HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 15, 1997 i( MINUTES A meeting of the Pickering Advisory Committee on Race Relations and Equity was held at the Pickering Civic Complex on Tuesday, April 15, 1997 at 7:00 p.m. Present: Dave Ryan, Co-Chair Donna Bovolaneas, Community Appointee Dr. Phebe-Jane Poole, Ajax-Pickering Board of Trade Fred Gibson, Pickering Carib Canadian Cultural Association Roger Beckett, Community Appointee Abou Nabe, Community Appointee Staff Sergeant Gord McKechnie, Durham Regional Police Mobeen Khaja, Community Appointee Ian Weber, Community Appointee Stephen Reynolds, Town of Pickering Margaret Donaldson,Recording Secretary Guest: Inspector John Hamilton Regrets: Roland Rutland, Social Development(Co-Chair) Jane Kiyonaga, Durham Separate School Board Norm Powers, Durham Board of Education Olivia Rose, St. Mary Secondary School Victoria George, Pickering High School 1. Welcome Councillor Ryan welcomed all in attendance and introduced Inspector John Hamilton from the 19th Division, Durham Region Police Services and stated that the committee appreciated the support of the Durham Region Police Services. Inspector Hamilton reciprocated the thank you. Staff Sergeant Gord McKechnie advised that due to restructuring of the Ajax and Pickering Divisions that his role was changing and that another police officer would now be part of the Committee. Inspector Hamilton advised that it could possibly be Ted Dionne and ensured committee members that the Police want to continue to be an active part of the Committee. Councillor Ryan stated that on behalf of the committee that Staff Sergeant McKechnie has been a great asset to the Race Relations &Equity Committee. • 2 2. Approve Minutes of Last Meeting MOTION: Moved by: Mobeen Kajha Seconded by: Abou Nabe That the Minutes of the February 5, 1997 meeting be approved as presented. Carried 3. "Through Our Eyes" Forum -Comments and Feedback Councillor Ryan thanked all Committee Members for their assistance in making the Forum a tremendous success. Mr. Weber asked if a video tape was available from Shaw Cable to view. Ms. Bovolaneas advised that Cable were notorious for retaping and no tape was available. Councillor Ryan asked Committee Members if they were in support of writing a letter to Shaw Cable to suggest that copies of tapes of events be made available at the Library for members of the community to view. Inspector Hamilton advised that he contacted Shaw with regards to another event that he wished to view and was advised that it would cost $35.00 per copy. Mr. Beckett suggested that next year we do our own filming. Ms. Bovolaneas commented on the splendid write-up on the front page of the News Advertiser, positive observations but no acknowledgment of the young artists. Mr. Reynolds advised that the Town had contacted Marianne Takacs, News Advertiser,to do a follow-up article on the Artists (mural and art exhibit). Councillor Ryan asked for comments on the Internet. Mr. Beckett stated that for next year. He feels that specific tasks should be set-up for Committee Members,. He was unable to monitor the Internet, therefore has no knowledge of the number of individuals who accessed the Internet. 3 Mr. Reynolds advised that thank you letters had been forwarded to all participants of the Forum Ms. Bovolaneas felt that we should be working on securing a Keynote Speaker for next year. Committee agreed to identify potential keynote speakers at the next meeting. 4. Provincial Government Cutting A newspaper article was distributed to with regards to the Provincial Government cutting the Anti-Racism Branch of the Ministry of Education. After various discussions with regard to this article Councillor Ryan suggested that this committee prepare a Motion to Council in opposition to this decision. Mr. Weber feels that there is strength in numbers and can we not reinforce our relationship with other Municipalities and work together. Ms. Bovolaneas commented that there is not only a need to reach the youth in schools but what about youth that are not in school. How do we reach them? Councillor Ryan asked Mr. Reynolds if he could advise the committee on what we are doing with regards to Youth Outreach Programs. Mr. Reynolds advised that the Town's Youth Program is working with the Ajax/Pickering Youth Centre in reaching youth including youth that are not in school. Mr. Weber suggested that we look into working with sports organizations and other youth groups to tie into our Race Relations Forum. Ms. Bovolaneas feels that not only should Sports Organizations be invited to assist with the Forum but should become members of the committee and attend monthly meetings. 5. Update On Database Ms. Bovolaneas asked that this be deferred to the May 1997 meeting. 6. Succession Planning Mr. Reynolds explained that this being an election year that committee members will be required to reapply if they wish to continue as a member with this committee. 4 The Clerks Department in September send out letters to incumbents of committees asking them if they would like to reapply. If members do wish to continue they just submit a letter to the Clerks Department. 7. Proposed Video Project- 10th Anniversary Councillor Ryan advised that Mr. Rutland asked if committee members were interested in a video production project to celebrate the Race Relations & Equity Committee 10th Anniversary. Mr. Reynolds advised that Mr. Rutland was contacting Vision TV to see if they would be interested in producing the video - 10 Years of Race Relations in Pickering. Councillor Ryan stated that to produce a video has financial implications and does require to have professional assistance. Ms. Bovolaneas suggested that we contact Mr. Norm Powers, Durham Board of Education and ask him to contact Mr. Bezubiak at Pine Ridge Secondary School to ask if the school would be willing to produce the video. Various suggestions were made with regard to the type of video production it should be. 8. News Advertiser Article- "Four Faces of the Family in Durham" Mr. Reynolds advised that Ms. Kiyonaga has suggested that a letter be sent to the Editor of the News Advertiser with regards to this article. She felt that the article did not truly represent Culture within the community. Ms. Bovolaneas stated that she felt that the article was not deliberately done this way. Mr. Weber felt that the story was more related to financial problems than ethnical, he stated he had read the story and did not feel it was racial. After various discussions with regards to the article the committee decided that a letter be sent to Mr. Steve Houston of the News Advertiser inviting him to attend the May meeting. 9. Human Rights and Race Relations Centre-Municipal Awards Councillor Ryan advised that IBM had received an award with regards to Equity Employment and that there is a Municipal Award the Committee could be considered for. 5 Mr. Reynolds asked Mr. Nabe if he was aware of the Ontario Human Rights and Race Relation Centre Award Program and if there were any awards that the committee could apply for since this year is the 10th Anniversary of the committee. Mr. Nabe advised that he did have a contact and the Society and he thought that the committee deserves consideration for all the work we had done in race relations in the community. There are Provincial Awards available and he will provide a list to the committee. Councillor Ryan advised that the committee could also nominate individuals for a Civic Award. 10. Other Business Mr. Nabe advised of a new grant program available through the Department of Heritage. Mr. Khaja advised that a program on Myths about Islam will be held on Saturday May 3, 1997 from 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. at Pine Ridge Secondary School. Mr. Weber advised that the High Commission Ball was being held on Saturday April 26, 1997 $65.00 per person, part of the proceeds were going to support Nelson Mandella. Dr. Phebe-Jane Poole distributed copies of the Ajax/Pickering Board of Trade "Trade Talk"Newsletter. Councillor Ryan advised that for the June meeting we will be having a Wine & Cheese reception to celebrate the Committee's 10th Anniversary. Committee viewed the film clips of the Forum broadcasted by CFMT, Channel 47 TV (provided by Mobeen Khaja). 11. Next Meeting Wednesday, May 7, 1997 7:00 p.m. Tower Meeting Room