HomeMy WebLinkAboutCR 04-14 Report to � �- - Executive Committee I KERIN Report Number: CR 04-14 Date: April 14,.2014 From: Marisa Carpino Director, Culture & Recreation Subject: Community Association Agreements • - Facility Partnerships & Community Grant Policy - File: A-1440 Recommendation: 1. That Report CR 04-14 regarding Community Association Agreements be received; 2. That Council authorize staff to prepare a written facility agreement with each of Brougham Recreation Association (Brougham Hall), Greenwood Recreation Association (Greenwood Community Centre), Mt. Zion Community Centre Association (Mt. Zion Community Centre) and Whitevale & District Residents' Association (Whitevale Community Centre) enabling each association to operate City-owned facilities; with each such agreement to be brought back to Council for consideration and approval. 3. That Council authorize staff to continue to operate under the terms and conditions of the existing written facility agreements with Canadian Progress Club Durham South (Front Street Centre) and Claremont Lions Club (Claremont Community Centre). 4. That Council,authorize staff to prepare written facility agreements with 856 Air Cadets (East Shore Community Centre), Claremont Seniors Club (Claremont Community Centre), Pickering Lawn Bowling Club (East Shore Community Centre), South Pickering Seniors Club (East Shore Community Centre), Rouge Hill Seniors Club (Petticoat Creek Community Centre), Rebekah Lodge (Petticoat Creek Community Centre), The Youth Centre (Petticoat Creek Community Centre) regarding exclusive and/or regular use of City owned and operated facilities; with each such agreement to be brought back to Council for consideration and approval. 5. That Council authorize staff to waive the rental fees otherwise chargeable to Pickering East Shore Community Centre (PESCA) for its monthly meetings and Annual General Meeting in a meeting room at the East Shore Community Centre. 6. That Council authorize staff to negotiate the terms of a new licence agreement with the Gingerbread Cooperative Nursery School for regular use of the West Shore Community Centre; such agreement to be brought back to Council for consideration and approval. 103 Report CR 04-14 April 14, 2014 Subject: Community Association Agreements Page 2 7. That Council authorize staff to terminate the verbal facility agreement with the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority and their use of East Shore Community Centre. 8. That Council authorize staff to revise the existing City of Pickering Community Grant Policy that requires qualified community associations to submit a request for financial support of community events, programs and initiatives, and to present a revised Grant Policy for Council consideration. 9. That Council authorize staff to prepare a written lease agreement with each of Amberlea Tennis Club, Dunmoore Tennis Club, Glendale Tennis Club, Greenwood Tennis Club, Maple Ridge Tennis Club, Rosebank Tennis Club and Sandy Beach Tennis Club; such lease agreements to be brought back to Council for consideration and approval. 10. That Council authorize staff to enter into a new written lease agreement with Pickering Italian Social Club for exclusive use of Centennial Park Building and Bocce Courts; such lease agreement to be brought back to Council for consideration and approval. 11. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take the necessary action to give effect thereto. Executive Summary: The City of Pickering has both written and verbal facility agreements with various Pickering community associations. In most cases, these facility agreements hold community associations responsible to conduct the general maintenance and cleaning of the facility at their expense. In return, community associations are provided free use of the municipally owned facility for their association activities and are entitled to keep all or a percentage of the total revenue they collect through facility rentals. Council received Report CAO 02-13 at the February 25, 2013 Council Meeting which summarized the existing partnerships between the City of Pickering and participating community associations. By Resolution #31/13, staff have reviewed all existing written agreements and/or verbal arrangements with community associations with the intent of normalizing all such existing agreements to a fair and equitable base, and report back to Council with a proposed protocol. As a result of this review, staff propose a number of recommendations regarding agreements/arrangements with community associations that are outlined in this report. The report also proposes a Community Grant Policy and application form so that requests from the community can be considered in a standard and more comprehensive manner. 104 Report CR 04-14 April 14, 2014 Subject: Community Association Agreements Page 3 Financial Implications: Facility Operation: Should the City assume the facility operation and permitting of those municipal facilities currently being operated and permitted by participating community associations, the cost to the City of Pickering will be approximately $55,050 per year. The City of Pickering would collect 100% of the permitted rental revenue and that is projected to be $18,597_per year resulting in a net loss of$36,453. • Should the City continue with the existing arrangements of facility use by community associations as is recommended by City staff, the City of Pickering would continue to collect approximately $1,183 per year from the Claremont Community Centre in revenue sharing. Grants: In the 2014 Grants Budget, $306,925 has been approved for various community projects. Each year, the Division Head, Finance & Treasurer will recommend to Council an annual grants budget allocation which will maintain the 2014 grant funding level. Discussion: The City of Pickering has both written and verbal facility agreements with various Pickering community associations. In most cases, these - facility agreements require community associations to conduct the general maintenance and cleaning of the facility at their expense. In return, community associations are provided free use of the municipally owned facility for their association activities and are entitled to keep all or a percentage of the total revenue they collect through facility rentals. Council received Report CAO 02-13 at the February 25, 2013 Council Meeting which summarized the existing partnerships between the City of Pickering and participating community associations. By Resolution #31/13, staff have reviewed all existing written agreements and/or verbal arrangements with community associations with the intent of normalizing all such existing agreements to a fair and equitable base, and report back to Council with a proposed protocol. As a result, staff have completed a review of all community associations and separated the review into the following categories: A. Community Associations that permit and operate a municipal facility on behalf of the City of Pickering. This review includes: • Brougham Recreation Association • Canadian Progress Club Durham South • Claremont Lions Club • Greenwood Recreation Association • Mt. Zion Community