the anticipåted noise levels within some of the' proposed OutçJoor Living Areas in this development will exceed, the sound level criteria established by the Ministry of Environment. A 1:8 metre noise barrier is . recommended: The'study also recognizes that potentï'al aircraft noisegenerateçf by the future Pickering Airport may affect this propósal. In this ,regard, all " proposed dwelling units are to be equipped With central air 'conditioninø. ' , ' , ,.' " " , , Appropriate warning clåuses are recommended for.this development. 'Priör to final approval fo'r this plan .of 'subdivision, we would appreciate receiving 'a, copy òf , the City of Pickering Subdivision Agreement, which should include provisions that' will implement the recommendations of the Noise Impact Study., ",' Please do not hèsitate to contact me if you have any questions. , Yours truly, , ' , ~'+1, Richard Szarek Planner ' , Current Operations Branch cc:, . City of Pickering Planning Department Don Bennèt r:\rs\ñoise40.let (j' 100% Post Consumer - ~-{ ~- '-'.' 05G -- r"-I"'G'I-'I"EN'T JJ r 0 TO . ¡-\, ,h ,vI 'If. --"'~ ij PD.lb,:QiL._~-"~,,.__..... .......----~~~.- RECEIVE~ , J U N 1 6 2000 ; lItHE TORONTO AND REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY ..... 5 Shoreham Drive, Downsvlew, Ontario M3N 184 (416) 661-6600 FAX 661-6898 htlp:/Jwww.trc~.on.ca CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING AND -2.~"~~!.()~PARTMENT .-----=- June 14, 2000 Mr. Richard Szarek Planning Department . The Regional Municipality of Durham 1615 Dundas Strèet East, P.O. Box 623 4th Floor Lang Tower, West Building'. , Whitþy"ON. L1N 6A3 ' Dear Mr. Szarek: Re: , .' '. . , App-lication'forApproval of Draft Plan of Subdivision S-P-20~O-O2, '. Lot 19; Concession 8" . . . City of Pickering' . . (Claremont Estates Ontarioìnc.) . , . . . . ." . We aCknowledge receipt of the above application and offer the following comments. . . . . . A review shows plans tocoristruct a 14 lot subdivision on the subject, lands. In 1995 staff walked portions of the site with the applicantto determine limits of development.. While the plan identifies a top of bank feature we are uncertain whether the limits shown are as a result òf the' . site walk. As a result, staff recjuestthat the limits be clarified in thefleldand would be prepared . to attend. a meeting to finalize this matter... . ..' . . . -. .' . . , Notwithstanding the top of bank !ine staff note that lots 10 and 11 . encroàch. within the valley . and therefore are unacceptable. . . '.., . . . . . . In accordance with the Authority's Valley and Stream Corridor Manag :mient Program the valley corridor is defined as being 10 metres back from the stable top of bank. Given this, staff will require a geotechnical report confirming the stable top of bank and will require that the 10 . metre area be appropriately recognized as part of the valley corridor. . , .. . . . . . . ' In addition we note that a groundwater assessment was conducted for the subject lands. Staff would like an opportunity to revi~w this report in the interest of reviewing potential impacts on . - the base. flow of the adjacent watercourse features. . .' . . . Finally staff note that unless proper 'stormwater management techniques and erosion and sedimentation control measures are eniplQyadon site both during and after construction, negative impacts to doWnstream areas could result. Stormwater leaving the site will requir~ ¡treatment'; both before and ~fter development. 