HomeMy WebLinkAboutCLK 04-1458 From: Subject: Paul Bigioni Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor City Policies City Hiring Policy City Community Grant Policy City Protocol Policy Recommendation: Report to Council Report Number: CLK 04-14 Date: May 20, 2014 1. That Council approve the Hiring Policy, amended as set out in Attachment 1, in order to comply with the requirements of the Accessibility for Ontarians with · Disa'bilities Act, 2005, and the Ontario Human Rights Code, and to implement minor housekeeping updates; 2. That Council approve the Community Grant Policy, as set out in Attachment 2, in order to provide consistent processes for grant requests; and 3. That Council approve the Protocol Policy, as set out in Attachment 3, in order to provide a Policy statement for Procedures and Standard Operating Procedures. Executive Summary: The attached Policies have been created, reviewed and revised as necessary to comply with changes in legislation, to implement "housekeeping" updates and to create Policy statements for the creation of future Procedures and Standard Operating Procedures. FinanciaJ.Jmplications: Costs associated with the City's obligations to accommodate employees with a disability would be dependent on the nature of the accommodations up to the point of undue hardship. Costs associated with Community Grant requests would be the subject of future budget allocations. Discussion: The City of Pickering reviews and updates Policies on a regular basis and as necessary to comply with changes in legislation. The attached Policies are before Council as a result of the following reviews: Hiring Policy HUR 040-The Hiring Policy was originally approved by Council in 2007. Changes have now been made to the Hiring Policy for the purpose of establishing integrated accessibility standards for employment in accordance with 0. Reg. 191/11 under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005. Report CLK 04-14 May 20; 2014 Subject: City Policies Page 2 While a "disability" has always been a prohibited ground upon which to discriminate, the integrated accessibility standards for employment provide regulations that govern the requirement to accommodate individuals with a disability during the recruitment process and throughout their employment. The Accessibility Standard for Employment will help Ontario businesses and organizations make accessibility a regular part of finding, hiring and supporting employees with disabilities. Effective January 1, 2014 the City is now required to: • let job applicants know that recruitment and hiring processes will be modified to accommodate their disabilities, if requested. • build the accessibility needs of employees into its human resources practices. • create a written process for developing and documenting individual accommodation plans for employees with disabilities. • help employees stay safe in an emergency by providing them with individualized emergency response information when necessary. , Additionally, in 2012, Bill 33, Toby's Act, was given Royal Assent and added two prohibited grounds of discrimination under the Ontario Human Rights Code. These grounds establish the right to be free from discrimination and harassment because of gender identity or gender expression. Prior to the passing of Toby's Act, the prohibited grounds of discrimination in employment in the Ontario Human Rights Code included race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, sexual orientation, age, record of offences, marital status, family status or disability. Toby's Act now gives every person the right to equal treatment with respect to employment without discrimination on the basis of gender identity and gender expression, defined as follows: a. Gender identity refers to each person's deeply felt internal and individual experience of gender. A person's gender identity may or may not correspond with their birth sex, and with social norms of "male" and "female". It includes an individual's personal sense of their body (which may involve, if freely chosen, modification of bodily appearance or function by medical, surgical or other means) and other expressions of gender, such as dress, speech and mannerisms. b. Gender expression refers to the external attributes, behaviour, appearance, dress, etc., by which a person expresses themselves and through which others perceive that person's gender. CORP0227 -07101 revised 59 60 Report CLK 04-14 May 20, 2014 Subject: City Policies Page 3 The Hiring Policy has been updated to reflect these changes and also to reflect minor housekeeping changes and to create process consistencies for Procedures and Standard Operating Procedures created under this Policy. Community Grant Policy FIN 040-At a meeting held on April 22, 2014, Council approved Report CR 04-14, Community Association Agreements. That report includes a Draft Community Grant Policy that was referred to staff for revisions. The revised Community Grant Policy provides consistent processes that allows the City to incorporate funding requests into each Budget year in a timely manner and through a consistent process. The Community Grant Policy has been updated to reflect these changes and to create process consistencies for Procedures and Standard Operating Procedures created under this Policy. Protocol Policy ADM 110-The Protocol Policy has been created in order to provide a Policy Statement for the creation of Procedures and Standard Operating Procedures under this Policy. Procedures created under this Policy include: Flag Raising Procedure, Proclamation Procedure, Petition Procedure, Booking Council Chambers and the Civic Complex Lobby and Presentations and Delegations Procedure. Attachments: 1. Hiring Policy 2. Community Grant Policy 3. Protocol Policy Prepared By: Debbie Shields City Clerk , Approved/Endorsed By: // .~ /;-:~~ ./;tl}j:;>Zf/ ; ~e~er Parent L-.[)ivision Head, Human Resources CORP0227-07/01 revised Approved/Endorsed By: Approved/Endorsed By: Stan Karwowski Division Head, Finance & Treasuer Report CLK 04-14 Subject: City Policies Approved/Endorsed By: ~odgson-J Division Head, City Administration PB:ds Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Cou;/ (jfJda Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer CORP0227-07/01 revised May 20, 2014 Page 4 ~ 12,2Pt4 61 62 City Policy Policy Title: Hi ring Policy Policy Number HUR 040 Reference Date Originated (m/d/y) Date Revised (m/d/y) Pages Resolution#231/07 04/12/1999 01/12/2007 17 Resolution# ... ./14 04/22/2014 Approval: Chief Administrative Officer Point of Contact : Division Head, Human Resources Policy Objective The objective of this Policy is to: 1 . Establish fair and consistent employment practices. 