Centre Association • Whitevale & District Residents' Association 105 Report CR 04-14 April 14, 2014 Subject: Community Association Agreements Page 4 B. Community Associations that are regular permit holders and/or have exclusive use of designated areas of city owned and operated facilities. This review includes: • 856 Pickering Air Cadets • Claremont Seniors Club • Greenwood Seniors Club • Pickering Italian Seniors Club • Pickering Lawn Bowling Club • Rebekah Lodge • • Rouge Hill Seniors Club • South Pickering Seniors Club • Durham West Arts Centre Foundation • Durham West Arts Centre Incorporated • Pickering East Shore Community Association • Pine Ridge Arts Council • Pickering Museum Village Foundation • The Youth Centre • Toronto and Region Conservation Authority • Gingerbread Cooperative Nursery School • C. Community Associations that operate tennis programs at city owned tennis courts. This review includes: • Amberlea Tennis Club • Dunmoore Tennis Club • Glendale Tennis Club • Greenwood Tennis Club • Maple Ridge Tennis Club • Rosebank Tennis Club • Sandy Beach Tennis Club D. Community Associations that own and operate their own facilities and activities on city owned property. This review includes the Pickering Ajax Italian Social Club. E. Community Associations and Sport User Groups that operate their activities in city owned parks. Review Findings: A. Community Associations that permit and operate a municipal facility on behalf of the City of Pickering. 106 Report CR 04-14 April 14, 2014 Subject: Community Association Agreements Page 5 Brougham Recreation Association has a verbal facility agreement with the City of Pickering for the Brougham Community Hall. The facility is used at no cost by a local church group for special events, Boy Scouts for annual sleep over and Land over Landings for their monthly meetings. The Brougham Hall is permitted for a fee for Gun Safety Programs, Backwood Players for rehearsals and productions, and various private functions such as Showers, Anniversaries and Christmas Parties. The association is responsible to clean the facility at their expense and coordinates all facility rentals keeping 100% of rental revenue which totals $2,500 in 2013. The annual expenses of the Brougham Recreation Association totaled $890 in 2013 and included cleaning supplies, cleaning services, ladder replacement and insurance. The association maintains general commercial liability insurance of$1 million. The City of Pickering is responsible for all maintenance and operating costs of the facility which include utilities, landscaping, snow removal and capital upgrades. Canadian Progress Club Durham South has a 3 year lease agreement from February 1, 2012 to January 31, 2015 with the City of Pickering for the Front Street Centre. Canadian Progress Club Durham South use the facility to host association meetings twice per month. They also permit the facility to various community organizations including the Rod and Gun Club (monthly meetings), Pickering Softball Association (once a month from September to December), Special Olympics (regular committee meetings) and Dragon Boat Club (summer camps). Canadian Progress Club Durham South is responsible for facility cleaning, sidewalk snow removal, and the coordination of all facility rentals keeping 100% of rental revenue which totalled $917 in 2011 (2012 and 2013 figures are not currently available due to a change in the club's executive). Their expenses include cost of cleaning supplies and insurance. The association is responsible to maintain general commercial liability insurance of$5 million. The City of Pickering is responsible for all maintenance and operating costs of the facility which include utilities, landscaping, parking lot snow removal and capital upgrades. Claremont Lions Club has a 3 year lease agreement from April 1, 2012 to March 31, 2015 with the City of Pickering for the Claremont Community Centre. Claremont Lions Club use the community centre to host their weekly meetings. They also provide the facility at no cost to various Claremont community associations that include Claremont District Community Association, Claremont Garden Club, Claremont Scouts, Life Centre Claremont Church Group and District Al 6 Lioness Club. Any member of the Claremont Lions Club can permit the Lions Meeting Room and/or the hall at no charge. The club permits the facility for a fee to individuals that run activities such as the motorcycle club, volleyball, fitness, softball and to residents that host private functions (wedding, shower etc). 107 Report CR 04-14 April 14, 2014 Subject: Community Association Agreements Page 6 The association is responsible for facility cleaning and the coordination of all facility rentals keeping 100% of rental revenue not held on Saturdays, which totals approximately $7,000 to $10,000 annually. Twenty-five percent of rental revenue on Saturdays are paid to the City of Pickering which totals $1,183 in 2013. The club earns additional revenues through donations, bar sales and club membership fees. The Club's financial statement for 2013 is not readily available since there has been a change in the executive but in the club's 2013 fourth quarter financial report, their expenses are slightly less than their revenues. Club expenses include Lions International membership dues, hall cleaning, donations, advertising and bar expenses. The club is responsible to maintain general commercial liability insurance of$2 million. The City of Pickering is responsible for all maintenance and operating costs of the facility which include utilities, landscaping, parking lot snow removal and capital upgrades. Greenwood Recreation Association has a verbal agreement with the City of Pickering for the Greenwood Community Centre. The association uses the facility to host a variety of community events such as Summer Kick Off BBQ, Tennis Lessons, Driftwood in the Park and Christmas Pot Luck. The association permits the facility for a fee to a. Karate group and for various private rentals. The association is responsible to clean the facility at their expense and coordinates all facility rentals keeping 100% of rental revenue which totals $3,000 in 2013. The association received a further$1,993 through their Karate program. The annual expenses of the Greenwood Recreation Association totaled $7,077 in 2013 and included cleaning supplies, cleaning services, community events and insurance. The association maintains general commercial liability insurance of$2 million. The City of Pickering is responsible for all maintenance and operating costs of the facility which include utilities, landscaping, snow removal and capital upgrades. Nit. Zion Community Centre Association has a verbal agreement with the City of Pickering for the Mt. Zion Community Centre. Mt. Zion Community Centre Association use the community centre to host association meetings. They also provide free use of the community centre when the activity is for community use (i.e. craft and bake sale, funeral). The association is responsible to clean the facility at their expense and coordinates all facility rentals keeping 100% of rental revenue which totals $910 in 2013. The annual expenses of the Mt. Zion Community Centre Association totalled $1,392 in 2013 and included cleaning services and coffee. The association does not currently maintain general commercial liability insurance. The City of Pickering is responsible for all maintenance and operating costs of the facility which include utilities, landscaping, snow removal and capital upgrades. 