'Treatment' refers to providing some form (or forms) of water quantity attenuation and quality abatement usually accomplished by allowing' stormwater run-off to infiltrate into the ground or through temporary stQrmwater detention .or retention that would allow .~ome settlingdf suspended solids and associated contaminants, prior to release. We would require applicant to provide the necessary informátion confirming the stormwater scheme for the subject lands. . . .../2 WORKING TOGETHER FOR TOMORROW'S GREENSPACE ATTACHMENTtI~. TO HEPORT fj PO ~ -- Mr. Richard Szarek' -2- June.14,2000 0517 . . . . . . In light ofthe above staff are not prepf:ired to provide conditions of draft approval until ... clarification is provided on theaþove issues.. . ... . . . We trust that this is satisfactory. . Yours truly, . . . . . .~~. Plans Analyst. . ... D~veJopmènrSeivices Section.. E~.5306 . . - RW/fa cc: . .... .~ .. . Planning' Department, Town of Pickering . Don Bennett, Claremont~$tates Inc.. . . . .- . 058 .ATTACH~~E~6:u!~â=~:~.", ,. - Mr. Richard Szarek' , ' Planning Depç.rtment ' , , The Regional Municipality. of Durham 1615 Dundas Street East, P,O. BoX 623 '4th Floor Lang Tower, West Building ,Whitby, ON L1N6A$. , , Dear Mr. Sz~ek: II'THE TORONTO AND REGION CONSERVATIOþJ,vAUIHORlr(",<,,~<~".=,. ,'" 5ShqrehamDrlve, Downsvlew,DntarloM3N1S4 (416)661-6600 FAX661-6198~':rIYMIW;trèø.<r:n;Cp\"'" , " '. " August ii, 2000 ' t CFN 31451 I;) f ' f' , ' "CITyÇ)F PIGKEHING PICKEF1iNG, ONTARIO Re: - , , , Zoning By~law Amendment A 16/00. Application tor Approval of Draft Planot SubdiVision S~P~2000~02' " Lot 19, Concesslc;m 8, Part Lot 20, Concession a " , , , City of Pickering ", " , '(Claremont Estates Ontario Inc.) ~ , ',- , ' , , ' , ' We acknowledge receipt of the above application and offer the following comments. " - , A review shows pli:instå construct a 14 lot subdivision on the subject lands~ In 1995 staff , walked portions, of the site with the applicant to determine limits of development' While the plan , identifies a top of bank feature we are uncertain whether the limits showQ are as a. result of the, site walk. , As a result, staff request that'the limits be clarified in the field and would be prepared' '- to attend a meeting to finalize this matler, , " " ' , , , Notwithstanding the top of bank line' confirmation, staff note that lots 1 0 ~nd 11 encroach within the valley and therefore are unacceptable. " " , , , ' In accordance with the Authority's Valley and Stream Corridor Managementprogra,m the valley corridor'isdefinedas being 1 0 metres back from the stable top of bank. Given this" staff will, require a geotechnical report confirming the stable top of bank and will require that the 1 0' metre area be apþròpriately recognized as part of the valley corridor. ' , In addition we note that a groundwater assessment was conducted for the' subject lands. Staff would like an opportunity to review this report'in the interest of reviewing potential impacts on " the base flow of the adjacent watercourse features. " ' ' , , - Finally staff note that unless proper stormwater management techniques and erosion and , sedimentation. control measures are employed on site böth during and after construction, - negative impacts to downstream areas could result. Stormwater leaving the site will require .'treatment', both before and after development. 'Treatment' refers to providing some form (or forms) ,of wq.ter quantity attenuatipn and quality abatement usually accomplished by allowing' stormwater run';off to infiltrate into the ground or through temporary stormwater detention or retention that would allow some settling of suspended solids and associated contaminants, , prior to release. We would require applicant to provide the' necessary information confirming the stormwaterscheme for the subject lands. '" " .../2 05B ATTA.CHMENI #....JL,....",.