2. Ensure that vacant positions are filled in a fair and consistent manner, recognizing the bona fide requirements and characteristics of the position being filled. 3. Ensure compliance with governing legislation, policy and conditions specified by the City's collective agreement(s) with its unionized employee group(s). 4. Ensure that an adequate range of qualified individuals are attracted for all vacancies. Index 01 Definitions 02 Responsibilities 03 Procedures/General Provisions 04 Non-Discrimination 05 Accessible Employment Standards 06 Job-Related Medical Examination 07 Verification of Credentials 08 Reference Verification 09 Unsolicited Applications 10 Documentation 11 Nepotism 12 Driver's Licence 13 Contract Staff 14 Relocation Assistance 15 Probationary/Trial Periods 16 Criminal Reference CheckNulnerable Sector Screening Appendices 01 Definitions 01.01 01.02 01.03 01.04 01.05 01.06 01.07 Hiring Policy HUR 040 Accessible Formats -include but are not limited to large print, recorded audio and electronic formats, Braille and other formats usable by persons with disabilities. Applicant-An external individual submitting a job application for employment with the City. Candidate-An existing employee subm.itting a job application for a posted vacancy. Children -From birth to 18 years of age .. Common-Law Spouse -An adult man or woman who cohabits with a member of the same or opposite sex in a conjugal relationship outside of marriage. Communication Supports-Includes but is not limited to captioning, alternative and augmentative communication supports, plain language, sign language and other supports that facilitate effective communications. Criminal Reference Check -A check undertaken through the police department on individuals to determine whether they have a record of offences. Page 2 of 12 63 01.08 Direct Reporting Relationship -A reporting relationship where an individual has the authority to directly control the activities or work assignments of another employee (as in a supervisor/subordinate relationship). 01.09 Disability a) Any degree of physical disability, infirmity, malformation or disfigurement that is caused by bodily injury, birth defect or illness and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, includes diabetes mellitus, epilepsy, a brain injury, any degree of paralysis, amputation, lack of physical co-ordination, blindness or visual impediment, deafness or hearing impediment, muteness or speech impediment, or physical reliance on a guide dog or other animal or in a wheelchair or other remedial appliance or device. b) A condition of mental impairment or a developmental disability. c) A learning disability or a dysfunction in one or more of the processes involved in understanding or using symbols or spoken language. d) A mental disorder. e) An injury or disability for which benefits were claimed or received under the insurance plan established under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997; ("handicap"). 01.10 Employment Reference-Telephone contact with company officials who have supervised the applicant and who have direct knowledge of the applicant's work record and job performance. · 01.11 Immediate Family-A husband, wife, including common-law spouse, children, including foster or step children, of an employee. 01.12 Immediate Relative-The parents, brothers, sisters, including foster or step, parents-in-law, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, sons-in-law, daughters-in-law, grandparents, grandchildren, or any other relative living with an employee. 01.13 Moving Expenses-The reasonable costs of packing, unpacking, cartage and freight of an employee's household effects to the City of Pickering. It will be incumbent upon the prospective employee to provide to the employer three (3) estimates on moving costs prior to authorizing final arrangements. 01.14 MTO Signing Authority-The individual(s) authorized by the Ministry of Transportation Ontario to conduct Driver Abstract searches. 01.15 Nepotism -Employment preference or other favouritism shown to immediate family or immediate relatives. 01.16 Non-Resident Employee-For the purpose of determining relocation assistance under this Policy, a non-resident employee is a new employee who has been appointed to a position with the City of Pickering and who does not reside in the City of Pickering, the surrounding area or within commuting distance of the City. Hiring Policy Page 3 of 12 64HUR 040 01.17 Probationary!Trial Period -A set amount of time during which a new employee appointed to a position must demonstrate the ability to effectively discharge the full range of duties of the position and during which the employer may assess the employee's competence and suitability for the position. 01.18 Relocation Expenses a) The cost of public transportation (air, rail, bus) of an employee and immediate family to the City of Pickering. b) Includes the cost of gas, meals and hotel accommodation for the employee and immediate family if traveling is completed by automobile to the City of Pickering. c) Accommodation and meals at a local hotel for a period of not more than fourteen (14) days to allow the employee to make accommodation arrangements. 01.19 Supervisor-Immediate Non-Union Supervisor. 01.20 Trial Period-A set amount of time during which an existing employee appointed to a new position must demonstrate the ability to effectively discharge the full range of duties of the position and during which the employer may_assess the employee's competence and suitability for the position. 01.21 Vacancy-When the City declares a position open and ready to be filled by advertising the position by a job posting. 01.22 Vulnerable Sector-Persons who, because of their age, a disability or other circumstances, whether temporary or permanent are: a) in a position of dependence on others; and b) otherwise at greater risk than the general population of being harmed by persons in a position of authority or trust relative to them. 01.23 Vulnerable Sector Screening-A check undertaken through the police department on individuals to determine whether they have a record of offences involving the vulnerable sector. 01.24 Interview Panel-Consists of Human Resources representative, representative(s) from the hiring department (typically the immediate non-union Supervisor). 