HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 17, 2013�1ty n� Minutes Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee i April 17, 2013 PICKERING 7:00 pm Tower Room Attendees: Councillor Rodrigues T. Besso R. Lattouf E. Mason T. Reimer D. Rundle M. Sawchuck S. Sheehan C. Sopher J. Van Huss D. Shields, City Clerk C. Celebre, Senior Planner, Development Review & Heritage L. Roberts, Recording Secretary Absent: S.lyer W. Jamadar Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 1.0 1 Welcome D. Shields welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced - two newly appointed members, Rolland Lattouf and Tom Reimer. Introductions were made around the table. 2.0 1 Approval of Minutes Discussion ensued with amendments to the minutes. Moved by T. Besso Seconded by M. Sawchuck That the minutes of the March 21, 2013 meeting of the Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee be approved as amended. Carried 3.1) The Bear & The Firkin Discussion ensued with respect to The Bear & Firkin located on the northwest corner of Liverpool and Kingston Road. C. Celebre noted new tenants have indicated a desire to have Page 1 Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate) old photographs of this building It was suggested possibly Becky George at the Pickering Library or John Sabean could be contacted in this regard. M. Sawchuck noted he is continuing to follow up with the property owner for the Doors Open program. T. Besso noted the background research has been done on this property, and the Committee should continue to pursue a designation. 3.2) 560 Park Crescent D. Shields provided an update with respect to the Newman House at 560 Park Crescent. She informed members that the appeal has been withdrawn and that the City of Pickering would be moving ahead with the next steps in the designation process. She provided a brief outline of the background information on this property for the benefit of the new members. 3.3) Seaton Draft Plans of Subdivision C. Celebre provided members with an update on the recent OMB decision and providW the Committee with copies of the plans for Neighbourhoods 18, 19 and 20, as well as the memo containing the summary of issues from the March 26th walking tour with Dr. Carl Bray. Through the aid of a power point presentation, C. Celebre assisted the Committee through the separate plans of subdivision for these 3 neighbourhood plans. She explained the comments would be forwarded to staff and the developers in order to work through as many of the issues as possible prior to proceeding onto the next phase of the OMB hearing. E. Mason noted her concern with the approval process, questioning how these decisions can be made without details such as architectural design, lighting, etc. not be provided. She also questioned whether the Committee could comment on the surrounding lots regarding access points and viewpoints. C. Celebre explained the purpose of the design guidelines to identify such issues under draft plan approval. She noted that OPA 22 identifies policies and principals relative to heritage. C. Celebre explained that design guidelines will be a condition C. Celebre to look into of draft plan approval. It was also questioned whether the Committee could have input with respect to creating guidelines Page 2 Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate) for these detail aspects and how they would be addressed. E. Mason stated she felt the policies did not go far enough. D. Shields noted that the main focus of the Committee at this point is to concentrate on protecting the heritage lots. C. Sopher stated that the Committee had not been asked to comment on transportation issues, in particular the traffic diversion going into Whitevale. Review of Plans The Committee reviewed the plans in detail with the following recommendations to be submitted by the Committee; Heritage Lots 3250 Sideline 28 • Delete proposed street through lot • Maintain open view southwest from house by realignment of Street I • Provide a buffer (deep setbacks) with proposed adjacent townhouses to west and north 3215 Sideline 28 • Provide buffer to north by removing lots 234, 235 and 236 • Ensure buffer to east, perhaps by removing lots Whitevale Cemetery (awaiting draft plan) • Preferred option is to remove proposed development from area east of cemetery over to next heritage lot • Consider potential need to expand cemetery • If development to east remains, ensure adjacent street is tree -lined to enhance landscaped buffer 825 Whitevale Road (awaiting draft plan) • In absence of draft plan, comments difficult, but lot appears to have substantial landscape to act as buffer to development to west and south 940 Whitevale Road, 3185 Sideline 26 • Preferred