108 Report CR 04-14 April 14, 2014 Subject: Community Association Agreements Page 7 Whitevale & District Residents' Association (WDRA) has a verbal agreement with the City of Pickering for the Whitevale Community Centre. The Whitevale & District Residents' Association use the community centre to host monthly association meetings (10 per year), committee meetings (6 per year), and host various community activities such as owl prowl, community BBQ and quilting club. They also permit the community centre at no cost to Natureways for various programming and to the City of Pickering for summer camp field trips. WDRA is responsible to clean the facility at their expense and coordinates all facility rentals keeping 100% of rental revenue which totals $1,270 in 2013. WDRA collect additional revenues from their Spring Festival and other miscellaneous projects totaling $3,657. The annual expenses of the Whitevale & District Residents' Association totaled $2,626 in 2013 that covered costs for their spring festival, rink flooding and insurance. The association maintains general commercial liability insurance of$1 million. The City of Pickering is responsible for all maintenance and operating costs of the facility which include utilities, landscaping, snow removal and capital upgrades. B. Community Associations/Ratepayers that are regular permit holders and/or have exclusive use of designated areas of city owned and operated facilities. 856 Pickering Air Cadets has a verbal agreement with the City of Pickering for exclusive use of a meeting room, office and three storage rooms located on the second floor of the East Shore Community Centre at no cost. They are regular permit holders of the gymnasium, community room, room 2 and room 4 for their activities. The City of Pickering covers the cost for all maintenance and operating costs of the facility which include utilities, landscaping, snow removal and capital upgrades. 856 Pickering Air Cadets are also permit holders of Pickering Recreation Complex Banquet Halls, Don Beer Arena Banquet Hall and West Shore Community Centre for occasional activities. They are charged permit fees by the City of Pickering for these rentals with the exception of their 2 Tag days per year at ESCC. The City received $11,275 from 856 Pickering Air Cadets in 2013 permit fees. Claremont Seniors Club has a verbal agreement with the City of Pickering to have exclusive use of a community room equipped with a kitchen at the Claremont Community Centre at no cost to the Claremont Seniors Club. The City of Pickering is responsible for all maintenance and operating costs of the facility which include utilities, landscaping, parking lot snow removal and capital upgrades. City of Pickering provides an annual grant of up to $1,100 to the Claremont Seniors Club for club bus trips. Greenwood Seniors Club use the Greenwood United Church and not a municipal facility for their social activities. Pickering Italian Seniors Club are regular paying permit holders of Petticoat Creek Community Centre. The club uses the Franklin and Paris Halls every Wednesday evening for social activities and host approximately 5 special events per year. The City 109 Report CR 04-14 April 14, 2014 Subject: Community Association Agreements Page 8 received $2,011 from the Pickering Italian Seniors Club in 2013 permit fees. City of Pickering is responsible to provide meeting room set up and supervision. Pickering Lawn Bowling Club has a verbal agreement with the City of Pickering to have exclusive use of the Lawn Bowling Room & Greens at the East Shore Community Centre at no cost. The Lawn Bowling Room includes a main hall, kitchen, office, pantry and washrooms and the outdoor grounds include 16 lawn bowling greens with covered seating area and a fully enclosed storage facility. City of Pickering covers the cost for all facility maintenance and operating costs, light fees, grass cutting and snow ploughing. The City of Pickering is also responsible for capital upgrades to the facility and the greens. Rebekah Lodge has a verbal agreement with the City of Pickering to permit the Paris Hall & Kitchen at the Petticoat Creek Community Centre at no cost for their lunch and lodge meeting every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month from 10 am to 4 pm. Rebekah Lodge has dedicated storage in the kitchen and in the coat closet located in the Franklin Room. City of Pickering covers the cost for all facility maintenance and operating costs and provides meeting room set up and supervision. Rouge Hill Seniors Club (RHS) has a verbal agreement with the City of Pickering to permit the Franklin and Paris Halls, Youth Room and Counsellor Room at the Petticoat Creek Community Centre at no cost for activities such as cards, darts, carpet bowling and meetings. The RHS Seniors also have dedicated storage space in the Paris Hall storage room and the kitchen. The City of Pickering covers the cost for all maintenance and operating costs of the facility which include utilities, landscaping, snow removal and capital upgrades. The City of Pickering is also responsible for capital expenses. City of Pickering provides an annual grant of up to $1,500 to the Rouge Hill Seniors Club for club bus trips. South Pickering Seniors Club (SPSC) has a verbal agreement with the City of Pickering to have exclusive use of the billiards room, seniors' office, computer lab, main hall, millennium room, kitchen, barroom, washrooms and storage rooms at the East Shore Community Centre at no cost for their activities such as cards, darts, carpet bowling and meetings. SPSC also permit the Rec. Complex banquet hall for their annual Christmas Dance (at no charge to the SPSC). The City of Pickering is responsible for the facility maintenance and operating costs which includes utilities, heating, snow ploughing and exterior landscaping. The City of Pickering is also responsible for capital upgrades to the facility. City of Pickering provides an annual grant of up to $4,500 to SPSC for club bus trips. Durham West Arts Centre Foundation (DWAC Foundation) permits meeting room space at the Pickering Recreation Complex approximately 6 times per year at no cost to DWAC Foundation. City of Pickering has a staff representative present at their meetings. City of Pickering provides meeting room set up and supervision. The City of Pickering has provided DWAC Foundation with an annual grant of$20,000 since 2011. 