02 Responsibilities 02.01 Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) to: approve the filling of all permanent vacancies; and a) b) authorize negotiated entitlements related to compensation and vacation for Hiring Policy HUR 040 · non-union employees. Page 4 of 12 65 02.02 Director to: a) identify staffing requirements and work with the Human Resources Division to provide staffing within their department; b) review duties and qualifications of vacant positions and prepare up-to-date and accurate job descriptions; c) review and authorize all staffing actions initiated within their jurisdiction; and d) participate in the individual selection process as appropriate. · 02.03 Division Head/Supervisor to: a) initiate Employment Requisitions (see Appendix 1) for staffing within their area of responsibility; b) participate in the development of interview packages; c) participate in the individual selection process; and d) arrange for employee and position orientation on employee's first day on the job. 02.04 Human Resources Division to: a) prepare Internal Job Postings and external advertisements for job competitions; b) receive and review all resumes and job applications (see Appendix 2 and 3) in relation to selection criteria; c) assist client department in the development of interview questions; d) coordinate and participate in the individual selection process. e) ensure that interviews 'and hiring decisions are undertaken in a fair and consistent manner and in compliance with governing legislation, policy and terms and conditions in collective agreement(s); f) arrange relocation assistance where appropriate; and g) provide new employee with benefit orientation and enrolment. 03 Procedures/General Provisions 3.01 The Department/Division Head initiates employment requisition and forwards to Human Resources with appropriate approvals. 3;02 Posting and filling of jobs falling within the scope of a collective agreement will be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the respective collective agreement. The posting shall summarize typical duties of the position, minimum entry qualifications, salary range or pay grade and application deadline. 3.03 All non-union job postings may be advertised internally and externally at the same time in the interests of expediting the filling of a vacancy. 3.04 Human Resources reviews applications received according to standards identified in the job description. For union positions, Human Resources will also verify the candidate's seniority date. Hiring Policy Page5 of 12 66HUR 040 3.05 Testing of required knowledge, skills and abilities may form an integral part of the screening process. Accommodation needs of an individual due to a disability will be addressed. 3.06 Interviews take place and applicants are rated against selection criteria. 3.07 The Interview Panel recommends a suitable individual to the Director/Division Head and, if applicable, the CAO. 3.08 Once final approvals are obtained, Human Resources makes a conditional offer of employment to the successful individual and subject to a satisfactory pre- employment medical and/or a satisfactory criminal reference check/vulnerable sector screening. 3.09 Upon acceptance by the individual, Human Resources will notify the hiring department of the employee's commencement date. If an internal candidate has been selected to fill a position, the employee's start date in the new position is established through mutual agreement by the two Directors involved. 3.10 Human Resources will notify all unsuccessful internal candidates and external applicants interviewed that the vacancy has been filled. 3.11 Human Resources will prepare an individual accommodation plan in consultation with the employee, where applicable a union steward {at the employee's request) and an outside medical or other expert at the City's expense. 3.12 The Human Resources Division will arrange for the employee's benefit enrolment. 3.13 · The immediate non-union Supervisor will schedule the employee for the first available orientation session. 04 Non-Discrimination In accordance with the Ontario Human Rights Code, the City will provide equal opportunity for employment to all qualified individuals without discrimination because of race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, sex, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, age, record of offences, marital status,. family status or disability. 05 Accessibie Employment Standards In accordance with the Employment Standard set forth under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005, the City shall follow the principles of dignity, independence, integration and equal opportunity by addressing the following: Hiring Policy HUR 040 Page 6 of 12 67 5.01 Recruitment, Assessment and Selection The City will notify employees and the public about the availability of accommodations during the recruitment process. Suitable accommodations will take into account the applicant's accessibility needs due to a disability. Employees will be notified upon hire of the City's policy to accommodate employees with disabilities and will be provided with updated information whenever there is a change to accessibility policies. 5.02 Accessible Formats and Communication Supports for Employees Where an employee with a disability so requests it, the City must provide or arrange for the provision of accessible formats and communication supports for the following: a) information needed in order to perform their job; and b) information that is generally available to all employees in the workplace. 5.03 Workplace Emergency Response Information The City shall provide individualized workplace emergency response information to employees who have a disability, if the disability is such that the individualized information is necessary and the employer is aware of the need for accommodation due to the employee's disability. The City shall provide the workplace emergency response information to the person designated by the employer to provide assistance to the employee. This information shall be reviewed: a) when the employee moves to a different location; b) when the employee's overall accommodations needs or plans are reviewed; and c) when the employer reviews its general emergency response policies. 5:04 Documented Individual Accommodation Plans The City will document accommodation plans for employees with disabilities in accordance with the Attendance Management Policy HUR 030. 