HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 7, 1998 I MINUTES A meeting of the Pickering Advisory Committee on Race Relations and Equity was held in the Pickering Civic Complex on Tuesday,April 7, 1998 at 7:00 p.m. Present: Councillor David Ryan Mobeen Khaja, Muslim Educational Cultural Association Jane Kiyonaga,Durham Catholic District School Board Jacqui Steer, William Dunbar Public School Fred Gibson, Pickering Carib Canadian Cultural Association Alice Carlson, Dunbarton High School Dr. Phebe-Jane Poole, Ajax-Pickering Board of Trade Monika Jensen, Community Appointee Norm Powers, Durham District School Board Roland Rutland, Ajax/Pickering Social Development Council Philip Matsushita, Pine Ridge Secondary School Paul Chiang, Durham Regional Police Service Jill Foster, Pickering Library Board Stephen Reynolds, Director of Culture &Recreation Lynn Winterstein, Department of Culture& Recreation Margaret Donaldson, Recording Secretary Regrets: Ian Weber, Community Appointee Jamie Finan, St. Mary Catholic Secondary School 1. Welcome Councillor Ryan welcomed all in attendance and introduced Paul Chiang from the Durham Regional Police Service who will be replacing Mr. T. Dionne. 2. Approve Minutes of Last Meeting MOTION: Moved by: Ms. M. Jensen Seconded by: Councillor Ryan That the minutes of the April 4, 1998 meeting be accepted with the addition of Ms. Jamie Finan who will be representing St. Mary Catholic Secondary School. Carried 2 3. "Through Our Eyes" Forum - Comments and Feedback Councillor Ryan thanked everybody that was involved in the planning and operation of this very successful event- especially the students. Mr. Chiang thought the event was excellent and very well organized. Mr. Gibson stated that he thought that it excelled the 1997 event. Mr. Khaja advised that the Canadian Human Rights Chief Commissioner wrote a report to Ottawa about how excellent the event was. Ms. Kiyonaga thanked the support staff for all their assistance and stated that Superintendent Jean Paul Pattenau felt the event was very professionally done. Mr. Matsushita thought the event was excellent and equally represented by students of both boards. Mr. Power commented that it was nice to see younger students as part of the event. Ms. Steer stated that we still have to work on refining timing of event. Ms Kiyonaga stated that a tighter reign on role definitions should be made for next year and designate an individual who will coordinate the two school boards. Ms. Foster thought the event was fabulous and the kids were so up front and read their essays and poems in their way and used their words. She agreed that the role of overseeing does need to be refined and that all the information should be made available in advance. Ms. Foster stated that the intent on more involvement from the students of elementary schools is an excellent idea, but asked if we could consider changing the date of the event to move the date back a week from March Break. This would give school staff time to coordinate this event. Mr. Reynolds commented on the quality event, and agreed that the kids' participation is a key to the success of the event. He advised that Mr. Renalli indicated he was willing to work with the Committee (Event Sub-Committee) on the 1999 event. He added that Ms. Bovolaneas commincated that the publicity following the event was excellent. 3 Councillor Ryan stated that there was a need for a Project Planner for the event and agreed with the date issue. Other Committee Members agreed that moving the date would be beneficial. Ms. Kiyonaga asked if we have to keep similar format each year. She felt we should be open minded. Ms. Steer commented that we always focus this event on Youth. The Town of Ajax Race Relations event did not focus so much on youth. Mr. Powers suggested that maybe the students who participated could evaluate the event and also involve them in more planning details. Ms. Kiyonaga stated if we create something from student input and give it our students to take back to the community. Y Ms. Foster said that is exactly what the book did and maybe we should build on this. Ms. Matsushita said that skits and music are more variety and he feels we should check with local schools on their strengths. Councillor Ryan stated that we may have to look at a different venue as this event is growing. Pine Ridge Secondary School was suggested as a possible venue. Mr. Powers stated that by the same token it is not only a school event. He also thought the poems and essays were well written. Councillor Ryan said he felt the people who attended came to event as a sense of duty but stayed for the enjoyment. Mr. Rutland advised that at a recent event Mr. Bromley Armstrong commented on the Pickering Race Relations Forum and he read one of the poems from the book that we produced. Mr. Rutland also suggested that this event was a community event worked jointly with School Boards and thought if the Committee gave ideas to teachers they could let their creativity run. Ms. Kiyonaga asked where the community would see the Town's leadership role in Race Relations if the event is located at a school. Race Relations is a key issue through the Separate School Board curriculum. • 4 Councillor Ryan stated that this was a valid point. Pickering is a leader and maybe we should be involved in support of a number of activities leading up to main event night. Ms. Kiyonaga suggested that we might look at connecting different groups (e.g. schools and police) to sing together. Councillor Ryan stated that the key is interacting. Mr. Rutland thought that we should be involving Service Groups and Businesses. Ms. Kiyonaga advised that a year ago CIBC did a one month focus on equity. Kids presented to adults. Councillor Ryan said at the same time the Committee had to remember who we are. We are not the event team and we do not want to create community monthly events. Ms. Foster stated that as the Committee is an Advisory Committee, perhaps our role could be more active at existing community events to reach out to the community and put spotlight on race relations and equity issues. Mr. Powers felt that we do not spend enough time evaluating our audience to influence them and carry our message forward. Councillor Ryan stated that this is a Race Relations and Equity Committee and possibly we should consider more of the equity issues including people with disabilities. Mr. Reynolds stated that a comment made by one of the students was that there should be more festivals/events that bring all members of the community together. Mr. Reynolds felt that one reason we had been so successful was because we have changed to Forum and we are exploring different ways on how we can get the message out. Dr. Poole suggested students outreach to the business community at business lunches and use the diversity booklet to get the word out. Mr. Rutland stated that to produce this booklet we received a grant. He asked where we could get more dollars to do more in the community. . 5 4. New Business Committee Members discussed the 2 vacancies for student members of the Committee. Councillor Ryan asked Committee Members if they had any objection to each high school being represented for a total of 4 students reps. After various discussions it was decided that both Boards would obtain representation from students in Grades 11 or 12. Ms. Carlson advised that Dunbarton High School was having a Talent/Fashion Show on May 21st and was looking for a speaker for that day. Mr. Gibson advised that on May 3rd the PCCCA will be hosting their Annual Seniors' Tea at the Pickering Recreation Complex at 12:30 p.m. and all Committee Members were welcome to attend. Mr. Matsushita advised that Pine Ridge Secondary School was involved in an event on May 21st, at the Durham District School Board offices (Taunton Road, Whitby) from 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. called "The Best Practices of Racism,"this will be a forum showcasing student works,the keynote speaker is Bromley Armstrong. 5. Next Meeting May 5, 1998 - 7:00 p.m. 6. Meeting Adjourned MOTION: Moved by: Ms. J. Foster Seconded by: Mr. F. Gibson That the meeting be adjourned Carried