HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLN 05-14 Cali o! Report to a Planning & Development Committee PICKERIl V Report Number: PLN 05-14 Date: March 3, 2014 From: Thomas Melymuk Director, City Development Subject: - Proposed Telecommunication Tower Installation The Regional Municipality of Durham 1315 Taunton Road Installation #58 Recommendation: • 1. That the Region of Durham be advised that City Council does not object to the proposed 45.0 metre high telecommunication tower installation located at 1315 Taunton Road, based on the design and other details submitted with this request. _ Executive Summary: The Region of Durham is currently upgrading their control systems at all water supply facilities throughout the Region. The upgrades include improvements to the wireless communication system at all of its water supply sites. The Region is proposing to erect a 45.0 metre high monopole style telecommunication tower on the Ajax-Pickering Zone 1 Regional Reservoir lands located near Taunton Road and Sideline 22 (see Location Map, Attachment#1). Since the submission of the initial proposal, the Region has completed their public consultation process in accordance with Industry Canada requirements and the City's draft Radiocommunication and Broadcasting Antenna System Protocol. Durham Region has advised that public and agency comments have been addressed. The Region is requesting that City Council provide a statement of concurrence in support of the installation. City staff are supportive of the proposed installation. There does not appear to be acceptable opportunities to co-locate this installation with an existing tower in the immediate area. Furthermore, this telecommunication tower will assist the Region of Durham through improvements to operations and process monitoring, water delivery and response time in the event of an emergency. Staff recommends that the Region of Durham be advised that Council does not object to the proposed tower at 1315 Taunton Road, based on the design and other details submitted with this request. Financial Implications: No direct costs to the City are anticipated as a result of the proposed development. 18 Report PLN 05-14 March 3, 2014 Subject: Proposed Telecommunication Tower Installation Page 2 1. Background 1.1 Property Description The subject property is located near Taunton Road and Sideline 22 within Seaton (see Location Map, Attachment#1). A portion of the subject property is proposed to be the location of the future Ajax-Pickering Zone 1 Regional Reservoir site. Agricultural uses currently surround the subject property. The subject lands are presently designated as "Seaton Natural Heritage System" in Official Plan Amendment 22 and are currently zoned "Q" - Pit and Quarry in Zoning By-law 3037, as amended. 1.2 Applicant's Proposal The Region of Durham is currently upgrading their control systems at all remote reservoirs, pumping stations and wells throughout the Region. As part of this upgrade project, a new wireless communications system is being implemented at all Regional water sites. In November 2013, the Region submitted an application outling its proposal to erect a 45.0 metre high monopole style telecommunication tower on the Ajax-Pickering Zone 1 Regional Reservoir lands. The 45.0 metre high tower is proposed to be located at the northeast corner of the subject property (see approximate tower location on Location Map, Attachment#1). The base of the tower is approximately 1.2 metres wide. The tower will be protected by a 1.8 metre high fenced compound measuring approximately 6.9 metres by 5.2 metres. Access is proposed to be from a new asphalt road from Taunton Road located within the currently unopened Sideline 22 road allowance (see Applicant's Submitted Plan, Attachment#2 and Tower Elevation Plan, Attachment#3). The subject site will also support a new pumping station as reflected in the drawings submitted by the applicant for context purposes. This recommendation report only applies to the proposed telecommunication tower and a separate site plan application is required for the pumping station. 2. Comments Received 2.1 Required Public Notifications has been completed On December 2, 2013, Planning & Development Committee authorized staff to initiate circulation of the Draft City of Pickering Radiocommunication and Broadcasting Antenna System Protocol (Cell Tower Protocol) to the public, industry representatives and other stakeholders to seek their comments. At the conclusion of the consultation process, a recommended Protocol will be prepared by staff and considered by City Council in April 2014. In the absence of an adopted City protocol, applicants must follow Industry Canada requirements as outlined in the Client Procedures Circular (CPC) 2-0-03 Issue 4, entitled "Radiocommunication and Broadcasting Antenna Systems". 