5.05 Return to Work and Performance Management a) The accessibility needs of employees must be respected when utilizing performance management tools. b). When providing career development and advancement to employees, the City shall take into account the accessibility needs of its employees with disabilities as well as any individual accommodation plans. Hiring Policy Page 7 of 12 68HUR 040 06 Job-Related Medical Examination The objective of a job-related medical examination is to ensure that individuals are medically and physically capable of performing the essential duties of the position for which they have been given a written conditional offer of employment. The medical examination shall relate to the individual's physical and/or mental ability to carry out the essential duties of the job and shall be required upon appointment to permanent positions or positions which demand a greater degree of physical effort or fitness. 07 Verification of Credentials Successful individuals will be required to submit originals of all degrees, diplomas or other relevant documents which they claim to hold, to the Human Resources Division. Copies will be maintained in the employee's personnel file for future reference. 08 Reference Verification Employment references must be completed and documented prior to issuing an offer of employment. Human Resources conduct all external reference checks using a Telephone Reference Check form. Typically this will involve contact with at least three (3) previous supervisors of an external applicant. The Human Resources Division will obtain written authorization from the applicant prior to conducting a reference check. (Refer to Appendix 4-Employment Reference Consent Form) Only the references provided by the applicant on the Employment Reference Consent Form will be contacted. 09 Unsolicited Applications Unsolicited applications for employment will be retained in the Human Resources Division for a period of six months. Unsolicited applications received by supervisors and elected officials should be forwarded to the Human Resources Division in all instances immediately upon receipt. 10 Documentation In accordance with the administrative requirements set out in the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy 1990 Act (MFIPPA), all recruitment and selection related data is to be retained in the Human Resources Division, or under custody and control of the City Clerk. · Upon completion of the interview process, interview panel members are required to return all documentation contained within the interview package to the Human Resources Division for central filing. Documentation related to the interview and selection process will be retained within the Human Resources Division for a period of four years. Hiring Policy HUR 040 Page 8 of 12 69 11 Nepotism The City of Pickering recognizes that all qualified individuals should be provided with the opportunity to be considered for employment and that family relationships should not unduly or unfairly restrict an individual's right to seek employment opportunities. The fact that a potential employee is related to an existing employee should neither prejudice nor advance that person's hiring opportunities. 11.01 Any attempts at interference, undue influence or coercion relating to employment shall be reported immediately to the GAO for investigation. 11.02 The hiring of immediate family or immediate relatives of employees is not appropriate in situations where .the related employees would be in a direct reporting relationship. 11.03 Members of immediate family or immediate relatives shall not participate in the recruitment, promotion or selection process where a candidate is an immediate family or immediate relative. 12 Driver's Licence Where a position requires a valid driver's licence, the following guidelines will apply. \ 12.01 The City will determine all jobs within the City where the ability to drive is an essential requirement of the position. This requirement will. be identified in the job description. 12.02 Individuals in positions that require the ability to drive a City vehicle will be required to sign a Driver's Abstract Consent Form (see Vehicle Use Policy ADM 020 Appendix 1) and provide a copy of his/her valid Ontario Driver's Licence of the correct class for the vehicle to be driven, after a conditional offer of employment has been ·made. 12.03 The City's MTO Signing Authority will arrange to have a semi-annual driver abstract search undertaken for all employees who operate City vehicles and equipment. 12.04 Individuals in positions that require the ability to drive a personal vehicle shall complete a Contract for Personal Vehicle Use form and Confirmation of Liability Insurance Coverage form (see Vehicle Use Policy ADM 020 Appendix 2 and 4), only after a conditional offer of employment has been made. 13 Contract Staff 13.01 Guidelines a) Individuals may be hired on an employment contract basis to perform specific functions for a specified period of time. Establishment of such Hiring Policy Page 9 of 12 70HUR 040 contracts shall not violate the provisions of the City's collective agreement( s). b) Benefits will be provided to contract individuals in accordance with governing legislation. Additional benefits may be provided as negotiated between the respective parties. c) Contracting of individuals shall be undertaken within the constraints of departmental budgets or other approved funding and will be subject to the approval of the CAO. · d) Each contract is subject to such terms and conditions as may be negotiated between the City and the individual contractor. e) Contracts will be prepared by the Human Resources Division in accordance·with established format and procedures. 13.02 Recruitment Consultants a) The City recognizes that it may be necessary to rely on the services of outside management consultants to assist in the identification and referral. of applicants for certain positions. Outside consultants may be retained by the City for: i. senior managerial positions, including the CAO, where it has been determined that a consultant may be better able to attract well-qualified applicants; and ii. professional or specialized technical positions where it has been determined that suitably qualified applicants with specialized skills cannot be attracted by more conventional and traditional approaches to recruitment. b) Use of consultants will be subject to review and approval of the CAO and Purchasing Policy PUR 010. If recruiting is for the position of CAO, Council or its designated representatives will be responsible for coordinating the selection and retention of outside consultants and for liaison during the recruitment and selection process. 