HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 14, 1997 MINUTES A meeting of the Pickering Advisory Committee on Race Relations and Equity was held in the Pickering Civic Complex on Tuesday, January 14, 1997 at 7:00 p.m. Present: Councillor Dave Ryan(Co-Chair) Roland Rutland, Social Development(Co-Chair) Jane Kiyonaga, Durham Separate School Board Donna Bovolaneas, Community Appointee Olivia Rose, St. Mary High School Dr. Phebe-Jane Poole, Ajax-Pickering Board of Trade Fred Gibson, Community Appointee Roger Beckett, Community Appointee Staff Sergeant Gord McKechnie, Durham Regional Police Victoria George, Pickering High School Norm Powers, Durham Board of Education Stephen Reynolds, Town of Pickering Lynn Winterstein, Town of Pickering Margaret Donaldson, Recording Secretary Gary Ranalli, Facilitator/Ethno Cultural Equity/Race Relations -Durham Board of Education Andrea Williams, Race Relations Ethno Cultural Co-ordinator -Durham Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board Regrets: Abou Nabe, Community Appointee Angie Littlefield, Pine Ridge Secondary School Ian Weber, Community Appointee 1. Welcome Roland Rutland welcomed all committee members and introduced Mr.Norm Powers,who is the new representative from the Durham Board of Education. 2. Approve Minutes of Last Meeting MOTION: That the minutes of the December 10, 1996, meeting be approved with following correction on page 5 ("Ms. Kiyonaga suggested we get an inventory from each school" it should have read Mr. Rutland not Ms. Kiyonaga). Carried • 2 3. Race Relations Representatives from the Boards of Education Jane Kiyonaga introduced Andrea Williams Race Relations Ethno Cultural Co-ordinator from the Durham Catholic Separate School Board, and Roland Rutland introduced Mr. Gary Ranalli, Facilitator/Ethno Cultural Equity/Race Relations from the Durham Board of Education. Both representatives then gave a brief presentation of their Committee's mandate, roles and functions. Mr. Rutland stated that both School Boards have done very well since 1993. They have played a very important role with their involvement with Ethno Cultural Groups. Mr. Reynolds thanked both representatives on their excellent presentations. He asked how we could communicate with the Boards with regards to the March Event and any other upcoming community events. Gary Ranalli advised that the Resource Committee is working on their March 21st event. This could involve Board wide events that will draw student attention. Ms. Williams advised that teachers will make it part of their curriculum through religion such as the daily common prayer (information will be distributed to all schools). They provide the tools and the teachers then initiate a program. Olivia Rose gave a brief overview of the event that the Youth and Committee Members have planned for March. Mr. Rutland asked if there was a way that the Committee could use energy from schools to promote activities taking place in the Community. Mr. Renault stated that he was having a Reps. Meeting on Wednesday and will have this item put on the Agenda. They also have a newsletter called DARE that you could advertise this event in. Mr. Rutland is part of this Reps Committee and maybe he would like to make a small presentation at our upcoming meeting. Ms. Williams suggested that a letter be forwarded to each Principal inviting them to participate. Ms. Bovolaneas clarified that for the March event we are not looking at mobilizing students, but raising the Public Awareness and this is an opportunity for both Boards to assist us with promoting our Event to parents. • 0 3 Mr. Rutland thanked Andrea and Gary for their presentations. Councillor Ryan advised that he asked Mr. Reynolds to prepare a draft of our key areas and action steps for the March 26th event. Key areas and action steps were reviewed. Committee members committed to various areas (please see attached Key Areas and Action Steps). Mr. Reynolds advised at the last meeting it was decided that we would proceed with the Mural, Art Exhibition, Drama Skits and Speakers. It was felt that the March was a great idea but possibly should be scheduled during better weather. Olivia Rose advised that their Committee had met with Artists Group and they felt that they did not require an Advisor. Victoria George advised that artists have been confirmed, but due to time restraints (exams) it was hard to get together so they postponed the meeting until after exams. Lynn Winterstein asked if we have 8 artists, who will be the contact person? Olivia Rose advised that she will ask her teacher if she wishes to be the Advisor and will follow-up with Lynn with regards to this. Dr. Poole advised that Lesley White had contacted various companies with regards to finding a location for the artists to store their paints and mural. They had a concern with regards to security of the location during after business hours. Gord McKechnie stated that they could use the Police Station Community Room, Gord requested dates be forwarded to him and he will book facility. Ms. Winterstein asked who was being responsible for the funds that have been donated. Mr. Reynolds stated that the Department of Culture & Recreation and the Staff Advisor could co-ordinate the distribution of funds. Ms. Winterstein stated that she would like to have a contact person to work with Pine Ridge Arts Council to arrange display on March 25 & 26. 1997. • 4 Ms. Kiyonaga stated that she would be the liaison for the Separate School Board. Mr. Powers asked if the schools had been contacted. He will be following up with Angie Littlefield. Mr. Reynolds advised that Mr. Gardner had confirmed support from the Board of Education with regards to this Event. At the last meeting Ms. Littlefield felt that it could be worked into the curriculum. Ms. Kiyonaga advised Mr. Powers on the status of details for the Separate School Board. Mr. Powers asked if he would be receiving a letter with regards to the Event advising parameters, etc. (he was advised yes). Mr. Rutland asked if we should schedule a meeting with the Focus Group. Ms. Kiyonaga felt that once parameters are given to Drama Teachers then they could contact the Town. Mr. Rutland felt that we should assign the Drama Theme. Councillor Ryan recommended we create a suggested list to choose from (but not limited to) and give it to schools and let them decide on a theme. 4. Other Business Mr. Reynolds advised that the Heritage Festival was being held on February 15th. The Committee will be co-sponsoring this event with the Department of Culture &Recreation. Mr. Rutland will co-ordinate the Committee's display. Mr. Rutland advised of the phone number to contact with regards to receiving promotional material for the March 21st Event Telephone: 1-800-March 21 or WEB #HTTP://WWW.PCH.GC.CA/MULTI/MARCH21.HTM 5. Next Meeting Wednesday, February 5, 1997 7:00 p.m. Council Committee Room- Civic Complex