19 • Report PLN 05-14 March 3, 2014 Subject: Proposed Telecommunication Tower Installation Page 3 The Industry Canada's requirements for public consultation require the applicant to consult with the Land Use Authority, and the public within a radius of three times the tower height, measured from the tower base or the outside perimeter of the supporting structure. The City's draft protocol requirements for public consultation require the applicant to consult with the Land Use Authority, and the public within a radius of the greater of 150 metres or three times the tower height within the urban area or 500 metres for proposals within the rural areas. Based on the proposed 45.0 metre tower height, the applicant had notified 4 adjoining property owners within a 150 metre radius. These owners include the Province of Ontario, an Ontario numbered company (representing Lebovic Homes), Hunley Homes and Metrus Developments. The proposed installation was circulated on December 10, 2013. A commenting period of 30 days was provided for responses from the public, which ended on January 16, 2014. A newspaper notice was also published in the December 11, 2013 Durham Region newsletter and the Pickering News Advertiser. A Consultation Summary Package was provided on February 3, 2014 to the satisfaction of the City of Pickering (see Applicant's Public Consultation Report, Attachment#4). The applicant has confirmed that no objections were received as a result of the public notification process. One comment was received from Lebovic Homes, who own the lands to the west of the proposed reservoir site. They did not have any objection to the proposed tower provided that it does not interfere with their • servicing plans for constructing storm sewers and overland flow. The Region has advised Lebovic Homes that the proposed tower will not interfere with the servicing plans for the residential lands to the west of Sideline 22. 2.2 City Departments & Agency Comments Building Services • have no objections to the proposed radio communication/broadcasting tower Engineering & Public Works • the applicant should be aware that the portion of the unopened road allowance that will contain the asphalt access road is to become a local road servicing the adjacent subdivision to the west • an easement over the portion of the unopened road allowance is required for the access road to the satisfaction of City staff • the applicant has acknowledged the above noted comments and will provide access road details and an easement as part of the overall site plan application to be submitted for the future reservoir • 20 Report PLN 05-14 March 3, 2014 Subject: Proposed Telecommunication Tower Installation Page 4 Toronto and Region • TRCA has advised that the proposed Conservation Authority telecommunication tower appears to be located within a TRCA regulated area • TRCA recognizes that this property is part of a much larger development plan and discussions are already underway with the Region of Durham regarding impacts to the wetlands as a result of the proposed reservoir and pumping station at this location 2.3 Co-location opportunities have been examined The installation and creation of separate, stand alone, radio communications towers and broadcasting facilities is discouraged unless all other co-location options have been explored and are considered unfeasible. The Region has advised that there are no suitable towers/structures within their search area. However, future co-location on the proposed tower can be accommodated where appropriate and feasible. 3. Planning Analysis 3.1 Proposed Tower Location and Design is acceptable The Region has indicated that the utility pole height has been minimized as much as possible to reduce the visual impact and has minimal land use conflict with the surrounding properties. The monopole design is appropriate for the natural heritage area as it has a narrow profile and does not require bracing from high-tension wires or a metal frame. The design will also be appropriate when the lands to the west of Sideline 22 are developed for residential. Staff support the proposed location of this telecommunication tower as it will assist the Region in improving their operations, process monitoring, water delivery and response times in the event of an emergency. Attachments 1. Location Map 2. Applicant's Submitted Plan — Site Layout 3. Applicant's Submitted Plan — Elevation 4. Applicant's Public Consultation Summary • 21 Report PLN 05-14 March 3, 2014 • Subject: Proposed Telecommunication Tower