14 Relocation Assistance 14.01 Relocation assistance ensures that a qualified applicant will not be prevented from accepting employment with the City because of the expense of relocation when (see Relocation Expense Service Agreement form HUR 040 Appendix 5): Hiring Policy HUR 040 a) the position is a key position for which there is no suitably qualified individual available within the City of Pickering or in the immediate vicinity; Page 10 of 12 71 b) it is mandatory that the position be filled as quickly as possible; and c) the Director recommends, and the GAO concurs, that such recruitment incentive is appropriate in the specific circumstances. 14.02 The City may assist newly appointed non-resident employees with relocation assistance upon written acceptance of an offer of employment. 14.03 The City will recover on a pro-rata basis, any relocation assistance paid to an employee who resigns or is terminated from employment for just cause within twenty-four (24) months of commencement of employment. Relocation assistance may include both moving expenses and relocation expenses. 15 Probationary/Trial Periods 15.01 The City of Pickering recognizes the importance of a period of evaluation for employees appointed to positions as a result of competition, promotion or transfer. Permanent appointments to all positions within the City shall be subject to satisfactory performance during the probationary/trial period. a) Unionized employees will serve a probationary/trial period in accordance with the provisions of the City's collective agreement(s) with its unionized employee group(s). b) The standard probationary/trial period for non-union employees of the City shall be six working months. Any single period of absence during the probationary period in excess of 5 working days, for any reason, shall be added to the probationary period. 16 Criminal Reference CheckNulnerable Sector Screening 16.01 The City recognizes the importance of ensuring the personal safety and well- being of its employees and the safety and well-being of those members of the community who are receiving services. The City will undertake a Criminal Reference Check for all full-time and part-time volunteers, existing employees who have applied successfully and external applicants who will, as a result of their positions, meet one or a combination of the following criteria: a) employees who occupy a position of trust, finaocial or otherwise. Otherwise is defined as the level of authority, importance of contacts, impact on the City's image/reputation, and access to confidential/privileged information with the ability to control or manipulate data; b) employees who are required to enter private residences on a regular basis; c) all levels of management; and Hiring Policy Page 11 of 12 72HUR040 d) employees who as part of their job requirements, work directly and interact with the vulnerable sector will form the basis for a Vulnerable Sector Screening. 16.02 Guidelines Appendices Criminal Reference ChecksNulnerable Sector Screenings shall be carried out in accordance with the Ontario Human Rights Code. The Code prohibits discrimination on the basis of a person's record of offenses which is defined as: a) an offense in respect of which a pardon has been granted under the Criminal Records Act and has not been revoked; and b) An offense in respect of any provincial enactment. A record of offenses does not include a conviction LJnder the Criminal Code, Narcotics Control Act, Food and Drug Act or Federal Criminal Enactment for which a pardon has not been granted or for which a pardon has been granted and revoked. Appendix 1 Employment Requisition Appendix 2 Internal Application Form Appendix 3 Employment Application Form Appendix 4 Employment Reference Consent Form Appendix 5 Reloc~tion Expense Service Agreement This policy will be supported with a detailed operating procedure which will address the actionable items of those directly involved in recruitment and their respective responsibilities. Hiring Policy HUR 040 Page 12 of 12 73 Employme~t Requisition Department Division Section Position Title '---------------------------Pay Grade D Start Date (anticipated) End Date (if applicable) Affiliation r New CExisting Status L--------~ r Non-Union r CUPE 129 (' PPFA C Full-Time C Part-Time C Temporary r Term C Contract C Relief (of whom) Estimated Hrs!Wk D Salary Account No. '-------------' Reason for Vacancy Required Education and/or Credentials (i.e., special credentials, shift work, physical demands, environment, etc.) Required Experience and Skills Shift Requirements SunJ L ___ __j MonL-J ___ Tue[__j ___ I Wed '--j __ _ Thu '--J __ _____, FrilL._ ___ I Sat I I Estimated Weekly Hrs Explanation (if applicable) '-------------L_ ____________ _ Initiated by Immediate Non-Union Manager/Supervisor Endorsed By Director Date Endorsed By Division Head Date Reviewed by Human Resources Approved By CAO Date (for all Permanent Full-Time and Part-Time Positions) HR 0306-03/30 Rev. 13/05/21 74 Date Date Page 1 of 2 Employment Requisition Human Resourc~es U~e'Qnly .. ~-~-"--~-,-.-_,_·-/' -· ··;--•.--_ ,. ' .. :~:-·~-,-;-·:--~-:...-,,,, --":::-' Alternate formats available upon request at 905.683.7575. HR 0306-03/30 Rev. 13/05/21 Page 2 of 2 75 Internal Employment Application Form Personal Information Employee First Name Employee Last Name Daytime Phone Number Current Status C Full-Time l: Part-Time C Temporary ('Term CContract l: Relief (of whom) Current Position '--------------------_____...