110 Report CR 04-14 April 14, 2014 Subject: Community Association Agreements Page 9 Durham West Arts Centre Incorporated (DWAC Incorporated) has a licence 2019 with the City of Pickering to operate the agreement from April 1, 2014 to March 31, 20 y g p Pottery Studio at the Pickering Recreation Complex. This includes the pottery classroom, glaze room and kiln room. DWAC Inc. is responsible for all personnel and supply costs and to maintain pottery facilities in a clean, sanitary and attractive condition. DWAC Inc. is also responsible to provide the City of Pickering with $2 million in comprehensive general liability insurance. City of Pickering collects $820 per month (pls. HST) from April 1, 2014 to March 31, 2015; $840 per month (pls. HST) from April 1, 2015 to March 31, 2016; $860 per month (pls. HST) from April 1, 2016 to March 31, 2017; $880 per month (pls. HST) from April 1, 2017 to March 31, 2018; and $900 per month (pls. HST) from April 1, 2018 to March 31, 2019. The City of Pickering is responsible for all utility costs. The City of Pickering has provided DWAC Inc. with an annual grant of$10,000 since 2003. Pickering East Shore Community Association (PESCA) permits a meeting room at the East Shore Community Centre to conduct their monthly meetings and annual AGM at no cost to PESCA. City of Pickering provides meeting room set up and supervision. • PineRidge Arts Council (PRAC) permits meeting room space at the Pickering Recreation Complex approximately 11 times per year at no cost to PRAC. City of Pickering sends a staff representative to their meetings. City of Pickering provides meeting room set up and supervision. PRAC contributes approximately $300 each year to offset volunteer and artist refreshments at the annual Artfest on the Esplanade event. Pickering Museum Village Foundation (PMV Foundation) are provided free meeting room space at Pickering City Hall for their monthly meetings and the Pickering Recreation Complex meeting rooms for their annual general meeting. City of Pickering sends a staff representative to their meetings. City of Pickering provides meeting room setup and supervision. The purpose of the Pickering Museum Village Foundation is to assist the Pickering Museum Village in major restoration projects, to assist with the acquisition, restoration, maintenance, recording and care of all artefacts of the site, to generate an endowment fund to support the future restoration, research and display needs of the Pickering Museum Village, and to assist the Pickering Museum Village in the development and presentation of Education Programs. As such, PMV Foundation has contributed hundreds of thousands of dollars to the City of Pickering over the past several years on various museum projects most notably the restoration of the Temperance House, Peturbough School House and Chapel. . The Youth Centre has a verbal agreement with the City of Pickering to use the Counselling Room at the Petticoat Creek Community Centre at no cost. The counseling room is used once per week (Mondays) to offer their youth services at a Pickering satellite location. This arrangement has been in place since the facility opened in 2001. In 2013, the City of Pickering equipped the room as a computer programming room for seniors and youth and the Youth Centre practitioners have adjusted to the space by utilizing just the desk area for their counseling activities. 111 Report CR 04-14 April 14, 2014 Subject: Community Association Agreements Page 10 Toronto Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) has a verbal agreement with the City of Pickering to have exclusive use of a meeting room at East Shore Community Centre. This was arranged approximately 10 years ago when their staff were relocated from an office space at City Hall to East Shore Community Centre. The room was occupied by TRCA staff on a full time basis but in recent years is only frequented approximately twice a month by their staff. • Gingerbread Cooperative Nursery School has an expired Licence Agreement (beginning September 1, 2010 and ending June 30, 2012) to use the West Shore. Community Centre from Monday to Friday between 8:30 am to 12:30 pm during the months of September to June only to operate their nursery school. The current schedule of the Nursery School is Monday, Wednesday, and Friday only. Their fee to the City of Pickering is $416 including HST per month ($4,160 including HST for 10 months). Gingerbread Cooperative Nursery School is responsible to cover the costs of all personnel, supplies and license fees associated to their operation. The school has dedicated storage at the West Shore Community Centre to store their supplies. The school is responsible to maintain commercial general liability insurance of$2 million. The City of Pickering is responsible for facility cleaning, storage cupboards, utilities and general facility maintenance including snow removal. C. Community Associations/Ratepayers that operate Tennis programs at city owned tennis courts. ' There are 7 not-for-profit community tennis clubs that have long standing partnership agreements with the City of Pickering to organize and operate tennis programs and activities. Tennis Club Name Location 2013 Pickering Non- Members Resident Resident Amberlea Shadybrook Park 66 60 (91%) 6 (9%) (2 courts) Dunmoore Dunmoore Park 370 355 (96%) 15 (4%) (4 courts) Glendale David Farr Memorial 595 439 (74%) 156 (26%) (4 courts) Park Greenwood Greenwood Park 27 24 (89%) 3 (11%) (2 courts) Maple Ridge* Maple Ridge Park 70 65 (93%) 5 (7%) (2 courts) Rosebank* Rick Hull Park 188 188 (100%) 0 (0%) (2 courts) Sandy Beach Kinsmen Park 121 . 50 (41%) 70 (58%) (4 courts) Note: *2012 rates are shown 112 Report CR 04-14 April 14, 2014 Subject: Community Association Agreements Page 11 Community Tennis Clubs pay the City $200 per tennis court each year for hydro use (Amberlea $400, Dunmoore $800, Glendale $800, Maple Ridge $400, Sandy Beach $800). Greenwood and Rosebank fees have been waived due to low number of family members and the membership revenue generated. These tennis courts are exclusively used by members of the respective tennis club. The membership fees are nominal and used to enable the Community Tennis Club offset their operating and program costs. Glendale Tennis Club (GTC) is the only tennis club that had a written lease agreement (expired September 30, 2012). GTC applied for an Ontario Trillium Foundation Grant for funding to improve existing tennis facilities. One of the conditions of the grant required GTC to enter into a 5 year agreement with the City of Pickering for use of tennis facilities. The City of Pickering offers two tennis courts that are available to the general public at no cost and they are Village East Park and Claremont Park. D. Community Associations/Ratepayers that own and operate their own facilities on city owned property. Pickering Ajax Italian Social Club has an expired licence agreement with the City of Pickering for exclusive use of the building and bocce courts at Centennial Park. The club is the sole owner of the portable building which has been placed in Centennial Park. This building is for the purpose of storing their equipment and providing a meeting place for members using the bocce courts. The City of Pickering is the owner of the permanent building that was added to this location after the agreement expired in 2003. The permanent building features washrooms, kitchenette, storage room and utility room. The City maintains the public washrooms portion and the social club maintains and has exclusive use of the rest of the building for their activities. According to the