Installation Page 5 Prep-red By: Approved/Endorsed By: Amy Emm, MCIP, RPP Catherine Rose, MC P, RPP Planner II Chief Planner Nilesh urti, MCIP RPP Thomas Melymuk,NCIP, RPP Manager, Development Review Director, City Development & Urban Design AE:Id Recommended for the consideration of Pickering Cit ouncil ..Ji42oi4 Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer • • 22 ATTACHMENT# I TO . REPORT # QLA • TAUNTON ROAD \\°! SUBJECT LANDS • • ■ RESERVOIR LANDS PROPOSED 45m L������������ A�� TELECOMMUNICATION UTILITY POLE • W U • O 0 0 • • W / N Location Map Cilq°¢ FILE No:Installation #58 � APPLICANT: Region of Durham WAS-6-SO" PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: 1315 Taunton Road (North Part of Lot 22, City Development Concession 3) DATE: Jan. 17,2014 Department Data Sources: Teranet Enterprises Inc. and Its eupollere. All rights Reserved. Not a In of survey. SCALE 1:5,000 PN-15 2013 1APAC and Its suppters. All rights Reserved. Not a plan of Survey. 23 E:TT ;CHP.«P'T# 2 TO REPOR1 # Pu4 05:44. , . TAUNTON ROAD . PROPOSED _---ter "' "' / i COMPOUND -,,- = r CRP:. , :<nr uaiN*ta..•e aeea.K / f �>.-2- area ; / / / . ,s..,, / d / P/t .'I ,G-S A JON/ / i / � f I • • PROPOSED . 6 TOWER ; , • • • LICE'I:C-S}.YJ4 I '• • a` ' N ---- '_._ _ ------- ---__.......-. ---- ' N Submitted Plan Cart 4 FILE No: Installation #58 • "-'= APPLICANT: Region of Durham N EO N E,10 1 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: 1315 Taunton Road (North Part of Lot 22, City Development Concession 3) Department DATE:Jan.17,2014 ' 24 • • ATTACHMENT# TO REPORT # pi- O5--/q NORTH ELEVATION I: f\ M i If ', Y �._.� - • • II - Y - ,.a ■1:•• 1y • j . 1 EAST ELEVATION • Submitted Elevation Plan ' Citg 4 FILE No: Installation #58•-"`':-➢= T'._ APPLICANT: Region of Durham ���� �,�,� PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: 1315 Taunton Road (North Part of Lot 22, City Development Concession 3) Department DATE:Jan. 17,2014 • 25 Auto-MEN# _ io REPORT # PLN 0S--/4/ RHAM REG Consultation Summary Region of Durham Zone 1 Reservoir Communications Tower 1315 Taunton Road Pickering, ON Prepared for THE CITY OF PICKERING Attention: Amy Emm, Planner Submitted:February 3,2014 Prepared by:Chris Murray Westin Engineer Consultants to: Region of Durham 26 ATTACHMENT# 'T TO REPO i Pi N b5-I - 1 - Protect Description & Proposed Location: The Region of Durham is upgrading the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) control systems at its water supply facilities. The proposed tower is an integral part of a new 3.65 GHz/ 18 GHz Wide Area Network (WAN) communication system being implemented at the Region's water supply plants, pumping stations and potable water storage reservoirs. The new SCADA system will improve facility control and process monitoring capabilities at each remote site resulting in more efficient operations, improved regulatory compliance and shorter response time in the event of an emergency. The new wireless WAN communications system requires the construction of 15 telecommunication towers across the region. The tower that is the subject of this public consultation is a 45-metre monopole tower at the site of the future Zone 1 reservoir and pumping station. The SCADA towers are strategically located throughout Durham Region to provide 100 per cent wireless coverage for all water supply facilities. Summary of Consultation to date: On November 4, 2013, the Region of Durham submitted an application for Radiocommunication/Broadcasting Antenna System with The City of Pickering. The correspondence provided a copy of the application form, Tower design drawings, Site location drawings, site survey, rendition of the tower and aerial view of the tower location. Public Notification: As the City did not have a specific telecommunications protocol, the Region of Durham followed the Industry Canada CPC. Under the Industry Canada CPC default process, notification for this site would be 3 x tower height which included four property owners,the TRCA, plus an advertisement in the local newspaper. On December 6, 2013, the City of Pickering provided a mailing list of 150 meter radius of the tower.A notification package was mailed out on December 10, 2013 and the newspaper notice was placed in the Ajax/Pickering News Advertiser on December 11, 2013. A copy of the notification package and newspaper notice is attached to this summary. A 30 Day comment period was provided, which ended on January 16, 2014. One comment was received from Lloyd Cherniak, Vice President of Lebovic Homes stating they have no objection to the construction of the Tower providing it does not interfere with the servicing plans for residential lands to the west of 