=" Pi¡.Ib:aJ......... . - Mr. Richard Szarek' -2- August 11, 2000 In light of the above staff are not prepared to recommend approval of the zoning application or to provide conditions of draft approval until clarification is provided on the above issues. .' We trust that this is satisfactory. Yours truly, sselWhite. Plans Analyst . Developii'lent S~rvices Sectiqn Ext. 5306 " -- RW/fa cc: Planning Department,"Town of Pickering Don Bennett, Claremont Estatès Inc. "" . - J)60 ,/d "('0 # PD){;~-ð:i'" I .. - , , '"'THE TORONTO AND REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY .... 5 Shoreh.am Drive, Downsvtew, Ontario M3N 184 (416) 661-6600 FAx 661-6898 hrtp://wWw.trca.on.ca " , October 24, 2000 CFN 31451 , Mr. Richard Szarek . Planning Department, ' ' ,The Regional Municip~lity,of Durham 1615 Dundas Street East ' 4th Floor Lang Tower, West Building P,O. Box62á " " Whitby, ON UN GA3 RECEIVED , 0 Cí 3 1 2000 , , , , PICKER\NG,' CtTY O¿&Of:Vf.LOPMEIH , PLA~Nl~.EPARTMENT", , :Oear Mr. Szarek: , " ,'" -" Re: , , 'Circulation of a ':RevJs'ed Plàn S-P-200()-O2 Revision No; 1 '" ~~ot 19" Conce~sion 8 ' , , City of Pickering , , (ClarèmontE~ta.tes .ontario Inc.)' , " ) , , , We~6knowledge receiptoftheabove :rèVisad planofsubdivisiòn ~s provided on Octoberl0¡ ,,' , '2000," 'Staff provide the following comments. ,'" , , .,,' , rRCA staff have had the opportunity to visit the site and confirm the top of bank éÌs previouslY' , stak¡ad by..Mark Christie. The top of bank is correctly identifi~d, On th,e proVided draft plan., , , " " , , 'The plan has been revised to show that no portion 'of any lotwill extend below the defineq top ,of bank. A 10 metre buffer,is also identified from top of bank andhas'been zoned in an open spaëe designation. This buffer is proposed to 'remain as part'of,:tl16lots consistènt with existing . , development within the corridör reach. ' '" ' , . ' ," , ¡ . ' , ' , , , ' , '", ' , ' " ", , , In. principle staff hewe no objections to the prbposèd plan 'layout as proviçled, however, we' . withhold providing conditions ~f draft approval until we have had an Opportunity to review the groundwater and preliminary stormwater management report for the proposal. In discussions with the applicant's representative we unde~stancl that the reports are forthcoming. , . We tru$t that this is of ?ssistance., ' - , Yours truly, .Russel,White Plans Analyst Development Services Section Ext. 5306 ' RW/fa - cc: Don Bennett, Claremont Estates Ontario Inc: Planning Department, City of Pickering nfil .. ATT AGHMENT 1'--1' ..L3..-~ TO ::iEPOFn If PD"._fa:Jj~,".,.,...~.,"".".", - co. flu,.¡ , ï1t-jUJ iL , , , " , -, i"'Y- 'onservat,on, TORONTO AND REGION ~~~~p\\n~~' D U; l\!JÇ; t.I WI U; MAR 1 l ZO01 ~ , ,..:;:;.J -- . March 2, 2001 Mr. Dan Bermett , Claremant Estates Inc. ,1185491 Ontario. Umited 5019 Brack Rbad ' Claremant, ON L3T 1 83 , ,CITY OF PICKËAING " PICKERING, ONTARIO,' . CFN 31451 RECA='~V~D Mî - " 2' LUU1 ¡ AK , Re: ! I ,- ' L_~..._._,~:.:':"..:~~.~:..~~;,- .ClaremantEstates Ontario. Inc. Lat:19, Cancessian 0, City of Pickering' Circulatianof Reparts '- - , ,,' , ' ',", "" Starmwater Management Study XMPL Subd'ivlslanphase IV Hamlet"ofClaremant (J.F. ,- Sabourin and Assaciates,lnc, August 200Q). '. ,', " Rural ServlclngStudyj XMPL Subdhilslal1 Phase IV Hamlet of Claremant, Tawn of , , Pickering, Reglan' af Durh~un (Jagger HirTle Llmlh~d, March 2000) , Deár Mr. Bennett: ' -. , , , , This will acknawle~ge receipt rif the ,abave two. reparts. 