expired licence agreement, Pickering Ajax Italian Social Club are responsible to supply their own power supply and heat to their portable unit at their expense but that has not been the practice since a single meter was installed in the permanent building. The club is, however, responsible to clear snow from the walkway leading to portable at their own expense. The club is responsible to maintain general liability insurance of$1 million. The City of Pickering is responsible for grounds upkeep, washroom maintenance, parking lot maintenance, light fees and garbage pick up. E. Community Associations and Sport User Groups that operate their activities in city owned parks. A variety of community associations and sport user groups permit city owned parks to operate their activities. In all cases, these groups are subject to applicable permit fees as specified in the City of Pickering user fee schedule approved annually by Pickering Council. Community associations and sport user groups are also subject to equipment rental fees should they request additional picnic tables and garbage bins for special events/tournaments. Once again, these groups are subject to City of Pickering user fee schedule approved annually by Pickering Council. Revenue for park, tennis lighting, and equipment fees totaled $29,482 in 2013. 113 Report CR 04-14 April 14, 2014 Subject: Community Association Agreements Page 12 Recommendations: A. Community Associations that permit/operate a municipal facility on behalf of the City of Pickering. Facility Operation: Should the City assume the facility operation and permitting of those municipal facilities currently being operated and permitted by participating community associations, the cost to the City of Pickering will be approximately $55,050 per year (for additional staffing costs). The City would collect 100% of the permitted rental revenue and that is projected to be $18,597 per year resulting in a net increase in cost of$36,453 ($55,050 - $18,597) per year. Facility Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Name Cleaning Permitting Facility Annual City Annual Rental Cost Cost Coordinator Expenses Revenue* Cost Brougham $2,350 $250 n/a $2,600 $2,500 Hall Front Street $2,450 $300 n/a $2,750 $917 Centre Claremont $22,000 $2,000 $15,675 $39,675 $10,000 Community Centre Greenwood $2,800 $250 n/a $3,050. $3,000 Community Centre Mt. Zion $1,400 $175 n/a $1,575 $910 Community Centre Whitevale $4,800 $600 n/a $5,400 $1,270 Community Association Total $35,800 $8,975 $15,675 $55,050 $18,597 *projected annual rental revenue is based on 2013 actuals collected by community organizations at their standard rental rate. It does not consider potential rental revenue should the existing community organizations that manage the facility begin to pay rental fees for their use. With all written and verbal facility agreements for the above facilities, the community associations relieve the responsibility of managing the day to day activities and cleaning of the facility from the City of Pickering. The City's costs to resume facility operations would exceed any rental revenue the facility would generate. In this way, the rental revenue collected by the community associations makes for a fair funding model. These community organizations are providing an important service to the City of Pickering in exchange for the rental revenue they collect from that facility. That said, a written facility agreement specifying a term limit and specifying terms and conditions should be applied to all participating community associations. 114 Report CR 04-14 April 14, 2014 Subject: Community Association Agreements Page 13 • It should also be noted that these community associations would experience hardship should they be required to pay rental fees for the facility space they currently use on a regular basis at no cost and/or if they cannot collect the rental revenue currently being provided through existing facility agreements. This decision would significantly impact their ability to continue to operate within our community. As such, it is recommended that staff be authorized to prepare written facility agreements with participating community associations before the end of 2014. These agreements will require community associations to provide the City of Pickering with $2 million commercial general liability insurance. It will also require the community associations to ensure that all permit holders using the city facility they manage have insurance and this will be achieved through compliance with the Culture & Recreation Department Insurance Program. Written facility agreements that are currently in place with Canadian Progress Club Durham Region South (Front Street Centre) and the Claremont Lions Club (Claremont Community Centre) are recommended to continue under existing terms and conditions. Canadian Progress Club Durham Region South already ensure that permit holders have insurance. The Claremont Lions Club will be asked to do the same. B. Community Associations that are regular permit holders and/or have exclusive use of designated areas of city owned and operated facilities. Exclusive Use of Municipal Facilities at No Cost: Pickering Lawn Bowling Club and South Pickering Seniors Club have exclusive use of designated space at the East Shore Community Centre at no cost. Similarly, Claremont Seniors Club have exclusive use of designated space at the Claremont Community Centre at no cost. These community organizations have a long standing partnership with the City of Pickering, provide a valuable service to our community and relieve the City of Pickering from the responsibility of managing the day to day activities of the club. Moreover, they would experience hardship should they be required to pay rental fees and the operation of their club would be in jeopardy. As such, City of Pickering staff recommends that these no charge facility arrangements continue but that written facility agreements be initiated before the end of 2015. TRCA have exclusive use of a meeting room at East Shore Community Centre. This inwritten arrangement should be terminated as the space is used very infrequently by TRCA and is in need for storage and/or office space by city staff. Regular Facility Users of Municipal Facilities at No Cost: Rouge Hill Seniors, Rebekah Lodge and The Youth Centre are regular facility users at the Petticoat Creek Community Centre at no cost but do not have exclusive use of designated space within the community centre (besides storage cupboards). This arrangement has been in place since the opening of the facility in 2001. These groups would experience hardship should they be required to pay rental fees and their operation would be in jeopardy impacting the residents they serve. City of Pickering • 115 Report CR 04-14 April 14, 2014 Subject: Community Association Agreements Page 14 staff recommends that the permits for these groups continue to be arranged by City of Pickering staff at no cost. Similarly, Pickering East Shore Community Centre are monthly facility users at the East Shore Community at no cost but do not have exclusive space within the community center. Free monthly meeting room space has been provided