22 owned by 1133373 ontario Inc. The tower will not interfere with the servicing plans for the residential lands to the west of 22. Comments were received from TRCA stating they did not have any objections although there is a small screening fee. The Region is aware of this fee and are following up to have this included as part of the overall TRCA permit fee for the new reservoir and pumping station. Comments were received from City of Picking Engineering and Public Works requesting more information on the proposed asphalt access road, acknowledgement of the future local road for the adjacent subdivision to the West and requirement for an easement over the portion of 27 LTTAC€-WlEi'i 2 unopened road allowance required for the access road. The Region is aware of these items and they will be handled as part of the overall site plan application. Summary of Consultation: At this time the Region of Durham has completed its public consultation process with regard to the proposed site at the Zone 1 Reservoir 1315 Taunton Road. It has been confirmed by the City of Pickering that the Region of Durham would follow the Industry Canada CPC default protocol. Industry Canada provides a time frame that anticipates that land use consultations will be completed within 120 days from the proponent's initial contact with the land use authority. As this consultation is now complete we respectfully ask that the City of Pickering issue a Letter of Concurrence to the proponent Region of Durham referencing the site Zone 1 Reservoir, indicating that the City is satisfied with the Consultation that the Region of Durham has completed with the proposed site and concurs with this consultation Report Prepared and Submitted by: Chris Murray Westin Engineering Consultants to: Region of Durham Attached Documents Public Notice Advertisement Public notification Package Notification Map • 28 ATTACHMENT REPORT #.I PL.N 05-4E71 1133 Proposed Communication Tower, City of Pickering PUBLIC CONSULTATION DURHAM REGION WORKS DEPARTMENT December 11, 2013 PUBLIC NOTICE The Region of Durham is upgrading the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) control systems at its water supply facilities. The Region is proposing to construct a 45-meter tower in the City of Pickering at the future Zone 1 reservoir and pumping station site, located - south of Taunton Road and east of Sideline 22. The new communications system will improve operations and process monitoring at this remote site resulting in improved operations efficiency, regulatory compliance and response time in the event of an emergency. If you have any questions or comments please direct them to the Region's project manager, at the address indicated below by January 16, 2014. Comments will be maintained for reference throughout the project and will become part of the public record. Under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, unless otherwise stated in the submission, any personal information such as name, address, telephone number and property location included in a submission will become part of the public record files for this matter and will be released, if requested, to any person. For questions, please contact the following staff member from the Regional Municipality of Durham Works Department: Fred Webster Project Manager 905-260-1251 Fred.Webster @Durham.ca www.facebook.com/regionofdurham www.twitter.com/regionofdurham If this information is required in an accessible format, please contact Andi Fisk-Dawson 1-800-372-1102 ext. 3371. The Regional Municipality of Durham Works Department 605 Rossland Rd. E., Whitby ON L1N 6A3 Telephone 905-668-7711 or 1-800-372-1102 www.durham.ca A T C{-:VaT#� 4N 7155--/11_ O REPORT ri P-1-11— - • • December 10, 2013 [Mr./Ms. Community Resident] [Street Address] • [City,Province] [Postal Code] • DURHAM Re: Consultation on proposed communications tower REGION Taunton Road and-Sideline 22, Pickering, Ontario The Regional Municipality of Durham, Works Department, along with' The Regional. Westin Engineering Inc., has submitted an application to construct a 45- Municipality metre telecommunication tower at the future Zone 1 reservoir and if Durham pumping station near the intersection of Taunton Road and Sideline 22 in Works Department the City of Pickering. 