~Job Posting Number Department Division Section Seniority Date Manager/Supervisor :==========================--'---.J(~if~a~p~p~lic~a~b~le-;_j__) _ __, '------------' Position Applied For '-----------------------~ Please complete below or attach a current resume and cover letter. Education Level Secondary University College or Technical Areas of Study HR 09/02-11/30 Rev. 13/11/28 76 Length of Programme/Course Degree/Diploma Obtained or Highest Grade Completed (Ontario Equivalent) Page 1 of 3 Education (continued) Level Post Graduate Other Areas of Study Internal Employment Application Form Length of Programme/Course Degree/Diploma Obtained or Highest Grade Completed (Ontario Equivalent) Please list any work related skills, certificates, licences or training that relate to the position being applied for. Employment History Period of Employment From Duties/Responsibilities HR 09/02-11/30 Rev. 13/11 /28 Page 2 of 3 77 Internal Employment Application Form Employment History (continued) Previous Title Period of Employment From Duties/Responsibilities Name of Previous Employer Previous Title Period of Employment From Duties/Responsibilities By submitting this application/resume, I am declaring that the foregoing information is true and complete to my knowledge. I understand that a false statement may disqualify me from employment, or cause my dismissaL Personal information contained on this form is collected pursuant to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. This information is collected to be used for the purpose of candidate selection. Any questions related to the collection of this information should be directed to the City Clerk, One The Esplanade, Pickering, ON L 1V 6K7, 905.420.4611. Alternate formats available upon request at 905.683.7575. H R 09/02-11/30 Rev. 13/11/28 78 Page 3 of 3 External Employment Application Form *Required Field Currently Advertised Positions(s) Availability ~--------------~----------------~* Section Being Applied For (if other than advertised) Personal Information ~------------------~* ~----------------------~* First Name Last Name Street Addre'-s-s-~~=-=_=_=_=_~=-=_=_=_=_~=-=_=_=_=_=_'-_-_ _:_ _______________________ ':::::_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_~= ___J~*;;--U-n-it_N_u_m_b_er~'-, __ __)I * ~------------~* r--------, * Postal Code 1'----____J' * City '------,---------' Province '----------' Business Phone Number Home Phone Number '---------~ ~-----------~ ,---------------------------------, .* Mobile Phone Number Email Address '---------------' '-------------~---------------' Are you legally entitled to work in Canada? * Have you attained the age of 18? * Have you ever been employed by the City of Pickering?* If yes, indicate date employed from Position Title Cover Letter DYes DNo DYes DNo DYes DNo Please insert text in the box below and attach an additional page if necessary. HR 09/03-11/30 Rev. 13/11/28 Page 1 of 3 79 External Employment Application Form Education *You must fill in at least one of the education fields Level Areas of Study Length of Degree/Diploma Obtained Programme/Course or Highest Grade Completed (Ontario Equivalent) Secondary I ' ; I College or I I I I Technical University II I I Post Grad I I I I Other I I • i Please list any work related skills, experience or training that relate to the position being applied for. Must be less than 300 characters. I HR 09/03-11/30 Rev. 13/11/28 80 Page 2 of 3 External Employment Application Form Employment History Please record employment history. We thank all applicants for their interest; however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted. * I hereby declare that the foregoing information is true and complete to my knowledge. I understand that a false statement may disqualify me from employment, or cause my dismissal. r Agree ('Disagree Select "Submit by Email" and the completed form will be delivered to the Human Resources Division. If you require a copy please save this document to your computer. Subf!1i! by Email .I Personal information contained on this form is collected pursuant to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. This information is collected for the purpose of candidate selection. Any questions related to the collectiqn of this information should be directed to the City Clerk, One The Esplanade, Pickering, ON L 1V 6K7, 905.420.4611. Alternate formats available upon request at 905.683.7575. HR 09/03-11/30 Rev. 13/11/28 Page 3 of 3 81 82 CITY POLICY/PROCEDURE REFERENCE INFORMATION CONSENT FORM Under Section 32 (b) of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, I, ____________________ _ give the City of Pickering and its representative(s), the Coordinator, Human Resources and/or the Division Head, Human Resources, my consent to provide personal reference information contained in my personnel file to prospective employers for the purpose of assessing my suitability for employment. Date: _____________ _ Signed:. ____________ _ HUR 040 Appendix 5 RELOCATION EXPENSE SERVICE AGREEMENT MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT MADE THIS ___ DAY OF ___ _ 20 __ BETWEEN: The Corporation of the City of Pickering (hereinafter referred to as "the City"). -AND- WHEREAS ____________ is (or was) a resident in the City ...:._ ___________ Province (State) of ______ ~-- AND WHEREAS __________ has agreed to accept employment as a _____________ with the City. NOW THEREFORE the parties agree as follows: 1. The City agrees to pay relocation expenses in an amount to be later determined, for relocating to the City of PiGkering. 2. agrees, in consideration of the payment of such relocation expenses, to be employed exclusively by the City for a minimum of two (2) years. 3. In the event voluntarily leaves the employ of the City prior to the expiration of the two (2) years, ___________ agrees to forthwith reimburse the City for a proportionate part of the relocation expenses paid by the City pursuant to this agreement as follows: Total Amount Expended x Months not served= Repayment 24 4. The words "relocation expense" used herein means and includes all expenses as have been agreed between the parties prior to the execution of this agreement. Page 1 of 2 83 o1 __ City Policy PICKERING Policy Title: Community Grant Policy Number FIN 040 Reference Date Originated (m/d/y) Date Revised (m/d/y) Pages Res. #11/83, Item #10 February 7, 1983 January 2008 3 By-law 6750/07 May 20, 2014 Res. #240/14 Approval: Chief Administrative Officer Point of Contact Division Head, Finance & Treasurer Policy Objective The objective of this policy is to define policy guidelines for responding to organizational requests for grant money. Index 01 Definitions 02 Eligibility Criteria 03 Procedures 04 Appendices 01 Definitions 01.01 Not-for-Profit— community organizations that operate with controlling members or boards to fulfill a mandate that serves to better a specific group within the community or the general community at large. Not-for-Profit organizations can be incorporated but are not required to be under this policy. 