to PESCA for many years and as such City of Pickering staff recommends that this arrangement continue. Lastly,the City of Pickering is a partner of DWAC Foundation, PRAC Inc. and PMV Foundation attending their regular meetings and as such their permits should continue to be arranged by City of Pickering staff at no cost. Facility Users with Permits: 86 Air Cadets have exclusive use of an office space on the second floor of the East Shore Community Centre but they pay rental fees for all regular permits (except their tag days which occur twice per year). The Pickering Italian Social Club is a traditional facility renter at Petticoat Creek Community Centre and as such pays the applicable rental fee as specified in the City of Pickering user fee report. These community associations are subject to the terms and conditions set out in the City of Pickering's permit agreement. Staff recommends that this arrangement continue but that a written facility agreement be put in place before the end of 2015 for the exclusive use of office space by 856 Air Cadets. • License Agreements: DWAC Inc. has an existing lease agreement with the City of Pickering which serves the community with arts programming but also generate revenue for the City of Pickering. This agreement is recommended by staff to continue. Gingerbread Cooperative Nursery School has an expired licence agreement with the City of Pickering and staff recommend this to be renewed subject to an inflationary increase made to the annual fees. Corporate Grants: DWAC Foundation and DWAC Inc. have been approved for annual grants by Pickering Council during the budgeting process. Similarly, there are many other Pickering community associations that wish to seek financial support from the City of Pickering for their community events, programs and activities. The City's existing Grant Policy does not afford such requests to be considered by Council. In an effort to develop a fair funding model for all Pickering community associations that permit city facilities, City staff proposes a revised Community Grant Policy that includes a provision to accept grant requests from qualified organizations for initiatives that better serve the community. The policy will require such funding requests to be submitted to the City of Pickering by November 14th each year. Staff will then include such requests in a report to Council for consideration prior to budget deliberations. In this way, Pickering Pickerin community associations will have equal access to financial support from the City of Pickering for community events, programs and initiatives. 116 Report CR 04-14 April 14, 2014 Subject: Community Association Agreements Page 15 Please note that the City of Pickering affords all qualified community associations to free printing (up to 2,500 copies per year) and meeting room space in order to conduct their monthly meetings (12 meetings at $133 pis. HST or$30.81 pis. HST for one meeting from Monday to Thursday with a maximum of 4 hours per meeting). These privileges will continue to be provided to these groups and City of Pickering staff will heighten the promotion of such supports. City of Pickering also provides community organizations with in kind support of events they host in municipal parks. This support includes promotions in municipal facilities and the city's website. The use of picnic tables, garbage cans and other parks related support are offered at a nominal charge as set in the City of Pickering Approved User Fee Report. C. Community Associations/Ratepayers that operate Tennis programs at city owned Tennis courts. With each verbal facility agreements of city-owned tennis courts, Pickering Tennis Clubs. relieve the responsibility of managing the tennis programming from the City of Pickering. The benefit of the arrangement with the City of Pickering is that tennis programs are offered by community organizations at a grass roots level thereby optimizing community engagement. These are not for profit organizations that apply nominal membership fees and provide organized tennis programming such as leagues, clinics, lessons, etc. In exchange for this volunteer service, the City of Pickering maintains the tennis courts. In this way, the existing arrangement with Tennis Clubs rental makes for a fair community partnership. That said, a written facility agreement specifying a term limit and specifying terms and conditions should be applied to each participating tennis club. As such, City of Pickering staff will work to prepare written facility agreements with participating community associations before the end of 2015. These agreements will require community associations to provide the City of Pickering with insurance. D. Community Associations/Ratepayers that operate their own facilities on city owned property. Pickering Ajax Italian Social Club has approximately 100 members. The club provides valuable recreation and social activities for their membership and maximizes use of Centennial Park. City staff recommends that the licence agreement be renewed with the Pickering Ajax Italian Social Club and increase the insurance requirement to $2 million. City of Pickering staff recommends that 10 picnic tables be provided to the site but any additional tables be subject to the applicable delivery fee as is applicable to all other user groups. E. Community Associations and Sport User Groups that operate their activities in city owned parks. Currently, community associations and sport user groups pay applicable park permit and equipment fees to the City of Pickering. City of Pickering staff recommends that 117 Report CR 04-14 April 14, 2014 Subject: Community Association Agreements Page 16 this process proceed unchanged and that all requests to waive the applicable fee be denied. Those groups that experience financial hardship and need financial relief of equipment fees must submit a grant request for such matters. Attachments: 1. Proposed Community Grant Policy &Application Form 2. City of Pickering Facility Inventory Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Marisa Carpino Stan Karwowski Director, Culture & Recreation Divisio -ead, Finance & Treasurer Paul Big'. i Director, Corporate Services & City Solici • • 'chard Holborn Director, Engineering & Public Works MC:Ig Recommended for the consideration of Pickering Ci Counc' d3r, 1o14 Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer 118 ATTACHMEN # 1 TO REPORT#C� v4- - I T' Lk 00 ._ City Policy PICKE ING Policy Title: Community Grant Policy Number FIN 040 Reference Date Originated (mld/y) Date Revised (m/d/y) Pages Res. #11/83, Item #10 February 7, 1983 January 2008 3 By-law 6750/07 April 14, 2014 Res. #..../14 Approval: Chief Administrative Officer Point of Contact Division Head, Finance &Treasurer • Policy Objective The objective of this policy is to define policy guidelines for responding to organizational requests for grant money. Index 01 Definitions 02 Eligibility Criteria • 03 Procedures 04 Appendices 01 Definitions 01.01 Not-for-Profit—community organizations that operate with controlling members • or boards to fulfill a mandate that serves to better a specific group within the community or the general community at large. Not-for-Profit organizations can be incorporate but are not required to be under this policy. 