option is to realign proposed north /south regional road to east side of HCD boundary, east of the 2 heritage lots flanking Whitevale Road • If regional road remains in its current proposed alignment, ensure that Block 391 is an effective Page 3 Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate) landscaped or other buffer between heritage lot and road ROW • Block to north and 2 to east need to be removed to provide adequate landscaped buffer for heritage lot 3185 Sideline 26 • Change medium density to low density on south side of new street abutting south edge of heritage lot to provide a more extensive landscaped buffer in the new residential lots 1050 Whitevale Road (south portion) (awaiting draft plan) • House, mature vegetation and large barn appear to be in the NHS; abutting conditions in draft plan OK 1125 Whitevale Road • Needs a complete rethink of the abutting residential lots; reduce number, increase setback, delete proposed lots that could encroach within boundary of heritage lots 1130 Whitevale Road • Conserve the barn to north of farmhouse by shifting residential lot over to have pedestrian corridor include barn 1200 Whitevale Road • Delete 2 lots on west and 2 lots on east side of heritage lot; increase setbacks on abutting lots to north, northwest and northeast or delete Note: 1255, the John Tool house next to the modern bungalow, now appears not to contain the stucco house previously inventoried and is not shown as a heritage lot (it is within the Local Node where the Whitevale bypass meets the Whitevale Road corridor) 1390 Whitevale Road • Delete townhouses west of heritage lot; add to NHS • Delete south half of block to east of heritage lot, to provide sight line from east; replace with open landscaped buffer 1450 Whitevale Road • Attempt to conserve large barn, now shown as being within proposed Street 17 1505 Whitevale Road and 3285 Sideline 20 are private lots, not within the draft plans Page 4 Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items / Status (include deadline as, appropriate) • Increase setbacks on adjacent lots Note: heritage lot shown on west side of Mulberry Lane, in the NHS, no longer has built heritage resources (they were demolished several years ago: Committee to confirm details). 1415 is shown as a heritage property on ORC mapping (for the barn) but appears to be in private ownership and thus is not part of the draft plan. Whitevale Road Corridor (within and beyond the Whitevale HCD boundary) • Build the Whitevale bypass first, to prevent the existing Whitevale Road corridor from acquiring heavy through traffic • Request ORC to designate all heritage lots under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Lots and sell them as soon as possible • Abutting residential lots should be larger, with ample side yards, to provide visual "porosity" along corridor • Avoid street lighting along corridor • East of the Whitevale bypass, retain mature trees along at least one side of the new widened ROW • The draft plans appear to encroach on significant natural and cultural features such as the old Lake Iroquois shoreline General Comments In conclusion, together with the above, we note that the proposed regional road at Sideline 26 road alignment is a major travesty and compromises the principles laid out in the North Pickering Land Exchange and Development. Should this proposed regional road become reality this will have a significant impact on the Whtievale Hamlet HCD and two heritage lots. The re- alignment of the proposed regional road to the east of Lots #940 Whitevale Road and #3185 Sideline 26, would result in a more appropriate relationship between the character road, the green space and heritage properties and leave the HCD intact. We ask that staff, Council and the OMB give due consideration and thought to our comments and that these are taken on board and adopted into the Plan. E. Mason noted she felt the summary of issues was not worded strongly enough. It was the consensus of the Committee to accept the list of issues with the revisions made. E. Mason and Page 5 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items /Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) C. Sopher will work on the wording within the next week in order to have them submitted to staff. Moved by M. Sawchuck Seconded by Councillor Rodrigues That the Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee accept the recommendations outlined in Dr. Carl Bray's memo dated March 28, 2013 with the revisions noted. Carried 4.1) Vintage B Correspondence received from Vintage Brick, Concord Ontario was received for information purposes. 15.0 1 Next Meeting /Adjournment Next Meeting: May 23, 2013 The meeting adjourned at 9:15 pm. Copy: City Clerk Page 6