02 Eligibility Criteria 02.01 To be eligible for a grant pursuant to this Policy, an organization must be a community association, service club and/or sport group: (i) that is not-for-profit; (ii) that serves, in whole or in part, the residents of the City of Pickering; and (iii) at least 80% of whose members reside in the City. A regionally-based organization may be considered for grant funding if it can demonstrate that its services will directly benefit the residents of the City. Organizations with a political mandate, such as ratepayers' associations or tenant/landlord associations are not eligible for grants pursuant to this Policy. Individuals are not eligible for grants pursuant to this Policy. • 02.02 To be considered for funding, a grant application by an organization must meet the following criteria: (i) the grant must be used to fund activities, programs or initiatives that serve the residents of the City or that provide an economic benefit to the City or to a local community within the City, or that create a positive image of the City; (ii) the grant must be used to fund activities, programs or initiatives that take place within the municipal boundaries of the City; (iii) the grant must be used to fund activities, programs or initiatives that are not provided by any level of government; (iv) the grant must not be used to offset administrative costs of the organization or for debt repayment; and (v) the grant must not be used to fund donations made by the organization. 03 Procedures 03.01 Organizations wishing to request a grant must complete a Community Grant Application form (See Appendix 1) in full with required attachments and must submit same to the Division Head, Finance & Treasurer by November 14th for funding in the following year. Late submissions will not be considered. 03.02 The Division Head, Finance &Treasurer will review the Community Grant Application to ensure that it meets the Eligibility Criteria. Organizations that are not in good standing with the City of Pickering and/or have overdue amounts owing to the City of Pickering will not be considered. 03.03 Once the Division Head, Finance & Treasurer has determined that a Community Grant Application is eligible for funding under this Policy, it will include the Community Grant Application in a report to Council to be received for information prior to budget deliberations. 03.04 City Council will consider all Community Grant Applications and approve or deny such requests during the annual City Budget approval process. The City's Division Head, Finance &Treasurer will recommend to Council the total grant funding allocation for each calendar year. Community Grant Page 2 of 3 FIN 040 03.05 The Division Head, Finance & Treasurer will confirm in writing the status of each community grant application with the respective applicant within 14 days of the approval of the City Budget by Council Resolution. 03.06 Organizations will receive a cheque for the approved grant amount within 30 days of the approval of the City Budget by Council Resolution, unless required that the grant be funded on a different date. 03.07 Grant recipients will be required to acknowledge the support of the City in all advertising, publicity, programs and signage for which the funds were granted. The recipient may not represent the City as partner or hold the City responsible for any obligations related to the grant. 03.08 A grant in any year is not to be considered as commitment by the City to continue with such assistance in future years. 03.09 The Division Head, Finance & Treasurer will refuse all grant requests that require funding within the same calendar year in which the request is made, unless the grant is for a function being conducted by an organization to aid City residents who are stricken by personal tragedy or disaster and are in need of financial assistance. In such cases, the Community Grant Application shall be completed in full and will be subject to Council approval in the same year the application is made. 03.10 The Division Head, Finance & Treasurer will refuse all requests to waive rental fees for City facilities and park/equipment fees for City parks unless the fees apply to a function conducted solely to aid City residents who are stricken by personal tragedy or disaster and are in need of financial assistance. In such cases, the Community Grant Application shall be completed in full and will be subject to Council approval in the same year the application is made. Appendices Appendix 1 City of Pickering Community Grant Application Form Please refer to all associated Procedures and Standard Operating Procedures, if applicable, for detailed processes regarding this Policy. Community Grant Page 3 of 3 FIN 040 city oie A Community Grant Application ERI Note: Application Deadline - November 14, 2014 Prior to completing this application form, please review the Community Grant Policy. Completed applications with supporting documentation should be forwarded to City of Pickering, Division Head, Finance &Treasurer, One The Esplanade, Pickering, ON L1V 6K7 or by email to corpsery @pickering.ca or by fax to 905.420.5313. The following are to be included with this application ❑ Constitution/mission statement/or statement of purpose ❑ Copy of the most recent audited Financial Statements (if grant request is $10,000 or more) ❑ Copy of the most recent Financial Statements (if grant request is less than $10,000) ❑ Copy of the minutes of the meetings where the Executive approved the application Organization/Association Name Telephone # Address Unit# City Province Postal Code Contact Information First and Last Name Telephone # Email Address Organization Information What year was your organization formed? Where is your organization based? ❑ City of Pickering ❑ Other Is your Organization incorporated as non-profit? ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes, please provide date of incorporation Date of Annual Meeting CR 1402-05/06 Page 1 of 5 Cit,o? Community Grant Application - I E Please include current executive list Describe your organization's typical activities (eg. programs, activities, events, services) (200 words or less). What is the total program registration or association membership in your organization? How did you arrive at this percentage? What percent of your organization memberships consists of Pickering residents? Do you charge a fee for membership or any of the services you provide? List the programs/services provided by your Organization that benefit Pickering residents. CR 1402-05/06 Page 2 of 5 Cis 044 Community Grant Application Financial Assistance Amount Requested Amount Received in Previous Years (insert dollar figure) (insert dollar figure) if applicable Please describe how the grant funds will be spent and how it will benefit the Pickering community. Successful organizations may be required to supply evidence that the funds were spent as described. What additional funding or sponsorship have you applied for and/or successfully received in the past 2 years? Year Source Purpose Amount Applied Amount Successfully For$ Received $ CR 1402-05/06 Page 3 of 5 Community Grant Application Carl Declaration & Acceptance of Conditions IK The Corporation of the City of Pickering (hereinafter called the "City" Name of the Organization (herein after called the "Organization" 1. The Organization confirms that the representations contained in the application for assistance are true and correct in every respect and that in the event that the funds are not used for the project or programs as described in the application, or if there are misrepresentations in the application, the full amount of the assistance will be payable to the City. 2. That the Organization will make or continue to make attempts to secure funding from other sources as indicated in its application. 