02 Eligibility Criteria 02.01 To be eligible for a grant pursuant to this Policy, an organization must be a community association, service club and/or sport group: (i) that is not-for-profit; (ii) that serves, in whole or in part, the residents of the City of Pickering; and (iii) at least 80% of whose members reside in the City. 119 A regionally-based organization may be considered for grant funding if it can demonstrate that its services will directly benefit the residents of the City. Organizations with a political mandate, such as ratepayers' associations or tenant/landlord associations are not eligible for grants pursuant to this Policy. Individuals are not eligible for grants pursuant to this Policy. 02.02 To be considered for funding, a grant application by an organization must meet the following criteria: (i) the grant must be used to fund activities, programs or initiatives that serve the residents of the City or that provide an economic benefit to the City or to a local community within the City, or that create a positive image of the City; (ii) the grant must be used to fund activities, programs or initiatives that take place within the municipal boundaries of the City; (iii) the grant must be used to'fund activities, programs or initiatives that are not provided by any level of"government; (iv) the grant must not be used to;;offset administrative costs of the organization or for debt repayment, and'_" (v) the grant must not be used to fund'donations made by the organization. 03 Procedures 03.01 Organizations wishing to request a grant Must complete a Community Grant Application''form (See Appendix 1) in full with required attachments and must submit same to the Division Head, Finance &Treasurer by November 14th for funding in the:`following.;year. Late submissions will not be considered. 03.02 The Division Head,-Finance &Treasurer will review the Community Grant Application to ensure that it meets;the Eligibility Criteria. Organizations that are not in good standing with the City of Pickering and/or have overdue amounts owing to the Citbof Pickering will not be considered. 03.03 Once the Division Head, Finance & Treasurer has determined that a Community Grant Application is eligible for funding under this Policy, it will include the Community Grant Application in a report to Council to be received for information prior to budget deliberations. 03.04 City Council will consider all Community Grant Applications and approve or deny such requests during the annual City Budget approval process. The City's Division Head, Finance & Treasurer will recommend to Council the total grant funding allocation for each calendar year. Community Grant Page 2 of 3 1AIN040 03.05 The Division Head, Finance &Treasurer will confirm in writing the status of each community grant application with the respective applicant within 14 days of the approval of the City Budget by Council Resolution. 03.06 Organizations will receive a cheque for the approved grant amount within 30 days of the approval of the City Budget by Council Resolution, unless required that the grant be funded on a different date. 03.07 Grant recipients will be required to acknowledge the support of the City in all advertising, publicity, programs and signagefor which the funds were granted. The recipient may not represent the City as:partner or hold the City responsible for any obligations related to the grant 03.08 A grant in any year is not to be considered as commitment by the City to continue with such assistance in future years. 03.09 The Division Head, Finance & Treasurer will refuse all grant requests that require funding within,the same calendar year in which the request is made, unless the grant is fora function being conducted by an organization to aid City residents who are stricken by personal tragedy or disaster and are in need of financial assistance. In such cases, the Community Grant Application shall be completed in full and will b subjectio Council approval in the same year the application is made. 03.10 The Division Head, Finance &Treasurer will refuse all requests to waive rental fees for City facilities and park/equipment fees for City parks unless the fees 4pplytoAa function conducted solely to aid City residents who are stricken by personal tragedy or disaster and are in need of financial assistance. In such cases, the Community Grant Application shall be completed in full and will be subject to Council approval in the same year the application is made. Appendices Appendix 1 city-of Pickering Community Grant Application Form • Community Grant Page 3 of 3 FIN040 121 cut oi Community Grant Application gi[INEON/Oh.0 Note: Application Deadline - November 14, 2014 Prior to completing this application form, please review the Community Grant Policy. Completed applications with supporting documentation should be forwarded to City of Pickering, Division Head, Finance & Treasurer, One The Esplanade, Pickering, ON LIV 6K7 or by email to corpsery @pickering.ca or by fax to 905.420.5313. The following are to be included with this application ❑ Constitution/mission statement/or statement of purpose ❑ Copy of the most recent audited Financial Statements (if grant request is $10,000 or more) ❑ Copy of the most recent Financial Statements (if grant request is less than $10,000) ❑ Copy of the minutes of the meetings where the Executive approved the application Organization/Association Name Tel. No. Address Municipality Province Postal Code Contact Information • Name Email Tel. No. Organization Information What year was your organization formed? J Where is your organization based? ❑ City of Pickering ❑ Region of Durham ❑ Yes ❑ No . Is your Organization incorporated as non-profit? If yes, please provide date of incorporation Date of Annual Meeting Personal information contained on this form is collected pursuant to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and will be used for the purpose of applying for grant: Questions about this collection should be directed to the City Clerk, One The Esplanade, Pickering, ON L1V 6K7, 905.420.4611. 122 V Page # of## Cite/ 4 Community Grant Application OIL opio ti _I Please include current executive list Describe your organization's typical activities (eg. programs, activities, events, services) (200 words or less). • What is the totat program registration or association membership in your organization? What percent are Pickering residents? Do you charge a fee for membership or any of the services you provide? List the programs/services provided by your Organization that benefit Pickering residents. Personal information contained on this form is collected pursuant to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and will be used for the purpose of applying for grant. Questions about this _ collection should be directed to the City Clerk, One The Esplanade, Pickering, ON L1V 6K7, 905.420.4611. Page# of 343 city 4 Community Grant Application , • ice,l r'!Ar% ._ ..i NOINSWIlla Financial Assistance Amount Requested Amount Received in Previous Years (insert dollar figure) (insert dollar figure) if applicable Please describe how the grant funds will be spent and how it will benefit the Pickering community. Successful organizations may be required to supply evidence that the funds were spent as described. What additional funding or sponsorship have you applied for and/or successfully received in the past 2 years? Year Source Purpose Amount Applied Amount Successfully For$ Received $ • • 6 • Personal information contained on this form is collected pursuant to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and will be used for the purpose of applying for grant. Questions about this collection should be directed to the City Clerk, One The Esplanade, Pickering, ON L1V 6K7, 905.420.4611. 