HomeMy WebLinkAboutCL 39-98 (2)� ;:t .. - ... �� �NOF� . �0 � REPORT TO COUNCIL tR7 �ROM: Brucc Tuylor, AMCT, CMM DATG: Scplembcr 28, 1998 Town Clcrk RGPORT NUMI38R: CL 39-9R SUUJECT; Appointments to Committcc of Adjustment nnd Museum AJvisury Commiucc RECOMMENDATIUN: Thnt Report NCL 39/98 bc reccivcJ; and � •, 71wt thc druft by-InH� to rc•oppoint Councillor Hollund unJ Councillor Jahnson to Ihc Commiucc of Adjustnxnt, anJ to appoint Councillor Picklcs lo Aic Muscum Ad��isory Commiuec for a tcrm lo expirc on Novcmber 30, 1999, Ix fonvurJeJ to Cauncil for cnaclment. or Tlwt Ihe Jrn(1 by-law to uppoint Councillor and Councilbr to the Commiucc ofAdjustmcnt, und lo up�iint Councillnr Picklcs ln Ihc Muscum Advisory Committec for a Icrm to expirc on Novcmbcr 3U,1999 tx funvurJcd lo Council for cnnctmcnt. ORIGIN: 'I'own Clcrk AUTFIORI'fY: Vnrious slnwlcs FINANCIAL IMI'I.ICAI'IONS: Nol Applicablc EXECUT[VF. SUMMARI': N/A DACKGROUND: Councillors Hollund und Johnson wcrc uriginnlly nppointcd to thc Commillcc af Adjustmcnt and Councillor Johnson was appointcd to thc Muscum Advisory Commiucc, all for a onc ycnr tcrm to cxpirc on Novcmbcr 30, 1998, by Bylaw 5179/97. Council tvc rcqucsted to cithcr rc-nppoint Councillors Nolland nnd Johnson for u furthcr onc ycur lcrm to cxpirc on Novcmbcr 30, 1997, or to appoint two new Councillors for u onc ycar tcrm to cxpirc on Novemlxr 30, 1997. At ihc sumc timc Council is rcqucstcd to nppoint Councillor Pickics to thc Muuum Advisory Cammittcc for u one yenr term to cxpirc on Novcmbcr 30, 1998, Thc abovc oppointmcnts will rcquirc ihc cnnclmcnt of thc auachcd dmft by-Inw. .. , Report to Council CI. 39•98 Dntc; Scptcmber 28, 1998 iF8 Subject: Appoinlments to Committee of Adjuslment and Museum Advisory Committee Page 2 ATTACHMENTS: I. Drnll By-1uw, ` Prcpnn.�i By: ApprovcJ/Endor.ced if,y!' t` / QJf �.�,. ?1u�ms ' �" (� Debbie Kenms rucc Tnylar BT/da Attachmcnts Copy: Geneml Mwinger ' �, .. . .. . r ! � . �'- A � f 3� 1 E � � 3 � �' . + _ �� APP , �Q��EP i� � G=N�� /r,+ � V� I� A . .� /�/�%' ��� h ✓ . � /J ��sir � 1�t � . . v , — � � �„��_:. � � : , �:: ; ;a 4t i t , �.. ' :. :- \� ��� fi � � t { a � � L � i ; � '� = v z' r - t C �; r ,J , • , � ,., 7'F� CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF PICKERMG 1 R 9� @Y-LAW N0. Being a bylaw to nppoint persore to variaus agencics, boerds and committees. WE�REAS the Council of the Corporetion of the Town of Pickering enacted Bylaw Number S179/97 on December 22, 1997 to eppoint persons to vnrious agencies, boards und committees; and WHEREAS thc appointments made to the Committee of Adjustment and the Muscum AJvisory Cortunittee expire on November 30,1998; NOW TFIEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORAT[ON OF THE TOWN OF PICKER[Nd HEREBY ENACTS AS fOLLOWS: I. Section 4 of By-law Number 5179/97 is hereby wnended by reapp�inting; Councillor Johnson md Councillor Hoiland from Decembcr I, 1998 to November 30, 1999 2. Section 9 of By-law Numhr 5179/97 is hereby unxncied by dcicting therefrom thc following: Councillor Johnson from December I, 1997 to November 30, 1998 mid substituting lherefore Ihe following; Councillor Pickles from Decembcr 1,1998 to Novembcr 30, 1999 3. This By-law shall takc elTcct un December I, 1998, BY-LAW rend a first, second �nd Ihird time and fuwlly passed this l9th dny of October,1498. Wayne Arthurs, Mayor � i Bruca Taylor, Clerk = i �i �i �I : I) � . � � � iE�. � � .. �