3. That the Organization will keep proper books of accounts of all receipts and expenditures, relating to the program, services or project. 4. That the Organization will retain and make available for inspection by the City or its auditors all records and books of accounts of the Organization upon request from the City which may be made within 2 years of the grant award. 5. That if the programs or services proposed in the Organization's application are not commenced, or are not completed and there remain City funds on hand, or are completed without requiring the full use of the City funds, such City funds will be returned to the City. 6. That the program or services not be represented as a City program or service, and that the Organization does not have the authority to hold itself out as an agency of the City in anyway, the only relationship being that the City has approved and granted financial assistance to the Organization. 7. That should the Organization receive grant funding and subsequently disband, the Organization must dispose of their assets in a responsible manner that meets with the approval of the City. 8. That the Organization recognizes the City's contribution as outlined in the Community Grant Policy. 9. If there are any changes in the funding of the services, event or project from that contemplated in the application, the Municipality will be notified of such changes through the Culture & Recreation Department. 10. The applicant agrees to provide the Municipality a year end summary confirming the financial assistance provided by the Municipality was used for the services, event or project as described in their application. Failure to provide such documentation will rule them ineligible for further financial assistance under this program. CR 1402-05/06 Page 4 of 5 84 HUR 040 Appendix 5 5. If the City severs or terminates the employment relationship at any time during the two (2) years referred to herein, any outstanding balance yet to be paid is forgiven by the City and there shall be no amount due and owing between the parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the City has affixed its proper seal in this regard and _______ sets his/her hand and seal this ______ day of _______ ,20 __ __ The Corporation of the City of Pickering Chief Administrative Officer Division Head, Human Resources Witness Employee Page 2 of 2 Community Grant Application city o! Declaration & Acceptance of Conditions E Certification We certify that to the best of our knowledge, the financial and descriptive information provided is accurate and is endorsed by the Organization we represent. First and Last Name (please print) First and Last Name (please print) Signature of Authorized Signing Officer#1 Signature of Authorized Signing Officer#2 Position with Organization/Association Position with Organization/Association Date Date Sit by Email Personal information contained on this form is collected pursuant to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and will be used for the purpose of applying for a grant. Questions about this collection should be directed to the City Clerk, One The Esplanade, Pickering, ON L1 V 6K7, 905.420.4611. Alternate formats available upon request at 905.683.7575. CR 1402-05/06 Page 5 of 5 Cat/ 00 A City Policy PICKERING Policy Title: Corporate Protocols Policy Number ADM 110 Reference: Res. #240/14 Date Originated (m/d/y) Date Revised (m Idly) Pages • 05/20/2014 2 Approval: Chief Administrative Officer Point of Contact Division Head, City Administration Policy Objective The purpose of this policy is to outline and establish protocol guidelines that will ensure events, presentations, programs and services will benefit, promote and celebrate the City in a positive manner. Participation in protocol events, presentations, programs and services which have a significant public profile will be implemented according to accepted standards of protocol. Index 01 Definitions 02 Procedures 01 • Definitions 01.01 Protocol — Means both written and unwritten conventions, etiquette and/or rules of interaction and communication between Council, Administration, Dignitaries, Organizations and the Public. 01.02 Protocol Event—A City event of significant public profile, requiring official participation by the City, external dignitaries, organizations and the public. 02 Procedures a) The City formally adopts and creates Procedures and Standard Operating Procedures to put in place guidelines regarding Corporate protocols to ensure protocol events, activities and presentations, are carried out in a professional manner; b) support Council sanctioned twinning activities to ensure they further promote stronger ties and goodwill between the City and its official twin cities; c) ensure special recognition documents, materials, gifts and promotional items reflect appropriate local themes and when appropriate, the Corporate identity; and d) advise and assist elected officials, staff, dignitaries, organizations and the public in all areas of protocol. Events, presentations, programs and services will be supported with detailed operating procedures which will address the structure and composition of events and clarify to Council, staff, dignitaries, organizations and the public their respective responsibilities. Upon notice of an event, presentation, program or service the appropriate procedure will be followed. Please refer to all associated Procedures and Standard Operating Procedures, if applicable, for detailed processes regarding this Policy. Policy Title: Corporate Protocols Page 2 of 2 Policy Number: ADM 110