'Staff atTRCA,'have had the appOrtùnity to. review the r~parts and pravide thefallawing camments. ' , ," , , , Catchment baundaries and dlrectian af overland drainage shauld" be identified an Figure, 2af ,the "Starmwater Management Study' Report. ',', ' , , , , ", A descriptian af the drainageswale located east of Lets '13 to. 17 (e.g~, size, sl9pe, eutlet lecatian etç.) Shauld be provided: 'An indlcätlan af canveyance capacity shauld also. be pravidec;J to. ensure prepe~ed drainage can be sàfel~"f:1cc~mma"qated. ' , ' . , . , , , ' " Pre posed raadside ditCh dimensions recommended In the ,report shòuld be revlsed",subj~ct to right ef way requirements, tei maintain a minimum ,ef 0.75 tp 1;0 m battam widt~ to enhance, contact area far water quality treatment and infiltratlen, Raised culvert Inven:s(50 rilm to. 75 mm} are also. preferred to. increase infi!tratien subject to. rilÜnicipålappreval." ' II , ' , , , The tile bed on lot 6 appears to. be within ~he 1 Ometrè' setback area, en Site and Grading plan for Clarement Estates, March, 2000, sheet 2 af 3. piease submit à revised drawing fer Lat -6 that shaws the tile bed baundaryautside af the 10 metre setback area. ' .I ' , , , , ' We trustthé\t this Is satisfactary. If yeu have any questians, please do. nat hesitate to. centact Glen Farmer" at extension 5351, erthe under~igned. ' ' ' '" ,..' - Yli:weurs truly; ,", ' ,,~ A~ sel White ",'." Plans Analyst' ' Develapment Services Sectian Ext.5306 ' PY/fa. co: Planning Department, Region af Durham , Planning Department, City af Pickering Healthy Rivers" Biodiversity and Greenspace .. Education for Sustainable Jjdng , - ~""..~'.~ 5 Shoreham Drive, Downsview, Ontario M3N,1~4 (416) 661-6600 , FAX 661-6898 www.trca.onr; , :~" ..... n6~ ATTACHMENT flJtJ TO--,- REPORT # PO--/'" - tY=l - , 't;y... onserva Ion ,- c~ TORONTO AND REGION \ RE . "~ ,'-"""'" ' November 1 2001 ,\ NOV"' 5 'LOU" , ' I CITY 0;-' ryj'::~;,~~'~,i~Q ! , PLAt:i'~\~" .:';":';;' "'aNT I DEVELOPf,¡~Nf £~~J¡,f"fI" ,tl!l!Ol'!'. --.... 'rn~~~D~lE~ ru NO v 5 - 1001 .:!) , CITY OF PICKERING , PICKERING. ONTARIO Mr. Richard Szarak , 'Plàrining Department " ' The Regional MunicIpality of Durham' 1615 Dundas Street East 4th Floor Lang Tower, West Building 'Wh'itby, ON'L1N6A3 ' " Dear Mr.. Szarek:', , , 'Ie , . . 'Re: ,,' .Circlilation of a Revised Plan, . S-P:-~ÒOÔ-O2 Re,vlsionNo. 2, Lot 19, CóncesslQn 8 , City of Plckørlng " (Claremont ï:states' Ontario Inc.) , , Your ReferE!nce No.:66265 . ' ,- , , " " , ' We acknowledge receipt of the abovenåted, revised plan of subdivision, as provided on October23.200L """ ',"',' , ." , , '0 ' ' rRCA staff h~we reviewed the revised plan and note that Block 20, 'being the 3078 sq. m. ,area' " reserveq for the schoo! fieldthas been removed from the plan of subdivision. We, have no ' objec~ion to this revision. but wish to advise thatstormwater managèment issues Çlutliried in our" ,letter of March 2, 2001 to Mr. Don BennettofG!áremont Estates (copy attached) remain ' outstanding,' " , ' " (0 , ' ' , , , " ' " . , , : We trust that this is 'satisfactory. 'Should yåu have any questions, 'please do not hèsitate to ' ,contact the undersigned, , , '. ' ",,' - , 0 ' . Yours'truly," , :4L,~ , ' Nora Jamieson, , Acting Plans Analyst' , . Development Services Section, 'Extension 5259 Attachment /nj cc: Don Bennett, Claremont Estates Ontario ltc, Planning Department, City of Pickering V " F :\PRS\CORRESP\PICKERIN\CLAREMON. WPD Health", Rivpri;; . R;nrlivprr;:;fv ¡urn r.,.a.<>nC'n::Jro#:> .. u=rI..,...".:-:....- ~_.: C'u-.f.- :.. - JL L, .. . ,