605 ROSSLAND RD.E. The Region of Durham is upgrading the Supervisory Control and Data P.O.BOX 623 Acquisition WHITBY ON L1N 6A3 q (SCADA) control systems at all water supply facilities CANADA throughout the Region. This tower is an integral part of a new wireless 905-068-2 communication s Region's supply plants, pumping 1-800-372-1111 02 system for the Re IOn S Water SU I IantS Fax:905-668-2051 stations and potable water storage reservoirs. The new system will E-mail: improve facility control and process monitoring at each remote.site works @durham.ca resulting in more efficient operations, improved regulatory compliance www.durham.ca and shorter response time in the event of an emergency. C.R.Curtis,P.Eng.,MBA Commissioner of Works The purpose of this letter is to provide you with information on the proposed communication tower; and how we selected the location in your community. Information on the location, site plan, and design of the proposed facility is enclosed. We are seeking your input on the Region of Durham's proposal, and appreciate your time and attention in considering this information. If you have any questions or comments please direct them to the Region's . project manager, at the address indicated below, by January 16, 2014, and we will be certain to respond promptly. Fred Webster • Project Manager The Regional Municipality of Durham Works Department c/o Oshawa WSP 1540 Ritson Road South Oshawa, ON L1J 6E5 • Email: Fred.WebsterDurham.ca • Phone: 905-260-1251 • cc: Any Emm, City of Pickering "Service Excellence - 30 for our Communities" • J1TACHMENT# T1.3 RE PORT ;'' PattO5 DURHAM REGION Information Package Public Consultation on the Proposed Communication Tower at the Future Zone 1 Reservoir near the Intersection of Taunton Road and Sideline 22 in the City of Pickering Purpose of Proposal The Region of Durham is upgrading the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) control systems at its water supply facilities. The proposed tower is an integral part of a new 3.65 GHz/ 18 GHz Wide Area Network (WAN) communication system being implemented at the Region's water supply plants, pumping stations and potable water storage reservoirs. The new SCADA system will improve facility control and process monitoring capabilities at each remote site resulting in more efficient operations, improved regulatory compliance and shorter response time in the event of an emergency. The new wireless WAN communications system requires the construction of 15 telecommunication towers across the region. The tower that is the subject of this public consultation is a 45-metre monopole tower at the site of the future Zone 1 reservoir and pumping station. The SCADA towers are strategically located throughout Durham Region to provide 100 per cent wireless coverage for all water supply facilities. Proposed Tower Location • The Region of Durham has reviewed the suitability of the existing SCADA infrastructure for its ability to support reliable and remote communication between the Regional water supply facilities including the future Zone1 reservoir in your community. This examination has determined that the existing infrastructure would not meet the required wireless and area coverage needs. A new telecommunication tower antenna is the best and most reliable solution for the Region. Based on our initial investigation through the development of radio path profiles, a height of 45 metres is required for tower, to ensure a clear line of sight above trees and other structures. The tower height has been minimized as much as possible without Durham Region Works Department Page 1 31 ATTACHMENT#._. - T Q REPO R1 ni PLA o5-/ compromising the integrity of the communication system. The tower is proposed to be constructed east of the new building, as shown below. The tower must be located in close proximity to the facility, in order to connect the wireless WAN communication system with the building's Local Area Network (LAN). The tower location was selected in an area where future expansion of the reservoir and pumphouse is not planned and where a sufficient area existed for the construction of the tower foundation. Aerial photograph of subject site and surrounding area: ^ ' ib ` t ;�v F� £ a .r . jY lt ,s,tf t r l "4 ( iF ors r:, t'3 i ,e S� pJ'-i _ _Y r .. $#rs Fbr,�f oC s 9 �f :1,-.71.--4 ,74,7;„5 TC� T-"* .,. {, u-qz. "Y.�Z; I �c = '' J { Y 6 fa "p `fi S1T. v�1x %„,.t} n� i 5 i .. 2� TDt. # ; .-"7 '• .1 t « _'4y �l r N^.+r 6 ,:]4 'gg� y.� ,..z..t., _ {d yi-''z` 4•4 ,'� e. "4 f,- fv, ` - -s A k�i '+yt. Y'}'� , ql, rf.h 5- .t;7.k--{^_ --,,•;:::e.:, - e .' -.s 3 t} -f °4} y.. i� '. tee-€ 'T Cj t .,.s 4 y s'�.. '* -`.-' .,ii: - '.. r t $ ,44< ,r4 ✓. ' c` +. f3 'k.; '. - a,-.n4 ^ ' : ; , ms`s `' �v■ L i i '�a `r• - Ufa L�k '4 y' 3S -.t":.:4r-4 1 a;.. .�s.sz l.'