HomeMy WebLinkAboutNovember 7, 2000Pickering Advisory Committee on Race Relations & Equity. November 7, 2001 Meeting Minutes Present: Lewis Williams, Durham District School Board Jane Kiyonaga, Durham Catholic District School Board Sandy Russill, Canadian Hard of Hearing Association Kisho Umar, Community Appointee Jessie Docherty, South Pickering Seniors Club Ian F. Weber, Community Appointee Marisa Carpino, City of Pickering Kim Kranc, City of Pickering Regrets: Councillor Dave Ryan Phil Matsushita, Pine Ridge Secondary School Gary Ranalli, Pine Ridge Secondary Valerie Jones, City of Pickering Manraj Pannu, Dunbarton High School Student Rep 1. Welcome and Introductions 2. Year 2000/2001 Committee Projects / Events December 10th — SSARC: the committee discussed having a panel of students present at the December 13 meeting to discuss Human Rights and answer particular questions asked by the committee. Media will be invited to attend. • after last meeting there were a few follow up items that were to be done that we are still waiting on, before contacting the media. Marisa requires further information as to what SSARC is all about. • Lewis can call Manraj to confirm SSARC is interested in participating in this initiative — Lewis will be meeting with SSARC on Tuesday. • Lewis suggested that those members who are present come up with a format and content for the December event, including SSARC. • who would make up the panel of students? • need to ensure that we get a range of students from the schools across Durham • What would be their role? • we would like to have a panel discussion but how formal, would a speech be prepared? • Jane suggested that we give students leeway to come up with their own ideas, we could give SSARC a timeframe and give them the topic — Human Rights • Lewis suggested that we should give them guidelines, SSARC should choose 4 to 6 students to come prepared. • can call the event "Durham Youth Speak out on Human Rights" • the committee could ask them various questions regarding the issues and solutions • we could provide them with some questions in advance so they can prepare • this would encourage open discussion • the committee discussed coming up with about 10 to 15 questions which would lead to discussion on the topic • we could have the panel come to our next meeting • mixed cultural backgrounds, gender, religion, very representative group of youth • it would be great if SSARC could represent all of Durham Questions the Committee could ask: • each student can have 3 minute opening remarks, that serves to introduce the group • the intro can include what role SSARC plays for Human Rights in our community? s How did the committee start and what are you all about? • What do you hope your impact will be on the Durham Region? Potential Questions: 1. What is your concept of Human Rights Abuse? any personal stories (opening of discussion) 2. What do you see as important in the area of Human Rights? 3. What direction do you see our community going in regards to equity in the next few years? 4. What message do you need us to convey to our communities? 5. What evidence of Human Rights abuse do you see in the media or on the internet? 6. What do you consider to be the most significant event or success story that has happened in the Human Rights movement? 7. What rights do you see present in your life /generation that those before you did not have? 8. What have you, as individuals, done to make a difference? 9. What can Durham residents do to make a difference? 10. What have you seen another person do to make a difference? 11. If you see a Human Rights issue or problem occur, what could you do, where could you go with that issue? Do you know of any supports? 1.2. If your group has one clear message for the community what would that message be? • 4 to 6 individuals from SSARC, 3 minutes opening remarks, introduction • our committee members will be assigned questions to ask SSARC panel • formalize questions to send to Lewis to take to SSARC meeting on Tuesday • next meeting, our committee and students would arrive at 7:00 pm, discussion would begin at 7:30 pm and the media would arrive for 7:30 start time. • we could extend information to Jane as she could invite some students from the Catholic School Board to take part. Heritage Week: confirmed date, week of February 19, if we planned event as per last year we would have event at the Pickering Town Centre on Friday, February 23 and Saturday, February 24, 2001. • Marisa has contacted the Town Centre regarding our event, to book those dates and we are waiting for their response • can form a sub - committee to be formed to work on action steps • need to start a list of groups who are interested in participating in the event March 21 — Outreach event: Through other eyes and Half Pints Initiatives — need more information on both programs before we can make a decision to take part in one or both of the programs • have to wait until January meeting to confirm ideas — when we have more information • can pull together information to distribute at the December 13 meeting, we can take it home and come up with some definite ideas for the January meeting • suggestion for Half Pints Initiative to target grades 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 • representatives from various schools could attend • chance for committee to give back to the schools who take part in our events • descriptions need to have a cost factor attached so that we can weigh our options Professional Development: invite guest speakers to speak to our committee on various topics • Gary Ranalli's CD would be great to present to the committee on the February 2001 Committee Meeting • Marisa will contact Gary to inquire if we can have this presented at that meeting • Sandy knows of a Human Rights guest speaker -to speak to our committee • consider infusing every so many meetings with a guest speaker, different topics • Presentation could be %2 hour in length or shorter (at the end or beginning of the meeting) • we have a great deal to learn from various groups in order to make decisions 3. Strategic Plan will put this item on next meeting agenda as there are not enough members present to proceed 4.2001 Committee Meeting Dates • Committee meetings will be held the second Wednesday of every month in 2001 • listing of dates is attached to these minutes 5. Other Business • Marisa passed around our Committee members listing to be updated • we will have refreshments at the December 13 meeting for us and our guests • Lewis expressed that we are a part of a great committee as we have so much support from the City and from Council • Sandy suggested that we try to get a hold of Amnesty International to see if they can send someone to speak to us about Grassroots • Lewis suggested that Ontario Human Rights guest speaker would be beneficial to the Committee • Students will be attending meetings with Sandy to see what "real time" is all about and how it works, we will let Councillor Ryan know about that 6. Adjournment This meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm next Pickering Advisory Committee on Race Relations and Equity Meeting will be held on Wednesday, December 13th, 2000 at 7:00 pm. We will extend an invite to the Mayor and members of Council as well as to the Committee members to let them know what is happening as many of them were not in attendance Kim will call Committee members one week in advance to remind them of the December 13 meeting as it is important for everyone to attend.