124 • Page # of## city off' • Community Grant Application Declaration & Acceptance of Conditions :ICON Niel The Corporation of the City of Pickering (hereinafter called the "City" Name of the Organization (herein after called the "Organization" 1. The Organization confirms that the representations contained in the application for assistance are true and correct in every respect and that in the event that the funds are not used for the project or programs as described in the application, or if there are misrepresentations in the application, the full amount of the assistance will be payable to the City. 2. That the Organization will make or continue to make attempts to secure funding from other sources as indicated in its application. 3. That the Organization will keep proper books of accounts of all receipts and expenditures, relating to the program, services or project. 4. That the Organization will retain and make available for inspection by the City or its auditors all records and books of accounts of the Organization upon request from the City which may be made within 2 years of the grant award. 5. That if the programs or services proposed in the Organization's application are not commenced, or are not completed and there remain City funds on hand, or are completed without requiring the full use of the . City funds, such City funds will be returned to the City. 6. That the program or services not be represented as a City program or service, and that the Organization does not have the authority to hold itself out as an agency of the City in anyway, the only relationship being that the City has approved and granted financial assistance to the Organization. 7. That should the Organization receive grant funding and subsequently disband, the Organization must dispose of their assets in a responsible manner that meets with the approval of the City. 8. That the Organization recognizes the City's contribution as outlined in the Community Grant Policy. 9. If there are any changes in the funding of the services, event or project from that contemplated in the application, the Municipality will be notified of such changes through the Culture & Recreation Department. 10. The applicant agrees to provide the Municipality a year end summary confirming the financial assistance provided by the Municipality was used for the services, event or project as described in their application. Failure to provide such documentation will rule them ineligible for further financial assistance under this program. Personal information contained on this form is collected pursuant to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and will be used for the purpose of applying for grant. Questions about this collection should be directed to the City Clerk, One The Esplanade, Pickering, ON LIV 6K7, 905.420.4611. Page # ofd obi zug _`¢_ Community Grant Application . ,_ Declaration & Acceptance of Conditions r . NINE4R11111,1 Certification We certify that to the best of our knowledge, the financial and descriptive information provided is accurate and is endorsed by the Organization we represent. Name (please print) Name (please print) Authorized Signing Officer#1 Authorized Signing Officer#2 Signature Signature • Position with Organization/Association Position with Organization/Association Date Date S ibm t by Email Personal information contained on this form is collected pursuant to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and will be used for the purpose of applying for grant. Questions about this collection should be directed to the City Clerk, One The Esplanade, Pickering, ON L1V 6K7, 905.420.4611. 126 Page # of## ATTACHMENT# L TO REPORT#_S b� — I City of Pickering Facility Inventory (Community Centres only) Name Address Description Operated By Rental Rates Brougham Hall 3545 Brock 2,400.square Brougham Small Group: Road, feet consisting Recreation $50 event rate Brougham of main hall, Association kitchen, stage, Large Group: storage $200 event rate Claremont 4941 Old Brock 12,909 square Claremont Lions Room: Community Road, feet consisting Lions Club $35 per hour Centre Claremont of gymnasium, stage, kitchen, Gymnasium: seniors centre, $600 non library resident event (excluding Fire rate Hall) $350 resident event rate $300 seniors resident event rate Kitchen: $50 event rate (without kitchen contents) $100 event rate (with kitchen contents) Don Beer 940 Dillingham 90,868 square City of Banquet Hall: Arena Road, Pickering feet consisting Pickering Resident: of 3 rinks, $50 per hour snack bar, $540 per day changerooms, . office, main . Non-resident hall, kitchen $55 per hour $570 per day 127 Name Address Description Operated By Rental Rates Greenwood 3551 5,400 square Greenwood $75 resident Community Greenwood feet consisting Residents event rate • Centre Road, of main hall, Association Greenwood youth room, $100-$200 quilting room, non profit event kitchen rate $350 non resident event rate Petticoat Creek 470 Kingston 17,190 square City of Paris or Franklin Community Road, Pickering feet consisting Pickering Room: Centre of Paris Room, Resident: Franklin Room, $46 per hour kitchen, youth $360 per day counseling room, youth Non-resident: room, library, $80 per hour study room, $545 per day and staff office Paris and Franklin Rooms: Resident: $80 per hour $655 per day Non-resident: $115 per hour $850 per day • 128 • • Name Address Description Operated By Rental Rates Pickering 1867 Valley 243,880 square City of West or East Recreation Farm Road, feet consisting Pickering Salons: Complex Pickering of tennis, pool Resident: square, fitness, $690 flat rate 4 meeting rooms and Non-resident: Banquet Halls $900 flat rate 3 Leased Banquet Halls: spaces include Resident: Spa, Wellness $1,280 flat rate Clinic and Pottery Studio Non-resident: $1,665 flat rate Meeting Room: Resident: $30 per hour $155 per day Non-resident: $43 per hour $200 per day Mt. Zion 4230 Sideline 6 2,150 square Mt. Zion $190 for new feet consisting Community bookings of main hall and Centre kitchen Association $90 for meeting rentals West Shore 1011-1015 7,500 square City of Resident: Community Bayly Street, feet consisting Pickering $690 flat rate Centre Pickering of kitchen, mail • hall, storage. Non-resident: $900 flat rate Whitevale 405 Whitevale 2,120 square Whitevale $50 half day Community Road, feet consisting District & event rate Centre Whitevale of lower level Residents' and upper level Association $75 resident common event rate spaces $100 non resident event rate 129