. ? ' 'f 1 ..4, 4. ' V ' s.a� i i_,, 'r� dr �y--- . i qg. i 5 +x t - '-ii-, ■ 'fir G7�rz'` w `srt+' c � * _.'i,? wL r , , ` > . ,�"+te .s" .. t4,k, ,i ,,,,,,,,,,:r„ , , t .tai 1--;, r s ,r c,. m• ot`'" ,_' - . k . . ,; } F A lit ; '£ (a r, . ..., hi+. __ .t+ ,€ ... ,- -_ .'''''',,,j-f 3 ,J4-5.9-5,q,4:64, ne�1�RQSe�'vbir Or z C • efi $ e r +`i-'4" ' Ski b - ,+�'A ,,_:. -..s ... + rs-xT� 5 t-..... ?" a _ i3 t.4A`: t11- C„s i 4 r t K. - �SmtL a.:x v*,i ^ry'.r r ..3 r .r r' r Ed9 - .pS ft -,44*,.,t9 ,d « Subject Site t - ` a?? .1 c { a + sley r v } r�'h J � * �� tef*f a:+ 4 _:� y.. n...s.-- ��'i�,'"'� ��C!• � L6 lam.-f;,-----',±':-..; ,,-..-,'y ' '� 3. --.' a t" -'tom 1Z-34:- :tea • S 4, `� i. 2�' t +�E ,.s tr, :., `"..3.3--4 .-..-4:::' fir'- �..?._$ x�... , J5 CC�'p p - :9 r{v s d::Kr�'., - � �: a'k*.€.`..-�i rS.:w ,,,v,:::','.. .,,4,-,- .}i.� +�.�'s`.. Y .,+,- . 't-' ��¢ • 4"'_" +`vr.�-,.: •afi��.�='fi x o-+ �'� • • The proposed tower will be 45 metres high, and radio equipment will be installed inside the building. Public access to the site will be controlled with the fence I around the entire site. • The proposed tower will be located just south of Taunton Road and east of Sideline 22 in the City of Pickering. • The proposed tower shape and design is compatible with the context of the area and minimizes the visual impact to the surrounding area. Durham Region Works Department Page 2 32 A f 7''�-,C�;,,iicw #,.,,. ___�-TU REPORT# PGN 0 —j Photo Rendering of Proposed Communication Tower 1 N-,*-Set,r;:z..t:-...",:^tdx`N-i.:.; ts'-..,,*�p`t.'. �"� •gyp' • 4Y h- - t .' >a•. '' - ter, -- y.-,-°,-e�'� .x ''4 - - , • The proposed tower shape and design is compatible with the context of the area and minimizes the visual .impact to the surrounding area. Tower quality The proposed tower structure will be designed to CSA Specification S37-01, Antennas, Towers &Antenna Support Structures and shall be fabricated and erected by Canadian companies that adhere to CSA fabrication and safety standards. Compliance with Health Canada's Safety Code 6 The proposed tower described in this consultation package will be installed and operated on an ongoing basis so as to comply with Health Canada's Safety Code 6, as may be amended from time to time, for the protection of the general public, including any combined effects of nearby installations within the local radio environment. Transport Canada and NAV Canada The proposed tower will meet a all necessary aeronautical obstruction marking requirements, including painting and lighting, as instructed by Transport Canada. Durham Region Works Department Page 3 33 6.T7//CHMiENTir„ To The Region of Durham has submitted all necessary applications to Transport Canada and NAV Canada. Canadian Environmental Assessment Act The wireless communication tower in this consultation package is excluded from environmental assessment under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act. Local land-use requirements In preparing this proposal, the Region of Durham took into consideration the communication tower citing policies of the City of Pickering. Additional resources and information Please note: If you are interested in learning more, general information relating to antenna systems is available on Industry Canada's Spectrum Management and Telecommunications website at http://startegis.ic.gc.ca/antenna. Key contacts The Region of Durham (Applicant): Land-use authority: Fred Webster Amy Emm, MCIP, RPP Project Manager Planner II The Regional Municipality of Durham Planning Department Works Department City of Pickering do Oshawa WSP One The Esplanade 1540 Ritson Road South Pickering, Ontario Oshawa, ON L1J 6E5 L1V 6K7 Email: Fred.WebsterDurham.ca Email: aemmpickering.ca Phone: 905-260-1251 Phone: (905) 420-4660, ext 2169 Closing date for submission of written public comments If you have any questions or wish to submit comments in writing with respect to Region of Durham's proposed communication tower, please direct them to the attention of Fred Webster, Project Manager, Region of Durham, at the address indicated above, by January 16, 2014. Comments will be maintained for reference throughout the project and will become part of the public record. Under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, unless otherwise stated in the submission, any personal information such as name, address, telephone number and property location included in a submission will become part of the public record files for this matter and will be released, if requested, to any person. Durham Region Works Department Page 4 34 :I site subject to Installation#58 1 150m radius around site N . A T C H T T# j} If+�ilat�t Li4 T €'i k REPORT# PLC 051--, ,` 03000424600 03000424700 • 03000422 0 • 0 0) z 03000424200 0 az w O 0 O co n TAUNTON ROAD 03000430' C 03000432010 03000430600 - :•-:000000071 .: . . . s 000432800 : :::.:.- p p0 a 0 p�t5 o pp o pp 0 w w 0 J 0 03000432012 03000430600 03000430700 03000430900 . 35 7 03000430600 N